5-n SCHOOLMASTERS TO "HEET NEXT MONTH TIIE OMAHA SUNDAY RKK: FKBTU7ATIV 20, 10 10. Meeting to Have Bern Held Friday Night at the Loyal Poitponed for a Month. WIRES LAID FOR CLUB MEMBER All Is not rpcly for the Announce ment of the Nebraska Schoolmasters' club's candidate for state superin tendent, so the meeting of the club, scheduled for lad Friday night at the Loyal hotel, has been postponed tn March 17. Terbaps, as far as open discussion from the floor Is concerned, there will eveu then be little discussion of proposed candidates for the office of state superintendent. But the wires pre being laid and a candidate or two from this club, It Is said, will be I forthcoming in duo time. Up to something over a year ago this body wns known as a famously closed school corporation with the membership limited to twenty-five people. rl"he hnlots were counted t the elee tlon end It was found thnt neither the dt-morrntlc nor the repiilillran candidate for state superintendent, selected by the Si'hoolirasters' club, bad landed. " Mote members, more wires and more Influence In the state was then the whis pered word with thoe who dictate in whispers the principal business of the .-viinnlniRSters' club. The membership -as raised first to seventy-five and then to l"o active mem bers. This rslsinir of the number of members came In the form of kind of lld-ralnlng, o that a number of school men over the state, who had ben for years denied admittance, were admitted, Iltnlnir of Rook Agent. Their votes are as (rood aa any In fall elections and their political influence Is Rood, so long as the whispering- dictators can keep them in lino for chosen candi dates and chosen policies for the schools of the state. It was some years ago that a little row occurred and a new set of rules was made. Over the transom went the book agents, but in theory only. For several of them were so easy as to believe that a resolution meant what it said, so they ryftgned active memberships and took nnsnrlate memberahlnji. an the ruin provided. But others, knowing mora about the machinery and being closer to the whis pering circle, sat tight. And so the con stitution reads: "An active member shall be one who Is actively engaged in publlo or private school work in the state; and only active and honorary members shall be eligible to hold office and to participate in the business meetings of the club." And then the roster, of which few are circulated publicly, contains the names in the active column of a book company man who taught one term of school six teen years ago and who for more than ten years has been the main stockholder In a text book and school supply house in Lincoln. It contains the same of this man and two traveling - salesmen who represent their firms tn thU and adjoining states, and who belong to the whispering Inside circle that dictates the policy of the dub, that ostensibly threw them out by a reso lution. A salesman of a Chicago publishing company also holds an active membership and has hia ar close to the whispering eirela. Then there ar the salesmen from three other publishing bouses that know not how to whisper and get close to the In side circle, and so they are content with associate memberships. till Bnylnac Book. Meantime the school boards of the state are buying books freely and depending upon the Judgment and dictation nf thn superintendent as to which oompany to xtronUe. Naturally then among th bookmen there la a merry battle for favor with, the whispering circle, or the wheel within the wheel of the Schoolmasters' club. To elect a state superintendent partial to one or two book companies la of course con sidered a master stroke by the companies. Following is the active membership of the club as it stands at present: N. C. Abbott, Nebraska City: R. J. Barr, Orand Island; C. F. Buck. Peru; W. O. Illshop. University Place; B. J. Bod well. -Beatrice; O. R, Bowen, Wayne; li. E. Bradford, State Agricultural college, Lin coln; VV. G. Brooks, Plattsmouth; H. W. 4 aldwell. University of Nebraska; Samuel Avery, chancellor of the University of Ne braska: R M. Pamnlwll I v,l ni I., , A I. 