THE BEE: OMAHA, , FEBRUARY 191b. I Want -Ad Rates OARS WITH OkStBt pr word each ineertlot. lc CM A BOB BiTUl w Una "e " ' per line ....three consecutive UmM (Count six werda to th line.) rCCIA- UTtll Farm ana Ranch I-smd. e per line , ach lnere- (Count lx words In the Una) I 1DRFION ADVERTISING UNDER. AGENTS on HELP WANTED CLASSIFICATIONS: . m am a Mm , m psr word ..threw consecutive UmH SO Al TtUH TO X.VM THi A TOT It OJ1 trxi OB I.-S- TIIK 10 Ml AY. CARD OF THAHKS. DEATH AMD FUNERAL NOTICES: , le per lln each Insertion (Minimum charge 60 rental Blo-thi- Rata for standing ads change of copy) (Count lx words to tne Coatraet rata cm apeUoatloa. THE BEE will not be re-ponalbls for mnn than nni Incorrect Insertion ofan advertisement ordered for more than en limn. ADVERTIBERB ehould retain receipt given by The Be In payment for Want Ad, ae ao mistake caa be rectified without them. tTBE TUB TELEPHONE If you cannot conveniently brine; or ami In your ad. Ask for a Want Ad Taker, end you will rjft the same rood service a wheat delivering your ad at the office. PHONIC TYLER Io0. t WANT-AD COLUMNS CLOSE ! rvKNIVa EDITIONS 11:M M. MORNING EDITIONS : P. M. THE MOVIE PROGRAM CHANOEID DAILT. Atiwiri th question "Where to so tonight" Diwaltwik EilPEESS. 5t & DOUGLAS "GOLD DUST" 2-RKEL ESS. "TILE WRONG MAN" VTTAORAPH. "SELIG-TRIBUNE" BIDDEN. 1318 FARNAM "Queen Margaret." Five-Reel Natural Color, j and (Mod comedies. ifiClNCKSS, " 151 J.'l DOUGLAS. Rlx reel of (nod pictures. N ort h. 16TH AND BINNET ' GRAND, Andrew Arden In "The Gray Meak," a 6-reel World feature, and a good comedy. LOTHKOP, 24TH AND LOTHROP. Celebrate George Washington's birth day with dainty Marguerite Clarke la Gretna Green. ttnatn. filF6LLO. iit LEAVENWORTH7 "The Purification of Mulfera." 1 reela Kalcm. "Brought Home," Kssanay. i 'A'u'-ra-Wtirr," Kalem. ToULliVAKl)'. 33d "t Leavenworth. At 7 end 1) o'clock Tuesday, Max Fle tnan and f-ols Meredith in the flva-act remedy drama. "My Pest Olrl. " Wra . MONRO K. 2665 FARNAM. ' Alice Prady and Kolbrook Bllnn In t "The Ballet Girl.' a William A. Brady picture. Boat- Bide, -TH N. Tha Broken wire." Kalem, The HI Brothar," (reel Kntck. , "The High Sign." Vim. 'OWllKOM. " flfli M. " Twa Rver Thus," Paramount pic ture, fr atuitng Elude Jam is. "Reforming Rubbering iimtte." FaiRtaff comody. IN'TEUJOHINT and pernlntent advertle In will "H" any atouule real eetate, and the large iiunihcr of ruMpective buyer can ! reachfd throunh the Heel ICetate and Want-Ad Guide to ail of Ureater Omaha Til U Bb-K. r tar Features Theie era Special Extra-Reel Features now appearln at the foliowlnv Theater. 1 APOLLO. tm LEAVKNWOHlli. The Purification ef Mulfera." I io"ULEVAlOD733T te Leavenworth. "My Beat airl." j oardYn ToTTrnrNAM , "Queen Mersaret." l-reel natural color , picture. I G RAND, "Rt'u and binneT Andrew Arden In "The Qrey Maek," a ' t-nel World feature. ITaTtHKOP, Z4'IU AND LOTHKUP7 Marguerite Clarke In "Qretna Green." I kloNROE. 666 FARNAM7 Alice Prsdy tnd Holbrook Bllnn In "The Ballet Olrl." IDHATIU ASD ri'HKHtl. NOTICR. MAUSOLEUM. ,i'HT bury your dead In tlve cold gruund 1 In stormy weather when you caa buy a tomb In a marble btilld ng at reasonable I rt"T T1- MAUciOLKUM CO.. D. aWt, FLOHim. ! ATHI. florists. IW'jarjiam Bt. D. i0 , tTl f2 N D F I ISO N , ISla tKugise. D. 11' Maniner Florlats Talesrsuh t-d. Ass'n iEloo A BWObuUA. Hit. l-ri,m Bt. 'A. WNAOHiiK. H- Vtaniey. lou VM t, nt u.nii i'krmiti, Ueoriie Apleng, bZA North tlslltcriilh, trains dwelling, Jl.'.w. The Easy Way is the Telephone Way PHONE ' TYLER 1000 s mnrii n nr..rt. tuiiiia - , . . eiwl J.tilili Mill. 2"4 North Nln.nlli nl't; t'lmrlo end Nell llllem. hiltal. ertri : Irn and Cora Itowo. hnnpitel, clrl. HyrTii't end Hope Koioport. hoppllel. boy; H. M. end Jennie lion. 44U North Twenty-flahth, boy; Furl and Hope Adams, 4M4 North Twen-tv-flfth. hov; C. A. and MernarM Far, l',M lHn-pp. hov; William J and May IUy. Tenth and rirre, prtrl. I teatha William Kutber Prhrewjrr. 1, hoppllal: lnl1 C Moore, i. 2)W Iot rup; Jopeih IMnkerton, 7" ins Prlptrl; Frank ptrr. .1 month. T.;i South Por- nth; Trrepa Meapkarh. 74. 121 Arthur; Mary Adam, ft", Ii7 Hickory; Theodore Aneatev, r,, ir.45 Hotit!h Twcnty-poventh; Mrp. flertha (Jaraon, f.4 Potith Twenty four'h; Joerph Hrkl. Si, 4133 tVjuth Thir teenth. MtRRitnn MrRaRH. I'erinlts to Tied have been tasued to the following; V"f.rie nnH feaMence, Hans Albort.en. Omaha 1 1 1 . i i Aire. ... 24 ... a ... r fiiiiur oiwmtt, vrrnaita. Wllllim Raahe, Penaon Iura Kamlmlnd, I u neon Oeorre Toenefrldt, Peneon Maude lalke, Honaon John Moeves, pennlnirton Anna Hteinrrt, Irvlntnn Mu-I l, ('kellenver. Oinaha. Fuchsia C. Wrare, I.ltohfleld.... 