12 TIIK BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, FEHHUAKY 18, 1016. j i ; I I; i i !i ! i : NEW YORK jSTOCK MARKET Uncertainties Ariiuiff from Inter national Situation Again Utiliied. DECLEJTS ARE LESS SEVERE TEW TOTtK. Feh. 17 The uneertaln arising frnn the International situa tion stain utlllaer trader tn Imixur qiiolwl a alue. hut le-llne were Iraa sever than In the sessions Immediately pr"V tnar. The financial dinlri.H we mrnw with many fonfllrtlnjr rumor rnwtn out of tha I.naltanH affair and onnflltlona In Mexlm also nervwl further in arre l-rrlUc tsjrue. Trading wtl lighter anl more narrow In lie aoona than ai. any reeent prtcx1, with frenient Interval of ahenltitn Inertia. Tha ahort Interest evIrtenflT hrltat1 to pursue Ha advan fara and at time tha Hat nore iinmla takabla alma of an naraold condition. 4n thi nther hand there wu a further ehsenre of aiihatantlal aupport In etand ard share, and outalda of InvMlnwmt dMnnnil . avmnl at low ebb. opening riHc-e were mainly at lower levels, fol lowed by variable lnrnnrlulve rallies. Canadian rnclflc recovery of t point from yesterday'e final nuotalon Im parted some ateadlne. and tha relative strength of Crucible Htccl, Amerl'-an 'sn and few other taauva comprising the munitions group alao helpful. Ad vances In theaa stocks were neiitrsllxi'1 by the recurrent weakness of l'rtroleiinis. ( oppera. Pusara. I'nlted Fruit and a arioiia urvlssslfleil aharea. Alart from rsnsdlsn Parlflc and NorfolV and West ain rails were without material change, alth a minimum of offerlnss. purine tha mid session the market sr apathetic to an tinoaiisl rteree, except for a andden spurt In Mercantile Marine at euhaisntial advances. In tha final hour, Hutte and Superior and American Zinc offered enmo dlvnralon by their activity at blither levela. while special ties manifested greator Irreciilarlly. Tna twt result waa ncs-llrlMe, minor Kln In rcprearntatlva eharxs scftrc-ly offsetting losses elsewhere. Total aalra of stocks amotinteil to 4l7.9 Shares. Amoiil the dsy's favors U develop, mrnts waa an Increase In the National I.al (oinmoii divlxlon lo the 4 tx-r rent hasls. together with advance In pr res of bnaer nretala. while Industrial rune panle cnniiniinl to auhmit excellent ststements of earning for the last year. In the bond division, apeculatlve laii Were under moderate pressure while aca ned iMwiea were firm. Total aalea of bond, per value. Were ai.rtno.. I'nlted State bonda were unchanitcl on ri. Number tt aalea and leading quotatlona on atocka were aa follow a: tilt. High. Lav. Clfla. MO 1.1 ss i-s AlaMia Oel4 Ailla-4-lialmer aairlc Hl guaar Ameiiraa ; A merle n l4prantlva Aawrlnaa H. a It Am. e H. tf4 Aai. luiir Refmlnp .. Amenta T a tel. America Tihtoco ... AMWll fnftnr Alrhtonn MMvlR Ijtrnmntlir . Iialtlmnra a imn ltiMfhm tltl Bronlilyn lUpl.t Tr... I'tilfomla l'teleuni ('.n.id.n Harific central Leather i kmi v Ohki... I hlw u. w a-tiinao. M. m. r i. i a n. w pin ?o fl(n- 4,1 no vu !' ) H'4 liKi im hi1, in Ill1, llii irrs IW JIM'1 M. ! nit loft , M W lit 1i, to:s lS I. I'M 4.Tk I I'M 4.WVI I ..P. II4, ,I RNt a.1 '4 1 UK " !.,,. R . P. It J.. I 201 taina iaxr . ! VnlormA 1uet A Iraa.... 1 Tilt VIW Hiaal ... Ia.l tiirer II. a' , l a-.t I Mai lilars aerurltlaa .... rna . , t.eneial KtN'tric 'treat NurthT plt Urea ha. rr rll'a 4ifiKahelm aUvliwallao. Illlnel t'ealial J.I'M I JiW 4T 47 1H it Mid in ii, lati', I, ft ' 4. lua4 I titer boruaah 4im. Cera. I 7ia lnelrall(Hi t (Mjvfar Interaatlnnal HarvaMar... Kanaaa ftir aamabaca. .. , lmjh Valla, 7.1 .a 1 1", llau f4 4'W ', M M' 7M Ia!lla Nhlll... 11 u ni Meatbaa Patralraw 11 ln?, tm., 14 Miami i oaaar lmm Mlaaourl. K. T. fa 3, Ml, Mlaaeart paclfla National Ia4 Navana rtrpr New Yn-a enlral S. T.. N H A H Nm-t..!a WeaUnt Nertbartt Parlflo 1,"9 ! li'i 4 1ra 1i, ! ! Ill an rv l.fm u:-, in, n'. m lit ParUK Malt I. lS H IAS . It' i, M' 7!1 IS'., racirio 1.1. A Tel faenavlvftfila I.ai I'ullm.a palarv -r har4Kl. 1'iaeM H IS I rl-aoln I HO IlLapuhllr Iraa A Ht.-rl ... ! a JHaut hrn la.lfle I. Twl ewniDiirn Kllr . iTa aitndabaNar 1'iinifiatir TeuurMea 'opnr .... 1'aia tnmTny ...... 1 nion I'nctio 1 inn I'm. lite ptd . .. . I nlte4 Klata Uleal... 