TilE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY Ifi, 1016. in FOR RENT-APTS AND FLATS Mlsaellaaaaaa. ." WARM. COZY APARTMENT. Fine apartment of four room" and bath, nicely decorated, oak flnteh, Itnm heat. Janitor service; every thing flrst-claaa. See It and you will taka It. SCOTT HILf, CO.. Po'islae !, ttoTSflf FRKE RENT. CLOSRVIN APARTMENT. -r. and bath, spartment. brick; mod. except heat: good neighborhood: 312.60. D. U BUCK, 12 Omaha Nat'l. t. 6::. MOVING AND STORAGE GLOBE VAN & STORAGE Stores, moves, packs, jhlps; t-horaa van and 1 men. tl 26 per hour; storage. fl per month. Satisfaction guaranteed. ouglae 4338 and Tyler 230. OMlAJiA Truck. Van and Storage Co.. moving. ps.:ktng. storage and shipping. Phone Loi.gias 1W. GORDON VAN CO. Pack Inf. storage and not trig. 219 N. llth St. Phona Louglaa 3M or Harney 1337. Fidelity zkk ME Phona Douglas 2St for compl'ita list of vacant bouses and apartment: also for storage, moving. 16th and Jackson Sta HnREPROtif-WirHOUSi Saparate, locked rooma, for household good and plauoe; moving, packing and shipping. OUAKA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. at S. 14th St. Douglas 41 St. Jfl TiKF.I) Epreaa Co. Moving. . Kj. XVXCjU paclng and storage. 1207 Farnam 6t Louglaa 414. FOR RENT-BUSINESS PROP'TY tera. fcMALL'etore room; very desirable; rent t; im Cass St. CONRAD YOUNO-, S;3 Brandela Theater. Douglas 1571. STORE ROOMS at 141-1311 Farnam St. Thou. F. Hall. 441 Ramge Bldg. D. 740. WANTED TO RENT Viilitu Property. WANTKD A good location for a first class pool hall. Address Y 249, Bee. REAL ESTATE-IMPROVED Wast. "west vaknam district homk. A very desirable modern house, with ftill corner lot. IV. blocks from new ireabyttrian churcn. Owner moving to farm and will sell cheap. This housu lias tiled vestibule, oak finish and oak floors in the first story: 4 bedrooms, bath and sleeping porch In second story; 3 finished rooms in attic. Ask tor full description and price. J. 11. UL'MO.M CO. 41S-1S Kee.llita Hldg. Tel. l'ouir. 690. FIELD CLUB HOUSE 6 rooms, all modem, paved street, close to school end 'car line, splendid location. Price 33.600. C. G. CAitLBERG 312 Randets Theater Bldg. fcalu CASH Will buy a brand new all modern bun galow; just finished, at 36th and How ard St. H. A. WOLF. 614 Ware Blk. Doug. 8068. North. A Lot as First Payment On this new 6-room modern home; large corner lot, steam heated garage. Immediate possession:, place in clear and must be seen to be appreciated; let us glva you the number. Shuler & Cary, Doug. 4233. 2' Keellne Bldg. EASV PAYMfclNTS. If you want to locata near the new Ford factory and can use a 4-rnom house, modern except heat, at a bar gain- prioe oi ii.Nuu, on - easy terms, on paved street, paving all paid, and In walking distance of factory or down town, let us show you this. PAYNE INVK5TMENT COMPANY. Mh Fir. Om Nat. Bk. Bid g. D. 1781 a. A FINE HOME JFOR VERY LITTLE CASH Twestory cottage, oak floors, strictly modern; large lot, Small monthly pay ments. Ames av". NORRIS & NORRIS, 400 Bee Building. Phone Douglas 4870. BEAUTIFUL PRAIRIE PARK 2713 Ames Ave.. 7 large rooms, bath and sleeping porch, screens and storm sash throughout; south front, flna shade and hedge. -1100 cash and 140 monthly, from responsible party. Keys at my resi dence, b. j. Bcanneu, .tub Fowler Ave. Phones Doug. 88 or Colfax 3611. BUY FROM OWNER. Nice five-room bungalow near pret tiest mile. Oak finish, built In features, full cellar, coal and fruit room, sleep ing porch, garage; leaving city, will sell right price. Terms. 8. K. DOUGLAS, 20i Fowler Ave. . GOOD HOME t-room bungalow, all modern, 41 "0 North Zt. Phone owner, coirax km. FOR s3LE Strictly modern, 11-room house; hot water heat; south rront lot. Price 17,000- Phone Douglas 1S1. oata. - W, 4. w IT , u,n, Tha Dries will sell. No. 2123 Bancroft nu . vn virvir ai wwi St., near tha cross-town csr. It's full two-story, finished in quarter-sawed oak with French doors and cost around U.W0 to build; 1500 cash, balance montniy. EDWARD F. WILLIAMS CO.. D. 12. Omaha Nat l Bk. Bldg. J ML'tST sell my t-lsrgs-room modern home on paved street; cement walks; large barn; nice shade; cement base ment; laundry; gas; electrlo lights; hot water heat; rlstern; bath; sewer; one Mork from street car and publlo school. Worth $4,600; make ma an offer. Fred Mower, Owner. IM H. lxth St.. Omaha. RltJCK house, needing repairs, on fine lot. 16th and Sherwood, tut D. 2SH7. Mlscellasteou. S-HOOM BARGAIN NEW, 6-ROOM. 2 STORY HOl.'SE. N-AR CAR. A SNAP A'C 13.400: RKAdONABI.E PAYMENTS. HKNSON CA R.MICH A KL, DOLOLAB 1722. M2 PAXTON BLK. I 6 ACRES. 4Vi acres, 2 acre. 1 acre; all improved, sna some near car una; price right; terms W. Colfax. Douglas 1610. iuj Keenne mag. FOR SAlE Omaha income property, 11.440 per year. Always rented. Price 114,000. Terms. Addres roe, 4U E. 14th Kt., tjnivarsii riace. -n F1RK snd tornado Ins. Myrtle Deual, 6121 N. .3d. Phone Colfex 10S3 after 11 a. m. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED Wast. llAVK $200 paid on good lot; want offer Addrea H 7M. Bee. 41, 1. nt liiU 1U Bill, Have 16 first choice lots In Leaven worth Heights Add; easy terms. Doug, ;-l, Carl K. Bolen, f!4 Psxion Bldg. feEK ME for .icreage; have thoire tract north of Florence. R H. l.anderyou. 2u3 nevnie in, jei. iiotig. AitiiALViS iii hounds and lots In all nurts of the city. Sea ma first. TEBHKNH. W Omaha Nst. Bk D. S1S2. lOPxlS on 4th st!eet between Dodge and Davenport. W. H. Oates, 47 Omaha Nst. Bank Bldg. D. 12S4 North. BARGAIN 26th Ave., nrar Yates; lot. 61x110 feet; make offer GRIM M KU lvti Omaha Nat. Bank IMdg. Boath. f 100 B'autiful Homos are being planum! for Minna I. has tin, yesr. The most wonderful develop ment ever seen in Omaha -. ill take plae there. YOl can make money by buying a lot or two NOW on eaay terms. CHARLES W. MARTIN CO., Owners REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED Mlece Bargain Two I Aits $625 Each. We are offering these two lots, sewer, water, gas snd sidewalks In and paid for. Oood building sites for medium priced homes. Call us for full descrip tion. Hiatt-Fairfieid Co., ? Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Dong. 494 TWO ACRFS, doeTnriT.": anJT oilier acreage. IM to No trades. Pat terson, Douglas 2ti. REAL ESTATE-EXCHANGE FOR SALE Oil EXCHANGE A BARGAIN 1n acres, clear title: 3 big crystal water springe, neve- known to go dry; ,!& arree under cultivation. 70 more can b cultivated; great potato land; bal ance In timber; 4-room log house, barn for 4 horses and 13 head cattle, hay loft above. Implement shed and tool house, 12x13 frostproof root house, warm hog and chicken houses built In under bank with -foot high fence: milk house at big springs; wire fenced all around and cross-fenced; V mile to school and 3 miles to Deadwood. South Dakota. Price IS.ann rash, or will accept close-in 4-ronm bungalow In Omaha. F. Rogerson. 201T Chicago St.. Omahe LAND FOR CITY PROPERTY. W'a have a number of good farms, soma bf them In eastern Nebraska, that we can exchange for good Income city property. Farm lands are steadily in creasing In vslue and those who buy land at prevallnlg prloas are bound to realise a large profit on their invest ment in tlio next few yeara A. P TIKKY A BON. Tel. Poug. W2. 1607-g W. O. W. Bldg ii AVE 40 A., SVai mllee from town, Mills Co., Iowa. Want to trade for Improved Omaha property. Will assume some difference. THOS. L. M'UARRY. Kea- 11 ne Bldg. Red M4. REAL, ESTATE"" Fire and General iusur enee. Art Thatcher, 1217-1H City Na tion pann Hlflg lougias s-t'i. RESIDENCE and flatai Exchange for vacant property. Toland - TrnmbullL FOR all kinds exchange property see C. J. Canan, 611 McCague. REAL ESTATE-SUBURBAN Coaacll Blaffs. TWELVE clear lots in Council Bluffs: a! or part for good ear. Campbell Craig, 623 Keellne building. Doug. 4K23. Dnmdee. Take Advantage of the Future Rise In value. Don't envy tho man who "got In on tha ground floor." You taka fewer chencea tcday than tha man who bought ten yeans ago. The city la growing to tha wast at a rapid rate. SAFE TO BUY AND BUILD In Happy Hollow and Dundee's newest addition, because it Is west and tha building restrictions assure good houses, fireventjng your neighbor from butld nir In such a way as to depreciate your props rtv. DONT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY But aeleot a lot In one of these addi tions and start now by becoming an owner of real estate where values are bound to Increase. EASY TERMS One-tenth cash ant 1 per cent Cf pur chase price payable monthly, ('all or phone us, and wo will gladly furnish plats with prloea and show you the property at yeur convenience. George & Company Tel. P. 7M. m City Nat. Bank Bldg. New Dundee Home Find Its Equal , If You Can ' 1 Six rooml. with sun som and sleeping porcn aaamonai; osk noors inrougnout; oak finish first floor; white enamel finlah with birch, mahogany doors on second floor; fireplace in living room; Inverted lighting fixtures entire nouse: south front lot 60x136 feat; iilgh, sightly location. In restricted district: sur roui.dod by good homea; best of con struction and material. Owner on premises will show you through. f George & Company Tel. P. 758. '3 City Nat. Bank Bldg.' Dundee Special $5,000 7-roora, mod., garage for I cars, cor ner lot. Will Include furniture In sale, or will rent furnished. Glover & Spain Doug. 3962. i 313 City National. REAL ESTATE--WANTED HAVE buyera for Mod. N. side cottages, bungalow, easy payments. Youngman, run f. . X t3l Y I TVti.a W? wn. A..I. palm lilli ASJ J WANTED To buy on monthly payments small store room, with living rooma above. In Central school district. Phona Red '64. WANTED Contractor willing to build to lease in region of 40th and Farnam. Address J 0S. Bee. FOR SALE BUSINESS PROPTY , Uu (or Bala Good Location for REAL ESTATE or INSURANCE ISO 8quare Feet 110.00. Tha Bm Building Co. Room 103. Storea. FARNAM ST. STORE U'l la mam St., 2 stories, elevator; will make good terms on lease. V. T. Oraham. Bee Bldg. REAL ESTATF INVESTMENTS FOR HALE. 1 new brick stores and a S-room cot tage; rents for t&40 a yesr. Plica H,.'J0; U&iO cash. J. B. ROBINSON. 442 Bee. Doug. ,. STOREROOM and residence on good corner. North Side. Total rental $41 per month. Fr'ce t3.hi: l.VO cash. jr. LI. bAl, iu . lain, -mi cms- FINANCIAL Heal Kstate Luaiats, Martsragaa. ' WE ara ready at all Uoia to mak loana on flrat-cl-ag cit , property and eastern Nebriutka farms. Ratea on request UNITED STATES TRUST CO. IIS 8o. 17th St. TO for loans on bent ulass city residences in amounu (2,000 up; also farm loans. Reasonable cummlsalona. PETERS TRl'HT PP.. 122 Farnam st f.UIHA homea. East N-trk- O'KEEFK REAL. E8TATK CO.. tljOnha National Phone flouslas r714 MONEY TO UAN, for I yeiTs on Improved i.roucrtiea H HOP FN CO., Lioug. 4.'4 QARVINTTRO'S. y.ffg7 llOu TO 110.000 made promply. F. L. W'ead! Weed bldg . isth t Far nam Bts. liONEfon hand for lty and farm loana II. W. Raider. City National Bank Bldg. FINANCIAL late, I. nans, Mortsaaes. FARM loana. t, eaatemNeh., or wet- ern la. Toland Jt Trumbull. 44 Pea Kdg. ClT,Y property. ISrge loans a specialty" w. tt. i nomsa, u mitt nans Ming CITY snd farm loans, n, 64,. per oenU 3. II. Piimont Co.. 411 state Hank. 67 PITY liUVII I' Ii fm r lv-r- ii.