Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 20, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Image 6

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Rev. Samuel Doddi of Pennsylvania
Condncti Bible Studies at Cen
tral Presbyterian Church.
CVnamerahle Interest la belnt ihow-n In
the mr of DIM studies belnff ron-
durtsd m tha Central United rrihytr-
lan rhurch br Itrr. Sajnual IXxIdi of
Pennsylvania. The meetings opnKl
Wednesday evsntns;. Two meetlnss a
day ere twins held, it I p. m, and 7:48
P. m , until Sunday, February 17, Sat
urday evening and Sunday and Monday
afternoons loeplml.
Hev. Mr. Dodda baa taken up the
"Kptatle to the Hebrew" at the after
noon meetinra, and the "Ooepel of
Luke" at nights.
The aeoond of a stw-s of sermon lee-
tures, baaed on the cartoona painted by
Raphael at the order of Pope Lea X will
be given at Hannaom Park Methodist
church Sunday evening by the a.etnr,
Rev. E. D. Hull. Five of these cartoona
are the private -pro prty -of Kins; Ueorte
of England. When Rav. Mr. Hull vlalted
London two yeara ago tha gall'ry con
taining; these paintings waa cloaed on ac
count of the suffragette actlvltlea, but the
Omaha miniater aucceeded In aecurlng
apeclal permission from tha king and
pent several day making an exhaustive
study of tha masterpieces. The result of
thla atudy ha benn embtiiieil In a aorlea
of sermons, tha second of which la to be
given Sunday evening and la baaed on
So Argue. Halleck Rota in Suit of
Jin. Henry Iloman Against the
Heiri of S, D. Bang?.
Eugenics bar the claim of Mr.
Anna Iloman, widow, CO yean old,
to $200,000 damegpg for loan of tha
lata Stephen D. Bangs, 86-year-old
capitalist, as a husband. Attorney
Halleck Rose declared In a plea that
a demurrer to her lawsuit he sus
tained. Judge Kstell wag asked to decide
that he who advises an engaged per
son not to marry shall he held guilt
less. If S6 becomes engaged to marry
CO, relatives have the right to Inter
fore up to the time the marrlaae
ceremony Is performed, Mr. Rose
Mrs.' Unman, vho Is tha widow of tha
lata Henry A. Hotnaii. for many year
proprietor of livery afable In Omaha,
alleged In her petition that !n June, 1M4,
at tha requcat of S'.ephen D. Bang.
wealthy Omaha pioneer. She agreed to
marry Un on November 1 1911 By ob
Section., threat lo pUce him In a aanl- y,, eartooa "At the Tarople Hate,
nnuin uq 1 1, , vn u,i n i si . . ,
Mrs, Hemaa alii gee Mrs. Florence W. I The Church Of the Covenant, Pratt
llaM and Richer! Ware Hall, the de-land Twenty-seventh atreeta, announces
fendantg, prevenUd tha marriage. Shortly la aerUa of Lord's day morning aermona
afterward Mr. Banga died.
Aaka Hea vy Daaaaeea.
Mrs. Homan asked $2H0,0 damages on
the ground that aha Inst a wealthy hue
land of high aortal position and that her
affections had been "NlgMed."
Attorneys for Mrs, Halt and R. W. Hall,
wuo are ui wwow ana son or me iais I rummate a Hi week.- "win-on. rain
jucnara a. siaii. monwr ana iwpwn nalra" at tta morning service, with a
ef My, Bangs, filed a demurrer to the pn,,, to nw members who were ee
af feet that even It tha f aoU were a Wiral. The aacramenta of baptism and
state, by Mr. Homan, sua could eouact the Lord', supper will be admlnlaUrad.
bo damages Groin thetn. I
Then la no precedent l atl tha law- I The Brotherhood ef North rebyter
Voo&e af this eoantry and Bngland for I Ian ehurah will hold Its annual meeting
allowing? eamagee beoeuse a third person I for election ef officers In eonneotioa
on "Men of tha Bible Who Hesitated.
Tha men of tha Bible were men of like
paaetona and, some think, had more dif
ficulties than the men of today. A num
ber ef these man will be studied.
Tha Third Presbyterian church. Twen
tieth and Leavenworth streets, will con-
p. ta. Intermediate Endeavor at t p. m.
First. Tenr-ehrtJi and Harney,
Charlie R, Cobhey. Paetnr Mncnmr wnr
blp at 11. subject. "Jeeua Telle How to
Fill tha Houm." Evening worship at 7 ,
object. "Will Ood Take a XAmf' Penlor
and Intermediate Endeavors at SI p.
m. Junior Pndeevor at U a. m, itibte
echool at 6 a. m.
