Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 22, 1916, Page 8, Image 8

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Society Notes -:- Personal Gossip -:- Entertainments -:- Club DoingsJ
I :
j 5
Have Yen a Boy Problem?
It cannot be solved by arith
metic. Solve it by feeding
him Shredded Wheat a
natural food that makes hia
body buoyant with the en
ergy of youth a muscle
and brain-builder contains
the life of the wheat in a
digestible form. Builds
sturdy, robust boys and girls.
Serve it for breakfast with
hot milk. Made at Niagara
Falls, N. Y.
Sprains and
art to common lu every home 9
that it pays to krep ftood Lini- R
mens handy. Nothing better Q
than Sloan's Liniment Itatopa
rain, relleTe congestion, re- 3
duces sweUUnj? ana aoes it
quickly too, Just apply few
drop and tb pain disappears.
H "Keep a bottl In your bom." JJ
grriottScMtilLlI JJ
Women Taking" Keen Interest Since,
the Vitit of Two Women
Latt Monday.
Ir Mr.M-iriri Ferarr
Th "Stork Special," aa our editors see
fit to term It. la perhaps the heeding
that gets tha readiest readers. The new
est comer la alwara matter of keen
Internet, whether It be. a boy or a girl
and what name it shall bear.
Next to real comet fouler parenthood,
and every one want to know about the
laat adoption.
A week aco today a yrong woman came
to Omaha and cava several talka to wo
men prominent In our aoclal life, Thla
Mlaa flrhofleld and ahe apoka about
the war orphana of France. Now It
would eeem that the consequences of
Mies Bchnfleld's lnlt will be at least 100
foater children of Omaha parents.
In giving toward the maintenance of a
croup of children or in contributing1 to
25c Size Bottle of
Swissco Hair Tonic
Praaant thla ennvnn at an. of lha Shr-
man as ati-rjonnall Draa Co,', 4 atoraa, and
win rrM. run ! alia bottla of
"Hvlaara" Hair Treatment.
Cltr Kita
"awiaaeo" Impart roUir to gny or 1m6A
I hair, aiita hair growth, nmnva, ai4wff,
atoii faliloc aalr and acalp troubla.
Coupon Good Until March 2d
Thoaa outiHda of Omaha will vat a fro.
hnttia hr aaMlna tnm la aumpa atrart
to ewtaaro iiair Treatment Co.. r.
O, aouara. Onrtnnatl, Ohio, to halp oor.r
an orphan eaylum. one haa tha feeling
of doln a arood deed, but there la not
the least sense of foater parentage about
It It la merely helping to keep alive a
group of little creatures raised mechan
ically In an Inalltutlon until they may be
turned out at maturity.
The Inspiring element in this scheme
of American adoption of French war or
phana la that each Individual contribu
tion is allotted to the support of a par
ticular child; the child knows the name
of the contributor end the contributor
knows the name and location of the child.
A personal touch la eatabllahed between
them from the beginning. Tha amount
for each child Is 10 cents a day. the little
one to remain in its own mother's ears
and ralaed In ita home.
Among the middle-western cities tak
ing the largest number of war orphana
Is fit. Tsui, where WW hare pledged them
selves to maintain WO orphans for two
years. A group of women met this morn
ing with Mme. Anguat Moth Borglum
to perfect an organisation to form circles
to get pledges from Omaha subscribers.
Those present war Mesdames Arthur
Crlttendn Smith. Howard H. Raldrlge,
Walter Tage, Charles Offutt, Warren
Rogers. Chsrles Thomss Kountia. C.
Will Hamilton. Edgar H. Scott and
Misses Jessie Millard and Mildred Rogera.
Fait FestiTitiei.
Mrs. I P. Raamussen was given a
birthday party at her homa Friday after
noon by a party of friends. Luncheon
was served and tha party continued
throughout the afternoon. Those preseat
Charlea McCarthy,
William Carey.
George Nachueiber,
Oeorae Yetts.