-L. Kir MONEY. HARRISON MORTON. " H Omaha Nat. Rank Bldg gtewka Basiela. Ty l aid on Your Money J cf ' i In Home Bulldera Shares plus the Increase from surplus profits, amounting now to lftft on each l"o shares. tur booklet, "Tha New Way," explains fullr. AM. 8EO R1TT OO.. F. A. OMAHA. Paid on Your Mo fc.T.Vi FARM mortgage bearing i per cent. secured by property vamea ll,ai. Tal mage lwmln Inv. Co , W. O. W. Pldg. Afcat-arte ( Title. guarantee arrU'tV.!;: eheapeat. Room T, Patterson Hldg. I.a4T U IVl'fli Tltla guarantee and Abstract JVrjlVLV Co.. a modern a bat rant offloa. K 8. lTth 8t. Tel. I. Mtl. B7EKD ABSTRAl'T CO., oldest abut i act office in Nebrasxa. Jta wrandels It .a. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Mlasetsts LaaSi. 10-ACRK Improved farm, DO miles front Minneapolis; 100 acres under cultivation, balance meadow and pasture; good soil; 10-room house, barn and all other build ings that ara needed; school house on land; price, () per acre; one-half rash; or will sell farm wiin full equipment of horses, cattje, machinery, etc. Will make vary reasonable price on personal property. Immediate possession can be had. Schawb Bros., WX Plymouth Building, Minneapolis, Minn. Mlsaoarl Ias. GREAT BARGAINS 15 down. IS monthly. buys 40 acres, good rruit and poultry land, near town, southern MlaaourL Price only Mix Address ilox s. Ex celslor Springs, Mo. ilETTER Uve on your own little farm In Dent Co., Mo., than be a renter. Call or write for booklet. W. 8. Frana, Neville Block, Omaha. Mississippi Laads. 1H14 YE Ait BOOK. U. S. Dept. Agriculture aaya: Imports of nuta amounted to 119.88,601 in 1014; exports. M9,79. This tolls tha story. Pecan growing pays. . w. T. SMITH CO. City National Bldg. P. Nebraska Laade. A IX THBJ TIME YOU WANT ' Owner of 140 acres In Cedar county, 40 miles from feioux City; will make very liberal Uirms to first-class farmer who can make a reasonable cash payment farm has about 180 acres In crop, is well Improved and close to town. Prioe, U0t an acre. What's the use of rentlngT PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Omaha Nat'l Bank Hide.. Omaha. FARM PRK'JS REDUCTION. To secure a sale by -March 1, owner authorises price of a good fertile, well improved eighty. 26 miles from Omaha to 1110 per acre; carries mortgage of $5,0M st 6 per oent. QBORilB O. WAUrB. Keellne Bldg. " BARGAIN to acres fruit farm with 10-room house, good barn, etc. Close to Ft. Cal houn city park. Bargain at $10,000. Jo Bolen. Ft. Calhoun. ii KUSHELS WHEAT I AND, I . PER acre: Cheyenne Co., best small grain Co. in state, few snaps for eirly buy ers. Lave agents wanted. Writ Fund In gi!ndIrivCo;.P Id ne y. N e 'j ONE OF THE BEST FARMS In Cedar county. Neb., 246 acres, J106 per. Relyea and alfford, J18 Ramge Bldg., Omaha, jNen. "Wlsoonslai LssSi, UPPER . WISCONSIN Best dairy and general crop state in the union; settlers wanted; lands for sale at low prices on easy terms. Ask for booklet M on Wis consin Central Land Orant. Excellent landa for stock raising. If interested in fruit landa ask for booklet on apple orchards. Address Land and Industrial Dept., Boo Line Railway, Mluusapolla, jinn. at leaelLaai , aJAVB TOU A FARM FOB. SAt.E'r Write a good description of your land and send It to tha Sioux City (la.) Jour nal, "Iowa's Most Powerful Want Ad Medium." Twenty-flva worda every Fri day evening, Saturday morning and svsry Saturday evening and Sunday tor ' one month, giving sixteen ads on twelve different days for Ui or W words. R or II words, I. Largest circulation of any Iowa news paper; 260,000 reader dally in four great states. FOR any and all kinds of acreage located n or near car line, call C. R. Combs, tit Brandais Thsster Bldg. Doug. I911 FARM LAND-FOR RENT 120 ACRES. Improved, splendid corn snd grain land; 4 miles from Niobrara, I2u0 per year. L BZl, Bee. HORSESLIVESTOCK-VEHICLES HAY tt.80 ton. A. W. Wagner. 801 N. 1, l'ur Mala. AS I am getting too old to work, I have decided to sell my teams. One team, weight 1,(00, in good condition: also team, weight 1.400. both light oti from hard work. Forced to saU by tha . tth. Your cash price la mine. Inquire a z"i lanromia. BETTLiNQ up my estate. Have span v& muni tiirv uuiif inww, all used to farm work. 2417 Dodge St., FOR SALE Six head of good working norses. Amencsn iransier CO., i4ln nit Mui Rfa Thirty-two milk -agons"for aala, chsap. jpnnwn-umiqnn v.o., join anq Clara. TEAM of good work horses, weighing f.SOO lbs. Phono Tyler 1808-W. POULTRY AND PET STOCK MXD grain. 100 Iba.. h.7i. Wagner. sOlNAl AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Far EXCEPTIONAL BAHUA-KS IF TOU ara thinking of buying a good used car now is your opportunity to save yourself money and secure a first class car. Look over tha list and write or call on us. One 1915 Maxwell $450 One 1914 Ford touring car with lota of extra equipment, extra Urea... 271 One 1914 Ford roadster with extra equipment, demountable rims and nsw tires. In first ulass condition. 271 Ona Hupp "20" m One 36 horsepower Msxwell truck. This car Is being thoroughly over hauled. Good tlrea all tha way One t-cy Under"' MAx'weir'ro'ad's'ter; Presto tank and klaxon horn 100 One Chalmers W roadster, in good shspa 27S C. W. FRANCIS AUTO. CO. 2216 Farnam Douglas IM TIRES TIRES We have just secured a Job lot of standard tl.es and offer you, subject to Srlor sale. ix3-t.75. 3x3 Non-skid, W IS 34x4-614 . IUSx4H-fi-'fi- . . 6x4Vt I.'. S. plsln tread casings. I2O00, non-eklds. t22.50. Some slightly used st ttOO- t7x5 Racine, country tread casings, used 2 miles, t'n 60 each. Other sixes in proportion. Csll tip write or coma in snd see what bargntns we have to offer in tires, Duplex Tire Co., Hi, I a Farnam. D. 476. 1 115 Ford roadster, flna condition... 1 3 113 Metl roadster.. 160 3 114 Overland touring 6ad 4 115 Ford touring M 6 1K14 Ford touring ) 6 114 Ford panel top delivery 376 Auto Clearing House, 230t Farn m. D. 3310 HAH'iAIN IN Al'TOMOBILK. 