THE liKK: OMAHA, FEBRUARY 1016. Want-Ad Rates , OAS- WTT OMIti C iit word each Insertion CI1BOI ATT1 tc rr line V.""..'. 7e per line ....three consecutive tlmee (Count six words to th line) BFZCIA- BATXIt Farm ana -IU,b -'', f r im , each lnsMIw (Count elk wdrda to th lino IDRFTOV ApTFRTIBINq UMOCR AGENTS OR HELP WANTED CLASSIFICATIONS: e por word . . . lite r word en tlm ,'thre eonsscutlv time BO AD T1U TOB IMIT1 A TOT At OF BO OB ! TWAXf 10O !- PAT. CARD OF THANKS. PFATH AND FUNERAL, NOTICES; Ie per Una r tnsrtlo (Minimum charge eente Monthly pat for standing ad " chant of copy) $1 (Count all words to tna llns.) Coatreet rta oa at-pllce-- TMB FKF. will not oa reponelbls for mora than ona Incorrect Insertion or an advertisement ordered for mora tnaa ona time. ADVERTlPF.Rg should retain receipts given by The Re In payment for Wnt Ada, aa no mlstak can b rectified wlthrwit them. VKK THK TELKPTTONlt tf you cannot conveniently bring or a-nd In your ad. Aak for a Want Ad Taker, and you will twelve the eame roxH aerrl'-e aa when delivering your ad at ths office. PHONT TTLF.R WANT-AD COLUMNS COSl& rVKNINH KDTTTPN., 1I:B M. HORNING EDITIONS : P. M THE MOVIE PROGRAM CHANGED DAILT. la Answers tna question. "Whvr to go topii-l" DairaUwi, EMPRESS, 15th & D0UQI3 "UNDINE" ) Fcatttrinpr Ida Bchnall i A msgnlfleemt dramatlo spectacle aurpaMlna any thing ever presented upon the stage, IJellg Tribune Weekly No. 11 garden. TSTS FAItNAil The Fammie Ik M. Frank Cam, reels. First tune In Omaha. In I PRINCESS, 1217-19 FAItNAM. Harold I.oekwood and May Altlaon in Llfa s Hllnd Alley, Mutual maslerplo tura dn luxe. In ( wonderful aria. And a aelerfed KryOonn comedy, Nortk. 16TH AND BINNEY GRAND, On the r.d 8 or Thing, J-reel drama. Bryant Wlaahburn and Kdna feaMirma Mavo. Alau lied Circle episode No. , and a good comedy. leOTHROP. I4TU AND LOTHROP. Paramount preaenta Ina Clalra In Tha Wild Oooae i'hase. Triangle presents Xnhle Toreha. awtlk. APOLLO. S834 LEAVENWORTH. 4 reela of good picture!. StjljLEVARD, eid to LaaranwoVlLT Tonight and T and o'clock, Mrne. Ivtrova. In The Vwmplrw fSUUT, tbil LKAVENWORTU. Julia Dean In Matrimony. Triangle. Weet. 2S5S FARNAM. MONROE. Henry R. Walthall In The Outer Kdse. HlllV Reeves In ijueenle nf the Nile. Bella Tribune News I'lelortal. eafk Bide. J5ESSE I4TH AND N. Hook Asent'a romance, t-reel Eaeanay. hellg Tribune No. 1L Chirkena. 'iin. rripii u mt uf innr Keyalone comedy. In HI Father"e Foot atepa, featuring Ford Hterllua;. Hlolen Magic, featuring iiaymond Hitchcock. s tar Features Thesa are Special Batrta-Aatl Floturaa aow appear tr at lb following T beaters: bOULEVARD. 33d to Tha Vampire." ITmPR-SS, 16111 AND UOUULAg. Vndlns, featuring Ida fichnall. QRAND, lvTU AND BINNEY Red Circle, episode No. 1 QARDKNi Ul FAUNAM "Tha Famous Ieo M. Frank Case," In rive reela. tOTHIiOP, aTU AND LOfllROP. Triangle present Paine i.arcna. 11V-1 DOUOLAS Harold I .or k wood and May AUlaon la "Lire a Hllnd Alley." fiOULFF, 2-l L-AV-NWORTU. Julia Dean la "Matrimony." Triangle. DK4TIIS AMD FI'NICR43. KOTICK 'TA'LifON-Alberl Iwia, aed 4a, F& ruary 17, at residence. 1M.I Clark St. tvcrvlcea at lioffman'a Fuueral Home Kunday. I p. m. ; auto eervlc. Inter ' snent Forest Lawn cemetery. MAUSOLEUM. .WHY bury your dead In Ilia cold ground la etormy weather bea you can buy a tomb In a marble bulldmg at reasonab'a price t leL alAUbOUtal CO. IX 3171, The Easy Way is the Telephone Way PHONE TYLER 1000 fiomnTt. (TM . florists. wh f,rnm St. I). l l.NDI-.K-O.N. lla oouslaa U. 12.4 Mem her r irita Telearari l ! Asa E'i. H'MJH' Mi, I'll Krn'm Hi, "" A. IJON'AUHUE. 1-J ha-ney. Doug, lull. birth akd nr.uiu. Births art R. and Fillth Laraen. 1130, girl; Webster and Emm lndon. I hospital, hoy; John i. and oiseiia may 17 Knulh Nlreternth. girl; Raymond and Jleulah Moratt. California, girl; T. and Anna !"rak. 27n Grant, girl; John and Anna Cernello, MS Woolworth, girl; Albert and loulse. Praxan. Su)7 Monroe, hoy; Herman and Ida Olcye. Houlh Thirty-eighth avenue. rlrl; Charles and Marie Knlhah, S17A 8, girl; Mhharl and Alvana Callahan, Thirteenth and Monroe, tlrl; John and bora Ucimo, 4510 South. Koriy-thlrd. boy. Deatha John Hanaen, K. I'M Farnam; Andrew II. Miller, 2, 4210 Routh Twenty third; Mra. Timothy L. P argent. 7S, 217 Jonre. MARR1AGB LICEWIRS. I'ermlta to Ked tiava been lasued to tha following: Name and Pldence. Age. John La, Athlon 24 1Oiilne V, He I gum, reterabur(..v 31 Kmll K. Tlelgum. Dl B Hannah Valeatad, Albion 2M Fdward N. Pchoaa Omaha 3 Mabel Cowetl, Umaha 0 Gut Lowe, Omaha 34 Clara Mitchell, Umaha 24 leadore Dnnaky, Omaha 1 Barah Hrodkey, Omaha II Bt'll.ll PKHMITI, Auatln Clark, KM North Thlrtr-fif th, frame dwelling. 