H. Johnson,
Albert I'ugh,
Oonreje I.ydwcker,
Joseph Hrown,
O. F. Raamuaaen,
J. Raamwuacn.
P. J. Vachal.
L. P. Raarnuaaen.
Charlea Swanaon.
II Raarnuaaen,
Fred Hennlngeen,
Samuel Masale.
J. Knamuaeen. Jr.
H. Henningaen,
Bf. J. Hoffman,
"rank CuHleon,
Charles Ollllo,
M. Hteda,
George Balrd.
South Side Progressive Flam.
The fcouth Hide Progreaalva club will
give an entertainment at their hall Tuea
day evening In honor of Washington's
birthday. The decorations of the hall
will be In keeping with tha occasion.
The hoetesaea will be Mesdames Joseph
Flynn, George Donavan, J. Hardy, Anton
Foil, Mary Gentleman and Mlaa Mamie
pin ay ma 1 n iniaiiiaDianF m api awaewaiaea'iM m asj pig.i aa (jmipiWHU snun ip 1 1 si w 1 sjaxi Ms-mpe'ssaeeaw.iii.! ga aafaeo awe. mwwrwrwwmi m siiajas-i mm u ajiinmnai) aJissim 1 a---
T ff l .a,. , , ,.,T lIiii
George Washington, the Father of Our ,Countryn
We pause for a moment to do homago to George Washington who bled for
liberty and independence for his people and laid a foundation on which has been
builded the greatest, strongest and most prosperous nation of the earth. We
are especially grateful to him at this time ot strife among older, "more experi
enced countries when rightness and good sense of his principles are proven
when this country's strength and stability stands out far above others.
Ocorcre Washington was a trrcat and trood man.
. : z
Specially Offered As An Extra Inducement to Tuesday
Shoppers. Every One Is a Money-Saver
13-Inch Embroidery
Corset cover and floinclngi
In 8 las, nainsook and cam
bric. Very toci Quail- f '
ty, worth to 2 So, yd... lUC
Bib j Irish Embroidery
Galooni, Hand and Inser
tions, up lo i Inches wide.
Worth to Boc. Special in
Monday, yard JL J C
Our Counter of Wash
Including German, French and.
Filet Vain, Insertions and Edges,
Edged Headings and Baby Laces,
also All-Linen Torchon and Imita
, m..i . 1 01
lion tinny 1 iuti ats, up to O'z
inches wide, worth 10c, spe
cial, yard...
Silk Endkerchiefi
Women's altk crepe de china
handkerchlefa with Imitation
Armenian lace borders, all col
ors. xceptlona"7 rif
"Tempting Bargins"a.OC
Tub Silkl
32-Inch striped tub sllsi, k
good range of colors.
ders perfectly,
.Pumps and Slippers
--for Women, the remainder
of light colors In satin and
kid. The ones we sold In the
big sale at 11.25.
"Women's fine sheer linen weave
handkerchiefs with fancy colored
initials and embroidered corners;
men's and women's plain white
cotton handkerchiefs, C
each OC
Fancy Silk Hosiery
High colored, all shades,
etr.brd.. some plain with wide
douhla topa, hlah apllrad haela and
ttMpa, doubla aolaa full f f
faahloned, worth up to 1
II. U. at JJ
Men's heavy arctics, one
buckle overshoet.. Worth
$1.60, special Tuea-
Women s Shoes
1.000 pair of women's fine
shoes, patent leather, kid and
dull ralf. Button and lace.
Worth 12.50. spe- J 1 r f
cial, pair O leauO
1,200 New Trimmed Hats
A sample line of new hats In all the
season's btst shapes and colors, which
we hare Just purchased at an ex
tremely low cash price. You would pay
up to $5.00 In a regular way tor these hats.
Rubbers and Overgaiters
Women's fine atorm rub
bers, all sixes. Worth oq
65c, special OaC
Women's OvergaJt
ers, pal
en s OvergaJt- EJq
Infants' Shoes
Infants' fine shoes, patent
leather, black, brown or red
topa. Vlcl kid and dull soft
calfskin. Hand turned
soles. $1.00 val., pr.