Christian -leaae.
f1rt Chiimh. Mary's and Twentr-
fourih iervlce at 11 a. m. and t D. rn .
subject, "Mind." Sunflay echool at .
a. m. and a a. m. V etneed.y evening
meeting at I P- m.
Second Ch'irch. Dundee HalL Under
wood and Fiftieth Service at 11 a. m..
aiihjoct. "Mand." Sunday erhrx.l at S;4t.
a. m. Wedneaday evening meeting at I
First. Nlnetemth and Pavenport Rev.
W. O. Allen, preeldent of poene college,
will preach both morning and evening.
Plymouth, Eighteenth and Emmet,
Frederick W. Lenvltt, Miniater Bible
echool at IS: morning service, 11: "A
Raloonleae Nebraaka In 1I4." Evening
ervloe, 7;; toplo, "To Win I,) to
Christ In Omaha Toung Ponle'a meet
ing at S:. Church night, Wedneaday, I.
Central Park, Foriy-eeeond and Sarav-
toga, J. It Hoard, raator Morning wor
ship, Jl; sermon by Rev. 8. II. Ruell of
urxnn jini; evening wcrOjlp, 7. SO
subject, "Hard Taake for Toung Men.'
Bunoay acnool general ealon. lu; men a
dgartment, noun; Chrlatlan Kndeavor,
St Marr'a Avenue Con rr rational. St.
Mary a and Twenty-eevcnth. Hev. O. A
iiulbert, Minister Morning eervlce. 10 ,
prcarlilng by the pastor and mualc by
tne Keiiy cnoir: niindar a-nooi at noon.
with kindergarten: Young people'a meet
ing, T to o clook, llKhl refreahmentaj
mMweek service, Wrdnraday evening, I
o'clock! taika on the parablns.
Hillside. Thirtieth and Ohio. W S,
Hampton, J'aator Hunday erhool. in a
m.. Jamee Bulck. atioarlntendent : mom.
Ing worahlp, 11 o'clock. Rev. S. If. Mull
state auperlntendent of Sunday achoo:
wors, win apeax; junior Knleavor, S p.
m , Knbina FMIton, superlncendent: In
termediate rJndeavor, 4 p. m.. Krneatlne
Wunrath. superintendent: Senior Kn.
deavor. 4 X, Myra Roberts, president At
7 SO an experience mtetltie end orelae
service. Joseph Bamell and others will
iaae pan.
prweentsd a wwddtng, Attorney Roaa toM
IXatrtct Jttdga Katalle.
' Brlwgra la Keaetea .
Joganloa and publio policy demand that
tha Omaha oovrt ah all aet aatAbllsh
auoh a precedent, tha lawyer deaiared.
"Tha relatioa af baabaaa asd wife la
acred and tha law wilt not permit In
trtuilon eX a third person." ha argued.
"But aa angagesnant to marry has cons
af that aaorednesa. Xt la different from
any other contract. A third person can
not be prevented from advising alther
party not to marry.
Tha modern doctrine ef eugenics Il
lustrates tha Interest ef society and tha
slate In tha marriage oontraot A Pra
eedetit should pe established that will
aqua re with tha hi Sheet MaJ of Justice
to mankind.
Iowa Moosers Send
' Uninstructed Men
with a dinner at tha church Monday
evening at S:, Dr. W. O. Henry will
apeak en "Dutlea and Privileges of
Church Membership.'
Tha aongregatlou of MtoCab Methodist
church. Forty-first and Farnam atreeta.
will assemble for its first eervloe In tha
Sunday school auditorium of Its saw
ohurch Sunday morning. Bishop Frank
M. Bristol will preach. Special mualo
will be rendered.
Robert Wallace of Council Bluffs will
deliver a temperanoa address at Plymouth
Congregational church Sunday morning.
I Baptist
Olivet, Thirty-eighth and Grand, 'Wil
liam A. MulfiM-d. 1'aator Morning serv
ile at 11; evening at 7:, subject. "Tha
Judgments:" fctunday school, lit a. rn. ;
Haptlet Young I'eopla'a union, : p. m ;
leader, Mrs. Meacham.; prayer meeting,
I p. m,, WadneiMlayi "one-wln-ona."
First, Harney Street and Park Avenue
II. O. Rowlands, Mlnlnter 10 a, m.
"Peep Sea riahlng;" 1-W p, m., "Lot;"
l p. m., young people's meeting, ad
dressed by Kev, D. U. Cleveland; Blbla
echool at noon.
