TTTE BEE: OMAHA, FEBRUARY 1916. i . 1 Want -Ad Rates CASK WITsT OlDIlt r r word each insertion CaTABOB UTttl it per line .""V1"!? t per lins ....three consecutive tlmee (Count six words to the line.) BPKCIAX. MTHl Farm and Ranch I.anda Te Pr line InMf'JM (Count six woriti to the line.) ronrrov apvfrtisinvt under AGENTS OH HELP WANTtU CLASSIFICATIONS: fe per word .-.""..'I'!!! lHo per word . .tree consecutive times jro a Tin rom tuns ta A TOTAL OT tV O Tim 10 FF. BAT. CARD PF THANKS. PEA.TH AND FUNERAL NOTICES: JSe par Una arh Insertion (Minimum charge S" cental Monthly Rsta for standing ads 'no change of copy) II P (Count els words to the )lne.j Coatract rata oa appllcatlea. THH PKR will not ha Teermnelble for mora than ona Incorrect Inaertlon of an advertisement ordered for mora than one time. ADVERTISERS should retain rsrelpte given by Tha Res In payment for Went AH, aa no mlMake can ba rectified without them. fflK THE TELEPHONE If you cannot conveniently bring or a Mid In your ade. Ask for a Want Ad Taker, and you will receive the asms rwm arvl- aa when delivering your ad at the office. PHONE TYLER 10. WANT-AD COLUMNS CLOSB EVENING FnTTION..........ll:M M. MORNING EDITIONS : P. M. THE MOVIE PROGRAM CHANGED DAILT. Answers tha question "Where to go tonight," Demlawa. JiiUTJiiiS, 15th & DOUGLAS "UNDINE" FcatnriDff Ida Schnall A magnificent dramatic spectacle eurpasslng any thing ever prraented upon tha at age.. . Eellg Trlbuna Weekly No. H. GARDEN, 1318 FARNAM Chan of Heart. Path feature. And Starlight comedy. Re IVogram Sc. f R1NCKS3, 1I17-1S OOU0I.AS. Powder, 6-aot Mutual mastnrplrture de luxe, founded on the present war and preparedness, featuring Arthur Maude, i And a selected Kc atone comedy. Bror. tiUAND, 16TH AND B1NNEV William Farnum In "TILE SOLDIER'S OATH" reel Fnx featuro and a good comedy. iToTfiKOP, xiiu and I7mtor Four reels of good pictures. anal a. APOLLO. 8i4 LEAVt.N WORTH. I 4 reels of good plotures. lbOtjLKVAUT; .3d AV Leavenworth. ! Tonight at T end o'clock, pnelttvely flret ' run Carter I la Haven In tha liluebird , photoplay, The Wrong toor. j ftOULiK, 25ll LJSAVLNWORTH. ', Dorothy Donnelly In Madam X, Paths, Wnt. 26TF'FATlNAldT SJ5NR0E. rrl Williams and Anita Wewart In The Ooddeea, rhapter No. 12. Ttie tind of Adventure, ll-reel Ftlann. ait ie. XEsStJ t4TH AND N. The Pealahln Coat Kalem. fcy Ixive liedeetnotl, S-reel Vltagraph. Artful Arilum, Kalem comedy. fciif in. c hi. 1 4? nnrir Tnangl service, cable I,r.echa, featuring Tully kfarihall end Thna. Jef ferson. tar Features Tbese ere Speelai Kztre-Rl Pieturee bow appoaruig at tae following Theatera: LMPiiESS. 16TH AND UOUOLAS. TJndlna. faaturing Ida Bchnall. tiUND, ICTii AND BlNN'liV Win. Farnam In "The Soldier's Oath." fc-real Fox feature. feUTUKOP, 34TH AND LOTHROPT Paramount presents Tna Claire In The Wild lima Chase. flON&O TS&I FARNAM. Fe WlKiaros end Anita Stewart tn The Hod.leaa. Chapter . , 5ui'iItM. 2TtiTOT Sable Iiecha. featuring Tully Marshall aii'l iltoTona jrirrmm. ; f'rUNCLtS. Jil-1 DOUGLAS. Powder, t act Mutual niaslerploture de luxe, founded on the preaeut and pre pa red nc a I fiOHL t 2U1 UiAVliNWOUTTC : Dorothy Donnelly In Madame X. Pathe. I TIKATIIS AND Kl'XERtL NoTICRS I LlNI'I.KK'i Mar! C.. aged 47 years 14 months 1 fays, beloved wife of P. M. Undberg, February 1. lie. Funeral Saturday afternoon at i o'clock from Imnutnucl Lutheran church at i Nineteenth and Case. Interment, Forest Uwii cvtnetery. MAUSOLEUM. VHT bury your aead In tha eold gruund In stormy v rather ahra you ran buy t tomb tn a mnrbie build ng at reasonab! trtceT TeL MAUooLt-UAi CO.. D. iilk The Easy Way is the Telephone Way PHONE TYLER 1000 I'.tRD OF THANKS. K WISH to extend our slrn-erest thanks to our friends find neighbors for their Mndnesa and sympathy shown u In our Into bereavement during Ilia sickness find death of our hulwnd snd father. Ir. II. . Wleae. and eieclally to Alpha camp No. 1, Womlmnn of the World, and ait tor the beautiful floral offerings. -Mr. H. O. Mpm and Family. FLORISTS. fcXTtrs. floriis,7l'4r Brnam St D. A L. HK.VDKIHO.V, IH ionglaa. D, 11 Member Florists Telegrapn Aean. fThss 4r SWOHOPA, 141.S ! p.rnam Bt. A. PONAGHUK. 16A Harney. Doug. KDL ninTiis a !sr deaths. ilrthairolTerT anainiina ftyrne, 1909 Ceiia, girl; Theron and Uraco Jleldlng, 2.M4 P, Klrl; iM-kny and Llprna Urown, IK") Vlnmn, boy; Char tee and icreaia ) rea. ,i4 North tHxtccnth, arlrl; John and Anna Cernelro, Ml Woolworth. arlrl . Mlrhael and K.lla Chummy. . Moutn Twenty-fifth. Iniy; William T. and Minnie Fuller, 1416 Booth Seventh, slrl; Frank and Frawei Bl-rk. MA Poiith He-en- I I. I.nw UanHi. ,rH Minnie Thnmn. ecu. Fifty-fifth and Ievenworlh, k'tI; vernon ana Helen a. uennett, row- ler. boy: Iennard and Downey Fverett. Ml South Twenty-clKhth, boy; Hnmuol and Ina Oreen. V' Hurt, uoy i neo- doiw and Katherlne Kvan, 1K23 'allfornla. boy; Harold and Asnea lvtnir. T, boy; Frank and I'earl Itorahoff. . "adweii boy; Jan and Airnee Verea. Houlh Thlr- ty-flrat, boy; lionnra and Anna l'leb anek. 4-V6 Houth Twenty-ninth, boy, leatna ( an t.. ienion. n, V2 Nouin F.lnhteetith : John Winter. 