Women's Hose
Women's silk boot and fiber
hosiery, all colors, double aoles,
heels and toes, seamless. A good
"Tempting Bargain," at, or
pair, OOC
Knit Underwear
Women's "Cumfy" cut union
suits, fine titles and cottons, um
brella knee; regular and extra
sites. 50c values,
Women's Vests
Women's "Cumfy" cut Teats,
fine lisle silk and mercerised
tapes; regular and extra el see;
at the epeclal price of. nr
each aCOC
Betsy Ross Crochet Cotton,
special, ball
6O0 Notion Boxes, spe- g
Clal 1UC
West Electric Hair Curl- 1Q
era, 5 on card for 1C
Best RustProof Delong f-
Safety Plus, 10c value OC
San 811k, all colors. lC
Good Machine Thread, O J
some Coats'. Spool mCt 2C
Men's Neck Bands, all rjj
sizes, each 2C
12-Yard Bolts of Bias (
Tapes, each OC
3-Yard Bolts ot Good Eng
lish Twilled Tapes
Large Bottlea of Machine
Oil bottle
Pearl Buttons. Tuesday,
card ,
Coat, Skirt and Trouser
Hangers, each
Boys' and Girla Best In
Skeleton Waists, all sites. . 1UC
Good Black Darning Cot
ton. 4 spools for ......
Extra Soft Face Chamois,
Good Dressing Combs,
worth to 25c, each
Safety Plus, special. S
cards for
Inside Skirt Belting, at.
100-Yard Spoola of Ql
Sewing Silk 5y2C
Bet Mercerised Rick in
Rack, white and colors, bolt 1UC
Sanitary Napkins, Tuea-
For Mrs. Nicholson.
The week op'na with Mr. Mere
dith Nlcholeon of Indianapolis, great of
her alater-ln-law, Mia. Charles Thomas
Koiintte, the Inspiration of many affairs.
It la nld that a luncheon every day thla
week for Mrs. Nliholaon la among- many
bits of newa consequent to her visit.
However, the principal affair of today Is
an Orpheum party this evening, given by
the A. L. Reeda.
Other affairs in planning are a tea
on Trlday afternoon at the Kontenello
by Mrs. Luther Koimtse, a lunchetm at
tha Omaha club Friday afternoon by Mrs.
Ludovlc F. Crofoot and Mies Jessie Mil
lard slvre a I'inrheon at her home on
Wednesday afternoon. '
Miss Stevens Talks Suffrage.
Mlaa Porta tftevens. a former Omaha
girl, was one of the apeakera Sunday
afternoon at the mass meeting held un
der tha auspices of the Congressional
union at t o'clock In tha ballroom of tha
Hotel T a Palle. Miss Stevens, under the
direction of Mrs. O. H. P. Belmont, had
charge of tha work . of organising the
Women Voters' convention.
On the Calendar.
The North Side clrrle of the Child Con
serration League of America will hold
Ita postponed meeting Fridsy afternoon
at tha home of Mrs. R. M. Brown, !2n
Evans street.
Tha second annual student snd alnmnl
prom will be given at the Ilotol Rome
Friday evening. March I. Ieonard Burke,
Henry Howes. Charles Morearty and Ed
ward Zlpfel are the committee.
Mrs. Henry Hiller gives an afternoon
bridge Tuesday tor Mrs. Daniel Korn of
New York City.
Lincoln Notes.
Mlaa Ellnore Bprague of Omaha Is via
lining her sister. Mra. Charlea Tvnar.
Mrs. M. Epstein stopped in Omaha to
visit friends last week. Mrs. Epstein
la on her way to Lou ia villa to be pres
ent at the wedding of Miss Lillle Men
sin to her son, Isldor.
Temple Israel Sisterhood Affair.
One of the largest affairs todsy will bs
the dance given at the Rome hotel this
evening by tha Sisterhood ot Temple
Israel. On hundred and fifty guests will
be present. The chaperons of the occa
sion are Mesdames J. B. Katx. Moses
Millar and Nathan Mantel. .
