TI1K OMAHA SUNDAY HKK: FKBHUAUV HO. 101(1. 3 A Nebraska Nebraska Nebraska PLENTY OF DEII0S WANT OFFICE NOW W. F. Stoecker of Omaha and Keith Neville of North Platte ' for OoTernor. BEEGE OFFERS TO WITHDRAW ( rom a Staff Corespondent.) LINCOLN, Feb. 19.-8peclal.)-The drouth In democratic candidates for gov ernor haa surely been broken, and now the party " is confronted with picking from five already filed and a probability that there may be other. The last to enter the race sent In fil ing ttiU morning, and can now be con sidered aa lined up with Clyrle W. Bryan. George W. Berga and Editor Shields .of Orleans. Stoerker Neville. W. F. Stoecker of Omaha, who ser-ed in the 190 session of the legislature from Douglas county, sent In his filing thlr morning. Keith Neville of North Platte also was placed on the list, a petition with suffi cient signatures reaching the office of the secretary of state this morning. Thera Is stilt a chance that M. I Corey of Clay Center will file, although he Is resisting. Ber;e Offers to pH Oat. The peculiar brand of "harmony" which has existed In the democratic party during the last few months has broken out In the dry faction, and to day George W. Berge, candidate for the democratic nomination against Mayor Charles W. Bryan, has Issued a state ment In which he "calls" the LJnooln mayor .for his statement, published yes terday, and says ho will withdraw from the race If the mayor will do the same. Business Houses at Henderson Burn Loss is $24,000 HENDERSON, Neb., Feb. l.-(8peclal Telegram.) Fire last eveuing destroyed two of the principal business houses In this village. The first owned by J. J. KUttestln and was filled with all kinds of implements valued at $16,000; the . other by Martin Hlebert and ffllcd with hardware and harness valued at $9,000. Both stocks were partly covered by In surance. The fire originated, it la sup posed from spontaneous combustion and oil and waste under the floor. GRAPE JUICE TO EX-SOLONS Three Hundred Quart of mented Brand Ordered Legislatire Dinner. Unfer-for RICHMOND TAKES PRECAUTIONS (From a Staff Correspondent.) LJNCOIjN, Feb. W.lSpecKl.) Three hundred quarts of grape Juice will be served at the legislative banquet to be held at the Llndell hotel In Lincoln on Thursday evening, February 24, and what makes the thing mor peculiar la that the banquet is being engineered by Colonel Henry Clay Richmond of Omah., a democrat. At once the question arises is the prophecy of Isaiah to be fulfilled when he said that the time would come when "the wolf and the lamb shall feed together and the lion shall eat straw like the bullock." At the last banquet Colonel Richmond had a perfectly good Introductory speech spoiled by a democrat, who had imbibed too freely of democratic cheer. Colonel Richmond waa making his speech and had got to that point, where he was pluckJng from the clouds those roaes of rhetoric, which only Colonel Hank can gather, when the offending democrat who had previous to the banquet Imbibed too freely of the cup that cheers, butted In with a remark, which caused all the roses to fall Ingloriously to the ground and ruined tha colonel's speech beyond repair. It is this that haa cauaed Mr. Rich mond to provide 300 quarts . of unfer mented grape Juice for the banquet and to give notice thtt no buttlnsky will be allowed to spoil another speech. Ha hopes that while the lamb and the wolf are fedlng together and the Hon Is eating straw that there will be no reoccurrences of 1916 and that the ban quet will be what he Intends It to be Juat the best affair of the kind ever held by the legislative league. SEWARD METHODISTS . DEDICATE PIPE ORGAN SEWARD, Neb., Feb. (Special.) Five days, Monday, Wednesday, Thurs day Friday and Saturday of next week will be given by the members of the Methodist Rplscopal church here to dedi cating their new $3,600 