1 Tin: omaha, wkdxesdav, KKimuATtr in, i.ii. 12 TESTMOHY GIVEN i SEARS APPROVES IN HARRIS CASE! SMITH'S FEE GRAB Story of the Arreit i Graphically Told in Court by the Eye "Witneim. JUDGE, GRAVES HEARS TRIAL Th ease of Harris against The Bee. which la one ot a serleg of dsmsge suits. aggregating Jodpe Sayt Clerk May Pocket Side Money Taken for Jobs Outside f.Hii Duty. COUNTY EMPLOYES DO WORK LOOKS FOR LET-UP IN SCARLET FEYER The Strange Case of Mary Page By Frederick Lewis, Author of "What Happened to Mary" Pictures by Essanay By decision handed down Tuesday Judge Sears gives "Bob" Smith the some 'first round of the district court - - i ..... .. . aaaaa: i ruin me m If, 000, growing out of the arrest cirr mm i -in'- iwuu Mran(1on ,,, of m ,,r,,nae hand print naturalization hm wmcn ne nas .L" V5r ,k The (Continued from Teatrrdsy.) S KOPSIS. Miry rase, actress. I accused of Ihe murder of I m vld I'nlhck and Is lof'-nn'ed 1 I fl t f . I. a t tft It VJ - . . .rial .ha a r.i i t shs had ilia revolver. Her mn.'t testlfie that Mary threatened t'oMork with it pre viously, and Mary leaning man imp'l rstes 1-enadon ll.w Marv liuipe"reJ J from the scene of the rrlma la a mystery. rf the plaintiffs and the account of T. in the newspaper, baa finally come, to trial before Judge Graves, berore whom the wit nesses are bringing out the facts. The recital of Miss Thompson, who was clerk In the Cunningham Jew elry store In Council Bluffs, and it ho told about the visit or the Har rises ostensibly to purchase a baby ring and the simultaneous disap pearance of a valuable diamond ring, was as follows: Miss T a 'a Itatesaeat. Q. Just stats to the Jury m Sundance, as well' as you can lemember. what oc curred then with regard to conversation an1 o on? A. The gentleman and lady cama Into tha store and wanted to see an inexpen sive d'amond ring for a child, for their lllt.a girl. I it ad some In tha window; Mr. Cunningham waa outside; I don't knew whether he s In tha back room or out aide. 9o I simply took the rings out of 1h window anl showed them to him. Thera were two n arkedmore espnslve inea In tha lot; on worth about M and. If I remember rightly, the other wss werth th'rty ar-nethlug. I s'towed them tha rings and tiers wna nothing among them that ihey' v ented: so then they wanted to fee a grid tsnd ring and I put tha eases earn one of the diamond rings wns In sn InrtlvlJual ess, such as they era put in when you bv tliemj I Just eat the caaea back without counting them and tock out tha tray of gold band rings, and tha peop'e loitered In the store until I had put swsy tha tray of gold hard lings and they had Just let', the note when I m'esed tha raa containing tha M diamond ring. I Immediately noti fied Mr. Cunningham; he hid Just come la; and he told me to look up and down the street. I walked Up tb street as far as tho nest Jewelry store, and, peeing no afgn of them, I csnie back and went over and nil If led tha jwllr. . What had you done with reference to counting the rings or knowing the number of rings that wer In the window before the Ilur.ses cams InT A. Well, I always put hem In the win dow every morr.liir. We had eight. Q. And sfier th.y left how msnr were there? , A. There were even there. One wag missing In the place In the wlr.Jow." enc (hoai that non or of drink liiiwi temporary Intanltv In M.irr. .!eft-ne la "repressed peychoss.' grabbed. The judge, In effect, says that (lt Is not necessarily the duty of the clerk to have naturalization work done In his office, therefore Smith Is entitled to keep whatever "side money ne taxes in oy me extra mn. that waa rar ssader than tears, ss Job. Meanwhile employes hired to J una Mid: transact the county's business and I "No-1 wrapped myelf up and t on paid by the county, have done prac-j1"" J"1 to I'll A PTKR Her Father's Heath. "Did you go Into tha house after they i had left?" Langriou's olce was very gr ille now, and Mra. Page amlied at him, a tlcally all the work for whicb Smith takes the money. After hearing of the decision