40-H. P. Htodlard-rayton. in excellent condition, all complete, truriiiic car: ovner leavliig city: will sacrifice if taken o.ui-k. Owner, tJ Oinalia Nat. Ban k. Tel. Housln . I7M-B. truck. tlX. Nebraska Bulck rVnio Station, UU Farnam. I'hone Douglas 721. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Cah Wheat Strong:, with Price! Ranging; One Out to Two Centi Higher. RECEIPTS OF CORN ARE LIGHT OMAHA. Fcbrusry IS. 11. Csah -hrat was strong today, ranging In price from 1 cent to I centa hiaher. The wheat run was light and there was a fair demand for this cereal. Corn was also bullish and ruled from unchanged to t cents higher The demand In geneisl for corn was fairly artlve, but on aerrunt of light receipts the sales were not very heavy. Oats followed corn and wheat In the advance and sold from unchanged to H a cent higher. Oats recelpta were very light and there was only a moderate de mand for thla cereal. Thera was not much of a demand for either rye or bsrlev and both of these markets were quoted at unchanged prices. Clesrances were: Wheat and flour equal to 496.000 bu.; corn, ST&.000 bit.; oats, 4.V.0O0 bu. Liverpool closed with wheat MA hlgfter and corn, Hd to Id lower. iTtmary wheat receipta wera LV1 bu. and shipments :'i,0) bu., against re ceipts of 1. At. (urn bu. and ahtDmjla of MMW bu. last year. Primary corn receipts wera l.lUTOno bit. and shipments (Zt,ov bu., aglnn re- reiprs or i.oai.tHi uu. ana snipme;r.s n 7S1.0H0 bu. last year. I'rlmary oats receipts wera btl. and shipments J.n bu., aglnst receipts of Wl.owi bu. and shipments ot 7K.00Q bu. last year. CARIXJT RECEIPTS. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chlrago 144 498 Minneapolis .....ZX ... iniluth L2 Omaha 71 2 11 Kansas City 114 Mt. I.OU1S 131 4 Wlnnliwg 4 These sales wera reported today: Wheat-No. I hard winter: 1-4 car, SI .19. No, I hard winter: 4 -i cars, $1.1; 1 oar. L1. T cars, II 18; S oars. tL17V; 1 It cars. 11.17. No. 4 hard winter: 1 oar. 11.30: 1 car. Il ls: I car. 11.14; 1 car, 1 1."V, cars, i.io; a cars, i.M'; u oars, i.n; S cars, tl.UVt; 4 cars, 11.18; 6 cars, 11.1.; 5 car, ll.U; I car. $103. Sample hard winter: 1 car, $1.10; IV cars, tl.07; 1 car, $1.0.; i rara, Wc; 1 car. too. No. t spring: I car, $1.25. No. I spring: 1 car, 1.1; H car (white), ll.KX No. 4 spring: t cars, II 1. No. I durum: I oars, 11.171; 1 car, tl 16. No. I durum: 1 car (mixed). 11 1. Sample durum: 1 car, 11.15. No, mixed: 1 car, $1.; l car, l.l; 1 car, 11.16. No. Jmlxad: I car, $1.16; 1 oar, 1.14: 1 car. Rye No. i, 6 cars, tor. Barley No. a: 1 car. atjV. Corn No. 4 white: 1 car, 67c; 1 car, S'4c: i cra. (I6c. No. 6 white: 1 car, 640; 1 car, liS'ic; 1 M csrs. 63c; t cars, (too. No, 6 white: 1 car. MVtc; t oars, 64c. No. 6 yellow: 1 1-1 cars, 64c; 1 cars, Gko; 13 cars, 63c. No. 1 yellow: 1 car. lc; I csr, f9c; 1 csr. 67e. No. 1 mixed: 1 car, t'$e i cars, btc; No. 4 mixed: l oar, 67c; curs, 06c: t can, 6Wo. No. S mixed: 1 car, ; cars, 60c; i csrs. 65c; 16 cars. A9c: 3 cars. 6Sc; 1 car, 6Ac. No. ( mlxe.l, S cars, 66c; U cars, 64c. BampH yellow: 1 car. 4sc; 1 car, 45c, 1 car, 41c; 1 car', 2Sc. Sample mixed: 3 cars. 4Nc; 6 cars, 47c: 1 cars. 4oc; 4 cars, 4Ir; t cars, 41c: I cars. 4"c; 1 car, 3Hc. Oats Standard: 1 car, 47Hc. No. 3 white: l car, 4Mc, 4 rara, 464c; 12 cars 46c. No. 4 white: 6 rara. 44Hc: 1 car, 44c. Sample white: 3 cars, 4.'V,j; 1 cara, 41c. Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 hard. Il.20ra1.22; No. I hard. tl.H-tPl.tl; No. 4 hard. ll.a"4T1.20; No. t spring, tl.24fil.r; No. 3 spring, 11.1901.21; No. 3 durum. tl.ltVHIl.l7H: No. S durum, H.14Via,l.wv. sample, SOtvSTtl.lO. Corn: No. 3 white, OB'tCfSc: No. 4 white, SM,6Wc; No. white, SnftMHc; No. 6 white. Mi44Hc; No. 3 vellow. 6Pia)V4c: No. 4 yellow. 66 6V; No. 6 yellow, Wi0'64c; No. t yellow, oMjUc; No. t jnlxed. 68Ho: No. 4 mixed. 66t(7c; No. 6 mixed. 64f(63c; No. 6 mixed, te.ti: ; sample, S.Sift4Kc. Oats: rxo. z white, 47a4-Hiic; standard, 47ViJ'4Jftc: No. I white. 46tT4ftVkc: No. 4 while, mi' 42Vic. Barley: Malting. toQSc No. I ieeo, wrrjboc. Rye: no. z, m:c ino. .i, 9017910. Chicago "Closing prices, furnished Tha Bee by Logan A Bryan, stock and grain brokers, . 316 South Sixteenth street, Omaba. Artlclei Oiien. I High. I T lw. Clo I 36S11 V one. Yes'y. WheaU T May.ll 77-6H I 2JW 2i) 1 7H July. II 204Vs 1 21 i tom sivj t tot Corn. I I I My.l76itrT7!7SS'ffVt J illy. -76T UT7l7Ss-i'V 7VT"'7l177V9V4 76'al7gliljl77Vu'4 4 IM7! 4R4 46HI U 20 62Vi' 20 60 'l 20 60 20 66 I 20 66 I 30 70 10 20 v tO-tl! 10 32Vi ID 37W 10 37WI10 47-60 oats. Msy.l fSjTH 4V July.! 46i46V4aJ Pork.' "I May.l 20 65 1 Jlilv I 30 66 I 20 60 1 20 66 I io rn' 10 47vll Lard. I I May.110 27 l&i Tiilv.l 10 47U.I Ribs. 1 May. tulv. 11 47V4I 11 47U 11 40 1 11 40 ll 47-M 11 62M 11 62 1 I 11 66 I 11 66 111 62-66 Kaaaas City Grain and Provlsloas. KANSAS CITY. Feb. J6.-WHEAT-No. 2 hard, tl.lS31.23; No. t red, tl.23fjl.26; May. ti le's; July, 1 1.154. CORN No. 2 mixed. 70c; No. I white, 70c; No. 2 yellow, 7241i7ZHc; May, 73"4c; July. 74o. OATB-No. I whits. 460jOc; No. 1 mixed. 46i47c Bl'TTER Creamery, 30c; firsts. 25c; seconds, 26c; packing. 10Vc. KilOS Firsts, 23c; seconds, toe. POt.'LTRY-liens, 14c; turkeys. 20c; springs, lkc. MlacaioIts Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS.- Feb. 16. WHEAT May. tl27H; July. tl.26'i. Ca-h: No. I hard. 11.34: No. 1 northern. 1.2V3I.324; No. 3 northern. tl.S4J-01. FLOUR Unchanged. BARLFT-ObiPItc. RTF 9MNf. BRAN-tl.00r82.llo. CORN No. t vellcw. 76trT7e. OATS No. I white. 46i4Mio. FLAXSEET-:.t4Vii94.36Vk. Cotton Market. NF.W YORK, reb. 11 COTTON-Qulet; middling uplsnds. ll.tbc: ssles, VA bales. Futures opened stesdy; March, 11. Mc; Msy, 12.13c; July, 12.20c; October, 12.23c; December. 