12 TIIK HEK: OMAHA, THURSDAY, FKMUJAKY 17, 1916. NEW YORK STOCK -MARKET Increased Pressure Brought to Bear with Further Depreciation of Values. THE TJECTJSXS ARE OHDEBLY NRW TOTIK, Try. lv-TnrreasM Tre ur was brought to bear on the st"1 roarfcet todsy with further depreciation c-f varoen. Helling wu more, obviously or a professions! rhsrarter, with her and there- a sprlnkllrg of ll"ldatlnn. In cline were, orderly. hnw. few' Isolated Instance when prices yielded' precipitately. Tha tnsu-keta failure to respond ?of rewa which waa not altogether l-"'"f earned to result more from Its t""'0"' tmlki'tl or overextended fi'ltlnn n he boll nH thsn from apprehension eoncevnlne: Impending erents. Amwun-rr-ent Ihst Washington had received Berlin s reply In th Isieltanl nwll'r was accepted win nIM "jr."'-"i other adsances baartng tiprm the Inlerna tlcnnl situation MritM llttls ttnllon C.n.dlart, Pacific and .hare, of other companies operating In th nomlnlon i J Conspfruoualy weak 1""""-ZZ of the. heavy wr tag which It ta Pnol f i.r nn onrporaunna in I anadlan Pmi- maae, an e.'-.. dine of 6S ,v-.PoT,7.iVP?.ii u IV . Ornnby OnsnlHated fell j, to "s nnd IntmUonl Nickel lost 1n The Strange Case of Mary Page By Frederick Lewis, Author of What Happened to Miry" Pictures Essanay by Msry Far. actress. In accused of lha murder of lsvld Pollock snd In defended by her lover, I'hlMp Lrftngdnn. Po!lo-k waa Intoxicated. At Mary's trUI she admit sh had the revolver. Iter maid testifies that Mary threstened Pollock with It pre viously, and Msrv's Irarilnif man impli cates IjMnvdnn. Mow Mary disappeared rmm th scene of th crime la a mystery. Prsndon tells of a slranr hand print ha in on Msry' shoulder. Further evl I'Mifd shows that .lnnnr of drink pro- duooa temporary Inaenltv In Miry. The defense u "repressed psychos's.' CHAPTER V. Her Father's Heath. (Continued from Yesterday.) A atlr of eicltement swept through the court room, for Ma.Pherson, without a gesture, with no more than a rising In flation of hla voir, had brought before them a vialon of tha anowy plant and t .it!, m testa, i 11 ie. v. "Old Mr. Pollock go then?" "Ayr. for I went wl him to the door myael'." "Were the men anil outalder1 "Na. and It kV me a ahock like, for I cud. ee na one eceptlt tho frlenda of Mr. Pollock. The Ithera had all allpplt aa" towarda the town." "IMd you apeak of their aha ne when you re-entered the cabin?" "Na, for I had Ither matter to make clear. 1 had made up ma mind that It waa na with Mr. Pollock that the laaale ahould no ao I pit It tae Mr. Iantdon, that wl' my bora In the aleieh. we cud carry the laaale nut the door to the kitchen and drive off. leavln the Rude wife to tell the Ithera." "Did you carry Ihla plan out?" "Aye. We fllllt the alelgh with with the 'dark, anowy road and the ellent wooda for Ita art tin, with the flying alelgh pdlnr almoa. nolaeleaa oyer the i llipery road. Iindon. hla face white ' and act with fatigue nnd anxiety, holding I the tugRlng rc!na In one hand while the ' other arm held cloae the half-eonecloua I form of Mary, her bandaged head ghastly above i the enwrapping blanket; while orr them towered th. grim figure of the great Scotchman, hit ehotaun to hl ahonlilcr. Ma Mg bodv awaylng with tha apeed of the flying eletgh. "I waited till thoy rnme opp too cloae." he flnlahed, a deep not throbbing In hla voice, "and then I dl 1 fr a tire wl' the accond ahnt. The amo nlRh upet wl' the force of the exploalon. end