Grace. vftouth Tenth and Arbor, H. B,
Taft, Pastor Men's prayer meeting, t.M
m : bunday school, k) a. m. momir.g
orahlp at 1L conducted by a team rep-
SL Andreere lrruHmt m ju rl. ul.a
i fc looanart. Vicar Early commu
a. m.i lata commuulon. u a
m., "A ChallMiga to the Horoic: t"'n
lay echooL .a a. m.: veetra. 4 9 Sun-
das' afters one Instead af Sunday evening.
Orasa TnltaA Camden and Korth
Twantr-aevenlh, Thomas M. J-"vna, pas
tor Preachlna; at 11 a. ro, A roepol team
will have charge of the evening eerWoe.
bunday school, 10 a. m.; Endeavor iniss
Ing. 4 0 pt. m.
First United. !M Franklin. Rsv. Ira
McPrlde, I'aetor Teachers' meeting, S K:
riuniay school, 10;; Kjv. Mr. Cos. ooo
ventlnn evansctlat. preaches at 1 p. m.:
Junior and Intermediate, S.S0-I SO; Twa-
ty-rifth and Decatur, Rev. Mr. Mlson.
convention evangellet, 10; Union Youn
J'eopie s meeting, S .v); Tie Trrely or
Indifference," convention evangelist. 7:J0;
annua) midwinter convention all week,
?., 7:30, avangeUsUo.
First. At Touns Men's Christian Asso
ciation, Edwin Hart Jenka. Paator i
i-reachlng at 10 ) a. m. and 7: D. m.
Sunday school at noon; Endeavor meet
ing, m p. m.
Dundee, Fiftieth and Underwood. Harry
n. roster. Mln ater nib e echool. S :
ii. von oer L.inpe. i-astor ttunday
10 a. m.; regular service, 11 o'clock; Junior
rnaeavor, 4 p. m. i Bon lor Bndeavor meet-i
Men's elaas, 10; morning service, 11. "This
orare Aiao- "me it.lch Young Man
Without Ood," Tilu. Christian Endeavor,
.44 p. m.
Ixwa Avemie. VKi N. Fortieth. A. F.
Ernst. Minister 10:3f a. m., "CAooelng
a filing;- Hunday achool at noon; I p.
m.. Junior Endeavor aooietr: Sao d m..
Mentor Endeavor society; 7. SO p. m., Rsv.l
-. v.. sisea win preach.
Clifton Hill, Grant and Fortr-flfth. B
von der Llnpe, raator Sunday school.
, llo'ci
ir Bndr
Ing, 4;k. Evening service. 7:, eong er-(
uonuuciea or iean vmitn ana evann
aeiieuo meeeags Dy n. v. ITorgy.
Parkrale. Thirty-first and Gold, H. H
Taylor, I 'as tor Sunday arhool. 1ft: K. A
Wllaon, aupsrlntendent. Puhlla eervlcee.
11; auhject, "Churoh piaclpllne," Chrle-
nan r;nneavor, 7; piinilo worahlp, 7:6;
aubjact, "The Sabbath aa a Covenant,
l'rayer meeting. Wednesday, 7.4X.
, North, Twenty-fourth and Wirt, M. V
ttigDee, 1'astor Morning .aervlce, 11
o cinca, suoject, "vvnere la Lnir Treas-J
urer; Sunday echool at :4S a. rn.; Youngi
Heopla a Society of CJhrletlan Endeavor at
:tt p, m.; preaching at 7- p. m. FUow-i
uip mnuni weanesoay evening at 7:46.
Benson, A. J. "kfeClung, Pastor Sunday!
nsnutti m iv o c'oca; morning worahlp
n, Reir-nacrine," communion aervtnen-
Junior ICndoavor ttla m .
tlan Endeavor at S: p, nv; evening wor-i
enlor Cbrte-
. n
Tom Ik. 1. Irrt
meeting Wednesday evening at I; Broth
erhood, Thursday evening.
Third Twentieth and Iavenworth. Bob-
l-.,n Bioiit. tm U 1 1 with
adult PUbU oieeses, S SO a. m. 1 10 S a. m .
reosptvo or new mem cm rs. saoramenta oi Una and the Lords anin-er. Junior
Knaeavor meeting. I p. n. ; Set
tlan asideavor meeting. 1)0
P. m.. evening eervloe.
Westminister. Mason and Twenty-
ninth, J. Franklin Young, Pastor 10
a. rol rooming worship, "Ood, a Thou
sand Tears and One la.y:H Plhle anhool
at noon; Junior Christian Endeavor, 4
p. m. I Senkrr Chrlatlan Endeavor, 4 p,
m.1 arenlng worship, 7 JO, "The Last Word
of Malachl ' Wedneaday at 1.46 p. m., mid-
weea prayer ilea.
