171E OMAHA SUNDAY- BEB: FEBRUARY 20,-191. NEBRASKA RIVERS ARE BREAKING UP jtrcriVERSITY PEOFESSOR TO LEC WAITER LEAYES VICTIMS BEHIND AMBASSADOR MA RYE RESIGNS As his succes sor at the court of Petrograd ex-Oov. David R. Francis of Missouri is mentioned. TURE HERE TODAY. A Three Day Sale of Dynamite i Hied and Bridge Saved and Ice Gorjjfi Come Down the Streams. ! Pilfers from Police Judje, Lawyers, Infants' Wear Advertising Man and Even & Coal Dealer. 4 A BP COLD WEATHER HELPS OUT The cool weather Friday nlRht apaln checked the melting of enow up-state and made more remote the possibility a flood along the valleys of the Nebraska streams. Every where In the state the waters receded during the night and, with official of the railroads, from now on no damage Is anticipated unless the moving lce happens to gorge In some of the smaller streams and take out sortie of the Smalt bridges. Along thetnlon Taclflc the Platte and the Loup rivers have started to break up. Between Rogers and Schuyler Friday afternoon the lea In the Platte commenced to more and soon gorged at a point a short dis tance above Rogers. Inside of two hours the water In the river rose three feet, carrying Immense cakes of Ice over the banks, across the rail road tracks and into the fields to the north.'. The Cnlon Pacific snt out from Fre mont a dyasmltlng crew and before night the george wu broken up. luring the night the water receded mora than two feat and la now bark within tha banks end at about tha normal stage. f. Waters !! Rer4. Farther west, along tha Union Pacific, tha tea in tha streams Is breaking up and running out without anjV damage. A number of the streams along tha main line and branches were out of their banks Friday, but the waters receded from one to three feet during tha night. Tha Burlington etperlenced eome trouble Friday In the -vicinity of Ore spell, but during the night tha water In the Platte receded and a large portion of ; tha Ice moved out. The same condi tion maintained out along , the Ulna, and ItefiuMlcsn 'rivers. Along the Northwestern, above Fre mont, at a numlter of paints the, Elk born river has broken up and tha Ice la running out. tn - fact; tha K'khorn la clear- of heavy los a good portion of the way P between Stanton.' and Fremont. Farther north the rones,, and the Nlo ihrara rivers have commenced to break and reports are that the loe Is moving without the waters having reached the flood state. The Missouri Factrio tee crew Friday afternoon broke tha ice gorges along the Pappio and tha Platte rivers and the Water quickly receded, leaving the line In good) condition. The Wabash - has replaced tha bridge washed out over a branch of tha Tarklo river, between Blnnchard and Coin, la., and trains are coming and going on time. .Germans Announce $ Another Defeat of i . British Troops r .... : ; ; . :. . ' Mi W v 7 WABinNOTON, T. O.. Feb. If. Am- bssssdor Ueorge T. Marye, representative of the United States at Petrogi-ad, Rus sia, has broken down under the war strain. lis baa decided that he must retire from the diplomatic service. Com fldrntlal advices received here say thit the embassador either already has "- slgned or will do so In the Immediate future. Ambassador Marye's confidential sec retart. llay Baker, reached the UnlteJ Htatea on Sunday, February 13, and hur ried to Washington. He declines to dis cuss the report that he had been com missioned by the ambassador te present his resignation to President Wilson. Ambassador Marye was decided en fol lowing the withdrawal by President Wil son of tha nomination of Henry M. Tin dell of Illinois as Huaslan ambassador, Publication of confidential correspond sncs between Plndell and Senator Jamea Hamilton IjswIs resulted In the former asking President Wilson to withdraw Ms