411. hodpltnl: Mary F. Hmlth, 4S, 4.1MI Fmnklln: Helen K Knapp, 4A, hoepttnl; Peter tooa. 77, t'A Cuming; lUiae Fuller. 4S, 10f4 Nlelin Ih; Andera P. Raamuxarn, i WI North Thirtieth; Claua Moherg, C7, honpltdl. Max Armatrong. 43. 711 South sixteenth: Mary M. Sullivan. L TwenT-lth and '; Mra. Martin Thomaen. A, h Wll Ham; Mra. limlly C. Harr. 7S. 4n"3 Cam den avenue; Cyrua Hayden hlaam. M, 413 Florence boulevard; Mra. Anna Hchmltt. 74, 711 North Thlrty-aecond. Kllaabeth Bchrens. M, 1911 Mlnney. M4RRIAOR I.ICE5lflEfl. I ertnlta to wed have been laaued to tha following: Name and Residence. Are. John Norton. Omul. a . IV riccola Miller, Umaha is Andrew K. Johnaon. Omaha II Hertha B. Hull. Fort Calhoun 30 John B. Mentaer. Hhenandoah, la X2 Florence Hhlpe, Shenandoah, la 24 Oran A. Brown, Oakland, la K l.yaa m. Taylor, Canon, la...... 30 Fred H. Wlllhoft, Kae, la 2 WKIvel Johnaon, Valley 1!J Ill Il.niXO PERMITS. led ward Tann. 1.U12 North Kiahtaenth. frame dwelling, repeJrs, t'; C. R. Ban. aernian, V& Nicholas, frame dwelling, 13,700. LOSTFOUND-REWARDS vaAHA A COUNv.iL. bLUtJO HrHIa.T it ILWAI UUMrAN X. Peraona having los eome article would do well to call up tha office of the Umana A Council bluffa Street Railway company to ascertain whether tbey left It In the street cars. Many ankles aacn day are turned In end the company Is aniloue to restore them to the rlgtttful owners, Call Doug. 4. Vf YOU low anythlna an4 will adnnlM It kr. yea am ttiriy iovar It It found br aa howa pta. H.mrkbU raeenrlea are Bruwtht about atrr dar thrvag.a tkia aoluma. 1MB UW-Pili aba Hue loat artlalaa era laUraatod la knowlaa that tha (lata la I trlrt la requiring ih.m tn M taa ttwf tbrouah advrilaaMat and otuerwiaa and tbat a failure Id d au. If aaaae eaa ha pravaa, la- voivm a vn avnaltr. LOST In Auditorium Sunday night, or between Auditorium and nortnwaat cor ner of 15th and Howard. Ulnk Jtold bracelet. Klndor pleaae return to 2W) I St.. South Side, or can nouin Reward. LOST Purae In'or near Woolwortn's' it Cent store, containing about su, a 4n- bank hivik and an account book. Kinder call Harney 6S and salt for Mra. Stroke. Kewara LohT i'lva" lillU. between 11th an Jackson and 1M ix hta. Liberal reward. A. Mevera. I'nlon llolol. LTiKT One bunch keye between 4)th and 4th on Farnam; reward. 6W Bee Bldg. I). &; FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Tarallart aa4 lloaavkolA Uawea. AM LK.VVINO (;1TY and must sell complete set of new household furniture, constating of Huok gas ramie. Ice box, china closot, buffet, dining room table, dinlnu Mom chairs, llliiary table, settee, writing ilcnk, par lor and dining room rujsa, smaller rugs, mahogany bedroom suite, brnsa bed, buroau, cols ami numerous other household arlb lea. Call Harney IVtt. OMAHA 1HLU1W CO. Felt and hair tinttrsea made over in new ticna nt half tho price of new onee. Phone tie for sample of ticking. W Cuming St. Doijulus 2407. BUI BARC1A1NH. Furniture, to I stoves, beds, springs, mattr'a. each; beddlnf cornorta. tlanketa. m N. 34th. W. ltkrT. XIX BKPAHUi Water fronia. furnace colla etc. wulck aervlce. umaha Stove K 'P lr Works. 1 "- txiusl as. TyHr . IOKMS, good furnlture';'il(W for quick sale. 170T. Leavenworth, third floor. Douglas 67W. , FT'RNITl'HK of two-riKim apartment. 7T. Call afler T p. m. li . fith. Apt. 1. "flaaos aad Maalcwl laateaaseata. SMITH A BARNES pprlght piano, fine condlUon, Tlcr IStt. WILL amrlflce 8s-not,i playsr piano, uaed one year, i ail riourn t. ti. I'lAMi, u d years, fur cash. ii liarncy H'.nj. K3S0 per montli. A. Hoane. 1MI 6ouxlaa tore aad Offlca t'tata rea. fc)KHKK. safes scales, sbowcaaee, sheTvt tag, eta. We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture A feupply Co H4-U-m S. MtU. Doug. 14. Ua.m aad Kia.B. FILMS devvieiMHl true If puiultaacid from Photo Craft Shop. 4it Bee .Mlijg. Dept P. Marhtaery aad F.Balaee. Vl.'W econd-hand motors, dynamoe, axxit nvgnetoa. I x Uron Kleclrle Works. alH-H S. I.lh St. jawelry. tllaawvada. Wafrkea. bKOL'KUAARD a lucky wbOdlug rtass" at lih and Douulaa Sts tloikiaa, Fara,T:i. WE buy and sell tailor made suits and oveicoals. Friedman. ISU1 Douglas Bt. ketvias Marhlaea. SEWllsTo7"MACIliTES We rent, repair, aell needles eod partg ef all aewlng machines. MH-KK1S NFRRAKKA CICLJE COl. tCth and Harney Sts. pou g. Hsl Typewriters aad Sapllea. NF. W loacliiues aold the same as rent U per month. See us before you buy or rent. Shipped any place on ten days free trial. Butts Typewriter Exchange. Il 8. 