Ft rat TJnlted. Twentv-ftret and IJmmeL
Rev. A. tl Douslaas. Pastor ki SO a. m
third sermon In series on chureh actlvl
tlea, "ttolltmenta and Mobilisation;" 7:W
p. nv, "Tha Healing Touch ef Jesua"
Bible achool at noon, 4 SO p. rn,. Young
People's Christian Endeavor union prayer
meeting and oonferenoe. Mid-week prayer
meeting Wedneaday evening at 7:30
Castslar. Sixteenth and Caatalar. t f
Meek. Pastor Mornlns service, ill even
ing eervlae, T:, Rev. A. F. Ernst, pastor
of Lowe Avenua Presbyterian church, will
preach. Bebbatk school, a. m l Junior
Chris tan Endeavor, I p. m.; Intermedi
ate Christian Endeavor. 4 p. m,; Senior
Lhiietlao endeavor, S.JO Bk m.. Prayer
meeting Wednesday at 7:46 p. m.
Central ' t'nlted. Twentr-fourth 'and
Dodge; Hugh U. tpeer. Pastor 10:90 a. m
sermon by Rev. Samuel Dcdds; Sabbath
school at noon; 1:30 p. m.. Young People S
meeting; p. m., sermon by Kev. Sam
uel joana iter. Mr. lodda will oonttnue
his evangelistic Bible studio throughout
toe ween, uvery afternoon at , except
Monday; every evening at 7:45 except
(mi ui .
Oraoa Branch Lutheran Sundav Schnri
Forty-sight and Leavenworth, Hall S:
p. ro,
Salem Swe-llah. Id South Twenty-third
Rev, F. A. Under, Paator Sunday school!
45; services, morning, 11; evenlnr, t:
Luther league social, Tuesday avchlng, I;
Luther Choral society, Friday evening, I;
confirmation claea, Saturday morning, 10.
Grace, JI3S South Twenty-sixth, C. N.
Swlhart, Minister U a, m.. "Workers
that Win;" p. m., "The Great Ameri
can Disease;" Sunday school, 8:60 a m.;
Luther league, 1 p. m.; rally of leaguea
In city Tuesday evening In tha church.
St. Mark's, Engtlah, Twentieth and
Burdstta, I Groh, Paste r Sundav
s:e a.
' rrajrerua. rn jnaoy ,Tuieo, ' IW wnoaen;"
Christian Endeavor. :!. p. m.; preach
ing. 7 SS p. m., "One tar Differs from
Our SavVre, Danlaa, Twenty-second
and Leavenworth. T. B. emnnentorp
Pastor Sunday enheol, a, m.t aerv
Ices at 10:) a. m.; Bible meeting. 411
Bnrdette street, at 4 p. nv; servl e at
I It p. m. : young people'a meeting Tbars
day at 115 p. m,
St. raula. Twenty-fifth and sTvana.
K. t. Otto, Psetor Services at IS a. m. 1
7: p m. In Etiglleh, 'Tellverance:
Seventh petition;" Sunday ehool, 11"
to 11:10: young peoples Bible elaas
Wednesday at I p. m.; German-English
school. J. A, Hllgendorf, teacher.
Kountsa Memorial. Farnam and Twen
ty-sixth. Oliver li. Beltsly. Pastor; t
Franklin Koch. Associate Pastor Morn
ing at 11, "The Great Incentive;" v'",n!f
at , "Getting What Tou Give In Iife;
Sunday school. S a. m, Oscar V.
Goodman, auperlntendent; 7 p. m-Luther
league. Branch Sunday school, Twenty-
rotirth street and Ames avenue, e n.
y.ton. Fnsliah. Thlrtr-slgth Street and
Lafayette Avenue, A. T. Lo rimer, Pas
torSunday school, :4S a. m.i service, n
a. m.; Sunday evening song service:
Tuesday evening the Luther league will
meet at tha home of Ethel M. Peterson.
SUM Seward street; Wedneaday evening.
prayer meeting: Friday evening, reu
ruary K, the Men's society will meet at
the home of Mr. ard Mr. Ales Ltnd
berg, SHIS South Twenty-fourth street,
subject for discussion, "The Power of
Oirlatlenlty." Introduced by J. A. John
son; Saturday morning, confirmation
class meets In tha church parlors.
Walnut Mill, Forty-first and Charlea,
Oliver Keve, Minister Services. 10:30, 7:J0;
Sunday school at noon; League, 4 SO.
