Tin; Bi:ih omaha, tiiuiisday, fkiuutaky 17, ik. FOR RENT-HOUSES M Iseellaaeoa. FOR RENT room, new brick. close-In: ok finish, shade rods, electric flgturea. gas range, all In; $: per month. Call for key. TRAVFR HRO, 70 Omaha Nat. Bank Bids. Phon Dougiaa 11M. -K. COTTAOK. th and Vatrlck Ava., I. 6r. cottage. J5N Franklin. $14. Nlca -r. cottage, bath, electric, light, 1412 Evan. , . W. II. GATES. 447 Omaha N all. Hank Bldg. $-r., 4-'4 N. 17th "t., mod". ex. ht... $30 8-r.. MH Davenport ft.. Weat Farnem- 4-r., 8I3U N. lMh St., modarn $j -r.. Hhelby Court, mod. ex. ht 1 4-r., 613 N. 3Mh Bt PKTKRS TRl'BT C. DOl'CH.AB . A bXJJDY room mojerti housaTTnre block from car Una. Special bargain. If taken at om. Thoa. U McOarry. Keellne In.ls- Red 444. HOlrlKS "rOR RENT. CREIOH. HONS SP'm 508 BEE BLDG. DOCG. . FOR RENT-AF-TS AND FLATS West. APARTMENTS. 4-r., Flo-Les, 20 sni Capitol Ave .,13 a - fi I ... 1.1 flnnr 127 .60-322.60. $-$40. j.r", nenrgla' 1040 Georgia Ave.. 837.M. fKTKRM TRl'BT CO. DOl'O. KM. SJoTJkTTn (-room apartment. Including Bleeping porch. Well located. Harney IM. " Sortfc. t&M CHARLEB-4-rocm apartment, mod ern except hoat. t'3. Douglas WW. Boatk. FLATS. B-r., Ill Leavenworth, mod. ex. ht., 11. 6-r., Shelby Ct.. doae In, mod. ex ht., $ln. 6-r., Iti22 . 10th. 3d fl.. mod. ex. ht.. 12. -r. 7 8. 2Mh, Bear Iaavenworth, 113. PFTERS TRUST CO.. 1M Farnam Pt. HfiJ!?L F'TVB-ROOM ateam heated ai-artmeiit. very daalrable; the Chula Vlata, Mth and I'opplaton Ave., MlW. Bran- dola Theater Hld. Douy. Ift71. M icr lie naomn. WARM. COZY APARTMENT. Flna apartment of four rooma and bath, . nicely decorated, oak. flnlah, ateam heat, janitor aervlce; every thin, flrst-claaa. Sea It and you will take 1U SCOTT HILti CO.. Pouglaa 10". MONTH FREE RENT, CIXHK-IN APARTMENT. l-r. and bath, apartment, brick; mod. exoapt heat: good neighborhood; ll. l. K. BUCK. 1 Omaha, Nat. D. MOVING AND STORAGE GLOBE VAN & STORAGE Stores, moves, packs, snips; -horsa van anil 8 men. H.25 per hour; storage. 12 p month. Satisfaction guaranteed. Dougiaa 483g and Tyler 230. OMAHA Truck, Van and Storage Co.. moving, packing, etoraga and shipping. Phone Douglas 149. GORDON VAN CO. Packing, storsge and mov ing. 21. N. 11th St. Phone Douglas 384 or Harney 1967, FIDELITY Wrvic& FREE Phone Dougiaa 288 for complete Hat of vacant housea and apartmenta; also for storsge. moving. lth and Jackson fts. FISEFroof' warehouse ' Separate, locked rjoms, for household gooas and pianos; moving, packing and "OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE-CO . BOS 8. 16th St. Douglas 41t. J. 0. REED 1207 Farnam St. Douglas 61. Moving, atorage. FORWENT BUSINESS PROP'TY ft tores. FARNAM BT. s'Wlt-1018 Farnam bt., i stories, elevator; will make good terma on lease. W. T. Graham. Bee Bldg. BMaLL atore room; very desirable; rent t; 1SW Cass tit. CONRAD YOUNO, " K2 Prandals Theater. Douglas 1371. STOKE- ROOMS at lHuS-lSU Farnam rU. Thoa. F. Hall, m Ramga Bldg. D. 740. WANTED TO RENT Baalaaaa Property. location for a first- WANTED A g class pool hall. Address Y 249. Bee. Jttiseeilaneoua. UOAHU and room wanted. In private family, by young man and wife and .two amall children. and t yeara of age. Man Is absent from city except Saturday and fckinday; surroundings must be congenial and In desirable part of the city; give full particulars In first latter, including telephone number; reference given and requested. Address E. T68, Bee. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED Wast. WALJC1NO DISTANCE. This atrlctly modern, a-roora bouse and garaga with cement drive, right In town, baa been out on the market for tS.800. It ahould eel! for 15,000. Why not buy thla and gala what the owner loaeaT If not wanted as a home, this would make a gooa investment. PAYNB INVESTMENT COMPANT. 6th Floor Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg., Dougiaa 1781. " ' toOO CASH W111 buy a brand new all mqdem bun galow, juat rmianea, ai mtn ana now ard St. H. A. WOLF. M4 Ware Rlk. Dotlg. 80M. REAIj ESTATE, Fire and Oeneral Insur- ance. Art Thatcher, 1H7-1 City Na- tlonai ManK niig. pougiaa 3'i. WILL build home on easy terms In Benson or Omaha. Tel. Benaon 2"2. North. A Lot as First Payment On thla new S-room modern home; large comer lot. ateam heated garage. Immediate possession;, place la clear and must be seen to be appreciated; let ua give you th number. Shnler & Cary, Doug, ina. 204 Keellne Bldg. A FINE HOME FOR VERY LITTLE CASH Two-story cot tag, oak floor, strictly modarn; lsrgs lot. Small monthly pay. inenta. 331 Ames Ave NORRIS & NORRIS, 4iQ Baa Bldg. Phone Douglas 4270. BEAUTIFUL PHAlKiF PARK27TJ Arnes Ave.. 7 largo rooma, bath and sleeping porch, s reons and storm sash throughout; south front, fins shade and hedge. $100 cash and $40 monthly, front responsible party. Keye at my resi dence. B. J. Be ennell. 2703 Fowler Ave Phones -Doug as or Colfax SMI. BUY FROM nVl'K'ER Mc five-room bungalow near pret t est mile. Osk finish, built In features, full cellsr. coal and fruit room, aleeo. mg porch, garage: leaving city, will B F. DOf OLAB. ij-2 Fowler Ave. WINTER nAHOAiv Almost new 4-roora, strictly modern houre. osk. birch and maple finish; also garage: corner lot. paved street, car line, near 2."th and Fort; only $3.M0. Act quick TKBHFA8, " Omaha Nat. Pa. D 21 CHOICE S-room cottage, modern ex. fur nace: furniture, loo, If desired; cheap. See R. H. Iinderyou. 