1' H. '-'l ,t It.liw 111', mi, It'' lw U', n;, 1,1 m lja no M', m; J sum i.i.i iu', -a a ' 64.IUO H, M' I IKS '. M', Ml t'lah i nppfr W.7HA Vi4ra t nl '! Weal maho'iaa Klertric ... 4 IIM atriaua fnwvr 4enral Motor, . ., ahault H VI I ll MS H "114 4 'S In'ernaticrtta! Vttrlna pt4. 44.1 70S tT T,l aalea far IH tr, nt York Money Market, NKW YOTIK. rh. 17.-MKKOA.VTI!,F. PA I'KR ;t'H.!'4 per cent. PTHHI.I'.U EXC'IIANOK -- HUtv-dav Mil. t4.'V; demand, $1711; ralbeii, H ; a-ia ll-VMR Bar. MS; Mecan dnllara, Sc. It-TTH Osvernment, ateady; railroad, Irreirular TIME frANl Bteady; ulxty and n netv tar. !SI-S per ornt; alx munth.3 prr cent. CAUL. MONET-Slaady; high, I per ent; low, is per fait; ruling rate, 14 jr rni; laat loan, I per cent: cloning bid, l per cent; offered at S per cent. i loaiiig quotation mi bonda touay were aa follow: . g-raf. ta, raa 4a ceaaoa V g. k. raa..,. A raaaaa IV a. ta. raa 4o rHHiaoai . . . . Am. ganaltara aa. .. tl, A K ul a H .. ai.ll, K IT M ta.. TT . Ma. far ci. ta.... IH Ma4. Por la ..liaHN. T, t tab ....14S ..111 N. T. tii, 4V,. ..WH. T.. N. M. A. H. A. T. A T. e. 4Sa .!, aa. ... .114 Aaaln-I'vaaa la .... MSNo. Pacltlt ,.... AttkiiMHi c. 4.... f4 ao , K.I A onie 4a iin g. rW t, netk. aiaei r. t....iwisi,ati T. T 1, ea. ra.Mli tat n raea. eaa. 4wa. Haa. ins oo au. IVi M ia nil .lintt 10H, I, 6. A Q.J. ta.... .Kdi-a a.a ta . . . a. . r. M a g f. la ..lets. K A g r r 4a "t R 1. A r. r. ta. tT go raiv la.S . rlTS . TN . H .laai, .1414 . ! .laa 4", It Ml 4H ... P A H. O. a. . T-Mo. Kallwar la TtSI'alaa Haj in, ta..., HaX ta aa. ta avMli. g knMvr i... tl' A. glaal U TaWaat. t'alaa 4,.. KSWaat. Kit. v. la ta. giertnr la ... 4ti av la twa... III. CVb rat. ta lnl at. at tst .... a. c a. m it... mia. laidaai Hark Market. LONDON. Tab. 1T -AmeHan aecurltlea on tha attK-k tftitut aagaed under tha lead of Canadian Pacific, a hii'h Waa Af fected bv tha tax propoaala. FII.vrRHar. J'd per ounce. WuNKT-4141 per cent. Dlacount ratea: Snort bill and three month, t1, per int. Baak rier4atfs. OMAHA. Teb. 17. Hank clearlntra for Omaha today were l4.li4.Sui.si and for the eorreepondlna day laat year iii'J,. &isl 74. Drr (da Market. NKW ttRK. reb. 1T-ORY r.fOrV Cotton gMla markete were atrong and active tKta, with lila-her prlcea for col- trd (ixl. Yaina were firm. Ha atlta waa eni r. Lightweight men a wear wa In demand for aurln ilrliierie. Fur ther lima of at pie drea good were wuhdraan from antic, icilla baving been uiint'i to take further buaitirea. gar Market. , NEW YORK. Kehl 17 KI'iiAR Raw. firm; erninfugal. Ii0c; niulaauea, i U-c; lefined film. ruiaar future waie firm ji buvUtg hv coiitioiin hoiiaea ga well a aui'ooit froin trade tntelvata. At noon lr,ite ttrre ( to I itimta net higher. DIKES oThOLUND ARE THREATENED BY WAVES AW.-TK.i;i)AI (via London), Keb. 17 Th aturni now rajtng ever Holland U rauring graat anxiety of further f ood r1 di'aater. Iy and night bundrel cf laturera ate motklug Irvnlahiy to ire. fit frrfh ruptuiea ol the dlkra Tha foci.a of the atoriu la auch that all klnJa f aireiii-bettin- iiiifiiala ar r-edi!y tthd ay by tiia giant kavti brcak ' x ani'M Hi dikra. Uncle Sam's Latest and Greatest Dreadnought Off for Its Speed Trial; One of the Tremendous Guns, of Which the Ship Will Carry Twelve T KWWPORT NKWP, Va., Tab. 17. Tha auper-dreadnauffht Pennxylranla.' tha larreat battleahlp yet built for tha L'nlled fltatea nary, left tha plant of the Newport News Bhip Building and Dry JDork company early today for Rockland, HARRIS NOT CALLED IN WIFESLAWSDIT Husband of Plaintiff Flits About Corridors, but Is in Court Room Only Once. HIS PHOTOGRAPH IN EVIDENCE After the croas-examlnallon of Mr. Harris, the star wlfncgg In the paneling libel auit gcalurt The Bee, her lawyers undeiiook to execute a coup by retlng without caIIIds Myer Harrln, the man In the trans action, to ttmtlfy, although he had been preaent in the rourt houge, flittlnc about the corridors ever ginre the rase wag railed. The only appearance of HarrU, the husband, In the rourt room during thetrlgl wag while the Jury wag bo log empaneled, when he aat be hind the roat rack, presumably to obscure the Jury from getting a view of