White Shrine Event.
Mrs, Mary Weame'was hostess this
afternoon at the Masonlo tempi at a
guest party In which each member of
the White Shrine Whist club was per
mitted to bring one guest.
Fashion Hint.
I Don't Say,
("I Want a Box J
yof Matches" J
Ask for Safeiom Matches
and you win get the rery
best matches that money
will buy.
Ncn-polsonons dont spark
dont sputter don't break a real
safety strlk-any where match.'
Inspected and labeled I? the Un
derwriters' Laboratories.
Be. AU imetrs.
Ath for them by mama.
The Diamond Match
1 i 11
jf.0 . , A .
I ; J , iJi A
rP-; 4
I -iSHii
i Ui Srs ' I
So Declares Father Smith in Ad
dress Before Research Club at
St. Berchman's Sunday.
Again taffeta Is to be used extensively distinctly charming. A wide panel pleat
for spring suits, and In this Instance Is which ehows a contrasting lining Is a
enriched by varying wldtha of black new and novel detail. A chip straw
velvet ribbon. Th manner in which the trimmed sailor and high buttoned boota
fullness falls, both In coat and skirt Is complete the outfit.
Goaaip and society "small talk at
luncheons and dinner parties were depre
cated by Father Bmtth of Creigtiton uni
versity, who In a talk before th Re
search club st St. Herchman's academy
;ur,day afternoon, declared "conserva
lon to be a lost art."
Father Smith compared one of Dolly
MlHdiHon'a dinners In the Whit House,
at which corn beef and cabbage com
prised the menu, but during which sev- '
enten subjects for conversation were!
broached. Including art. literature and
music, etc., to a modern function of
elaborate menu, where, gossip of one'
neighbors was the principal subject for
Ureas reform for women was also ad
vocated bv Father Smith.
Edward Lynch, head of the stock com
pany, gave a reading on "war, witn
'Caeey at the Bat" aa an encore. Mas
ter Joseph Harding gave a violin solo
from "Faust." accompanied by Miss
Martha Gaines.
Random Notes.
Mrs. Harry Rubel entertained four
tables at an afternoon bridge Saturday.
Mra. Louis M. Cohn la expecting her
alater-ln-law, Mrs. Stepp of Kansas City,
to arrive her tomorrow to be her gueat
for tome weeks
Mrs. Landauer of Lincoln, III., who has
been th guest of her mother, Mrs.
Katie Orotte, and her sister-in-law, Mra.
Arthur M.. Landauer, will return home
tomorrow evening.
Events of Today.
Th Comua club Is entertained this
evening at tha horn ot Mr. and Mrs.
P. J. Larmon.
Th L Mars club gives a danc this
evening at Turpin's hall.
Subscription Dance Dinner.
Th Walter Pages give a dinner Thurs
day evening preceding th Subscription
chib danc at Turpin's hall.
Among the Visitors.
Miss Lillian Campbell of Brooklyn, N.
T la visiting her cousin, Mrs. Dan
Gaines at th Winona.
Stork Special.
Born to Mr. and Mra. H. Rehtmeyer at
Valparaiso, a son, John Herman. Miy and
Mrs. Rehtmeyer are formerly of Omaha.
Social Oossip.
Mr. and Mra. Clement Chas arrived In
Omaha this morning and are at th Fon
tenell. For Iowa Guests. '
Mra, Jamea Conrad and her daughter.
Miss Catherine Conrad, gav a matinee
party thla afternoon for Mra. J. F, Weart
of Cherokee, la., and Miss Ellen Weart,
who are the guests of Mr. and Mra
Harry S. Wcller and Mies Dorothy Welter.
Mrs. Weart and Miss Weart expect to
return home Wednesday.
Before your present supply is 'gone
stop, in and get your next can of
Pompelan Room.