2 m 55 21 1 2 n Chris Thompon, Rupkln..... Iner Jensen. Omaha Thomas U. Jlsnley, Casey, la Catherine V. Malone, umana John Volenec, Omaha Rosa Synnst, Om&ha Frank I Knapp, Clarkson Ilarbara Volenec. Omaha Harm tr 1I1111m4 UAl,a t. a 71 over St orer 1 H n 7 27 , S 23 (Frances Kvans, 'owhattan, Kan Frank Orabenlck, Mors Pluff.. Annie Iavrlka, Omaha LOST FOUND REWARDS OMAHA 4k CUUM. iL, UL.6sFt BTUICa.'f IiaTL-WAV COMfANY. Persons having los some article would do well to call up the office ef tne Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In the atreet cars. Many article,, eacn day are turned la and the oompany Is aaxlous to restore them . to the rightful owners. Call IViuar. e. IT YOU I'M prlhlnt sot) will eniae It kwrp, ree will eureif ntmrm It If foitps. hv aa hit ' rsoa. Remarkablt rcovii anj bnatkl about rrftrf Af throiivfe this solams 1KB UkW Peopi who flail lost srtlales are latcraotart la knowlna thai Iks state lav IS trlet Is requiring tkoia to soak tfce evaor throask aSvorHpomont an4 otherwise. not thai a lailure te 4S an. It saaM saa he ttrsrsa. Is- vnlvaa a eavara senalts: tOST-Otie aolil l.reaatpln, aliout sis of a dollar. Cross-town car, between Cali fornia and N street; return to 2103 Cali fornia, rail Douglas 204 and re- reive reward EOHT Liberal roward orfered for return of fur muff picked up by mistake from linen table at Hrandels' store Paturday afternoon. Mrs. F. W. Mutton, Fremont, Neb,.tr Tel. U. M7'i, Omtba. lrtT Between Itith and llamas' and 2Hth and Harney, a purae contalnln shout $4. Liberal reward. Miss Moyer, Fa Irmont ( es rti er ( 1,HT Hmali black lesther hsndbag, Fri day morning, between JOth and Jackson e?ts.. and Farnam school. Telephone Harney 7s;. DST Saturday. In dressing mom of Fontenelle hotel, one pearl and one diamond aolltalre ring. Reward. Iiugla 7433. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ""riirnftna-e and Honaehold .ls. 6MAriA"PlLlXVV Co!Felt and hair nuttressea made over in new ticks at balf the price of new ones. Phona u for sample of ticking, lifrt Ctimlng St. IOJkIbj 247. . I5To UAnaAT5J3. Furniture. Ki, stoves, beds, springs, mattrs, fl each; beUdlng fomfoiTef tlankets. 1"3D N. 2tth. W. XTirTt-r'Alll.H V aler fronlfc. furnace rolls, etc. Quick aervloe. Oinaha ftovs Pepalr jvork . J.?- ' 'our1-.s.-, Tylr Wv itN ff UK K oi two-room nlmrt nieiit, t7n. Call afier p. m. 31? H. 2'iih. Apt. 1. Plastoa and Haalmat Inetrasneata. SMITH BARN ICS upright piano, fine condition. $125. Tyler 1M. ftH) por 'tiiontli. A. Hoaoe. ltll l)iUKla "aiure asntij' WlfU-e iatttree. CKbKfi, safes, scales, abowoasea, aheTvt Isg. t?. We buy, sell. Omaha Future A upply Co.. 414-li-lll a. tu. Uoug. 2,14. isniaraa Hud Ki-s. yn.WB davlep4 2r If purchased froirl Photo Craft tthop. 4IS iee HUls. Uapt. D Je elry, Ulasaoads, WatcMes. Bab 1." KUAAKU'ri - lucky waaldTn g rings' at lath and Douglas pis "" tkelCiua, farm, Klo. LiHl-id suit oultit lor saie oiieap. Coat, trousrs and white alia vest; coat new t;W. in perfoct oomlltiun; has been worn only alKiul a dosea times. Hlia M chest, , 84 waist, trousers litseam. Also white kid gloves, two boeuiu ahlrta, collars ami lies, slsa la. Must sacrifice, so best caah offer takes in outfit. Address lice O ViJ, tVB buy and sell tailor macfe" suits and oven-oats. Friedman, 1IU Douglas 8U BewtsiaT Mia-fc taea. bE V LN G M ACiilN Ea We rent, repair, aell needlea aad parte of all seeing machines. MIC-JU-'S NEBRAUKA CKCLB CO tth and Harney Uts. Ixug. !. '1 pevtrlters and feaypiles. NEW mscliines sold the same as rent, (it per itionth. rjoe us before you buy or rent, blilpiK-d any place on ten days free trial, liutts Typswriter L-cbty.e. i p. lattt, uiiiunt, ecu. UU'LANU Hl-UON AND CAIUION CO. We make tiiein In Omaha. What? Typewriter ribbons. Bupplles for the off lie, louhiaa 2147. f.'i HeeBlilg. Bl'I'A'i Al -luarante3 ijpewriler rib bong I for II. ReUaoea Ribbon Carbon Ci luiiglaa &4X (STJaTha VI '1 pearlier Ribbons. 6 per do. Mutts Typewriter Exo. Sl . IHUi. RKlSi' an Oliver typewriter I rno. for eC Oliver Type writer Agency, let remain. VI'KRW Vi sits sold, reiaeu IvpatradT Centrel Typewriter F.e. twJ Farnsm f.'"PVRfTKR for rent, ' t months, t-T nuns typewriter yie. 81B b. istri Kt. tlKNT a "Reiiilngton" not lust a type writer. Low rent. Call Ioulas 124. ktacataery and Kaaaea. Mli'W fiecond-hand motors, dynamos, inngiietoa. j iiron klectna Works, SlU-a. B. llth Pf. Dtlllard aad Pool Te-lre. FOH BALf New and eeoond-hand Oerora and peket bl'liard tables and bowling alleys snd accessories; send for cata logue; easy itaymcnta. The Brunswick bslke-Collender Co.. 407-409 8. Hlih Bt. Prtntlnpr aad Offlee gasipllra. tTCHrVriter T-reae for printing imitation typewriter letters: one Invalid sanitary chair; one illapa lbla go-cart, phone Webeterli p H I N T Kl t a ' t racka ami cases. In trst-ciuss cumlitloD. will sell cheap. Itoum 6. tlee Hldg. The Bee will hereafter accept telephone orders for Want-Ads at the CASH RATE of one (1) cent per word and a collector will call a day or so later with the bijl. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS "Isrtlan SaTea. PUBLIC AUCTION Peginnln at 10 o'clock Thurs day at Omaha Fireproof Ptorase co.npnny. Hi n. lt H t., and last-' Itipr all day. Three rood leather davenports, three good leather chairs, brnes bed, hulr msttreps, eeveral drepaers, china cabinet, bookcases, leather-seated dining room chairs, round dining tables, KRP stove, three ranges, several rugs snd ell other gooda required In the household line. rrlallag aad Offtee Bapplles. t-ATKHKaR N HA RT Ptg. Co., quality printing. Tel. Uotig. Vtl 624 B. 13lh Bt CfeNTHAL. Print IngCo. t)OUOA8 Tl. Loi:6l.A printing Co. Tel. lougie H44T Mlarrllssesas, FOH HALE LTIKAP, Buslnesi College Co urea. Fall and complete seholarehlp la one ef the beet Omaha buslnesp school. Good reason for selling; perfectly relia ble; worth full price, but, will be sold Very reasonably. Xf Interested Investi gate at once, because spring term begins soon. There are a variety of cenirees for aale. For particulars Inquire at tha of flee of The Omaha Pee. FSKE i ,b- Oonpoworer or a uuu Japan tea with every l ltva. ef beet t&c coffee, parcel post, at t2.7 Dave's Coffee Market. 1811 Laavenwortfe nt . omana, rxeb. ALEX JETEfcV LlgUOR ' liOUlsiw Thirteenth and Douglaa. Bottled-in-bond whisky. Ikc, 1 1.0. rLtt, full q uart. MY. high" standard ol quality crll) be maintained; 4 quarts of Old Fontenelle whisky, S3.2S; bottled In bond. Henry Pollock, mall order bouse. Lou. 7162; 1-124 in. nt. ttT 90 Oolden West Whlakv, 4 full upo.-ts ausrts hottled In bond, prepaid. Cackley Pros.. Omaha M Iscellaaeosiav OFFfclRlNO for sale lTk-ton 46-lh, I relaying rail; practically new; cheap. A. Ferer A Bon, lOl-ltf. 8. in hi. (JOAI, basket e delivered. 11) iUlnols ut or lump. IS.M par too. i gr tgftl ouia ANNOUNCEMENTS FOIt COI'NTY TRKAPIKER EMAIKT O. SOLOMON BTATUJ Dry Clng. Co. 120 N. 12th. D. S072. UKOUiCOA AKO'H "Lucky Wedding H ln:" at iiith and Douglas Bt s. ESTkhcihK A'l' T.M.&A Business men. sCverytkiagr for Wo men. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, bog pleating, covered buttons, all sixes and styles; nematttchlng, point edging; em broidery, heading, braiding, cording, eyelet cut wont buttonholes, pennants. Ideal Pleating Co., 2IM Douglas block. I louglss !!:. loa lames. THH largest stock of masquerade and theatrical costumes In the country. Theu. Mehcti At raiii1614 Howard. t. 41 IS. aiiKATiiiCAl, gov, lis, full dress suits, for rent. w N. lfih BL John Fcldman. UreaisiskUg. LADIES suits remodeled In tha latest ,,'!?-18lL'Br-nm- -Doug'as ma. Ul4AiKLt by "the day. Wort guaramueu. weuster turns, iA wur k VV smiling , sowing, lied. ttoST il H8l ofTAZ tlressmaker Hi M. Z4 Av. ketater s DresmaklngCoi. lai a'c'lty NaL erry Dressriiak'g college. Moth It Farnam" W'6ltK5UA RANT p. WA LN UT M01. Ir.VMNO at home or out. Red 3iL Iklrvgrsetera, Mpiaal Adjiuit uaeata. DllrJ. JOHNSTON 8, Chiropractors, of , (ttieldon, la., wish to announce their location at iun N Uu, Houth Omaha. Consullatloa free and Invited, l'houe Bouih 4i'l it. ER. PUK1IORN, lth and Farnam, Wcad lii6i-lJ' tV"7; 1 aimer school graduate. thrTj. C. LVwreiice, 1 iiaird bldg. D. 84tiL lit Iropoalela Carrie J. Buford, tRti Pag. rilk. Red 4W7. itvotlela. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 81 W.O.W. Bldg. t'yorii.ea. nr. Flcklcs, 714 City Nat. banlC lait DenUil lioonis. 1&17 Douglas. D. 1W. Jaslieea of 4be 1'race. H. H. CLAlrJOHNK. 5U Paxton Ulk. Red 7401. Notary public; deposition steno. 7W. IriltlTi'. mu Parker jiiock. Drags- D11UG3 at out' prices; frelitht paid on $10 orders; catalogues fie. Blierman A Mo Connell lrug Co., Omaha, Neb Klalurea aad W trlngT. DTTItlvlN Klaotrlc washing machines, svu-i-va.i electric Jrons and reading lamps. 22?3 Cumttig bt. Doug. totaV. AtM'UHUUBll. E. A. DWORAK, C. P. A, m 433-477 Ranige itldg. Tel, Douglas 74". f arriesel 1 " f AM KNFFTEH. WM Farnam. Red WM. TT. Kotiiois. &th Leavenworth. 11. Ti Movlas i'iotavo tlacklata. OMAHA Film K.. 14th and Doug. tlon picture mac lilne and film bargains. Pateala. D. Q. Barnell, Paitton Hlk. Tel. Red TllT. U. A. aturges. ttJU Uiamuus' Theater bldg. i'lsae luairuullwB, Ragtime piano playing positively taught in 80 lesaons. 4:."ifi Cuming. Wal. SXI. vluee aad Lltiaors. BUT your family liquors at Kllen'a Dlnuor house, btl N. Itith. Pou glas IfS). (.arveatera aad Castrsotora. Lessard A Bon, 19Q Cspltol Ave. T. lrgy. C. W7 ifokaiison. 206 l.vnwth. Tyl. SIM-f. Iteellee. JAM IJ ALLAN, Vi Kevtlle Blook. Kv den e ecuredinall JgaaeajTyier 111ft iaraama aaU iiawaraT HAP K HSTKiill. 