Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 22, 1916, Page 6, Image 6

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Tae B ruMbinlag Co ape nr. Proprietor.
Cerereri at Omaha avtn-rTV'a mm second-das "natter.
Py mall
per yesr. .
6 i 1
4 00 i
Hy rmrriir
per month.
Dally end imdr vi...
Iallv without Sunday.. ..' Fo...
Wntn and 5nn4v ............
Kntnar wUhwwt ...0-... ........ At ,
BiwJ.. Dm nlklfl . - kin HO f
Loiiljr and Munaay Bn, three yra In advance. ...110 on
5rit none of ensnare of address or complaints
nreirularlty in delivery to Oman Bee, Circulation
Depart meat.
Yerei by draft. eaprrs or pnstal order. Only twa.
f "fit at tiros renstTed tit payment o smell account.
1'eiennal ohecka, except oa Omaha, and eeatera ex-
rnanfc-e, not accepts.
Oftiha TTi HulMtoa.
F.Milh Omaha nil N street.
Council Ulufra M Xnnh Main Street.
Unroln Utll Bonding.
Mc! Knnt Building.
Nsw York Rum DM, 1 Ktfth aran.
Ft. Ixiuls Ms) Naw Hank of Commerce.
Washington TO Fortenth street, N. W.
Addrese rftnrmuntratlffna relating to ntwi anil tu
torial mat tar to Omaha Baa, editorial Department.
Btafe ef Sevres a. County of Donate, mm:
rw1ifht William, rl mulatto muiiftr af Th Baa
Fsbllsnlng enmpeax, beans; duly sworn, says that tb
averea rlroulatlo far to month af January. 111,
a-m ..let.
PWKiHT WTLUAMI, Clrsalatkm Manage.
anihscrteed fa my presene as 4 awora to bafora
at! UU 4 ilir of February, li.
fcOBKHT HUNTER, Notary Pabll.
Stibwribcn Waring the city tomporartly
fthoU have The It mailed to them. Ad
drM will b changed a oftoa a requested.
Great la Allal. but he couldn't mti Musa
from tbe bear.
Mr. Bryn 1i strong for pete everywhere
except la the Nebraska political war arena.
Omaha li again after the big meeting of th
ai-pervtsory section of the National Educational
association. Here ta hoping we land It tbli
It It not time for the lawyers to take up the
whole question of blackmailing lawiutti, If only
for the protection of legitimate , professional
The fact that hla term hai already expired
doe not teem to disturb Postmaster Wharton
fcalf so much as It docs the hungry democrats
aspiring to his official shoes.
A live visitor to the Omaha million-dollar
auto show who can resist the temptation to In
vest possesses uncommon faith in the health
fulness of walking or ttraphanging.
This much is certain, the only reaaon Omaha
has been paying 80 cents to 91.10 per foot for
fire hose hat been to reward the political faror
ttes, who slice the selling commission.
'Billy' Sunday', eight weeks' work at Tren
ton, N. J., yielded a personal thank offering of
133,358.03. This Is one vigorous exception to
the rule that ministers are Insufficiently paid.
Secretary Lansing express astonishment
because diplomats are talking outside. This
comes from the premier of a party funda
mentally opposed to a monopoly of conversation.
Candidates for nomination on the bull
moose ticket ttx this state are SO far scarcer
than hens' teeth. Somehow, the Impression pre
vails that there "ain't golo' to be any' bull
moose ticket.
American shipyards are crowded with busi
ness, some 230 vessels, asrregaUng 1,000,000
marine tons, being under construction. Coming
from official sources the figures give the ad
rilnlstratlon'a pet shipping bill ft Painful body
An immigration official throws a scare Into
the country by predicting that 10,000,000
fighting men, learning democracy in tho
trenches, will stampede for the new world
when peace comes. Excluding the maimed and
the number permanently located la the country,
kss than half would be available for travel, and
freclous few of the remainder will possess the
Land owners of Panama have Hot mingled
with Americans for tea years past without eb
sorbing keen knowledge of uptodate promotion
methods. General Goethals story of joint land
commission methods, and the Inflated values
placed upon condemned lend, goes to show that
Panamans can touch the federal treasury as
handily as peddlers of postofflce sites on the
Thirty Years Ago
This Day in Omaha
Compllaa front Bee TUaa.