'avtii-ss. Kearney; K. V. Clark, Ktate'ln- ..umiiBi scnnoi. ivearney; w. li. Olemona, I'l-emont; Karl M. Cline. Nebraska City; A. R. Congdon, Fremont; U. s. Conn, Vayne; H. I'rago. Ontral City: M. E. i rosier Norfolk; Irving S. Cutter, dean lh. t iiiversily Collexe of Medicine; B. 1)111, salesman for the Nebraska School Supply hoiiHf; A. H. Dlxnn Tekamuh; H. M. Kuton, Emerson; A. B. Fisher. Aurora; . K. Fowler, salesman tor the Nebraska School Supply house. Lincoln: L. I. Fria ble, University Place; C. A. Fulmer, chan- niwr tcHicnii univeiwuy; w. li. unru lier, county superintendent, Lincoln; Dull tilhson, Holdrege; E. U. Graff, Omaha; N. M. Graham, Omaha; G. A. Gregory, 'retc; II. H. Hahn, Wayne; D. W. Hayes, Peru; A. P. Hillyer, Beatrice; Fred M. Hunter, Lincoln; 1, E. Jenkins, Omaha; L. J. Knoll. West Point; R. R. MaKee, David City; J. J. Marshall, Lincoln; Cerrge E. Martin. Kearney State Normal; i-,'- .Martin, Broken Bow; J. F. Mathews, 1 !i liid Island; V. U. Mays, Lincoln: E. L. .Meyer, lieneva; E. F. Monroe, Shelton; W. H. Morton, Falrbury; L. E. Mumford, talesman for (Jlim & Co.; W. R. Pate, Alliance: M. S. Pate, Iexlngton; A. A. Rted, hlffh school inspector, state uni versity. Lincoln; H. H. Relmund, St. Paul; E. L. Rouse, Peru State normal; .loreph Sparks, Chadron State normal; W. T. Pto kdale, Chadron: V. W. Stoner, York; V. L. Strickland, Tecumseh; A. V. Teed. Lincoln: George L. Towiie. eel I tint- Nebraska Teacher; C. N. Walton, Wahno; A. H. Waterhouse, Fremont; H. W. Wendland, Minden; C. V. Williams. Cur tis: J. A. Woodard. Seward: W. A. Yoder. county superintendent, Omaha. .1 Grand Island Man Heads Optometrists Max Agge of Orand Island was chosen president of the Nebraska Association of Optometertsts at the closing session of the annual convention Friday afternoon at Hotel Roma. F. C. Calhoun of Paw nee City was elected vice president and If. r. Tlllotson of Harvard was made secretary-treasurer. The opticians voted to keep stricter watch on quackery In optical work In the future, aa It was reported that fake eye tinkers have Increased tn number and activity of late. The name of the or- fiation was changed from "Nebraska fate Optical Society" to "Nebraska As- iation of Optometrists. I h. Tlllotson, the eeretair-treasurer, and D. L. Lavis of Superior re recTim-tnr-ndi-d by the association fvr appoint ment by the governor to th4 examining board of state optometrists. rt v I vwvv i V : , iX 'fax ' 1 J t ;-rV i i y -. :V' Jg& -V . .: '1 ? ijrVH.W00DS r , r ; . - 1 . m lira i i ;- v "... j, cist irniM: 2 ; s Qayety nzudicHezth INOCHLB and PolIUcs! Lore and Law! Strikes and Styles go to make up the story of "Potash & Perlmutter," the three-act comedy which A. II. Woods will present at the Brandeis theater for four nights and a Wednesday matinee, beginning Sunday, February 20. "Potash & Perlmutter," a dramatization of the characters and -In cidents In .Montague Glass- stories, is a comedy in spite of the tremendous heart interest that gives it Its chief hold on the playgolng public Abe Potash and Haw russ Perlmutter are loved for their weak nesses as well as their virtues. Their almost Incessant quarreling is mirthful, while their tenderness, their spirit of self-sacrifice, their patience under grief are heart-touching. Mr. Woods sends "Potash tt Perlmutter"' to us with a carefully selected company, Including Phil White, Harry Frst, Maurice Bar rett. Harry Hanlon. Jane Fearnley, Mil dred Davis, Helen Salinger and others. Briefly, the story of Potash and