4t'-t Hamilton. Wal. BI71. Live tewiululastra, MU5TIN BROSS("0. Kxchange PldgL Usteuyalla l'ia aiclaaa JOSF.PHINK ARMSTRONG. l Bee Bldg PlaiuvaTleaaea. CURLKD, dyed. 1'Iih Ic. im City Nat.' tcale U'palrloa. Om. Btandard Pcale Cor, R18 8. lith. D. tt. Bteel CenTaaa. CARTER "heet Metal Company, 110 H. it. Towel B applies. OMAHA Towel Supply, ?t7 W. 11th. D. 621 Traaki aad Ian taut, FRF-TJNq WTK1NI.K. 1 Farnam Bt VaU-a pec la l i.t a. Chrlstlaneen, 2d fl., Paxton Pk., 1 yr. exp. WeddlaaT gtatioaery. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. Advertlslaal No-el ties. it. V. Phafer A Co.. Uth-Pantam. D. T474. Notice to Bee Want-Ad Patrons FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE AND BETTER SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENTS Arehlteeta. Kverett H. 7vdd. I2 Parton Plk. T. Alterarra. C. T. Dl'cklnpon r-U Pax ton Plk. D. ln A vjettoeieerw. Dowd Auction Co , Ult-lg W.O.W. R rs. Bakeries. g- IT R ItFDKR. in H. 1th. Web. a?7. Braes and Iron t-'naaalrlee. fsxton-Mltrhell Co.. '1th and Martha gia, Itanelnar Aearlemlea. DF, LUX ACAPKMT. Ml B. lltth Bt a'.leetrlral Hetralrlaar. CAH1LL KT.KCTRIC CO., pee Pld. D. XCK I'.lertrolysw. Uloa Atlemler. 24 Bee Bldg. Red WANTED TO BUY DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks, boutrht. sold end traded. J. c. Peed. 1207 Farnam fjICW and second-hand meat fixtures for our nsw stores. Banket Htores office. Ml Brandels Theater Bldg. Phone Tyler 410. SWAPPERS' COLUMN PRoFKivSlONAl. eniurglng camera with -Inch condensing lenses and made for Tungsten light; will make 24 x 36 en largements In 1 to J minutes; In per fect condition and nearly new; will trade for new lumber, power wsshlng machine or valuablo articles. Address P. C ei7. Pee. HAVE large Jack, sound and reglPtered, has a lifetime certificate, 15 hands higo and weighs about 1,060. Valued at $l,tn. Will trsdo for mule, horpus or rattle, or cheap automobiles valued at this figure, or what have you? Address 8. C. 0;5. Hoe. MOTORBOAT I have an 1-ioot Mullen rteei Boat, newly redecked, end nlst- a B-H. P. Ferro engine, to trade. Would conxlder a Ford chassis, or what have you? Address P. C. W, Uee. JiMLiSllvU. lightweight, two-passnuer, 1WI& model. Just overhauled and fully equipped. Will swap for thg best Ml niodol motorcycle or motorcycle and side ea outfit I can get: but It must be condition. Address s. c. 72B. Hee. iAVt; small dlumund rina mill trada for xl2 rug. Musi be In good shape. If good rug, will give even exchange or trade for furniture of some kind, or what have you? Address S. O. 77. Bee. OAS K.NUI.NK 4-11. P. Kali thanks Morse engine. In fine condition and all comnlete, to trade for a 1 or 2-H. P. engine, or what have you t trade? Adilreas p. C Ht Pee. Ptandard Bur roughs machine, in perfect condition, will exchange for Ford bookcase, books, oriental rugs. Jewelry, or what nave you : aqorr p s n. t:. Wi, nee. WANT quarter or half K. V . closed core transformers; have thirty-two Colt automatic a 26 set drawing Instru ments and various electrical appliances. Address B. C. fSl, Pee. HA VK 44-callber, in-shot Colt's repeating rifle, also double barrel. 12-gusge, breech-loading shotgun to trade for anything of equal value. Address B. '. KM. Hee. HAVE five-year-old bay mare, unbroke and sound, with foal to Jack, with colt paid for, valued at S1MK Will swap for Ford, or what have you? Address S. C. t74, Hee. HKHE you are; have kodHk. mandolin, ...o-raiioer revolver: also ladles' or gents Kngllsh saddle. What have you to of- ler ror one or all T Adiltf ss a. C. W2. Hoe. fAVO used pool tables for typewriter In i i. irununion; BWHI'Ut'r will nave to ship tahlos to hlmylf from forty miles east of Council liluffs. B. C. H8t. Bee. HAVB beautiful Scotch Collie dog, house broke, nice around children, 18 months old; valued at SM; will trade. What nnvw your Andrews n. c. Bw. Bee, BRUNSWICK pool table, regulation aise, pool balls and rues and cue rack. Will trade for something of equal value. Ad dreag B. C. IS0, Pee. liAVU motorcycle, 2-cylinilcr, free engine clutch, 1912 model, In good condition, will trada for old wrecked automobile, yictrola, or what have you? Address H. C. 978, Bee. BVIIAT have you to offer for Utt gal lons high grade house paint, or will trada 80. 