Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 16, 1916, Page 7, Image 7

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Delicatessen - Proprietor Sold
the Goodies Easily But
Hated Sight.
Had To " Train1 For Business
As the eyes feast upon the "goodie"
displayed at a delicatessen store, the
mouth begins to water. But to the dys
peptic the place la i veritable bore. Even
the proprietor of a delicatessen alckens
of his environment when Ma stomach
Koea on a strike. Here la A. Rosenberg's
word for It. Ha conducts an emporium of
luxurloua "eats" at 414 N. 16th atreet,
"Indigestion, sick headache, and con
stipation had me feeling so bad that I
despised the looks of food.1 Mr. Rosen
berg informed the Tanlae man yesterday.
"I had the headache morning, noon and
night, my stomach was alck and weak all
the time. I waa nervous and could not
sleep and I waa always constipated. I
had a bad taste in my mouth, my tongue
was coated yellow and I never could
eat a bite of breakfast. No human being
could me any worse off than I waa an 1
not be bed-ridden. I took all kinds of
siowiy starving.
"Tanlae did mora than restore my
health," exclaimed Mr. Rosenberg, en
thusiastically. "It helped me in a busi
ness way, aa well. I lova that place of
mine now, My health being off was the
only trouble. I have taken only two
bottles of the medicine and I am over
those terrible sick headachea. I am eating
my breakfast now, my tongue is clean
for the first time in months and there is
no bad taste in my mouth. I haven't been
constipated since taking the first bottle
and my healthy color tells me that I am
healthy Inside. i
"I bound out of bed these mornings
brimful of health and happiness," he
Rlefully concluded, "eat with a relish
and hustle down to the store to get realy
for business."
Tanlae In the hope of the dyspeptic It
stimulates the flow of the gastrlo juices
and thus aids digestion. Tanlao is a
purely vegatable food and tonic. Tanlae
builds health and strength.
Tanlae la being specially introduced in
Omaha at the store of the Sherman 4
'McConnell Drug Co., 16th and Dodge
streets, by the Tanlao man, who explains
the medicine and makes known the re-
hub inir m.v nji iTnaprAii rwnrm its tiam
Towaaead's for portlmf Ooode."
Llgbuag ruiaiaa Burgaaa-Qrandea.
Xave Boot Mai tV Now Baacoa Prase,
Xr. Stokes removed to4T4 Brand. The.
Bsu aal Seta List It with J.
H. Dumont Co., Keellna Bldg.
Wasted Experienced furniture sales
man. Address P 763, Bee, Council Bluffs
Today Itovte wrea'eJW elaaalflH
action today. It appeara In The Be.
XCLUSJVEL.T. Fine? out what the va
rious moving picture theater offer.
Seateaoed for Wealinf Ooe.1 J. Oon
aies ana I-. iapanoa, Mexicans, ware
each sentenced to fifteen days la the
workhouse for the theft of coal from the
Union Pacific.
Three rtaed for TlghttofJ. j. Bear,
J. c. Hamilton and L. I Stafford,
charged with disturbing the peace by
ngnting at 804 North Seventeenth atreet.
were each fined $10 and costs In police
You can wear and own a beautiful
Genuine Diamond by simply opening
iv inirira Account wiin
& CO.
VTaWDIamond Ring
14k olid rolit Lrttia
Parrctlon" CAft
$1 a Weak -
n La ValUera,
tin. aolld (old, Kns
llh JlBl.b. 1 rin.
brilliant Diamond,
11 fin itniU,
Perls, Bare...
Pearl drop, iMnrh
olid sold . CIO
chain ..."
Terms i $1.80 ft
TO. 4 Men's Dia
mond Ring, a prone
Tooth mounting, 14k
Mild rold Ilouian or
!i.h.4 RC
tl.85 ft Weak
Oats Daily Till 8 F. R. St?4ai TtU t:10
Cal or write for Catalog No. 901. Phona
Douglas 144 and aaltaman will call.