nomination, then before the senate. BUT FOSTER GETS HIS BACK When a young man employed aa waiter In the home of Mrs. J. C. Mc Kenzle, 4 24 Park avenue, suddenly departed, recently, It was later dis covered that a number of well known Omaha men, Who board at the above address, were minus a number of their possessions. E. O. Smalls of the Conservative Savings and Loan association was relieved of f 47. Iver Nielsen of the Sheridan Coal company. $3; Julius Rechter of the same concern, a valu able stickpin. Tale Holland, attorney, two suits of clothes and a fraternity pin; A. C. Manger, attorney son of Judge j T. C. Munger of Lincoln, a suit, not a damage suit: Frank C. Bullta, ad vertising manager of the Nebraska Telephone company, a quantity of clothing. Ft Vtmrm Qaarter. Police Judge Charles Foster lout 25 cents snd E. N. Edwards of the Burgess- Naah stores a silver cigarette caae. It was through the Utter article ' that Oeorge Dwyer, 017 North Seventeenth street, a friend of the mlaalng waller, was arrested and sentenced to twenty days In the county Jail. The cigarette caae was found In Dwyer's room and was returned to EH wards. Edwards was so glad at receiving It that he made good Foster's loss, and Foater, who raree naught for money, bought two bits' worth of cigarettes and filled the cigarette caae. The victims of the vanished wetter are now trying to figure out how much Charlie Foater lost, and whether, he and Edwards are still members of the "vic tims' union" In good standing. . I DKAN CHARLES FORDTCE. Dean Fordyce of the Nebraska State university will be tn' Omaha today and at the auditorium of the Toung Men's Christian association this afternoon at 4 o'clock, he wilt deliver his Illustrated lecture on "Watch Him Grow. The dean Is said tobe a moat Interesting speaker and hie lecture la spoken of as being es pecially good. manufacturers whose scepe of business Is International could be aaked or obtained. Already over a score of factory repre sentatives ars in Omaha asslatlng tha local men In their plana for the show. Before the doors swing open Monday over 100 more will be here. Alt in all the eleventh annual Omaha motor exposition promises to bs chron icled In the records of the American auto mobile Industry m one of the great events In Its history. - BIG $1,000,000 AUTO EXPOSITION OPENS ON MONDAY . (Ceutluued from Psge One.) Daniels Asks Money to Repair Warships WASHINGTON. Feb. 1. A S,1GT,000 emergency appropriation for Immediate necessary repairs of machinery In battle ships, torpedo boat' destroyers and stibr marinas, to Incresse the supply of mines snd for the first time to equip battle shlps with anti-aircraft guns, was asked of congress today by Secretary Daniels. Commencing Monday a. m. - - ' " OUR INFANTS' WEAR DEPARTMENT is undoubtedly the most complete achieYement of it kind in the West, and if you hare not already visited our Establishment, you ghonld do so during this sale. If yon live out of Omaha, aend us your order and it will hare careful attention. Cash must accompany all orders for Sale) Goods. Infants Drooling Elba, 10c and 16e ., values, now . .. 6st ,25c and 60c, now. ....... .....10 Hand-Made Elba, . $1.00 and Si 25 values 8W Infanta Feeding Blhs, 15c, JSe and 50c values lie) Plane Lap Pads, 11.25 values. 89s Infants Cashmere Sacqies, hand embroidered, $1.00 values . . 7P $1.50 value 1.20 $1.95 raloea 31.55 $2.60 values ... 81.89 Bab Pillow Cavers, hand embroid ered, fine linen or lawn, $1.95 to $2.50 values, now.... $1.39 Crib Qallts of cotton roll or silk ollne, $1.25 values, now...05 $1.75 values, now $1.45 Carriage Robes of double down. In white, wish pink or blue ribbon trimmings, $1.25 TsJue, now. .J5c $1.35 value, now $1.45 Infants' Flannelette Skirts, 26o and 39c values, now 19 Flannel Skirts, $1.00 and $1.25 val ues, sow ; 89e Flannel Skirts. 