members of the county bosrd ssld Informally they would have the esse appealed to the supreme court. laaie geaal-llaaaaroa SlaVllahle. After the decision members of the county bosrd received numeroua humor ous proposals. "It Is not your duty to run a restaurant undrr the atars. "That U all. Mrs. I'age." But now the dlatrlct attorney was on his feet holding up an arreatltig hand. "Mr. Page." he said harshly, one lean flnaer ihruat toward her menacingly, "If your husband struck mir daughter and Injured her so terribly that she tem porsrlly lout her reaaon. why doean't ahe carry a scar?" "Why, ahe doe." There was a not of surprl-e In the null k snsmer. and Mary's fingers tUlilcned ever o little ubout the in tne rourt nouae, o yon wouia t en- rn )n frot 0f her. titled to cop the profits If you etsrt an .., it roalble to aliow tlie ciurt that eating-house and make county employes ! irrT-. xi,rr- a a sneer In the voice; run It." wss one suggestion. j a aneer born of the realisation that some- i-ieaae aaaian a conniy mpio m i I thing miiet he done to stem tne great tide of sympathy for Msry, snd caat die cigar slot for me on the first floor of the court houae," was another. "Sidelines snd pin money . for every- body," Is likely to become the slogan st the court houae, according to current dlacussinn following the decision. Th fsct thst In the Brosdwell Inaanlty free-grabbing case county official "laid down" on the naturalliatlon-fe quest lo I also relied on bv Judge Rear In nis derlelon In Smith s caae. fleferrtng to this case tha opinion ssys: Ufcaat of AM Caae RalaeJ. "Therefor, while it Is true thst th Judgment I silent as to mentioning by name, naturalisation fees, th Judgment rendered did, by relieving Brosdwell from paying the same. Just as fully conclude th question , snd the determination reached wss thst naturalfratlon fees sr not fees esrtied by requirement of Isw lit which th oounty ha an Intereat, but are fees esrned otitalde of duly, ss re quired by tha ststs snd his office ss clerk of the dlatrlct court and become, when erned. th property of th Indi vidual esrning the asms, who only hap pens to ba th officer." l.a;allB4 Graft. The part of the opinion which In effect Pmltn Is as follows; "The authority for th hearing oi naturalisation caaes In 4he dlatrlct courts of tha Stat, la thst of a permlsalvs grant f nower for such purpoae. If ths petitions " : ... . , i jt were filed the Judges or in court coum not be required, eltheir to hcer or de termine or psss upon tha questions raiaea by the filing of th petition for natural isation, Neither could tha clerk of any district court bs required to rscalv and file, a neutralisation petition, it la unauestlonshly the duty of th clerk to collect and report all feee of his office received by virt'-a or nis ornc thst ar required by his office. Th ques tion In this esse Is ons further then that: can" b ha required to report fees thst sr received by him thst sr not required by Ms office, that do not relet to any prescribed duty Imposed upon him by th lss of tb stat. "Th supreme court of this state on three different occasions hss spoken up-m this subject, In eech Instance to th same effect, and I know of no cas wherein they hsv -overruled such Un of State- ment so espraed. ). immediately sfter th Harrlaes had authorises empioea pam uy left and you noticed tha diamond ring to da ouuld work tor th enrichment of missing wss ths ss missing also? Mr. Brome: Thst Is objected to as lesdlng. OMertlon sustslned. Th defendant eg cepts. Q. Well, state whether or not simply the diamond ring wss missing" or th diamond ring snd csseT A. The diamond ring and th esse both were gone. Telia af Hearvh. Mias ' Thompson alio narrated th eearch which she and Mr. Cunntnghrtn ma!e for th llarriaes, resulting In finally finding them slain-; lu fecnt of the Plssa hotel st d'.stk and tl.elr actions at th litre of sireat In th foMoelng language: A. W went through th cafes looking for them snd then we went out to th rlrcua grounds; w gsv up out