202 Neville blk. Tel D. B7S. "GOOD H75W g-room bunralow, all modern, 4iig North 21st. Phone ownar. Colfax KK yoR (JA1.K Slru-lly , modern, 1 iVoorn house: hot aster best; south front lot Price. $7,000. phon Douglas Uli. REAL ESTATE-IMPROVED keath. atKIOHTON'S VUIST 4 room. large living room, dining mom. kitchen, pantry. rear entr on lat floor. 2 bedroom, bath and eunroom on ?d floor, oak and mania flnlah. all modern, full cement basement. Trice Ui.A IVD caah. C. 0. CAHLBKRG, 312 Prandels Theater Bldg. i Ul'PT aall my -large-room roodam home on paved atrial; conwnt walke; large barn; nlca akada; cement base nient; laundry; gas; eleetrle llahta; hot water heat; cistern: bath; sewer; one Nora: from street car and publle chool. Worth 4,S0O; make ma an offer. Fred Mower, Ownar. 47 . !th St., Omaha. IWrt CASH, MONTHLY. Bptendld 4-room, complately modarn house beautiful floor, fine furnace; near Field club and Hanarom park. TOWARD F. WILLIAMS CO.. . D W2. Omaha Nat l Pk. Bldg, BRICK houaa. needing repairs, on flna lot, lMh and Wiarwood, D. 27. Mlseellaaeaaa. 1500 CASH $37.60 PER MONTH Will buy a brand new, all mod. bunira. low, ( room flnlnhad In oak, living room across front of houaa, with recaption hall and cloak cloaet, beam calllnaa. brtokeaeee and many other apeclal faa turaa. 2 bedrooma. bathroom and con venient kitchen; 1 rooma unfinished on eaeond floor; furnace heat; eaat front lot. paved atreat; 1 block to car; 1 mlnutea' ride downtown. Price for quick rale, 13.V6. RASP BROS., 1" McCague PldK. Pour- -ROOM BAROAIN-NKW. g-ROOM. - STORV HOV'SK. NF.AR CAR. A PNAP AT S.4iip; RKASONABLF. PAYMENTS. BENSON tc CARMICHA KL. DOI OLA8 17. 642 PAXTON BLK. MV NEW HOME. large rooms, sun p. and s. porch, ftreplaoea In I. rm. and bod rm. Hard wood throughout. Btucco. Tou'll like It. Phone D. Sm. after p. m. call Wal. Wl. b ACRtCfl. 414 acrea. 2i acrea, i acre; all Improved, and some near car line; price right; terms W. Colfax. Dougiaa 1010. 72 Keellne Bldg. FOR 5a UE Omaha Income property, $1,440 per year. Alwaya rented. Price 14,000. Terms. Address me, O0 E. 14th St.. University Place. Neb. FIRE and tornado Ina. Myrtle Deuel, 1121 N. Z3d. Phone Colfax ICQ after 11 a. ra. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED West. HAVE $0 paid on good lot; want offer. Afldress im, Bee. 6KE ME for acreage; have choice tracta north of Florence. R. H. I-anderyou, J03 Neville Dlk.. Tel. Doug. 67W. Korth. BARGAIN J8th Ave., near Tates; lot, 81x110 feet; make offer. ORIMMEU H Omaha Nat. Rank Bldg. rath. 100 Beautiful Homes are being planned for Mlnne Duaa this year. The most wonderful develop ment ever seen in Omaha will take place there. TOU can make money by buying a lot or two NOW on easy terma. CHARLES W. MARTIN CO.. Ownera MlMellaaiaema. Bargain Two Lots $625 Each. We are offering these two lots, sewer, water, gaa and sidewalk in and paid for. Oood building sites for medium Priced home. Call ua for full deacrlp tlon. Iliatt-Fairfield Co., 230 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Poug. 48t. VACANT LOTS If you contemplate building a home thla spring, do not fsll to see us. Wt have a list of choice vacant lot in both north and west psrts of the city, A. P. TUKET A SON. Phone Doug. 502. 1 607-1 W. O. W. Bid-. TWO ACRES, close In, H,J0; and other mui-mse, 10 h rt o iraae. tai lersoa, Dougiaa 34T. - REAL ESTATE-EXCHANGE I2&.000 B18INES8, Omaha; stand closest lnvsstlgatlon. Want clear land. J. A. ABBOTT. Patterson Blk.. Omaha. BUSINESS property, $1,000 annual rental, for small farm. Campbell A Craig, Keellne Bld-. DotiKlss 4fQS. RE3IDKNCE and fUta Exchange for vacant property. Toland A Trumbull. CAN sell or exchange anything you have 10 mitr. j. j. canan, Mccague Bldg, REAL ESTATE-SUBURBAN Take Advantage of the Future .m D on t envy the man who "got In on th ground floor." You take fewer chances tcdsr than th man who bought ten year ago. The clt la growing to th wast at a rapid SAFE TO BUY AND BUILD In Happy Hollow and Dundee's newest addition, because it Is west and ths building restrictions assure good houses, preventing yoi.r neighbor from build ing in stiUi a way as to depreciate your propertv. DON'T MI8S THIS OPPORTUNITY But select a lot In one of these addi tions and start now by becoming an oaner of reel estate a her value srs bound to Increase. EASY TERMS One-tenth cash anc- 1 per cent tf pi.--chase price payable monthly. Call or phone us. and wo wiil glsdly furnish plats with price and ahow you th property at your convenience. George & Company TeU D. 768. $02 City Nat. Bank Bldg. New Dundee Home Find Its Equal If You Can Six rooma. with aunroom and slreping porch additional: osk floors throughout oak flnlah firat floor; whIUt enamel flnlah with birch, mahogany doors on second floor; fireplace l:i living- reo-n; Inverted lighting fixtures entira house; sruth front lot SOxllb feet; .iIkIi. Mlhtly location, In restricted dlrtrlct; sur roundod by good home; best of con. st met 'on ana malarial. Ownar want offsr. George & Company Tel. . Tf.. fl City Nat. Bank Bid-. Dundee Special $3,000 7-room, mod., garaga for a cars, cor ner lot. WUI Include furniture in sal, or will rent furnished. Glover & Spain Doug SW2. 