1Mb. Omaha. Neb. The Bee will hereafter accept telephone orders for Want-Ads at the CASH RATE of one (1) cent per word and a collector will call a day or so later with the bill. FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS iM'rnrltrif aj4 Raipplfea, MlhUMi HIUHMN AND CAKOION CO. We mnke them In Omaha. What? Typewrlier rihbona. fltipbliea for the offKe. Ioiil.lwa ;147. is Hee nidg. HI'i-1 I I - -oh tp' e tvfiewriter rib bon 1 for $1. Rellani-e Tlibbon A Carbon Co.. Iongla ftAl. dl AIWNTKp, Tierlter Klbbona, 15 per ooi ii'iTtn i yfwri-er t.c aii n. itn. St-NT en O'lver typewriter mo. for M. O'lver Typewriter Atency. I'M Farnum. TT HFHW ITI-.HS enld. rent i. r-palreoT Cent re I Ty pewr'ter Fc. 1WIS Farnam. R7.NT a ' Kemluaton" not Juat a type writer. Lowent. Call Doulna 14. tri'KWRITKR for rent, 1 niontha. U. Ilutia T)ewiller F.xc. 31H H. 1Mb St. Billiard sad Pool TaMee. FOR BALr New and aecond-hand carom and pocket bl'llard tablea and bowling a'leya and acceaaorlea; a'-nd for cata logue; eaay iiaymrnta. The Brunswick. Ilalke-Collender Co.. 407-400 S. 10th St. Printing a4 Office Ra'pallra7 CNk wr.ler freea for prlutfnK 1-nTtatioii typewriter Icltera: one Invalid sanitary cualr; one tollapaibln (oin. 1'hone Webater 71. "AT KHS-HA RN H A RT Ttg. to, q ua"l I ty printing. Tel. Doug. I! C. lith Bt f KNTUA L Priming Co. DOU(J LA $JT. LqwOLAH Printing' Co7 Tel. Doug laa M7 Mlacrllaaeoaa. rOH HALU CHKAP. Bualneaa College Courae. Full and complete er.holarahlp In nn ef the beat Omaha butdnee achnol.4. Good reaaon for aeiiing; perfectly relia ble; worth full prl'e, but will be sold very reasonably. If Intereated Invaatl gala at once, becauee aprtng term beglni soon. There are a variety of couree for sale. For partlculare Inquire at the of tlce of The Omaha Hee. MY high eiamlard of quality will be maintained; 4 quarta of Old Fontenelle whlaky, M.2.; bottled In bond. Henry Pollock, inall ordor houae. Douj. 71U. 12?1?4 N. IMh St. ALEX JETES' LIQUOR HOUSE, Thirteenth and Douglas. Bottled-ln-bond ahlskv. &c. 11.00. IV SI full quart. VlifiK o'r" 0e Onnpowder or AJij jgpan tee with every 10 lbs. or beat S.V- coffee, parcel post, at 2.7x Dave'e Coffee Market. Mil Leavenworth ht..Omalii. Neb. OFFK.H1NO for sale 176-ton 4.7i-lb. i relaying rail; practically new; cheap. A. Ferer a Bon, 101-111 8. tn t POAI. baaketa delivered. U: I 1.1 ,,1It iumPf ei.ji par Doustaa lift lllnols toe. 9(1 Ooliieii VVeat Whlaky, 4 full pj..v qBrt, bottled In bond, prepaid. Caekley Broe. Omaha ANNOUNCEMENTS NOTICW TRUSTER HALE. Btork of goods and fixtures of the feneral merchandlaa store of A. M. luck A Co., at Anthon, Iowa, will be sold at public auction Saturday, Febru ary IV, at 10 a. m. nt Anthon, Iowa. The stock Is In good shape and will In voice IM.OiO, Including fixtures. An thon, Iowa, Is one of the beat towns In N. V, Iowa, and the purchaser gels a bargain, Tlds store In capable of doing from rx,000 to O,O0(J business this year. The store will be open for your lnaection Friday and Saturday of this week. Don't intaa thla opportunity. Konnoth O. Sllllinan, Trustee. Sloui City, Iowa. FOR COI'NTY TRKASI'RKR EMMET Q. SOLOMON . 1SROD1COAARDS "Lucky Wedding Rlnri" at iKth and Duuglna Bte. f.VCF.HCIBK AT Y.M.C.A Business men ICverytklaar far W oaaea. ACCORDION, aide, knife, eunburat, box pleating, covered buttons, ail aixea and styles; hemstitching, point edging; m broidery, heading, braiding, cording, eyelet cut wora buttonholes, tennants. ldrsl Pleating Co., 2u0 Douglas blook. Douglas l"W Coal a mra. THR largest stock of masquerade and theatrical costumes In the country. Thro. Id rl-n At Km. 3M4 Howard. D. 4I1S, flTLATlUCAl, gowns, fulf drcaa suits, for rem. mm n. BC junn f eiuman. Urtnaiakiag. WANTKP Dressmaking, plain and I ancy; also alterations, fhone llnr. io LAIlu.ti aulia leiuouelvd In the latest style. 1911 Farnam. Douslas 1829. XVUfainMAltiMl ""by the day. WorC guaranieeu. wenaier wti DAYwork. Washing, sewing. Hod. fcaoV. ei'RS. M OVt' A UreiianiHHejr "646 2A V Kelafer'e l)ieaiimking ipl t lty Nat! Terry Drem;ik'g culb'ita. 3Mh A Farnaiiv V O RK Jji ' A H A NT i: K D. V A IM UTk.ii, fckVN iNllathome or out. Red 3H.U, I klruprartura, aplaal Atlluatmeata. DKH, JOHNSIHJNS, Chiropractors, of Sheldon, la., wish to announce their locatii.n at 4UT N t.. South Omaha, t'nnaultaliun free end InvliuU. Ptioue South 4iH. Lilt. UURliORN, Utli and Farnam. Wcad 1'iag. u. 6W7; 1 aimer school graduate. Dr. j. C. Lawrence, 1 Uaird i-ldg. t. 1 hi ro pa dials. Carrie J. Riford, W) Pax. lk. Red M7. Airatlala. rr;BradUuryNo pain. 1 W.O.W. Bldg. Pyorri ea." Dr. Flckiial 724 City Nat. Bank! Ta.tTentsl" Rooms. 