they all Jumplt not. And that waa the laet we aw of them." appointing dtvldend proapecta. Tail" In general rerlatered onlv etate lo but I'nlted ntaa at . u..i.. iua reiaiiy Ollfotrila Petroiemna. Texaa ( ompany and American Kmeitlnc were hmvy weak on reporte affecting the atab lty of th ttina- goaeimment In the aontn n repi'bllc, and Amertcan Tobacco, th motor grotip and Markay companies ibr. 10 five points lowr on dla- !v mn I- Wamaal HaV. ..j ....in nrnuiira. wlill to t,v war wauea. with the noteworthy ex lo nt OlIC hie Kffl. wern won .inia itnwn. but atlll wel f month. Copper, na claa gave a good anrount of themaelvea until ti final hour. Weakneaa Pfnv','d at the close. Total sales aggregated .- fl"Bo''murCwere Jom-er. with dealings nt-.r rflveratfled Total sales, par value, ag aiestted S1.rw.O00. I'nited Jitatea eoiiw.n 4 declined '4 Pr rent, and the regirtered la declined , pr rent on call 1,.. nmier oi ai- e--. - on s: lla Hlh. C10. to ihove a on stocks were as ftil . I . ' i i" . l.ins , k . f I'M . 1 I 4 tH mo H i tun II74 4 ' H v S4 l.lat tti MS llt , !, K' '"im 't t. IS) 14.1IM ITt 2 M til ' IM n li r." in 7 (t 1'S 111 lit !', tot', III '( the little house from whose doorwsy the hlanketa. and 1 pit my shotgun In tne lamplight streamed cut. mellowing the front and we neipn me iaa.e anow to gold, and touching with Its fin as 1.7US es l.lsa) , M.u '''s W.PS SIS in ' 4 4i 1 M It 4 i lit. I .) M "ss is ' 0', '' i:s ' n 'iss ! S4 tS is US 4-.. lS ll . S IH 1us i't IKISt Aliaka Gold . Allt-'h,lin'-a . Averli-aa Pel SWar C 4r1p, a woi ts &Mflii H A a Am a K. pl Am. r Rllatnf .... A .' Tl. Aarlca Toha Anscnaos t'oppsr Airhioen KMtn loaitH .... HIMmnr is..... Bthlhis tl Hro..lo Basiit Tr lalirnrnls tvtrrlm ... inotlas Faclfl, Onlral Ilbr itieoaeMk, S Ohio 'hln . W hicMto. M. ft s ' 1-tiKaso S. W i Tiimixo. R. I. P. r.. fliiea I'oop' I'vlnnila Iwl Iroa.... truriWi Biel lwm A H. a. sis Ulallltar tiarurllles ... Krl t)nral Klaa'trla rpat Nnrltr sfs (In-il No. Oro Mia liafnh'lni kukplorallos. lilitioia Oatrat lnlrrt.roui!a cck. Onr. Inaotraltoa cl.rr Inlrrnatlonsl Marietta.. Xanaas (Mr Bsuthera.., l--l.lh Vtlle? IIHI N'aaSf 111.. Mxla PHrolcsaa Miami tapper Mtwtorl, K. A T. M... Mlnwrarl F,rlll National Blaeult National l4 Navada Copper Now Yrk eotrsl M T . N. It. A H xnrr.uk A WeotaTa S'nrtnora Pactru Pa.lfio Mali r. iflr Tel. Tel IVanalvania I'ullmao talar (Isr.... Itav Ctnl. Copper lE4tfg H. uMk Ima A Steel-.. Cui'li'il t-aiKle 4ouitiera kallvae Hiuilehalier Cmiiiasr ... Tenneaeee dvppor 1aaa Compaay t'niMl lfltle t'ntoa allf1 pf 1 altv4 Kiaiaa Htaet.... 1- I aeel ptt t iaN ( ujter trrn 1 ulufl u eei inthenaa Kla4rls . Mnnlana. I'over I. eneial Motnea Tiahoah H Itid Ini-rnalluaal Maria f4. 41 tt Tal aalra . tla iar. . skaras. tn Yark Maar Market N K W Tf.RK, Feb. II -MEBCANTtUR PAPKK-.KiS'a per cent. STKItl.JNi J KXCII ANQR- Hlxtv-day Mi's. 7l; demand, 4.7; rabies, St."';' B1LVEK Bar, lxA,c; Mexican dollars. C-. HONDH dovernment, Irreguar; rail roMi. easv. TIM 1 '. 1.0ANI-Klnn: sixty days, 4 per rent: ninety days. S 2-3 per cent; all month. ,r: per cent. i Al !, MONEV-CTEAY: high. I per tent: low, l per cent: ruling rate. 1 S-4 r tent: last loan. I per cent: closing bid. IS l'r cent; offrrrd at 2 per cenu in'.iia ui.lul'mlia in tioinia lousy were e fft'lpwa; .. U A N ! 4a ..WHS t T. M i . liri u. aae oo. u. I' Hon' fowr la . ..1IU4N V. C k ta. . m N V i nr ',. . . I" N. Y . K. II. A ."'