THH IJKE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1916. 4)w4 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE FOUNDED BY KDWARD KOSKWATKR. VICTOR ROSKWATER, EDITOR. The Re Publishing Company, Proprietor. PKE BUILDING, FARNAM ANO gEVKITTICgNTK. Fntered at Omaha postofflce aa aecond-claBe matter. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. By cantor PT mall per month. per yer. rev and "undav r o IhiIIt without Sunday....... e J J" l-Venlrg end Sunday o Kvenlng without Sunday.......-.... ..Jfco.. J.w aundav Boa only ... ..two..., I.W laiiy and tfunuay Hca, three yeara In advance.... 110. M hrrii nodes of ihino of address or complaints f Irregularity in delivery to Omaha Baa, Circulation lor-artment, REMITTANCE. Ilemtt by draft, ei press or postal order. Only two font etampe received In payment of small accounts, personal checka, except on Omaha and eastern ex menne, not accepted. orncKS. Omsha The Beo Hutldlng R.mth Omaha 23111 N street t'ounrll niuffa 14 North Main Street lyinroln f 2S Little Building. Mcsao-HOI Hearst Rulldlng. Now York Room IW, tW Fifth anua. St lunula 0a Now Bank of Commerce. Washington 72t Fourteenth street N. W. CORRESPONDENCE. Address rnmmunlratlona relating to nsws and etl tortal matter to Omaha Boa, Kditorial Department. JANUARY CIRCULATION. 53,102 State of Nebraska, County of Douglas, aa: Dwight Williams, circulation manager of Tha Baa Publ l ah In g company, being duly aworn. aaya that tha average circulation for tha month of January, tilt, aa n.tOi. DWMHT WILLIAMS. Circulation Manager. Subscribed in my preaenoa and aworn to before Be. Ibis id day of February, ROBERT 11UNTEK, Notary Public- tabacribrra leaving tha city temporarily sUiusd hare Tbe IV mailed to thetn. Ad dress will bo changed aa often aa requested. Wbo spotted tbe spring robin? Kissing goea by favor so do Omaha bote contracts. fire However, tbe prudent will keep tbelr over coats and furs within easy reach. Tbe policy of protection under an alias looks migbty good to a deflated treasury. Canada Is facing new taxes. Tbe "Lady of the Snows" will have to harry to heat us to it. Having occupied the front pages for tbe greater part of a week, Chicago Is disposed to flout New York's pretensions as a center of crime. A democratic slaU of delegates to repre sent Nebraska at St Louis Is all right In demo cratic eyes, but a republican delegate slate. oh, horrors! With imports shut off, holders of tha British two-year supply of tobacco may be ex cused from viewing the horrors of war with undue' alarm. Local aspirants for the federal Judiciary, seeing what. ,1s happening to Louis . Brandels, may thank their lucky la having escaped going on trial for their lives. The key-note speech of Senator. Root is sure to become a campaign text hook, and the democrats may put in their time from sow un til election trying to answer it. The New York state delegation to Chicago win be uclnstructed, but with Governor Whitman oa It there will he at least on vote in the Hughes column, whenever there is such a colomn. New York Republicans. The action of tbe New York republican con vtntlon is deeply significant of what may bap pen at Chicago. In spite of predictions of strife, tho gathering was marked by little If any turmoil, and by no rancor of faction, show ing that the Empire State representatives of tbe party of progress and civilization realize tbe responsibility upon them In loading off for the campaign, and were determined to meet the situation with such firm dignity as would enlist the confidence and support of tbe pub lic. No endorsement was made for choice of president, leaving the great delegation free to enter' the national convention unhampered by Instructions that might become embarrassing. In the pisiform adopted will be found an epi tome of the creed of the republican party, pro tection for American lives, protection for American homes, protection for American commerce and Industry, at home and abroad. On this Issue tbe party will present candidates to the people, pledged to carrying out the pur poses set forth. The importance of New York n national politics is recognized by all parties. and the present pronouncement of the republi cans of that state will be generally accepted aa indicating