12 440. LIVERPOOL, Feb. 1B.-OTTON-pot. easier: good middling, 6 S2c; middling, t.Q6 . low middling. 7.69c. Sales, ,PO bales. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Amtn 1.1 very and Oarasvi, Industrial Oarage Co.. 20th A Hamey Bta Aato Tlrca sat Saapllea. Homer Hill. 1611 Chicago St. Aala Repairing; sat Painting. Automobile painting done by eiperta, 20 years' experience in Omaha; work guar anteed first clsss. Jonnson-Dsnforth Co. LUPQCX tires last longsr, are stronger snd more durable; ITxJH, t.60. Lit Farnam St. Douglas 473. reward for magneto we can't repair. J! S-rlT?ihyor1'r- " N. W i r' winter storage when cars are paint- ed snd repaired. Johnson-DanCo-th Cn Omaba"rtadIator Rep. Co.. SjJtTrar. D. k t Mlseellaaeaas. AUTOMOBILB INSURANCE. Fire, Theft. Liability and Property Pamaga at Luweat Rates. KILLY, ELLIS T THOMPSON, 13-14 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 613. MOTORCYCLES BICYCLES HABLEY-DAV1DSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargain in usod machiues. Victor Roos, "The Motorcycle Man." T70t Leavenworth. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS. ME1JT1NO. Notice la hereby given that the regular annual meeting of the Htockhnldrrs of the HOl'TH PLATTK LAND COMPANY will bs held st the office of said Company, Room 7ol First Nstlonal Bank building, IJncoln, Nebraska, st 11 o'clock s. m , oa the first dsy of March, A. D , 1M. Lincoln, Nebraska. February 1st., 1916. C. H. MORKII.U President. W. W. TUHNLR, becrelary. Feby ldtot. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle in Actire Demand and Strong; to Ten Higher Sheep Strong And Lamb i Steady. HOGS STEADY TO FIVE LOWER OMAHA. Fehruarv 16. 1016. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Offlrlal Monday 4,Hr7 11.IWI MM Kstimsta Tuesday .... t.tno ). HQuO Two davs thla'week.10 7 3a.K3 21. 4U Same days Isat week.16.KM 3J.r Ssma daya 2 wka. aa.16.6M 16. m Ssma dava t wks. ago.l664 .st 11. Kama dava 4 wka. sgo.16.1M 1M.7 f6. Psme days Inst year.. 3.6H6 1,7 17,042 The following Ubla shows tha receipts of csttle, hogs and sheep at the South Omaha market for tha year to dale as compared with last year: 116 HIS. Inc lec. wttle 11,01 4!0 tP.hM "oga a.l 414. ?40 ,67S Sheep 811.07 t46,W .h3 The following table shows the average prices of hois at the Omaha live stock market for the last few daya, with com parisons: "Hate" i!i;. ipis. i$i4 'i9.4.nvia hsi i Jif iv F"eb7 Fen, Feb. JTeh. 1 1 T rj t T t tnf 6 06! T i J l T essl t to It im T 1 M t Ml Vh. 4.1 7 IW 6 Ml 171 7 42 t 401 b. I Usll 76 I l T 46) t 0B I I tl b. I 741 SAI 7 S t Ml 7 'eh. Ibm I en I Ml 1 R I M T ll ab. r" Feb reo. I T tttw in e 7 76 I T Feb. .(77.SiM tW 6 (hi 7 Feb. 10.1 7 7SI 6 4ll I 46l t 1 121 7 l Feb. 11.1 T T7 I S 41 7 "(l 1 7 II t 47 I 47 I 46 tl in 77 t 76 Feb. 12.1 T tlTil t 6TI I 311 7 t6l t 061 Feb. Ill )aojtt Ttt twH is. i i 7B - i i n i n i '") i "n r eb. 16 T 74M 6 611 7 Ml 6 n T Ql Sunday. Receipts and df-nnsltlon of live stock at the I'nlon Stock yards, Omaha, Neb., for twenty-four hours ending at 3 p. m. yesterday: mCCF.IFTS. Cattle. Iliirn. Sheen. H'r'a. c. m. st. r i Wabash t Missouri Pacific... Union Pacific ' C. aY N. W.. east.. 54 rj. N. W., wrBt.. 43 C.,. St, P., M. O.. li C. B. Q.. east.... 12 i: t 6 1 I 64 l I 6 102 16 1 tl 1 J ... S3 14 17 .. I 2 3 2 2 1 269 M 6 C. B. Q., west.... 1 C, H. I. P., east.. 13 C It. I .A P., west S Illinois Central 7 Chicago Ot. West.. DISPOSITION. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Morria A Co 6 1.67J KnS Mwlft and Company.... "M 3,w'. S.443 Cfdahy AV Co MB 4,! 2,fri Armour A Co..; 8k! 1" t,ir Hchwnrts A t o J. W. Wurphy Lincoln Packing Co.... 32 So. Omaha Packing Co. 6 Mori ell it Both W. B. Vansant Co 4 Benton, Vansant A Lush 174 H1U A Son .16 F. B. Lewis 136 Ht'ston A Co M J. B. Hoot A Co Ill J. H. Bulla. JS U F. Hues lf3 l7 1,3-4 106 Rosentock Bros 17 F. O. Kellogg 136 Werthelmer A Degen.. 3 H. F. Hamilton 30 Sullivan Bros.. Kothschlld A Krrbs.... 6 Mo. A Ksnsss Calf Co. I7 Christie Hlgglns Huf.man 113 4 Roth Meyers Qlasaherg Banne Pros 7.... 9 John Harvey ....;...... IfiO oennla Francis 46 ! Kline Jensen A Lungren .16 Other buyers 729 1,604 Totals t.(M 16,066 1,M CAT.X.K Receipts were not very large today, only 214 cars being reported In. This makes tha total for tha two daya thla week 10.367 head, the smallest of any recent week, but still almost three times as large as a year ago. With moderate recipts and a good de mand the trade on killers wss active and prices strong to lOu higher thsn yester dsy. For the two days tha market is right around 20c higher than last week's low closs. Stocksrs . snd fseders wsra a little stronger sgaln than yesterday, or around 10c, and In spots possibly Mo higher than last w eek s close. Quotations ou cattle: Qood to choice beeves. ;.rMj.il.aO; fair to good beeves, I7.3f47.ft0; common to fslr beeves, 16.260 4.76; good to choice heifers, tti.2to7.0O; good to choice cows, t6 oj6.t0; fair to good cowa. tvautf 30;; common to fair cows. 34.264j6.a; good to choice feeders, t7.0Gtfr7.-Vj; fair to good iceiera, t6.6"4l7.uu; common to fslr feeders, tli.nO444.iO; good to choice stocksrs, i;.4u97.l!6: stock heifers, t5.76a'7.00; stock cows, t4.76iii4.60; stock cnlvss, t6.604r7.6O; vesl calvss, 17.00(fj.76; bulls, atsgs, etc., l4.7MJ6.i6. BEEF STEERS. Ma a. Pr. n. a r, 11 6 to f nt t at 3 6 Tl ' II Nl IK 14 T 04 II Ml J S " ioi 7 11 11 iieo t 10 H 1"4 T 111 1,1 f w K 1X1 1H II..... 1121 140 30 ! 1 11 7 . STEERS AND HEIFERS. II HI 7 K COWS AND HEIFERS. . 16 IM I 34 COWS. I I 4 7 n is 1241 1 00 l lis I at ) 11 t 41 t Varr I Tl 14 iri 6 so 1 tus m l lS4t 4 M 14 Ill 1 1AM ( 41 1 1M4 M 3 ill I M t 1100 I 31 T 1W4 H HEIFERS. t in t m 111 I lae I a) m in .... 