. I-T. b .. MNo. Paelfh.' tr... . . S to ft .. a-i,n. S t. re' a ..lV. . T. A T be. .. e,p,. ren. . 'a.. 4e e. 4a 4 eeteeHt 4a a. I a r t . Pa.' e. t.. . tm tf 4 . ' la'oa Paet'l 4....l'j .tsi'i 4a 4- S'H I . ', a BVr At I . :v g i t ,i s I ' W.t I'Woj 4 JSW.l Eire. r ta. 14 las (S' (t ' n4 ins II4I4 1!4 ltli, It.Srs 1W 101 -4 )TSt 1.VS9 IV S M lt 10 114 Its as M, ss as line 14H 14S4 PIS' VM4j ls 1.S.M) '4 s'4 fat t!T, list, lit l.fca) 11.1 HIS 1IH It, U, 14 t I.10S STSt 17 7 una 1t44 1M'4 M'S I.4O0 1-S ' "'S Ita MS I'S 77S 4114 US ? II a) i ,', S 40 US k l.ioi l.ai, Ut 1"4 l.stis ti tS I wis III MS ft 4.' m'4 1S i"y f-t us s " 41. M M's M MS IL1. a, cts 4i las tos 1 W.4JS ' KS ' 4'4 , " t 4o t 4M) i its ris i'4 41 tna ls ' IS gers of light the grim faces of that group of men stirred to the deep anger of the moh at the thought of Dan Page's bru tality. "Old the other men make any threats?" "Aye. Another one of them cried not, 'Klllln' la too good for I'an Page, lis ahould he horsewhipped out of town.' At that my wife room up to m end ssys, 'For the laaale's sake, don't let them be takln' the law Into their oon hands or there'll be murder dona this nlclit.' fto I cried, 'Minna take the matter too per sonal, lads ws've law and a gaol In the town. Somebody get the sheriff.' " "lld they heed your "I cotiltlna tell at the time, because Just then a cutter romes dashin' oop with twa men In It, snd one shouts oot, Have you found Mary Psge?' And they all answers, 'Yrs, she's found:' Then he ssys, "I'm !avld Pollock her flnnce and t have com to lake her home.' " "Was Mlas Paga atlll tine onsclnua?" The question sm sfisrply. ' MurPheraon shook his head. "Xae, she waa conacloua, and when she heerd him she gave a cry of 'No, no, no!' and dragged hersel'-up from where she lay and clung to Mr. Iensdon. At that the man Pollock puahlt by me' and cried, 'Mary! Msryl hsva come to take you home." " r "Did Miss Pace answer htm?" "Xae, she Just shook It her hesd. and Mr. Langdon said. 'Wt'ss Page la not going home yet.' Hut ..Ir. Pollock was salr angry and shouted, 'What the devil have you got to do with It? Haven't you made trouble enough?' " "Hid Mr. Pollock make any move to ward Mlas Psge?" "Aye4 II tooklt a.iiulck step forward Ilk he would carry her off. hut the glide wife atoppit him. ;'Ye'!l na move the pulr lassl till she Is warm and restlt,' ah said, and put tier arms abont her and tooklt her Into the bedroom beyant. Mr. Iangdon helplt her. and when he enme oot ha said, 'Miss Page will not return to hr drunken father. Mv friend. Dr. Jamison, and hla wife will give her tem porary shelter and the proper medical attention.' "Did Mr. Pollock acquleee?" I.angdon's Vvolc wag dry with reminiscences. ''Mir. Pollock waa salr angry, and he aald, 'It ta not for you to say what my future wlfs shall do. I'll not have her put with your frlenda. Hha shall go home with ma 1 oau protect her from her father. I suppose you think you can carry hr off right under my nose. Well, let m tell you that's called by an ugly am!' At that Mr. Iangdon shouts, 'What do you mean, Pava 1'ollocit'f Tell ma what you mean by that!' Me looklt so fierce I feared a fight, ao I went Between them and aald. llnna fash ver se! s Ilk that. Think of tha pulr lassie nd b quiet. Theu I says to Mr. Pol lock, ye'll gang outside a bit and when Will you tell ua. pleaae, broi e In the Judge with some asperity, wnai yoi' expected to do with ' A shotgun?" And a llttl twinkle sparkled for