THK REE: OMAHA, MONDAY, FEBUUARV, 21, 1016. THE OMAHA DAILY DEE FOUNDED nY EDWARD nOSKWATETt. VICTOR ROSKWATKR, KD1TOR. The He-s Publishing Company. Proprietor. PER BUILDING. FARNAM AND FEVENTEKNTH. Entered at Omaha postofflce an second-class matter. TERMS OP SL'nSCHlPTloN. By carrier Wy mall per month, per year. Psllv and Fnnday v M o Dallr without Hunriajr....' ,....4Afl 4 00 fTvenlna- srvl Fnndsv ..v no K.venlng without Bunday . Jto. 4.00 Rtindav Bee only . I 0U Liijr anu tjunu.jr itee, three yeare In advance.... $10.0 Ferd notice of thange of address or complaint f Irregularity in delivery to Unuhi Be a. Circulation Prrsrtment REMITTANCE. Remit by draft, express or postal order. Only two cent atanipa received In payment of email account a. Personal checks, except on Omaha and. eastern es rnange, not accepted. . OFFICES. Omaha The Bee Building. outh Omaha 111 N street. Council Wuffs-14 North Main street. IJncoln f.; Little Building. Chicago 01 Hearst Building. New Vork-Room lion, 2i Fifth avenue. Bt Louis ;flj New Hunk of Cnmmrrr. Washington 7U6 Fourteenth street. N. W. CORR BSPONDKNCK, Address communications relating to news and edi torial matter to Omaha Bee, Kdltnrlal Department. JANUARY anci LATIOX. 53,102 State of Nebraska, County of Douglas, aa: Dwlgbt Will lama, rlrruJation manager of The Pea Publishing company, being duly aworn. aaya that the average circulation for tbe month of January, lilt, was M.JO. DWIOHT WILLIAMS. Circulation Manager. Bubaciilel In my presence an1 aworn to before tna, thla Id day of February, lull ROBERT HUNTER. Notary Publlo. Babecribers leaving the city temporarily ebon Id have The IWre mailed to them. Ad Ores will be changed aa often aa requested. There la no mistaking the voice of Brother Charley. It la high and dry. Wonder If this Is not a good time for the Bar association to speak up. Oklahoma's riot dazed some of the partlcl rnt. but It did not feaze grandfather. a ssssssssxesi a , As a means of Insuring the safety of coast ers, the weather distances all other agencies. S5? BBsaaaassBi Democratic organs object to the tone of the Hoot keynote, which prores that It carries the tight ling for republicans. The notion that derated activities tend to elevate the spirit does not command enthusias ts support in the aviation service. What does It indicate, when a request Is made to Inquire into a case of perjury and sub ornation of perjury, and a lawyer Jumps up and protests? A prominent railroad president Is quoted as saying that he dreads reporters more than bay onets. For the same reason, that shady pro moters dread the light. The rotten system of shake-down law suits with which this community Is afflicted ought to be rooted out regardless of effect on the shyster lawyers who fatten on It. Warring countries speak In terms of billions quarterly, while Uncle Sam with his annual bil lion fails to make ends meet Still, It Is safer to be short for a time than overload posterity. Two exceptions must be noted to the rule that "few officeholders die and none resign." One resigned at Washington because he did not get enough salary. One at New York quit be cause he got too much. Long before war came to Europe govern ment economists predicted that militarism In evitably led to national bankruptcy. The debts piling up la those unfortunate countries already point In that direction with sufficient clearness to make the cautious stand from under. Resort to Ink bottles, paper weights and plain fists In the Oklahoma legislature marks a startling change in the accessories of statesman ship In the "sooner" belt. The total absence of hlppocket artillery Is a melancholy reminder of the eclipse of Oklahoma's classy marksmen. ' V A former congressman of New Hampshire, conscripted Into retirement, expressed a readi ness, "in the hour of a great national emer gency," to give tha government and the district tbe benefit of his knowledge and experience In publlo affairs. Readiness to help the country at 17,600 per is a hopeful sign of the times. yBB"nssssssssiaaissMsjB Let us remind our Omaha art lovers that there are two ways to promote the cause of art one Is to cultivate artistic tsste through presentations of masterpieces of painting, sculpture and architecture, and the other is to remove the ugly spots constantly obtruding on people's view. . Thirty Years Ago This pay in Omaha " Complied from See riles. Dean Millspaugh preached hie farewell sermon at Trinity cathedral, where ha has served aa pastor for nine sears. Marshal Cummins la recovering from his recent serioua iUneaa and Is now considered out of danger. T. C. Urunar has returned from 8t Paul. Minne apolis and tha north. K. D. Wood row, formerly connected with Bred street's Omaha agency, but for tha past few months manaser