Perl master deals with the trials and trlbula u4s of these two partners of the cloak trade through their generous champion ship of Boris Andrleff, a young Russian, whom the representatives of the caar are trying to drag back to the country of hU birth and to a lifetime In Siberia, They pledged their all to go his ball, and when, through their Ignorance of the law, he starts for Canada to gain a re splta from the trickery of the Russian representatives and the partners are tn danger of forfeiting their business and their homes, the story takes a serious turn. Indeed, but Boris learns through the newspapers of the danger to his ben efactors and returns in time to save them from rum and learn of his complete vin dication. There Is plenty of romanoe to add to the charm of the play, for Boris marries Abe's daughter, while Perlmut ter marries the designer, Ruth Goldman. ... , , Mr. Vernon Castle, Frank Tlnney, Bernard Cranvllle, Elisabeth Brlce, Charles rang. Hairy Kelly. Harry Ellis, along with numerous other stage notables will come to the Brandeis theater for two days beginning Sunday, February ZT, with matinee Monday, to perform here for the first time Charles Dillingham's highly successful musical comedy, "Watch Tour Step.- The "Watch Tour 6tep" score was written by Irving Ber lin. It contains half a dosen or more numbers which have more firmly than ever established him In his place of the moat popular song writer of today. "That Syncopated Walk." "A One-Iforse Town." "Since I Discovered Tou" and "Lead Me to Love," are features from "Watch Your Step" that are being sung, played and whistled from the Atlantic to the Pacific coast It is the manner in which these numbers are done In "Watch Tour Step" that is in a great measure respon sible for their present popularity. "Watch Tour Stoo" has a f..f aorta; it was written by Harry B. Smith -but Mrs. Castle, and Tlnney. Cranvllle, Brloe and King, and the other featured entertainers have so much that Is unique and characteristic to do, and such a com paratively short time In which to do It that there is not much room for a story. But It is there all right, and when Mrs! Castle Is not dancing, and Frank Tlnney Is not taking the audience Into his confidence about his summer home or his last trip to Europe, they play parti In It. Seats for the looal engagement will Bo on sale tomorrow morning. Eva Lang will come with her company from the Denham at Denver to the Boyd at Omaha about the middle of March, opening In "Jerry," a play In which BlUIe Burke won much praise In New Tork, and elsewhere. The organisation will be known here as the Eva Lang Stock company, but will be part of the all-star circuit. Miss Lang will probably be in Omaha for several weeks before she exchange with another star. Perry J. Kelly's latest musical offering, -My Home Town Girl." with Hyame and Mclntyr featured, will be the attraction at the Brandeis for three days beginning March 2. Others of prominence In the cast are Ed a Von Luke. Alma Youlln. Maude Beatty, Doris Vernon. Dorothy Reich, Roy Purvlance, Charlea Horns and Charles Holly, and a rhorui of pretty slneing and dancing girls. John Drew's offering this scson Is a modern comedy of life and manners in Lnglnnd entitled "The Chlvf." it is the P yAtth Or fKe am If y jf'-5 fC I debnt In this country at the American vTl 4 ; I V y , - Vl I Hippodrome. He has the reputation of . t J I ' " I being the possessor of the highest art Is- ilmjL V i w ! - if V : ft JhllllDj'eW "Brandeis work of Horace Anneeley Vachell, who Is said to be the dramatist of the moment not only In this country, but in England. A year ago Mr. Vaohell was merely known to a few book lover and since then he has had no less than four plays successfully produced. Mr. Drew pre sented the play during his New Tork sea son and It was declared