The firat annual ball of tha Henry Ueora-a aaacm
'). KnlKhU of I-abor, alanallird Uta nwly-opn.4
t-xpoasUon building. It was eatlmatrd that at leaat
1,: people vera danrirur and MO apaatatera In tha !
Uiy. Tha niaatvr of reramanlea Waa 1. IV Totinf,
and tha reception comrnlttae t'avld Knox, John Jn
Una. J. S. Wood. J. K. Wlahmaa. Thomas luninUiia,
J. IxKn. Charles I.'nlt, B. MeOInn, William Culloti, J.
U Kuff. J. Broderlrk and T. F. Brennan.
Mra. Richard Miller of Atchlaon, Kan., who has
U-en vlllln her brother, tha 8rhroeder boys, here.
h ft for otrtnany to vialt eld oountry friend a.
A. D. Junta. In a latter to The Bee, talla about J
riterliiif Morton aendlna; hint Document Na. 1 of Ka
hraaka, in tha Postoffloe department ef Waahlncton.
tt-li.K hla, A. V. Jones' rignatUa of hla offtoa aa
drputy pustmaater' at Omaha, Nebraaaa Tsrrttory,
dated tacembr 1, ISM,
Vattbew A. iloNamara died at hla reeldenoa, near
IWventh and Jackaoa, having cotna from Brook? a
several years as.
a!asia Mitchell playad tha 'Itarl at Kavoy" nt
the Boyd In a manner that forbad oven attempta at
iTit H lam,
Mrs. BrUbaoe. wlf at General Brtabana of fort
Nlubrara, la visiting la Omane-
J. M. Wolf announces that ha has Juat taaued a
w cy niap whw h aubacrlhcrs to hla city directory
can Lava frea
George Washing-ton and War.
All over the land today speakers will draw
attention to the words and deexls of tha first
president of the United State, laying Impres
sive emphasis on his parting advlco to his evan
try men. It is most appropriate at this time
tbst this should bo so, for the people of America
need that admonition and advice today aa much
si ever they did. Some conditions of life hare
not areatly changed since WashfngVm'e ttme.
Ills forealght con Id not possibly enfold the pres
ent magnificence of the nation he did so mack
t i found, but his experience coald locate cer
tain difficulties tbst are always present. This
gives his parting address something of the qual
ity of prophecy.
Washington's work was made the more dif
ficult and his problems were) the) more perplex
ing because of the actions of well-meaning but
misguided persons, who deplored the violence
of war, Just as the pacifists of today plead
for peace at any price. Our liberty was bought
at the price of blood and treasure, freely paid
by men who valued freedom above life or prop
erty. That liberty can only be maintained by
men who are prepared to make any defense
necessary to Its fnll preservation.
It Is time wssted to conjecture what Wash
ington would say, were he with us today, but
what be did say In his own time applies com
pletely to ours.
Look to the Kilk Supply.
The telegram sent by Nathan Strana, the
noted New Tork humanitarian and philan
thropist, to The Bee for the people of Omaha,
with reference to our scarlet fever epidemic,
may be summed' up In these words: "Look to
your milk supply."
Mr. Strana volunteers this suggestion, as
he says, out of bis experience of twenty-fire
years of labor combating milk infection, by
pasteurization, which, he assures us further,
has been sustained by physicians and bacteri
ologists all over the civilized world; and, for
our part, we are willing to take his word for
It without further Investigation. While permit
ting no letdown on the quarantine It will be
well for the milk Inspection branch of the city
health department to get busy and "take proper
measures for the future prevention."
All of us should be appreciative of Mr.
Straus' Interest In our situation and acknowl
edge obligation to him for his timely advice..
An Evil that Needs Suppressing.
The Bee invites the co-operation of the
other Omaha newspapers towards stopping the
vicious system of shake-down lawsuits, based
on framed-up evidence, which is permeating
tbls community and bringing disgrace upon the
courts as well as upon the reputable member
of the bar. AH the newspapers of Omaha, not
The Bee alone, are marks for shyster lawyers,
taking advantage of loose conditions that en
courage tbls sort of blackmailing litigation. We
believe It Is not far from the truth when we
say that nine out of ten of the "allenatlon-of-atfectlon"
suits, the "breach-of-promtse" suits,
the "saloon-damage" suits, and the "personal
assault" suits, to say nothing of the libel and
slander suits, are instituted for shake-down
purposes, In the hope of forcing a "settlement"
for a small fraction of the amount asked as
letting the defendants out for less than It would
cost tham to fight for their rights.