for the asenry at Bt, Joseph, has-t-ome back to take up his position here permanently. George F. Munroe, tha Sixteenth street grocer, left for a six weeks' visit with relatives at Westchee- ter. la. Ben Hogan, tha evangelist, la back, and apoke to an overflowing house In tha Kaundera stret chapeL Tha Carter White Iead works, which began buat. Xteas last month as successor to Uia Omaha Whit Load company, la allowing much activity. Tha offi cers of tha company are lvi Carter, president; Henry W, Gates, vies president and treasurer; 8. B. Hay den. secretary. Services were held In tha library of tha Young Men's Christian association for tha benefit of tha deaf mules. Prof. J. A. McClura preached a short sermon In alien language, and others participating were Messrs. R. BmMh, Fisher, and hsmuel Tut hill. Miss Bella Flndle-y hss tsken a position In tha Villon I'artfle office. W. II. Truesdala has succeeded J. A. Clark In tha management of the Pacific Hotel company's dining Treaty with Nicarag-ua. The treaty with Nicaragua, Just ratified by the I'nlted 8tatcs senate, is a part of the obliga tion that csme with the building of the Panma canal. In granting to the t'nlted State in per petuity a right to construct a ship canal along what has long been known as the "Nlcarsgua route," the Central American government hss reded but little, since, with the Panama canal open, little likelihood exists of the longer route being used. This route was stoutly advocated by Senator Morgan of Alabama during the long days of debate prior to the final determination on the Tanama project. Some Interest has of lste attached to It because of renewed allega tions that Oermsny hsd offered Nicaragua to r-urrhsse the right-of-way now granted to the United States. The most Important features of the treaty are those that have to do with the cession of the Corn Islands in the Carribean sea and a site to be designated on the coast of the Gulf of Fon seca, to be used as naval bases for the protec tion of the great cansl. These sites are vital in the defense program. On the Atlantic side, the base at Guantanamo Is the closest, while on the Taclfio side no nsval station closer than 8an Francisco exists. While shops, dry docks and the like are projected for Balboa, at the Pacific end of the canal, and fortifications are estab lished at both ends, the Independent stations for the navy are essentlsl parts of the whole plan and could not be neglected. protests from Costa RIcs, Honduras and Salvador against the presence of the United States on Nicaragusn territory will not be given very serious consideration. On the Gulf of Fonseca either Honduras or Salvador might have been approached for a si to had it not been for the negotiations concerning tbe canal route. Costa Rica has little to complain of. The treaty tsclf has been unfortunately Involved with the effort at blackmail being pushed by Colombia, but now that it has been sent along for Nicaragusn action, the way will be cleared for consideration of the Wilson-Bryan attempt to discredit the work of President Roosevelt and Secretary John Hay. , Brothers in Complete Accord. The most perfect of harmonious understand ing exists between the Bryan brothers of Lincoln and Miami. In fact, it is doubtful if all history records a more touching Instance of fraternal accord than this, wjiich very nearly approaches in Its essence that unison of thought and love which has handed Castor and Pollux down to us from the mists of antiquity. Brother "Bill" writes a letter from Miami, In which he pledges his unswerving support to Brother "Charlie," and Brother "Charlie" In his turn gives his un qualified approval to Brother "Bill's" plan. Could anything be more charmingly devoted? They are one In mind and one in purpose. Neither desires to dominate the democratic party, but both are agreed that they will give their support only to democrats who subscribe to their present program. Opposition to the president and death to the Rum Demon Is their slogan, and is to be whispered or shouted, as exigency may require, over Nebraska's prairies by the silver-tongued and such of the faithful as will accompany Mm. Brother ''Charlie," a reluctant candidate for an office he could get no other to file for as long as he was in sight says he Is willing to get out of tbe way for anyone who is entirely satisfactory to the Bryn Brothers. Any old democrat who wants to run may do so, for this Is a free country, but If he expects to get any where he had better make his peace with the Bryans first. Making' Laws in Oklahoma. Lawmaking in Oklahoma continues to be strenuous business, if accounts of how one roll call vote was taken are reliable. The scene In the house while the democrats were, driving through an election bill may not