pipe organ. On Friday night Mrs. Frederick Pitts of Omaha will give an organ recital. ' Rev. Mr. Bchelkengast, vice chanccelor of Vesleyan university, will speak on Sun day and Julian 'Williams of Llnoolo will play tha pipe organ. The Methodist here fifty years ago listened to tha first sermon preached in Seward caantjr. It waa delivered by Dr. McKesson Jna lovely grove a mile north of Seward, which was then but a hamlet. Rev. Bert Story, the present pastor . who conducts tha dedication servloes, completed his work in the Boston School -ot Theology In 1915. The church has a membership of 286. ' . Harrison Grelner of Champion, this! stale, and Miss Katherine Ah reus of b'taplehurat, were given a marriage license yesterday by County Judge Harry Norval. Miss Nina Parks of Dorchester and Herman A, Schulti of MUford were mar ried at Seward by Rev. A, Woth yester day. The boy scouts gave out forty-five bouquets to "shut-ins" Tuesday. Mrs. Joseph Brown fell on' her front porch .and broke one of the bones In her arm Friday. SILVER ANNIVERSARY OF MR. AND MRS. BERGQUIST ONO, Neb., Feb. (Special.) Over fifty friends of Mr. and Mrs. Augvst Bergquist gathered at their home Friday evening to remind them of their twenty fifth wedding anniversary. After a threc-eourse dinner, best wishes and con gratulations were given by rtev. Mr. Wells. Rev. Mr. Sahlen and Rev. Mr. Ixindln. Mr. and Mrs. Bergquist have lived in this community over thirty-five years. Mr Bergquist la the first and only rurartnall carrier out of Ong. Many and useful, silver gifts were presented ty their friends as a remembrance of the happy occasion. Mellor Engages Many Attractions for Fair (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Feb. 1. (Special.) Secre tary W. R. Mellor of the State Fair as sociation and Hiram Myers, chief of con cessions, returned laat night from Chi cago, where they attended the meeting of fair managers of the country. They report that they were able to land some good things In the- way of entertainment for the 1918 exposition, In cluding a woman aviator who will loop the loop and do other things of Interest and will fly In the night to the accom paniment of eleotrlcal and fire works dis plays turned loose from her machine: Monday, the first day of the fair will be automobile day when auto races will be held, rivaling if possible the very creditable showing made laat year. FREMONT BARBER HELD ON CHARGE OF ARSON FREMONT, Neb., Feb. . (Special.)- John Paulstryn, arrested on a charge of having set flra to his barber shop, waived preliminary hearing and was bound over in tha sum pf. $2,000. He will be given ia hearing February ' M on a cbarga of arson.'" Deputy Fire -Commissioner Requartte of Llnttoln has been In Fre mant for two days gathering evidence against Paulstryn- Mr. Requartte be lieves he haa evidence enough to convict the suspect. Paulstryn is an , Austrian and cam to this country ten years ago. FREMONT MAN AMONG VICTIMS OF MINE FIRE FREMONT, Ne., Feb. 1 Special.) Word was received in Fremont of the death at Butte, Mont., of Jack Brennan . long with ten other workmen In a copper win following tha breaking out of a fire on one of the levels. Mr. Brennan mar ried Miss Myrtle Planbeck, a well known Fremont girl. They visited here a year ago and went from . here to Butte to make their home. A brother of Mr. Bren nan'a was also killed while during resoue work. . COURT CUTS BIG VERDICT TRIFLE High Tribunal Sayt Cheyenne Judg-- ment for $25,000 Must Be Shared Down. Nebraska Y. M. C, A. Workers In York Confer About Their Own Problems Nebraska LODGE PASSES ON MEMBERS From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOlje, Feb. l.-(8peclal.)