him. Again, out In the corridor, when people approached, he put hla hand over his face, apparently for the game purpose. The result Is that the only square look the Jury ever had of Harris hag been through the photograph taken of him when he wag In the custody of the police, which I one of the exhibits sub mitted. Through the testimony, the corela tlon of these dates has become fixed: 1. July IS, 1DIS, date of artet. Z. July 18, IMS, data of article in The lire. t. July 17, 1S. data of the Harrier' re turn to ISt. Joaeph and Kanaaa City. 4, June 114. dale of Harris' return to Omaha from Kanaa City. I. June lb, 1HI4, dale of bringing eulta for $40,j0 against Th lire. A l'rceiiiber 14, 1M4, date of bringing nit for $16,000 against Chief of Tollce Kroom of Council tiluff. 7. July I, 1D15 (one week before the stat ute limitation), date of bringing ault for I ID. mm axalnat Jeweler Cunningham of Council Rhiffi. Telia Home lllatury, llefora the Interrogations of Attorney Connall, Mr. Harrla was forced, oil rroa-examlna,Uon, to tell more of tha history of herself and her liuaoand, It being drawn out from her that sine their marriage. In ltxx, they have been It) different occupation and principally con nected with restaurant n several dlf. ferrnt cltlea and seldom for more than A few month at A time. h dlscloeed the fact,. for example, over In ltb Mnlnea. he waa a dlshwaaher and aha waa a waitress and that they had leased or hired out to run restaurant In Kanaaa City. Ht. Joseph and lira Molnea. aa well aa Omaha. Hh tuid agalu more laboredly of the successive tea from the time the Itarrlao rame to Omaha In the aummet of and their expedition to Council Bluff to look at a reataurant location, and then their wanderlnga around Omahg and Council Bluff jewelry tore. asking for a child ring in each of them, al though they had bought one, and looking at diamonds In the trffert's and Cun ningham plaoea at Council Bluffs. Beaatam fee Crtaaalnrr Mitre. The reason they went to Council Bluff was explained by her aa foliowa: J. How did you wrat to conclude and determine at about I o'clock oa tha morn ing of the 16th that you would go to Council Bluffs? A. On looking over tha morning news paper we noticed a realauranl for eale. Q. Now, what caused and Induced you lo go to Council tiluff was reading In a newtpauet a notice of a vaitain reataurant (or sala In Council Bluffs? A. Tea. Q. And you then started over to Coun cil Bluffs fur the purpose of aeeing that place with a view of starting business there or buying It, did you? A. W did. Q. And In this notice waa th natni or tha location of the place that was fit aal that you were going to aee. dated? A. I am not positive that the name was In there. Q. Waa tha location elated? A. Tea, aa near aa 1 can remember. y. Then what wa the location? A. 1 don't remember now. Q, Where waa the place? You remember going there, don't you? A. It was near the railroad tracks, a.' near aa 1 ran rcmemtier. HaakaaA Read It, Ta. y.-Pld your husband, a well, aee and read t la notice that you aay prompted ou to go over to Council Bluffa to look at till restaurant; old be read It that morning? A.-Ha did. Q. Was that tn an Omaha paper? A. Aa near a I ran remember, It waa y What paper? A -World Herald, I think. Q. The" Morning World Herald? A. Aa nar aa I can remember, aV And It waa In the Morning World Heiald of that date that you read file notice that telated to this reataurant that you subsequently went to aee? A-Yea. Q. Did jou take the per along with you aa a atrt of a guide to the place anJ know a little of Us description? A. 1 think my huaband did at that time. Q. How waa that place described In that eoiw-e. as near aa you van atate It to this Jury? Mr Brume I think I will obtect to that aa incompetent. Irrelevant and im- r 'i.':. t. Me., to run the official government apead and endurance trlala. The flrt two day of the voyace will be devoted to teat of the warahlp by It builders, and the gov ernment run will begin February 2i. w h the atandardixatlon trial over the me a tired mile courae off the Maine port. OPTOMETMST GOES INTO BUSI NESS TOR HIMSELF. OEonas J. PRKSTON. (leorge J, I'reston. optometrist and op tician, who