be taken as typical of methods prevailing In that state, but it Is Indicative of the spirit of the party In power there. This is the state for which the "great commoner" prepared the constitution. It had to be modified in some ways before the enabling act could get through congress, but It has often been referred to as a model for the conservation of all human liberties. It worked so well that under Its operations the democrats passed the "grandfather" law, which disfran chised the negro voters of the state. This law was set aside by the supreme court of the United States, and the disgraceful scene In the legislature was engendered by the effort to enact another law to prevent negroes from voting. Democrats are defiant In Vlt parts of the south, when it comes to the right of all citizens to vote. Regardless of tbe guaranty of the constitution of the United States, these bitter partisans want the franchise exercised only by those In accord with the party. Many different ways of accomplishing this result have been adopted, but the result Is the same, and a large number of voters are kept from the polls by reason of democratic tactics. Oklahoma's method of making laws is crude, perhaps, but scarcely more brutal than the cau cus plan that prevails at Washington, where the south is In the saddle. The famous battleship Oregon, champion racer of two oceans and the thunderer at San tiago, goes on the naval retired list as a train ing ship for California state marines. Eighteen years ago the Oregon stood at the head of the American navy and won imperishable laurels for the service. Today it is so far outclassed by modern battleships as to be useless as a fighting factor. The battleship of today, tagged as the "last word" in naval construction. Is doomed for the Junk pile In twenty years or less. Now comes an official with the assertion that even with tbe proposed five-year naval building program, the country will be a poor third In naval progress at the end of the period. The apparent lack of cohesion and coherency in administration circles endangers the most urgeutt needs of national defense. Aimed at Omaha It Is estimated that automobile owners last year Pd an average of $7 a car in taxes and license fees, or a total of f 14.000,000 In all the states. As a means of keeping money moving the automobile looms large as an all-round circulator. Nebraska city Press: Tha Omsha city council has refused to acept the bids recently submitted by tha manufacturers of fire trucks, with the explanation that they are too high and the commissions to ba paid to local parties are too numeroua and expensive. The refusal of bide Is not surprising to anyone who has watched tha maneuvers which so frequently ac company tha submission of fire appsfstus bids to cities, larga and small. Heatrlce Sun: A new department of public welfare was created In tnnaha and the commissioners eent to Kansaa City to find a man to take the superintendent of that department. They secured one who was recommended by the head of a similar department there. That Is according to tha new thought In com munity affairs. The old thought would have dictated tha appointment of a local man, friend of somebody close to tha municipal throne, and without questioning whether ha had any particular fitness for tha place. Tha new attitude toward municipal affairs manifests Itself every little while la Just such manner. People are gradually coming to aee the senslhlcness of It. Hastings Tribune: Omaha will soon b entertaining tha National Association of Pwlna Breedera. In plsca of that putting Omaha on the h" It will put Nebraa ka's metropolis on tha map. Papllllon Times: A bunch of muts posing aa com missioners for the city of Omaha have outdone any Jerk water town in tha state In asking" that a certain wrestling promoter apologise to them publicly before they will consent to rent the Omaha city Auditorium to him. Of all the "rube" stunts ever recorded thl hss them all beaten to a fraxzla. "Hlrka" la what we country people call folks who act In such a foolish manner. But my, If soma little village out in the state pulled such a bona wouldn't the city smart set fairly bubble over with merriment. Well, here la hoping that this sentiment will not continue to "grow with growing Omaha." Qene Melady. the promotei who cava offense to tha commissioners should use tha terma used by Mayor Dahlman at the Pemo cratla Editorial association In IJncoln, when ha bluntly consigned all editors to tha hot place. Bucn damphoollahness has hurt and la hurting Omaha. Monroe Republican: Omaha Is getting a reputation for something new In holdups. After disposing of Hauser they had tha auto bandits and now they have a robber who binds hla victims and relieves them of their coin at his