OrairyBl Tho National
Omaha Delegates
to Defense Parley
Picked by Mayor
Mayor Dahlman has selected Omaha
delegates to attend the national confer
ence of mayors at St. Louis March I
and 4, for discussion of national defense.
In making his selections the mayor
Ignored party lines. William Brewster
will be here next Monday afternoon for
a meeting of the delegates to ba held in
the city council chamber. Mr. rewster
is making a tour of the principal cities,
explaining the purpose of the St. Loula
meeting, which has been called by may
ors of nine principal cities, Including the
mayor of v Omaha.
The delegates aelected by Mayor Dahl
man are aa follows:
J. L. Paxton.
Frank Johnson,
X. B. I'pdlke,
T. J. Nolan.
J. A. Cavers,
C. E. Fanning,
Thomas J. Flynn,
John ( Drexel,
Burt Murphy,
T. J. O'Brien.
E. Ruokinicham,
H. E. Newbranch,
F. 1.. Weaver,
Gould plots.
Charlc; E. Black,
R. C. Heafey,
Henry Murphy,
Al Horenson,
General George II.
Victor Rosewater,
M. L. Learned,
Walter T. Pafje.
Frank W. Judson,
Charles W. Hull,
M. T. Barlow.
W. F. Baxter.
Norrls Brown,
Ned Atchison.
.lohn C. Co win,
J. H. Pumont,
F. L. Halier,
Frank Hamilton,
(t. I. Hammer,
Oonrire Rogers,
John T. Yates,
O. W. Holdrege,
C. T. Kountse,
L. M. Lord,
John L. Mcaglit.
Fred Wets,
J. H. Millard.
A. H. Murdock.
John R, Webster,
J. A. C. Kennedy,
John A. Rlne.
V. A. Shotwell.
T. J. O'Connor,
Joe Butler,
R. B. Howell.
Richard Kitchen,
T. J. MkfJulre,
L. jr. TePoel,
J. B. Watklns.
Georjre Parks.
Kdward Rlack,
Fred Carey, ,
iee t uaumg
Without Eggs
S Petmd Rict
Z Piilt Cottat
Milk diluted with
final quantity ej water
Butter tiu ef tgg
H Cup Sugar
Thoroughly wash rice and put into a
pan. Pour over it diluted Cottage Milk
in which sugar has been
dissolved. Add little
butter and grate nutmeg
over top. Bake two and a
hatf hours in a slow oven.
Streets Are Bfeing
Cleared of All Snow
for the Auto Show
Unlesa mora anow falls the Lincoln
highway, from river to Twenty-sixth
street, will be entirely cleared of snow
before the opening of the Auto show
next Monday. The city haa a large force
of men at work with wagona and tha
anow la also being cleared away from
Fifteenth street as far south as the
Auditorium. - - . - ,.
Merchants are ' already decorating
their windows for tha ahow, using show
banners, and tha hotels havs fallen into
line, so that the visitor will be greeted
with quite an array of auto posters and
colors. Soma of the downtown win
dows will , be adorned by tire displays
and soma of the more ambitious will put
autos In their windows. This was dona
last year by tha Henshaw. Tom O'Brien
being one of tha owners of tha Murphy'
O'Brien company.
Mistakes Watchman
for Some Wild Game
A. B. Smith, night watchman at the
American Smelting and Refining com
pany's plant, was the target of a mys
terious marksman who fired a load of
blrdshot In the direction of Smith. 8everal
missiles entered tha watchman's abdo
men. He telephoned the police who re
sponded In an emergency automobile and
started In pursuit of the man with the
shotgun. The accident occurred In tha
early morning light when objects at a
distance lake on haiy forms. The police
believe tha man who fired tha shot was
hunting and mistook Smith for wild game.
Tha victim of tha shooting lives at 1116
Douglas street.