for four year managed the Huteson Optical company, 213 South Six teenth atteet. ha opened up one of the flneat optlcol department In tha city, at South Wxteetith street, with the Reese Jewelery company. City National Bank building. Mr, Preaton'a first experience da tea bark for twenty yeera In the optical business, having been with aome of the largest optical houses In the I'nlted State. material And not proper cross-examination. The Court You may answer If you can. To which ruling the plaintiff excepts. Heataaraat for gale. A. It was advertised in till way: "RcsUurar.t for ale, cheap, In Council Bluffa; Inquire so-and-so;" and wherever It wa I just don't remember; Inquire or telephone, I don't know which It was; whether It was inquire of a number or whether It gave the information to get the Information over a telephone number or a number of the street; I am not posi tive on that. y.-Wher did you get thl. WforUT Herald that morning in which you read thla notice? A. My husband got It from a newsboy. Q. On the alreet? A. Aa near aa I remember, Q On the street or in the hotel? A. On the street, right outalde of th hotel, y. Before aaklng you regarding what occurred at Cunningham's store I want lo go back for a moment and refer to this advertisement that you read In the World-Herald on that morning. Did vo l read all of the advertisements relating to plaoea of thl general nature or descrip tion for rent? A. We did. y. And Isn't it true that there were a considerable number of places of this general character that were advertised located right here In Omaha? A. I can t remember that. . What? A. I don't re mem le r that. Una 4aeatla Retttl Agala. y. You read them, but you don't i mtmber. "Now If there were in th World-Herald of that date, that morning. jrge number of advertisement, and you say you read them whatever they were regarding plaoea of this general character, for lease or sale, how do you account to this Jury for going over ta Counoll Jlluff and looking at that on place, that waa advertised near the rail road track In place of .taking la the place here in Omaha Omaha being the city that you -had In mind to locate in when you left Kanaaa City? How do you -explain that to the Jury A. I don't underatand your quratlon. The Court. Bead the question, tyuea tlon read to witness). . , y. ! want you to explain that to the Jury? A. I explain to the Jury thla way: That, place waa advertised aa It would be sold cheap. y. Merely because of that statement, th.n H would be sold cheap, waa what Induced ou to pas up the Omaha places and go to Council. Bluffs? A. At that time. y. And waa there any other reason outalde of that that you can give for that action of yours? A. I didn't know of any other. South Methodists Want to Dance and Play Cards, They Say CHICAGO. Feb. lT-The ban on dancing and card playing In the doctrine of cer tain branches of th Methodist church waa aaaalled today by repreaentatlvea of the Methodist church south at th conference on union of Methodism In easion In KTatvston. Prof. Fttigrra'.d 8. Barker, general secretary of the Kpworth league. Nash ville; Bishop Collin Ienny, Nashville, and Prof; Wilbur K. Ttllett of Vandar lllt university. Joined In the warning. The Methodist church. . south. Prof. Tarker pointed out. has adopted In Ita general rules new phraaes ellm'nattng the specific naming of the prohibited In dulgence. Those named In the doctrine of the Methodist ttacopal church ar.' dancing, card playing, attending thea'ers and clrrpeca lasik (4a1nae ta lllet t hief. SEATTIK. Waah.. Feb. 17-A rudely Vu a; ri"'li-d bomb, eddreaated to Chief of ISilice 1-ouia M. I -a rig- of Seattle, waa found r Iowa by a railroad track near here Imiav. It contained a large stick of dynamite and aa tuiht-iuch fur. WCH BUN The rennylvan a. with Ita main bat ery , the broadalile fire of tha Queen Klizabeth of twelve 14-Inch rifle mounted In four of the Rrltlah nny, which mounts eight' turreta on the center line, la declared by li-lnrh riflea. The Pennaylvanla la v ! raval experts to be tb'e m at powerful J feet long ard will have a full load die- aea-flghler afloat. A broadlle ahell fire I placement of nearly ffl.f'K) ton. It la VI i from Ita big gun would weigh Kfrt'lrer oint completed and will be ready! pound, which la aald to be greater than ' for delivery within a few month. ' The Strange Case of By Frederick Lewis, Author of "What Happened to Kry" . b V -OPls. ' Miry I'sge. arir-ss. Is accused "f the, murder of David Pollock and Is defended by her lover. 