11.100; Hasp Hroe X117 Hamilton, (raina dwelling, t2.; Raap hroa , Crown Point avenue, frame ('welling. Il.ano; Kaap Hroa., IK North Forty-third, frame dwelling. R.onft: Htan- ley Hoaar, 62)3 Mouth ThlrtleOi, ft am dwelling, $1,1'. LOST FOUND REWARDS OMAHA CUllNCiL, ULVif t n i'Klth.T RAILWAY COM PANT. Paraona having lo ama artlrla would do well to call up the office of tha Omaha g Council Hluffe Street Railway company to aecertaln whether they left It In tha atreet cara. Many artlolea aacn day are turned In and the oempany la aaaloua to raatora them to tbe rightful ownara. Call Doug. 4. . ijr TOU liwa nrthlea a4 ill eaxrtiM It kr yea all! auraiy muvar n It trrana ht aa heueat aroa. Rfnrhabie reeevertae ere brwagM twut awry or ikrouirk thi eolnwa TH tUW- fact I ake Ilea laat artlolaa ae hUapMiad la aaavlDi that Ike atate law M atrta. la raeutrlne Ikaai to aaek the ewaer tkr-jik a4v.nlaamaat mn4 etnarviaa. a4 ikat a lailure to 4a ao. it aaaM aaa he prevaa. ia VOtvaa a eavare aaalty. rAH'rronday"-eveiilng In the btieineea dleliiet. valuable papera belonging to the liav'd C. Cook Publishing Co. Ra tiirn to 8.13 Hrandela Theater Dldg. for reward. fifHT Idy a walth. with agate fob, on Met etteet near Underwood Ave. or on Dundee car. Thureday, Feb. 17; reward. TJBt-Flva ItdHhirieT" between 11th ami Jackaon and Mth Hta. liberal reward. A. Mryera, I'nlon Hotel. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Far-altar aal lloaaekoltl Uaada. . AM LEAVING CITY and muet aell complete aet of new household furniture, consisting of Huok gaa ranire. Ice box, china closet, buflet, dininir room table, dining room chain. library table, settee, writing desk, par lor and dining room rune, II ainaller rum. mahocany bedroom aulte, braaa bed. bureau, cola and mimeroua other houaehold artl-lea. Call Harney zi:u OMAHA MI4X)W CO. Kelt and hair mittreaaea made over In new lions at half tha prli-e of new onea. Phone na for aample of IK king. Vfii Cuming fit. Douglaa HI7. 676 BA fill AIN8. Furniture, it; atovea. bade, apnnaa, mattr a, i aacn; oeiumi com'orts. Ilankets. 1WWN. tth. W. rf ATX RPAIH8 Water fronla, furnace cella ate. ijusok aervioe. vmnn. mu., Hepalr Worka lfi- Douglas. Tyler fa. Hi'jJjMX. rood furniture; 1100 for quick sain. t lavenworth. third long! 71W. FrTlNlTi;HK of two-room apartment c all after 7 p. ni. i b. run, an. i riaaea aad Maalcal laatraaaeata. FOUR PIANO BARGAINS Are you going to buy a Piano? If you are and want to buy a real genuine Rargain? ir you really want to save at least 1100.11? . . ' Then come to our Btora Saturday and see these. Heatiilful Mahogany Regent Planoa worth M. cash. Bale Price fine Dny Only cash. Aleo one Heautlful Conover In a Walnut caae worth IliAl cash, will ( be sold for M1CIEL'S Nebraska Cycle Corapany, UTII AND MARNFY 8T8. DO U Q LAS. lil. nvil.l. SKl-t. A Fl'MKD OAK il.A Kit PI A NO I HKD ON K MONTIL KOir MJ THI8 18 4--1, OF 1T8 VALl'K. OWNKR I) l.n rh.l KUAIIT B. I vtru l t.-AT TI TI.K. ADDRKB8 H 8M, HKK, KM ITU aV UARNK.H tiprtght piano, fine condlUon, tiu. Tyit-r ito. WiLL sacrifice k-n.l pleyer piano, uaed one venr. Call Pou-n T.t t'lANO. ued 1 years, for HW caIi, tl llariiv AM? g"nVr month. A. Hoane. lMs DouUs. tar aed Ottlc Klatare. fcKtiKS. aafea. acalee. ahow"oaaea, ahel v. taa ate We buy. aell. Omaha Future '!!!? . 414-H-W 8. ltth. XHu. 3734. tasnerae aad KMMe. Fll.Mi devalepeU tree if purchi Photo Craft hop. 41 Hee Hide, lej rruia Dept. U Macblaery mm Kailsas, Vii.nt tiecond-kand motors, dynamua, maanaius. I lirun t.tectna W'orka, 31S-- S. uth Vi Jewelry, Uiaaasada, Watckra. bHODKOAAHD S lucky wedding' at let n and imuaiaa tn (lethlaa, Fare, . WF. buy and aell tailor made aulta an ovarcoaia. rTieunia n. ii mju laa oi. liel.ig Maeklaaa. BimiNCfllACIIlNEi. Ws rent, repair, aell needles and part r all seeing niakiiinea. MICKKL'S NEBRASKA CXCLC CO.. tlth and Harney bla. p.u. ltd WHAT lie had to aell; An automobile. a motorcycle, a eummer eottaae, Morris chair. And be auld ihera through THE BEIC Want Ad coluuuia. The Bee will hereafter accept telephone orders for Want-Ads at the CASH RATE of one (1) cent per word and a collector will call a day or so later with the bill. FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS TfpewrKera anal aappllea. St-W m lilrira auld the aame aa rent. J er month. Pe ua before you buy or tent. Hhlnd any placa on ten da ye frre trial, iiutta Typewriter Eacbariga. Jill 8. lath, Omaha. Neb. M1II.AM HI Mill IN AND t'AKMON CO. We make tlient In Omeha. What? Typewriter rlbbona. Huppllea for the offUe. rrnhlfi Tr. I f eP Id g. H'- tit. 4..jHrHiir'd t planter rlkv hnnt for ft. Relianc Ribbon A Carbon Co., IHxkIm S242. jl'AHASTKK Typewriter Hlbbona, o a. Lj rer d". Htitte Typewriter Fr. am B. Ith. fii'.NT an O'lver typewriter J mo. for tt. OHver Typewriter Agency, fit Fat-nam. TT fk.H Wlf KHA aold, rent, repalredT Centrel Typewr'ter F)te. 1W Farnara ftf.fT a iiemlnaton" not juet a type wrltee. Low rent. Call Dounlna 1. T"rPKWrtlfEil for rent, t inontha, 14. Butta Typewriter Ke. tit 8. Nth HI. Rllllard a root Tablea. FOIt SALU New and aeound-hand earora and pocket bl'llard tablea and bowling alleya and acceaaorlaa; aend for cata logue; en ay paymrnta. Tha Brunewlck. balke-Collender Co.. WT-M H. 10th BU Pr4atlaBaad Office jiappllea. 