Hanaoom Prk. Wool worth and Twenty-
ninth, Rev Kmory D. Hull. Minister
Morning worship, 11 o'clock, Anti-Saloon
league eervloe. Evening worsnip ai
topic, "At tha Temple uate. ,
Hirst. Thirty-fourth and Larlmore
Thnmn Rlthell Mlnlatei- Sabbath school
it 1(1 m. Mornlns service at 11 o'clock.
Epwortn league at :N p. m. evening
aerrioe at TfM. Morning and evsnlng ser
vices In charge of gospel teams.
First, Twentieth and Davenport, Titus
Liowe, naator idis ciass at :w a. m
Mnmliw woeahln at 11. tonic. "The Mis
sion of America," Bp worth league at t
p. m. Bvargallstlo serrloea at 7:S0 p. m.,
topic, "Tha Lure of Time and Sense."
Grove. Twenty-second and Seward, Rev,
OH f fin O. Logan, Minister Morning wor
ahlp at HI topio, -Kurn, ui iaeai
Woman. Ep worth teague a I N p. m.
Evanrellstle servloes at 7:S0 p. m. Pfcrn-
day school at 10 a, m. ladles' Aid oanr
oo Monday evening at :".
rlet Memnrlol. Tenth and Tierce. Ct
Dawson, Iaptor Sunday eervlces: 8wn-
day school. :45; LT. J. Ie. FTsnta. su
perintendent iSrcschlns, 11. "let'lna'
After Folks." Er-werth leagjie. :; Maud
Ieems. leader. Preaching. 7:.W. "A Man
Job." Prayer meeting Wednesday. S.
Jenntnas. Ftftr-second and Hickory, R-
H. Chenoweth. Pastor Sunday school at
10 a. m. Morning worahlp at 11.16. topic.
Refuse." Epworth league ni i p. rp.
Miss Marlon Iwwling. leajter. Mrs. Foots
will give the third of her talks on mo
Life or Chrisf at S o cioca.
McCabe. Forty-first end Famnm. W.
H. VTnderwood. Paator Morning worship
at 11 o'clock, sermon by Bishop Frank M.
BtiatoL Kvenlng service, 1 ::. cunnax
arhool mt 1(1 Mrs. Onrn Entrtkln. sup
erintendent. Adult Bible class at 10, John
Iwla, teacher. Epworth leasue at :.
- , trr-1 PT . J u M InillfMMWIM!"
Mrs. Entrlkln, leader.
Trinity. Twenty-first and Blnney, Rerr.
John F. Poucher Pastor Mortirnar wor-
ehin at 10:30, topic, watcnrui wanmr.
Evening worship at 7:30, topic, "A Study
In Black." Sunday school at noon. Ep
worth league at 7:S0 p. m. Rc-eptlon
DE3 MOINKfl, la., Feb. It. Iowa pre
greaslves will send an uninstructed dele
gation to tb national convention of the
n,r(v In rhlniN. .Tuiw 7. This wag the
i-i A ,v ..... U-.IH,, resenting the Douslaa county drv rem-
decWon of tha state central committee c"mmltfe4i; H.pflBt Young People's
rn sc anion hsr lata today. It was tha union, ii p. m.; evsnlng service at
oMnlon of the Committeemen and other 7;Kl. 'Jonah's Gourd." Mission Sunday
third party man wh. met with than, " "iV'sElni. rlffSi
.hat th.del.gats. will hav. no thought ,TM"Rr
of supporting any ether man for the thy. Trained, Tiled, Trusted. True;"
the. evening. "Th. auonol aoui inner
mni eniii
prealdentlal nomination
Roosevelt, however.
A stats ticket will be brought
through tha ordinary channels cf
primary, tha committee said.
(Correspondence of the Associated Press.)
LONDON, Feb. . Tha taxi shortage In
Lendon has caused tha public to fill the
mill bags of th. local newspapers with
complaints regarding tha Insolenoa of
drivers and the whistling nuisance. Dur
ing tha rush hours, especially during
dinner and theater times, driver oftsa
refuse ta take fares unless they ehann
ta be going in th direction the driver
favor.. This la' dua to th. rul. that
drivers, whaa not earrytng pa.sengera
a Lit pay for awn gasoline, A
movement for a law to prevent th. use
of wfelaUea t ce.ll taxis la suggested, but
wtrlle patilng dowa a tcnuaanca, It wpuld
trot help traarportatluB fauUltiaa,
Tha reaJ trowtila ta traced to tha enllat
raanS t swtnpatsat diivers. Because of
this, earn of tha taxi aempenlas hav.