19 City National $.'00 CASH This sum of money gives you a deed to a fine Dundee comer lot, kml-l. This lot is ths iiortheast corner of Itnn and Isard, and has water, sidewalk and paved street. This will make a fine home slut or a fine Investment. Hee it CREIGH, SONS & COMPANY Douglas JOO. (0$ Ue Bldg. REAL ESTATE-WANTED HOMES WANTED We have cllenta for modern homea. Waat Famam. Dundee or Field (Tub IMatrlrta. If you want to aall your home, quick, try, tVNKIl,!. R. V. 1N3 AdKNTT. Wto.1Hrandel Thea. TalJTyler 1"C4 ft'E have a client that "wanta a f or -room hotiae within walking dlaianca. on a atreat car Una. Price from M r -".0no. Win give $.' caah, balance monthly. PAINE INVFSTMF.NT COMPANY, tth fir. Om. Nat. Bk. Hldg. P. 17l.-o HA K buyera lor MimI. N. aide cottagea. hiingalnw. eaay payments. Youngman, rl om. Nat. Hank lld V Doug. 14, . WANTED To buy on monthly paymenta, small atore room, with living rooma above. In Central school district. Phone m Red :M. WANT F. D- -Contractor willing to build to leaae In region of 40th and Farnam. Addreaa J 06. Bee. FOR SALE BUSINESS PROP'TY aaa (or 81 Good Location for REAL ESTATE or INSURANCE ISO Sqniro Feet $SO.O0. Tli Be Building Co. . Uoom 10S. IVo-Story Brick, 13th and Jackson, $5,500. Here Is a nice little brick building S2x)l6 Witt? a store below and flata above. Alwaya rented, Mi0 a year. It la one of the best close-In Investments that we know of. Armstrong-Walsh Co. SOLE AGENTS. Tyler 153. Keellne Bldg. REAL ESTATF INVESTMENTS FOR BALE. I new brick atorea and a s-room cot tage; rente for MO a year. Price 13,600; 11,600 caah. J. B. ROBINSON. 442 Bee. Doug. Qg7. STOR KROOM and residence on good corner. North Side. Total rental $41 per month. Pr'ce $3i0; 1,60 caah. F. D. WEAD. S10 B. Wh. Wead Mldg. CORNER close In; rent Price VsJbQO. ej. P. Bostwlck, imo Bee Bldg. FINANCIAL Heal Kstate, Loans, Hortgaars. WU are ready at all Urn to make loan on flrgt-clggg city property and eastern Nebraska farms. Rates on request. UNITED STATES TRUST CO. Ill So. 17th St, t TO for loans on Pest alas city resiacncea in awuuius a.'w up: slso farm loans. Reasonable commissions. PETER.S TR1.THT CO.. l2i Farnam St. OMAHA homa. East Nsbraaka farm. O'KEKFE REAL ESTATE CO.. J1 Otnnht National. Phono Dougla m ' MONET TO LOAN, for ( years. on improved Dronertles. PHOPEN A CO.. Doug. 4J4. GAltVIN BEOS. 4& Omaha Natl. Bk. P-lda. $100 TO $10,000 made promply. F. D. Waad. Wead Bldg., 18th A Farnam Sts. MONEY on hsnd for Uy and farm loans. H. W. BWider. C'ty national BanK Bldg. FARM loans. i, eastern Nel.. or went" em la. Toland A Trumbull. 44 Be Bdg. CITY property. Large loans a specially W. If. Thomas, 2-'g Btate Bank Bldg. CITY and farm loana, a. M4. per oenL J. h. "timontft lo 41s State Bank 6 CITY LOANS, C G. Carlberg, 310- II Brandeis Theater ld MONEY. HARRISON A MORTON. i Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Financial Wasted, $3,600 FIRST mortgage Field Club home, per cent. Addresa C 8S6. care Bee. $,0ti0 LOAN, 7. close-in acreage, years. Address B. "M. Bee, J or 6 gtoek-S si4 Boaas, 7 c. Paid on Your Money 7 c ' O In Homa Rulldera Kh.r.1 " plug the Increase from surplus profits, amounting now to $18 On on eaeh l'O aharea. Our booklet, "The New Way," explain fully. AM. PECUKITI CO., F. A. OMAHA. 11,000 FARM mortgage bearing 7 per cent. aecured by property valued ga.ii'O. Tal- mage-Loomle Inv. Co., W. O. XV. Bldg. Abstracts at Title. GUARANTEE &ZS3 cheapest. Room 7, Patteraon bldg. Xi.tM l?Vni? Title guarantee and Abstract Co ft modern absfact offlca $0K 8. 17th Ht. Tel. D. 6487. RtttSD ABSTRACT CO.' .lal .l,.l,.rl office in Nebraska. "aoij Brandeis Thea. FARM AND RANCH LANDS California La ads. A LITTLES farm, $2oO. Easy terms. Csll fomla I m porta carloada of chickens and eggs. Hera's a chance for poultrymen. bherldan. Placer county. Celitornla. e owner for full Information. P. B. Goes, My 2-scre tract are Just big enough tor chicken and are close to town con. venlancea and market centers. Writ ownsr for full information. P. B. Ooss. Bherldan, Placer county, California. o lost Lssiiii FARMS FOR SALE. W acres, adjoining city of Vllllsca, Montgomery county. Iowa; all level and under cultivation; leased for half crops, delivered; fcJ acrea wheat; nothing better in Iowa; will sell very cheap on essv terms. 140-acre well Improved farm. 12 miles east of ("larlnda. Ia.; a miles from New Msrket; all smooth and very rich est corn lsnd; lessed for half crops, delivered. Price right,' terms egsy. F. T. WALKER COMPANY, 7 Omaha Nat'l Bank. Omaha. Neb. FOR BALK 30 acrea 4inlleB town; aotl very rich, good well, fenced hog-tight: school 4-mlle. Prlc $4.6"iO; $l,6u0 cash, balance 10 year at t pay cnL L. il Wright, Dunlap. la l.oalalana Lanaal fHF. graas-uovered. cut-over pine lends in th sunny uplands of southwest Uouts lsna offer great possibilities to the fsrmrr snd stock raiser. Two-crop coun try; summer hast tempered with ocean breese; land sold on aasv terms; for fur ther particulars write or call J. H. Ko plet. 4733 B. S41h Ht Houth Bide. Omha. Mlsslaslppl Xaads. " A8 A HAFK. BOL Nfi and reliable Investment a pecsn orchard excels any other known. Inveallgate our orchard promaltlnn If you would make your financial future secure. W. T. hMITH CO. Douglas 2M. City Nf Bank Bldg. Iliaastsls La aaa. 140-ACRB Improved farm, dO mlies fmni siiiiliemiruiia, iw -rve unaer cultivation balance meadow anl pasture; good soil; 10-room house, bsrn and sll other build ings tbat ate needed, school house on land: price, $ per acre: one-half cash; or alii sell farm wlin full equipment of horse, cattle, machinery, etc. will make very reaeonahln price on personal property. Immediate possession can be had. Bchaab Bros.. Pet Plymouth Building. Minneapolis. Minn. Mlwsarl $aaaa. GREAT BARGAINS $6 d.m n, $6 monthly, buy 40 acre, good fruit and Poultry land, near toan, southern Missouri. Prlc only $Juu. Address Bog tug, Kx celslor 8pr1ngs,sto. BETTER live on your uwn little furm In Dent Co., Mo., than be a renter. Call or write for booklet. W. 6. Frank. NsvUls Block. Omaha, FARM AND RANCH LANDS Nekraaka ljda. AM. TIIRTIUB YOU WANT Owner of l acrea In Cedar county, pit lea from Mona City, will make very liberal terms ta flrel-Ciaas Itmxr who can make a reaaonal'le cnah payment; farm has about l acres hi crop, in wail Improved and close to town. Pi toe. HiX an acre. Whal'e the uae of renting? 