15l't Iio'uglas. D. lb7 J as t leas or the Peace. H. H. CLAIBORNE, til Paxton Blk. Raj J4Q1, m Notary public; deposition eteno. C. VV. BK1 T'l'i Wl Barker Block. Drags. DRIK13 at cut prices; freight paid on S10 orders; catalogues free. Sherman A Ale Council lrug Co., Omaha,, Neb. Flxtares and Wirlaaj. nTTTtTvTM tlectrlc washing machines, iuiiuui electric Irons aud reading lamps. 23 Cuming St. Doug. 2M, Accoautaats, E. A..DW0RAK, C. P. A, 4a-4.Tf Ramge Bldg. Tel. Dong lee 7404. Farriers. SAM, 1SJ0 Farnam. Red mi. Fl. Hothola, lavenworth. H. J73T AlavliMS Plclara Atavkiaas, OMAHA Film Ex., 14th and Doug. Mo- tioii picture macnine and ruin oargalna. Pa tea la. p. O. Barnell. Paxton Blk. Tel Red 71 17 il. A. Muraea, ' lirndcis 1 healer Bldg. Plana laatructloa. Ragtime piano playing positively taught In 80 leas 1 n s. 4'i.) Cu mlng . Wal. V laaa aad Ltiara. BUT your family liquors et Kllen'e Liquor house, bit N. lnlh. Douglas ! Varpeaters aad Caatraotavo. Leaasrd A Sm,19e Capitol Ave. T. ltg . W. ilukanaon. i vuwth. Tyl. :i9?-J. Detectives. JAMES ALLAN. 112 Navllle Block. Evl dence secured 'n ell cases. Tyler 11 is. Karaaaea aad Tlavaare. HABttRSTROH. eM Hamilton. Wat ttTl. Notice to Bee Want-Ad Patrons FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE AND BETTER SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENTS Live Stock t eaaaalaalowera. MARTIN BROS. A CO Firrhanee Pldg. Osteopath Payalclaae. JOgFPITINB ARMTRO.Vn. SIS Pee BHg. I'laaaea tlraaea. CT'RLFD. dyed Fle.-le. 11H City Nat. Seal Hrpalrlax. Om. Standard S--ate Co.. n s. tilh. t. 11. Steel Irllias. CARTKR pbeet lef I Company. 110 W. :5. Tanr Sappltra. CVATIA Towel Ponply. T'7 B. 11th. D. rRF.LIVn PTF.1N l.r. 1fi Farnam ft. Vilrk s'perlallata. Orlallanaen. Zd fl.. Pa x ton V,k .. 1 yr. ettp. WrdSlaar Stationery. Wedding annonncerrenta. Doug. Pfg. Co. Advert lelae? Baveltlee. f. F. Phafer A Co . Uth-Famant P. Tr. Architects. F.verett S. Dodd. 1 i Paxton Blk. P. ?o1 Attorneya. C. T. Plcklnaon. '.11 Taxton Rlk. D. 1A4 Aejctlnneera. Dowd Auction Co, 1I18-1S W.O.W. R W5. Ilakerlea. E. H. RFFTJFR IV N. 1th. Web. ?97. Braaa aad Iraa Faaadrlea, Faton-Mltche11 Co., g7th and Martha Sts. Ilssrias Academies. DE LUX ACADKMT. Ill S. lth fit Dyrra aad lleaaera. STATK Dry CTng. Co.. 120 N. lh. D. B0C1 Electrical HepalrlaaT. CAH1LT. ELFCTRIC CO.. Bee Bid. P. writ. l:leclrolyali. Woa Atlender. 624 Bee Bldg. Red rSJ WANTED TO BUY DESKS DESKS DESKS New decks, used dusks, bought, sold end traded. J. t Reed. M V'artiam. NICW and s-cond-hsnd meat fixtures for our new stores. Banket Stores office, bit Brandela Theater Bldg. Phone Tyler 440. SWAPPERS' COLUMN MAVK large Jack, sound and registered, has a lifetime certificate, hands hlgn and weighs about I.UjO. Doca Ins own teaalnu and Is a sood and uul k per former. Valued at l,0u0. Will trade for muies. horses or cattle, or cheap auio luobljea valued at this figure, or what nave you? Address a. c. Via, Bee. PHOFnaScilONAL enlarging camera, with S-lnch condensing lenses and made for Tungsten light; will make 24x:M en largements m 1 to I minutes; In per fect condition and nearly new; will trade for new lumber, power washing uacnine or valuable article. Address S. C, HV7. Bee. ., llKhlwelght, two-paxst nger, li" 1 6 model, just overhauled end fully equipped. Will ewan for the beat 1911 model motorcycle or motorcycle and eide car outfit 1 can get; but It mum ba A 1 condition. Address M. C. 73. Bee. AiOTOKIiOA 1 I have an ls-foot Mullen steel boat, newly redecked, and also a -H. P. Ferro engine to trade. Would consider a Ford enseals, or what have you? Address H. C. Hee. FOK HAI.ii or exenauke h.xce.aior motor cycle, for good horso; also lady's coats and suits, sixes M to et, all kinds of children's doming and good shoes, fur ruga and furniture. S. C. 571, Bee. iiAvt. small diamond ring will trade for tulii rug. Must be In good shape. If good rug, will give even exenange or trade for furniture of some kind, or vhMt have your Address B. C. 77. Hee. 1 liAVhi a new Honey Moon sewing machine and a Fellows flreless cooker to swap for a brass bed, springs and mattress, a S-d rawer swell front dresser, ft. O. 7J, Bee. OAS MNWINE 4-H. P. Fairbanks t Morse engine. In fine condition and all complete, to trad for a 1 or J-H. P. engine, or what have you to trade? Address B. C. Bee. Vv ANT quarter or half K. W. closed core transformers; have thirty-two Colt automatic, a 2t eet drawing tnstru- - ntenta and various electrical appliances. Address H. C. SKS, Be. CAMERA-4x6 folding camera, three plat holders. Pack adopter and portrait lens; In good condition. US. 7ft outfit. Will exchange. What have you? S. C. 670. Bee. AUV'EKl'lSu. your property