the position of the party nationally. Tbe character of the delegation that will be sent to Chicago Is foreshadowed by tbe action of the convention, which makes sure that New York will be represented at tbe national con vention by strong and able men. Tbe courage and determination shown by the New York re publicans but reflects the spirit of the party throughout tbe country. Amending Methodist Discipline. On branch of the great Methodist church lr America proposes that the rigid restrictions now placed on some forms of amusement be removed. It Is suggested that card playing. dancing and attending the theater be no longer listed as deadly sins, but be left for the breth ren's Individual determination as to Indul gence. This is another of the accumulating proofs that religion is losing some of Its gloom. When all reasonable amusements are on the proscribed list. It Is very hard for the sojourner along the straight and narrow path to keep bis feet from straying. Allowed a little oppor tunity for the exercise of some of his natural Impulses, he Is not apt to go far out of tbe way that leads to the supernal heights. At this juncture a fair young woman from South America arises In a missionary confer ence, and makes us all sit up and take notice by declaring th futility of sending "frumps and dowdies" to spread the gospel in her part of th world. Her proposition Is so simple that It doesn't require argument. Tbe wonder has long been how, in a universe of light and beauty, man could satisfy h's soul with tha gloom Imposed by some creeds. When all nature la an Invitation to joy, th bounty of the Creator spread In lavlshness and unstinted profusion, It seems incredible that man should shackle himself with tbe Idea that his ultimata salvation depends entirely on ab stention from partaking of the life about him. All tht is beautiful . Is not bad, nor does tha substance of sin dominate everything that is pleasant or agreeable in this world.) Reason if slowly but surely breaking down soma of th barriers, and religion will eventually Worn the beautiful thing It ought to be. Tho Molo a Nature Miracle The senator has it that "aa a last resort" he will have "Ig" Dunn to fight for hi nomi nation, well, the senator hss it coming to him, for ha built "Ig" up and fav him all tha political capital he hss. Whll defensive measures still lag la com mittee rooms, congress is not overlooking tha larger preparedness for home consumption. A new war pension hill carrying an additional $2,000,000 went through tha bouse of repre sentatives with th clutch oa high. Tb river and harbor bill, aa completed in committee, carries the munificent appropria tion of $50,000 to take care of tha Missouri rver all tha ay from Kansas City to Sioux City. Her Is a Job for our senator and rep resentative at Washington to tackle, and show ub how much influence they have down there. ine Kussian commander who captured Krzerum exhibits equal confidence with th enemy that God is oa his aid. Confidence of this character approaches blasphemy. Hoi n uch more becoming to human humility are the words of Lincoln in th midst of war: "What concerns m most is that w should be on God'a aide." Thirty Years Ago ' This Day in Omaha " Compiled fresa aa rUee. " ' The rimrrtag. of Mr. N. B. Falconer, prominent dr goods man. and Mine Nellie Loax'h was aolemnlaci at toe realden&s of ti. A. 8turgia, 1 Davenport street, by Rev. W. E. t'opelaad. in the preeenoe of a few luvitrd friends. The bride waa plainly attired la neat traveling dress. After a wedding supper M. and Mra Falconer left on a trip to Niagara ralle and New York city, whenra they go to Cuba, returning to Oroha In ADrU. A large toll of geese passed over this city high In tha air. northward bound, and tha wteecr la earing mat tnia is in aign or winters approaching and. Mr. and Mrs. 8. P. Morse left for New Tork. t be gune several weeka. Oeorge Howard, formerly of Omaha, but now see. reUury of tha St. Paul Shot company, la visiting friends In Omaha. Tha Omaha Conatablra' Protective association has boon formed by these constable: C. W. Edgartoa, George Kuril. W, P. Snowdeu, Paul Stela, Bam Hover. (. W. Kmg. Chartea ltoUo. aV N. Maailo, D. U. tlouck and A. BuecheL Tha purpose la ta band tha constables oa aa