45N'bJ writer preee for printing Imitation typewriter lettera: one Invalid aanltary Clialr; one collapalblo (o-cart. I'hone Webater nr. WAfEHH-flAnNHART lt- Co., quality printing Tel. Doug. HM. Vi t Ulh St. CKNtft-ATT'l'rlnllng Co. DOUGLAS l6JdLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglaa Mi. Mlecellaaeeas. "FOlt BALK CHEAP. Bualneaa College Co urea. Full and complete acholarahlo tn eni of the boat Omaha bualneaa achoolm. Onod reaeon for aelllng; perfectly rella- ate; worm run pn-e, nut win na aold very reaaonably. If Intereaied lnveat. gale at once, bocauae aprliig term beglna Boon. There are a variety of coureea for aal. For particulars Inquire at tha of fice of The Omaha He. fif high atandard 'of quality evlll be maintained; 4 guarta of Old Fontenelle whl'ky, 1.1. S); bottled In bond. Henry Pollock, mall order bouaa. Doug. 7163; 121 P4 N. lMh t ALEX JET ICS' LIQUOR HOUSES, Thirteenth and Doualaa. Rottled-m-bond whisky, too, IL0O, $LB, full quart. Tim: b; 60a dtinDowder or Janan tea with every 10 lbs. Of beat coffee, parcel post, at HT1 Dave s Coffee Market. UU Leavenwortk Bt.. Omaha. Neb. OKFKlil N(i for sate 176-ton 4&-lb. I relaying rail; preetloally new; cheap. A. Ferer A Son. 101-lli S. ath Mt. ?50Al! baaketa dellv Xyvu nut or tump. vere4. P: Illinois W.U par ton. $3.20 Oolden VVeet Whlaky. ouaria hot tied In bond. creDald. Cackley Bros. Umaha ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR COUNTY TKKAHfllKR EMMET G. SOLOMON KOlEUAARD 8 "Lucky Wedding H'nrs" at mih and Doualaa Sts. f.JcP.rtCIHK AT Y.M.C.A. Busineee men. Kverytklnar lor Wants. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, bog pieaiiug, covered buttona. all alsea and styles; lioinatltchlng. point edging; em' broidery, heading, braiding, cording, eyelet cut aura buttonholes, pennaota. Ideal I'leallng Co., 0 .Oouiilas block. iiotitftna I'm. Coetaaaea. TUB largeat atock of masquerade and meairiiai costumes In the country. Then. Uoben A Hon. 3514 Howard. D. 41 W fTTf.ATiUCAl, gowns, full dress suits, for rent, aw ft. J to St. John Feldman. UriMaakiagi ' WANTED Dressmaking, plain and lancy: also alterations, mope liar. Bc, LADlup) suits reinuueled in the latest style. Hit Farnam. Douglaa uiowirtai AKli by the day. Work guaranteed. Webater 6H44. fAY"work, vvnsiiing. aewing. Red. t. tlKM. MOT'l'AZ. dreBsiuaker'i- jll. H Av. Kulsier Diessinaking Col. 1 Ity Nat. Ian y Theamimk'g culleae. 3Uth A Kainani? WOHk O U A R A N T KE D , WALNUT TT Plain sewing wauled. 0 ti. Kith. liar. 1043. KWlNU at home or out. Rei SXA. t alropractora, Kuiaiat Adjaat icata, DK8. JOHNSTON 8. Chiropractors, of f'lieldon, la., wish to announce their oca ti n at 2407 N fet.. South Omaha. Consultation free and invited. Phone Holltn 401". iR" "BURHORN, lhtti and Farnam. Wcad mag, u. M47; Palmer aohool graduate. Cr. J. C. Lawrence, 1 band Mldg. D. S4iT C'kiropodlata. Carrie J. Buford, 8W Pax. Hlk. Red 4W7. Ueatlala. r,J,I"11 bury.No pain. 1 W.O.W. P ld. Pyorr7ia.Tir. FlckUa, 724 City Nat. BaniT alt Dental Hooins. itill Douglas. L. liiSp, J aal tees et h Peace. It. Tl. CLAIBORNE, 111 Paxton Blk. Red 7401. Notary public; deposition steno. C. W. Bit ITT. All Barker Block. Drags. DRUOS at cut prlcea; freight paid on (10 orders; catalogues lie. tMiermun as Mu Cuniiell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. Kixtares aad Wlrtaa. rtTTptTM Electric washing machines, eierino Irons and reading lamps tS73 Cunilng M. Doug, fcly. Aucoaalaata. . . E. A. DW0RAKC. P. A, M-437 Ramge Bldg. Tel. Douglas 74H4. Farriers. 8AM KNFFTFR. 1 Farnam. Red 4S34. T. Holliola. l Leaven worth! 11. . Mevlaa 1'Ietar Maeklaaa. OMAHA Film Ex., ltth and Doug. Ho- tlon picture maciuna ana mm oargaine. Pateata. P. O. Barnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117, ll. A.Muif.ea, 4.IU Hrandela Tlieater Hldg. l'laa laetr-utiua. Pgtline ptano playing positively taurht in w leasona. mining. vai. 7l. Wlaea aad LIaora. BUY your family llquora at Kllen'a Liquor liouse. H'3 N. 14th. Douglas IV. tararsttn aa t'ttotra. Lessard A Bon, 19H Capitol Ave. T. W3. C, W. Hokanaon. fiU6 I.vnwUi. TL 2ll)!