to be the most entertaining work that he has hat In some time. It is said to be bright, witty, to contain excellent dramatlo situations and to conform to the decrees of good manners and good taste. Authors simply love to give Mr. Drew titles in his plays. No one ever thinks of making htm an ordinary individual back of the foot lights. In this regard Mr. Vachell has followed In the footsteps of those who have gone before him and made Mr. Drew an earl. But you won't hold this against him. Thle particular earl as Mr. Drew discloses him Is a very likable man who has a heart and Is very human. The play Is In three acts. The supporting company Is made up of capable people. The lead n woman Is that clever actress, Laura Hope Crews. Almost as soon aa Fannie Brlce ap peared on the variety stage, the news papers of the eastern cities began calling her "the funniest girl In vaudeville." With the Zlegfeld Follies, where she began her stage career, she quickly es tablished herself as a comedienne of ex ceptional ability, and from a subordinate 'ole, she quickly passed to the most con spicuous place In the entertainment. Over the Orpheum circuit she has oeen eminently successful. She comes this week as the chief feature of the bill at the Orpheum. It will be the first visit here of the young Spanish violinist. Msnuel Qulroga, who recently made his Potash & Perlmutterings TUB PRACTICE OF BAVINO. A boy who can save money on 112 week, no on need b ashamed of for a son-in-law. EXPERIENCB. If an out-of town customer don't show up Just before lunch Urn. Mawrus, either h ha bought his goods some where else or he's got stomach troubla BrSPICIOOJS CUSTOMER. Bom eoncam are so uplctou. Maw rus s. that they claim a shortag before tbey unpack tb good. It' the faker with th four-carat diamond ring, that' out to do hi creditors, Mawrus. but th yokel with soup on hi coat pays one hundred cent on th dollar. LUXtRIKH OF TRAVELING MEN. (Reading an expense account:) Twenty two dollars for sleeping csrs. Ar.d h as recommended a a wide awake suit mnan. debnt In this country at the American Hippodrome. He has the reputation of being the possessor of the highest artis tic gifts. "Dlnkelsptel's Christmas" will bo one of the most pleasing playlets scheduled here. Vaudeville's favorite singing comedian, Stuart Barnes, Is also a monologlst whose stories are no less amusing than his humorous songs. Bert La Mont and his cowboys, a sextet, offer a picturesque act. Page, Hack and Mack are comedy equilibrists who have a pantomime act which has the reputation of being extremely entertain ing. The two Tom Boys , present the only "bumpstl-bumpstl" act ever given by women. Their daring, agility and unique comedy antics make them ex clusively distinct among their sex. The exclusive showing of motion pictures this week will be a special edition of the Orpheum Travel Weekly, with scenes in Switzerland, streets of Naples and Mont Do re, France, aa the particular features. Burlesque has assumed high Ideals during the last few years, and foremost among the producers who have worked for the uplift of that form of enter tainment hss been Jo llurtlg, who brought Frank A. Burt anu 'The Auto Girls" to the popular Gsyety garage for two demonstrations dally during Auto Show week. Burt's comedy Is clean-cut and wholesome. Ho always pleases, but he never offends. He Is surrounded by high-grade talent. Including the famous Joy-Riding Beauty chorus. The two-act musical farce, "Two Husbands and One Wife" Is filled with good laughing ma terial, and it is a challenge to those crit ics who claim that this form of enter tainment Is always plotless. Maudle Heath, who Is chief In Burt's support, has already won high honors In musical comedy productions. Adele Archer, prima donna, Is also a musical comedy grad uate, her last appearance