1'ATNi: INVKPTMKNT COM PANT. Omaha Nat I Pank Hide. Omaha. RIMRAI.T. CO!' NTT IJkM BARUA1N. tMO acres 111 the northern part of Klin ball county, where the aotl la equal to eaatern Nebraska: smooth table land Price $11 par acre. It would he cheap at Hi. Tcrtna will be given If desired. J. H. PI "MONT en., 4-l Kealtne Bldg. Pnone Doug. WW. FA KM PICK hi KKDI't'T U J. To secure a sale by March 1, owner authtrlxes prha of a good fertile. wall Improved eighty. SS miles from Omaha ti $lli par acre; rallies mortgage of $;.,ort t b per cant. UKORtiK ?l. WA1.ACF Kaellne Pldg. BAlUlAlN acres fruit farm with lo-room house, good barn. etc. Close to Ft. Cal houn city park. Bargain at 110.000. Joo Rolen. Ft. Calhoun. ii H18HEIJ4 WHKAT IJND. M PIMl acre; Cheyenne Co., best aniAli grain Co. In Mate, few anapa for early buy ers. I-lve agenta wanted. Writ Funa Ingsland tnv. Co., Pldney. Nab GOOD TERMS 1M-acre central louglaa county farm, all Improved, adjoining town, 1176 par pcre J. R. tllhney, Klkhnrn. Neb. O.NK or" THE BEST FAKM8 In Cedar county, Neb., 144 acrea. $liu per. Relyea and Olfford, 3m Ramge Kldg., Omana. Neb. FOR SALE Best large body high grade medium priced land In Nebraaka; very little money required. C Bradley. Wol br.cn, Neh. o Wlaooastn taa. VPPk-U WISCONSIN Uesl daily anil general crop atat In the union; aettlera wanted; lands for sale at low prices on easy terms. Ask for booklet S4 on Wis consin Central Land Urant Excellent lamia for stock raising. If Interested In fruit lands ask fc. booklet on apple oroharda. Address Land and Industrial Dept., Soo Lin Railway. Mlnueapolia. Miiui. Mtaeelusasoeia. EXvic you a" Farm kor ba"CkT Write a good description of your land and sand It to the Sioux City (la.) Jour nal, "Iowa's Most Powerful Want Ad Medium." Twenty-five worda every rt day evening, Saturday morning and every Saturday evening and Sunday tor one month, giving sixteen ada on t.wslv different daa for Ui ur 60 words, M. or ",6 words, ti. Largest circulation of any Iowa news paper; -jOiKM readera daily In foi'.r great states. FOR any and ail kluJa of acreage lore on or near car line, cull C. R. Combs, W Brandais Theater Bldg. Doug. SS11 FARM LAND-FOR RENT It ACRES. For leaae or will sell on payments. This lsnd Is 1 miles northwest of Ploren.ee. 1 Improved and has a 6-room house and a barn. Kor price call CREIOH, HON 8 A COMPANY, Douglas yo. 5" Bee Bldg. a.TIl AND IIOV'D. 4 acrea, unimproved, lil. 11 acres grass, wast Miller park, JJi. John N. Frenser. Dougiaa 5M. HORSES-LIVESTOCK-VEHICLES l'hlrty-two mt.k gon Tor cheap. JOnnHUH-lBIUUI m "U ina 1IAY-H.W ton. A. W. Wagner, 801 N. !. POULTRY AND PET STOCK UXD grain. 100 lb.. Il.ti. Wagner. sOlN.ll AUTOMOBILES-FOR SALE EXCEPTIONAL BAEQALNS IF YOU are thinking of buying a good uaed car now la your opportunity to aava yourself money and secure a first class car. Look over the Hat and writ or call on ue. One 1915 Maxwell 1460 One 1914 Ford touring car with lot of extra equipment, extra ttrea... 271 On 1H14 Ford roadster with extra equipment, demountable rim and new Urea. In first class condition. T!t On Hupp "aO" - t One S6 horsepower Ma-well truck. Thla ear Is being thoroughly over hauled. Good tires all th way around 100 One a-cyllnder Maxwell roadster, Presto tank and klaxon horn 100 One Chalmer "30" roadster, in good shspa 27$ C. W. FRANCIS AUTU. UU. 2218 Fsrnsm. Dougiaa M. TIRES TIRES We have Just secured a Job lot of standsrd tl.-es and offer you, subject to prior sale: 5x3-46.75. ,x.lM,Non-kla. Wzb. 34x4-$14 26 x4vtltj8''H'. Plln tread caging. $30.00, non klds, $22.60 Some slightly used at tlofc Tlaclne. country tread casings. used 200 mile. 22 W neli. Other sles In proportion. Call up writ or (Oitto in and see wn pargama we bnve to offer In tires, Duplox Tlr Co., to om 2M Farnam. Jrw15 Kord roadstr, fin condition .. .$ .1 1 $11114 Overland touring. )tii i 4 1!N& Ford tounng Rl14 Ford touring............... ana 37$ -1914 Fora panei mp ' ' Auto Clearing House. a rarwim. xj. i. iiooii aacond-hand 1,000-pound Bulca truck. $. Nebraska Bulck Auto Co., niu Farnam. Douglas 721. Aatenioblles Wanted. '.. Ak't-ui, ... iitn. second-hand Ford: must be cheap for caah; state full par Itculars In first letter. . Lock Bog 1. Tsbor. Is Aato a.lveeg Osrsgn. Indusirjal flsrage Co.. aoth A Harney nta Aato Tires aaa gappllee. "At'TO TIRES HALF PRICE). Homer Hill. 1H Chicago 81 Aata Repalrla aad Palallag. Automobile painting done by expert; yeara' esperlence In Omaha : work guar anteed firat clan. Johnson-Danforth Co. ITTTLlCX. tires last longer, are stronger snd more durable: S'x3. $4.60. Ixlt Fa ra am Bt. Douglas 4S7H. flnfi reward for inanneto we can't repair, Col I a repaired. Baysdorfer, 310 N. 13th. Free winter atorage when tin are paint ed and repaired, jonnson-i'anrortn co. id lat or Rep. Co., 2034 FsrTT7Ji T. Mlseellaaeons. ATTTOMOBILB INSURANCB. Fire, Theft. Liability and Property Damage at wiw.ic staiea KILLY. ULL19 THOMPSON. $13-14 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. AID. mIOTORCYCLES BICYCLES 1.4RLEY-DAVIDMON MOTORCTCI.ES. Hargsin In used machines. Victor Roos, "The Motorcycle Man." T,ut Leavenworth. LEGAL NOTICES NOTlCli OF STOCKHOLDERS. MEETING. Nolle la hereby given that th regular annus) meeting of the Htoekholders of the HOl'lH PLATTE LAND COMPANY will he held at the office of aaiil Company, Room 701 Firat National Bank building, l.ncoln, Nebraska, at 11 o'clock a. m., oa the firat dav of March, A. D . 