an In stant in MscPherson a eyes. Mr. Pollock wss In an automobll." h said, "and shot Is a grsnd tning ror tires.' Nae doot you can guess yoiirsel' how much chanre they -have to escape It." A ripple of laughter swept through th room, instanliv nuaticn ai inn wai i frown of the Judge, and MacPheison, his h"ge brown hands gripped about the edge of the atsnd, turned inquiringly towsrds I sngdon. "Will you tell us. Mr. MncPherson, as briefly as poaalble. what occurred while you were on your wsy to the residence of I'r. Jamison? "We had na malr than got startlt when the nolae of the hon-e brought one of Pollock's friends to the corner of the houae to look oop tha bark road. At eight of us he nave a cry and run back, shout In' to Mr. Pollock . We had a fair getaway, but na horse Is as gude as one of those devil machines, and they were after ua at onct. So I tooklt the reins snd give them to Mr. Ingdon and said: 'You drive, anl pit the laaale doon. I've a way of atoppln' them as Is behln', but I need my hands.' At thot I tooklt my gun and stude uu In the sleigh. 1 cu.le see the Ithers plainly, and I shoutlt, 'Clo bsck, unless ye want to be hurtlt!' But they only swore al me, and when 1 saw they were galnln' I sent a load of shot toward them. It did na harm, but tl.ey stopplt rhort. Is see If there was hurt. 'They'll no ciiom after us again the i.lcht,' I said; but It t ss na malr than few minutes before Mr. 1 -sngdon said, 'I hear the motor!' And 1 said, 'There's an Ither bsrrel to the gun." " It was a strsrge scene that he drew for them In his deep, quiet voice a seen so unreal that 't waa Incredible to most of those present that It could all have hap pened not so very rtnny miles from the court room where they" now sat a seen (To Pe t'ontlnucd Tomorrow.) MUSIC WITH MEALS AT LEAVENWORTH PRISON; Do you like music with your meals? I If you were a prisoner In the federal ; peltentisry at Leavenworth, 4an.. you ; could have It. Wouldn't thst be nice? feputy I'nlted Ktatea Marshal Grant ; Yatea l.lnga back thla Information. II went down to the Institution to take Oeorge Rochn there for a three-year i term. Itocho pleaded guilty to embes- i sling funds from the money order de partment of the Omaha office In 14. Suffer Fponi Piles DO matter how long or how bad go to your drua-rist today and (ret a 50 cent box of Pyramid Pile Treatment. It will give quirk relief, and a Mingle box often cures. A trial package mailed free In plain wrapper If you aend ua coupon below. FREE SAMPLE COUPON PTRAMm DKtrO COMPANY, tVM Pyramid fildc Marshall. Mica. Kindly send me a Free sample of Pyramid PilaTrawtaasat, la plain wrapper. Kama Street nty....w... ... Stat.... OF 'THE STRANGE CASE MARY PAGE" MH'HTIt KPISODK See It Tuesday and WrdiMMtdnjr AT THE EMPRESS mum n ,-MmniBiniiii .in ii i n mn hi m at wwa i. m n..i miynia 3 ' V'w r-- 'iis z : "fu)-.';V-.r44-. tlSP.;1i.rrj4. Ij - nr i -1 i i - in re. f H. re', la. e f.uie,"i f . . rea .. tt rufl .... t . 4a. r,.... lift r.ie ... m fmelter, t STAT, C. 4-An-ln.Krak Is et.-Vao 4S 41 A . 4a Pels. Sih! r. la 1. ra. 'riC la , see. A O. l a. A o. - M AS la let r. I A r r. ta. st r. A S r. 4'a t A- 1 r. 4 y-la a 4a l. Kle-K. ,.. '. No I" 4S ... It. !. "I. M M ' K )'. Fa trf It. Hid. .. .. 77 ..teo'i . .. . ais ...II .. . i;4 M. ....1I4S .... .... HI .... .... I (S ....lS ,...'-S .... v S ....K"S .... wt fw. W. v, a.; .yv- v r .. , i ;T , r -if -"t: .-r, ,c4-a.v." 