One of the most nourishing foods if
rice, ana aa puuuuig n is mure uioi
merely dainty dessert Prepared with
Cottage Evaporated Milk instead oi
bottle milk it is doubly rich in food value,
for Cottage Milk has more than twict
the food value of bottle milk. Cottage
Milk solves the milk question. It it
economical, convenient and always germ
proof. That is why it stays sweet foi
days after opening, no matter what th
temperature or climate. Keep a supplj
in your pantry always. American Mill
Company, Chicago.
All wLiildcJ
may be good
but &0 eta not be tkt
Because all otters
are not
Modern Building Methods, a bright, at
tractive magaslne, to ba published
monthly by tha Bankers' Realty Invest
ment company, has just made Its Ini
tial appearance. Tha publication Is
edited by E. W. Halm. The pages of this
magazine are filled with advice to
builder, and attempts to lay before
them the many important things they
should know about building construc
tion in order to intelligently set about
securttur Just what they want in the way
of building. It ahowa how to eliminate
the expensive mistakes and the worries
of the older-day building methods.
Deoiiion by Judge Redick is that
Arbitrary Increase in Valua
tion is Illegal.
Almost $5,000 per year in taxes
will be lest to Douglas county as the
result of a decree handed down in
district court yesterday by Judge
Redick. He decided that increases in
the assessed valuations of property
of ten Omaha firms, made in 1913
by the county commissioners as a
board of equalisation, were illegal
and void, and he enjoined the county
board from attempting to collect
taxes on them.
It was brought out In the hearing some
time ago that the assessed valuations
ware raised arbitrarily by the board with
out anybody making application for auch
Increase and without any hearing being
had on tha matter. Such action waa ir
regular and therefore void. Judge Redick
decided, and so ha set aside tha Increased
tax assessments.
Tea Firms Allotted.
The ten firms which were affected by
tha county board's attempt to collect
mora taxes and who successfully sued to
keep tha old valuations in effect were as
follows: (Tha original and attempted new
valuations are given.)
Farmers' Oo-Operatlve Creamery and
Supply company, ??.5no to SstMMi.
David cole Creamery company, 112.175
ta l5.0iX.
W. M. Bushman Warehouse comoanr.
ICQ to $3,000.
M. Woolsteln Co., W.B00 to $15,000.
tmernon-Brant Ingham Implement com
pany, ,92& to $40,.U
Midwest Klenrln tomoanv. 16.000 to
Bertschy Oarage company, S,1 to
Chicago Uquor house, u.KQ to
B. Blotcky. tm to 13(100. . , jur
J. I. Case Plow works. f31.1 to 141,425.
It Is understood that at the next oppor
tunity tha county oonvmlaelonere as a
board of equalisation will attempt
legally to re-adjust the assessed valua
tions of tha properties of these and other
companies so aa to bring them up to date.
Sturgess Goes East
for the Swine Show
T, F. Sturgess, editor of tha Twentieth
Century Farmer left Monday night with
Mrs. Sturgess for Chicago, New Tork,
WashlnKton and other eastern points.
where Mr. Sturgess has a lot of mat
ters to look after In connection with
tha big National Swine show In Omaha
in October and aoma matters pending on
congressof especial Interest to farmers.
At Chicago Mr. Sturgess will spend
some time with President McFadden of
the National Swine Breeders associa
tion. They will go over tentative plans
for the Omaha show.
At Washington Mr. Sturgess expects to
spend much time In tha Department of
Agriculture, especially making a study of
what that department haa been doing In
tha way of studying better methods of
marketing for the farmer. Ha will alao
look Into tha present statue of rural credit
legislation and other legislation designed
to be helpful to tha farmer, and will uae
what Influence he haa for any measures
he feels to ba benficlal. ' .
State Uni Students
VisitJDairy Plant
About seventy-five of tha University of
Nebraska students who cams to vtalt tha
atock yards and packing planta at South
Omaha Monday also enjoyed a trip f
Inspection through Omaha's milk planta
and creameries.