This rotten system stands upon the two legs
of the contingent fee and downright perjury,
and could not stand A moment If these props
were nocked from under It. The lawyers who
take these cases on a fifty-fifty split have every
thing to gain and nothing to lose, and to long
as they can retain their standing at the bar,
despite their disreputable practices, will con
tinue In the shake-down business. We do not
believe this condition exists In the same degree
In other cities a It does In Omaha. We know
the evil can be reduced, if not suppressed, if all
who ought to be Interested In Its suppression
would Jo'n together to that end.
Fascinating Puzzle of Mars
Defense of the Ito-tfothing-.
8enator Hoot's speech to the New Tork re
publicans has stirred the democratlo roost into
petulant activity, and the clacquers of the party
are raising, a terrible hullabaloo over his Criti
cism of the president because of his vacillating
policies. No amount of totslly asseverated
misstatement is going to serve to detract public
attention from the dispassionate indictment of
the administrative shortcomings of Mr. Wilson,
so ably drawn by Mr, Root. To defend "watch
ful waiting" and its four-score of murdered
Americans as statesmanship and good manage
ment, will not deceive Americans, who have
also watched with Interest and Indignation the
course of events lfl Mexico.
Tbe supporters of the president are quiet as
the tomb when it comes to discussing the In
triguing of Mr. Wilson on behalf of Carransa.
NO more miserable mesa of meddling In the ai
fairs of another nation can be found on record
than the president's Interference In Mexican
matters. He kept out of the "war" only by
backing down after making a pretty pretense
of defending the flag. Even Carransa waa then
ready, to resist him, and the salute he demanded
was never given. Lives Of American soldiers
and sailors were sacrificed in vain, but the
single-track mind kept on Its turning way. No
similar Instance can be found In American his
tory. The more the people learn of the truth
about Wilson's foreign policy, the more the do
nothings will hare to apologise for,
"Frumps, dowdies and unpresentable per
sons," tagged aa mlsalonarieS from the United
States, are doomed to failure In LaUn-Amerioa,
Tbe artistic spirituality ot the Latins call for
style, beauty, verve, and without theee the eyee
aj the mirror of the soul are unresponsive.
Tbe catalogue of essentials to missionary suc
cess comes from a woman missionary on the
spot, and may be accepted on trial pending the
arrival of her picture.
i a
It is well, perhaps, to have the curtain rung
down on the criminal side of the Eastland trag
edy by tbe federal court at Grand Rapids. Re
sponsibility for that appalling disaster primarily
rests on the government's inspectors whose
gross Incompetence and negligence led to tbe
death of a thousand persons. Thus the govern
ment lnferentlally stands by Its agents.
oarvwH 9. aer-viea.
Arm thar riUfinc on Mara, or la thara nobody
there to dtT Tha whole qcmetton of tha exletenca and
tha aottvttlea of thoea Martian giants la aaaJn thrown
Into tha melflnai pot by a raeent report of the dtntc
tor of tha British Astronomical eaaortatlon, who
preeaes tha belirf that the "canals" of Mars era optical
flroatona. ,
And thla report comes ejactly at the moment
when Perrival Lcnacll, at tha Flaaataff observatory,
announravs that tha "canals" In the northern hem
liephere of tha planet are developing pre!"' ,n "v
oonUiKW wtth exportation baaed on the theory that
H Is water sarplled by tha melting of the polar snows
wtilrh eanaaa thalr visibility.
This is really one of the moat interesting debates
of our tfmej. It la an Intellectual duty for every in
telligent human blng to pay attention to It There Is
that other world hanging above us In tha sky, cir
cling with u around tha run, with day and night
flitting over Its surfer, aa ft spina on Its axis. Just
aa they do over tha surface of our globe, and In al
mott exaetty tha same period of time (twenty-fo'ir
hours). It alternating aeaeons are Ilka our a. though
each nearly twlca aa long; Ita surface Is divided Into
permanent tjr marked regions which make It resemble,
except la the detail of outlines, a school globe of the
earth. Ita snowy caps alternately expand and odntract
about aarb of Ita poles, the sama phenomenon that
occurs about tbe pole of the earth, though here the
melting la never so extensive Because, apparently,
tha quantity of snow la vaetiy greater with us than
oa Mara. All thee are facts about which there Is
virtually no dispute.