'i ? ' "" Mii.a. i. - .. ,-. " - ( .. j I T Adnai av Market. I 1iNpfV. rh 1 Amerlcsn seciir. ItU-s on the s'CH'k market mo ed f iletly ' in1 li-re"ule rly. ( HIVKR-Br ! ls-itwi per ounce. Miivrn 4e4'i or rent. IHtlil'NT RATF.B-thoil bills and months, S' per cent. Raak 4 bariaia, OMAH.t. Feb. it --e..(c clr'nss for 'I. Cell livliiv were "VJ 4a 7J and 'or H.e coiresioiid!ng dsy last year, t?.57li,- 4 aaffre Market. NKW YOHK. Feb. I fOFFF-K-Th ttiNtk-t fi'r roff fti'tvs sbowe.t re reed str"Pth id setlvtty today with pruts ir.sW'n further higher reanrde. 1 rmnees In the ):ra,l'lan mnrkets aud i th rontln.ed Ushl nrliusi'v rrxeiptsi seemed to Increase th ccnfld-ii"'e to bueie and there ass buy'ng for trade: arco'iiiia s ll as rftr.in and som frch MiPjtfrt tlirounh comnilsaion bouses. The msrket opened St an art itine nf 4 to point, aud sold 14 to IT rolnts net I. Inner dutl'i the day. with Mpp h contrai l, rcii.g the JVcent level m- its points snrive ine low level or lesl fertenilr. ni'e t'mlr s ild at S stc or tu pu.uts above th low level uf lasl e. k. There oaa a. good oel of rs!l'ni on tl advance, but the demand itin linued aitiv snd th close was 14 ta 17 points Rt bislier or at the beat point of it i.y. balea ini ludmg exi bans from Mifrn'io later deliveries amounted to a bass. Kruruarv. .Mt; Msrch, tUv; April. iw; Alsy. 11c; June. Slav; July, w; AuguBt, lic: eplmbr, l7c; teitober. .-: November. I.JIt; Iecem bcr, I M; January. .?. t'wllaa Market. NKW TORK. Feb. s.-OOTTON (.'otton futures opened al'nily; Msrch, III; My. i;i: July. I-lv; October, li t-; J.erinlr. 12.lt.-- i i. cotton mararl i ioaed within a p ilot i,rlof the kiarni w in the tnne steady, at a net d-. line of t le 13 points. I.H KIli'iRiL Ken. K-l'iifmX ltot. a r;-li.iilns 4 lid : m.dlinai. t 1-,). o litl'i'Mlif. '-'jCA. suits, I a it s. i 4 i Al Council Bluff i, la., in August, JSS9, Abraham Lincoln learned from -Oen. G.At. IMzt Ike facts which later caused him to urge the building of the Union Pacific even when the country's resources were strained j avatr j IF Lincoln could see this -rail-' road as it is today, he would be satisfied with the fulfillment of his plan for a New West opened, accessible, safe. The great President knew better than most others the value of a railroad in the right place. He had much to do with putting the Union Pacific where it is in the strategic location for greatest service, east to west and west to east. When Congress doubted, Lincoln insisted that the Govern ment help build this road, "not only as a military neces sity" as Gen. Dodge has said "but as a meansof holding the Pacific Coast to the Union." And this railroad, built for the take of the Union, backed by the White House nd the approval of the whole people, has never lost its national character. It is truly "The Road of the Union" tying the East and the West together with the strong bond of perfect communication. It was the first road west and is still first in everything which makes a rail road great and serviceable., Travelers and shippers commend tha UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM Joins Last and West tritk Boulevard at Steel W. S. BAS1NGER General Passenger Agent Omaha, Neb. WJ) -V -v v v gv7?" i A Brilliant Showing of New Spring Merchandise at Unquestionably Attractive February Sale Pricings TT TT rVW jrrrTTTV 1Ir" Qualities and ii ii6 Ti Savings and Satisfaction Assured. DODGE DOUGLAS STREETS 2) Assortments Better at Each Price. Delightful New Style