-J. Detectives. JAMF18 ALLAN, 35! Neville Block. Evi dence aecured in all case. Tyler 11 , r's'ssrit aad Tlanart. HAPFRBTROIt. 40? Hamilton. Wal. 7V. Live Btovk I auaaaUalo a era. MARTIN BROS. A CO. Exchange Bid. O eteviMtlk 1 'byalvlaaa. JpayrPHlNE AHM-TRQVO, 41S Bee B1J g. riswcs I leased, CURLED, dyed Flsele. UK City Nat Bcal Hepairlaa. 4m, Btandard Scale Co.. MS S. lth. D. mi. Bleel lelllaa CARTER Sheet Metal Company, 110 S. 24. Notice to Bee Want-Ad Patrons FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE AND BETTER SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENTS Twe tappllea. OMAH Towel Bupp'y. ?'7 8. ltth. n. tn Traake a ad Bait !. FR F.T.I N BTF.1NT.K. 1ftt Farnam Bt er apeclallala. rhrlstlaneen, M fl., Peyton Bk., in yr. erp. WeddlaaT Btatloaery. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. Advcrtlalaar Neveltias. Phafer A Co. Uth-Farnam. T. T474. V. F. Archltecte. Everett 8. Dodd. 313 Paxton Rlk. D. !m. Attoraeye. . C. T. Dlcklnaon. Ml Pafon Blk. D. 11 Aactloaeere. Dowd Auction Co , 1113-U W.O.W. R.3. Bakeries. RFFDFR. 75fl N. 1th. Web. E. H Jlraia aad Iroa PaXton-Mltrhell Co.. 37th and Martha Bts. Paarlaa Aeadrsalee. DE LUX ACADEMY. Ill 8. ldth 8t . Uyera aad Cleaaere. BTATB Dry CTng. Co.. 110 N. lh, P. Hffl r.leetrlcal Ilea iriaaj. CAHILL ELECTRIC CO.. Bee Bid. D. WTt, leeiriyeWi. Vloa A (lender. 624 Baa Bid. Red rra WANTED TO BUY WANTED-Uood propositions for mall order bualneaa; new patente considered. P. O. Hox K. New Hninswlrk, N. J. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, uaed deaks. bousht. aold and traded.. J. C. Reed. KC7 Karnam. NKVV and aecond-hand meat flxturea for our new atorea. Basket Htorea office, 611 Hrandela Theater Bldg. Phone Tyler 44 SWAPPERS' COLUMN HA VK large Jack, sound and legislered, naa a ineiiins Oertlllcate, l. handa bign and weigha about 1 ,. Duea hla own teaalng and la a good and quick per former. Valued at i,0j0. will trade tor in u iea, horsee or cattle, or cheap auto mobiles valued at thla flaura. or what nave yoU7 Address 8. C. k-75. Bee. PROr"rJ(UONA enlarging camera with B-lncli condenaing lenaea and made for Tunas ten light: will make 24x34 en largeii.tnta in 1 to i minutea; In per fect condition and nearly new; will trade for new lumbar, power washing maomne or valuable articles. Address n. LNTlUfciNT and persistent advertis ing win -aeir- any aaiabie real estate, and tha largest number of prospective buyers can b reached through the Ileal Eatate and Want-Ad Guide to all of Oreater Omaha THE BEB, flOADaH-.K, llghlwelglit, two-paaaeoaar, It'll model, just overhauled and lull aqulppeit. Will swap for the best ltl model motorcycle or motorcycle and Sid car outfit 1 can get: but It must be A-l condition. Address 8. C. 7. Um fH 8ALU or exchange, Kxcigialor motor cycle, ror good horse; also lady s coats and suits, sixes 34 tto 40. all kinds of children's clothing and good shoea, for ruga and furniture. H. C. oil. Hee. 11AV email diamond ring will trade for Vil3 rug. .Must be In uood ehape. It good rug, will give even exoliauga or trade for furniture -of aome kind, or ni nave you I Addresa . c 77, Hee. 1 HA V h, a new Huney Moon aewlng machine and a Fellows firelena cooker . to awap for a braes bed. aprlnga and mettrees, a 3-drawer swell front arewier. 8. C. H73, Hee. UAH KiiNOI.vK 4-H. P. Fairbanks A Morse engine. In fine condition and all comniete. to trade for a 1 or J-H. P. engine, or what have you to trad? Anureas . '. wa. Hee. WANT quarter or half K. W. cloaed core tranaformera; have thirty-two Colt automatic,, a IX set drawing Instru ment ana various electrical appliances. ticirces c. i:. wa, nee. CAM Kit A 4x& folding camera. three plate holdera. Pack adopter and portrait lena; In good condition. iS.7& outfit. Will exchange. What have you? 8. C. AUVEHTiah. your Property aa thouxh you oeiievea its Bale or rental to be Important,, by keeping It Hated In the pim; liouse, noma and Real EiUtS Oulde-THE HKH ' iiAVK five-year-old bay mare, unbroke sa eouna, witn loai to jac-K, with oolt paid for, valued at SIM. Will swap for r oru, or wnat nave your aareaa a. c, vtv. net) f WO usi'd pool tablea for typewriter In ervK-rauie conuitton; awappvr will have i amp taoiea to hlmtelf from forty miles eaat of Council Bluffs. B. C. V84, 11 A V W beautiful Scotch. Colli dog, house Droae, nice around children, IS months old; valued at 1-0; will trade. What have you 7 Addreas 8. C. wol. Be. KUN8WICIC Pool table, regulation slxe. pool balls and cues and cue rack. Will trade lor something of equal value. Ad- oreea B. i;. hnw, uoe. JTaVH motorcycle S-cyllndr, free eniilna ciuicn, ii3 model, in good condition. Will trade for old wrecked automobile. Mctrola, or what have you I Addreas n. v. w.8. nee. , vVA NT ED Set of Encyclopaedia SriT lamca. inaia Daner etiitmn: win ax. change book of equal value or a Vic- trola. 