The great qneation. then, la: "is that earthlike
plana Inhabited or notr" Not to take an Inter eat In
that question would be simply stupid. Oranted that
we cannot go to Mara at preeent; granted that we
oennot awn communicate with Mars at present; are
tboae good reaaon for feeling ao Interest in the ques
tion whether ft la aa Inhabited world like oursf
And aa to oommu a taatlon, we have made progroas
In the Wet twenty aware which should make us vary
ehary about denying tha poealbillty of extending eotn
munloatlon aoywhare. We know that the wave of
light eaaUy traverse tha great gulf of space, and that
alartrio wave go everywhere, and light and electricity
have proved rhemserves marvelous Artels for us, one
or tha other of thnra going at our bidding wherever
we have tried to send them.
But thla branch of tho question la for tha future.
Whether we ever communicate with Intelligent beings
on another shore of tho ethereal ooean or not, we,
for tha eatlsfactton ot our Intellectual eurloaity, which
la one of tbe Indices of our semt-dlvinlty, want to
know whether such beings are there or not there.
Ufa Is what Interest us, and wherever we see the
slightest Indications of Ita existence a thrill of eurloa
ity must run ahrouaTh ua, together with a desire to
find out all we can about It. Huppose that Columbus,
after thoroughly exploring America, had returneJ
with proof that it was entirely lifeless, Europe would
have turned Its back on the New World and. Dot be
ing ante te see It, as we see tha lifeless moon, would
In tan yeara have virtually forgotten Its existence.
But auppnaa, on the other hand, that Columbus had
coma back reporting that he had discovered simply
Indications of Ufa In America, then Europe would
never have rested until It had found out whether
that life actually existed and what It was like.
There we aea the reaaon why Mars Is vastly mora
Interesting than tha moon. We find no indications of
life en tbe moon, whatever life may once havs adorned
It, but Mare snows many features which we know,
from our own experience, are associated with tha
presence of life,
Tha "canals" are by no mean the only features
of this kind. They, In fact, are more or less mysterW
oua and doubtful objects. It ta usually supposed by
those who are not familiar with the aubject that tha
visible "canals" - are the actual Irrigating channels
In whose artlflolat construction Mr. Lowell believes.
In fact, Mr. Ixwe1l'S Idea, la that those channels
are too small to be seen with any teleaoope, and that
the "canals" are simply long, narrow band of Ir
rigated land which baoorite vialble at eertaln seasons
through the growth ef vegetation, stimulated by tha
supply ef water brought from the melting polar snows.
It Is a fascinating theory, for It fills the Imagina
tion with plotares ef algantte engineering operations
going on there, by means of which the Irrigation is
maintained and extended.
Now, Mr. Antonladt of the (British aaaoolatkm avers
that tbe "eanals" are not, aa Lowell assart, unbroken
Unas extending thousands ef mllea in a great network,
but that the appearance of such lines is produoed by
a visual Illusion which combines a largf number ef
separated spots and the edges of shaded region Into
the semblance of linear object.
But even If this be so. It doea not contravene) tha
aawertioa that theee spots never make their appearance
until the polar snows havs be run ta dissolve and dis
appear In the hemisphere corresponding to that In
which tha spots are seen,
Mr. Lowell aeams to have wen established tho fact
that these things are phenomena depending upon the
seasonal changes Which ge aa Upon Mars Just aa they
do upon the ear IK Dean If no more can be proved
than that there are water and air upon Mara, enougn
Is thereby established to warrant the hypothesis that
there may be life.
Washington's Wisdom
Belseted front an WrlUara. '" " ""
The name "American" must always exalt the pride
ef patriotism.
Knowledge Is la every eounrry the surest basis of
publlo happineaa.
Let your discourse with man at business be short
sad comprehensive.
Be feat hasty to believe flying reports to the dispar
agement of other.