1'hlllp ljngdon. Po!lo k was ",'t''.,r5'e1. At Marys trial she admits sue hsd the revolver. Her marl testifies Marr ihreatened Pollock with it pre viously and Miry a lending man imp'l ' Iengrloii How Maiv iiisupie.reii rrom the ecenr- of the rime Is a mastery. Its.idon trHs of a ttranat hand print ne snw on Marc's shoulder. Flintier evi dence shows that uon-nr of drink pii flucea temporary Insanltv in Mary. The defense la "irpresecd psycha s." riiAPTF.n v. - Her Kat hej-'s Death. (Continued from Teeter-day.) "Did you remain at Dr. Jamison's house when you reached there?" "Na. For when I had seen the pulr lessle taken awsy by the kind glide wife of the doctor, and I knew she were safe, I keeplt thlnkln' of how fast the" men had gone fra the hoose that nlcht. ami I aay to Mr. Iandgdon. 'I will jes' tal..: a run back to the town, I'm thlnkln'. anil make sure there's na harm coom to Dan' Page through this nlcht' a work.' And Mr. ! Ingdon says, quick like, 'What do ycu mean?" So I told him and the doctor, and Mr. Iangdon was all fer coomln" wT me, but the doctor wouldna let him. Dinna fash yersel." I said, when I sa the doctor was richt. 'I'll gae fast, and If there Is need fer you I'll com right back.' And the doctor said, 'Tou're all wort) out. Philip. You've got to have some rest. Be sensible.' So I went back alone." "At what hour did you reach the home of Miss Page?" "I dinna ken the exact hour, but it were aboot daylight, and I cude aee quite a waya ahead of me." "Will you tell ua, please, what you saw whan you approached the Pngo house?" Slowly one sreat hand clincncd itself Into a knotted flat, and the muscle of li'a Jaw tightened, and across those who at between, the gr.iy ever of the Scotch man and the Uar-dlmmcd eye of Mns Pare met In a mute communion -t ter rible memories. Then, alowly. with a new tone of suppressed excitement In hla volte ha aald: "When I got nle enough to see the hoose. I cude see a great black splotch In front of It, that I made oot to be men. Then I cude hear shouts: 'Com oot. Dan Page, we've aummat to say to you.' So I dldna driv right cop to th place. I atopplt in the road and creplt through the wood at the back and. hiding under . th hedge, got oop to' the rear. Then I wrote on a we acrap of paper. 'I've news of Mary and I come to bring help." Then I tap pit on a window, till I as w Mr. Pag peerln" oot and I held up the paper. "After a minute or so she unlatchit the back door and I sllpplt In. "Oh. Mr. Mat Pherson.' says the pulr lady. cryin Is my girl eafer And I says, 'Safe and aound asleep.' And she says, 'Thank Ood.' Then I heerd another voice say in', 'Annie. Annie who la It? Don't let them get me oh. my Ood. tjoo't let them get me." And I saw that Daa Page was hldln' around her, clingln' to her skirt like a scared bairn. His face were all drawn and twlstlt like, and hla mouth waa slobberin', and he kept cryln'. 'I was drunk I was drunk! You can tell them. Annie You tell them!' At that ahe says like one speakln' to a child. There, there, Dan you're safe!' And then there came an awfu' cry from ootslde: 'Come oot, Dan Page or we'll smoke y oot like the beaet that y are.' At that Mr a. Page began ta sob and says. "Oh. what shall I do? What shall I do? They will na talk to me and they'll burn oor house, they'll burn oor bouse. Oh, If Philip were only here." Spanish and Indian War, Pension Bills Pass Lower House WASHINGTON. Feb. 17. Two penaloa bllla passed the house today, proposing In all th addition of more than 2,M0,0ut annually to pension expenditures. One would grant pensions to the widows and minor children of officers and enlisted men who served ninety daya or more in the army, navy or ma rine corps of tha United State, either as regular or volunteers, during the war with Spain or the Philippine Insur rection between April fl. 1S98, and July 4, 1901. According to th house pension committee., tha prospect la that there will be Kl.000 claim under thla measure, requiring P, &00.000 tn flrat year, with a slight Increase each year for some years. The other bill would give J0 a month to -survivors of Indian war. IKS to January, lsal. who served ninety day or more In aa actual campaign and who ar CI year old or over.' and would pay tit a month to th widow of auch sol diers. Britain Pretty Well Fixed for Tobacco LONDON. Feb. 17.