equal footing In th natter of fees on ti.oir collection. !: andela" Thirteenth street drygooda store advwr ft j a special aala 'for ladles only" of "all tha ' 1 from lihkrnan'e bankrupt atork" at S oenta l. . although worth frxra 1 cents to 10 canta each. Mrs. W. J. Martin Is visiting friends In Galesburg, 1.1. Democrat Formallj Back Down. Face to face with the reaulta of their folly in undertaking to carry out th free trad theories to which their party has been wedded, th democratic leaders in congress hav exe cuted an about-face movement on the tariff. They now announce they will not only retain th duty on sugar, but will restore the duty on ether articles, for the purpose of replenishing th exchequer they have depleted by their reck lessness In spending money without regard to revenue. They have been forced by experience to tacitly admit tbe blunder of their efforts to "reform" th revenue laws, especially th tariff, and face tb people now with an admission of the futility of tb experiment they tried. Thus come to an end the second attempt within th last fifty years to put into practic th theory of "tariff for revenue only," which means free trad. In both cases th result has been th earn, disaster for the country. It ia most convincing proof of the utter incapacity of th democratic party in congress to deal with th real problems of government Its senseless attacks on th commerce and Indus try of the country lead only to wreck and ruin, and now, with a vanished surplus, a growing deficit, and a steadily dwindling cash balance, it faces about and proposes to restore th pros perity it wrecked by renewing tb machinery it destroyed. Two years ago tb Underwood tariff waa framed with utter disregard of th recommendations of the tariff commission, and that commission Itself was abolished by the democrats. Today, the Underwood tariff la to be amended, and th commission is to b re stored. But th damage Is already done, th cash box is empty, and the responsibility rests solely on th president and his counsellors. Tb republican party, on th other hand, stands pledged as it always has, to tariff re form along lines that ar economically sound. and th restoration of th nonpartisan tariff commission. Under this policy the country prospered once, and will prosper again. Hat, Hair and the Bacillu of Baldness. Having disposed of tb less Intricate, but equally interesting topic of woman's dress, th Omaha Woman's club is giving its attention to masculine apparel, and with true perspective, begins at the top, presumably to work down. At any rate, th club, through on of its me ca bers, informa ua that baldneaa la du to hats. and hats ar du to man's blind devotion to th dcrs of fashion. Simplicity itself, and doing away at one with ail th wonderful literature of age on th whya and wherefores of hair. To h aur th psper doesn't stat why som men never get bald, and why som woman do, hut that la altogether beside th question. No plo tt r of th prophet ever depicted him wearing a modern hat, and yet Holy Writ records th fact thst three she-bears devoured certain Ir reverent youngsters wbo shouted at th ven erable man: "Go up, bsldhead." But, If tb bat Is responsible, let's do awsy with tb hat, and defy th makers of toupees and wigs. oarrett X. aerrtsa. ' Tou would not Ilka to be born a mole and live blindly underground, spending your Ufa making end less burrows with spado-ahaped hrind. and a snout having a sharp bona at tha end for a borer. Tet a mole seems to be a very happy animal perhapa hap pier than tha avoraro man and nature haa boatowed upon It gtfta aa admirable aa any we have, cept our brain. There la a great myetery about moles. They live In tha dark underground, but yet they are sun wor- shlppa'a. Juat at the hour of noon, when the sun I at Its hla-heat point In the sky. the mole often comes to the surface. It la a habit of the race, a kind of religious observance, one might think. Seldom does tha mole willingly make Its appear ance In tha tipper world at any other time of the day. but at that moment they come of thrlr own accord. This fact, which baa been observed attain and again, haa never been explained by naturalists. Is It a reminder of a time when moles lived like most other animals on top of the