60 or W gallons; Address B. C. 6!i6. Pee. 4,000 stock gen'l mdse., will sell or ex change for residence or small property ,imr Miiiniia. Awuraaa a l?fl, nee. ItAVK 20-horBcpower marlno engine to troue lor anything ot equal value. Ad dress B. C. M. Hoe. WHAT hav you to oftor in exchango tor quarter sawea oak sideboard. Ad- are p w . t;, nee. HAVH Vk-karat diamond ring; also lin- witn ruoy ana two uinmonds. What have you to trade? Address 8. C. Kl, nra. GrOOO square dining table, Iron bed and springs for small range, disc records or Kdlaon four-minute records. Address 8. BAY mare colt, 1 year old, fat and sound, weight about 800. valued at 176. Will swap for what have youT Address 3. C. eio, nee. OtKJD foreign and U. 8. stamps to trade for United Profit Sharing certificates. Ann reps rj. t;.. wi. AUTO delivery body, enclosed, for trade for something of equal value. Address r. C. Hee FlRST class barber chair, to swap for auto of any kind. In good condition. Address 8. C. 8X1, Bee. Sic IS player piano. c si tuuO, to swap for cows, pigs and cnloktma. Address 8. C. am. nee 4ta) UPRTlOHT mahogany piano for auto, or what have you? Address 8. C i, nee. AUTOMOBILE! For other automobile bargaiaa see the "Automobile" classify cation. WHAT have you to trade for an Angora est, thoroughbred. 8. C. ST!. BUSINESS CHANCES OMAHA manufacturing business now reorganising, wants two capable men, one for aales manager, one for factory manager, and good salarv; want party that will take 4.0t) to tu.000 stock; our plant la fuliv eiiutpned; our output Is absolutely staple; sells to R. R.S., pack ing nouht'g, liit.iw, eie,aior, creameries, wholesalers; company has no debts and all It needs Is two crackerjack men who can qualify tor above posi tions; expect to have entire reorganisa tion finished by March 1st at latest. Better sea me, as It means tha c hones ot a lifetime for right men. J. A. ABBOTT. Rm. 4, Patterson Plk., Omaha Neb. o THERB IS BIG MONET In growing nuts. It will cost you noth ing to find out about It. Call. We have nothing to sell, tinlesH W. T. SMITH CO.. Doug. 2818. City National Bank Rldg MOVING Picture Theaters, real bargains; machines, repairs, sitpplles, accessories. ' OMAHA THEATER SUPPLY CO, Palrd Phlg. Doug. FOR S ALE Infants! children s and la- dies turnlsning store at David Clt. Neb., at a bartaln: beat locittoa In tewn: doing aa excellent buainess; wsr, to retire. Box No. JJ. David i'lty. Nib. BUSINESS CHANCES STOCK Five shares of the capital stock of the Prairie Life Insurance Co. for ssle cheap. Add res A 77, Pee. FOR PA l.K Wood, clean stock of Itsrd-w-are; live town central Nehraaka. Onod reason for selling. Bi quirk. Ad- drepp. Y 2.ST, Pee. FOR PALE Heat bakerv Nebr. county peat S.i. tock snd fixtures. .IIM WRAV, SI01L CITY. Bl'TTKIt-Kl-ii i'op Corn Machine for sale clieac. Address P, pee Office, outh O'nahrt. WILL sell my furniture cheap for cah. Wood money making propoa.tlon. Pays all ext'cneg, Nice income. Doug, Sin.. WILLI A.NIP, cstnbllabrd oare. loTuTv or pell hue m ap; "ee him. 411 McCague P!dg., reference p. 3. Nat. Rink. FOH PA I.F. ottipletily equipped eafe. doing Kool htislceps. In a hotel; nn at trsciHe propoaltlon. Add TCP' F. 74S. Pee. THFATKRS Buy,, ease or sll your Ihe e'er. machine and suppl es through Tlieater Kt i c. . ltOt Pain itn l IV.iT. OFFICE for real estate or lnuram: tame f'oor as Be office: Hull feet; A The Pee Bldg.. Office Tio.un 103. TO OFT In or out of business call OANOF.STAD. 422 Pee Bldg. Do ig. 3477, ft) BELL or buy a "buslncas, call 04 Bnsch Borghoff. FTenter Hlk. D. 3S1 O wt'iCKLi" seii your buslneps any- wnere. write .Tim my. Sioux City. la. For PA I.I-; Orocerv store. For part leu lars w rite Red Ig Mere. Co.. Hwllr, P. H. WANTED A good location for a flrst- cIsps pool hall. Address T 248. Bee. f-ROOM rooming house. Bin p. Jlst Ave,; all first cIspp furniture. Douclss 7K19. 16 ROOMS, all lull, etieap; must sell. Write P til, Ree. SITUATIONS WANTED Mala. WORK of any kind at any place; I urn strong, reliable, capable, best of refer ences; plesse phone and I will state what line of work I can qualify in beat; 1 must support others, therefore need work. Please phona Douglaa 6992. Ask for Johnson. NOTICE TO FARMERS. W'hen In neod of help of any kind write, telephone or call on us. CUNNINGHAM LABOR AQENCT. Ill 3. 13th at. Omaha. Neh WANTED Position as private seoretary by competent eastern male stenographer desiring to locate anywhere In middle west; age 28; experience nix years, best of references. Address Y 260, Bee. YOUNG man with good character wants Job aa carpenter and painter;, been working 6 years on this line; small wsge at beginning. Address Jack, Menerai Delivery. M"A RK1KD man wanta Dosltlon. experi ence city salesman, bookkeeper and collector: acquainted with the srrocerv snd bakery trade; references furnished. wen. z.a EXPERIENCED stationary and looomo tlve fireman wants position. No. 1 ref erences. Address J. F. Iockwood, 118 Fourth Bt., Council Bluffs, la. ALL kinds of odd Jobs and Janitor work by hour, day, week or month; experi enced In all lines ot work. Webster 038. Ask for Johnson. POSITION wanted by A-l bookkeeper ajid cashier: 10 years' experience; mar ried; first class references: will go out or town. Tel. Red wot). Ask for K MAN and wife will consider Work of any kind, any place. Best of references. Johnstone, 2026 St Mary's Ave., Phone Doug. s2. WANTED Position by young man aa chauffeur: experienced: can furnlsii bept of references. Call Doug. 3552. WANTED Position on farm: young man 22 years old. Write to D. Francek, General Delivery, Omaha. EXPERIENCED waiter, arm or tray; neat and quick; cafe restaurant Ad d reps B 790, Bee. NO. P. CARLSON, Painting and Paper Hnnrlner. 