11.50 and $185 val ues, now ... $1.45 Flannel Skirts, $1.98 to $2 75 val ue, now $1.89 Infanta' Leaf Dresses of nainsook, with hand feather stitching, em broidery or smocking. 65o valnea, now 45? 75c and SSe values, now ?9(V $1.25 and $1.50 valnea, now. ..95 $1.75 eind $1.96 vmroea, now.$1.45 Iafaats Hand-Hale Slips of fine nainsook, $2.25 to $2-50 values, now $1.69 Infants' Haad-aTeie Presses em broidered yokes, $2.95 value. now f2.15 $3.50 values, now $2.95 $3.95 values, now $3.00 $5.00 values, now $3.95 Broken lines of Infants' Bilk or Wool and Cotton Vests V the reg ular price. Infants 811k Pepfra Beanets, 50e and 75c values, now 39 $1.00 and $1.25 values, now. . -804 $1.60 and $1.95 value, now. $1.45 Baby Banting, made of Beacon Blanketing, $1.75 vsJuea 15 Is fas U' Long; Coats of Bedford cords or wool batiste, f 1.96 val nea, now .$1.45 $2.60 values, now .........51.89 $3.95 values, now $1.95 $5.00 values, now $3.95 Infants Sweaters, small Rises, $1.00 valnea, now 50c4 Iafaats' Creepers, $1.00 values, now .t 50 Iafsats' Cells Void BatUea, 16c and 25c valnoa, now lOe4 Children's Princess Skirts, J to 6 year sixes. $1.00 and $1.26 values, now 89 $1.60 vsJnea, now $1.29 Cklldrea's Soiled Bath Bbes, 75c and $1.00 values, now 50 Flannel Bompen, 2 to 6-year, $1.00 values, now 89 Flaaaelette Klgbt Drawers, 50c val ues, now 39 Children's Soiled VTalte Dresses, ages 2 to 8 years, values np to $2.60. now 95 Values up to $3.95, now.... $1.95 Value up to $5.00, now.... $2.95 Children's Colored Dresses, in ging hams or chambraya, $1.00 values, now 79 $1.50 values, now ........ .$1.29 $1.95 values, now $1.45 $2.60 to $2.95 valnea, new. .$1.79 t ...... I I I . r a. i w i w. x ewMiiBiiMlii"0""0""O"O"''O'i"9ww Prices Good for Three Days Only 161C-19-2 TUaUL STREET. m,im9"9"9" 't REJXIAN. Feb. U.-Vta Tondon.j-An-othcr frul U sua stuck hy .the British (soutlieast of Y pres. where the Germans recently raptured several Jiundred yard t trenrhes was snnmmced today hy the ,war 'of he. . ' r nil ii ' Supreme Court Finds Error in Estello Case i According to word from IJnroln, tli Ktraska Siipfme court hss overturned khe verdict for Si,(W0 dnmuru awarded iUtrict Judge Kstelle iasalnst tha Omaha tally Nes In April. WIS. On the acor vf errors In the record, the case was re versed and remanded to the district court (or another trial. Juetlce .cdr'U'k Wrote the opinion, which was concurred fi by Fawcclt, Ietton and Itoea, with Morriaaey, Barnes and Hainer dissent ing. . , Tli suit, which wss tried at Fremont, grew out of bitter political attacks made on Judge Katella. lie sued en ground that 'he had been libeled and the caae was transferred from the Omaha courts to Fremont. A verdict of 5.0y was re turned by the jury which heard the evt-lem-e. i Judge Estells re-e!ved the news quietly, returning immediately to the bench to continue his work. . s Big Chemical Plant j Damaged by Fire f EHISTOU Tia.-Ve Feb. lft. Explo sion of a lantern early today at the plant of the rderal Pya Muffs and Chemical company, near Klngnport. Tenn., set fire io a chemical tank, which threatened several buildings with deatructlon. Of- t cials says ths flames were stopped and drly one of the buildings was dsmaged ; Fimt re porta were that the entire plant. valued at aeverat mUlloiia, had been de stroyed. The company, which manu factured nlcrlo acid, a baas for hlifh es- ploalves. la a Delawars corporation. eaded by A. B. liupont. BRIEF CITY NEWS Tewassad's for Sportlag Oeeds." Janitor's R applies, Jas. Morten Son Co. S-igbUsg rUrure--Bursas-Orafiia. Xavs BVoot arta Za Now Beaooa Fra 2. Stokea removed to T Brand. Tha Ante Tiro Oasia, Jas. liorton Son Co. lav. (0 a mo. Trios $1.600. Ask Du- niont, Keellne