(ieorge Washington Hatchets, filled with
rresn, delieions, lull cream
Angel Food Taffy, all flovors;
regular 19c quality
Si Powder
Ppmrd m Dscfar 0 Dmntal Sit fry
Sand 2c stamp todsy for a generous trial package to
I. W. I yos ft Seas. Iac,?T W. 27th SL. N. T. City
Bettor Styles At A. IIOSPE CO.
Lower Prices ISIl-lllJ Ooutl" Street f
Academy Students
to Give Irish Drama
Th students of St. Berchman's
academy will give tha Irish drama, "The
Princess of Neath." March 3, at the
Crelghton university auditorium. The
play will be elaborated by a . suit of
classic dances. Vocal and instrumental
music will form part of the program. One
of the features of the dances will be a
picked orchestra of seven pieces.
Tha scene of the drama la laid in ire-
land at th time of the Norman Invasion.
The play affords a splendid vehicle for
the presentation of the classic dance by
th young women.
Tickets are on sal at Brandels, Hoepe's,
Hayden's and th Burgess-Naah stores
and at St. Berchman's academy.
Specialist on the
Child Diseases is to
Speak in Omaha
Dr. Clifford G. Grulee, Instructor In
the dlseasea of children at Rush Medical
college, Chicago, will be the principal
speaker at the annual Phi Rho Sigma
banquet, given next Saturday evening
at the Hotel Fontenclle by the Phi
Rhos of Crelghton Medical. Dr. Newell
Jones, child's specialist of this city, a
personal friend of Dr. Grulee. will act ?
as host to the Chicago man while here. (
Dr. Grulee Is known nationally for his
work on tha feeding of Infants and to
htm Is due much of the scientific feed
ing of babies today. He Is a graduate
of Ruah Medical, which is the medical
department of the University of Chi
cago. Dr. Grulee hss written the only
recent text book on "Infant Feeding'1
this country. He Is attending pediati
clan to Cook County hospital in Cht
caa-n and a number of Chicago's well i .
known hospitals. KJ
Dr. Grulee has been a well known fig
ure in the Phi Rho Sigma frat, aotlng
as its national secretary for several
While In Omaha Dr. Gnile will be
royally entertained. A luncheon Is being
planned for Saturday noon, at which
Urn? all those local men especially Inter
ested In the diseases of children will
welcome him. An hour Is being planned
tor Saturday morning, at which time
Dr. Grulee will address or quia the mem
bers of the senior class of Crelghton
medical on pediatrics, which branch
in cnarge of Dr. Jones at the loal
Dr. Grulee will address the fraternity
men on "What a Fraternity Mleana."
Because of Dr. urulee'a standing, at
tendance 'will be Umlted to Crelghton
men at the banquet, but th commute
In charge of tha affair wlU round up all
tha hl Rhos In Omaha.
Th committee In charg of th af
fair Is composed of Dr.-W. L. Shearer.
Harry Jenkins, F. B. Gillespie, Lothar
Egen, Charles Shook and B. C, Ruasum.
iea i
Kiddies' Day at the
Motor Show Today
Today will be children's day at tha
Automobile show. As the schools will S.
be closed Tuesday on aocount of Wash
Ington day, directors of th Auto shov ' ;
decided to make Tuesday afternooryX
aesmon lor me cnuaren. Accordingly
the admlasion price haa been reduced to
16 cents for the kiddles.
On account of the great demand for
tickets for the historical pageant, "Girls
of Yesterday and Today," to be given
thia evening In celebration of the
fiftieth anniversary of th Touns
Women's Christian association, the per
formance will be repeated Thursday even
ing at the same time and place. Every
seat in the Young Women'a Christian
arsociation auditorium hss been taken for
tbo Tuesday evening presentation, so
thoxe not already holding tickets are re
quested to attend th Thursday pageant
frt Me IroTe to You Free That Your
Cirey Hair Out II Keturnrd to
Natural Colour of Youth
Wo Dyw Mo Danger Wo Cas Too Bad
so On Too Uid Betla to Xook
You In Four Xay. Proof
Costs Wot bi nf.