342 N. J5th Pt. H. 2if0. EXPERIENCED Ford driver wanta po sition. Phone Tvler 139k. Temate. lOSiTiON WANTED Work of! any kind in apartment, rooming or boarding house; neat and trustworthy; long ex perience; best of references; need work badlv. waxes no oblact: eltv or not Phone Douglas 6Hi. Address Mrs. John- ston. aa bl Mary s Ave. A A.i.1Di,k-AUk.O lauy, refined, com petent and experienced, desires a posi tion to take charge' as a housekeeper In a family of two, no laundry work; or to take charge - of an Invalid, or position aa child's nurse; highest city reierwnces lumisneq. r-none Web, 3214, MIDDLE-AGED lady wishes Work as housekeeper for small family; no objec tion to leaving city; will exchange tefer- encea. airs, i lara macK, r. zid Pt NEAT, reliable colored alrl wants uo- sltlon to assist with light housework, or plain sewing. Can glva references. Call Colfax 196. . WANTED By trustworthy lady, general housework, where family Is employed during the day. Call Web. 3136 or call rw oosrqing nouse, w orant Pt, WAN'l ED Poiitlon as hutisokecpt'i-; cau do flr-t-clnss work. Call Doug. S42. ANY kind of house or hotel work; cook Inir. Tel. Harney 3735. RELIABLE white woman wanta work, 1 oug. 3447. WANTKl-Poltlon as maid. Tel. Mar- noySTSS. Laondry aad Day T ITerrk. DAY WORK Washing, ironing or clean Ing. Tlllle. Webster 76T.2. . WOMAN wanta day work. Douglag 63tjT I At' NDRV. wasliing, cleaning. Har. BUNDLE waBhlngj neat work. Web. 21677 DA Y worg or any gina. web. ti8M. Mafy. WaNTKI Huintle waahlnn. Florence 31 1 A I N l'KY, Ironing, MT. p. 27th. H. 4381. WANf EDDay work. Phone Web. 7410. " WANTED Day work. Call Red 7C T ANY kind of day work. lHuglaa i4. WASHING and Ironing. Colfax -mO. ANY kind of day work. Harney 17X0. Wi'lii nd IronliiK. Colfax 19S6. WOMAN wants day work, lib 8. 16th. HELP WANTED MALE Store aad Offices. BAILSMAN (Auto) $135. . BANK TELLER (Investment) 100. BANK B K K PR. (Investment) SO. OFFICE MGR. (Investment) 124. ' PTENOGRAPHER (Out Town) 76. ' HOo K K E E PER (Auto) ' 75. 8TE.NO. (Bookkeeper) 10o. THE CANO AGENCY. 0 HEB BLDG. YOUNG man ambitious to be a salesman; splendid opportunity for alert, clean cut roung fellow; salary and per cent; sell ng experience not riecesaary. CO-OPEdlATlVE REFERENCB CO., iui.-.-in iiy rsationai. W ANT ED THA F Fl C MANAGER! Traffio managers are in demand. The field Is most loitlle for an ambitious man to arise Into a high salaried posi tion, oJ4i per mo. snd up. Special ciai.h lng and training. 14Q1 W. O. W. Bldg. OFFICE clerk, must tm good proman, toO. Ptenographer, Jobbing house, MullUirnph operator.' $0. THE MARTI COMPANT, ll7 W. O. W. Building. It Is sometimes a bother to com down to THE BEE office to place your Want-Ad and then, acain, it 1b quite often Inconvenient for you to come down this way to pay th bill for an ad you have had inserted this way you never have to bud out of your home or place of business to get Bee Want-Ad service at the CASH RATE. HELP WANTED MALE toreaaa- ttffnes. STL.NoP, 3 raiea-iieii. 7.Vlii; .1 retpti clerks. Af:o; receiving elk., . We.atern Referenro A- Pond Aaan.. Inc. Orlirlnntore of the Reference Hulnes. 712 Omaha Not Punk Bldx. 8ALK9M A N 8'ito exp.; bookkeeper, ledor clerk, t, st -no., 171; steno., l.".. WATTS REE. It), 84i-4 Prandels The. Prntrsslnna and Trades. I C(li;ij iUe to en, respond with a young gentleman or ladv l,av n a couple of yeais' experience In a drug store with so'ta lountain. rtte wages an..rted Tnwn of 4.1) tlvlaterad pharmnclsts may answer this ad, also. Address r l, nee. "WAXTKD A Hat Man. Ap ply lu Drosher lros., 2211 Farnam Street. W A S I' Ei't-'-i lirttlasH buttei maker for mill i-ri:i "iiery. Addreas Y".M.-Bee. TWO gooii A-l paintetP. steady work, ;md one neat pHperhanger; married imn preferred; can use good brush h.tnd; et-. te particulars In .first letter; no lioctere need apply. J. A. Conrad, ' oi-f'o i "el Box 291, VtANlr.D Klrst-rlass ru er. Permanent Job for right man. Deltch A Lamar Co., Sioux City, la. tmig Ptore snaps, Jobs. Knelst Hee Pldg. aaleameii ami Baiiielitra. EXPlI:tlE.Nt.KD Nursery salesman wanted for Immediate work by one of the largest Nursery companies In the northwest. We are offering permanent positions to good talesmen. Address Y 2iV,, Bee. ANTr.D Hleh class stock salesman lrummond Motor Co., 26th and Far- W A NT ED Stock and bond salesman. Ptandard Security e Investment Co., W. p. W. Bid?.. Omahv DIpTHiBI'ToH wanted, everv county; lntest Ford specialty. Phllllng Co., Room 1, Blk. Trade Behools. j SAVE $23 BEE OUR SPECIAL HOLIDAY OFFER. If v . 