aa though y u believed ita sale or rental to be Import.ait. by keeping It Hated In the Pig Houhc. Home aud Real KiUte Oulde-TH K BEE HAVE five-year-old bay mare, unbroke and sound, with foal to Jack, with colt paid for, valued at IliO. Will swap fur Ford, or what have you? Address S. C. trt, Bee, TTv O usd pool tables for typewriter In serviceable rondlllonj ewappar will have to ship tables to h!ru.r from fortv inilsa east of Council Bluffs, tt. C. WM. H-SS ' SkUNSWICK Pool Uble. regulation slxe. pool bulls and cues and cue rack. Will trade for something 0 equal value. Ad dress S. C. M, i-e. TlAVK motorcycle, i-cyllnder. free emilne clutch, im model. In good condition. Will trade for old wrecked automobile, Vlctrola. or vbat have you? Address 8. c. n;g. Bee. WANTLD 4iet of linoyclopacdla Brlt- lauica. inaia paper edition; will ex change books of equal value or a Vlc tro I a. H. C. nan, Bee. OtX)l) aquare dining table. Iron bed and springs for small range, dlso records or Edison four-minute records. Address B. C. BiBee; BAY mare colt, 1 year old, fat and sound, weight about siJ, valued at $7S. Will ewap for what have you? Address S. C sip, nag. BKANt slide troiubons tn good condition to trade for .11 rifle, revolver or any thtca? u aeful. A ddress S. C. 97. Bee. WANTED To trade anything for a six or nine-Inch swing screw cutting lathe. B. C. 672. Bee. AUTO Cost sl.n'Xi; elrc. cuuit ped best re- ft ir. want diamonds, s. c K, Bee. &ANDOL1N, kike new. also tiding saddle: Want elide trombone or postcard sise koOak. Add reus H C. t6. Bee. flRST class barber chair, to ewap for auto of any kind. In good condition. Address B. C. vol. Bee. EkOOND-HjLND muMgrafih, two drums. What have you la exchange f Address M. c. ii. Bee. ToOLd,. good tool chest and some oar pen tor tools; If Interested make offer. XDD1NO MACHINE Will trade for ForJ auto, books, office furnltura, or what nave your w. gii, Bee. NICE player piano, net Ij&Ol to swap for cows, pigs and chickens. Address 8. C. Bee Iaou UPRIOJIT mahogany piano for auto, or what have you? Address 8. C ;t, Bee. AUTOilbUILES For other automobile bargains ace the "Automobile" classifi cation. WANTKP Farm wagon and harness for household goods. S. C. IKu. Bee. fit OAs range for chickens, geeao or any k Ind of poultry. H C. 7ft. Bee WHAT have you to trade for an Angora rat. iDurougbured. B. C. 671. BUSINESS CHANCES OFFICE FOR REAL ESTATE OR INSURANCE SAME FLOOR AS BEE OFFICK THE BEE BU1LDINO OFFICE ROOM If WELL located moving picture ahow In City. Equipped with latest Powers A machine, piano plnytr, opern chairs and everything complete. Business hae always been a money maker. 1 am leavlnif city and will sell cheap, with or without building and nlve reasonable terms. Call owner. Houth Wll. FOR .ALE Oil TRADE Butcher shop and sausage room In Falrbury, Neb. Will consider residence property or farm. Can lay difference. For a quick deal will make aome one a good propo sition. Rite or see C. O. Marthls, Falr bury. Neb. FOR SALE Oil atation in S. D , 40 mll.s from another Independent Co.; ,( gal. storage warchoune, tank wagon, horses and other accessories. WIH sell at a bargain; other buntnese Interferes. Address Soo Oil Co.. Madiaon, S. D. ii Live man, this city, to place and audit new vending machine; new est novelty; coin operated (no compe tition); small Investment peceaaary; big money for right man. .Mention your phone number. C. 7r7. Bee. FOR SALE Infants, children a and la dlea' furnishing atore at David City, Neb., at a harrein: best location In town: doing en excellent business; want to retire. Box No. f. David ;lty. Neb. MoVINd Picture Theaters, real bargains; machines, repairs, supplies, accessories, new snd second-hand. Bee us. OMAHA THEATER SUPPLY CO, Palrd Bldg Doug. JiiiO. WANTED Have t300-Mo to Invest in Beauty parlor or would consider part nership arrangement. Address M 761, Bee. FOR SA LK Completely equipped cafe, doing good business, in a hotel: an at tractive proposition. Address E 74, Pee. fH EATERS Buy, lease or sail your the ater, machine and supplies through nieater ki. cc. IWI Farnam. i. TO, CFFlCE tor real estate or Insurance; same rioor ea Bee office: uxa reel; yw, T he Bee B'dx-.. Office Room 1M FOR SALE Oil TRADE Half Interest In finest picture show In Omaha; $.100 will handle it. Address K 1107, Bee. TO 6 KT In or out of bualneaa call on OANOKSTAD, 4Q Bee Bldg. Doug. 477. fO SELL or buy a business, call oi Busch A Borghoff. Frenaer Blk. D. Ml TO QUICKLY" sell your business any where, write Jim Wrsy. Blou city. It f-ROOM rooming house, BIO B. 21st Ave. all first class furniture. Douglas 7819. SITUATIONS WANTED Male. FIRST class dairy man, first class milker, wants work. Address Alvin McConnaughy, &402 