ground? Ia there In them a racial memory which Irresistibly loads them back at Intervals to tha gates of their ancestral paradise T Man himself began by worshiping the sun; that waa his first religion. The traces of ancient sun wor ship are all over the earth wherever man has been. Ita Influence can be aeon yet today In many re ligious ceremonials. Images, constructions, observances and Ideaa. Th traditional orientation (that Is, facing) of the great Christian cathedrals, aa of tha aplend'd F.iryptlan and a reek temples, la a survival of the an cient custom of fronting such buildings with refer ence to eoma particular aspect of the sun. Is th en trance gallery of tha moles a similar. Instinctive sur vival? Thla question may not be so altogether fool ish as It looks. Th whole active Ufa of the mole la subterranean. It is born underground and paases Its Ufa underground. Aa far aa tha means of livelihood are concerned It appear to ta Independent of th upper world. It finds all It needa to oat. and ail It needa to make Itself comfortable, without resort to things above ground. Tha roots of plants furnish It with tha fine lining that It uses for Ita nests, and Ita burrows, running close under the surface, so that they awell up tha earth above them In winding rtda-ea, are suf ficiently aerated by the air that leak down through the loose, open soil. Earthworms and Insect larva fumlah all tha food It needa. When It drives Its subterranean ways along a Una of springing garden plants, or under a grass plot. It finds what It wants In the matter of food and material without needing to go out Into the daylight. Why, then, at high noon, doea It come out, for no other appar ent object than to look at the sun, or to enjoy It genial touch? We may, at least Imaginatively, call the sun th mole's god. But, remembering the common belief that a mole U blind, you may ask: "How ran It aea the aun?" Tne myth of the blindness of moles baa been brushed away. Rome species perhaps cannot aee, but most of them can. Their ores are very small, and hidden in tha fin hair, but they serve as organs of vision. Btlll. they can have very little use of them under ground. Any leaking of daylight that may penetrate there must be extremely faint, and If their eyea were Intended to enable them to aea with so little Illumina tion they ought to ba large and free from obstruction, whereas they are minute and thatched with hair. But such eyes may be particularly well suited for an occa sional look at th blinding sua. No animal la more wonderfully adapted to Its kind of Ufa than la th mole. Moleskin la famous tor its exquisite smoothness and softness. Tha finest velvet cannot bear eomparlon with It Thla la evidently a provision of nature for enabling th little animal to paaa rapidly through Ita narrow galleries without Im pediment or friction, going backward or forward with aquai ease. It fit Us burrow like a piston and pushes .Itself swiftly with hind feet. Tha burrows and nests, too, ar lined with fine, soft, vegetable flbere. ' . From ita own point of view, th mole lead a luxu rious life. Its galleries are gradually extended, often intersecting In a oomplleated system, so that they be come, as It were, tha streets of a subterranean city. Not much la known ot tha mole's social Ufa, but I hav read that two moles, if confined together, will right until on or tha other la killed. Then the victor turns cannibal and eats hla dead enemy. Bo, too. It la said that, when driven by hunger, moles will attack mica, llsards and frogs. Tha common mole keeps away from water, bat th star-nosed mole, which la lao abundant, likes to have Ita galleries open out under water In a ditch or creek bank, and. according to Dr. C C Abbott; tt cannot be drowned. Twice Told Tales Da Yen Oet tha ntlref WILBEIt, Nab., Feb. Is. To the Editor of The Bee: I not Mr. Seymour ot Waterloo. Neb., states he waited forty five mlnutea for a train at tha railway station at Decatur. Neb., and wish to state that the people of Decatur nave waited for nearly forty yeara for a train at their town and It haa not arrived yet for the reason that Decatur, Burt county, Nebraska, la an Inland town: further, they have never had a depot ef any sort In which to wait "Turn over on your side, Mr. Seymour, you're dreaming." FROM A RESIDENT. Daal CHIacnahla. OMAHA. Bouth Side. Feb. 17.