there snd came hack, rod through the prin cipal streota In Omaha looking at th pfcple anting in front of th hotela; finally ur search was rewsrded by find ing th-m In front of th Plssa notl. y. Itow were they sitting with ref erence to the chairs, facing you or T A. The woman had her back toward us and the man wss sitting not directly facifig n, but. near enough so ws could ece .Me face plainly. Q. Did you lut her ae youT A. 8h saw us. Q. And whst did she do then, If any thing? . .A. I noticrd her make a move though she were telling Mm to turn around. Mr. Brome: I move to strike out whst sas sbout her telling something to him. As to whst her actions were shs could state. latalnrd. The defendant excepts. A. Phe made this move and be turned around so thst his face wss out of sight. Q. Tell what occurred ebout his getting In tho Bt.tomoblle. end. If anything with reg.rd to ill. Ilsrrls' crstT A. Mr. Hants, when wa sisrted to get in tho automobile wss v-ry dealrous of leaving his Coat behind him. F nally th officer picked up hla coat and handed it to him. Q. But then aa nesr'ss you csn what rwltlnn Mr Ifarrls sstumrd la Melting in the eutnmohlle? A. I did not are h'm get Into the auto moblle, but after were in th car Q. After he waa in .then deecriha. A. It was sitting back tut he onrner; h was sitting in a pus. lion Ilk tnl. with his bands oter the , Q. Bid of the car? A. Ovt.r the back of the car. Marriage re Tbs. In the VlnsonhsUr csss ths Judge writing this opinion lisrt ossctly th same view thst is claimed to b the tru one by the relator, anTM decided in that esse. But tha supreme court said that view wss an inoorreet tn, that the power Imposed on county Judges to perform marriage ceremonies Is not of a manda tory nature, but permissive only; thst the officer can perform th service or not. aa he - pleases, and that consequently the county hsd no Intervst In th marriag f earned, and eould not require the offi cer who performed th ceremony to re port th fee therefor that waa received by him." Peita Oa Martyfa Bob. Simultaneously with th announcement of tip decision Mr. Smith assumed a mar tyr's rob, which for mor than a week he ha been airing and brushing in ex pectation of It. It asserted that ha la parszoment upon this story front the past. Hut hla reqilert was a boomerang, for when Mary, trembling a little, took her place before tho cjurt and, lifting the soft hslr from her forehesd. showed the great '.ivld mark of a hideous acar, the murmuring of compslon that swept through tne room f jund a mute echo on the ber.ch itself, snd the proaecutor. dla- comfiltd, swung curtly away and dropped Into his seat as Langdun called th next wltneea. "John Alexander MacPherson!" It was the same giant Scotchmen who had .ratified the day before and he dwarfed both Judge snd Jury ss he towered In the witness stand, carrying th breath of the forest sbout him, his eyes filled with the serenity of those who have long looked out acroas God's grcst open spaces. There wss n'llliit nervousness nor self. conAC'ouaneaa In his sttMude and tha pleissnt burr of his Scot.-h wss like th tang of burning leaves on an autumn day when he snsweied Uangdon'S first queatlon "Mr. Macpherson, you hsve told of seeing Miss Page, running through the wood and of my finding her. Will you tell us now, plesee, whether you saw me again on that night and under what cir cumstances." -a "I saw Mr.. Langdon again on that r.lght wTIn th hour. I had nse . more than reachtt home and were tellln' my guUe wife of the evenln' when there coom a knock at the door. I opened it, and there stud Mr. Iangdon. He was all In a feery farry not to ssy commotion, and his face was whit. Beyant him I cude ae twa or three other men all excited like." "Did you recognls them?" "Aye, they were men from th town I hsd sen them often, and taken we drappi wle them at the hotel come Psturdsy nfeht. But it wer Mr. Lang don who spoke. 'Have you seen Miss Page?. I. e cried, catching at my sleeve. 