In that form of entertainment being with Raymond Hitchcock in "The Red Widow." Edna Green. Akin, Figg and Duffy are others In the cast who will be remembered by burlesque patrons aa most competent per formers. Special attention will be awarded the world-toured Waltes, fa mous Australian bull-whip crackers, one of their whips being ninety-six feet In length. Their prowess with the bush- men's spears and tomahawks quite bor ders on the supernatural, the entire act requiring the most consummate precision. Today's matinee starts at I o'clock Just sfter dinner. Two of the best bills ever presented In Omaha will be given at the Empress theater the week of February 3D. The headllner fos the first half is Dorea's Beaux Belles, pretty girls with hand some costumes, and the newest songs. Sullivan and Meyers In an oddity of musloal comedy, pathos and a wonderful song, "How It All Happened," are fav orites. Arnold and Florence In their new skit, "The Man With the Bottle," present a oomedy full of fun and wit. A singing and protean novelty is that pre. sen ted by Jerry nd Qretchen O'Meara, For the last half of the week the Five Romeros will be headllners, musi cians with excellent voices and a new group of songs. Brown and Jackson In a comody skit, entitled, "The Clubman PHILOBOPHT OF LOSSES. When th milk Is spoilt, it's spoilt; it makes no difference wbo left th lc box open. PARTNERS. Th only use soma people hav for partners is to blame them for every thing that goes wrong. CREDIT. He" a millionaire if he' worth a cent, tf he' worth a cent, he s worth a hundred thousand dollars. OPTIMISM. The sun shines for everybody. Maw russ, except th feller In the raincoat buslne. DETERMINATION. Where there' a will there' alway three ways. RYQONEB. -V What's done Is finished. -RutliKsckhj'AV Mug and th Buffraget," present a novelty that is well liked. Mabel Florence and company present a comedy sketch, "Flir tation." Hvengall with his "Dog With the Human Mind,' 'is an education at traction. For the moving pictures, Edna Mayo' and Henry B. Walthal In "The Strange , Case of Mary Page," will unfold for ; the delight of the patrons the fifth epi- sod of the gripping drama. "Th Wrong I Mr. Wright' and a drama, "Goldduat," will also be shown. For the lsst half of the week the problem play, "Hop, th Devil' Brew," will b th center of at traction. Denman Thompson s, "Our New Minis ter," Is announced as th offering at the Krug theater, for the week starting matlne today. It Is quit generally known that when Mr. Thompson gave this play and "The Old Homatead," to the American stage, he contributed enough for the life of on man. Manager W. W. (Billy) Cole prom ises patrons another real treat In thin comody-drama, which Is pastoral In theme and has an abundanoe of humor which goes to make up a well balanced production. Stage Director Hllllard ha worked hard and every member of the oompany will be seen In Interesting roles. Ruth Kackley, character actress, has Just Joined the North players. She cornea here from Topeka, well recommended. She will appear In this week' bill. It may be mentioned that this will' b th first time that "Our New Minister" has been offered her at movie price. The family matinee on Thursday and Saturday are growing In popularity each week. Parties are th rule every Thurs day afternoon. Th Chicago Ladle' or chestra will hav another program for th week. On visit to th Krug will convince th visitor of th merit of th attraction and th abilities of th North players. The policy of politeness con tinues to prevail. TODAY Oonttnaon Yandevtll and Vboto mays DOREA'S DEAUX DELLES Blnging, Swaying Musloal su lli van& m e Vers" Beftnea Oomedy Oddity A R NO QTiFtdR EN C E In "Th Man with th Bottle." JERRY and GRETCHEN 0 MEARA XiOVMakr la Bong. th. Strings Cm of MARY PAGE With Ban Mayo