-To th Editor of Th Bee: Having been a reader of your paper tor more than twenty yeara, may I ask your indulgence for a short space in your "Letter Box?" For the past year or more I have read this column with much pleasure, and not a little awe. Some of your correspondents. If I under stand them correctly, have Infused Into their writings the principle that dual cltlxenshlp waa right and proper, leaving It to each Individual to be the aolo judge In the matter. Let ua analyse this a little and see If It will bear out aurh theory. Webster aays that "dual" means "two" and "cltlsen." "any native-born or naturalised Inhabitant of a country." Putting these together we can formulate but the one definition to dual cltlsnnshlp: rfa., a native-born or nat uralised Inhabitant of a country, who believes In the theory of holding citizen ship In two countrlea at the same time. Applying to thla grant commonwealth, what can be said In Its favor? The four teenth amendment to the Constitution ssys, who are citizens natural and by naturalisation, and give power to con gress to make all laws necessary to carry out Its provisions. Congress haa seen fit to say that all naturalised persona shall renounce all allegiance to king, prince or sovereign to which they have been a subject But what la meant by renounce? Our aame authority says, "To declare against, to reject, to give up." In view of all thla, can any citizen, even by Im plication, support such a theory and say ha la a member of and belongs to thla commonwealth? I for one am forced to aay nay; for I see In It tha breeding and fostering of discontent, dlsosrd, lawless ness and enarchy. which will finally Bring about untold trouMa to this country. CLINKER. OI Prices Hroa suid Abroad. NORTH LOUP, Nsb., Feb. 17.-To th Editor of Th Bee: Some of our political antagonists were telling us a couple of years ago that th electrical water power reaourcea or this state do not amount t much. Th Independent oil companlea have been swallowed up by th big oil trust and to foree congress to open more oil fields for speculation and exploitation by those speeulatora. they ar trying to foro crude oil up to $4 par barrel, making a price on gasoline of 40 cent per gallon. thinking that tho many people who ar using automobile will universally de mand that th new fields shall ba opened to aupply that demand. That Is another trick of th oil trust and tha so -called Independent companies to drive th people poll-mall to tha sup port of that issue, before th real trick may be discovered. We have been told very recently that the Increase In tha consumption of oil In 1915 over 1914 waa quite a large per cent, and with the exoasatv exporte the nriM h. mn. i,m IT. .m ...... - ' " ' -. VH D UIVUUI i of it. that the oil that la being exported I represents a surplus, and In aalllna- that I surplus th prlo at hom la raised suffi ciently to purchase tha surplus twenty tlmea over? That Is, while tha oil truat la selling fl worth of oil abroad In dis posing of that tl worth th reduction, of that surplus raiaea the price at home and they get 130 of profit here because ot selling th surplus abroad. WALTER JOHNSON. Tips on Homo Topics Boston Transcript: Lincoln. Neb., dem ocrats announce that Bryan will support Wilson. With or without "Ood bless you?" Detroit Free Press: Colonel House haa left Paris for London. We'll say thla for the colonel he opens his grip oftener than his mouth. Washington Htar: Advlsinjr Americana to leave Mexico would be more accept able If accompanied with a map outlining a few safe routes. New York World: British threats of boycotting the I'nited States if thla gov ernment refuses clearance papers to armed merchantmen are not terrifying. We can stand that kind of boycott much longer than Great Britain can. Ppringfleld Republican: The attack by Mr. Thome of Iowa on Mr. Brandels for admitting that the railroads needed more net revenue Is the more surprising be cause Mr. Brandels wax serving aa coun sel for the Interstate Commerce commis sion and waa privileged to tell the truth whenever he thought he aaw It naked and unashamed. Baltimore American: Rear Admiral Blue and General Miles declare