8. C 6. Hee. UOOD square dining table. Iron bed and ' S . II . . Bl'iiiiaa tur aiiiaii raiiav, uo rvciima or Kdison four-mlnut records. Addreas 8. t lh. Be. SAY mare ult, 1 year old. fat and sound ni'ium aoout sou. vaiuea at iio. wii awau for what hava you? Addreas 8. C via, fee. BKAt8 elide trumbotio In good condition to trad for -.12 rifle, revolver or any- inina- ueeiui. Aaoreea n. i.;. nee. AUTO delivery body, enclosed, for trade ror aometning oi equal value. Addresa e t. Hee. WANTED To trade anything for a alx or nlne-lncii swing screw cutting lathe, . c. an, re. AUTO Coat Sl.DUO; eloc. aquiijjed. best re pair, want diamond. B. , o, Hee. i. 5iANiOLlN. like new. alao rldlna aaddle. Want elide trombone or poatcard alas kodak. Addresa H C. B, Hee. ilRST claaa barber clialr, to awat for auto of any kind, in good condition, Addreas r. C. wil, Hee. SECOND-HAND multlgraph. two druma. What have you in exchange? Address 8. c. wn. Hee. TOOLS, aood tool chest and aome car' penter tools; if Interested make offer. ei. 8i, Hee. ATiDlNtf TlAClIIN Will trade for For auto, books, office furniture, or what have youT H. p. y. 1. Bee. NICE player piano, ck at 4o, to awau for cowa, piga and culckena. Addreas B. C . Bee. Tn) UPRIGHT mahogany piano for auto, ,8, C . Hee. " AtJTOMOBILES For other automoblli bargaina sue tb "Automoblla" claaatfr cation. EXt'HANiil-: Half-aei'tion for automo bile or business. Address I, T71 Hee. ANTED Farm wagun and harneaa foi household goods 8. C. ni, Hee 3-1 llA8 lanae for chlc-kena teeae or an; atna of pounry. n, t . eiu. riee WHAT have you to trade for an Angora rat, tnorougtioren. d. c. b.x. BUSINESS CHANCES OFFICE FOR REAL E3TATE OR INSURANCE SAME FLOOR AS BEE OFFICE THE BEE BUILDING orrtcfi room ua RTanaiIer wanted. Manufacturing bualneM, abaolutely arllt edye. legitimate, output staple aa sugar, Bella to packing houses, R. R. a. wholeaalera, department atore, etc. Aaaeta .".WiO. Ilabillilea not one cent. Only Man claaa man wanted Who must take atock: adequate salary for manaaer. Bee me personally. No In formation ever telephone J. A. A B HOT T. Patterson Blork, Omaha. Neh FOR rnt picture siioTv, 13th and Vinton Sis., seating capacity over Soft, A-l location. BIRKETT & COMPANY, 42S Be Bldg . Doug. 8. WKLL located moving picture ahow in city. K.qulpped witn latest powers a macmne. piano piaytr, opera onaire nd everything complete. Huatness has always been a money maker. 1 am leaving city and will aell cheap, with or without building and give reasonable terms, call owner. Houtri jmi. HMAI.I, AMOUNT of money Invested now in a live, rrowinc and well-organ laed bualneaa will pay you a splendid return. Call ror particulars. W. T. Smith Co. I.VU City National Bank Blrty;. FOR 8ALK OH. THADii Uuioher aboo and aausaae room in rirbury. neo. Will consider reaidt-nce property or farm. On l-ay difference. For a quick deal will make some one a good propo sition. Hite or see c. o. Martnis, air btirv. .Ceh.e OH MALE Oil elation in S. li., 40 miles from another Independent Co.; 40.1X0- gal. ator&;e Warehouse, tank wagon, horses and other acceaaorles. Will sell at a bargain; other bualneaa Interfere Addresa boo Oil Co.. Madison. 8. D. FOR SALE Infants, children's and la dies' furnishing store at David City, Neb., at a barealn; best location In town: doing aa excellent bualneaa; want to retire. Box No. i.. David City. Neb. idOVlNO Picture Theaters, real bargaina; machlnea, repairs, auppllea, accessories, new and second-hand. Bee ua. OMAHA THEATER SUPPLY CO.. Ralrd Bld. DoUar. 8639. WANTF.D Partner to take" active and financial intereet In well established In surance (aome real estate) bualneaa; must be a man of good Judgment and ambitions. Addresa O 775, Bee. WOULD you be interested In business and invest ro that win pay you ai Per week to start and Is legitimate? Office work; answer quick. Address P 77. Bee. WANTED Have 3300-3500 to Invest In Reality Parlor or would consider part nership arrangement. Address M 761, Bee. FOR SALE Completely equipped cafe. aoing good ousinesa, in a hotel; an at tractive proposition. Addreas E 745. Bee. TIlEATERt -Buy, leas or aall your th aier. macmn ana supplies tnrougn Theater Fx. Cc HQ Farnam. D. lSy7. CffFlCB for real estate or Inauranra't same floor as Bee office; uxll feet; J4 The Bee Hide-.. Office Room 103 FOR HALTU OR TRADE Half Interest In finest picture show in Omaha; Ju0 will handle it. Address K yL Hee. TO GET In or out of business cat! on OANOKSTAD. 