leisure. Bseter News: Tuesday's Bea contained a twenty Una write-up, with a big scars head, about a' dog which waa supposed to have died In that city. Just notice tha contrast A number of children In Omaha have died of acarlet fever, and tha same paper barely made mention of tha fact. According to tha "dog reporter" of Tha Bea, a lengthy write-up about a dog la of more Importance to the publlo than tha death of a little child. Nix on such news. Mora people look after the welfare of tha animals, than they do of tha children. Is it any wonder that tha city of Omaha is known aa the "home" of holdups, when a reputable newspaper as The Bee will allow so much space to he given to a dog. Look after tha children and the dogs will take care of themselves. Lincoln Star: One hates to think that that sug gestion of Omaha clubwomen that men ought not to wear hats arises from woman's ambition to wear mora of them. Grand Island Independent: Mayor Dahlman of Omaha la said to ba tha Bryan candidate for national committeeman. This means an alliance between Mayor Jim and Secretary Bryan, and IJnooln politicians are persuaded that "no one who knows the political game at all needs to ba told that an alliance In which W. J. Bryan is running for delegate to the national conven tion, Governor Morehead for senator and Dahlman for national committeeman la entitled to the respectful attention of all opponents." That there la atlll soma ground for tha belief that Morehead has been played or Is being played for senator. In opposition to Hitch, cock, la shown by tha fact that petitions had bean circulated asking that his name be placed on tha pri mary ballot, this occurring at Falrbury, aa well as In thla city. The presumption la that It has also occurred In other parts. la Grand Island tha petitions ware circulated by tha same man who circulated tha Charles Bryan petition for governor, and at tha same time. Whether or not tha senatorial petitions will be further pushed remains to ba seen. Twice Told Tales . Byataaa. Tha visitor was being shown about by the head of the up-todate business house, "Who la that dapper youth at tha glass-topped desk?" ha asked. "That Is the superintendent of tha card Index system. Ho keeps an Index showing where tha Index cases are." "Who is the young man with tha gray gaiters and the efficient' ears r "Ha keeps an index showing tha length of time It takes to Index the Indexes" "Who la tha girl with tha golden hair?" "She deddea under what Index an Index to the index of tha filing cabinets shall ba placed." "And who Is tha gray-hatred man at tha disordered desk la tha cornerT" "Oh, that's Old Joggs. Ha doaan't fit in vary! well with tha rest of tha office, but I have to keep htm around. He's tha only employe who can find Im portant papers when 1 want them In a hurry." New Tork Mall. Hat Kssigk Lamaagra. There had been a fatal accident at the railway crossing In a town In Iowa, and tha coroner, a pompous old chap, who magnified both hla office an1 its Incumbent, had Impaneled a Jury for tha inquest. There was only one wltneaa of the accident, an illiterate Slav laborer, who could understand no Eng lish. With htm the coroner began to struggle. "Can you speak English?" ba asked. The man shook his head. "Can you speak German?" Again the man shook his head. ' "Can you speak Italian?" The same responae. "Can you speak Russian? Can you speak Swedish" were the next questions, to both of which the man signified In tha negative. "It's no use. gentlemen," said tha coroner, turning to tha Jury- "We can't proceed with tha case. I've spoken to thla man In five different languages and can't make him understand me." Harper s Magaslna. Depleted Stock. This little example of Irish wit was related at a recent dinner of tha Wheel club: A newly landed son of Erin was gsplng along a New Tork street when he chanced to turn Into tha offlca of a lawyer, thinking It was a store. Ha waa considerably Impressed with tha fine furnishings, and approaching the only occupant of tha room, a man buay at a dealt, asked: "Could you ba telling what you sell here In thla fine place?" "Certainly." waa tha retort, uttered In rather an Impatient tone. "We sell blockheads." Tha Irishman looked around and nodded la under standing. "Bur and you muat have a fine trade, I'm think ing," ha commented. "You have but one left. "St 1outa Globe-Demorrat. rierlral akatartaea. Church service was over, and three prominent mem. bers of tha eone-regatlon walked home together, dis cussing tha seranon. "I telt you." aald tha first, enthusiastically. "Dr. Blank ran certainly diva deeper Into tha truth than any preacher I ever heard." "V-ee," said tha second man, "and coma up drier." Windsor Mstsxlne. Dlarnrdaat Doctors at Dlvtatty. CARSON CITY. Ia.. Feb. 