that the army and navy could block an Invasion of the United states and that we are safe from a foreign foe. This ought to allay fears of our coasts being captured by mosquito navies and phantom fleets, such as terrorized the pessimists In the Span ish war. Springfield Republican: Richard Hard ing Davis' statement that the French peo ple now feel only contempt for the United States la causing Frenchmen to write letters of protest to American newspa pers. Sometime Richard will be himself again; In th meantime he must share with Herr Vlereck the distinction of be ing unutterably ashamed of hla own country. An Old, Family Cough Remedy, Home-Made T Easily Prepared Coat Very Little, bat Is rroanat, Sara aa Effective WW By making: this pint, of old-time cough svrup at home you not only aara about 12, as compared with the ready-mad kind, hut you w ill also have a much more frompt and positive remedy in every way, t overcomes the usual coughs, throat and chest colds in 24 hours relieves even whooping cough quickly and is axoellont, too, for bronchitis, "bronchial asthma, hoarseness and spasmodic croup. Got from any drug store 24 ounces ef Fine (ftO cents worth), pour it into a pint bottle and fill the bottle with plain granulated sugar syrup. Full directions with Tinex. Keeps perfectly and tastes good. You esn feel this take hold of a cougH or cold in a way that means business. It ?uickly loosens the dry, hoarse or pain ul cough and heals the inflamed mem branes. It also has a remarkable effect In overcoming the persistent loose cough hv stopping the formation of phlegm in the throat and bronchial tubes. The effect of Pine on the membranes is known by almost every one. I'inex is a most valuable concentrated compound of genuine Norway pine extract combined with guaiacnl and other natural healing pine elements. mere are many worthless imitation of this famous mixture. To avoid dis appointment, ask your druggist for "24 minces of Pinex," and do not accept any thing else. A guarantee of sbsoiute satisfaction, or money promptly refunded, goea with, this preparation. Tb i'inex Co- Ft. yv ayne, Ind. MIRTHFUL REMARKS. "Yes. I tried the experiment of an office rlrl Instead of an offlne boy. She didn't whistle or smoke, but she failed to please tbe office force." "Why waa that?" "She could never learn to go out and get the correct score." Kansas City Journal. "I had a near leap year scare yester day." "What was It?" "A lady came Into my office and aald ahe wanted to propose to me " "No?" A scheme to get up a war fund bene- iii. Baltimore American. Satan surveyed the world, where ovorr thing was at alxea and sevens. He smiled sarnonicauy. If It were not that I hate poae so." he remarked, "I should be the first of optimists! J-flie. "Tou must make your speech bring your ideas nome to your constituents. "Yes," rejoined Senator Sorahum: "and If I'm not careful what I aay. It'll bring mo home along with them. Washing ton Star. irsTitrrTonhrt! You can wear and own a beautiful Genuine Diamond by aimply opening a Charaw Account with LOFTIS BROS. & CO. SH0U&X HAWS A MARRIAqF ,0WKER ;rr Att? A HUSBAKD? "AP YEAR NBVRIV AiW&S RUIWS THEIR BUSINESS! 878) Diamond Ring I4k aolld Hold Loftla "ParfootloB" 410 atoantlng 91 a Weak w "Put me next to thst tall lady." "Well, she's a 'grass widow. Is about tv years old. naa a little money' "Oh, I don't want her Ufa story, I to put mo next to her at the table. 'Louisville Courler-Jour- Not Their Faalt. Uncle Josh was comfortably lighting hla pipe Id tha living room one evening when Aunt Maria glanced up from her knitting. "Joah," ah remarked, "do you know that next Sunday will ba th twsnt.y-f.lfU anniversary of our wedding?" "Tou don't aay so, Mariat responded Uncle Joah. puinng vigorously on hi corncob pipe. "What about it?" "Nothing,' answered Aunt Maria." only I thousht maybe w ought to kill thara two Rhode Island Red cmcksna," "But. Maria," demanded TJncle Joah. "how can you blame them two Rhode Island Reds for what happened twenty-five year ego?" Louisville Tlmea Something- f av Skewtte. An esteemed cltlsen was rambling along when be met a friend wearing a rather doubtful cast of oounU naace. "Say. Jim." remarked the friend. T want to ask you about Dr. Syrup. Do you really think hla medi cines are helpful V "No," waa tha prompt rejoinder of Jim, "not un less you closely follow hla Invariable directions." "His Invariable directions V returned th other wondortngly. "What are they?" "Tou will find them on every bottle," amlled the merry James. 