temporarily retired from business. Scot
land Yard baa hlndored th substitution
ef savw tfitvnt by ft refusal ta relax en
tba atrltft . gaogranhloal examination of
f oi lues days. . T040, every candidate had
ta show tr tlmate knowledge af London's
atreeta and by-way a Vany women could
aasilr qualify on the mechanical side
and show a fair geaaral knewlsdg. of
Iondoa, If the rule, were relaxed. Mean
time. Londoners who used to look down
oa plebeian anodes ef travel are taking
ta tha' -underground and - the buses,
w!ak) maintain excellent servtoea not
wdthstandlng th. war.
at noon, O. W, Noble,
einarlniendent : vounr Dop!e a meeting.
p. m., U4 by Miss Ruth IkUKaa;
church conference and prayer meeting,
v,inesiUy evening, teauhera training
clasa at tha close.
Immanuel, Twenty-fourth and Pink
ney. Arthur J. Morris. Pastor Morning
at lft :l, "The Expansion of Chrlatlan
Truth;" Bible school at noon. Charles
W. Hlmnn, superintendent; young peo
ple's meeting, e: p. m l evening wor
ahlp at 7:30. The evening eervloe will
he In charge of the officers of th. Wo
man's society and th. address will P
riven by Mlas Krtna Andsrsn. a re
turned missionary. Men's supper and
Bible study Wednesday evening at 4:30,
followed by the midweek prayer end
praise service at p. in.
Nortnalfie, I weniy-p-wnu enu uuwiuk.
George Peters, Pastor Bible oho4
at ,30 a. m. Morning worahlp at 10:46, un-
aueplces 01 ory mmiimn
looting Christ
tnam. hivenlng service at T:j, tnsraa, Ke
Senior Endeavor at 4:11
Sage' Tea Turns
Gray Hair Dark
If Mixed with Sulphur It Dark,
ens So Svenly that It Cannot
Be Piacovered.
(Correspondence of the Associated Press.)
BERLIN, Feb. lO.-Albert Niemann, tha
greatest Wagnerian, tenor of his day and
perhaps of any day. has just celebrated
his eighty-fifth birthday. He fled front
Berlin to escape too many honors, and
went ta a place near Dresden, but could
not even there avoid targe gatherings and
eoaoerta In his honor. The Oerman em
peror seat him a personal telegram of
osngratulaUon, the king of Saxony con
ferred a decoration 00 hint and etber
honors marked the event.
V 5- If
(Correspondence of ths Associated Press.)
VIENNA. Feb. 10. -Notwithstanding all
the misery and unhapplnt caused by the
war, . the numVr of suicide, and at
tempted suicides In Vienna waa far
smaller than usual laet year. Vienna has
long had aa unenviable iMrtorlety among
the capitals of Europe on account of tte
large number of suUMas. In lull there
were J,4hS auUldc. and attomptad sui
cides, aa compared with 1.94 In lili and
sly ta during the last aar.
That beautiful, even shade cf dark
glossy hair can only be had by brewing
a mixture of Sage Tea and Sulphur.
Your hair la your charm. It makes or
mars ths face. When It fadea, turns gray
streaked and looks dry. wispy and
scraggy, just an applloatlon or twa of
Hags and Bulphur .nhanosg Its appear
ance a hundredfold.
Don t bother te prepare the toale; you
can get from any drug store a to-cent
bottle of "Wyetba Sage and Sulphur
Compound. ready ta use. This can al
ways be depended uioa ta bring back
the natural color, thickness and lustra
of your hair and remove dandruff, stop
scalp Itching and falling hair.
lOverybody use. "Wyeth's" Sage and
Sulphur because It darkens so naturally
and evenly that nobody eaa tall It has
been applied. Tee .Imply dampen a
sponge or soft brush with It and draw
this thro ark th hair, taking ana small
Hew York Par4 Ksperts.
rear ttt w t. iir... .
C purt of hw York Wing January s'raJ at a tlia.l by morning th. gray
wxe VK!ud at 1175 .rj, snoan by hair has disappeared, aad after another
entailed rei-ort for lha iiu.i.ih
PUW.U1 ov cum., in oritcara trwln v
made appUcaUoa, U
UaJ. lj,.t4 ... aiasaed as"iJr.I appear, glossy,
4Xs aod os.4 aa foretga.
bseoaia beautifully dark
luatroua aad abua-
ven bv north section to south section of
ad lea' Aid socle tr at
home of Mra. C.
Spencer street on
W. DeLamatre,
Thursday afternoon. .