and Beary B. Walthal. Comdy "Th Wrong Mr. Wright." Drama, 'Oold Dust." Bellg-Trtbnn wkly Bo. I. 10c - ADMISSION - 20c FhoB Boogla IM, HEHSHAW CAFE Concert Dansant EVERY EVENING FROM 10:30 P. M. SPECIATj NIGHTS Monday, Friday and batarday Augmented Orchestra Entertainers. Turpln's School of Dancing Twnty-lgtith A Farnam. Bew Classes. LUt your nam no. Private lessons aay lima BAB STB T C14X JITNEY TAXI WEB. HI I H YOU'LL HAVE TO HURRY If yon want to ee thoe fire great attractions. AH different atylew cf entertainment anil none better to be seen anywhere In the world. They will all play to CAIWriTY o send In your order NOW MnndriU Imve nlrrady done so. FOUR NIGHTS BEGINNING TONIGHT TOPVI.AB MATIN EB WIOHKDIT Prlces-Nlghts, 25c to S1.S0 Matires, 25c to $1.00 HELLO "ABE"&"MA7RU55" WELCOME Presents THE GREATEST COMEDY TWO DAYS SUN. AND MONDAY cxabx.es xxu.nroHAirB bao Tiara riot. WATCH YOUR STEP MRS. VERNON CASTLE FRANK TINNEY BERNARD GRANVILLE rmicn xiwo, xabbt xxtx.r, xabby bx.x.xb aad 100 otkzbb. Prtcos oik- In 7VT (ilrK Neat Hn Tomorrow. TWO NIGHTS AND WED- YIIEC EEf! OQ NESDAY MAT., BEGINNING lUCO. rEU. LV CKABX.ES FBOHMAM Presents &S&fWSS "THE CHIEF" By ROBAOB AKBXSX.BT TAOXZX.X. Beats Ssonftay! Irln Bight, ftOo to B3.00 Mat. i Orchestra, B1.6Q and fl.OO; Balcony, tl.OO, 7So and BOe Balcony, BB THREE NIGHTS n AI70II 041 MATINEE Thun., Frl. and Sat., LifiilUll 4--f SATURDAY BEKBY 3. UUT offer 4b MyHomc A Oomedy With Musle and Girls. MISCHA ELMAN. Violin Gcniu FBIOBBi 60o to 12. 00. Mall Orders EVERY NIGHT 8:15 TUB IHSST OF Faos Douglas 4B- WEEK STARTINGSUN., FEB. 20 Funniest Girl "CinkeSspiel's Christmas" Stuart Barnes BaarT.hBiold Bwvorlt Blngta, Co.dl w ofs THobart Page, Hack and f,!ack Bert LsMcnt & K:s Cowboys Amriea rntrtair 2m abound -Up of BClrtk Mad n-m. ... , , - J ORPHEUM TP'VEL WEEKLY TWO TORI-BOYS Around th World wits th Or. Th Only Xdl Presenting a Com. phavm Clronlt'a Motion Vlotuy dy Bumpstl-Bampstl Act. Fliotog rmpher, annuel! The Young Spanish Violinist I BICES I Matinee, gallery, 1001 bt aso. Biguts, ioo, sso, REX THEATER 1316 Douglas St. Feb- 80 Boaday Feb. 81 Monday Feb. aa Tneaday Ethel Schutta's Merry Maidens Xa Taat B creaming Oomedy "MRS. HASHER'S BOARDING HOUSE" restart Charles Neil vs. Jack Schutta In a S-Round Boxing Contest A Laugh Every Mis ate. Bretty Witty Olrls CUrl S killing air ia Bxtr Bpall Amatear Content, Bebmary aa. Monday -"Bong Bnbllshsrs Con test. Tuseday "Bewsboy' Contest." Wednesday "General ns Bating Amatear Blgbt." Thursday "Oonntry Btor Blgbt" Friday "CnapUa Blgbt." Cash Prls Contests Opea to Men, Woman and Children. A 50c SHOW FOR 5c ONE JITNEY omasa's rvm cxbtbb" Dally Mata,15-aS-BO Bvag., ia.aa.eo.7M l l nPOHf.l.T BOOKtO FOR AUTO SHOW WEEK Frank Bart, AmIa Cirlf sCnsloal Maudi Keath k U1V Burleson Only mualral show Is tows. Aflvlle Arvher, Krina oreea, I Hirwmr Hvi. THU WAITUtt. Auwtml !ia Hull Wills 1'iu-kul, Jar fading ttoeuty lUoru. MATTBXB ITZBT DAT. i I, lIBSiiisssss"ssaMsnsasMaai BACK THE WORLD-WIDE LAUGHING SUCCESS SUCCE5S IN 30 YEARS FEB. 27-28 SHAkTB BAO TINTS Bl MATINEE MONDAY Town Giri Beat Bale Thnrsday, February B4ta. s Bow. Ba Bal Monday, Tab, 88tn. MATINEE DAILY 2:15 VAUDEVILLE. in Vaudeville Quiirega seat (exoeyt Saturday aad Bonday) eoo and rso. TodayffKEWATon.te 2:30 llRUla 8:20 Tor Ten Berforniano. BTABDABD STOCK DBA MAS AT MOTIB BBXCXB THE NORTH BROS. Omaha's Best Theatrical Bargain FXBBSTOAXj STOCK Dsnmaa Thompson' Oreat Oomdy, "Our New Minister" UBEBISTXBI.B FBIOBfl' 4 f Beeerved Seat Bo. I ! Family Matinees w Tbur. and Bat. 10c Join Tb Worth Bros. Out Glass Club, "SAVE TBB COVFOsTB." Best Wsek "BXBDX.IBQ." Joseph F. VooIcry VIOLIN INSTRUCTION Besldance Studio, 8431 Bpuldlag St. Webster 183. w A L T E R WHEATLEY TOICB ABD OPBaVs, IMSTBDOTIOB. Apply Tnnrsdays BOOM 305 X.rBIO ILMk Bhoa D. 704. 1