TIIE OMAITA SUNDAY. BKR: FEBRUARY 20, 1916. ! t 1 f ALL HEW PAYING IJUST BE UNIFORM City Enjjineering Department to Iniiit Also Upon More Cement in Concrete. MAY USE REDODRCED SOON Tn rreperln- the now paving and Mrr nwtfltii)M for this rrar the rlty enjrlneertna; department believe they neve opened tn. field for a greater variety of materials and at the, same ilme have aafr-s;uarded the taxpayers to rreater degree then obtained lest year. The mixture of concrete base, ha a been strenft-thened by a requirement for a, larger proportion of cement. An In vestigation haa ahown that many depree alona noted la paved streets were due to Improper concrete baae mixtures. More bitumen will be required tn asphalttc concrete pavement. The old specifications covering repay ing Jobs stated that sufficient concreU should be placed In the base to brine the paving; to required trade, which provis ion was a temptation for contractors to pour tn a ten-Inch base In places and char, accordingly. The new speclfKa pious specify the exact thickness of the base on these repavlng jobs. Mister Vailf.raa. In the construction of artificial curb and cutler the city will require that the mixture shall be uniform and ot .'specified proportions. Considerable t'rouhle has been experienced on account of contractors filling the Interior of these curbs snd gutters with coarse material, with a surface of finer quality, the result being that the surface frequently cracked and f''H off. Contractors will be held to stricter a count for the mixing of materials the tendency having been to run the stuff through the mixer as fast as men could haul the material In and out. Tie field has been opened to artificial stone paving with steel reinforcements, pot yet Introduced bars, but ssld to have been laid in various nearby towns. This type of paving consists of plac ing a wire menu or expanded mutal over four Inches of concrete and then pouring two Inches of concrete over the metal, the entire operation being done while the concrete la "green." Hewer specifications will permit the offering of bids on concrete sewer pipe which hsa been, used In Kansas City and Bloux City. Concrete sewer pipe Is be ing made aa large aa thlrty-sU and forty-two inchea In diameter. Mohler Back from Coast and Says He is Feeling Just Fine "Sfcmebodv must have gotten the wrong cue when over the prea wires they sent out the report from Bait I-ake City that the Union Paelflo was about to enter a race to get Into the Uintah Valley, ahead of some other railroad," asserted Presi dent Mohler of the road. Continuing, he added: "The whole thing la a mistake and ab solutely without foundation. The Union Pacific Is not contemplating building into this valley; It la not contemplating build ing anywhere at thla time." President Mohler Is back from a trip to the Paclfle coast and returns much Im proved In health. "I ara feeling fine," he asserted and am ready for hard work." In the west President Mohler found conditions very satisfactory, asserting: The reaction that was anticipated fol lowing the cloalng of the exposition at Ran Kranclsco did not come. Business there seems to be very good and the Pa elflo coast cities aeem to be propertng." Relative to the railroad business, Presi dent Mohler said: "There Is no reason for complaint. The cloalng of the Panama canal has turned all of the freight trafflo across the coun try back to the railroads and they are having about s much business as they can handle without crowding capacity." GRAND ARMY VETERANS AT FUNERAL OF CJE. BURMESTER Criarlea K. Iturmester. the clvlt war veteran of the First Nebraska regiment. who died Thursday after a reldene of (6 years In Omaha, will be given burial honora In rrospect Hill cemetery th!e afternoon by Ma Grand Army comrades. Funeral service, will also, be held at E:M p m. at the residence of his son, Charles E. Burmester, Jr., South Thirty-eighth street. Rev. Thomas J. Mackay, rector of AU Paints church, will conduct the ervlce there. Follow ing the Grand Army funeral at the ceme tery, tho Interment will be made pri vately. Pallbearers rill Andrew Treynor, -harle F. XVIIIe. he aa follows: Fdwarrl A. rarmelee, Joseph fillllam. Otto Klemaaem, I,nui Kaapke. 