11. To tha Editor of The Bee: When doctors dis agree in regard to physical conditions of human suffering It Is said the next thing to do Is call the undertaker, and tha reason Is patent to all that dissolution Is not fsr away. Since the coming and going of a great evengellst there appears to have been a shaking up and trimming down of the clergy of Omaha that has never been thought or ten dreamed of before. And now cornea one who la psstor of a Swed ish church and everlastingly lambaats and tells 'em where to "head In." There appears to be a serious contention In re gard to a personal Savior of mankind and a personal devil. According to "Billy" one places the Immortal soul on a plnacle bt eternal glory, with a golden harp, with a few "for rent" elans In eight, presumably for some of tha Omaha school board, et al. As the reverend gentleman Indicated In The Bee It is rather amusing; and quite confualng to see these ministers who sst night after night for seven weeks gulping down and nodding assent to all that waa said during the cam paign, and now not united "with one accord" In regard to soul saving. With auch conditions prevailing one some times wonders what la to ba gained by "the foolishness of preaching"' unless more tangible results obtain. One thing Is certain, present-day evangelism would not bo forced on the people were it not for the collection plate and its generous contents. Pome of us farmers believe a training school for preachers and teachers of common sense could make a happy hit Instructing tha people on how to live, en joying the glorious sunshine and shade, trees, birds and flowers, and there would be lesa need of "ifs," "ends" and "Isms," and the peraonal Saviour and devil wouldn't causa auch apparent unrest. w hen ministers disagree and evangel ists are g-ona, what should we do to be saved? Unless there Is more unity of spirit, leas wrangling and Jangling. It win be necessary to have the recall and referendum have the evangelist come back, threshing over the old straw to preserve our peace and dignity In the religious world. TEE J. AITCH. Freedom of Dlscasalnn. GREELEY. Neb.. Feb. 19. To the vt. tor of The Bee: It la rather dlsannoint. Ing to see Mr. Bradshaw withdraw from the debate on freedom of tha press, which io entered In such a hreeiv manner. Even though his contribution, as he as serts, served its purpose. Of course, thst "duiuoso" was in nm. tect the constitution from fierce attacks. This surely waa the time for the "patriot" to atand bir tha colore hut- well a constitution-defending hero Is a queer Kina or animal. No Mr. Bradshaw. I'm not "dim of the gang that Metcalfe Js trying to ac commodate by mussUrur tha nreaa on re ligious discussion." If such a gang exists. It certainly la unknown to ma. Unfortunately it isn't alwava tha searchlight of truth that la brought to bear on religion and religious questions. On tha contrary, In nearly every Instance it is tna oarkiantern of Ignorance, pre judice and hatred. Is It reasonable to expect mat oonciuslona arrived at by such people with such a light can - be fair to the church er rellrlon tinnud to the more or less annoylns- rave of that pestiferous little "glim?" Since this debate began aa unknown admirer (?) in Omaha ' aent me a copy of the Yellow Jacket, and If you have any doubts aa to tha measure of freedom the press or today, Is enjoying under our democratlo administration. Just take a look at It and all doubts will be dis pelled. It certainly Is a gem. After read ing It you will wonder what they have Insane asylums for In "Nawth Caleny." MICHAEL O'CONNOR. Proposed Soldiers' Moaaaseat. OMAHA. Feb. JO. To the Editor of The Bea: Kindly let me say a few words re garding the proposed monument to be erected at some suitable place In the city of Omaha to commemorate the valiant and herolo deeds of men, both living and dead, who. by their struggles, succeeded In preserving our glorious union, and that some other provision be made, either by Inscription, on tha monument heretofore referred to, or by a separate monument, suitable to commemorate Spanish-American war veterans, the Daughters of the American Revolution and the pioneers of Nebraska. We understand that the legislature of Nebraska has provided that the people may vote a proper amount of money to defray the coat of any of these monu ments. It Is. therefore, left to the people to say whether they desire them to be erected. In view of thla fact and that this can be done with the outlay of a mere pittance by our city, and that there has been erected in Omaha no suitable monument, with the exception of the beautiful sol dlers' monument at Forest Lawn ceme tery, thla la tha only one in Douglas county. Referring to the history of Its erection. In looking over the flies