-Wlth two year' supply on hand. . both for domeattc con sumption and manufacture for export. British tubatco Importers are not greatly worried over th order prohibiting Impor tations, but they are all speculating aa to what effect It will he xipon Ameri cas grower. Tobacco, calls moat eommod.tlca, im prove with holding, and wholesaler and manufacturer ran await with equanim ity th resumption of regular commerce, but th grower, who expect their money RB BA.TTU5H1P KKKSVXVfflA sfessc " Mary Page Pictures by Essanay " IUI1I1U fclt-cl, 1 kalu. 'Ill fct't .....l, but we muu ha' time. Let Dan Page go upstair and talk to them from a win dow.' " 'Oh Dan.' says the puir lady, 'Dan will you do that? Tell them you didn't mean to hurt Slary or or me." 'No. no,' he whimpered, 'I can't. 1 ran t.' But I Krabblt hiin by the arm and pulled him to his feet, 'lie a man.' I cried, and I sliooklt him. 'Be a man and get you upstairs.' " 'You'd be safj In the cupola, Dan,' says Mra. Pag-e. 'I'll stay with you and thla kind man will go for Philip.' But he kept say In' 'No, no.' and I could hear the othera bangin' at the dour and I dared not stay, so I sllpplt oot the way I came and went off for Mr. Langdon." Mra. Page, whose anxiety to be near Mary had kept her from returning to the witness room, shuddered at the memories that Mac Pherson was conjuring up out of the past. The softness which time had lent the tragedy of that chill winter morning was stripped off, exposing the old horrible groping fingers. Icy cold, clutching at her as she strove to drag Dan Page upstairs towards the cupola. She could hear his voice, now thick with drink, now thrill with terrible fear -aa he pleaded with her to hide him and to save him. She had been merci fully numb with the horor of it then; consumed only with the desire to hold thoae men at bay long enough for Mac Pheraon to bring help, and It was that desire which gave her the strength to drsg the heavy bulk of her husband up the two flights of stairs Into the llttlR cupola at the top. She could feel again the sling of the cold dawn wind against her face a she stepped out on the platform of rough boards and dropped the Inert figure of her husband at her feet. Then with all the eloquence of her great fear ahe had pleaded with the mob to go away. - They had seemed all eyea floating on a great pool of black ness sacalnst the snow as she looked down, but later she could see the grim mouths below the eyes and knew that her ileaa were falling on deaf ears. Finally one who seemed to be the ring leader had atepped forward and cried: "Where la your husband? It la he that we wsnt to talk to." And she hsd lied and said, "lie is sleeping." They muttered ominously at that and again the ringleader spoke: "We have no quarrel with you.yMrs. Page, but no drunkard who strikes his daughter and drives her Insane shall stay In thla town Dan Page has got to go." "He will, he will." ahe promised wildly. "I ll take him 'away today. He didn't mean to hurt us he didn't know what he waa doing But he'll go away oh, I promise that." And again the grim voice answered her: "He'lt go, but we'll aee him off. Let hint atand up like a man and talk to us." At that they all took up th shout for Page, and he, lying on . his face on the boards, moaned and prayed to the Ood he had long forgotten to save hi in. How long aha talked and urged and wept and pleaded Mra. Page herself did not remember, but somehow she had held them atlli threatening still omi nous till fsr down the road she saw a small speck that ahe knew was an approaching sleigh with two figures In it. At sight of It she had forgotten every thing except an lnflnlta relief, and cry ing In her Joy had sped downstairs, leav