'W sre looking for her.' "Dlv yon mean Iss say you've lostlt her agslnr I aaked; Snd he ealrt, 'Tea.' t Ss.t doon to rest a bit and I must hsve lost conaclouaness. When I came to, she wss gone.' At that one of the lads cslled oot. 'Hey, Mso Pherson, you know the woods better than any other man give us a hit of help In the oesreh.' There wss nae nerd for him to saklt It. for 1 rsn out Just aa I were, bare-headed, and polntlt out three paths for them to follow bidding them beet through the underbrush and look for footprints, for the snow wss light snd soft, and would aliow the little feet of ier at every atep." t"Dld you ao with any - of th three men?" "Havers, no. man! I cam back for my cap and coat, and f got to tha door Juit tn time ta save Mr. Lauigdon from a bad fk". for he would ha gaen over. In a heap it I hadna caught him. My gudo wtf and I took him in th houae, and when h waa revived a bit 1 was for teavln' him, but h wouldna stsy. 11 setid, 'I must find Mary myar It wa I lost her th seoond time.' So we went oot to gether." "How long waa It before you got a trace of her?" Ijingdon's vole waa tone lees, hut. his eyes wer alight with fir as he pictured to himself thst Strang caused a moment and his voice sof tened, "we found her wee slipper In s snow bsnk. A hit further we found fnther one snd the snow began tae b flecked wT drapa of blood. But I should say It was malr thsn half sn hour be fore we coom upon the laseie hersr, lylns In a faint like." Was she conscious?" Nse, snd w could na bring her to, ao we wrspplt her in oor costs and took her hsck 'to the gude wife." "Will you tell us please In what con- lllon Mlaa Page wss when I when you arrived at your houae with her?" MacPherson frowned at the memory nd a deeper note rrept Into his tones ss he said slowly: "She wss nse conscious, snd her clothes were talrn to places snd hangln' in rlb- nds. Such clothes ss she had on, puir lassie! Her feetlea wr cut wi' 4he Ice nd the stones, and there was a terrible wound on Jier forehead and an III faured queer bruise on one shoulder." "Waa your wife alone in the houae when you returned?" Xae, there waa maybe half a dozen men frae the town, who had heard of the Iannis and had coom to help the. search. They set up a shout when they saw tis, n I hsd one of them fire his revolver to tell the other Mlas Page was wi' us." "Did they show any emotion at the Ight of Miss Psge'a condition?" asked Iangdon, and a little shudder nhook Mra. Page, who alone of all those present knew of the tragedy to which thst "emotion" had led. MacPherson's voice, too, wss grim ss he ssld: "I wouldna csll it 'emotion,' but there wss a gude bit of murpiuiin' against those who hsd driven so sweet a Isssie diatractit and sent her to maybe her death In the snow. The murmurln' grew louder when they saw tha hurt and there wer cries to know who hsd done It. When Mr. Langdon told them., th mur mur grew louder and finally on of the lada cried out In a loul voice: "This town has no room for wlfebesters and drunken brutes he ought to b hung." Dr. Connell Take Optimistic View Home of B. B. Howell Beleased from Quarantine. MORE MEASLES CASES FOUND Twelve new cases of scarlet fever have been reported to the health department. Dr. Connell still takes an optimistic view of the situation, believing that within a few weeks there will be a derided break of a fevorable nature. Edward O. Carlson, 7 years of age, 1516 South Twenty-fifth ave nue, and Marie Mollner, 2 years of age, 2817 Nicholas street, died this week of scarlet fever. The home of It. B. Howell, 1132 South Thirty-fifth street, has been released from quarantine! Mr, Howell's son was Interned since January 2 and the general Ynan acer of the water plant ltved at a downtown hotel since that date. Health Commissioner Connell notes an Increase of measles and he warns physlcJans to report cases of th's disease promptly to the health office. Rpldesale of MrailrJ. Information Just received from Toledo. O., states thst during January there were "15 cases of measles In that city. A bulletin from the Toledo health office reas: "An epldemki of measles had been prophesied - for this yesr snd that. jropheey is now l-elng fulfilled. More over it promise to be the large- and at oH-watrous In the history of our city. Because measles ts most con- tasous durtng the pre-eruptlve stsse. children with catarrhal discharges from eyes snd nose should be Isolated until a positive diagnosis can be made. Other children in the rame home shonld be kept out of school until our nure sr- rlves." Scsrlet fever esses reported In Omaha during the last twenty-four hours sre: Baher. 