'amuel U. Jones, commander of U. . Grant pot N. 110 of the Grand Army haa Issued a rill for all members to as semble at the cemrtery Funds t after neon to attend the services for Comrado I Burmester. The latter was a prominent member of the Grand Army and was at one time commander of V. J. Grant post. F.aallsb Mekolar Dead. IjDSrXlN, Feb. 1 Herbert Paul Rich ards, lecturer at Wadham college, Ox ford, snd author of several lepras on Greek literature, died today at Oxford. OMAHA BANK CLEARINGS MAKE NINE MILLION GAIN Omaha hank clearing for the week end ing yesterday made a gain of over $,W0, 000 over the total clearings for the corre sponding week in 1915. Tho bank clearings for this week were eC5.jn.M5.8S and for thla week a year ago M.30IS4.SS. Pioneers to Hold Social Tuesday at - the Masonic Hall The midwinter social of ths Douglas "ounty Association of Nebraska pio neers will be held In Maaonlo hall In the Temple building, sixteenth afreet and Capitol avenue, next Tuesday,' Washington's birthday. The committee In charge of arrangements announces that the social Is strictly an association affair and that the general publlo Is not ranted. At the social all manners of the asso ciation have been requested to wear ihelr badl,"and If they do not have them, secure the same from ths secre tary. The program will1 Include speeches, tungs, stories snd musical productlpns, Among those who will teke part are Hayor J. C. Dahlman, C IL Mrroer, John M. Tanner and other speakers. Miss Amanda Tebblns. Mrs. Reese Bar Iter, solnlata, and Fred W. vVinahlp and J'i'd K. Hale will render vocal selec tions. Master Albert lllldinger, Jr., will slug a solo, accompanied by Miss Utile Jlllilinxer on the piano. There will be , Id-time fiddling by George R. Ratubun snd W. T. Dunn. Kcfrenhtiients will be served at 10.50 o'clock to memlwrs. , Others will be ex pected to pay. The program commences st 1 o'clock and will be concluded at 4:1S In the afternoo OMAHA EXECUTIVE CLUB IS TO MEET TUESDAY NOON The Omttha Executive club Is a new organisation Just coming Into life. It is to be composed of men who have ad iiilmntrativs or executive positions. The f nit t r-jf alar meeting Is to be held Feb ruary 13 at the Commercial club rooms at noon. Those who have expressed a 1eir to became members and have promlred to attend this meeting, are: .1. It. 1 1 yland, manager Western Union T'leeraph company. Hay klnsMley, Columbian Optical coiui'Sity. I'. H. Hoi ton. superintendent telegraph V..t.m t'nlon Telegraph company. Tom V. Kelly, aenvral agent Travelers' limm ance company, U. ft. Coo.it k h. secretary Goodrich 1'rug conipMny. A. !. lUirKiuin, manager L'ariow Ad vertising cotitiMiny. 1". M. Hunu. rlnnd. secretary Sunder-lm-d I'ros.' comitany. II. K. Kiiiuirriatid, vle president Sun lit i land :ro ' company. iiin r', eVhwagvr, president Aiamlto liii y t-otiipany, II. Taylor, manager Omaha Gaa company. I'.y A. Ralph, Ralph Printing com- Utnl J. It. (Irnrv, vle preeldent and man- . Omiilia lllecliic works. A. J. Cole, vn-e pr ij. nt and general mil annnuuer alrtlraw company. t t-rt i.e Hi.n. L Hron F.iectric works. ttfuijK t'ray, tievrse I'rav s Co. W. J. ilullv. vt.e ptri.!t r 1". Klrk ii'i!.i!l & "o. I. K t'orte. vice president D. F. Corte f urniiuie company. Jui;iea t'orr. Jamra Corr tTtectrio coro- 1 '!. A. Amos, tleacnn Press. John K. Vllile, Columbia Fire Insur eii.j conipMiiv. V. . Mauley, manager Meg Motor C"",l'fMl. I . A. Mauley, vlie preldiiil and gen eral inii'-r L'ulon l'aulflu Cual coin leity. !t! ent Kenny, Kenney Hollers and i'aifti. i w Mariln, president Colorado Farm and Fruit land company, c !. t-etp-olas, division superintendent Miflilttn h:htji. Two Girls Injured in Basket Ball Game on the South Side Two Plattsmouth High school girls were more or less seriously Injured Friday evening In their game with Houth High school at the local echool gymnasium, which resulted tn a victory for , the local