Prof. J. II. Fransden. head of tha dairy
department, accompanied tha students.
Prof. Fransden haa long felt that tha
dairy atudents would be benefitted by
seeelng the methods employed In supply
ing a city with Its milk. This Is tha first
time, however, that any portion of tha
students have made the trip to Omaha.
Tha Alamlto dairy and Fairmont cream
ery were the principal plants Inspected
by the studentsi At the Alamlto plant
they were served a "dairy" lunch by
President Bchwager of tha dairy com
pany, and were shown how milk la pas
teurised. Among tha students ware five
or six young women who are studying
lairy subjects at tha university. All of
the young men In the party axpeot to
go back to tha farms after finishing their
couise at tha university.
Judge Loomis May Start Class on
Curling Cascades Over Think Tanks
If you want to know how to keep the
hair blossoming on your bran don't ask
a bald-headed mnn.
Keeping in mind this sensible maxim
the lofty-minded envoy extraordinary of
me Hea at the federal building ap
proached Judge-Oeorge I ioomts. re
cently appointed collector of Internal
Judge Ixomla hss a handom thatch
on hla dome of thought. 'TIs true 'tis
white, but 'tis all there, flowing in
curling cascades down over his think
tank. "Oh. wise Judge. " wa said, "how have
you retained your skull-thatch in auch
abundance and profusenessT Apeak, In
order that wa may kno-, and tell aa
anxloua world of Wllllajn J. Bryans,
Colonel Welshes, John C. Whartons, Ben
Bakera and Jim Dahlinana.
Tha kindly Judge thawed under the
warmth of these remarks. Tha honeyed
words were sweet to his taste.
"It runs In our family," he aald.
Alas. It seeemed our lofty mission had
failed. If we have to depend on our
ancestors, how are wa to ba ansured of
lingering and abiding hair?
Defeated, but not conquered, a re
turned again to the discovery of tha se
cret of beltry moss.
Union Pacific to
Make Campaign On
See America First
John P. Cummins, senaral advertising
agent for the Union Puelflo and tha
auxiliary lines. In from Chicago, asserts
that hla year a vigorous advertising
campaign la to be started early and car
ried on during the summer.
This year, without any expositions on
tha Paclfio coast except the one at San
View according to Mr. Cummins, tha
slogan of the Union Pacifio will be "Bee
America first." Much attention will be
given to the parks In the Rocky moun
tains and a special effort will ba made
to get aettlera onto the reasonably cheap
landa In tha west. He anticipates that
there will ba a large movement of set
tlers to western Nebraska, lantern Wy
oming and Colorado.
With no possibility of people going to
Europe this season to spend their time
and money. Mr. Cummins anticipates that
the country wtst of tho Missouri river
will attract mora tourists.
After spending the night In tha city,
General Superintendent D'Bernardl of tha
Missouri Pacific made a trip over the
Belt Una and then returnee1, to Kansas
City. Relative to tho it port that the
Missouri Pariflo Is laylnrt plans to p.-t
Into Council Bluffs, Mr. D'Bernardl said:
"W)e are figuring with the Illinois Cen
tral to secure traffic privileges over Its
bridge In order that we may WUce freight
out of and deliver freight in Council
Bluffs, but tha plana have not progressed
far enough to talk about them. If wa
consummate tha deal, we will have an
office in the Bluffs. I don't know whether
wa wilt uaa'our own power In hauling cara
over tha bridge."
Continued warm and clear weather la
predicted by the weather bureau. Tha
skies are clear all over tha country, ex
cept Norfolk, Va., where it Is anowing,
and Seattle, Wash., where it is raining.
Cascarets Sell
Twenty Million
Boxes Per Year
Best, safest cathartic for liver
and bowels, and people
know it.