'it a In- . cciiool . you can hold your Job and nt th same time get your automobile education If you enroll In the NIGHT CLAP." OF NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL, 2408 LEAVENWORTH. RED 3110, HOLER BARBER COLLEGE. Men wanted to learn the trade. We have originated a plan to teach It quickly and earn back tuition while tearing. Tools Included. Open to every one. Write for catalogue, 110 So. 14th Mt., omana. Neb. GOOD MEN WANTED to learn auto work for the big spring rush. Flhe training Work on autos and electric starting systems. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE. 8"t3 Farnam Bt. Omaha, Neb Learn barber trade, more' than make your tuition while learn ng. Pet of tools Included. Job guaranteed. Call or write for catalogue. 14U Dodge. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. SlEN wanted to learn the barber trade. Tuition, 2S. 1H0B Cass St.. Omaha. OMAHA BARBER COLLEGIA. Miscellaneous. WANTED An all-around white male cook; no boocer; must be good at pas try. Address J. D. Herrlclt, Ravenna, jveo. TH 3! Government Wanta Clerks lot) month. Omaha examination April 12. Sample questions free. Franklin Insti tute. Dept. ail M.. Rochester, N. Y WHITE, male,, all-around restaurant cook, capable of taking charge ot kitchen; references required. Address Packard's Cafe, Belmond, la. IV ANTEI Lady or gentleman to work In Laundry; prefer someone who can Invest some money. 68 North Main at., Council Pluffs, la. WANTED Names of ambittous men, 18 or over, wanting Railway Mall clerk po sitions. 278.00 month. Answer Immedi ately. T 241, Bee. MIEN for firemen, brakemen, Ji-'O month ly c experience unnecessary. Railway, V 232. Bee. . f i . .. AGENTS AND CANVASSERS SELL, me, your spare knowledge; aver age person has $2,000 to ta.coo worth: ' no peddling,- tinkering. Holden, Bog 708 Newell. Ia. HELP WANTED FEMALE Vtorea and Offleea. . STENOGRAPHERS and typists furnished for any typewriter Our service Is five. Royal Typewriter Co.. 818 S. lth. Tel. D. I9S0. ASST. Pkpr., ; steno.. V0. Weettra : fteferenre Bond Assn., Inc. 7D2 Omaha N'a, Bsnk Bldg. STENO, 76; atcno., 6; ateno., j0: steno.. $40 WATTS RE'F. CO.. 840-843 Prandels The. WANTED Steno rapher aim office girl. Adrtrors P. O. Box 6.17. City. Professions awe) Trades. LEARN halrdreastng at The Oppenhelm. Hoasekold aad Dotnestla. : free! : Bring. .send or phone your ad to THE days free of charge for residents of Greater Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring, send or phone your ad to THE niih; on ice. npone lyier two. WANTED Refined and experienced; Protestant woman or giri to cook ana help with work th private family. Washing done by extra help. Refer- -,., -.4 1 5 ,.t.A -, U,l miTat WANTED Middle-aged lady with reter ences to help with light housework for room and board and be companion for 1 an elderly lady. Just one In family. No wages. iCITa tyrant, nt. weuaurr ''. WANTHIV-Woman or girl r good place In country; must be capable, neat and good character. Ptady place to right person. Walnut 1977 anytime after 8a. hi. Monday. WANTED GlrTfor general housework 111 email lanuiy; no twama ..v can go home nlnhtp; call after :30 p. m. Mrs. C. Wolff. Flora Apt, 2661 Jones Pt. WXNTED Olrl for general housework. Call In person between 6 and 7 In the even lug. 3til2 B. 2.'.th Pt. Boiith Plde. 'Vl'A.STKD-A girl ior genelal housework; small family, good wages. Call Web. 42: or at iKfr -Manderson. ' WANTELi -Olrl or wouuut to assist with housework In country; two In family. V H.. R. 2. B. 31. David City. Neb. WANTED Competent second maid. Re ferences required. Harney 'JM. Apply at i B. 3-Jd Ave. "WANTED Competent girl for general housework. No washing. lUi 8. Sxth Bf Harney S-fl ' WANTED Girl for general housework. Mrs. J. Alpersop. 2iJ6 Pt. Mary s Ave. Tyler 1619. WANT ED Exiieiienced second girl. Ref erences required. 137 H. Sih Pt. Har. '13. WAITED Young girl ie beep wUTTTjousj w o rk ; no ws shlng or coo king. Wal. 117. . ANTED Competent girl tor general housework; no laundry. Harney SJ92. HELP WANTED- FEMALE Hwapeliolil antl Ofimeatle. WANTED - Compel, iir kii i ror eneral hniiaework: pmll fmiiMv, a:; p. ?th A' . GIRL for gen.-ral hnupowoik In small family Addrepp inn; H -!th. Her. 4nv2. WANTKI A girl for g.-uetnl hiu.-ew oi k ; Ptnall fnmlly: good w-wres. V1 S. Slth. GIRL for general housework. M rs. J aT Learv L'i3 ppp!etn Ave. Hr. 4141 WA.N'ir.l tiirl tor gem-ral houseworkT n. .. . ahln.