team by a score of 21 to S. By aimless chsrglng of plsyers, -ilss Bent ner, center on ths vlalltng team, was cut on her Hp to such an extent that it wee necessary to have three stitches tsken In the wound. Dr. Koutsky at tended the girls. Miss Hnyder. right guard of the op posing quintet, was Knocked unconscious for a short time, receiving a severe blow on the head above her ' left eye In a collision with a South Bide pisyer. Nell Ha nner, center on the local quintet, was Injured In her lelt knee. The ac cidents occurred one minute before the close of the. geme. . Or eight on Orator ; ; Wins State Contest Elmer A,- Ttnrr, representing Cretghton university, won the Nebraska Intercol legiate oratorical Contest at Crelghton audltorlam last night, delivering aa ora tion on "Preparedness," O. H. Johnson of Cotner university, with an oration on "The Heir Apparent, was second. ' ' ' - . ,- . Parr waa not pushed very hard for his place; he wss easily the winner. Fer one ot .the other positions, however, there wss considerable difference.' of opinion. Three 'were tied for third place. They war pean Falea of Beilo vue, who had a very forceful oration on "The rerll;" O. J. Weber ot Tork college, on "The American Cttlaen;" -and O. A. KoeMer ot Doane, on "Greater America and Greater Americans." Fourth place was awarded to U D. Waldorf of Wesleyan university. Grand I laland college, the winner ot first place last year, won fifth position. From ths excellent showing made by Barr last evening, his friends at Crelgh ton are looking hopefully to his winning a high place In the Interstate Oratorical contest to which lsst night's victory obtained the representation of hit state, tn the Interstate contest all the states of the middle west will be represented. Ths Judges of the contest were J. V. Anderson, 3, M. Galvln, J. E. Marshall, W. IT, Kilpack and C. E, Swanaon. The officers of the association for 115-1 are, President, Jamea W. Martin, Crelghton university; Vies President, 3. D. Hughes, Coiner university; Secre-tary-Treaaurrr, Paul W. . Cuiuminga, Hellevue college. Testerday afternoon at 'a business meeting held at Crelghton, Cotner waa selected as the etene of the M7 contest Afterwards the Crelghton , nkn under took the speakers' and delegates' enter tainment, part ot which was an auto trip through the city. February Sale of HAIR GOODS Tnefadtng all shades ef bale, else grara I lira Keened Humsa Hair Switch. 14 inches long. Il l values, at S1.SS . rreeeh Convent Ralr tt-Inrh switches, sll Shades innladlng graya fit values. .aS-Sd n - "TZT m mw, mm Washington Novelties Washington Hat Nut Cases, So, 10o, 2U Cnerrr Trees 10o Cherry Tree Lots Bo, 10 Hatchets filled with cherries So Washington Cherries, pound. .....tow AUTO SHOW VISITORS Will Find THIS STORE A SOURCE OF PROFITABLE ENJOYMENT We maintain many features of personal service for the con venience of out-of-town visi tors, which we invite you to take full advantage of. The store is conveniently accessible, a center of all transportation, theater and hotel sections, and IS THE SHOP PING. CENTER OF OMAHA. Our ' beautiful Pompeian Room ia an inviting place for rest and ' refreshments; visit the Orcen Iloom for : lunch' food and service Is unequaled, and you will enjoy the cabaret. Or the balcony near the main floor Is a pleasant place for light lunch, let ter writing, rest, etc. The IJrandeia Bank, with full banking facilities, located near the West Arcade, is at your disposal. Nearby is a branch of the Omaha Postoffice, which transacts all postal business. Information Bureau on the main floor and free check room In the basement, south. r A tour through Brandeis Stores at any time is highly interesting at ' the present time, with new spring things arriving daily, there is a newness of Interest that is irresistible. Then, there is the great sale of the King Peck $137,000 stock,, which you should not miss. " , ' There are many exclusive advantages to be enjoyed at Brandeis Stores. We extend visitors a cordial invitation and promise that you will vote this one of the most