4U Be Bid. Doug. 34T7. TO SELL or buy a business, call oa Purch A BoTghoff. Frenxer Blk. D. 37HX TO QUICKLY aell your buslnesa any where, write Jim Wrav. Sioux City. la. Y-ItOOM rooming house. 510 8. J1st Ave.; all first Claaa furniture. Douclaa .819. SITUATIONS WANTED Mai. POHlTl.ON' wanted; young man with suc- ceasiui rcoora in me naraesi selling game there Is -wans position off the road: present salary 32.1U0; experienced in office, manufacturing and retail end f t steel goods lines; has executive abll ly and forealtrhtednees; details In cor respondence; would not aocept boat road poHition. but want Inside work or city aalea. Addreaa Y 2M. Bee. ALL kinds of odd Jobs and Janitor work Dy hour, dny. week or mouth; experi enced In all lines of work. Webster 034. Ask for Jolmsron. - VvA N'ii -fit nation to worn oa farm ry man and wife, who have their own furniture. Charles Krapp, WIS 8. loth. Tel. Houth 3S. EXPERIENCED young barber wishes a position In city or near Omaha. Ad dress 714 8. 17th Ave. Phone D. 4111 Yol'NG married man wUnea position as stenographer:. 3 yeara experience, ."ten l. and ask for "A" No. 11 HOW much will you pay for service of a young man with Ford car, steady and reliable? Addreas Y 2M, Bee. POSITION wanted by sober, all around outuner and sausage maker. Address x XI. Bee. V ANTED Janitor work. Can take care of any kind of a furnace. Call Web. 2903. 3NO. P. CARLSON, Painting- and Taper Hanging. 842 N. SSth 8t. H. zsno. riant. UIDDLH aged lady with child k years. wisnes worn aa nouaekeeper in refined place or to take care of invalid. Call at SHS6 Franklin, or Webster 4207. V ANT'.l vv ora ua a prat Uual nura In private Jewish family. Address Mlas B. Schlatter, 1 P bt.. South Omaha. Tel. 8outh -its.- - REFINED widow with child desires posi tion aa Housekeeper, ooug. 7 after Ij. ni.. . COLORED woman wishes work as cook In small hotel or cafe. Webater 4619. TWO experienced colored girls wish chambermaid work. W ebater 2927. WANTED Position aa housekeeper. Call In person. 8.'a Leavenworjrl. Laaadry aad Day Mark. BUNDLE waahlng; neat work. Web. 217.7. DAY work of any kind. Web. Mary. WANTFI Bundle washing. Florence 323. WANTED Day work. Phone Web. 7410. ' WANTED Day work. Call Red 76. ANY kind of day work. Douglaa MB3. WASHING and Ironing. Colfax tu0. ANY kind of day wrk. Harney 170. WASHING and Ironing. Colfax 1UM6. HELP WANTED MALE Store aad Offices. CITY Saleaman. $W; Bkpr.-Steno.. lav Stock Comm.. 376; Gen. Mdae. MgT., lfw; Gen. Mdse. Clerk N. W. Neb., &. S 8tenos.. 340, lift. r$; & Hkprs , 3160, $100, 3:r. 3, 3"; Retail Clothing Sales man, 375; Furnishing Goods, tto; Travel In fg Salesman, Groceries, Mchy., Heavy Hdwr., hhelf Hdwr., 3100-3160. Western Reference A Bond Ass'n., Inc., UTiglnatora of the Reference Business. Hi Oi ua ha Na t. Ba n k Bldg. ft'ANf bl-4iri e cieia. rapid and ac curate at figures. Chance for advance ment. State aae, experience and salary expected. Address K 772. Bee. It is sometimes a bother to coin down to THE BEE office to place your Want-Ad and then, again. It U quite often inconvenient for you to coma down this way to pay the bill for an ad jrou hae had inserted this way you never have to budge out of your home or place of businesa to get Bee Want-Ad service at tbe CASH KATli. HELP WANTED MALE a. tore aad Office. WANTED TRAFFIC MANAIICR. Traffic manasera are In demand. Th field la moat fertile for an ambfllous man to arise Into a high salaried posi tion. 3-H0 per mo. and up. Special coach Ing and training. 14fl W. O. W. BMc. M'5K., MNFO. FIRM tlnveelment) 33". OFFICE MGR., (Investment) 1. STENOGRAPHER (Out Town).... 75. SALESMAN (Antosl ..: 1. TjJ F. ( AND At IENCY WO BEE BLIh. LEIHJER CLERK... shipping and general offlc work, I7.V Ktenoarapher, bright young man, beginner, 340. CO-OPEHATIVE RKJFKRTCNCB) CO. 1Q1S City National. SALESMAN-Auto. 1M to :; sales man, gaa engine, 3lo to Ho0; office clerk. 