116. Lincoln, Nebraska. February lat., 19H C. 11. MOHKILU President. W. W. TURNER. Bccretary. Feby IdAX. St. Loala Cirala Market. HT. IOl'IH. Feb. ll-WH EAT No. 2 red. $1 $.Tl.34; No. t hard, nominal; May. $i.26Vui.sfcV July, ii.awsn.aus. cohN-No. 2. 74c; No. 2 whit. 77e: May, Vr; July. 774o. oAT No. $. 4Sc; No. a white, nominal. OMAHA L1YE STOCK MARKET .,,, . , r j j VBiiio in uooa vemnna unu xriv.es ATfrtge About Ten Cents Up on the Whole. BIO RUN OF HOGS ON MARKET OMAHA, Receipts in 0'",.., , .,.. . , ffcal Tuaadav ... Kstlinatp Wednesday February 1. '' i mm". i;r. M'o-i .1 i '., :. 7.11 19o7S .. 4.300 l.tW U.M Three days this week H iV.l Si tvd Kama days last weak JS.XIT M.141 JU.t-M Minn .Ih.is 2 wks. ago 17. 1st I.I0 F Pnme il ivs t wks. ago 1M.774 M.i7 1T.2-S 8nma daya 4 wks. ago M.W S.tit feine rial a last yaer.. .l; SO v nj.K.in The following tnhle shows the it".-H"s Of csttle. hegs end sheep at the South (miaha market for the er to date aa C IIIIVIKU M llli I.-, , , ,1 Cattle Hogs ISheep .T4A ; j : w i,t?j ,.. 4.1.KHI 21M.I90 ... ,.8-l.lui X1.17K I4.K7S 1 110 follow. 11 lm iM.. lUc im Fan, at). ii-h" Feb. Keh. miew... h,l?" ?l ,h, 0,Bh'4 "y."" I SllKKP AND LAMBA Receipts, 1,000 n,u"' I? bu.; com, 17.000 bu.; oats. parln.f0r tU ,Mt ,eW WU" Cn" ihJdr markert.nsetUe; wethers. 7.75 lV.- . . . , . , W1 w -- n; .; ewes. ava.U; lamba. .0W10.4.). HmEZLa1 C" ': raF1- M. ,.o...-..7yTiT,o M.rVat. TFT JP- T W ) I 16 7 0.V T -l : Reeelpts, l.soo head; market blsher; na T ttlH1 I si 1;: 7 t; t 7 4t s 9 live beef etecre, ;.ii.40; yearling steers T t t Si T 4i 0 I I M and heifers. . IVS.ri. cows. Ih.bOtl'i.flO; J 74. ' Mi 7 11 ' i 'Stockcrs snd feeders. ."i MMt7.Jf.; Tessa T Sfl I r . a u . - .... , ijt ,.i . , .. 1 ..ah an ui. maw mnA Feh f t j T 44 I 7l I T T6 I T 80 47 C'" 3?"l I TVl 411 I 44' T ' I 12: T Mi 4K I Pah T 77 ty, 1 411 7 s 1 T ail I el n Feb, Teb. teh. Keb. Psh. m S7I I Ml T f 01 7 75 1 2M 7 ! !'! T7 1 I 7 W 01 7 Oil 7 T S7 i t 84 - j b a. 7 n 7ti sunrtn v. Receipts and aispoeltton of live stock at the I nlon Fto.-li yards, Omaha, Neb., ror twenty-four houre ending at S p. m. yesterday; RECEIPTS. r tfl lln CV..n If-.'. r- t a. c. 7 ""e y. ,. n i DL. L 4 WabMh 1 Missouri Paiiirto ., I'nlon Pacific wt a 71 2i "i 1J Ml 11 1 30 I 37 1 7 .. 1 a a 2t: Ti "7 C. N. W asst.. 1 C. ai N. W.. west .. 60 , 8t. P.. M. .. C.. B. A Q.. west.. 11 R- 1. P.. rgst C. R. I. A P.. west .. Illinois Central Chicago Ureal West I Total receipts. ..17t D.S.'OSITION. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Morris A Co 2l74 ml Swift A Co 778 811 "m 1 1 M 2 m 3,878 Cudahy Packing Co.... t.TM 2.7K.1 4,li-8 Armour at i"o J. W. Murphy Morrell Lincoln Packing Co... Sinclair Packing Co.... Cleveland Provision Co. Roth Packing Co W. B. Vanaant Co.... Benton. Vansant A L.. Ulll A Bon F. B. Lewis Huston A Co i.I. B. Root A Co J. H. Bulla Itoaenatoch Bros F. O. Kellogg Wicrthelmer Degen.. H. F. Hamilton Rothachild A Kreba... 01 11 114 Ith 8 113 in W 41 K7 27 4 8W Kit I II a 1 1 2& 32M M 2f x 211.1 IMo. A Kan. Calf Co.. Christie Hlggina Huffman Roth Meyers Olaaahers; Banner Tiro John Harvey Dennis A Francis .... Kline Jensen A Lungren .... Other buyers ..- .. 1.79 Total 4.S6J 15.48$ 10.I4 C ATT LK Recel pt wer mall again today, only 173 cara being, reported In, Thla leavea the total for the three daya this week at 14 6kg bead, the smallest of any recent week, but more than doubt th receipt or a weeg ago. cattle or all Kind were in gooo De mand nd th trad fairly active at price that wer strong to as much aa 10a higher. The big end of the receipts changed bands In good season In th morning. Today' advanca carries th market to a point that I around 2&o higher than last week. This means that last week decline ha been fully recov. red. Blockers and feeder were again atrong. being 100 or more higher than last week. quotation on cattia: uooa to cnoiu beevea, $7.90&ti.30; fair to good beeves, $7 common to fair beeves, $4.to1) 4.76; good to choice heifers, t4.2bet7.00; good to choice cow. $4.otM.gO; fair to good cows. $." iu'iift 90;; common to fair cows. $4.26476.26: good to cholc feeder. $7.004P7.i; fair to good feelers. $ft.6itt7.(M; common to fair feeders, Vi.totyUMi good to choice stockors, gi. 40(87.86; stock heifers. $6,7647.00: stock cows, $4.76tt.M; stock calvss, $4.601417.60; veal calves. $7.O0J.74; bull, stags, etc., 4.76ps... BEEF BTE7KRS. Na At. Pr. Na A v. Pr. 44 UN 4 SO II UM 1 It 7 Ht 7 14 14 Ml 7 14 I n T 1 1174 f ft ...1VT T 4 ...KM I It ai usn as PTEKRW AND HKIFEKB, 1 1"l 7 n IT HI I N J sis T to HEIFER". 1 14 4 M 4 t IM 6 SO I 4 17 4 M u , , 7H ( 4 , 'l II til IM CALVES. 