Pearl Memorial, Twenty-fourth and
Larlmore, Earl K. Bo wan. Pastor Hun
day school at :46 a. m. Morning service
at 11 a. m., In cnarge 01 iemierin-w a"-
pel team. Children a meeiinn m p. in.
Enworth league at :! p. m. Kvenlng
service at 7.30. bring 'Tab' song book
for night. On Wednesday st 7:30 p m..
fellowship hour, followed by Sunday
school board meeting. Choir meeting on
Friday evening at S.
Vnlted Tlrethre.n.
Hartford Memorial. Nineteenth and
tx)throp. W. O. Jones. Tastor Morning,
11 sermon h naatnr. ''Win One:" even
ing. 7:80, evangelistic aervlce; Sunday
erhool. 10: Christian Knrtenvor, n:;
Plhle study, prayer
Wednesday, I p. m.
and conference.
Manager McQraw now has six onfi
fteldere. Bestdea Rouach, they are Kaliff,
Burns, Ibertson, Thorpe and r.ablngton.
Furniture and Stoves
Rugs and Draperies
Poilair StocEa. .
nn wJJtfcJ . ?ff 0 stoc?, which was honht by ta at such an extremely low price that we are enabled to offer to our customers and the buying
tSr Ti?,'f.lit 1 g8f n ouf histo To designate the RUBEL stock we have marked each and every article from the big purchase with a special
ttwt ,1.1 peclai price liet 8hows Abel's price and our price and the radical difference between the two. At these bargain prices this big stock
ri f If0 YfT ge t0 make 70wr Actions early, the sooner the greater you will find the assortments. Select everything you can
use ror your present and future needs and, as usual, make your own terms.
Hocking Chsirs
From Rnbel's TUg Btock
Each and every one of aa ez
eellent Tain. . .
Rubeirs price t.S , S 1 D5
our price. . . . , A .
Robels prtoe 15.50, Q00
our price , .0
Rubel's price $7.50,
oar price
Rubel's price $9.60.
oar price
Rubers price 111.00.
oar prloe ,
Rutel's price 118.60, S075
our prica
Library Tables
From Rabel's Bl Stock.
A splendid variety to ehoose
from In all of the different fin
ishes. Rubel's price $7.50. .8150
our price x
Rubel's price $10.60, 4?? 00
our price , O
Rubels price 118.50. 8750
our price .
Rubel's price $18.00, 8Q75
our price rf,.,0
Rubel's price $18.50, Si A25
Our price lJ-
Rubel's price $81.00, 8l 50
Our price 1 ad.
Abel's big stock offers alsplendid variety in all the
different lines to choose from, and whether you intend
purchasing a single article or a complete outfit, you
should by all means see the splendid values we hav to
offer before you buy.
Kitchen Cibinets
From RoboT. THM Btock. '
Made by the leading makers
and Installed, wttk over mod
era conveTLi.noa,
Rnbel'e prloe $18.80, 8.275
our prlcei , O
Rubel's prloe $18.00, 8Q50
oar price 7 if
Rubel's price $18.60. 8 1 OOO
our price . law
Rubel's price $$4.60. Rf Q50
our prtoe .1 0
Rubel't price $17.60, 8l C50
our prtoe " ID
Rubel's prtoe $81.50, gsj QQ
our price 7 1
Sewing M::hines
From Rubel's Ilig Stock.
Each and every machine oarrlea
with It the maker's aimed bind
ing ton-year warranty.
Rubel's price $84.60 81 O50
our price ; A O
Rubel's price $88.60, 8l C50
our price ; JL O
Rubel's price $84.00, $1 OOO
our price ; IS
Rubel's price $88.60, Kr 5
our price t A
Rubel's price $45.00, SOTCO
our price t I
nubel'a price $52.60, SOQ50
our pnee . . . , du a
Each and every article from
Eubel's big stock carries with it
our guarantee as to its service
giving qualities. t
rm i, - v "7,
! '- ' !
t. :
From Rabel's Rig Btock.
Many are upholstered with gen
uine leather, others la tha Morro
oalio. They have frames of solid
oak and In the Oclden or Fumed
finish.' . .
Rubel's price $81.00, 81 750
our price 1 .... . X
Rubel's price $84.00, SOlOO
our price m 1 -
Rubel's price $88.60, 8050
our price sCiT'
Rubel's price $48.50, 8OQ50
our price eCO
Rubel's price $45.00, SO 1 50
our price OX
Rubels price $48.60, 8Of,00
our price sx -
From Rubel's Rig Stock,
Each and every one carriea
with It our absolute guarantee)
as to Its dependability.