3H0; teno.. ITS: Bteno.. W. WATTS RF.F CO., H4Q-43 Brand. Thea, Prwrveelaae aad Trade. WANTED On spotter and preeser, ex perienced on Hoffman machine. State Dry Cleanl n g Co. 11H-Hn N. 12th Bt. Drug f tore ana pa. Joos. Knelst. Bee Bldg. Baleaanea aad Solicitor. ADVERTISING SALESMEN. Toting men who think they are salesmen and nan sell advertising space to merchants can land a perma nent position with good future If they can make good. Want clean-cut. lire, wide-awake and aggressive men who can get in terviews with business men and tell their story In an intelligent manner. SALARY AND COMMISSION. Tell sll about yourself In first let ter, previous experience, references, etn. Address L 0R. Bee. W A NTED A a-God, steady, gentlemanly salesman to handle a Ward s wagon in every county; no experience needed: you furnish team, we furnish woiklng capital: only ambitious men need reply. For full particulars write promptly to Dr. Ward's Medical Company, Winona. Minn. 0 OMAHA manufacturer desires salesmen for practical farm specialty: muat be able to finance operations; very email capital required. Call 4;W paxton hotel, J to 4 p. m. today, yulck seller and sure money maker. &A LESM EN Wanted to sell blotters. fane, diaries and calendar ror aaver t'slnr. C. 8. Hammond A Co., 30 Cliurch Bt.. New York. MANAGER EXCHANGE Business chance department; experiences man; excellent opportunity. W3 Brandela. WANTED High class stock saleaman. Drummond Motor Co., 36th and Far nam Sts. ' ' ' Trad Scboola. SAVE $25 BKB OtTR SPECIAL HOLIDAT OFFER. If you esn t attain! day School you can hold your job and at the aame time get your automobile education If you enroll In the NIGHT CLAPS. OF NEBRASKA Al'TOMOBTT.T? SCHOOL. 24ns LEAVENWORTH. RED 31 10. M0LEII . BARBER COLLEGE. Men wanted to learn th trade. We have originated a plan to teach It quickly and earn back tuition while learlnK. Tools Included. Open to every one. Write for catalogue, 110 So. 14th t.. Omaha. Nob. QOOD MEN WANTED to learn auto work for the hip; spring nifh. Fine training work on autos and elctric starting system. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE. TM Farnam St. Omaha. Nob. EfeARN barber trade, more than make your tuition while learn'ng. Ht of tools Included. Job guaranteed. Call or write for catalogue. 1402 Dodge. TRI-CITY BARBER COT.LEOE. MEN wanted to learn the Iwber trade. Tuition, $25. 1H08 Case St., Omaha. OMAHA 'BARBER COLLEGE. Mleeallanaone. NOTICE TO FARMERS. When In need of help of -any Kind write, telephone or can on us. CUNNINGHAM LABOR AGENCY. 1)1 8. lath 8t. Omaha. Neb IT. S. Government Wants Clerks ilifl month. Omaha examination ADrll 11 Sample questions free. Franklin Insti tute, Dept. J21 M.. Rochester. N. Y. V' ANTED Idy or gentleman to work In Laundry; prefer someone who can Invest aome money. 64 North Main St., ivmncll Bluffs, la. . WANTED Namee of ambitious men, 1$ or over, wanting Railway Mall clerk po sit tons. 176.00 month. Answer immeui ately. Y Ml. Bee. AGENTS AND CANVASSERS SELL me your spare knowledge; aver age nerson has IJ.OOn to 3T.0m. worth no peddling, tinkering. Holden, Box 7v3 meweil. la. THE MARTI COMPANY, EMPLOYMENT SPECIALISTS. 1S27 W. O. W. BLDG. HELP WANTED FEMALE Btoraa ana Offices. STENOGRAPHERS and typist furnished for any typewriter Our aervlce la free. Royal Typewriter Co.. im 8. 19th. Tel. D. lio. BILL CLERK 3IA BTENOGRAPHER 4ft. THE CANO AG ENCT 400 BEE BIJX1. EXPERIENTR1J Tdarer Clerk. 370. Western Reference A Bond Ass n., Ina, 7 Omaha Nat. Bank. Bldg. B I bnu, sou . 'il l. v 1' i , aiv, vi Hteno., I6"l; Steno. and Bkkpr.. 300. WATTS REF X., k40- Brand. Thea, Balravromea aad Sollcltora. WANTED Lady canvassers who under stand businesa; good wanes. 1-4 JN. z- St. after 6 in the evening. Doug. 76-il. Prefeeeloae aad Trade. LEARN halrdi easing at The Oppenhelm Itoasebold aad Uoauvatl. WANTED Competent white girl for gen eral housework; Danish preferred, ln- qul re 6014 Florence hivq. i.oirax vim v ANTED irl lor general housework In apartment. Apply to Mk-a. Chambers. Ant. I. Potter. Kid and tarn am rta. WANTED Competent white girl for general housework; no washing. W. D, Hosford, Har. 314. 626 B. 87th St. WANTED Girl for Itaht housework Three In family. No washing. 103 No, Soth. Harney 6KT4. WANTED A competent white girl for general houaework. Call Walnut Itsuu. 4: Dodge tst. WANTED I'ompetent maid Tor general houses, ork; f imlly or i. no waanuig. 1.4 N. iSth Ave. WANTED Girl to asNist a Ith bouae mork and care of small child. Phane 1 1 - r.ev 7 WANTED Girl for general houaework small family. S. 25th Ave. W NTED Girl for keneral liouaeworl 2 Lincoln Blvd. Red J4i HELP WANTED FEMALE Mlecrllaare WANTED fllrl experienced on ladles jr pressing and to attend to telephone.. r Kfat I Ir-w f 'U.nln 11J M 17th Bt I EDUCATIONAL BUSINESS COLLEGE STUDENTS 8AVE MONEY ON COURSE. For sale, with good reasons for sell ing, a variety of course in a rellabl Bualneaa School, one of the leading busl ncsa colleges of Omaha. Will be sold very reasonable away below reguar price. If you are considering taking a raursa Investlcate thla at once, sine Spring Term begins soon. Call effloa, Omaha Bee. DAY SCHOOL. BOYLFS