141 North KlgMeenth. Rose Flenbcrg. ltl North- Twenty- fourth. Harry Wlneberg. California Itnth Sullivan, l'l" South Tenth. Wltnia Delehoy. Def Inst'tme. Howard Ford. 210 avenii. gr(te. Helde, North Twentiem. Craig ImvIs. 14"4 Ohio. Krank Smith, California hotel. Hsnon. Jl IVmslas. Morrlsey. 4.1 Cliailes. Removed to City hospital. FVnith Thirty-second ALL GRAINS ADVANCE IN PRICE ON OMAHA MARKET S Don't Merely "Sfop" a i S Cough 5 5 the- Tlr thst Caaaea It 2 X aad tough will 5 6 ' - Helf M Prices on the Omalia Grain exchsnge were hlsher,. with receipts' Just fslr. Wheat sold st tl 12f. 1 1 to t cent up from the prices of Monday. There were seventy-one carloads H the market. . The toorer grade of corn were 3 cents up, while the best of theV cereal waa I puaiscol, and is famous the world over A cough is reglly one of our best friends. It wsrns us tlist there Is in flammation or obstruction in a danger ous place. Therefore, when you get a bad couch don't proceed to dose yourself' with a lot of drugs that merely ."stop"' the Coiitrli temporarily bv deadening; the throat nerves. Trest the rstise heal tha inflamed membranes. Here is a home made remedy thst gets right at the cause smf will make sn obxtinste cough vanish wore quickly than you ever thought pos sible. Put 24 ounces of Tiner. (80 eents worthl in a pint bottle and All the bottle with plain jrrsnulsted aiiesr syrup.-' This gives vou a full pint of tne most pleasant and effective cough remedy you ever used, at a cost of onlv 64 cents. " No bother to vrepare. Full directions with Finex. It hesls the inflamed membranes so gently and promptly thst yon wonder how it does it. Al-m loosens a dry, hoarse . or tight cough snd stops the formation of phlegm in tne throst snd bronchisl tubes, thus ending the persistent loose cough.- Fine is a hlclilv eoncentrsted com- ponnd of Norwsy pine extrsrt, rich in steady to unchanged. Sales were made at SSjxif! cents per bu!iel. The offerings were eighty-two csrloads. , - Oats were a fourth of a cent up. selling st 42fl;7'4 cents. Receipts were eleven srloads. tTo Be Continued Tomorrow.) BURLINGTON GIVES BIG NEW EQUIPMENT.ORDER The Burlington haa placed an order for the conatruction of forty-one coaches, eight diners and five mall ears. The cars sre to be of all steel conatruction and to bo delivered during the early spring. It Is asserted that the coat of the flfty-flv new cars will approximate XO. In the decoration of the Burlington's dining csrs something of an innovation Is to be introduced snd sn effort mads to get away from th straight lines that In the past have been the rule gpplled to all cars on all roads. The Interior s each of the Burlington's new diners will be a regular picture gallery. On th celling and on the wall spaces will be painted scenery. Art In- stitute - students throughout tho country hav been invited to submit designs for decorations and the heat of theaa will be selected and used. , . , . i j A Little Blossom To Bright i ho Homo When it U known that In the near I mure the home is to be blessed with a new arrival the erst thought ah o u 1 d b MotlHsr's Frltnd." This is an external remedy gently applied over the stomach mus cle. It makes them Arm and pliant, they expana naturally with out undue strain. It rr mores from ths nerves those Influ ences which sr re sponsible for mti-h of . i i . . . . .. in iiwim uj pun incmeni w utm period of eiwiancT. It is for this resson that much of the distress