-The ver dict rendered in the district court or Cheyenne county against the Union Fa- clflc Railway company In the amount or $.!6,0i0. In favor of the estate of Charles Crodlt. who, while a brakeman in the employ of the company, waa killed while In the caboose of his train when It was struck by the engine of another train. la held to be excessive, and the hign court orders $1,600 cut off the Judgment. If this Is not accepted within thirty days the case will be reversed. I.odae Its Ooi Arbiter. Mark J. Wllber has no recourse in tha courts because of his expulsion from IJncoln aerie of Eagles for alleged mla approprfatlon of funds. The lower court refused to grant him the right to rein statement and he appealed to tha su preme court, .which holds that. If a judgment of expulsion passed upon member of a fraternal benevolent asso ciation Is regular according to the laws of the order, a court cannot disturb him." Owens Verdict Stands. The court approves the Judgment se cured by the widow of John S. Owens, who was killed by an Omaha street car. In the district court the widow waa given a judgment, which was affirmed. the court holding that the street car company attorneys' attempt to Impeach one witness by introducing collateral matters waa not proper. RhalleabargeT Maat Serve. Fulton ' Shellenbarger, the Nemaha county murderer, serving a life sentence, will .have to complete his sentence, the supreme court refusing to take any ac tlon on his application for a reversal of judgment. Annex to Clarke Hotel. HASTINGS, Neb., Feb. 19. (Special Telegram.) Announcement was made to day of plans for the erection of a $60,000 addition to the Clarke hotel. Two-thlrJe of the amount has been pledged and the company expects to secure the balance within ten days. The annex will bo six stories and contain about fifty guest rooms. It is honed to have It ready for the democratic convention. YORK, Neb.. Feb. !!. t Special Tele gram.) At the second day's s"slnn ef the Young Men's Christian association con vention Rev. Charles A. Rchartls of Seneca. Kan., talked on "Rural Mynam Irs." More than W per cent of the men In the large Young Men's ChrlMlsn asso ciations are from rural communities, communities are towns under 2. j people. The policy haa been from the country to the city. F.ighty per cent of the business men In Chicago were reared In rural com munities. The college division was addressed by Mr. Simons and others. The nominating committee appointed the same board of dlrectois as served before. Mr. McCormack of Sioux City said the business world expects of Ire Young Men's Christian association. First. Chris tian atmosphere; second, a radiating Christian ambition; third, a wholesome play ground; fourth, a church building factory; fifth, a play-t he-game-on-the-square attitude, win or lose; sixth, an ex ample of business fidelity; seventh, a religious business center; elahth. n ad vocate of clean politics; ninth, an open door to the wayfaring stranger; tenth, a school with the Bible as a text book, tho Golden Rule as Its motto and the sermon on the mount Its statement of faith. An address by II. I Ilolnsman of Chi cago on "Personal Experience With the Men In the Trenches." and an address on "King's Business" by tlforee P. Mcl"lll of Chicago completed the dnye program. Six Builrings Are Destroyed at Salem FAU.8 CITY, Neb.. Teh. 1!. -(Special Telegram.) Falcm, Nb., suffered a $i".,0O1 loss by fire this morning at 1:1.5 o'clock. The fire broke out In the general etor. of tleorge Coon. Five other buildings were also destroyed, among them toe postofflee, meat market, drug store, .Mslone restaurant and an empty biilldlnt cwned by Mr. Roberts. Mr. Coon watt the heaviest loser. The fire Is supposed to he of Incendiary origin sa the back door of the Conn storj was open and the hnsement window broken out, where some one had entered. Ilalderaoa Completes Ktllaa. LINCOLN. Feb. 19 (Speclal.)