lildg., for particulars. Tegeya Marie vnpiu- ciaasUitl section today, it appeam In The Be EXCLUBIVsXT. Flo oi t what the va rious moving picture theatars offer. geep Tour Money and valuables in ths Anierlcsn Hafo Deposit Vault. t South l?tlt St., Bee Bl1g. Boxes rent $1.W for S motuha. Open from t a. in. to p. m. Mr. Feete's Class Meets Monday- Mrs. I. A. Foot, leader of the ISO nvish borhood Bible dealers of. the city of Omaha, will conduct hor class for leaders Monday afternoon at S o'clock tn the auditorium of the Toung Men'a Christian aeeoctetton. . Beddee metaraa from Xaatera Markets Klmcr llcddoo, proprietor of ths Beddeo Credit .Clothing company, has returned from a three weeks' buying trip In the east, visiting Chicago, Cleveland, Cla elniiatl, PUtaburs h, Hew Tor and Boa ton. lie mad heavier purchases than ever before. Axe Murderers Dig Grave of the Victim Before Killing Him CHICAOO, Feb. . An axe murder, planned so carefully that even the grave for the victim was dug before ha was slain, was revealed today,, the vol Ice say, in a confession by Mrs. Te,fll ZdroweKI. According to the alleged confesnlon Tony Sendrovtch, U years old, a farm hand employed near Benton Harbor, Mich., was slain for his money by repeated blowa from an axe administered by Mm. Zdrowskl'a husband, hAndrovlcb's em ployer, end Ales Metulns.1. Aocordlng to the alleged confession the men lured Sandrovich to the farm, made him drink whisky until he fell asleep, killed htm. threw the body Into a grave already prepared and left for Chicago. Aooordlng to the police the two men confessed when Informed of Mrs. ZdrowskTs statement. It Is said or.ly 5" i was taken from Sandrovich. and the building- lighted by an entirely different method. The steel rafters will be thoroughly hidden snd the entire barn like effect wilt be completely eliminated. I.lsxsjtlaa; System Secret. 0 The lighting system of the Auditorium this year remains a dyed-ln-the-wool secret- - A good many hours of dillgsnt study was put on this subject and when the directors" of ths show did decide en the system they determined on one that I distinctly new and novel and, sccord Ing to ths directors, will have anything New Tork or Chlcsgo ever had trimmed to a frassle. "Bigger and better than ever' Is get ting to be a hackneyed pbraae In modern Journalism end even press agents make an effort to avoid It, but It must be resur rected for ths Omaha Auto show. For ths eleventh annual show will be all of that. A MHIIen-Dollar Shew. Last year the exhibition Included care valued at (500.m. This year that fXJO.eoo mark will look like the remains of a sand bag trench after tha explosion of a 43 ccntlmeter shell. Ths total value of ex hibits this year wlljust double that fig ure. A $1,000,000 show. For eleven years, sver since the birth of the annual show, Omaha auto men have been striving for a million-dollar show. "Home day we'll have a million-dollar show la Omaha," was a frequent expression heard along the row half a dosen years ago. The men who said It did so in a kind of wistful way, full of hope, but that's all. Last year the tune changed and ths expression chsnged. "We'll have -a million-dollar show and nilghty soon, too." There wasn't any thing; wistful, or even hopeful. In the man ner of speech. It was a positive declara- Uon. ...... And In Just on ynsr a million-dollar show it became. . Every exhibit tn the show will be valuej at not leas than $10,010. . Others will have fjo.coo exhibits, others gM.oOO and a few will even surpass that big mark. With over half a hundred dealers exhibiting It can be quickly seen that the total value of the caxs In the exposition ' will reach the $1,000, 0U0 record. Takes Plaee la Leasl, By reaching the coveted mark so quickly Omaha takes Us plaoe aa one of