1 11 7 M a 311 7 M 1 IT I 44 1 1H IM FEEDERS' AND 8TOCK.KKS. 4 1071 M 1 144 4 4 01 774 4 It at Ik SS 1071 7 SO 11 UI I u II 1041 7 M 44 304 I 4 HOOrt Supplies wr again of liberal proportion. om 2tM cars, or 11,000 head, showlna ut. Th run for th firat half of th week foots up 60,134 head, as against 61.141 laat wek, m.uj two wees ago ana 30.U6 for th corresponding day of laat year. Hellers, remembering yestcrdsy' heavy shipper purchases and th strength that developed on the cloae or the market. asked sharply higher price thla morning, and aa snippers again had broad orders they did not waste much time In dicker Ing around, but soon got doivn to business al price that wer lolly 10c higher and In spots vn mors than that. beveraJ loada reached $x.O0, equalling th beat pre vious price or ine year. Packers' blda showed strsngth right from the outset, n1 apparently fearing that shippers would sgsln gst close to half the auppllea klile- nuyeia were soon buying freeiy at prices that were fully aa good and In aome rases better than those paid by shippers, packer purchases showed In the main a ijPl6o advance, while general trade la uuolaule aa mostly lofiliie higher. The market aaa on of th olu-fasliloned snappy kind, and at 10 o'clock practically everything that had arrived had changed hands, which mean that a good shsr of th supply a as cleaned up. Bulk of aalea waa quotable at $7.60-4 7. to, with aome ecattertng light at tiff below this spread, and lope brought $8.00. The longest string landed at $7. IM). and the average market waa th highest of th year to data. sis. A?, ga. rr. Ms A. k. Pr 41 114 ... 7 1 tl til 0 7 71 W 14 ... Til 7 is ... 110 s 4 ... 7 at 71 m ... (Hit 114 ... 7 H tl tlrl Mia in i 1 sb it i4i ... 7 m 44 147 10 7 M 71 14 ... 7 M PICK. 11 121 ... 7 41 Ill ... 7 to 1 ll ... I IS Hit Km Another libersl run of sheep snd lamb wss on hand for today trade, arrival being estimated at forty-m-ien rsrs, or ll.nO head. This put supplies for the three dsys at 31.W1 head, being alout 1.X emaller than laat week, but t.Oiiu heavier than two week ago, and a gain of nearly l.ouo head, aa com- fiared with the corresponding day of ant year. Ths eoft weather apaprently had an adverse effect on the demand, and to day' a early blda on lamha were uniformly lower, prices ahowtng a decline of about ICfrl6c. Aged aheep war slso wanted at lower figures, and as seller were of the opinion that any revision In the price list should ba upward, a good shsr of the forenoon paeaed with practically nothing dons. In fact. It was nearly noon before trad ing finally alerted, but In th end sailers partially carried their point, for moat of the lamb aalea looked ateady, or very cloae to It. Top again reached 311.00, end uuoiatkon on all grade were unchanged. Feeders, too, brought generally ateadv prtcee. mates of the lamb that broucht $10.66 yesterday went st the aam prlc today. Aged sheep, which did not appear to be very badly wanted on early rounds. fell in line after the market got under way. and finally moved on abou, aleady , Two more loads of fed western from the same feed lot a a thoe that topped venterdav'a market at 17.70 re- ptd to.isy. and other ewe, of a de slralile sort want at n.WW.OO. A prett . decent cleiiranre of all grades wss made lefnre nixui. ' . i. e.., itttuxo saiea : No. At. . Iw . 71 . 7t Pr 7 mi 10 tn in 7 m n 10 ti fe.l !( fed !' Smith Dakota fad lamba. ;'7 I'lubo Ismrs V 'ril Mmbs m..,, . n ii.ih V-i" "h OakHa 'ambs 'tfl It mba IH1CAOO 1.1 VR STOCK 7 71 7 11 ' ia 7S 7K 10 00 MIRKKT , ... T. -k fattle Utroaa -lleaa Htmst ghees) I'asettled. CMICAOn, Fab. 11 CATTLK Racalpta. 14. mm head, market atrona; native beef steers, .7(Wi T.. with a few fanrv at 10 2f; western steers, storkers snd reeiera. Viifl7 40; cows and heifers. IH.iiS call as. s.7MI1l..v. lit KlS-Recelpia. 4A.tHl head; market strona. 1V to hieber: bulk of sales. t.Wfi.W; light. g;.7i4ia.ir; mired. t.0i R. 40- he.vv r;.Vg.4A: mllih. g7.SMlg.10; CATTLK- helf..rs, M-iWiti W; native calves, v.0ii H win naeelnts. 11 son bead: market higher; plga and llgbta. $A.oy.IOj mled and butchers, tft.10iiift.40; good heavy. IS.K iit4 8IIKP7P AND LA MR! Receipt. .S0 bead; market steady; yearling wethers, lj. i.nrio.w: lamba. S4.94dll.S6; ewes, $!& Kansas tlty Mt gtoek Market. KANSAS CITY, M., Feb. W.-CATTLK Hecalpts. g.OOO head: market ateady, cows, strong: prime fed steers, M.MVirt .00; dressed beef steers. 7.0il.S0; western teara t&aiw a): atncksra and feeders. KI0ivt7.7&; bulls. $5.(r 75; calves. tt.Vf I (.J HOfiS aeceipu, IS.000 basd: market hlsher: bulk of sales. 7.7Mi,20: heavy. y 0t.nW: psckers and butchers, i"." JV u.h. l7 7Mii): t.lss. t.&iMr7.7A. HIIEEP AND LAMIW-RecelPta. 11.000 No. rrlng: 1 car. $1 JJ. No. 1 durum: head market lower; lamba. l.vffil.on; 1 1 ear. $1 w No. $ durum: 1 car, fl.0. w fi.KVi.ia. ,'tiia- u. .. si ia lone City "tack Market. 1 SIOUX CITY. Ia.. Tab. 1. CATTLt! timi,. ? rwni heed- market ataadv: na- live steers, M"tj (.no; nincners. cows and heifers, Io.onr(i.wi; stocser nnn feeders, ti.0"ti7.K; bulls, stage. tc, --' ti 10. ... I lPOOS-Racelpts, IS.OO heed: merk"t 'ie higher; heavy $8.0iffi.; mlaed. I$7 HVflg.on; light. $7.fif7.o; bulk of ale. ,$7.ifr8.no. , . . SHKKP AND T.AMBB Receipts, VW head; market o nigner; lamos, sid-hi i 10.75, Mock in aiaht. Recelpta of live stock at the five prin cipal western marketa yesterday were aa follows: . , I l at lie. nogs. -neap. ... 4 300 lS.oon ll.oiKl ... 8,000 in.OOO ll,0 ... a.1" n ...14,000 4MW 18,'itt ... 2.W0 1S.000 .W ("oiith Omaha ' Kansas City . St. l4ul '"hlcago Bloux Oily ... Total .a.ooo 10.1, aw u.9t St. Joseph Live t toe It Market. PT. JOSEPH. Mo.. Keb. 14.