inviting, most en tertaining, most beneficial retail In stitutions in all America. Motor Coats and Wraps -An especially attractive line now being displayed, which fills the demand for sport wear as well. Beautiful new models with flaring lines now so popular, some with the wide belts, the circular capes and close high collars are particularly distinctive. Cuffs are deep And pockets voluminous. Leather trimmings or satin and silk lend these a most attractive finish. A variety of wonderful cloths are shown two-toned ' plaids and checks are es pecially favored, as well as plain cloths in Whipcords, Gabardines, Serges and Covert. $25.00, $35.00 to $55.00 Sport Coats As a special for Mondey we are showing attractive Sport Costs In chinchilla, either plain .white or with the wide stripe in colors. . Large pockets, buttons and strappings make these most alluring and just the thing for early spring wear, and are with in the reach of all at the low prlc ."$15.00 Sport Skirts Attractive Sport Models in Separate Skirts, checks, plaids, stripes or thai popular golfine rr..l!7;5.?. $10.00 Motor Veils -Chiffon Motor Veils, ia wash able quality. All new spring shades, hemstitched border; two yards long. Each ti tZf 08c nd $1 eOU New .Washable ; Cape Gloves In a large variety of . col ors, are quite correct for auto-driving. A good -assortment always to be found here.;' "- .v. Auto and Steamer Robes Oood H.ayjr, Rob... wide alse for two are. R.g. 13 KUi. Wool Navajo Art Craft AntO Robes or St.am.r Ruga, exact repro duction of Navalo patt.ma and col orings; made from fine Oregon wool Lara, alto for two pawnngare, R.rolarly sold up to H0...... W.t.r-Proof Plush and Wool As. trakhan Auto Rob., plain rotors and desirable fanry patt.rns. Slaes WM and .4x71 Inch... Rubber Interlining, wide felt .!. and fancy trimmings. K.guiar J 50. it.se and up te flt.Ot yal u.s, each l.ln.n Auto Roboa er Dust.rs plain nn.n colors n.m tltch.d edges. Il.tS valuta, each Wool Filled . Autd ,S..$1.98 .$4.98 ind Wool As aln color, and s. 8l.es WlM r lntrrllnlng, icy trimmlnga. $7.50 Dust.rs plain $1.98 TA nett spring itlk art arriving daily and, nothwilhstanJing lh icetdty ef tilhj anddy fluffs, e $hall It amply pre pare J this year uilh (he largest varltly u'e ever had to offer ef new silks in compltte assortments. And we are keeping Your prices down to the economy pointthose- feio buy stil(s at Urandeis Stores will saoe the most, tr e mention a Jew, iiV "'--J?g 'a. Ujf .4wil - ; Jj J , OIL KS ; i i SInch Chiffon Taffetas, the aew Swiss finish; splendid weight la the new grays, blues and the (Jl ftfj other wanted colorings. Yd V i eaWJ 12 Inch Satin Stripe Shirting Silks, in a beautiful line of color combina tions. You will pay more for this splendid tub silk elsewhere, sjq ' Monday, yard IC 38-Inch All Silk Suiting Faille, splen did weight. Monday, the C1 Pn .: ? jl.uvj Inatlons. AU colors. 95 40 Inch Printed Crepe de Jennesse, In the new dot. stripe, floral and plaid combinations. Yard S2 Inch Extra Heavy. Shirting and Walstlng Crepe, de Chine, in the new est color combinations. i (ZQ Special Monday, yard. . . . X .07 0 Inch All-Silk , Bird's Eye Shan tung, In the new sport stripes; also the plain cloth to match. Extra good weight, and ... $2.25 86 Inch Black Chiffon Taffeta, good weight, soft finish; worth no $1.50. Special. yard..........i70C 86-Inch New Novelty Stripe Taffetas, Cachemelr Silks, Poult de Soles, Ra diums; In all the newest color com binations. Yard. $1.50 2 50 Do not fall to Inspect the new 40 Inch Ripple Satin de Sole Stilting, one of the most popular suit and coat fab rics, in gray, navy, canard ty Cf and black. Yard... QODV ring New' Woolens for Spring They continue to arrive and continue to d is clgse fabric models for the new season as attractive as they are practical. ' 54-Inch New "Wool Velours for sport coats, suits and skirts.' Yard......... Plain and fancy weaves, checks, plaids, ftC stripes, etc., 50 to 54 ins. wide. Yd, $1.00 to V 1 O 50-In'. All-Wool Gabardine, in season's most ? f tjfl desirable shades, also blue and