such ss morning ncsnrss is sroiuen. All prospective father should sea to It that the expectant mother Is provided with a bottle of "Mother's I'riend." Tbe directions ar simple. Get It st sny drug store. It is applied by the expectsnt nether herself. It penetrate deeply snd sf fords tfulck snd splendid relief ins most gratifying manner and reflects a phynlcal betterment to th nervous disposition of tbe baby. Don't fail to get a bottle of "Mother's Xrleno ' today and then writ Bradfleld Reg ulator Ito 411 1-amiir Bltlg Atlanta, Oa., for a pretty little book krlmfiil of Informa tion for expectant mothers. It Is a delight I being persecuted, although It la common knowledge that b went Into th clerk's offlc nln year ago on a declaration that he would be content with th salary alone, and that h himself aa oounty au ditor had before made up th claim by which th county mad tb fee grabbers, Mnilih included, pat back th Inaanlty fees. Dr. Millener Hears . Wireless Message Sent from Berlin In working his wireless Monday night at-t'nten Paclfle headquarters Dr. Milli ner got up into the son where be caught a wireless message that was being sent out from ftrrlin. The message stated Inst there waa but on man aavvd of th new ef th French cruiser Chanter, aunk by a Ciennan submarine off th Syrian roast February i. Workman Sustains Minor Fractures in Fall of Forty Feet War is Tieing Up Work on Viaduct Information received by Mayor I'aht nut Indicates that th European war is responsible for delay la completing th IamsukI tret viaduct. The mayor win d ths Wisconsin Bridge and Iron company, Milwaukee, for aa xplaoaUon for delay. Th answer recelv was: "Delay Jo t crwlrd condition ot th rolling mills t-hi(ineala will Urt in two weeke." It 1 slated that tha Missouri Pacific cm-(.kr-.y fcas woikmsn her ready to proceed a soon ss th beltgerent nations of fcurope will ceae for a fV week, ts enable th rolling mills to fill orders of th Wisconsin brtdg aad iroa company. night hunt for th slender girl be loved Tb occaalnna! shouts of th other searchers; th flash of a lantern; th heavy shadows and vividly whit snow; th cold thst stung his face and hands and th aching wearinea that numbed hi muscles. It had been Ilk a nightmar to him, a dream that set hi head to throb bing, and in which tha only real thing was th stalwart bulk of MacPherson en cou raging him forward and then th little shoe! II roused himself with start, reallalns that ths Scotchman was answering hi question. "It might ha ben fifteen minutes mayhap mor, when w coom to her llttl footprint In th snow. Then' for its healing effect on the membranes. . To avoid disappointment, ssk ytmf dntppist for "2U ounces of Pineg," and don't accept snvthinv else. A (niarsntee. of absolute satisfaction, or money prompt ly refunded. g;oea with this preparation. The Pinex Co., Ft. Wayne. Ind. . GOIsFree TfeseTvoB ; Well.' K ' ' ' VP ' v vv ata ecv A ' ' ' ' H ""lw' " Ar AbwsJ HENRY ITELO Akw-0"1,mi Vsl I would like to send leedn't even nar the" X " HENRY FIELD You will be interested in these two books and '. tbera to you free, with my compliments, and you i postage. I hey are a blr litvpage seed. Book, and a sample copy of our Garden Magasine, Field's Seed Sense. People who claim to know ' say these two books have more gumption ana common tense to tbe square inch, and tell more real Inside truth about the seed busineta and gardening, than anything of tbe kind they ever saw. Are Yon Interested In Any of These! Soodaa Grass . - Fbwsre that Oaten foe Marks! . low 103 Oat Sweet Clover will Bloom I ks Earliest Teaaato Tspary Beaas Alfalfa Seed i ' Card Seeds EvsriMariag lOOawressit Clover Seed that wis Grew .' Strawbamia S4Ceraj Tou will find full information about all of these In, these two books. - "Still fllaVnUfTaViultlta If roohsvehad trouble grewlng ',' 1 c" MVUr irUUUIDa.n.cmlll crnp. tellmeyour - . . troubles and maybe I can help yon. Advice, such It is, is free, slsesample I QaIiI On Annmvrsl Everything we sell is sold subject t your wa