-CATTLK Recelpta. I.WiO hea.1; market ateady: steers, $7.0nti.2K; cows and helfsrs, $4.00 tfjfc.M. ralvra. $4,004)1036. . MOOS Recelpta. Mi had; market higher; top, $3.20; bulk of aalea, 37.6M9 'mlF.RP AND LAMB" Receipt. 2.600 head; market alow; lamba, $10.0oj:U.OO. NKW YORK OBNEHAL MARKET aatlon of th Day oa Varloa Cosasaodlllee. NEW YORK, Feb. 14.-rLOUR-Ftrmly held. WHKAT Spot, trong: No. 3 hard. $1.40H; No. 1 durum, $1 sum No. 1 north ern, tiuluth, ll.lllii and No. I northern, Manitoba. H.riw. f. o. b. New York. Fu ture were firmer; May, $1,334. CORN Hpot. firm; No. $ yellow, MSo, c. I. f. New York. OAT Hpot, firm; standard. Mttfltic. HA Y Firm: No. 1. 31.3b 1.30: No. 1 ai.17Vrl.22H. HOi'H nieady; atat, common 10 rnoics, mis, lft4i7o; l'.il4, bUj; Paolflo oat. lVli, 124T15e; liH, 3d'10c. HIDES Firm; Bogota, S16j Central America, 31c. LEATHER Firm; hemlock, flnta, StQ 34c; seoonds. fCtUo. . PROVISIONo-Pork, firm; mes $31.6019 fin (Mi- fa ml I w 121 htosU'J kfl- ahnrt el.ae $1 .soamoo. Reef, firm; mess, $17 00fflu7.; ramiiy, ii wniH :io. jrd, aironier; mid- dle weat, I10.4UW10.M1, TALLOW, ateady: city. lUc: country. fll4jo; aneclal, t'AO. BUTTlUt Firm; rclpt. $.23 tu; creamery extras. !!4aj,1o, rn.is, jo- We: seconds, wvyHj. FXKIS Cnsettled; receipt. ,3 esses; fresh gathered, estraa, 2Mjc: extra flrsta. imiic; first, zaQ'A"; econds, 22itfaL"Ac. CHEKSE-Bteady; receipt. 2,45$ boxes; state, whole milk, llaia neln, colored, specials, ll'ae; same. whit. Me; same, colored, average fancy, 16c: aama, white, 1"V?; flat current make, special. l'Hc; a average run, 1741'iiMo. POtTLTRT Liva, firm; western ehlek n. ISoi fowls. 174jc; d reused atrong; fresh killed chicken, 16VtCTc; fowl, 14W: turky. 30c. Kansas City Orala aaa PravUloaa. KANSAS CITT, Fab; W.-WHEAT-No. t hard. $l.$lCia: No. i red. $1.201. ; May, $l.3tr-4; July. $1.17. CORN-No. a mixed. TOUftTTi: No. a whit, 71fl'7V: No. $ yellow, 7$H4f73c; MWy, 74V&74'io; July. 74V- OATB No. i white. 44r.V0c; No. I mixed. 4W;47c BUTTER Creamery, 30c; flrU. 28c; second. Mc; packing, 19V- E'lOX Firsts. 23c; seconds, 3ac. POl'LTR Y Hene, 14c; turky. V; springs. 13c. Metal Market. NKW YORK. Fb. 1l. METALS Lesd, $4 30. ftpelter, not quoted. Copper, firm; elartrolytlc, nesrby, $2S.f.O; liter, $2.7MJ 27.60. Iron, steady and unchanged. Tin, ateady: spot. $4l.iMJt2 to. At Ixmdon: Knot oopper, 104 10; fu turea, 103; electrolytic, (Its 10s. Spot tin, 1N2; futurea. a 1N2. Antimony, I1J6. Lead, 32 2a 4d. Hpelter. Hon. Dry Good Market. NE3W TORK. Feb. 14.-DRT OOODS- Cotton good ruled firm and active to day. Woratsd and cotton yarn ware flnu, with a broad demand. Jobber were Duy and read y-to-wea r manufae turer received large order. agar Market. NEW TORK. Feb. l.-KUOAR-Ra w, firm; centrifugal, 6.03c; molasses. 4.261. Refined firm, bugsr future higher in sympsthy with th firmness la th spot msrket. At noon prices wer 4 to 7 yxjtnt nigner. gnysrstf Aggie aaa Drlag rralls NEW TORK. Fab. 14. EVAPORATED APPLrV Dull and nominal. DRIED FRlTTf Prune, firm. Apri cots snd peaches, quiet. Ralaln dull nd Irregular. Liverpool Grala Market. LIVERPOOL. Feb. 1ft. -W II KAT-Bpot No. $ hard winter, new, ls 4d. CORN pot, American mixed, new, 11 Twenty-One Bodies Taken from Mine Near Butte, Mont. BUTTS. Mont. Feb. 11 Twenty-one men wer victim of Butte's worst mining dtsester which resulted from th fir which broke out th alrahaft ia th 1,200 foot level of th Pennsylvania mln her Monday night. Thla developed at a o'clock thla morning when th bodies of th last six to b accounted for wer found by a crew of nine helmet men at th foot of the manwy on th l,2oo-foot level of the mln about 1,000 feet from th tatlon. ft) I Til I VT f)T) ATlITrP II I D VVT 0KA1I1 AMJ rnUUUl-J MAnNLl With Good Receipt! and BriiV De mand Price of Wheat Advance! Cent to Cent and Half. BULLS HOLD CORN MARKET OMAHA. February 1. 1M. The run of araln was rather hearv tn- l""v "nl there waa a auhvtantial advance evaryining on xna usi Thn demand for wheat waa quite active ,n market ranged generally from l to 1'kC hleher Ika hoik nf l,a 'T'"' r "binary hard winter va- rlety. J Tue corn market waa also bullish and I r,l,el frm unchanged to to higher. The was of very omr quality and the , era rather heavy, ' . i( recelpta Increased considerable t- ,"y and Ihe demand for thla cereal waa :id. Ihe market ranging from un c,'"',''l " V higher, 1 Th demand for rye and barley wis '"w, and these markets were quotea , uni h"i. crlptn of ,rai bu. and shipment of Ttt.- ii. iasi yasr. Primary cirn racalpta were l.sw.ftna bit. and ahipinenta S71.0M bu., against rerlpta of M u) bu, and shipments of Ve Is st year. Primary oats receipts were l.lio.oen bn. and ahlpmeiita 1.17H.000 bu., against ra calpta of ft"A0)0 bu. and shipnvont of 1,181. 000 bu. last tear. CARLOT lUDCFJTPTtl. Wheat. Com, Oaa Chlcsgo IM el l.tt nti..iMii. an 1 Diiltith 4 ... Omaha eg 1 Kansas City 1i Hi Ht. Ixiuis 7-1 M Winnipeg , 23& " ... These aalea war reported taxis y: 3a is Wheat No. 1 ham winter: 1 car. $1 n: S car. $1 J0V4; 4 rare. $1.10; I cars, I1.1V 10 cars. 11 id: i car, f !.-; 1 cara, si m; J ears, $1.17. No. 4 hard winter: 4 cara, $1 17: I car. $1.1'i; ours. $l.ltl; cara. iv,,..vi,vi.inv,v ., - ' ' - II Ifti; 4 cara, $1. IS; cara, $1.14; 4 a-$ ear a. : ears, si.u; cars tpoor; i.-s Hampje hard winter: I 1-4 care. l.t; I 1 car. 11.08; I car. $1.02; cara, oc: 1 car. Oats No. a whit: cars, : 4 rsrs. 4K No. 4 white: t cara, 46o; 4 car. 44V. xampie: 1 car, 4Jo; 1 oar, 4ZVfco; i- oar. 1 n Com No. 4 white: : eai :ra 7c; l car, o. No. ft white: Wo; 1 rBr, 8Ue; 1 car. 6o . 