I never say anything of a man t have tha allgbtett
Scruple Sf saying to him. '
To be prepared for war la one of tha moat effectual
meana of preserving peace.
Labor to keep alive in your breast that little
spark of eolaatinl fire eoneclence.
Observe awd faith and Justice te wards an nation)
cultivate peaee and harmony with all.
Good eenae and ho neat y are qualltlea too rare and
too p red oua not to hold In particular esteem.
'Tie our true polcy to steer clear of permanent
alliance with aay portion ef tha foreign world.
Associate yourself with men of good quality If you
esteem your own reputation; 'He better to be alotia
than In bad company.
I hope I shall alwaya poeaesa flrmneaa and virtue
te maintain what I consider tha moat enviable of all
titles; an honeat man.
, It would be worthy ef a frea, enlightened, and. at
ne distant period, a great nation, to give mankind
tha magnanimous Snd too novel example of a people
always guided by an exalted Justice and benevolence.
There la no truth mora thoroughly established than
that there extata In tha economy of nature an In
dissoluble union between vlrtne and happlneea, between
duty and advantage, between the genuine maxima
of aa honest policy and the solid rewards of publlo
Twice Told Tale3
They Often Do That.
eertala aoliUolaa has tha happy knack ef being
ante te parry Inconvenient Intarruptiona with aosne
smart retort that Immediately quaanea tha opposition.
He was speaking at a rather noisy meeting not .long
ago and after a short time a big lump of wood was
thrown at him. Fortunately, tha aim was bad and It
fell harmleaaly on tha platform.
The speaker picked It up and showed it to the
audience. -
"flood heavens!' he exclaimed. In tones of mock
anxiety, "one of our opponent has lost hi head!"
ITnlladttlphia ledger.
Jim zi .
Referaa ef WanwM's D
HBBRO.N. Neb., Feb. 19. To the Kd
Itor of The Be: There are many women
who favor a dress reform. No doubt It
will lean n high coat of living a well as
bring about many good reerulta. I can
not think that some drinkers of Intoxi
cants are any worse than women or
Stria who wear uncomfortebie attire.
Not only do they deform their figure,
but set bad or poor example for other.
Children a well a women often dealra
to Imitate and often follow poor exam
plea. Besides thla, we are supposed to
have governing law, and while good
work ta In progress why not keep up tbe
good work and adopt uniform dreaa In
our public school, allowing each school
to adopt Ita own ao as to be fair with
our merchants?
To be aure. we must be considerate In
all things. What we eat. do. think or
say. However, at alt times thlnketh no
evil,' but try and think how to remedy
the evil or mistake done and at the
asme hour be justifiable ta all.
In conclusion, I wish to speak In behalf
of the Omaha lady who received Injury
from a fall recently on an Icy sidewalk
it would be well for her to receive
damages, but no one else In the future.
Ask Cs Seeaethlagr Casts v.
OMAHA, Fb. n.-To the Editor of The
Bee: Can you Inform the public through .
your paper why It should take four, six
or ten months for a case to reach the
supreme court after appeal had been
taken front the district court Some say
It Is the fault ef the court elerka. If so.
new men should take their ptaaee.
Dlaewaele)) ef Belta-loa
OMAHA, rb. 21, To the Editor of The
Bee: I qoite agree with Mr, Garland In
your Letter Box "that when tha nation
ceases to discuss religion it Is doomed
and that the man that makea that condi
tion possible will destroy the republic,"
Tempore matantur no et mutamur In
lllla and I am tempted to write a few
lines to show how even a man like Dr.
"Lyman Abbott has come forward bravely
to tell ua how not only times change,
but religion also. In his recent work
concerning hla long life he says: '
Tbe candle and whale nil lamna nf mv
childhood have been replaced, first by
kerosene oil, then by gaa, then by elec
tricity the discovery of germ as the
origin of dlseaee baa created - a new
eclence of medicine; nhllnaophy and
theology have been revolutionised bv tha
dootrlne of evolution; the antiquity of
mmn lias mn camea mon innusnnd or
years by sdentlflo discovery; for the fall
of man and his recovery has been auh
etltutrd tho ancent of man from a previ
ous animal onier; for the conception of
Ood aa a klmr. the coneention of Ood
ea a father; for tho conception of salva
tion aa the reacti nf th. iAt e,.nm
Joat world, tha conception of the trans-
rormauon or tne world Itself Into a
human brotherhood.