Bt, Mary's Ave. rnone iioug. tvm, HUM) man wants position In automo bile business, or a llano where he can work himself up; best of references. Call Doug, ar.32. COIAJKED boy wants Job as grocery de livery boy or errand boy, first preferred. Call Dwlgbt Flnkard. care Cudahy Res taurant, t ALL kinds of odd Jobs and Janitor work by hour, day, week or month; experi enced in all lines of work. Webster 6038. Ask for Johnson. Vul Ml married man wishes position aa stenographer:, years' experience. Phone t - ' snd aK for A No. la. How much will you pay for services of a young man with Ford car, steady and reliable? Address Y 21.8, Bee. WANTB position as barnraan. Strictly sober and reliable. Oeo. Segars, 1104 8. wn St. Douglas 62fi. POSITION wanted by sober, all around butcher and sausage maker. Address Y Kl. Bee. - JnoTp. CARLSON, Painting and Paper Hanging. 842 N. 35th Bt. H. 60. yeanale. MIDDLE1 aged lady with child k vears wishes work aa housekeeper In refined place or to take care of Invalids. Call at mm jTanmin, or Webster 6J07, WOMAN wishes dishwashing or house work in private notne or boarding house. Wish to go home nights. 1411 Chicago, rear. Refined widow with child desires dosI. tion as housekeeper. Doug. tiu74 aftet e p. m. COLORED woman wishes vork as cook in small note! or cafe. Webater 6i. WANTED Position as housekeeper. Call in person. 3JH 1eaven wort n. Uasdry aad Day War at. BUNDLE washing; neat work. Web. 2157. DAY work o f any kind. Weh. aM, Mary. AiVTtcr.-Humne. washing. Florence S21 WANTED Day work. Phone Web. 7410. WANTED Day work. Call Red 7r,25. ANY kind of day work. Douglas tuRJ. WASHING and Ironing. Colfax 2S00. ANY kind of day work. Harney 17H0. WASHING and Ironing. Colfax lim. HELP WANTEDMALE SI area aad Offleee. BOOKKEEPER. bTENOGRAPllER, A-l man only, for position with growing firm In very profitable Una of work; splendid future for right man; bond re quired; siv age. experience, references, etc. K i39. Omaha Bee. WANTED TRAFFIC MANAGER. Traffic managers are In demand. The field la most fertile for an ambitious man to arise Into a higlf salaried posi tion, KM) per mo. and up. Special coach lng and training. 141 W. O. W. Bldg. SAl.Eflu AN. auto, A-l proposition; of fice clerk, executive ability, si; stenog rapher. 176; bteno., S7V; Bleno., ; file clerk. 830. W ATTS RFF. CO.. 4o-4i Brandels Th. STENOGRAPHER and office clerk at once, tuW-itX): good future. THE MARTI COMPANY, 1S27 w. O. W. Building. SQUARE PEGS FOR SQUARE HOLES. We find a position that fits you. CO-OPERATIVE REF. CO.. 10J5-1S CITY NAT. BANK BtJJO. WANTED Office clerk, rapid and ac curate at figures. Chance for advance ment. Slate age. experience and salary e x pected. Ad drew K 772. Hee. IF r EN t HI RA PI l E 11 $75 ST ENG., (OUT TOWN) 70 BTENO.. R. R ) 5 THE CANO AGENCY. SOO BEE BLPG. Praressioaa aad Trades. JANITORS, Reliable, experienced white man and wife, who can furnish good references, wanted for apartment house; no chil dren. Address G 770. Bee. HALF-PRICE If you watca tha "For Sale. Miscellsneous " columns of THE BEE, you'll often see articles which are for ail practical purposes almost aa good as new advertised for half the orlclcal price In THE BEE. Drug Store snape. Jobs. Knelst. Bee Bldg. It it sometimes a bother to come down to THE BEE office to place your Want-Ad and then, again, it is quit often Inconvenient for you to cotne down this way to pay the bill for an ad you have had inserted thla tay you never have to budge out of your home or place of business to set Bee Want-Ad service at the CASH RATE. HELP WANTED-MALE ADVERTISINO SALESMEN. Toung men Who think they are salesmen and can sell advertising space to merchants can land a perma nent position with good future It they can make good. Want clean-cut. live, wlde-ewake and aggroxaire men who can get In tervlews with bus'ness men and tell their story in en intelligent manner. SALART AND COMMISSION. Tell all about yourself In first let ter, previous experience, referencee, etc. Ad dress L , Bee. SALESMEN to coll on Physicians. Es tablished trade. Expenses and commis sion. State age. Also one for outside cllv. P. II. HIT IZl. i nilBlieipnm. VefA.NTfcP By large eastern manufac turer, salesman who has Initiative, ability and confidence crouch In his snlesmanshln to take on high grade ad vertising proposition for manufacturer. hankers and merchants on a commis sion basts In Omaha and aurronnding territory. For Interview c.tll on 11 Relchard. Room 10. Fontenelle Hotel, after 9 a. m. Thursday. . KXTEBIEXCED SOLICITOR Neat annearlng voting men for road work; will travel with manaaer. Flense e-l and lnve.M te. Mr. Hunt, Elm Hotel. 19th and Harney, 1 to 7 p. m. Thursday. 