4 t X I is KM 4 II IN IN S::::::::::-.- IS 1 4H CALVES. t..w W l!l 1 M IN BULLS. " I i' H 1 inon u t uu l M i IIM at - " I U 4 (71 i 44 FEEDKRS AND STOCKERS. 44 ai im I Til I Tl 11 416 I Bj I , 4 m J 65 a T47 4 Tl M M II H N IM 1411 t M 7 V f II II 1U1 7M IIOOS Suppllea were hardly as Isrge ss most recent Tuesdsys, but considering everything, wera liberal enough, arrlvsls being placed at 260 cars, or about ,Mtn hesd. Two dsvs" supplies fot up 3.MJ head, being 1.000 hesd short of Isst Week, and 1,000 hsad smaller than two weeks sgo, but mora thsn twice ss largo as for the sams days Isst year. Shippers showed mora activity on esrly rounds than they have In several days, buying freely of the good hogs of nearly all weights at figures thst wra from steady In soma cass to not over 6c lower In anv Instance. Heavv hogs m K as high aa 7,l0. and bulk of the early Shipper purchase landed st 17.7(r7.. First offers mads by packers were all of 10n lower. With shippers opersilng in freely, however, it was Impossible to bjy anything on this basis, and buyers gradu ally raised their bands until by mid fore noon bids were not over 6c lower. SHKKP-Receipts of sheep and lambs were the largest for any ona day in sevcrsl weeks, estimates calling for fifty-five cars, or 1.00 head. Total so for this week of 21,432 hesd Is more than LOO larger than a week ago, 2.mi0 heav ier than two weeks ago and 4.6U0 greater than for tha same days a year ago. Starting out with tha oonvsntlaliy lower offers, packers soon raised their bids until thsy ware, fully steady with yesterday, and when the lamba started to move it wss on thla bssls. Quite a few of the decent to good lambs of ds sirshle weights sold In fslr season at tl0.7OOd0.3O. and while the latter price was the highest reported up to 11 o'clock thera was a strong probability that be fore the day was over 111 .00 or possibly a little more would be paid. Mutton trade was moderately wall sup plied, but the demand has taken on a much better tone this week and a good many awes sold during the early part of tha forenoon at prices that ware strong to as much ss IV higher. A deelrsblf string of fed westerns set a new top for the season, bringing IT 70. snd seversl bunches of a good kind sold around t7 .VW7.60. Representative sales: No. A v. Pr. 377 fed yearlings ....66 t 60 231 Colorado lamba 77 10 66 VI Colorado lsmbs 1 M M4 Colorado lanil 16 10 75 4M Colorado lambs W 10 76 tlMCAOO 1.1 VR UTOCK M A ft R F.T tattle Steady ITaga Weak tei Weak. CH1CAOO. Feb. 16. CATTLE Receipts. Vmo head: market steady;, native beef cattle, XPrttrHfiV wrstern ater, t6.7tvf .6; stocksrs and feedera, IVfurri 7 ;'V. oo and heifer. 1.1 .1MJ6 2"; rtvc. tft.nwiioc.n. ItlHIK Receipta. 3!,OJW head; market weak, 6c lower; bulk of sales t7.T.fiH , IlKhl". 17.4iWf.2o; mixed, tl 9on 26; h, 7.Afi.20; rough. 37.KMT6.00; pies, Wi-tt 7.40. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 16.nno head; market weak: wethers. I7.75fi6.36; ewes, t-VWimiR; lamba. tr.00irlt.6u. Kaaaas City Live Stark Market. KANSAS C1TT. Feb. li CATTLE ReoHpta, 6,200 bead: market higher; prime fed steers. t WMH.0O; dresaed beef steers, 27 .00fl6. 66 western steers. 6.. 'Aft 6. AO; stork era and feedera. t one 7.66; bulla, tfi.Wxp) 4.76: calves. t.691l.0n. HOUS Receipts. 11.200 bead: market higher: bulk of aajee. 7 7ln 10; heavv. tOUKff 16; packers and butchers. tl.WH t.10; llghta, t7 66J6 flO; pigs, 36 60fr7 .60. SHKKP AND LA Ml)rl Receipt a, 10,000 head; lamba. steady; aheep atrong: lambs. 116.4T1!.10; yearling, tMf-10.00; wethers. 7.7rti S.W; ewes. t7.2.'Vu'7.76. St. I.oale Live Stock Market. ST. tXH'IS. Feb. 16. OATTLE Re ceipts, t.sno bead: market strong: native beef steers. t7.Smi.S0; yesrllng steers and heifers, if 6rttt 60: cows, Ift.Mnrjn.OO; stnrk rs and feeders, iV6it17.26; Texaa end In dian steers. IA tMft 6t; cowa and heifers, 14.4r 6; native calves. Ii-. O 10.80. HU Ml Receipta, 12.6O0 head- niarket lower; plsa and llghta, t6.ii"lf6 30; mixed and hutihers, t6.0rr6.36; good heavy, .X ti 40 8H EWP AND LA MBS-Receipt a 600 - , 1 1 1 as I -t-i. n if, liar wtnifin, lviic-10.00; lamba, f.OOtyil.36; awea, fk Slaag City I.lve Stock Market. SIOUX CITY. Feb. 16. OATTLK Re ceipts, 1.00U hesd; market, stesdy: na tive steers, t6.Kivt17.76; butchers. 36.2M?476; cows and helfars. tA.ontW.gO; storkers snd feeders, 6.10rt7.40; calves. g7.utf.0t bulls, staaa, etc.. t4 71wrT6.26. HOGS Receipta. ll.cm head: marget steady to 6o higher; hesvy. 17 6MK.96; mlied. 17.77.66: light, t7.6067.76; bulk of sales, t7.IMr7.t.. H1KKP AMI LAMBJ-KecetptS, 1,01 hesd. St. Joseph Lira Slovk Market. ST. JOSEPH, Feb. 16,-CATTLB-Ra-ceipta. 1,600 head; market strong; steers, 17 oivpa ; cows and heifers, f4.0OC.80; rslves, tt.OOTMO 26. . HOOS Receipts. 4,000 head; market higher: top. I .10: bulk of sales. t7.sMi4.06. SHEFP AND LAMBS Receipta, t,0c!0 head; market steady; lamba, 110. 