He telle us he has gone through every
shape of skepticism, but there la an
undercurrent of pathos, the inevitable re
sult of an earlier faith that has been
loved and lost." The fundamental
dogma of the divinity of Christ waa re
jected .with finality by the author and
like Renan be reject Christianity for
modern sclene. For him Oopemlou.
annulled the Bible;- TJarwtn Undermined
revelation. i
"I look forward to the great adventure,
which cannot be far off. wtth awe but
not with apprehension.
"When tbe time comes for my em
barkation, and the ropea are cast off
and I put out to sea. I think that I
shall still be standing in the bow and
looking forward With eager eurloaity and
glad hopefulness to the new world to
which the unknown voyage will take me,"
WMt Om Only Teated by De-ada.
GLFTKWOOT), la, Feb. a. To the Ed
itor Ot The Bee: In an editorial ef Run.
day you apeak Of the faith of tha Im
perial government," referring to Oer
many. In view of the recent German vi
olations of treaties with Belgium and
Luxemburg, please explain If thla edi
torial was Intended for Irony T
Popalae Optalaat aa Prevaredaeaa,
BT, MART. Nab., Jfeh. 19, To the Ed
itor ef The Bee: Tho dally papers are
publishing many Speecha made arguing
the necessity ef preparedness. Thla doea
not prove that the people In general are
In favor of It From whom doea thla oen
tlment spritigt From no on except the
rich that expect to profit by It. They
have the advantage ef the common peo
ple. They have the financial meana to
get their view before the publlo. If they
have not trie abtUty of oratory them
selves te get upon tbe platform and ex
press their opinion, they hire aom gifted
orator to do it for them; money talk.
And acme orator have the ability to ar
gue a subject Wtth aa eloquence and pay
thoa that would bring tear to tha ere,
and yet the subject may be bosh, and
their arguments misleading.
I have made a eoneervattv eanvaas of
this locality, and find that at leaat SO per
Cent are unalterably opposed to prepared
Beaa, and yet there Is not a on that has
the financial means or personal ability
fe axpreea hi opinion to the contrary
Tha speeches made m favor of It are pub
lished and read by many thousands, but
the opinion ef the many thousand are not
published, therefore, not read by any one.
It la only through tho courtesy of an
occasional paper to which they may con
tribute a letter and have It published
that they can express their views before
the public at all.
I fall to aea the logt of thla nation
carrying a chip on It ahoulder and
dating any one to knock It off. They,
the rich, want war, and they want us
poor people to fight the battle, and then
want ua to pay the expense bill after it
ta ever. They are asking too much: wa
proteat H. SCHUMANN.
Boston Transcript: When Woodrow
Wilson saye that he will be a candidate
for another cup of gruel you can bet your
war babies that here la one thing he
won't change his weather-cock mind
Indianapolla Newa: Notwithstanding
the monotony of war time, an event of
real interest happens one In a while In
England. Baron Astor has Just taken his
seat la the House of Lord. We in Amer
ica ought to swell up with so much prtd
sa to buA all the buttons off our vests.
Baltimore American : Btatiatloa have
been furnlahed te prov that the college
strl spends IT par cent af her money
upon necessities ss agalnat S per cent
for p'eaaurea and luxuries. With the fao
and furur of a Venue and tha thrift and
common sens of a Griselda, the eollec
girl of the preeent la going to be the
prise package of the age.
Editorial Snapshots
Tlttjabnrgh Dispatch: In proposing that
debate with the Commoner. Mr. Metcalfe
forgot to mention th Important matter
of tbe gat receipts.
Detroit Frea Presa: Tbe suffragettes
sent valentines to th congressmen. In
return they'll probably get a rice largv
package of free aeeda shortly.
Indianapolis News: What th retail
dealers can't understand la why the
anthracite operators continue to refer to
a ton of coal In the obsolete term of
S.JW pounds.
Cleveland Plain Dealer: More than half
a cem-ry ago we had conscription In
theee Tnlted Ptates. And It's still a free
country. If this will help Britain aay.
let It use It ,
Washington Poet! Representative Smith
cf New York wants te resolute February
as "prosperity day," but one In four
years will hardly satlafy the vociferous
Claims of either party.