-lt. Hal derson of Newman Grove haa filed for the republican nomination for attorney general. Mr. Xaldersoii Is one of the leading attorneys of Madison county and well known In that section of the country. WHIM WILL YOVR TEETH HAVE WE CAKE WIS YEAR? A Preference Cased n Quality Not Price. rr. Tradhury has Just completed 17 year of urrc!nrt:l buMness In Omaha. As the result of his v.ntlrlng effort to please and give his piitYona tha best to he had In the Dental ser ' vice he hs over 110,000 satisfied patrons to vouch lor hi efficiency. The keynote to his success Is QUALITY. Work that looks good and stands up under a 10-yer guarantee Is the kind Dr. Ilradbury turns out. The basis for the emphatic public preference Is not for price. It Is found in the imADIU'KY QUALITY and there Is no hUher Dental quality than that. nr. Ilradbury cures Pyorrhea absolutely. This is the worst of all rum diseases and very often tbo cause of much physical disorder. Look sfter your teeth they sre your best friends. Have Dr. Iirsdbury tell you your Dental needs. Missing teeth supplied without pistes. Crown, and bridge work a specialty. Extraction and fill in its above comparison. Ail work PAINLESSLY DONE. DR. BRADBURY, Dentin 27 Years In Omaha. 021-22 Woodmen of i lie World Hid. riionc I). 1750. tlth and Ksrnani Nt., Oienlm. Hours N to A; Sundays, 10 to 12. LARGE PRICES PAID FOR . . POLAND-CHINA HOGS NORTH BKND, Neb., Feb. 19.-(flpe-clai.) The sale of roland-Ohlna hogs held Thursday by N. M. Ferguson waaJ on of the big sales of Nebraska. Thirty six sows were sold, all bred to "Big Tym," weight 1.1- pounds. The highest price ptd was IMO, by an Iowa farmer. The thirty-six head sold for an aggre gate of $4,320. or an average of 1130 a head. Only a few of these were bought by Dodge county farmera. Borne were ahlpped to Kansas, Iowa, Missouri, South Dakota and Indiana. ItssMMk WE'RE HERE TO "GROW WITH GROWING OMAHA." nil 415-17 South 16lh St. "Omaha's Home i ma Hold Valentine Partr. OUIDE ROCK, Neb., Feb. 19. (Special ) Tho women of the YY. W. club enter tained their husbands at a Valentino party at the home of Dr. and Mrs. C. M. Brookman last evening. A five-course luncheon was served at midnight RICHARDSON COUNTY PHYSICIANS IN SESSION FALLS CITY, Neb., Feb. 18. (Special.) The Richardson County Medical associa tion held a session at the National hotel, with a large number of physicians In at tendance. Dr. I. H. Dllion of Auburn was the guest of honor and delivered an able address on Business Bide of h f hi. i Profession." A. W. Montgomery of Stella was elected president, R. W, Fouts of Dswson vice president, 8. D. Cowan of Falls City secretary-treasurer. W. A. Shook of Shubert was elected delegate to the state convention and C. T. Burchara of Falls City alternate. W. R. Waggener o Humboldt was appointed as censor. UNION PACIFIC LINE . OPENED TO MANHATTAN BEATRICE, Neb., Feb. l.-(Speclal Telegram.) The loe In the Blue river be ban to move out today and as a result the stream fell several feet. The Union Pacific succeeded in getting its line open to Manhattan, Kan., this afternoon, the passenger train which has been tied up here sine Friday morning leaving at 3 o'clock. Men scattered along the Blue river be tween Beatrice and Holmeavllle have been breaking up the ice gorges with dynamite sine Friday morning. Giants Can Catehe. The New Tork National club has re leased 'Wanamaker, a catcher, to the Rochester club .of the International league. ' ARE YOUR KIDNEYS WEAK? Thousands of Men and Women Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect It. Nature warns you when the track of -health Is not c(ear Kidney and bladdsr trouble! cause many" temoylng; symptom "and great Inconvenience both day and night. s Unhealthy kidneys may cause lumbago, rhsu- -matlsm, catarrh of Uhe bladder, pain or dull ache in the back. Joints or muscles, at times have headache or Indigestion, as time passes you may have a sallow complexion, puffy or