the load ing show cltlfS. Except that the extent of the national shows is greater. Omaha takes Its stand right with New York and Chicago. With these two exceptions no city In ths country gan boast of a bigger, better or more expensive exposition than Omaha : , Factories are sending their exhibits In tact to Omaha. Heverat manufacturers, who have come to realise that It Is In the sgrlcultural sections of the country that ssles will be made this year and accord ingly realise that Omaha and the Omaha show Is of utmost Importance, are even sending cars to Omaha that were not die- played at Gotham and the Windy, City. Cars that are better and more expensive. too. No better proof that Omaha Is ap preciated aa a great business center by Heard at the City Hall The municipal building will be closed next Tuesday, la honor of Oeorge Wash- ! UiKton- - 1 'Commissioner Hummel la still looking for his lost deer. William B. Whitehorn was a visitor at the park offico. II wanted te sell a new kliuJ tif oil for troubled waters. He wss referred to the water department lUk Grotte went down town and bought a 10-cnt has bU. He thinks tprlug t here. Buck Taylor la learning to operate hi tiw automobile, li can Say 'dlffereo .lal gear" without slipping. Ian BuUar received a . letter from Toledo, O. . .' . Kmll llofinaaa played a piano at a dance Friday evening. The telephone operator of the city hall la referred te as "tiiuger." Her real bame Is Mua By era Hayor Dabtmaa observed a man look ing at him with, curiosity on a etraet ear. He a.kl the man for a reason. ;! said he would hurt the mayor's tuiii If Le revealed tiis xulud. Mayor says. "Hop te It." Man said mayer had homeliest face he ever aaw. Mayor Bald he couldn't help It Man said. "Well, you could at least stsy home." Applicant for labor called at Welfare board office; told Superintendent Hcbrel ber he wanted work digging la ths trenches. IJbrartaa Tebltt.' called te get ousts mars for the. library. . , , John Mathleaen, the oldeat city employe. la going to the Danish masquerade ball at Washington ball, tcnlhL . , , Al Kuget tikes bay .rum ea Ms faos after a ehave. " v 1 New address: "C. B. McDonald. Pun doe." Claude Beanie wants his nam oa the welcome arch. Billy Minor" Is gotag te the Aetotao bile show, and ha Is going to take "some body" with him. Three guesses are al lowed. City Flectrk-taa Curran has a light lunch every day., Charles Walter says be always keeps cool wbea at a fir. adlJ Ffqhi FiIog e matter hew long or how bad go to your drug fist today and get el cant bos of Pyramid File Treatment. It will grtve quick relief, and a single box often curea A trial packase matted free In plain wrapper If jroa scud ua coupon below. FREE SAMPLE COUPON FIR AM in PRl'r, COMPANT, 60O fyraaild Bldg. Marshall. Mich. Klndtv send ms a Free sample of Pyeaswe' fttsf rsslraial. la piaiu (ewer. Nam Street City Plate Lowest Prices Ever Quoted Sale Continues Another Week In order to close out our mammoth stock of new, used and shop worn pianos, we 'will make an extra discount of 25 per cent. I ICTPN! up tor ls Packed full of new and used pianos that LiltJl tall have accumulated during the last threa months. Now we have made up our minds to sell every one of these pianos at one. We have sense enough to realise) the only thing that will dispose of this mammoth stock quickly Is the price, and what we do not sell - within the next al dys vre sre sure that we wjll,have to carry over ,'rbr at leagt-thirty days. , : . '. ', ' 1 As you and everybody laei knows, there Is absolutely no piano bnsiness the first three months of each year, bo get busy, Mr. Piano Iiuyer. .We will not refuBn any offer within reamm. , . I . Among these sale pianos you will find such well-known makes ' as fitelnway. Steger & Sons, Emerson, Knabe, Sohmer, Harrington, Washburn, Weber, Schmoller A Mueller, Ludwlg, Tryber, Mueller, ('bickering, Aiion, and others too numerous to mention.