I wm to prov to Ttryon who rjr that th
mtaforiun of sjrs)y faalr ru b cared at homo,
ufely. atrupl and auu-kly.
No irmttwr what our or the rauw of your
grr nrsa J want to prov to you that It raa b
quit-lily riord to th natural colour if youth. 1
want you and ovary srrov-halrwd reader to pr,
oca l ha delight of yvara lakn off your
atvparvnl by tha aimpi rejuvonatton of our
hair-and ao I hava dsn-tried to undartaka a grtat
Uat'k-to-Yuuih" t'arapaUti againat Orey. Vhtt
or Kadrd Hair, by glvtog fr to ovary gray-halrvd
porroo who wrltao ma, full tnstrurtira ta enahla
tham to got rtrt of thafr grey hair ut aa 1 did.
The Salvation Army will give a band
entertainment at 1711 Davenport street
this evening, the congregation sing
ing hymns to the band accompaniment
No charge for admission. Program:
Opening Song Onward Christian Sol
diers Congregation, band accompaniment
Major Caldwell.
Duet Go Back Homa to Father
Adjutant and Mrs. Ellwood.
SelectlonL'ndlvided Heart
Reading- .......
H. McClanahan.
Comet Duet
Vernon Home. Marguerite Hester.
Vocal Solo
Verna Hrechtblll.
Quintette Instrumental Bugle Call....
C. Home, A. McClanahan. V. Home, J.
Healer. N. lrdoll.
Selection Have Faith in God
Vocal Solo Italalan
i Joe Alice.
Kuritone solo Holy city
Alva McClanahan.
Scotch Solo
Kliaahrth King.
Selection Empire state
Vocal Quartet "
V. Home. M. Hester. J. Hester. M.
March The White Heurt
Closing Pons- Nearer My God to Thee
Adjutant F.llwood commanding officer;
Jamea Heater, bandmaster..
"There seema to be an Impression that
t have revoked the recent order prohibit
ing the admission of children under 12
years from motion picture and other
theaters. The order Is still In force and
will be enforced for at least a week "
stated Health Commlaaioner ConnelL
Reports of violations have been re.
-elved at the health office. Inspectors
hav been detailed to watch th situation
Osteopathic Pbysicbn. 707-9 Brtndsis Stores EuKJing
Offica Hours i 9 A. M. to 12.30; 1 to 4 P. M.
1 aivarlf wav pramatursMy gry at IT and g fall
uro braua I Itsrtkod old. 1 ra(ord It to girl
hood' a colour throuch iho adiro of a a-lanilff
friend. 1 look youngrr than 1 did ! yoara aso aod
am a living ampl that greynopa nd o longvr'
anat for anviMia. On old gentiaama of It who
had haaa grey for U 'ra fullosvad any ataipia
ad'tco ras thaa ono ahort aionth and aow aa a
autgio ry nair tan bo nu-it la batr la iho aalr
of youth.
Whotbor rour hair to aomplotaly watt a or troy,
or gray ooly la paibeo, or olmply loalag colour
whothor you art lo or ?t whatavor your as I
will arnd yow frvo nf chanro full in formal loo bow
to roatoro tha aaturol ahado at rout h to aay grojr.
blaarhed, or ra4i hair without tho uao of any
grooo. - atlt-kv or Injurious dwo or otaiaa aad
a tUtout d4otko
io wrlto warn today. 01v your uaa aad addroaa
plainly, atato wbothor Mr.. Mra. or Miaa. ooclossr
a too roni atamp fr rotura pog4agr aad I will
sjrnd you full Inatmctlooa to realtor yur waola
hoad ot hair to tho aaturaj baauty aad rolour f
Hiih, o that you aoad wwr bjawwa a groy hatr
agsun. Addrwan: alra. htrr K. taspati, Offico
iU K. h.. Old) P. O. St.. Pwrtfoaoa, U. L
Advertisers snd customers profit by th
Vlasalfled Ad-' hsblt.
BOAST t B Ota LC T aa
thi ataatc ooKJiiv
Tar)rM a mo