'Keep tha bottle tightly corked.' ' Philadelphia Telegraph. Editorial Snapshots People and Events A woman In New York la recovering from her ninety-eighth operation In nine yeara. A regular out up. After all. participation In the ratification at St. Louis may be worth the price. Missouri suffragists are organising a reception committee of 1.600 who will give the convention a dash of color and pep which otherwise might be lacking, writer haa determined, to hla own aatlsfactlon at On man haa been discovered in Brooklyn who cannot be persuaded that marriage Is a failure. He rake In about Ij.OOO a year In tha city hall by attaching unneceaaary, but highly decorative golden seals to marriage certificate and taking what th happy couples hand over. The coat of murder for hire In New York depends on th resource of the employers. A recent killing pulled off at Dobba Ferry netted tbe killers It each, while the killing of Barnet Baft, the Independent poultry dealer, coat tT.SOO, divide among three men. Ia both Instances the hired murderers were ap prehended with the blood money. Ooras tonally mar man, supposed to be lord ef his own home, gate a jolt which puncture hla pride. Back at Beaver. Pa,, one Elbert M. Christiansen refused ta vacate the parlor and take himself and hla pipe out of eight of hla wife's card party guests. Kut with the assistance of a policeman he moved and cooled Ms heels In the town jail during th uight Pittsburgh Dispatch: Let news from Georgia Indicates the state does not In tend to take any chances on It lynching record. Pittsburgh Dispatch: Mr. Bryan la not cene rally credited with much sense of humor, but It can be believed that he ia enjoying the news from Washington. Boston Transcript: This country hasn't had any whiskers In the White House since Harriaan's time, but why should tha poltticlana be terrorised longer by the aafety rasor vote? Indianapolis News: The Winchester Re peating Arm company reports net earn ings of 4 per cent on a capitalisation of ;.W.00. What a pity that more of ua don't own some of th stock! Chicago Herald: For a man SI years dead Abraham Lincoln la very much alive. He waa quoted more often Satur day than on any day during hi life. But that is the way of the world. Philadelphia Ledger: "A dry national capital would be a menace to society and good government" aays Mr. Carey of Wisconsin. Hla argument la doubtless based oa tha assumption, justified by the experience of other cities, that no law could make it dry. Brooklyn Eagle: Bryan's friend, Han. nla Taylor, Indignantly denies that he is to get a million dollars of whatever we pay Colombia. He says. "I do not ex pect to get one-fifth aa much." Let It stand at that. Deserving democrats never, aneer at O00.000. Philadelphia Ledger: Thoae who Insist that the reference of International quar. rela to arbitration would make national preparedness for war unnecessary over look the obvious fact that there Is no way of compelling a nation bent on war to accept such a proposition. Springfield Republican: Curiously, the fight against tha Brandels nomination la begun in Washington by one of the most fanatical opponents of railroad rata Increases In the country and, at tbe aame time, Mr. Brandels la presented to the people as altogether too much of a friend of th railroad interests. Waa there ever a man who aroused such violent dif ference of opinion? Indianapolis News: It seems that the congressmen who used to attend liquor dealers' banquets because they were afraid of being called prohibition, cranks now dodg them because they ar afraid of what the homo folk will aay. and trine the job of beiag a congressman grows more and more complicated without any noticeable Improvement In the quaUty and ability ef those who are wrestling wltn It ' meant dinner stat "It isn't easy to talk to a pretty girl during leap year." "Huh?" "You want to say something tender and at the aame time noncommittal." Pittsburgh Post "I-ook here," said Mr. Fatthedde, angrily, "I'm not going to stand this sort of thing any longer. That brother of yours called me a fool today, and in public, too. "That's just like Tom." replied his wife. "He's alwaya blurting out family secrets." Philadelphia Ledger. "When we began housekeeping your father was earning tl a week." "if you had It to do over again Pa wouldn't stand a chance, would he Ma?" Detroit Free Press. WHO DAD SHOOK THE STOVE. Edgar A. Guest in Detroit Free Press. 