They're fine! Don't stay bil
ious, sick, headachy or
The session of tha Wheeler Memorial
Presbyterian church. South Side, adopted"
resolutions upon the death of Vr. C3iarla
M. Behlndel. who died last week at
Spokane, Wash., The doctor was a mem
ber and officer of the Wheeler Memorial
church for many years. Tha resolutions
adopted were slffncd br Rev. Robert I
Wheeler, moderator, and John A. Brad
ley, clerk.
R. A. Wlndolph, 1C1T Ohio street, the
genial dispenser of organ music at the
Empress, can now go home. For two
weeks Mr. Wlndolph was not allowed to
coma near hla family by reason of quar
antine. For 10 cents extra Mr. Wlndolph
will play "Home Sweet Home" with
Bles is Inquiring
Purpose of Club
James Bles, well known Oreek who has
taken a prominent part In local politics,
arises to Inquire of George Cosmos what
is the purpose of the "Demosthenes club,"
which Cosmos Is said to have organised.
"Who is Cosmos, end who gave him
any authority to apeak for tha Greeka of
Omaha T" aald Bias. "He seems to have
appointed himself to ba a ruler without
consulting any other Greek.
"The Greeks of Omaha want to know
what sort of a fellow ha Is before they
give him their confidence. We want to
know what la tha purpose of hla club and
what ha expects to get out of It."
Paul Stupek and George Borch, attend
ing a dance at Fith and Isard streets
Monday night, returned home to find that
Paul was minus $190 in bills and George
a check for l6.
Far a BUtaate Attack
When you have a severs headache, ac
companied by a coated tongue, lothlng
of food, constipation, torpid liver, vomit
ing of partly digested food and t- en bile,
you may know that you have a aevere
bilious attack. . While you may bo quite
sick there la much consolation in know
ing that relief may ba had by taking
three of Chamberlain's Tablets. They
arc prompt and effectual. Obtainable
everywhere. Advertisement.
Ten1 TIow Te Open Clof red No
trils ani End Head-CoULa.
Enjoy Ufa! Keep clean inside with Cas
carets. Take one or two at night and on
Joy tha nicest, gentlest liver and bowel
cleansing you ever experienced. Wake up
feeling grand. Tour head will ba clear,
your tongue clean, breath right, stomach
sweet and liver and thirty feet of bow jt
active. Get a box at any drug store and
straighten up. Stop the headaches, blllou.
spells, bad colds and bad days Brighten
up, Cheer up, Clean up! Mothers should
give a whole Cascaret to children when
cross, bilious, feverish or if tongue is
coated they are harmless never gripe
or sicken.
Tou feel fine In a few momenta. Tour
cold In head or catarrh will be roue.
Your clogged nostrils win open. The air
passages of your head wilt clear and
you can breathe freely. No mora dullness,
headache; be hawking, snuffling, mucous
discharges or dryness; no struggling for
breath at night
Tell your druggist you want a small
bottle of Ely's Cream Balm. Apply a
little ot this free-rant, antlaeptlo cream
In your nostrils, let It penetrate through
every air passage of tha head; sooth and
heal the swollen. Inflamed mucous mem
brane, and relief comes Instantly.
It is Just what every wld and catarrh
sufferer needs. Don't stay stuffed-up and
miserable. Advertisement.
Clearance Sale
Of '. WOKXaT'S sun
"Tou surely do something for It, Judge,
"Well, I give it plenty ot eold water,"
ssld the Judge.
You see. you can raise hair with cold
water Just Ilka you can flowers and calvea
and colts.
"Plenty ef cold water." said the col
lector, stroking his locks and glancing at
Ieputy Collector Ed North's e-mi -decollete
"But, Judge." wa palpitated, tha anxiety
which we felt creeping Into our voice,
"how do you wash If?"
"Warm water and tho white of an egg."
said the Judge. "Thst'e vary cleansing
and mikes tha hair silky."
lth tha portentous secret locked In
our boscm we hastened from tha office.