60911-10. tlllC.iUO tlltAIN AND PROVISIONS Prleee Board at Trade. CHICAGO. Feb. IS. Oosslp that export business of the Isst few dsya had been materially greater than the eatlmalea would indicate had a bulltah Influence to day on wheat. .The outcome waa a firm close, T,iic to TfriVfC net higher, with May at tl.tswdl 3iS, and July at II 11V 1.2:. Corn sained NfiSc to Pan. and oats Vvftc to c. Provisions finished un changed to 12140 lower. Although the wheat market at flrat showed a tendency to aag, prices took a decided unward awing when word went around that recent e-.les to Europe ag gregated perhaps l,6iin.ou0 bushels In ex cess of the published totsls. The Increase wss not confirmed, but the effect of the cut-rent talk was emphasised bv advices or rresti export transact Ions. Ite dis patches from the seaboard Intimated that the new sales were not of any great amounts, hut the market neverthcleaa continued firm, and .wound up at vir tually the highest point of the aeaalon. The moat definite figures available aa to export business done todsv gave the sum ss only SOO.OOO bushels. It waa said an advance In premiums had checked new sales. Assertions that 600,000 bushels of No. 2. northern had been purchased at Min neapolis to go east bv rail, waa of con siderable help to tha wheat bulla during tha lata trading. Besides, stocks of spot whest at Liverpool were said to be ex hausted, with tha exception of No. I hard. On tha other hand, world stocks showed a small Increase as compared with a week ago. Export demand lifted corn. Predletlone of warmer weather tended also to strengthen the market, aa fears were ex pressed that hauling would be interfered with and the movement perhaos serlouelv delsyed. osts sympathiaed with tha rirmnesa of othsr grain. There waa some Inquiry from tha seaboard, but trade waa chiefly local. , Provisions averaged lower In nones rftience of realising ssles by miscellaneous holders, who were a little oesaimistlo berauaa of liberal arrivals of hogs. The accumulation of supplies of lard acted also as a drag. Chicago Cash Prices Whsa I : No. I red, tl.26Htn.3flU: No. I red. tl .26V,itfl.27; No. t hard, tl 28Vf1.2'; No. t hard. tl.?4Sf? 1.2.14. Corn: No. 2 vellow, nominal: No. 4 yellow. 71f72Uc; No. 4 white. 711r73Vc. Oata: No. t white. 4(.TI47Uc; atandard. 4W4DV4C, Rye: No. ?. tl .k t.l4. Bar ley, 471T760. Seeds: Tlmothv. 13.60ifM.00; clover. llO.oufi 11.76. Provision: Pork, 1 w j-d f. 10; Hha. It 0.42ff' 1 12V4. PT'TTER Higher; creamery. 2402c. FJOS Lower; refXpta. 1,1(6 cases; firsts. SlVte; ordlnsry firsts. 22Vic; at msrk. case. Included, 201 2Hfc. POTATOES Lower; receipts, to rara; Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota and Da kota whites, eKefni.02; Minnesota and Dakota Oh tog, WWT6c. POULTRT-Aliva, lower; fowls, 16c; springs, 17o. HEW YORK GETTER A L MARKET Qaetatlome ef ta Day ' Varlene rasNaaedltUs. NEW TORK. Feb. It. FLOUR Steady. WH HAT Snot. Irresular: Nn 1 h.rrf tl. 36i,i: No. 1 durum, tl.4H'i: No. 1 north rrn, Duluth. tl.49'i, and No. 1 northern, piamioDa, i.6(, r. o. b., New York. Futures wera firm. May, 11.36V4. CORN Spot, firm; No. 1 yellow, t7Vc. e. 1. f , New York. OATS-Bpot, firm: No. S white, 63ifli 64 -tfrxiard. hiiMtyr. HAT 8tesdy; No. 1, ft rvrjd.rm No. 2. 1.!.vIl.2o; No. 3, ll.O.-Sl.Ou. shipping, HOPS Steady : state, common to choice, 11R. 16J7c; 1014. 6tf9o; Pacific coast. 1S16, IMtlKc: IBM, sronOc. HIDES Stesdy; Bogota. liflKc; Central Americas, tie. LEATHER Firm: hemlock, firsts, ttfl 34' ---ond KtlXlc PROSIONS-Pork. atesdy: mess t2l.fliit: famllv, 21 6Kfr?2 60; short. M-r tlftfOfia.oo. - Beef, firm; msss, I17.00rei7..'i0; family, 116 Mifrif.50. Lard, easy; n. ddle west. t! 20fj 10 to. TALUlW. steady; clly, gvie; country. C'tc; special, tc. HUTTfc.lt Firm, rscelpts, 11,067 tuba: cresmery extrss. 3nVtc; firsts, Vi Tt-c: seconds. 26V-ft29o. F.OOS 1'nsettlsd. receipts 11.741 esses; fresh gathered, estraa, TfWc; extra first-. 2.'4f6c; firsts, .4e2'c; seconds. 22r?sc. CHEESE Stesdv; reeslpts. t.41 boxes; state, whole milk, flats, held, colored, specials, l',e: same, white, lie.; same, colored, average fancy. lc; aame, white '7fr; flats, current make, specials, 17'Ac; fame, avvrags run. I7il7'c. POUl.TRY-Allve. prl. e. unsettled; dressed, strong; fresh killed chickens, 16'4 27c; fowls, lf9JOo; turkeys, ;KfJ0c. Isgir Market. NEW YORK. Feb I.I. St'fSA R Ra w, firm; centrifugal, 4.Sc; molasses. 4.11c. Hefined firm at 10 nolnts liiither: cut losf, 7 e; crushed, 6 0c; mould A. 1.66c; cubes. 6 4V; mi powdered. 6.S.V; pow dered. .U)r: fins grsnulsted, t.loc: dia mond A. 4 10r; confectioners' A, 6c: No. I. 6.K.V. Futures opened firm on renewed demand from commission houses and trsde Interests. At noon prices wera 10-jt 13 points higher. Oil and Raaln. SAVANNAH, Oa Feb. 16.-TXTIFP7V-TINPJ Quiet; f3c; sales, M this.; receipts r bbls.i shipments. K6 bbls; stock, 11.06 bbla ROSIN gteady; sales. 407 bbls; receipts, 1640 bbls; shipments. 1,270 bbls.; stock 66 ?37 hhls. Quote: A. B. C D. F. and f. s iMf6 26; O. t 38; II. 16 36: I. t6 4: K '.; M, H20; N. K .?; WVS. t7.3o; WW, 17.60. HIILDIKO PERMITS. I John Maelml, .'1 Soi th Thirteenth, frame dwrlllna-, tl '"rt. Fred Mngd"ht, jr . wot nureucs buuievajd, frajoe dwell ing. U.M. NEW YORK j&TOCK MARKET Professional Trettnre Aft-iri Ex erted, with Varying Leg-reet of Succett. MERCANTILE MABISX WEAK NEW YORK. FVh. 13 Profeaslonsl premure waa again exerted with varying degrees of success In today's market, leading shares manifesting further Irregu larity, when not heavy or weak. Among tha few exception to this tendency wera Crucible Steel, which made an extreme rise of 6'4j to K2 and some of tha other sctlvs wsr laauea, as well as International Nickel sugars, United Fruit and oils. Weakness wss most marked In Mercan tile Marine preferred, that stock record ing a maximum loan of 6V at 66Vj on dealing that far exceeded any other stock In the list. Marine a decline waa accompanied bv unconfirmed reports tht the company's earning; power Is likely to undergo serious curtailment by act of tha British Parliament. Coppers forfeited much of the recent rise, despite the publication of excell-nt statements of earnings by Utah and Chlno for the last quarter of 1916 and another advance in the cost of tha refined metal abroad. Recession in copper shares ranged from 1 to almost 2 points, with nominal support on the decline. . I'ntted States Ste. snd lesdlng rails were lower by fractions to a full point, but trading , In leading transportation shares was light at all time. VVeakna