'Twaa not so many years ago, Say, twenty-two or three, When aero weather or below Held many a thrill for me. Then In my Icy room I slept A youngster's sweet repose, And alwaya on my form I kept My flannel underclothes. Then I waa roused by audden shock Thnugn still to sleep I strove; I knew that It was seven o'clock When father shook the stove. I never heard him quit his bed. Nor hla alarm clock ring, I never heard his gentle tread Nor hla attempta to aing. The aun that found my window pane On me was wholiy lost. Though many a sunbeam tried In vain To penetrate the froat. To human voice I never stirred. But deeper down I dove Poneath the covem, when I heard My father shake the stove. Today it all comes back to me, And I can hear it still. He aoomed to take especial glee In shaking with a will, tile fluna the noisy dampers back, Then rattled steel on steel Until the force of his attack The building seemed to feel. Though I'd a youngster's heavy eyes All sleep from tnem ne a rove; It seemed to me the dead must rise When father shook the stove. Now radiators thump and pound Anil Averv mom ta warm. And modern men now ways have found To shield ua from the storm. Tho window penes are aeldom glossed The way thev used to ue. The pictures left by old Jack Frost Our children never see. And now that he has irone to rest In God's m-eat aluinbor srrove. I often think thoae days wore best When father aliook tha atove. To. 4 Men'B Dla mons Rlns. 4 prong Toots, mounting. 14k olid nid Roman or polished CC finish wO tl.95 a Week n La Valllsre, fin solid sold. Bns llah finish. 1 Ana brilliant Diamond, 11 fine a n a I a a Pearls, Iiimm Poarl drop, ls-lnoh solid told 01 chsln Terms; 81.80 a Month Oats Daily Till F. H Sttwitr Till 1:30 Oall or write foe Ostaloc No. Sot. Faont Doutlss 1444 and salesman will call. The National' Credit Jewelers, m. lata at, Omaha. . I0FTIS i bros & earns0" Look! Resinol has deared that awful drin-eruption away The moment that Resinol Oint ment touches itching; skin the itch ing usually stops and healing begins. That is why ddctors have prescribed it so successfully for over 20 years in even the severest esses of ecze ma, ringworm, rashes, and many other tormenting, disfiguring skin diseases. Aided by warm baths with Resinol Soap, Resinol Ointment makes a sick skin or scalp healthy, . quickly, easily and at little cost Rasiaol OtatsMa sad Rannol Soap alae (really help to claw away pimples and daav Srufi. Sold by all dragswoH 'or trial free, writs te RasiBel. Dept. 1-S, Baltimore, Hi. 11:3 Celebration of .Vender Interest Tha arrival of a baby la the houteholcl completely change tho entire aspect of tna rutura. But In the tteantlme, during tha anxious period of ex pectancy, there is iplendld remedy known si mousri rneoo. f S that Am - -I TS f A? Is for external use. re lieves th pain of muscle sistiilsn, soothes and quiets the nerves, extends its In fluence to tb iuteraal organs and removs to a great extent the ten dency ta win eiufl aiw prebensloa. It Is a natural treatment safe for the mother, baa no drug effect whatso ever and for this reason must exert a ssoat seneOdal lufluenc upon those functions di rectly connected with mutherbood. Ia a very Mn tare-ting book the subject Is freely discussed and a copy will be mailed free to all expectant mothers by Brsd&eld atagulator Co- 4M Lamar Bug., Atlanta, Ca. Get bottle of "Mother's Friend" today of any druggist Use as directed and you will tbeo know why mothers for nearly half a century liave used and recommended this splendid aid to motherhood. Tbelr letters are massacre ut cheer, that breath comfort la every wurd, run I -If Persistence is the cardinal vir tue in advertising; no matter how good advertising may be in other respects, it must be run frequently and constant ly to be really . succcessful. i