Ideas in Spring Dresses Scores of Smart and Becoming Designs Shown for the . First Time Greatly Underpriced in Three Special Lots rf T f Lot 1 DAINTY SILK DRESSES in Crepe le Chinos, Taffetas, Eolincs and Xovelty Silks; made rh r'O? ta fell to $12.50, ' A) at, elfoiee Lot 2 PRETTY DANCING FROCKS, AFTERNOON AND STREET DRESSES, in a big assortment of popular fcilks, matle to A - n7T -ll x ao.i pa ; "at. M' -e big lot, Tliursdav V A" '-J? j Lot 3 BEAUTIFUL NEW DRESSES in almost endless variety of the opular brilliant shades; also navy and black, clever designs suitable for all occasions; all sizes; dresses that would usually sell at $25.00 and $30.00, C 7 O C1 in Thursday's sale, choice. P JL 0 1 ONE LOT OF TAILORED SUITS that sold to $20.00, odd garments and broken lots from regular stock, to close quickly, choice ONE LOT OF SAMPLE BLOUSES, made to sell to $6.00, come in Laces, Chiffons, Georgette, Crepe de Chine 0 QO and Tub Silks, at ZJ0 A CLASSY LOT OF NEW DRESS SKIRT STYLES, direct copies of the season's newest productions; everyone of them beauties, at from $10, $12.75, $15 to $25 $5.00 Most Interesting Sale ot New Laces and Embroideries Tlir coming aenstin will he the rt palest Nion for the use of white rocmIs known for years. A short Hgn of dye In one of the principal restarts, nnd the beauty and effertivenjes of a white or very light-coU . . m w.l Afu..nM.. tm ...fflitlanl 4a maka ttiA llaA tt 1 1 vlit-i1fi.4wl maleelulu k n .1 Ii4mmliiff. anmiilala Spring Laces The newest novelties in Laces for Spring and Summer on sale Thursday. A special line of Wash Laces, at ; 3V, 5e, 7Vy 10, 15 and,19:per yard, including Torchojns,: Vals., r;oint. de Paris and Cluny Laces. ' - v Novelty Net Top Laces at . 10?, 25. 35.; and 50?. . AU-Uver Lace, 36 inches wide, worth $1.75, at 9S P yard. The new Silk Net All-Overs at $3 and $2.25 per yard. Fine Venlse Bunds, regular price 60c, sale price, Thursday, only 25 Per yard. A Special Embroidery Sale Thursday the first of our spring pur chase will be placed, on sale' ., " One case of 4H to. -yard loom strips of the very finest Swiss, Nainsook nd English Long Cloth, in edge, lnsertings, headings a'ud galloons, at 5 to 29r per yard. Regular irice, lc to 50c. A special lot ot loom strips 'at 5. Regular price, 10c. One big lot of fine loom strips at 10J- Reg ular price 20c. Baby All-Over Embroidery at 75. Regular price $1.0. Corset Cover Embroideries, at 154. 25, 35 and SO. tkirt Flouncings, at 10, 25. 35 nd 50 Per yard. New Wool Goods For Spring Suits There never was a season when the new styles were more varied or attractive. FRENCH VELOURS, GABARDINES AND POPLINS, three of the leading fabrics for spring; every new color is shown; also striped and checked Novel ties, Thursday, at $1.98 and $2.50 THERE IS QUITE A DEMAND FOR BROADCLOTHS. We are showing a splendid quality, chiffon weight, high satin finish, 5G -inches wide, in a good line of new colors; a $3.50 QQ value, at ivO 25 PIECES OF 54-INCH, ALL-WOOL FRENCH SERGE, just the right weight to combine with taffeta; Cf every new color and black. .pJ.JJ 200 PIECES OF 52-INCH NOVELTY SUITINGS, in mixtures, stripes and plaids, suitable for suits Q?r and skirts, at 70C a ill Every Wanted Color and Weave That' at rV- all ueiir- I able in J They're here in endless variety. Although prices have advanced 25 to 40 per cent, we have made no advance. By placing our orders early and in large quantities,- we are enabled to maintain our former prices. 