Gone Melady Again
Barred from Use
of the Auditorium
The city council again tinkered with
the Auditorium rental schedule, by plac
ing the wresting ratea at BO per cent,
with an advance guarantee of 1200. The
recent action relating to the option et
a flat rate of two waa rescinded and the
action cf last week In connection with
an apology from Gena Melady alao wsh
rescinded. .
The old rate for wrestling was 23 per
cent, with minimum et m0; then the op
tional flat rate of 1400 waa adopted, sub
ject to an apology from Melady; now It
Is 20 per cent, with 1300 advance guaran
tee. There waa no discussion on this, last
action In the council, but It waa explained
quietly that Malady's day of grace haJ
This Simple Home Made Hair Tonic
Jtemovr Dundruff in Few .
Dandruff can be removed In from ena
to five nights by the use of the follow
ing mixture, which you 'ran make at
home or have put up at any drug store
at very little cost. It Is perfectly harm
tesa and doea not color tha hair:
Water One-half Pint
Bay Rnm On Ounce
Texola Compound One-quarter Ounce
Glycerine One-quarter Ounce
A half-pint la all you will need. Rub It
Into tha scalp well at night and after a
few applications the dsndrutf and aoalp
eruption, will disappear and the hair will
atop falling and become soft and glossy.
Permanent Relief for
Chronic Constipation
Knowlidg mnd traetict cf Cor
racf Dmtly Habit thm
Great JEsssnfi'af.
Constipation la a condition affecting all
elneaes of all people and can be perma
nently relieved only by acquiring habits
of regularity.
The most natural time Cor tha ellmln-
atlve process Is in tha morning when
both the muscular and nervous systems
are relaxed by sleep and rest. When re
lief does not coma readily, it la an excel
lent plan to take a mild laxative at bed
time. Cathartics and purgatives, that by
the vlolenoe of their quick action ahock
and dlaturb tha system, should not be employed.
An effective laxative remedy that is
very dependable, and which doea not gripe
or otherwise disturb the organs Involved,
is rouna in a combination cf simple laxa
tive herba known aa Dr. Caldwell's syrup
Papain that can ba bought at tha drug
store for ftfty cents a bottle.
Mrs. C. C. Allen. SIS Foam R
Monterey, Oallf., wrote to Dr. Caldwell
that aha had "found Dr. Caldwell's Syrup
"" iu.i wnai was needed for constt
ltion and die trees of tha stomach after
h .... j
XX S. O. O. AX. LEW.
eating. It should be in every household."
Oet a bottle of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup
Pepsin and keep It In the houae to uaa
when occasion arises, A trial bottle, free
Of charge, can be obtained by writing to
Dr. W. II. Caldwell. 4M Washington St.,
Montlcello, 111.
This Cure
Any Cold
ta a Tew Sour a and tha Worst Case ef
Ortpp or (Btlneasa la Tare
There Is Just one remedy for coughs,
colds, grippe, Influensa, etc., which la
so sure and unfailing that It la abso
lutely r"niantoed to relieve any case un
der a nionry-back guaranue. It will
break up and curs any ordinary cold in
twenty-tour hour, and tha worst case
of la grippe or influents in two or three
This remedy Is Bromo-Lax; remember
the exact name to avoid mistakes and
substitutes. All the distressing and
dangerous cold symptoms, chills, cough,
headache, aching bones, running eyea
and now, tight feeling In tha chest and
lungs, depression and weariness, stop t
once. The system Is gently opened ani
stlmulsted to throw off the cold and
Cleanse itself of the germs which caune
The prompt use of this wonderful,
simple, sure and certain remedy prevents
dread pneumonia and consumption. Colds
are danaerous. Thousanda are dying from
cold dloease. every we.ek In tha present
terrible epidemic. No oold should ba "al
lowed to run." Stop It. Cure It quick
with Bromo-Lax.
1 Bromo-Lex is tha only remedy which
contalna no quinine. It never upsets the
system or distresses tha sufferer. It will
not mske the head ring nor cause after
effects or depression. It cornea in plnas
snt tablet form, easy to take, and as
sure aa the sunrise.