ing Dan Page atlll huddled in the windy cupola. (To Be Continued Tomorrow.) every year for their crops, may suffer j by a slump in prices. It Is feared. Little ICaarlaaaalrr" Hetlred. COCK ERMOI'TII, Fnglsnd Feb. 17 The constituents of Sir W ilfiid I-awson. member of Parliament for this dwtrlct, have a cent id his resliiiiai Ion. which waa 1 tendered on the ground that he waa un-, able to aupport the war policy of the gov- ' eminent- Sir Wilfrid Is one of the small ' section of the liberal party called "Little rJnglanders." j Acid in Stomach Sours the Food Says Excess of Hydrochloric Acid is Cause of Indigestion. A well-known authority atatea that ' stomach trouble and Indigestion Is nearly ' alwaya due to aridity acid stomach and ; not. as most folks believe, from a lack of digestive Juices. He statea that an excess of hydrochloric acid in the stom ach retards digestion and starts fond fer mentation, then our rr.eala sour like gar bage In a can. forming acrid fluid and gases, which inflate the stomach like a toy balloon. We then get that heavy, lump feeling tn thj cheat, we eructate sour food, belch gga. or have heartburn. flatulence, water-braah or nauaea. lie tella ua to lay aside all digestive alda and Instead, cet from any phar macy four ouncea of Jad Salts and take a tabteepoonful In a glasa of water before breakfast while It is effervescing, and. furthermore, to continue this for one week. While relief follow the firat dose. It Is important to neutralise the aridity, remove the gas-making mass, start the liver, stimulate the kidneys and thus pro mot a free flow of Fi:re dtgrstiv juices. Jad Salt ta Inexpensive and Is made from the arid of grape and lemon juice. combined with ltthta and sodium phos phate. This harmle4 salts Is used by thousands of people for stomach trouble with excellent results. Advertisement. ANTI-SPITTING CAMPAIGN IS ON Mrs. Snmncy, with Assistance of Co workers, is Distributing Cards Telling of the Law. NO ARRESTS FOR SOME TIME Pollcemn, nurses and volunteer women have started the campaign of distributing; cards to offenders aralnst the anti-spitting ordinance. One side of these cards reads "Spit It; the gutter." On the reverse side are the words, "Omaha bag an or dinance against spitting In public bindings and on the sidewalks. Won't you please help enforce It for the sake of cleanliness and health?" Mrs. H. C. Sumney, who started this crusade against . careless expec toration, observed a man decorating the platform of a , street car with saliva. She handed the offender a card, waited for Him to read it, and then was greeted with these words: "T'll promise you not to offend 8Ein." o W omen anaht Vet. Women offenders have not yet been caught, reports Mrs. Rumney, but no distinction la to be made In the distribu tion of cards. Mrs. Fumney addrnscd members of the police deportment nnd the Visiting Nurse arsnclatlon of Omaha, all agreeing to co-operate. The slteet car company also will assist by displaying placards In cars. "This Is a campaign of education. No arrests will be made for a while." stated Mrs. Sumney. WONT PLACE WOMEN ON GRAND JURIES LONGER ROSTWOOD CITY. Cel.. Feb. 17-San Mateo county, California, snid to have been the first In the United 8tatee to place women on grand Juries, went back iUT MfBE ITU 16 T! DODGE DOUGLAS STREETS Read the Big Special Grocery Sale FOR FRIDAY lltittcr, Cheese, Crackers, Fruits, Vegetables, Canned Goods, Dried Fruits, etc., etc. Kperial Demonstrations Going On All the Time. BUY FLOUR AX1 SUGAR NOW. 4S lb. sack Uest High Grade Dia mond ll'. Fiour, nothing finer for bread, plea or cakes, sack. . ,$1.4S It lbs. Beat Pure Uranulated Sus;af. for Q1.00 10 bar Baat-'Km-All, Diamond C or I-aundry Queen White Laundry Soap, for S5o lb. Beet Hulled White Breakfaat Oatmeal for 860 lbs. Best White or Yellow Corn Pieal for ,17o 7 lha. Heat Bulk Laundry Starch, 95o 4 pkg-s. Macaroni, Vermicelli or Spaghetti for ago c"n8 J-ency 8west Corn. Wax, String, lirven or Lima Beans, 880 4 can Golden Pumpkin. Hominy or Sauer Kraut for 380 cana Oil or Mustard Sardines, 19o fiullon Cana Apricots or Peara..40o , iallon Cana Golden Pumpkin .. .8So Comb Honey, per rack 16e 2S-o. Jars Pure Strained Honey, S3o 32-oa. Jars Pure Fruit Preserve gSo Vancv Queen Olives, quart 35o The Reit soda or Oyster Crackers, Per In 7o K. C. Corn Flakes, pkg ....go W. O. C. or Kr urn hies. pkg...;...a 5 lbs. Choice Jann Rice ISO M.icl.aren's Peanut Bntt'r. lb., ISUo The B,-st Tea Slftlngs. lb iaVo Fancy Co'den Santos, equal to cof fees sold at 60c lb., per lb....S0o DRUG SPECIALS FRIDAY. SSc Jar Mentholatum. 