Boston Transcript: Those who are ap
prehensive that Europe will never he able
to pay off Its war debt overlook tha fact
that American tourist travel wfll be re
sumed aa soon as peace comes.
Philadelphia Ledger: Colonel Houee
breaks his alienee to aay that the preal
ftent haa a policy nobody knows about
and that It will be approved by every
body when It Is known. The oracle at
Delphi waa not more mysterious.
Boston Transcript: Senator Tillman
having Introduced a bilt to permit the
government to aelxe munition plants in
tlm of war, it la understood that b will
shortly propose a radical amendment to
th constitution authorizing It to raise
and maintain armies and carry th malls.
Houston (Tex.) Post: Dick Metcalfe
haa challenged Willis ra Jennings Bryan,
his longtime partner and associate In
Journalism, to a Joint debate on prepared
ness. W would enjoy attending thla
debet as much as the woman enjoyed
her fight between her huabaod and the
Baltimore American: An American sur
vivor of tli Anoona disaster wants some
thing done towards pushing her claim
agalnet. Austria. Bh aaya ah cannot
live on notes. When people will insist
on Such selfish Interests, how Is diplo
macy going to get proper patriotic sup
portr Sprtngfleld Republican: Twenty-seven
weasels are now under construction in
American shipyards for Norwegian
owners and are to be finished before the
end of the year. If the war goes on in
definitely the ship building industry may
become so firmly Intrenched that tho re
t 'm of psaoe and International competi
tion will not o seriously Interfere with It
a many persons have Imagined.
rtHThe Chlneee must be glad when
the ahorteat djre In the year com.
Jill Whv eo .
I Bnd-rxtaml ft tekes half a day te
ting fhina s national hymn. Tonkers
"The newest submarine fan now make
a catch thirteen mile from base.
"Yea, but how about thetr ability to
make a home run?" Baltimore American.
"Are you Hungary?
"Tea, flam."
"Well, come along; Til FIJI" National
Geoirraphlc Magazine.
StlOUu? say Firra-ae vwftrww
"Jane, what time Is HT called down
the irate father.
"I don't know, pa. Th clock Isn't
"But I am," spok an th young man,
who could take a hint Detroit , Free
"'Pom of these Juvenile court enthusi
asts are carrying matters a trine far."
"Seem to think It would be a rood thing
for every boy to etart life under a aus
pended eontene," Oilcago Post.
Mabel Bo yon asked papa for my band?
DM he give you any encouragement?
Arthur Well. no. but he gave ra a
drink and a cigar, so I had no kick com
ing. New York Time.
Columbian Songster, Published In ITW.
Americana, rejoice!
While eon ira employ each vole.
Let trumpets sound:
The thirteen stripes display.
On flax and streamer gay,
'TIS Washington's birthday,
Joy shall abound.
From scenes of rural peaca,
Fmm a fluency and ease,
At Freedom's cell;
A hero from hla birth,
Orent Washington stands forth.
The scourge of Oeorge and North,
And tyranta all.
Those renowned chiefs of old,
Caenar end heroes bold.
Who realms have won.
Pmlt by his hrlshtar bias.
Hide their dlmlnlsh'd raya.
And yield the palm of praise
To Washington.
, The silver trump of fame
Hi r I ones shall proclaim.
Till time 1 done;
C.pnlna, with taste reftn'd.
Valor, with courage JoinM,
'Hove all, an honest mind
Haa Washington.
Long may he five to see
TM land of liberty
Flourish In peaoe;
Long may he live to prove
A grateful people's love,
' Anil late to heaven remove,
Where Joys ne'er cease.
Sots tho Ililes at ITaught
A business campaign
of Day Letters and
Hight Letters will
quickly prove dis
tance an imaginary
barrier and clock time
only a comparison
lest veu FOLstrr
Fhcno Douglsi 18S9 and Hive a Cm of
MrV' TV 7r-r
aT - - rr ar tanr sW-tsy
Sent Homo
Luxus Mercantile Company,
Persistence is the cardinal vir
tue in advertising; no matter
how good advertising may be
in other respects, it must be
run frequently and constant
ly to be really succcessful