dark; circles under the eyes, sometimes feel as though you had heart trouble, may have plenty of am bltlon but no strength, get weak and lose flaah. If such conditions era permitted to continue, serious results may be expected; kidney Trouble In its very worst form may steal upon you. Prevalency of Kidney Disease Most people do not realise the alarming in crease and remarkable prevalency of kidney dis ease. While kidney disorders are among the most common diseases that prevail, they are al most the last recognized by patients, who usually content themselves with doctoring tha effects, while the original disease may constantly under mine tho system. If you feel that your kidneys are tha cause o your sickness or run down condition, try tak- Ing Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root,' the famous kid ney, liver and bladder remedy, because aa soon as your kidneys improve, they will help the other organs to health. If you are already convinced that Swamp Hoot ia what you, need, you can purchase the regular fifty-cent and one-dollar stse bottlas at . all drug stores. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name. Dr. Kumar's Swamp-Root, and the address, Blngh&mton, N. Y., which you will, find on every bottle. Sample Size Bottle. n r k esW war sat a CSsJ Z & Furnishing m Fhonc Dcug. 335. Headquarters" Jew iraperies Arriving' 4nd Being Sampled Daily Special Window Treatments If your windows appear difficult to treat, or, you are the general color DR. KILMER'S SWAHP-ROOT Kidney. Uvar k Bladder REMEDY. DIRECTIONS. Nil a4 U MUM, mm m4 Imtmh to fell m Mara, M tlx MM M M nqnlr. Kin iMUiMtob w M IM Ik H kaa km mm llk kM t MM kuk mmrt ka !"' m MM M HMN WMy, 1JMF. SlBiiaif mmm Urteorv Dtonvim, KkmiatMs, FX' rx.zn.Mzi CO., SINOHAMTON, N. T. SoldbyaUDrugglttL g Draperies Remodeled We remodel your draperies at a very small cnarge. special work designed and made to your order-under expert guidance guaranteed satisfactory in every way.y Slip COVerS youryfurnuSe with slip covers? We do the work well cut and fit and make them. H MM 2 D not satisfied with scheme, call us Phone Doug. 335. Our Drapery man will consult with you and give expert advice in regard to any thing in the scheme of furnishings. Special Lsccs, Panels, Bed Sets in Lc:c and combinations made to your order in special designs. Estimates cheerfully furnished. Nets, -Sonfast r.klerials, Velours snd Tapestries Featured Nets . us. 25 to' ?2.50 per yard Sunfast Draperies. . . i . 1 . ,75 to $2.50 per yard Velours".". :. . '. . .$2.05 to $7.00 per yard Tapestries. . . .... ..... .$1.25 to $7.00 per yard Brenlin Shades t z MM a E Id KfEClAXi JTOTX Y on miv obtain n mnU KaHIa nf mn.P.mt n closing- ten cents to Dr. Kilmer ac Co., DUih.mton, N. Y. This fives you the op portunity to prove the remarkable merit of thla medicine. They will alao send you , a book or valuable information, containing; many of the thouaands of grateful let- ! ters received from men and women who say they found Bwamp-Itoot to be juat the remedy needed in kidney, liver and bladder troubles. The value and sucens of Swamp-Root are so Well known that our readera are advised to eend for a wu- : pie sice bottle. Address Dr. Kilmer Co., Blnghamton, N. Y. Be sure to say you I read this offer In the Omaha tiunday Bee. I H0LDREGE PUPILS HAVING EGG AND POULTRY CONTEST HOLJJREOK, Keb., Keb. IS. t Special.) Fifty-four pupils of . the iloldrega s hools have enrolled for tie school gar den work for the coming; summer. The schools of this city are alao operating a poultry and egg contest. Twenty-four pens of chickens have been entered In the egg contest, which began February 1. The three highest students in the contest have a total of JM hens antered. on which they made an avasage of six eggs per hen for the fim fourteen days of the contest. Are You Getting the Best Results of What You Eat? And lo you en- If J ave your house shaded with the "Brenlin Quality" nationally advertised shadesthey cost a little more than the cheaper Quality, but it Days to iret the best. Thev wear tha Full line appropriate materials longestno pin holes or cracks. We carry them ex in stock. ' clusively. nm sPBina-.