- us So. 3sth Pt WANT E I -WTt e"g irF f f t-e n t aTh ouaT w oi k .i;a 1 1 W s I n u t 2t .. yoOG vlt I tor seni'ial housework. Ap ply IK N. ,th Pt. M larrllpnroaa. WANTED Girl, foreign or colored prr. ferred. Omaha Paper Block Co., ISiJm snd Ms rev. a EDUCATIONAL BUSINESS COLLEGE STUDENTS SAVE MONEV ON COURSE. For ssle. with good reasons for sell ing, a variety of course In a reliable H'inlncsa Bchool. one of the leading bupl-n--M colleges of Omili.-i Will be sold very renp-inable a way below reguar price. If y u are co'tnlrte ring taking a ceurae Investigate this nt once, since Spring Term begins soon. Call office, Otnshn Hee. DAY SCHOOL. FOYLHS COLLEGE. NIGHT 8CHOOU Every day la enrollment day. Book keplng Pnorthand, Ptonotvpe, Type writing.' Teleeraihy. Civil Pervke all Commerciil and EnglUh branches. Cat alogue free. ROYLES COLLEGE, mth and Harnev Sts. Tel. Douglas 13R5. THE VAN SANT SCHOOL STENOGRAPHY HOOKK F.EPING. Dsv School for Young Women. Evening Bchool for Young Men and W omen. Saturday morning class In typewriting. lone C. Duffy. Owner and Manager. ; B. ISth Pt. Omnhs. H)K sale, the following scholarships In a fit st-clats Omaha Business College: One unlimited combination business and shorthand course. One unlimited stenogrsphle course. ' One three-months' business or steno graphic course. Will be sold at a discount at the office or The Omaha nee. SCHOOL OF MODERN LANGUAGES Class or private lessons. Lowntown srudH. Phone Web. IJ4. PAXTCN Blk. School of lettering and Art teaches paying trndes privately. R. 611. PRIVATE Instruction In Gregg shorthand nnd touch typewriting. Tel. Wal. 23:7. PERSONAL PILES. FISTULA CURED. . Dr. K. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgi cal operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R, TERRY, 240 Bee Bldg. RHEUMATISM, stomach, liver and kid ney trouble, goitre, nervousness and asthma sufferers are successfully re stored to health by me. Examination Free. Call Suite' 813 Bee Bldg. DR. W. H. KNOLLENBERQ. Chiropractor. . Tyler 1936. 3,000 TO PENSION INVALJJDS. The Ladles' Home Journal -JI.W Tha Saturday Evening Post $1.60 The Country Gentleman $1.00 600 aubscribtlons each month till -April earns that $3,000 for The Inva lids' Pension Ass'n. Your order or re newal contributes - tOc. Urgent, 100 needed in February. Fhona Douglas TltS, or address GORDON, THE MAGAZINE! MAN, Omaha. Neb. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th St. and St Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable hoard ing places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at the Union Station. TllB Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your old clothing, furniture, mag azines. We collect. We distribute. Phone Douglss 4135 and our wagon will ' call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge Pt. MASSAGE AND ELECTRIC BATHS, chiropody and manicuring. Misses Grsy and Head, 2iO-212-214 Bnlrd Blk.. 17th nd Douglas, oougias RTT T "T TT T? V Successfully treated ta UriUHUi without a surgical aJ operation, van or wiu" -mo. im,; PERSONAL Misses Staples and Shaffer, bath, electric treatment. Open t a. m. to p. m. s Douglas 713. 401 Ware Blk. MAE BRUGMAN. steam and shower baths. Massage, Red 2727. Room 203, Karbach Blk. RHEUMATISM treated successfully, re- sulta guarant'd. Dr. Bowser. 814 Bee Bldg. DR. A. C. STOKES has moved his office to 474 Brandels Theater Bldg. SCI ENfl FIC massage. 6iW Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 6372. MASSAGE Miss Webster, (18 Paxton Blk. Douglss 3227. WHEN YOU PLAN TO SELL THAT REAL ESTATE WHAT? List your property In THE BEE'S Big House, Horn and Real Estate Guide. Buyers of real es tate are exacting usually. Valua must be there, and apparent Price should be an Inducement, but make the Information definite and you will get responses from persons really Interested In vour offer. If you run It In THE BEE. FOR RENT ROOMS Karnlahed Rooms. HOTEL 8ANFORD. HOTEL HA RLE Y, lath and Farnam. 20th and Farnam. P pedal Rates to Permanent Guests. NICE furnished room In Apartment 2, walking distance. Harney 810b. Housekeeping; Rooms. TWO mouern housekeeping rooms; hot and cold water; no children. 7-rt. iiil Kherman Ave. ST. MART'S, 2t2J Modem front room, for liKh t housekecpi n g. ' Board aad Hootiia. EtOARD and room tor gontioman; private family; large southeast room. Web- pier 7V!. WHEN the renting problem Is under con siderationeither from the standpoint ot the tenant or landlord the Real Es tate and Want Ad Guide to all ot Greater Omaha The Bee Is the best medium for sure and satisfactory re sults. "No Need to Walk Them in When You CanTalkThemin" PHONE TYLER 1000 4. ' ' J gas, J Web." 1 1 C -i All You E3ave to Do Is Call up Tyler 1000 and Give Your Ad-The Rest Is Done For You In