RubcVs prloe $10.50,
our pi ice
Rubel's price $12.50,
our price .
Rubel's price $16.00, ' SQ50
our price . &
Rubel's prtoe $18.50, Si O50
our price x s
Rubel's prico $21.00, Si 075
our price ,. IO
Rubel's price $34.00, 81 C25
our price XO
Eubel's entire stock of beautiful rugs, lace curtains
and draperies now on sale at the Central Furniture Store,
and at prices that will mean a big saving to you. We urge
you to make your selection while the assortments are at
their best. . '
From Kubel' a Rig Btock.
choice collection of patterns In
eluding many period styles to choose
Rubers price $10.60, our price 8 6.50
Rabel's price $18.60, our price 8 8.25
Rabel's prtoe 818.00, our price 8 0.75
Rubel's price 818.00, our price 811.50
Rabel's price $11.00, our price Jj 12.75
Rubel's price $14.50, our price 815.50
Dining Room Chairs
From Rabel's Big Btock
A splendid variety la all of the
different finishes to choose from,
many hare leather seats and many
more have plain wood seats.
Rubel's prloe $1.86, . P
our price . "wC
Rubel's price $1.75, QP
our price 23 OC
Rubel's price $2.25, 81 25
. , . A.
our price
Rubel's (
our price
Rubers price $3.00, 81 75
: a .
Rubel's price $3.75. 80 25
our price
Rubel's price $4.25,
our price
China Cabinets
From Rabel's Big Btock.
Many are in Fumed Oak, oth
er are in the Golden finish; all
nave adjustable shelves, heavy
glass doors ana ends.
Rubel's price $14.60, Si Q50
our price w-
Rubel's price $27.50, 8 1 00
our price X Q
Rubel's price $81.00, 8 1 Q50
our price Tl a7 .
Rubel's price $84.00, Kn - 50
our price aC X
Rubel's price $37.60, SO f 50
our Trice trx
Rubel's price $42.60, 80 Q50
our price aw v -
Dining Room Tables
From Rubel's Rig Stork.
Many of them are In the Golden, others are In the
Fumed finish and In alses from 42 to 64 Inches.
Rubel's Price $13.10, our prloe.
Rubel's Price $16.00. our price ft U 7
Rubers- Price 111.60. our price 81150
Rubel'a Price $22. 60. our price ....SlV 75
tuners rnce in. 00. our price..... 81(1 50
Rubels Price $29.60. our price..; ..11M0
Our Inexpensive building and inexpensive location,
combined with aa immense buying power, enables us to
make j)rices that would be impossible under any other
From Rabel's Ctg Stock.
All are exceptionally weU
made and la the most desirable
Rubel's price $8.80
our prloe
Rubel's prloe $13.00, 8C75
our prioa O
Rubel's prtoe $14.50. 750
our price ........... e
Rubel's prtoe $16.00 8Q75
our prtoe
Rubel's price $18.60, 81 O50
our price Xe&
Rabel's price $38.80, 8 1 50
our prloe 1 t'
From Rabel's Blgltock
Many are of a massive colo
nial design and many others
are la the period styles.
Rubel's prtoe $34.60, Si ?50
our price 7 X Q
Rubel's price $37.60 81 QOO
our price X J
Rubel's price $34.00, S0 1 50
our price .Tsu X
Rubel's prtoe $87.60. SO A 00
oar price T
Rubel's price $89.60, SO 50
oar price dO .
Rubel's price $46,00. SO QOO
our prtoe , . . ...... . s0
Brass Beds
From Rubel's Big Btock.
A big assortment to choose from; all are mada
with a heavy satin finish.
nobel. price $18.50. our price...., 5 8.50
Rubel's prtoe $16.00, our price g 0.75
Kuoers price 113.50, our prloe.. 11 50
Rubel's price $23.60, our price. .. 81375
Rubel's price $26.00, our price.. $(.50
nuoei s pnee izn.ov, our pnee... alO.OO
Every Article in Rubel's Big Stock Now on Sale at the Central Furniture Store
Stoves and Hancca
Froci RubH'e Rig Mock.
There are many ateel and cast iron
ran gee, gas ranges, cook stoves, heat
ing stovee and base burners; all are
bow en display la our store room and
marked at prices that will Insure n!tk
EuJ T ln
Rugs and Draperies
From Rabel's Big bux k.
Hundreds of beautiful rugs la all of
the most desirable weaves and In a va
riety of patterne in both the small and
large aires as well aa every lare curtain,
couch eovar and portler ere marked a8
prices that will Insure quic k sale.