OUIU IU AIJjjaUTaU trt and appreral. "yonr money a worth or your money bark." And we make the prices right, too. Write for special prices aed samples on sny thing you sre interested in. Write Today The Books Are FREE! All Too need to do Is to send yonr nam and address, and I will send yon the twa . books free. And then I went roar seed order, far I know I csn suit yea. Vt'e grew the best seeda in the world here In the Paradise of Iowa." But get the books any way. You'U nky Uiem. Address me personally. it. . Henry Held, fn KINKY. nUD SEED CO, Box 22 Shsaasdesh, law Girls! Try It! Have Thick, Wavy, , Beautiful Hair Every particle of dandruff dis appears and hair stops .coming: out. Draw a moist cloth through hair and double its beauty at once. Tour hslr becomes light, wavy, fluffy, abundant and sppesrs as soft, lustrous and beautiful aa a young girl's sfter a Danderine hair cleanse," Just try this moisten a cloth with a llttl Panderln snd csrefully draw It through your hair. taking one small at rand at a time. This will cleanse th hair of dust, dirt snd exceaalv oil snd lu Juet a few moments you iievs aouoiea tne Deauiy ot your hair. Besides besutlfylng th hair at - once. Danderln dissolves ' every partlol of dandruff; cleanses, purifies and Invig orates th scslp, forever stopping Itch ing and falling hair. But what will pleas you most will be after a few weeks us when you will actually aee new hair fin and downy at first yes but really new hair grow ing all ever th scalp. If you oar fur pretty, soft hair and lot of It aurly get a 16-cent bottle of Knowlton's Uandertne from any druggist or toilet counter, and Just try it. Pave your hair! Beautify it! Tou will say this wss th e-at 25 rent you even pent. Advertisement. Y The Champion o f Moderation U.Ii ,Ll.-..Msn THE STRANGE CASE OF MARY PAGE" FOl llTH EPISODIC Bee It Tuesday and WtNlnctwIay AT THE EMPRESS Got If red Rudgien. U year of age. tinner, fell forty feet from tha roof of a new flat at ISII J ones street. Ills only Injury was a fracture of a small bona in J his shoulder. I Rudgrsn wss tske to a hoep'tal. where' his condition Is said to be not serious. Ills horn la st ll South Twenty aeventh avenue, lie Is employed by Olson Broa. AUDUBON BIRD PICTURES TO BE SHOWN AT MEETING kxhlbliloa ot th volume of Audubou'a bird illustrations in tb Byron Read col lection st th public librsy, will b a feature of th' nest regular meting of th Nebraska Audubon society, to b held Saturday evening at I o'clock at th library. Tb MO colored Illustration war pied from Audubon Isrger original pictures by bis son. Mis Jey lilsgtn. secretary of th Bird club, will describe a volume of th origin: Audubon pictures, which waa owned by on of her grandparents in Ireland. Mile Creenleaf and I- O. Ilorsky will maki talk on their observations of bt'ds, as Seen in hikvs around Omaha. Try This for a Cold-It's Fine! "Pape's Cold Compound" ends severe colds or grippe in few hours. You can and grtpp and break up a sever cold either In bead, cheat, body or limb, by taking a dose of "Pspe's fold Compound" every two hour until three doses ar taken. It promptly opens clogged-up nostrils snd atr pessagVe In th head, stops hasty discharge or no running, relieves Ick headache, dullness, tevertshne, or throat, neealng, soreness and stiffness. Don't stsy atuf fed-up! Quit blowing and gnuffllng! Kaa your throbbing hewJ nothing In th world gives snack prompt relief as '.'Papa's Cold Com pound.' which costs only li cents st any drug ator. It act without assistance, taates nice, and rausrs no inconvenience, sure you get the genuine. Advertise- IllMtt Chicago, lY2emp.i.! New Orleani - And ALL POINTS EAST Via, LLKlOiS ' GE.TQAL Two Solid Steel Trains Daily. Tickets and Information at CITY TICKET OFFICE 407 South lth St. S. NORTH, IHtrlct 1'aafcCnKCT Asnt. rttone laong.Ua : ; : - '' v ins,.- Mm'AS iVii - .'s .z.ir-s 771 it i ii ri i i i i r r i i i twi M 1 J t l i I yji;yj 7 deer 34 HENRY ROHLFF CO. Phcne Cctis 876 2567-69 Leavenworth Street, Qmaha. Ktb. I .