COLLEGE. NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day is enrollment day. Rook keeping, Bnorthand, Stonotype, Type writing, Telegraphv, Civil Service all Commercial and English branches. Cat alogue free. BOYLES COLLEGE, Wth aiid Harney ts. Tel. Doualns 1SH5. THE VAN SANT SCHOOL" BTENOORAPHT BOOKKEEPTNO. Dav Behnol foe Youna Women. Evening School for Young Men and women. Saturday morning class in typewriting. i Ton C. Duffy, Owner and Manager. Snst 8. mth St Omaha. H)K aale. the following acholarahlpa tn a flrat-claea Omaha Business College: One unlimited combination buslnesg and shorthand course.. One unlimited stenograpnie cours. One three-months' business or steno graphic courae. Will be sold at a discount at th office) of The omaha Pee. SCHOOL OF MODERN LANGUAGES Class or private lessons. Lawntown afudto. Phone Web'. t-Vi4. . . Paxton Blk. School of Lettering and Arts Tuition 310 per month, ooug. hot. PRIVATE Instruction in Gregg anorthand and touch typewriting. Tel. wal. PERSONAL I'lLES. FISTULA CTTRISIX Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgi cal operation. Cure guaranteed and na money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonial. DR. E. R, TERRY. M0 Bee Bldg. RHEUMATISM, stomach, liver and kld- ney trouble, goitre, nervousness ana asthma sufferers ar successfully re stored to health by me. Examination Free. Call Suite Jli Be Bldg. DR. W. , H. KNOLLENBERO, Ch Iropra ct or. Tyler 1534. 33.000 TO PENSION INVALIDS. The Indies' Home Journal tl-td The Saturday Evening Post 11 M The Country Gentleman $1.00 50 aubscrihtiona each month till April earna that 33,000 for The Inva lid' Pension Ass'n. Your order or re newal contributes 60c. Udgent, 300 needed In February. Phone Douglas 7163, or addresa GORDON, THE MAGAZINB MAN, Omaha, Neb. I YOUNG women coming to Omaha aa ' strangers are invited to visit tne xoung -Women's Christian aaBociation building at 17th St. -and St. Mary's Ave., where tbey will be directed to suitable board- 5 Ing plaoea or otherwise assisted. Look .. . : . -1 ..... , . 1.1 .1 ,K TTnlan 1 1 1 . Station. THE Salvatio" Army Induatrlal home so licits your ciotning, iurnnure, mag sxlnes. 1 ,-ollect. We distribute. Phone Dot... i 41.1E and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. MASSAGE AND ELECTRIC BATHS. chiropody and manicuring, misses wrn. and Head, 210-212-214 Baird Blk., 17th and Doualaa. Douglas 3458. RUPTURE HhTuf sgVoai operation. Call or write Dra. Wray Mathenv. 304 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. PERSONAL Misses Staples! and Shaffer, f bath, electno treatment, open v a. m. in , p. m. Douglas 713. 401 Ware Blk. f MAE BRUGMAN. steam and shower baths. Massage. Red 2727. Room 203, Karbach Blk. RIFeUMATISM treated aucoeaafully, re- suits guarant'd. Dr. Bowser, 314 Bee Bldg. UR. A. C STOKES has moved his office to 474 Brandela Theater iog. SCIENTIFIC maaeage. 620 Bee Bldg. , Phone Douglas iz. SlASSAGE Miss Webster, Sll Paxtone-' Hlk Dnilo-lua 3227. ' 1 FOR RENT ROOMS Faralabed Roota. HOTEL SAN FORD, HOTEL HA RLE Y, i linh and Farnam. 20th and Farnam. t Special Rates to Permanent Guests. RKr iNEO gentleman cn get room in doctor'a family; alao board If desired; reference required. Address A. 7S, Bee. FINE room; modern home; West Far nam; walking distance; for one or twe refined gentlemen. Harney 6193. pmkuey. 24 Large room, modern, pri vate family; near car line. Web. 6906. CALIFORNIA, 3119V 3 furnished rooms, modern, reasonable. Harney 4001. DEWEY AVE., 2610-Two rooms nicely furnished. lloaaekeeptag Roei 3 FU'RNHSHED light housekeeping rooms 3 If dewlred. 37W Davenport. Har. 1391. NICELY furnished steam-heated housekeeping rooms. 204 8. 19th. light Board sued Rooms TH ST.. 222 N. I have a beautlf uff ront room, also two sleeping rooms; these are nice, warm rooms, in a private home: breakfast If desired. Doug. 7649. bTEAM-HEATED room a, auitable for two; excellent board; reasonable. "Th Pratt." 212 8. 2Mb St. Phone Dong. 81. CALIFORNIA. 2614 Hoard and room for two In private family; references re- qulred. Tyler BOARD and room for gentleman; prlvaTe family: large southeast room. Web- ster Tl. iiOWARD. 2213 Desirable warm front parlor. bet home cooking. o, 3j.5Q. N. 24Ti, 114 Niceiy furnlahed room with board. liafaralahed Bosat. DODGE, i70.' Two furnisned and two un furnlMhed: reasonable. Harney Hull, 2 L'."FL'RM81iED rooms, walking dia tHnce. Phone Harney 4-88. THREE unfurnished rooms with use of telephone, 10. Walnut YiXS. " No Need to Walk Them in When You CanTalkThemin" PHONE TYLER 1000 r f : All You Unvo to Do Is Call up Tyler 1000 and Give Your Ad-The Rest Is Done For You "SlW-