In local traction was naturally aaorlbed to the legislative Inquiry now being directed against the lnterborough company and Its allied prop erties. Among the specialties of the more In-' ?n.,v" p, tobaccos. People's Oss. v Illys-Overland and Mackay Companies were lower by 1 to 1 nolnts than yester day s final quotation. Mackay yielding all Its recent gain on semi-official denial of any contemplated Increase of tha divi dend. Tha enttra list strengthened In tha final hour, a sharp rally In Marine lifting the balance of the active list to best prices S.ill1. on,' fihort roverlng also wss helpful In effecting a general prioe re sell hi men t. Total sales of stocks amounted to 636.000 shares. New financing of the day Included the purchase of tli.500.0no Argentine govern ment notes by a syndicate of hankers and virtual completion of negotiations for an other commercial loan to Ruaala. Bonda made further slight recession on modersts trading. Total sales, par value, aggregated tt.04rt.000, 1 anama registered 2s declined M and re sintered is and column ,1a advanced ? and V respectively, on call. Number of sales and leading auotattons on stocks wera aa follows: ..... Sale. Htrti. Iv Cl- Alka Oelg , THO IHU MU u Alllt-Chajmera 1,400 II .u mfT America n-t gugar l.fOD Ti4 aS t Amertma (an irfl g, jfj tZ Amerlcaa tocnmntl- ... .ovx W'4 t,u si Amsriraa 6. K... ..'.., I.lon ioia loofi tsiu Am. 4. 4 R. sM ton 111 ju4 m Am. Muitr Refining in mw mu Amerlrfn Tel. Tsl M 117 JtfZ -nh,roo , m 1)MH ,H m" AnanaAa Ceeasr M.o ........1... i.jcw ox inis Oaldwln Inoo-intlt U lan 11104 nm . naiiimors a Ohio a too 7 gru rr b-ihlhem el Ml ., 4M pmnklrn RapIS Tr t,tm m ti W 1 allfornla Fetmleum .... l.KO 1314 atH 11 i (kina1ian Psclflo I. toe m4 itiu i;i ('nlral ImOw J.tn MS M4 64 rhwMpsak OM 1:14, 1114 si hicaso O. W sw II uu ufi rhlsi, M. 4 4. f l.am W14 j tiu Chlr.iro N. W ytn ut n is f'hlcasa, H. 1. A P. Hf,. X.Kt 114 II 1114 Chlno Cnppr ." U'l 17 4 MS Colo 1o Fuol A Iron ... n 4t 4S 4 Craniblo RimI 11,104 It T4 I.S Poor 4 m. O. pM 11 Malillsra' tloourltlo .... tMM 41 4T TS R-l , 1.400 17 S : 1714 i;i. enarsl rXeatrie 1 1TSV, (lret Konhers pfH W Irifi 331 H tilu Oreot No Or 0f l.mo 4ij MS 44 tiuicsnholm g-pleralioa.. tun nvi v 1114 Illinois (antral 1MV Interboraugh Om. Oors. . 4UW ITS l.S lS Inaplratloa O r ll.KW 4T M4 4is Inlarnatlonal Har-oalar... n 110s llos lie Ktnaa l ltr Soulhora.... IO V Ms 17 Irfhlih Vallar too Tl4 7TTS T7S liul.MI a Kaalivlll JUL, Meilcan Pw irol-um 14 tm 110S loaw le Miami Copper I, re ITS ITS ITa Mlaaoarl, K. 4 T. fti 14 Mlanurl Psctfla 04 Is U u National Hln-ult m National I ad I. one TS 144 . 71 No-alt Copper l.lon 114 iu us Na- tor lontral 1.4ml im lmul inns N. T . S. H 4 H I,0M SIS 41 as NnY-tolk Werners nt iits 117 117 Nonhers Pacin lot 111 1UU HIS Pacifis Mail us Pariria Tel. A Tl m4 Poanarlranla 104 ITS ITS 17s Pullmaa palar Ckr lots Rar cn. Coppor i sm sss Raadlng 1 too Tl Tts 7f ppubUo Iras A Steal. ... I.I10 14 Ds Sou 1 ham Psrlrlo 4,oo ino fa ti Soulhora la lw wp , m II 11 Vs Siu4naliar Oompaar t.ifxt 114 IMS IMS Tennoaaos Ooppor , 4,1011 ft 17 Tons romnanp t 114 JlJi 311 I'nloa Panltto I Tin 114 1S ) t'ollel fuatos ml 44.7'X) M m I1 V. a Steal pM M 117 14'4 H ttaa Coppar 166ns us "'4 MS Woatora t nlon pa Ui, Woatlnahmia Rlaotrl ... 4.IM 47 IT 7 Montana Po or 71 Oonoral Motor 471 W'abaah B pfd T"n 1 J7S 17 Int. larlno M IM.TM 11 s MS Total Mle for the 4r. ISI.SM aka . Metal Market. NFIW TORK, Feb. lt.-METALS-Kx-rhsnge o notes lesd at 16 20: sneltar. not quoted. Copper, firm; electrolytic, pearbv months. 126.60; later. IM.T.Vftn 60. Lesd. stesdy and unchanged. Tin, firm; .spot. 141.674 I At London: Spot copper. 106 lOg: fu tures. sT106: elsctrobtic .136 10s. Spot tin. a 11 ins; futures, C1&I 10s. Antimony, 126. Lead, 33 6s; spelter, . Mfernool Grain Market. LIVBRPOOI Feb. 15.-WHEAT-pot, No. 1. Manitoba, stock exhausted; No. 2 hsrd winter, 13s td. CORN Spot, American mixed, nsw, La FOL'RWlnt4r patsnts, 60s td. C. H. CHISAM DIES FROM PNEUMONIA ATTACK Cyrus H. Chiasm, agsd 66 ysars, hesd of tha Council Bluffs Ira and Coal com-r.nn'-. bi' ror i'iiiv '-ears a resident of Omaha died of pneumonia ywsterde iiiiiiiiiiig .1 uls no..m, 4oU r'lorence boule vard. He bad been III sbout ten days. Mr. Chlsam is survived by a wlfa and two sons. The aona are grown and re side In Wyoming. A brother, Jerome Chiasm, residing In Peoria. III.,' arrived shortly after Mr. Chiasm died. Practically all tils life until about twenty-five years sgo Mr. Chiasm was engaged In the railroad business. When he quit railroading he cama to Omaha and soon afterward engaged In tha coal and ice business In tha Bluffs, although making his home In Omaha. Short funeral services will ba held at the house at 2:40 o'clock Wednesdsy after noon, and latsr 1n the dsy the body will ba tsken to Atlanta, 111., the old home, for burial. For Sprains, Lame Muscles Absorblne, Jr., brings quirk relief. Keep It always at hand for Instsnt use. Athletes use Absorblne, Jr., for the muscle thst has been strained, for the cut or laceration that runs a chance of Infection; for the abrasion that pains and ths limbs that ara stiff and lame from over-exertion. Walter Johnson, tha famous pitcher of tha Washington Americans, says; "Abeorblns. Jr., la a first-class liniment and rub-down for tired muscles. I hava used tt myself to advantage and can heartily recommend it to ball players avarywaara." Absorblne. Jr., Is a concentrated sntlseptic llnlmenb only a few drop re quired at an application. It la safe and pleaaant to us leaves no greasy residua. Sold by most druggists. 11.00 and U 00 g bottle or postpaid. Liberal trial bottle for lOo In stamps. w. f. TOUNo. r. r. r. 104 Temple t. Springfield. Mass.