-PflTTEBns .in mm You are cordially invited to call and inspect our big show ing of new spring patterns in rugs. A pleasure to show them, and our prices are the lowest. Axminster Rugs in 0x12 sizes, priced at $15.50, $18.75, $19.85, $22.50, $24.50, $27.50. Other sizes priced propor tionately. Wool and Fibre Rugs in all the latest patterns. Serv iceable and very moderately priced, as follows 6x9 size, $0.00. 7- 6x9 size, $7.00. 8- 3xia6 size, $9.00. 9x12 size, $10.00. 1 The well known WHITTALL RUGS in choice, new patterns and colorings, will surely delight the seeker of quality and elegance in floor coverings. 9x12 ROYAL WILTON RUGS at $35.00, $37.50. i.au, i.uu ana $u.UU. 9x12 BODY BRUSSELS RUGS at $25.00, $28.00. Efl9i.7K and nn 1 OPEN A NEW CHARGE ACCOUNT AT BEATON & LAIER'S i Is yor system properly assimilating- your food? Is your food properly digested? Joy your meals? KveryUting depends on your tooth. AUK lOt It TFKTH C!OOI? Are you dlsaatisfled with them? HAVK YOV RKKX IWrXJItTT. I " '"""'"i i-.urtiuai.u OS VOUH TEHTII? IX no, let us adjust them profierly for you. Wo take pride In knowing that uU our work must be) performed to the complete aatUfactlon of everyone. TEETH WITHOUT pl4rf$ Farmers' Iaatllate at Clea. t'HADRO.V. Neb.. Feb. W.-(BpecUl Telegram.) A roost successful meeting of the farmers' Institute waa held In Glen. Neb., today. The meeting was a combination fair and Institute vr. chants of Chadron and Crawford bad of fered premium, and about V0 farmer from around Oleq came .to take advan tage of the meeting. County Agents l'n ruh from panes and Seidell from Box Uutte were the speakera. .r' i ncromTAJTT To keep this office on a ba sis of our methods of doing buains, we . will slally ad Just any work not giving sat isfaction that was performed In this nf fice. - irreepertlve of the management. Please bring your receipt. Respectfully' yours, TUB McKHNNEY DKNTI8T8 Office Hours, 8:30 to 6; Wednesdays and Saturdays, to 8 P. M. Sundays, 10 to 1:30. McKENNEY DENTISTS The Man That Put T EETH in TEETH. 14th and Farnam, Upstairs. 1324 Farnam. Phone Doug. 2872. Let tia talk the matter of your teeth over with you. All work guaranteed 10 years. Bee our Price List and compare It with prices you have paid for work elsewhere. Silver Killings . 50c White Crowns 84.00 fleet 22-k Gold Crowns, g-l.OO Bridge Work, per tooth S 1.00 Beat riates, $5, $g aud J 10 Treat menu 'fSl.OO We give mileage for SO miles on Out-of-Town Contracts for $10 or nyre. BBS Piles and Fistula Cured i Without Surgical Operation or Pain. No Chloroform or Ether given. Writ ten Guarantee Given in All Cases. Pay When Cured. Carfare Paid One Way to Points Within 50 Miles of Omaha. Patients must come to the of fice. Men only treated. Hundreds of the Most Prominent People in Omaha have been cured by. Diumunr.1 cnEiGiiTou maxwell 408-9-10 Omaha National Bank, 17th and Farnam Sts. Phone Red 4390. Hours 9 to 12 and 2 to 5. For Largest aud Quickest Results, You Should Always Place Your Classified Advertising in The Hee Results Tell the Tale Photo Engravings Not how rheaD. but how a-ood. Tou prooablr hare experienced a trvlna argument with your nrlr.ter over the faulty appear ance of some printing work yon were Interested In havlnf as near perfect as possible. A printer eannot obtain su perior results from Inferior photo engraved plates. Wa make the very beat plates for all kinds of printing that eoulnment. high priced labor and car will produce. Bee Engraving Dept Tyler 1000. Bee Buildlas. Omaha, Neb. 5i a o G ci Pi O r