black. Yard $2,50 Oh! the Cham of Beauty liet Stuart's Calcium Wafer Kestore1 the Color to Your Cheeks and ' Keniove the Cause of IlmpW, HUckrHwls, Ktc. Every on. errVles a tieautiful skin. Just as every one envies a healthy person. I I'nsUhtly fares filled with pimples, dls- ! colorations, blackheads, etc., are nothing but unhealthy facts due to blood impur ities. Cleanse the blood and the facial blemishes disappear. This May Bo Man Who is the Robber Tlie Council J'.luff police have a man In tu.tudy and he Is aald to rew-mhle the o ib who has Urn doing a lalidofice bj.intws tn the wsy of holding Up and robbing pcdrairtana and small places of This sftrnoon a hian walked iuto a b.yuih Truth strwt restaurant and ordered a lunrh. Ha wnt to the washroom and k nl.li.g his bands. The proprietor of the piece concluded that the eua- j turner anwcr the oeacnpuou tr ine i,m h- anted highwayman and telephoned tht P'li.e. TI.e niao tn the waatiroo-n l:ard the tUphunlrig and leavtrg the Z-iitte, went to I'onila iiiccl and bnarded c Couin- 1 l;iuffs cnr. The Council liluffs lv!:.o re noilfi.d and arrested the fl.-rt. A numhrr f Omaha victims have g'nin to th liluifs to look the ma a "Ufe te K. BTew Is a B.anteees Ta.'.ag', a Thing ef the rest. You must not believe that druga and salves w II stop facial blemishes. The cause Is impure blood filled with all man nr of refuse matter. Xtuart s t ali-turn Wafers cleanse and clear the blood, driving out all poisons snd Impurities. And you'll never have a good complexion until the blood is clean ft. matter how bad your complexion Is. Btuarts Calcium Wafers will work wonders with It. You can get three little wonder-workere at your druggist's for M cents a package. Free Trial Coupon T. A. Stuart Oe SSS artuart may., HarshaU. Mica. Mend me at once, by return mail, a fr. tilal pckae of btuart'e Calcium Waters. Our February Sale ef Fancy Linens at Great Mon.y-8.vlno Prices. Again we emphasise the prudence of buying linens now while the prices are low. Not merely be cause we want to sell linens now Indeed, we could hold these stocks' in reserve and get better prices later but we want you to buy while you can really save money. $3.00 Madeira T.a Napkins, 1398. Made of a flue quality German linen with beauttfulembroldered corners, scalloped all around. The dosen, SJ.BS. Madeira Luncheen Bets, $4-2S. All linen, hand embroidered 13 Piece Madeira Luncheon Sets, con sisting of one center piece 14-lnch gise. six tumbler dollies and six plate dollies. S.98 Embroidered Lunch Cloth, 12.75. Hemstitched ends with drawn work centers; beautiful embroid ered corners; S4-lnch else. Cluny Dollies, 19c, 25e, tie. All linen, hand made cluny lace - dollies, in the . 9 and 12 inch sixes, for matched sets. 11.25 Fancy Linens, 98. This lot consists of Scarfs and Squares, trimmed with laoe, drawn work and scalloped and embroid ered scarfs. As Proclaimed By Paris I II II I BBS V S Fashion, prodigal this season with' her creations, has accorded her favor to collars high and low, to capes and frills in short, to'any caprice that she may fancy. As a, result Blouses are of charming .diversity. and, while distinctively "different," are . in models varied enough to appeal to every woman's taste. t ; . . SI t ,V..iiJ mw Georgttte Orepe Blouses In delicate tints or the most brilliant colors; boo res of models trimmed with the most effective ot laces or hand embroidery In beads and silk; tailored models, too, of smart distinction. $5.00, $5.65, $7.05 to $25.00. Crepe de Chine Blouses Fashioned of superior quality lustrous silk, models effectively tucked, pleated or band embroid ered. Also many of the newest frilled and 'jabot" styles. $1.75, $3.95, $5.00 to $7.65. Lingerie Blouses . A Collection notable for its exclusive models. Sheer organdies and voiles In exquisite tones, linens, crisp and cool. In white, light colors and gay stripes. Tailored models a-plenty and others with Venlse, Valenciennes or Filet laces and hand em broidery. $1.65, $2.50, $3.65, $5.65 to $28.00. (Prices according to materials.) w rt rt . iNevv