1H1 and out of work! (see me today); new changeable winnow sign, iw let ters: goes like hot cakes at Rfc; costs vnn 17c. Harney. MANAGER F.XCHANUE Business chance department: experienceo man; excellent opportunity. M3 Brandels. WANTED lllsh claaa stock salesman. Prummond Motor Co., S6tn and far nam Sts. Trad Schools. SAVE $25 SEE OUR SPECIAL HOLIDAY OFFER. If v. .1 ri n't alicno nay school you can hold your Job end at the same time get your automobile education If you enroll In the NIOHT CLAPS'. OF NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL, 2401 LEAVENWORTH. RED 110. MOLER BARBER COLIaEGE. Men wanted to learn the trade. We have originated a plan to teach it quickly and earn back tuition while tearing. Tools Included. Open to every one. Write for catalogue, 110 So. 14th St.. Omaha. Neb. . GOOD MEN WANTED to learn auto work for the big spring rush. Fine training work on autos and electric starting systems. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGIA. T3 Farnam Bt. Omnha, Neb. LEARN barber trade, more than make your tuition while learning. "Set of tools included. Job sua ran teed Call or write for catalogue. 142 Podge. TR I-CITY BA R B ER COLLEGE. MEN wanted to learn the barber trade. Tuition. 17b. 1808 Cass St., Omaha. OMAHA BARBER COLLEGE. Miscellaneous, NOTICE TO FARMERS. When In need of help of any kind write, telephone or call on us. CUNNINGHAM LABOR AGENCY. Ill B. IUh St. Omaha. Neh. TX fT Government Wants Clerka 100 month. Omaha examination April 12. Sample queations free. Franklin Insti tute, Dept. 221 M.. Rochester, N. Y. U ANTED Lady or gentleman to work In Laundry; prefer someone who can Invest some money, 66 North Main Bt., foiincll Bluffs. la. WANTED Names of ambitious men, 18 or over, wanting Railway Mall clerk po sitions. (75.00 month. Answer immedi ately. Y241, Bee. HELP WANTED FEMALE tores and Offloea. STENOGRAPHERS . - and typists furnished for any typewriter Our service la free. Royal Typewriter Co.. 818 8. 19th. Tel. P. IXSO. STENOGRAPHER (wholesale 7500 Stenographer (Implement) ......'.".. .tS.O0 Stenographer, IL R. ItS.OO et . . 'nuirlttranh Onr .tW.i)0 WATTS REF. CO.. 840-42 Brand. Thea, HLK CLHKK S2ft STENOGRAPHER 60 CLERK (DOCTOR'S OFFICE! 25 THE CANO AGENCY. 600 BEE BLDG. ftalesvromea aad Solicitors. WANTED-Lady canvassers who tinder stand business; good waves. 424 N. 24d Bt. after 6 In the evening. Doug. 761. Professions aad Trades. LEARN halrdicyslng at The Oppenhelm. ' Household and Domestic. WANTED Experienced white girl; one who does cooking. Second girl and laun dress kept. Four In family. 137 8. 8Tth St. Harney .flit WANTED White maid for general housework; 1 tn family; no washing. $7 per week. Wal. 6022 Underwood Ave. WANTED Girl for general housework In apartment. Apply to Mrs. Chambers, Ant. I. pdtter. 3,'d and Farnam Sts. WANTED Competent white girl for general housework; no washing. W. D. Hosford. Har. 814. 625 B. 37th St. WANTED White girl lor general house work. Referencee required. Liberal wages to competent party. Har. 1161. WANTED Second dining room girl. Call between 10 and 12 a. m. Doug. 228. Ask for Miks Paulaen. WANTED A girl for general housework, small family, good wages. Apply at onoe lsl B. 3'ith 8L WAN TED Competent maid for general housework; family of 8, no wushlug. L4 N. 3Mh Ave. WANTED Girl to cum 1st with house work and care of small child. Phone Harney 75T8. WANTED White girl for general house work; no cooking. 1704 Lake Bt. Web. 1. WANTED Girl for general housework; small family. &: 8. 25th Ave. WANTED Girl for general housework. 69 Lincoln Blvd. Red 6142. EDUCATIONAL BUSINESS COLLEGE STUDENTS SAVE MONEY ON COURSE. For sale, with good reasons for sell ing, a variety of course in a reliable Business School, one of the leadtnr bual neaa colleges of Omaha. Will be sold very reasonable away below reauar price. If you are considering taking a rauree investls-us this at once, aince Spring Term begins soon. Call office, Omaha Bee. SCHOOL OF V.OPEKN UA NGU AG .. Cihsa or private lsons. Low mown srodli. I'hope Web. I54 Psxton Blk. School of Letttrlng and Art Tuition $10 per month. Doug. 217,7. EDUCATIONAL- DAY SCHOOL. BOYLE9 COLLEGE. NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day Is enrollment day. Book kef ping. Soon hand, Stonotype, Type writing, Telegrai hy. Civil Service all Commercial and English branches. Cat alogue free BOYLES COLLEGE. 18th and Harney Sts. Tel. Douglas 1W.". THE VAX IS ANT SCIlOOtT STENOGRA PHY BOOK K EEPING. iav School for Young Women. Evening School for Young Men and W omen. Saturday morning class In typewriting. Tone C Puffy. Owner and Mansrer. S. 1-th St. Omaha. t OR sale, the following scholarshipa la a flist-clas Omaha Business College: One unlimited combination business and shorthand course. One unlimited stenographic course. One three-months' business or steno graphic course. Will he sold at a discount at the office) of The Omnha F. PRIVATE Instruction In Gregg snorthsnl snd touch typewriting. Tel. Wal. 2327. I PERSONAL PILES, FISTULA CURED. Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula, and other rectal diseases without surgi cal operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured.. Write for bonk on rectal diseases with testimonials. PR. E. R. TERRY, 240 Bee Bldg. RHEUMATISM, stomach, liver and kid ney trouble, goitre, nervousness and asthma sufferers are successfully re stored to health by me. Examination Free. Call Suite 312 Bee Bldg. PR. W. H. KNOLLBNBERO. Chiroprac tor. Tyler 1936. $3.WD TO PENSION INVALIDS. The Indies' Home Journal $1.60 The Saturday Evening Post $160 The Countrv Gentleman $1.00 Euio subscrtbtlons each month till April earns that $3,000 for The Inva lids' Pension Ass n. Your order or re news! contributes 60c. Udgent. 300 needed In February. Phone Douglas 7183, or address GORDON, THE MAGAZINES MAN. Omaha, Neb. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Younr Women's Christian association building at 17th St. and Bt. Mary's Ave., where I they will be directed to suitable board- 1 lng places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at the TJnlon Station. .! THE Salvation Army Industrial home eo llclts your old clothing, furniture, mag axines. We collect- We distribute. Phone Douglas 4136 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Podge St. , MASSAGE AND ELECTRIC BATHS. chiropody and manicuring. Misses Gray and Head. 210-212-214 Baird Blk., 17th, and PoiiKlns. Douglas 84"'a- TfTTrriTT T? V Successfully treated fx 1 UlVXi without a surgical operation. Call or write Dre. Wray 4k Matheny. 306 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. m PERSONAL Missea Staples; and Shaffer; bath, electria treatment. Open a. m. to & ' - . . 1 . lr Till. w p. m. jjousrias no. t-'i i c Steam end shower baths. Mass. Red 2727. Roam 203, Karbach Blk. rTTeUMATISM treated successfully, re- . A . . ' A TPV lAaasaea OI A IXskdk Tllrlsx fji j 1 rj guarani u. ai. j t e oil , 'r 5R" A. C. STOKES has moved his office) to 474 Brandels Theater Bldg. SCIENTIFIC mnwiiuji tlO Bee Bids Phone Pouglae 6372. EXS3AGE Miss Webster, Elf PaxtoiJ Blk. Douglas 8227. FOR RENT-ROOMS Karalsked Rooms. HOTEL SAN FORD, HOTEL HARLByJ . 10th and Farnam. 20th and Faraaa. Special Rates to Permanent Quests. REFINED gentleman can get room la doctor's' family; also board If desired; reference reoulred. Address A. 765, Bee. FINE room; modern home; West Far nam; walking distance; for one or two) refined gentlemen. Harney 6193. linkney. 2425 Large room, modern, prl vate family: near car line. Web. 6906. Board and Rooau. STEAM-HEATED rooms, suitable for two; excellent board; reasonable. "The trait, ziz . 8otn m. t-none ioug. BOARD and room for arentleman: nrtvata family: large southeast room. Web- 1 ster 7mos. Unfurnished Rooms. THREE unfurnished rooms with use of! j telephone, $10. Walnut 1286. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. VERY choice 4 or 6-room ateara heated apartment, on West Farnam St. JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST. FOR RENT HOUSES West. NINE-ROOM, all modern home, within easy walking distance of 16th and Far nam streets. This house will be redec orated and put In first-class condition for responsible tenant. For further par ticulars call THE BYRON REED COMPANY, 212 S. 17th St.. Omaha. Neb. Doug. 29T. FOR RENT. 2632 Harney St., mod., 10-room brick house. Hot water heat. Inquire T. J. O Brien. Tel. H. lflm: P. 1216. A b'l uiCTLY all modern steam-heated 7-room cottage at 3016 Jackson St.. $26; near Farnam achool. Call Tyler 1501. $-11. house, sleeping porch; Field Club Plat. 16 8. 35th Ave. Harney SM4. THERE are houses that are Just houses. My houses are well-built homes. Phone Benson 122. Trullinger. North. GOOD rooming house, 10 rooms, modern; 2414 Cass St., $4l.0u. Benson A Myers Co. , 4'4 Omaha Nat' I Bank Bldg. 2S1ui BRISTOL St., 6r.. part mod... $14 Sti? Manderson, 5-r., mod. ex. heat. .$18 RASP BROS.. DOUG. 1653. lili GRANT ST. 7-r. com., modern, $J6. T. F. Ha 11. 433 Ramge Bid g. Doug. 7406. 3Wt N. aril AVE. 6-room house, $10. Call Webster 40u. Sooth. t ltiHjM borne in Hanacom Park district, 11 Hi Georgia Ave., with garage: nicely decorated, excellent condition; $35. HASTINGS A HEYPEN. 1614 Harney LESlRAbLE 6-rHim cottage, modern ex cept furnace. 62s S. lDth Ave. Hixea baugh. P. 4236. "No Need to Walk Them in When You CanTalkThemin" PHONE TYLER 1000 I A!! You E Jave to Do Is Call up Tyler 1000 arid Give Your Ad-The Rest is Done For You J saaaaaLtiWirWnBtfllS