Bromo-lrftx la sold by all good dnifr
glsts price t"i cents ncr box, or sent
anywhere prepaid upon receipt of price.
Made only by the Trtb Chemical Co., fQ
N. Clark St., Chicago, III.
T! .
Store Hours: 8:30 A. M. to 6 P. M.-Saturday till 9 P. M.5
Tuesday, Fob. is. 1918.
rbeme D. 1U7.
Wa arc remodeling cur Third Floor plastering the celling, painting and making general alterations, that
It may ba In keeping with the other floors of our store.
. No doubt the torn-up condition will causa some discomfort and Inconvenience to customers who have busi
ness on this floor, and to this and wa ask your kind indulgence for a abort time only.
Remarkable Clearaway Sale of
UTtuiirs 'atMalff Price
ivDDS"land "ends" of fur scarfs and muffs accumulated from recent eelling. All
J new and fashionable fur pieces, made from carefully selected pelts by tho most
skilled furriers. This is indeed a most unusual fur buying opportunity, right at a time
.when you can still got weeks of wear out of them. A partial list of tho special values
Hudson Ltdx Muffs, wer $5.00, now 82,50 '
Hudson Lynx Muffs, were Jti.50, now 53.25
Hudson Lynx Muffs, were $10.00, now $5.00
Hudson Lynx Scarfs, were $4.00, now $2.00
Hudson Lynx Hearts, were $7.96, now 83.07
Hudson Lynx Scarfs, were $5.00, now $2,50
Black Lynx Muffs, were $25.00, now $12.50
Black Lynx Muffs, were $2J,50, now $14.75
Hudson Seal Muffs, were $18.60, now $0.25
Hudson Seal Muffs, were $30.00, now $10.00
Beaver Muffs, were $36.00, now $17.50
Bearer Scarfs, were $16.00, now $7.50
Jap Mink Muffs, were $15.00, now $12,50
Russian Fitch Muffs, were $76.00, now $37.50 '
"White Fox Muffs, were $66.00, now $32.50
White Fox Scarfs, were $40.00. now $20.00
Red Fox Muffs, were $36.00, now $17.50
v Hudson Seal Sets, were ?66.0(0, now $32.50
Btu-gaas-iraah Co. Seooad floor.
Lace Curtains at Pair, 95c
Including Values to $2.00
CABLE net, nottlngham and madras curtains In white, Ivory and
ecru, ZV yards long, big selection of new patterns.
Curtains to $8.00, Talr, $1.50
Filet, cable net, nottlngham, madras and
novelty nets, white, Ivory and ecru, 2 4 to
3 yards long.
Curtains to $3.00, at $2.50
Madras, nottlngham, filet, cable net.
battenberg and Irish Point, white, Ivory,
beige and ecru, 2 Vs to 3 yards long.
Curtains to $ 7.00, at $3.50
Imported Brussels net, novelty net, cable
net, filet and nottiugham curtains, white.
Ivory and ecru, 2 to 3 yards In length.
Curtains to $8.05 at 8 1.50
Battenberg, Importation of Swiss applique, Irish point, very fine
cable net, nottinrham and novelty nets, white, Ivory, beige and ecru.
Bnrs-aas-irash Co. Third moor.
Book Department
Transferred to
the Fourth Floor
OUR Book Department, former
ly located on Main Floor,
rear, has been moved to the
Fourth Floor, where It has every
facility for the comfort and con
venience of our customers. Bright
daylight, pleasant salespeople and
all the latest and popular fiction.
Mrs. Moulton and Staff
Will Cut, Fit and Pin Free
of charge any material you may
purchase at 98c the yard or over.
Mrs. Moulton and staff are from
the well known Kelster Dressmak
ing school and are experts In this
line of work.
jsBurgressJTash Co. Everybody's Store 16th and Harney.;
Advertise lost articles in The Bee, Most
people are honest and this is the only
way the finder can locate you.