180 50c Tube Pebeco Tooth Paste... 390 tl.00 Bottle Sal Hepatlca 9e !5c Jar Sanitol Vanishing or Cold Cream for lto 4 10c bars Peroxide or Castile 80s p. for 86o 4 10c Roll Crepe Toilet Paper.. 95c i 4aBBBjaaaaaBBB j. ,It Pays TRY HAYDEN'S FIRST It Pays Apex Whiskey BOTTLED IN BOND 4 Full Quarts. . . $3.20 8 Full Quarts. . . 6.25 12 Full Quarts. . . 9.23 in sgl I OUR OWN BOTTLING 4 Full Quarts. . $ 3.00 12 Full Quarts. . 8.00 20 Full Quarts. . 11.57 All Prepaid in Iowa and Nebraska. Outside of lev and Nebraska .. . - i . m . . in.i.i " a "7' u iaaui awiu , J4 - gallon to JAKE KLE I II I FAMILY LI QUO tat DEALER VVri'fa for Complete Frlc Litt. 1314 Douglas St., Omaha. Net. J V fice. Men only treated. Hundreds of the Most Prominent People in Omaha have been cured by. DrujiLunn cheigiito: maxwell 408-9-10 Omaha National Bank, 17th and Parnam Sts. Phone Eed 4390, Hours 9 to 12 and 2 to 5. to the old order of things today wlier. the ISIS grand Jury list, prepared by Judge CJonrgo II. Puck in the superior court, wa made public It contained the names of thirty men. In 1913 and the two years following there were nearly aa msny women s. men on the list. Doubt S to the tears lit y of women grand Jurors waa said to have been responsible- for the change. A bill to le galise them failed of passsge at the last regular session of the legislature. Corns Come Off Like Banana Peel Wonderful, Simple 'Gets-It" NTr Palls to rteniove Any Cora Easily. "Won'dn't It !nr you? Here I've been going along for years, with one des perate corn after another, trying to get rid of them with salves that eat off the 3r tVK aajaasaaa Resltatet Tsa ur "Oeta-Tt" for Those) ayorn and 8ava Year Life and Tour Toes I toes, tspes that stick to the stocKimt. bandaccs and plasters that make a pack age of the toes, trying blood-hrlnglng is sots nnd scissors. Then I tried 'Cteta-lf Just once and you oupht to have seen that corn come off just like a banana. leel." It's simple, wonderful. It's the new way, painless, applied In two sec onds, never hurts healthy flesh or lrrl- , tales. Nothing to press on the corn. Never falls. Unit the old wave for once anyway and tty "Olots-lt" tonight. For corns, callouses, warts and bunions. "Gets-It Is sold everywhere, 2uc a bot tle, or sent direct by 1-J. Lawrence etc Co- Chicago, III. Sold in Omaha and recom mended aa the world e best oorn remedy by Sherman A McConnell Drug Stores. Advertisement. in ou htw Has busted na BOO TRUST The Best Strictly Fresh Eggs, Fri day, per dos SSo The Beat Creamery Butter, carton or bulk, lb 33o Fancy No. 1 Creamery . Butter, per lb., at H9o Fancy No. 1 Dairy Butter, lb... 870 Fancy Full Cream N. WThlte, Wis consin Cream or Toung America Cheese, per lb 84o BUSHSL SOXES SOKa.IT BEAUTY APPX.ES, i-rxsat fl.40 TI.OBIDA Ollrl TmUTT BjB. CZAXa 1-BXDAT. Lvtra Fancy Grape Fruit that re tails for 7 He, Friday, each So ESK TEQETAI.ES. 1 S lba. Best Red River Potatoes, 300 FTesh Beet. Carrots and Turnip, per bunch 4o Fresh ShalotS or Radishes, 3 bunches for ...lOo X 1-arge Soup Buncheat.... lOo Fancy Cauliflower, per lb TH Frjsli Cabbage, per lb lo FTesh Head Lettuce, per head..TVio Fresh Ripe Tomatoes, rb 150 Fresh Strawberries, quart 48o Fresh Mushrooms, lb ....36o 60c Rubber Gloves for houaectean- Ing. for 890 Boo Madam Iadbell's Face Powder, for SSo Dier Kiss Fare Powder 6O0 3Sc Tooth Brushes SOo 60c Bottle White Pine Cough Cure. for 38a jre Bottle White Pine Cough Cure. for ...19 aa qaaan or In prepaid. f a a ; YVHiSKflT 1 1 IfJtAar.; -rsl I a H El ra,a. IB sa . Piles and Fistula Cured Without Surgical Operation or Pain. No CMoroform or Ether given. Writ ten Guarantee Given in All Cases. Pay When Cured. Carfare Paid One Way to Points Within 50 Miles of Omaha. Patients must come to the of v i I i