200 pieces of 36-inch Chiffon Dress Taf fetas, all the new colors, violet, rose, mist grays, soldat blues, Russian green. We have two qualities that we believe are the best in America at the price. They are worth today, $1.25 and $1.75. Thursday, only at . .95? and $1.50 ' The new Tub Silks are here, dainty colored stripes on white grounds, handsome satin stripes, suits ble for ladles' waists and men's shirts. A special showiav, at 85 100 pieces of New Novelty Striped and Plaid Taffeta. Flint Warp Plaid Tarfetas. Satin Striped and Barred Trffetas. Printed Fleur de Sole Mono tone Taffeta Stripes, beautiful Satin Stripe Tub Silks, at $1.00 to 81.75 200 pieces or new Spring Silks, Including 40 nch Allrepe de Chine. Silk Poplins, 36-inch Mea salincs and Taffetas, fancy striped Messallnes and All-Silk Tub Silks, at,. Qg to 05 NEW SPRING TAILORED Sl ITS, made to you order; ierf.eet fit aiul workman- . !Qf- ff ship guwrnnteed, at . . OuDiUU We Advise Our Customers to Buy Flour and Sugar Now ItjfeWSll aim veiy . uiai i uuvsnca In a f--w uays. ' IS lis Ixiat purv liraitulaled ti igar 91 H-lli. aacka best hltfli grale lta. "onJ II Hour. nmJ i tiiu .N'u. I s -rt' wheat.' Jr aaik ,1' (ialkon sna (.laiilon Tal)l Syrup. M 4 pk.;s. Maiarunl. Variniialli or 8i g htil lor 5 Ha. beM r.llJ W.ilt B tkf l tialu.ral tot- ; fL 1 1 a. Vliita or Yelloa t'ornmeal, ITa . ,La. rlioit .la., a Kn B5 a '.ii jar p.u-a Kruil Pr. serve., .as -os. jar fur 8tralel lio y..ao l-ilo buxea Safny Matcliea Yeasl r.am, ps. am 4 tsiis f.ui. 8t Huaar 4'orn. Wax. Mr'UK. liiM-n r Lima Besna. . . .t8i 4 Iriic sne (Vnlensed Mils....t80 K '. C-ru Klakea. pka W . ' r Krumh'e. pk I art; bolMea Wonesier t-'aur. Pur Tomato falsvip. plrklea. a so-ted l mds. UorseisMisli or Prepared Mua- IS'd. per botlle lsm BatlXD FKWIT ron tAVCXB AsTD Ca Ifomla Cokin Fi-. lb lOe it r'uiu..rni Ku.l . Ilalslna. lb.. 100 lai.uin.a Muir l-eaciiei, lo....TH failtori.ia -Oron Musiatel Ha. am-. ter b emon. O.ange or Oitrrn Peel. lb., joj limy Moor Para Apricota. lb....l4i 8 J KaHlna. pka". The best Tea 8lfiHa. lb. lflv UoIUbii cantos Ccffee. a fin driiKi. per I ' Trn atBST TmioTi.T rausan XOiM, KB OOUaT 4iis iwil o. 1 Bioiaif SSesa, dos.Bo 1 ho best ruameiT Putter, carton t bi W. er lb 3S l-arcv Nr.. 1 Country Cream sry But ler, per lb Kanry Xo. 1 lalry Table Hulter, p r ii . .' 7a Full Cream Wlaconsln colored Cheese. per lb The lxst Kull Cream New Yors. Whit. Young America or Brio j I hwar. per lb .t8 Invportsd Sarli'a Cheese, lb o Imported Konuefort Cheee. Ih. . Oo rxciAi. aTioMXaarD watai. btstai. omai BAI.B TiuaioiT K'4 aise rrnu'tr 4 So aellers SPc lit slse. regular 3Se sellers S&0 JRY HAYDEN'S FIRST. ITS alxel r cu 1 r u. ..lUr. Thursday, ;a.'li 60, 7V. loo Thi'i-aday, dnr.en 5 60, aOo, $1.10 stATDEH-i itvi tii rnorvm or OMLAHA 50 TO 100 OAT AS Wl ADVEKTISB, SO WB BBI.X. Jo Ibe best Ke.l Hlver Potatoes. .30o Fresh lieets. Carrots and Turnips. Fresh Plial'ot or Kadlshes. i bunches for .: 10a 3 Israa Roup Bunches 10) Fancy Cauliflower, per lb Tiap Fresh Cabhaite. per lb fo Fresh Head I.etluce, per heal... TV, Fresh n;e Toiiiatns, lb. lae Fresh Ktraa berries, quart ......43 Fresh Mushrooms, lb 3 a .5o Meat Dept. Specials t lbs. Leaf I.aid.. Ko. 1 ter Pot Koaat No. 1 1Mb Boiling f;-ef No. 1 Fraih Hpare ttibs No. 1 Frsah Neck Bones.... Fresh Oysters, quart No 1 Bark Bacon . . 5 .laua ... . . lOo ..V4J . . .aoo 1H m west mm TDAT PAYS DIG DIVIDENDS A BEE WANT AD