1 car, He: a tars. 2c; 1 oar. lr. No. i whits: a cara. 67c. No. yellow: 1 ear, Use; a cara. 4c; t ear. Mt4o: 1 car, No. yellew: 4 car, tottc; f car, 5e. No. ,4 mixed: a car. OUHo; a -i cara, esc. No. f mixed: 1 car, tic; I car. lo: 7 ears. cara. c; 1 oar, tc; car. 6. o. mixed: 1 car, 68c; l ear, 7Vi; cars, 67c; 2 cara, Wc; a ear. 64k:: 7 car. 66c. Sample white: 1 car, 46c. Bample yellow: a ran, 46c; 1 car. 4'ic. sample mixed: 1 oar. 0c; 1 car, 4o: 2 cara, 4c; 1 car, 47c; 1 car, 4o; J cara, ibo; a gar. 43c; 1 car, 42c; 3 rare, 41 ic; 6 car. 400. 2 cars, S9; 1 car, 36n. OmHha cash rlces--Wheat : No. I hard. $1.S-I.W; No. 3 hard, $l.lWai.:i; No. 4 hard, l.nvi4.17: No. a spring, $1.231 ; No. $ spring, l.!Hri.t3; No. 3 durum, $1.13 rl $0; No. $ durum, $1.17jn.l: sample. kuoiugi.O. Corn: No. 3 white. gTtvnwil; No, 4 white. 4j;iV(iH7c; No. 6 whlto. )-yMc; No. white, fw. i7c; No. 3 yellow, W4 Wc; No. 4 yellow, No. t yellow. ii36c; No. 4 yellow, S7HTjWic: No. 1 mixed. 7HiUV! No- mixed. VUc no. mixed. 64iQ4Uo; no. mixea. m 57ie- ample. 4u4Ko. Oats: NO. 1 wnue. 47444JHSC; standard, 474J'47V4jC; No. I whlla, 4tirj'4ii'o' wo. wnue, etxnrnc. Drj. Malting, eiirwc; no. 1 raea. wffoso. y;. No. 1. 9imc: No. 3. tXKhUle Chicago cloaln price, furnished Th Pa by Logan Bryan, atock and grata broker. 31 Uouth BUtaenth gtreet, Omaha. Ariirlel tpen. I High. I Lot Close.) YeTy. Wheat! May. July. 1 M4j4 1 30S 1 3UY 1 W 1 aoMS l 2VtS 1 3Vs 1 Zt 1 4wyaii 7tTVl7T5tjt(' corn. May nsmisi ras July. l"4ji 76H oats. May. July. Pork. I 4irsi4mrs 4SJ 44V 4S 4W4TS;4Sf4 so. T X 201 SO $7W 30 46 May. 20 70-73 20 $7141 70 30 75 10 30 10 66 July 30 76 I 21 00 Lara. M.v.ll tt-301 10 46 10 40-43,10 50-32 .luly.j 10 7HJ10 40-43, Rib. I 10 00 I 10 7H 11 11 40 11 72H 11 b . Msy. 11 W I H 42MJ 11 47H July.l 11 4fi 11 7 CHICAGO GRAIN AND FROVHIONS Feat a re Traftlagr Claalagr Pi tee aa Bar of Traae. CHICAOO, Feb. 11 Wheat price bulged to a considerable extent today Influenced largely by talk of urgent need for auppllea In Oreat Britain. The market although somewhat unaettled at th cloae. ;liii.'ieil IH'imv 10 so nei nigner wmi May t Il.aiiWU'l.30H and July at $1.23V. Other leadlna- .-"taples. too, all scored gains-con; .H oaU, So to Wc, ana provisions, itps". Assertions that ths British govern msnt wu huvlne sheet at th seaboard did a good deal t& ore the trad to notkja rumor of autnnmr Having neen gTsatsa to British officials to take draetio meas ure to Insure mor adequate auppllea. It waa said that In addition to a mor atrlot control of Brlliah ahtpplng th order sanctioned If necessary th aalsure of food store of any deacriptlon, presum ably storss on hand In Great Britain and Ireland. According to dispatches from Liverpool the stork of wheat thsr was Insufficient and miller wer nervous over the outlook. The affect of auch bullish advance wag a llttl offset by New York report Just before tn close that big clearancea wer expected a fourteen learner for Europe were to tax grain out within the next four day. Many unfavorable crop report that war received from th southwest and the central west formed a handicap an the bears In wheat. Word was at hand also of n actlv milling demand at Du luth, Kansa City and elsewhere. Fur thermore, announcement was mad that a round lot of wheat held for escort had been sold at th Oulf of Mexico to day at the May price, a rate l'v higher than on any prevtoug comparison with, the May delivery. Corn advanced mainly aa a result of recelpta being smaller than expected. Be sides, further salea to Europe war re ported. Oat derived their flrmnea prin cipally from the strength of other grain. Nothing wag heard of any sesboard de mand. Higher price en hog and cereal car ried provisions upgrade. In addition th msrket waa affected by newa that the French government had bought 12.0rtn.ooii pounds of fat bacon. The aenil-monthlv report of warehouse stock In Chicago waa also construed as racier bullish. rhK-agn Caah 1'rlces Wheat: No. 2 red. $1.3I,H SIW; No. 3 red, $l.3ftp1.29; No. t hard, $1.2ul.301; No. $ hard, $1.25Wfl.:i. Corn: No. 3 yellow, nominal; No. 4 yel low, 7314i7S'ic: No. 4 white, 72iiuvTSV.. Oats: No. 3 white, 47V(T4sc: standard, O-ftWtC.. Rye: No. t. $1.02. Parle v. 6H ;h: Seeds; Timothy. $5.6tfl1.ou. clover HOnols..V. Provisions: Pork. $l.'.iifa 2C7S- i.r4. UolISj: ribs. $10.w 11.30. EXlfl Lower; receipt. 4.702 esses: firsts, 21c; ordinary first, 30c; at mark si"- Included, IStJJlc POI'LTRY-Altv. lower; fowl. 14e; sprlnsB, 17c. Bl'TTER Higher; creamery, U&tie POTATOES Lower; receipts 60 esrs; Mlchigsn. Wisconsin, Minnesota and Da kota whltaa, 5o(t!02; Minnesota and Dakota Ohio, iHtj'nU: Mlaneapolle Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Fb. 14. WHEAT. May. $12f12H: July. $1 27. Cash: Na.4 1 hard. $1.34; No. 1 northern, $1.3ut9l.34: No $ northern. 81.3atH.ai. FLOCR Fancy patent. 87 00; first clesrs. tfi 30; other grades unchanged. BA RLET 6fl73c. RYEVefrc. BRAN-4l.00a An. CJHN-No. 8 yellow T7jro, i OATS-No, 8 white. 484gV. ', FLAXPEED-ftl 36di.3. Oil aaa Roela. SAVANNAH Ga, Feb. H.-TTRPE. TINE Dull. 63o; sales', none; recelpta. -ft barrels; shipments. "iS barrels: atok, 1i.7.7 bsrrela. ROBIN steady: Sales. 674 harrela; 1--ceipt t.M barrels: alupinents I, Ml ha -rels; stocks, iS,"Vl hsrreln. J . t on: A, B C. D and $ fw: F $ , f. jftfli.IS: H $'. r.: lo.i, N, $i'ij, WU, 1. li.H: I-., $:.:v. W W. .M. $