Cotton uoods, oneets, oneetmgSe etc. V Kama. Street. Citr... Ktate. New Radium. Gold and Silver Laces New piquant d e s ig n s of dainty laces in M-hich this de partment specializes. All Silk Radium Allov.r Laces, It Inches wide, in white, cream, ecru, gold and ochre shades. The season's newest novelty for blouses, separate sleeves and vests; many beautiful patterns. Worth to $1.00. Monday, the oq yard '.. )le3i 4 to Inch Gold and Silver Lace Edges, embroidered on silk ma I Ine end novelty nets. Special Monday, yard, 30o and J u.59c Domestics Genuine "Wonder Silk." this beautiful, Instrous fabric in all the new wanted shades. 27 Inches wide; sheer, delicate and dainty tor evening . wear and party dresses. Fast colors. Z9o Q values. Yard 1 tC 38 Inch Fancy Printed Voiles, ISc and 19c values. lOl- Yard lZy2C The Genuine Appleweb Dress Zephyrs and Nurse Stripes; Q 12 Vie values, yard yC The' New Spring and Summer Dress Tlseuee, genuine Renfrew braad; ISc value. ..The yard Slnch Dress Per- 1r)1 - cale. the yard le&Y2C 40-Inch Highly Mercerised Black Sateen; Bookfotd; ir 190 values. Yard ...IOC 45 Inch Genuine Wamsutta and Dwight Anchor Pillow ' 1 j Tubing; 20c value, yard.. IOC 9-4 Bleached She.ttng. the genu ine "Sterling' quality, 2ao value. Yard 18c 22c New Crisp White Goods White Embroidered Novelties, such as Lace Cloth, Organdie, Shadow Voile and other new weaves; 40 and 45 Inches r Q wide. Yard VOC Fine Quality Wide Cluster Stripe Voile and Leno Stripe combinations, 88 Inches qa wide. Yard OiC White Cotton Corduroy, rri 26 inchea wide. Yard . . . . O U C Just received a full line of New Wbtte Skirtings. 91 Q1 ff Inches wide, yard.... tj) AeVl U White Voile, satin stripe gabax rlne effect, 28 lncnea Ott wide. Yard asOC 45-Inch White Linen, round thread, medium heavy. Q C The yard 03C SSInch Heavy White Irish Linen, pure' white,' Mon- day, yard OMC Best Quality White Windsor Crepe for undermusllns. rj 28 Inches wide. Yard sflOC Imperial Nainsook for Qne un dermusllns, 28 Inches in wide; ll yard bolts.. O 1 e I V New 1616 Summer Wuh ' r Fabrics Are here. We mention just a few of the many new materials and weaves. Black and White Oxford Skirt ing In plain and broken stripes and plaids; 38 Inches rA wide. Yard , OtC Wide Ribbon Stripe. Oxford Weave Dress Linen. ff 28 inchex wide. Yard.JleUU Medium Heavy Quality White Corduroy, 28 Inches wide. 'Tf Yard OC 45-Inch Printed Voile, In Urge norai designs on white and tinted grounds, yard. Silk and Cotton Tub Silks, in dainty colored stripes on white grounds; 22 inches wide, ej r- Yard OOC Large Variety ot New Printed Voiles, in stripes, plaids, florala, plain, checka, etc; 49 nr Inches wide. Yard e3C Ask to see the new Rainbow Silk and Cotton Fabric for Blouses; 28 inches wide. Yard 75c 49 c Quality, Servfoeablllty and SesArty lit Our New Draperies New goods are arriving in our drapery department daily, You will find endless assort ments of the newest goods, both imported and domestic. Ilere are a few of .the new arrivals: Jewel Cloth, beautiful selection ot colors and patterns oa display Monday Yard OC Imported Colored Over-Drapery Materials, full 28 Inches , wide. Shown for the first time jq Monday at yard OiC 50-Inch Imported Scotch Madras, with colored cross bars and stripes. Very good values at, the "TCe yard OC Imported Materials for Over-Curtains, shown In all the aew shades of brown, green, rose and blue every pattern a wonder. t 1 7 C The yard apleiO 60-Inch Lace Cur- Oft talns.Monday, pair P leejU Muslin Curtains with J O C lace edge. Pair $ 1 e0 24 Patterns of Domestic Loom Weave Lace Curtains; white or :nd"...P.r,:,..?1.-.?.8...$2.5o. 1I a T's 1 VI ficior- TiLirutei ivi Victor-Vlctrola XI has all of the latent and beat features of the higher priced Victor Vlctrolas, In cluding: Automatic Stop Tilting Motor Improved Tone Chamber Horisontal Shelves for holding record albums. Our assortment la fully complete. Monday will be a good time to se lect the case that will match your furniture. Our Record Service nearest per- recuon. Vktrele. D.pt, Fompelcn Ft ever.