of one of tha Omaha newspapera I find the fol lowing referring to the said monument: The offlcere of the Indies' I'nlon Vet eran Monument association were Mrs. Anna Yule, president' Mies Clara Keennn. aecretary; Mra. K. Mull, treasurer; Mrs. Sarah Potter, vice president. Grant coma Woman's Relief corps: Mrs. A. Sheler, vice president Indies' I'nlon Veteran Monument sseorlstlon; Mrs. Addle Hough, vice president. G. A. Custer corpn. Woman's Relief corps: Captain E. I. Pavis. chairman advisory board; Dr. S. K. SpauUllnK. secretsry advisory board. This monument waa provld. d after long years of patient endeavor by the ladlre of the relief corps heretofore mentioned, tha Grand Araivil Ute Republic and otner patriotic cltksens of Omaha, who assisted in fumlshlna the means for t erection. It does seem strange that there has been such a gonernt lack of Interest taken In adorning at least some one of our beautiful parks or other suitable places In the city wllh some lasting re membrance to the heroes, living and dead, who made the preservation of our glori ous union possible. We do not, want to ba understood aa finding fault with the manner In which the public has treated the old soldiers. Words can hardly express our feelings, our gratitude and our appreciation of tha great outburst of patriotic enthusiasm msnlfested by the public. In considering what effect a monument of this kind sug gested has on tha public 8uppoae a stranger, traveling through Nebraska, gathering historical data, should vUit for Instance the towns of Blair. Tecumseh. Columbus. IJncoln and other towns of thla state, ha would find many monu ments to the memory of tha gallant sol diers of tha republic, and In viewing Omaha no doubt he would expect to be hold monuments and other works of art commemorating tha deeda of the sildiera Ha would also Inquire how old '.a Omsha, waa It on tha map at tha date of the civil war? But I do not ascribe it to the fact that we are not unpatriotic, but that this greet city of ours has been making such great strides In commercial accomplish ments thst some thlnRS have had to be neglected. In Closing will say that the peorle will agree with me that It Is patriotic duty to aid and encourage this monument enter prise. 8. I. GORDON. Late Company A, Second Battalion, Fif teenth t'nlted States Infantry. Ok, Those sy Trwste. NORTH LOfP. Neh. Feb. .-To the Editor of The Bee: While the people of this state are being entertained by the discussion of Immatetial subjects, the trusts are working their old tactics of accumulating valuable property lights. Four years ago this writer was tryldg to get the people to see that a few good waterpower sites. If properly Improved by the state and managed by the state, should prove to mak a constant income to the stste tressury. to maintain and make public Improvements. I did not oppose .private Improvement if that method of Improvement should have for Its purpose .the Improvement of all good power sites, even though a few million aires might be the outcome. The lobbies, which were looking sfter the Interests of associated wealth, kept In circulation all kinds of wrlteups In ridicule to de ceive the people. Evidently the lobbies did not went too many power sites In operation, because to make too much electricity would de velop a surplus, and that surplus would determine the price to the consumer. Just the same aa a surplus in petroleum dctermlnss the prices of oils. One of the strongest arguments for state ownership Is the universal development of all good power sites by which the prices of elec tricity may be reduced to the minimum. If the people want n, shortage of elec tricity and high prices, private owner ship la 4he better method. But If low prices for fuel for gas engines la desir able, then state ownership Is the only method of Improvement. This writer was at Boelua a couple of times to see the engineering methods being used at that power site. You need not be surprised to see the whole thing a failure. To- drive piling Into a bed of quicksand with a bridge of cement be tween la not. a responsible method of Improvement. Engineers of whatever school may make mistakes. If we are to Judge the ability of the engineers who gave us the 'Panama mud hole. The Boelus enterprise has already fur nished us another lobby, the home of which Is at Grand Island and St. Paul, and that lobby ha for four years Im posed Representative Fries on the legis lature, posing as a progressive, to pull the wool over the people's eyes. If we had a few mora normal schools and state universities those lobbies might establish an absolute monarchy. Th Boelus 'power site Is to 'develop 1.000 horsepower, the cuyrent to sell for 10 cents per kilowatt hour and more. At 10 cents that price equals 1650 