The Omaha Sunday Bee c ART THREE . EDITORIAL PAGES ONE TO SIX PART THREE MAGAZINE PAGES ONE TO SIX VOL. XTjV NO. 36. OMAHA, SUNDAY MOKXTXO, FKHWAKY 'JO, SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS When the Youngsters "D lay Circu Recall the Time When You Used to Try These Stunts Yourself? s Here Are Some of the Animals Constituting the Principal Menagerie Figures, and a Bunch of Clowns, that Participated in the "Boys' Circus" as Pulled Off by the Gym Class of the Young Men's Christian Association at Their Omaha Home the Past WeekOh, Yes, They Look Like Elephants and Camels and Lions and Bears, but They Are Only Boys in Disguise : : : o On rcro 0 V 1 J' - - , , V ' 8 - f ' 1 "A , 1 A 4 ; m- .0 J V J . I -vf'i k-lsii .v. - 4 J V cwv'UJ ;-V;- .1 v V: l -. 7 --ll i I VV" Av--:.:1W: H:( A A it vL SI mm .t. .f , - JOUXf It ILLS IZ m .V to I ... ., M IdKS- c IRCVSES ar great, but playing circus bas tbe former "beat a'J bollow." All tbe wonder aod Emyulficeuce of tbe ftrrons tented shows are dim mod Into Inslg- niflcacce. when compared tr the Joy and thrill of actually "getting up" a circus and taking pr.rx. in it. For this reason 200 boys of the Young Men's Chr'atlan association were supremely happy Krl d7 and Saturday. They organized the eleventh annual burlesque circus of the junior association red presented it three times before capacity crowds of admiring and laughing parents, rela tives and friends. In the "three-ring tent," other wise known as the gymnasium of the association building. - Some lads were legs of elephants or camels; others acted the parts of ferocious wld animals or educated beasts, while others presented the hundred and one necsnary fatures of a marvelous tented exhibition of the world's rarest wonders, freaks and apetaclea. If old P. T. Barnuni could have come to Ufa long enough to see tbe local boys' burlesque cir cus he would bar turned green with Jealousy and rtge, for the youngsters really bad Barnum out liarnumed. Likewise, Tingling Brothers, Hind paw and Smells Brothers were all excelled by the grand amalgamated, conglomerated and plffllcated seance of harmless buncombe. Ingenuity, skill and comedy which the boys produced. 1 v - - - i' "-; ;t - f I If If 1 1 ,lv 1 IV ' n n n 0 OJs , ':;-t-. Br-X W VW . 1 v' ... , v HIGH HAT CLOVUS i-7 ROV&3TZLLE FRED WAQQONH n r r tarn j b. M EDWARD JPZYXOLTYT' A '", 'W . , '.yfAU' tilACJ?OXX, BALDWIN A 1 LION m DONAID nOOKMXN t 1 i ; ,;( . ", ' . ... -" ' '' -!T'. ..-' ' - 'J.1' ' . v. - C.- i - .41'"' - " ' .'?- '-r". -.. ... . '. , ".it v . u D t9m9mm 1 OA1T.EL TONY LA BAETS A.:'..;' ..;;;.:-"Vv;. ; ;v.c.,y33. EAT TVXCXiAn HAMILTON