- This Sale: Will Last Only Six Days So Make Haste, Mr. Piano Buyer FRE E30 DAYS IN 17 YOUR HOME REE Mi You will find thin beautiful iilano one of our latest btj-les In this enecial sale. Flanos guaranteed for J6 yeaxa. MnTlfT THE EXTRA CUT IN PRICES 1MU 1 ILL FOR THE NEXT SIX DAYS $350 Upright, Walnut case, was IU5, now..... SRfrH tilS Upright, Ebony caae, was $75, now S647 $4 60 Square, Ebony caae, was $S5, now U $S00 Upright, Mahogany caae, was ?100, now , g7S $KT5 Upright. Walnut caae, was $86. now J&5f $SS5 Upright, Oak case, was $U0, now............ $87 $375 Upright, Walnut, was $$. aow $04 MflTIPs? Th Prtc oa lFr Planoe for the next alg daya. 11 Ul iLEi We will make a wager that there isn't a plana house in the United Statee that will duplicate these prices. $460 Flayer Piano, now $475 Player Piano, now 1 $600 Player Piano, now .....S2iO $550 Player Piano, now $00 Player llano, now $U50 NEW ORLEANS and the MARDI GRAS The Ideal Way to See Them Under tha Auspices of the ILLINOIS CENTRAL Third Animal Mid-Winter Vacation Party to the Southern Metropolis will leave Omaha Friday, March 3d, and Chicago Saturday, March 4th, 1916. : Includes several days visit in New Orleans and visit -to the Vicksburg National Military Park on the return. The cost is moderate and includes all expenses from Chicago except meals in New Orleans. . Send for a beautifully Illustrated Booklet entitled "New Orleans for the Tourist', and' also Mardi Gras literature. ) , For tickets, sleeping car reservations and further in formation address the undersigned. S NORTH, District Passenger Agent 407 South 16th Street, Omaha, Phone Douglas 264. TERMS-Sl.OO to S2.00 Par Week FREE STOOL FRF.K SCARF FKKK IJFK INHVRANCK. SOlinOLLER & MUELLER PIANO COMPANY 1311-18 FAUSAM HTREKT. OMAHA. Headquarter for Playe Music Rolle to Fit All Player Pianos. How Grip. Pneumonia and Influenza Victims May Gain Strength The Recent Epidemic Has Left Many Weak and Run-Down Systems Which Must Be Built Up The epidemic of rlp, pneumonia and Influents which recently awept the coun try with severe loss of life, has left In its wske a hoet ot victims whoss sys tems are week and run down. How to build them up Is a subject of interest as undoubtedly there are thousands seeking this edvlce. After such attacks, disease germs have accumulated In great quantities, snd the system of course Is weakened thereby. To build up the system and la this way enable It to throw off the Ylrns is there fore necessary. The stomach Is the key to health building ' as the majority of physical Ills are directly traceable to It as a source. Duffy's Pure Mslt Whiskey ssslsts In building up the system because It Is a predigested food In liquid form made from the choicest ot health giving grains thoroughly malted. - It Is accept ably to the weak stomsch as It requires little effort of the digestive argana It assists the stomach in Is duties of eon verting food Into blood by stimulating the flow of gastric Juices. Oiip. pneumonia snd Influenza victims should taks the prescribed advice ot a tablespoon In water or milk before meals snd on retiring. Tou will be surprised how the system responds to this treat ment. Try it today. It Is sold by most druggists, grocers snd dealers, 11.00. If they can't supply you. write ue. The Duffy Mslt Whiskey Co., Rochester, N. Y. PSSSSJSSSSSJSlSsssWJBSJSS5SSSSSSWSsSSSSSWBSS 'ut iTi"" in smTs i'iimi ! us mi i 1 1 ii ii sssiiTi mil i '" "' " Fnr T Arcopt and Ouickest Results, You Should Always Place Your Classified Advertising in The Bee Results Tell the Tale BE A SWAPPER Make swaps for profit. Look into the "Swappers' Column i