per horse power per yeas. This one site will have an Income of $1,300,000 annually. If I mistake not. our permanent school fund amounts to less than 110.000.000; yet here under one power site where current is to be sold within three counties the net income will be. If associated lobbies have their way, more than $10,000,000 In ten years. Can you see why this writer has been kept In courts of Justice by ma licious prosecutions and ambulance chasers for the last four years? Wall street uses 'the same political methods that were used by the old confederacy fifty years ago, and I am hoping that their lieutenants shall wind .up In women's clothes Just as Jeff Davis did j in his final escapade. WALTER JOHNSON. ! SAID FOR FUN. He Can't you find anything pleasant to say abovt the members of my fsmilrT Fhe Well. I remember they were alt opposed to our marriage. Richmond Timea-Dlspstch. "So you were up to see the Newlywede. What do you think of their fist? " "Flat? It's merely a flstette. consisting of kitchenette, narlorette. chamberetla and bathette." Boston Transcript. "I hear you have gone Into business, old fellow." "Tep, the restaurant business.' "And how Is the restaurant business, ss you find It?" "Quite a grind. I eat In my own rlece as an advertisement, but It Is beginning to tell on me." Philadelphia Ledger. "This." snid the messenrer. sadly, as ha looked on the broken form which had ieen knocked out of his hands, "was once an article on electrlclt v." "Well, what of It?" asked a by stander." "And now It Is a piece of current pi. Baltimoen American. Her Father (viciously) So you want to become my son-ln-lsw, young man?" Young Man No: I merely want to marry your daughter. Indianapolis Ptar. "Bvenlng gowns half off." The man perused this sign for quite a time. "That's the way they're wearing them this sesson." he remarked as he resumed his stroll. Louisville Courier-Journal. Itor. "Here's that front door been freshly painted." "Vea," ssld his friend from a safe dis tance. "It is hard luck. Any one to look st you can sea you have been up against It." Baltimore American. "I say. Slithers, did thev finish vour ds lighters at the fashionable school where you sent them?" "I don't know about my daughters, but I do know they finished me." Haiti. more American. MY PA SAID SO. Edgar A. Gueat In Detroit Free Press Foxes csn talk If you know how to listen. My paw said so. Owls have big eyea that sparkle Sfn glisten. My paw said so. Bears can turn fllp-Oops an' climb ellum tree An' steal all the honey away from the bes. An' they don't mind the winter, cos they never freeae, My paw said so. Girls Is askared of a snake, hut boys am i, My paw said SO. They holler an' run; an sometimes they faint. My paw said so. But boys" ud be 'shamed to be frightened that way. When all that the snake wants to do Is to play. You've got to believe every word that I say. My paw said sew Wolves ain't so bad If yo treat enf all rlpht. My paw said so. They're as fond of a game as they are of a fight. My paw said so. An' all of the animals found in a wood Ain't always ferocious. Most times they are good, Tbe trouble la mostly they're misunder stood, My paw said so. You can think what you like, but I stick to It, when My paw aald so. An' I'll keep right on aayln' again an' again. My paw said so. Maybe foxes don't talk to such people as you. An' bears never show you the tricks they can do. But 1 know the stories I'm tell In" are true, My paw said so. ADVERTISING GARNER & EVANS OtfNstlBUg. DoUjsad MULTI GRAPH DEPT. BUY an automobile the way you would buy life insurance. Buy your car of an old line com pany. Apperfon Broth ers have been building quality automobiles for twenty-three years. Sixes, $1550 Eights, $1S50 Appcrson Motor Car Co. of Omaha. 2417 im Street Auto Show Headquarters mm Throughout the week of the Automobile Show the elect from everywhere gather aa always at the best place In town. If It's an own or you wish to see, you'll find him hers. If It's a dealer, he's here, too. If it'a the man who ia Interested In all good things In life, his city, his business In living, he's here; for he's enjoying life better because of this hotel, which hss become the common around for tha interchange of thought that makea for a bigger, better and broader Omaha. This waa the purpose of tha projectora of this hotel, and the houae In operation la tha reajlxatlon of tha Intent. A policy of conduct haa aimed to make thla a hotel lor women no leaa than for men. And that'a why It eucceeda. That's why the tone and character la made and kept ao attractive. Special effort will be made during the week to coma to merit tha Increase in fiatronaso that the occasion deserves. 'BUILT FOB YOU TO ENJOY' ' HOTEL fTONTENELLE a A. BUKBANK, Managing Director