Till: W.V.: OMAHA, Tl'KSDAV, KKIUUTAKY 1!M(5. CHARGES RAILROAD RAISESJXPENSES Chairman of Railway Commission Accuses Rock Island of Boost ing Passenger Traffic Cost. LIGHT COMPANY TO MAKE ABID" TODAY t)fferi to Ijjttall Many More Lights of Greater Candle Power for Same Honey. TO BE DISCUSSED ON MONDAY The city commissioners this morning will receive from the Omaha Electric Light and Power company a definite proposal for the maintenance of the street electric light system for a period of five years. At a meeting of the com mittee of the whole the commis sioners decided to discuss the mat ter next Monday morning. The tentative lighting plan as pre pared by the city electrician and understood by the light company (contemplates the installation of 786 additional lights, chiefly in the resi dence districts. The proposed sys tem has a total of 3,162 lights, in eluding 395 lights of the present Dundee system and 667 In the South Side district, neither of vhlch districts would be disturbed by the new system. To Replace Area. The company offer to take out all of the old-type filming area and onlinary arc lamps now In use in Omaha proper and replace them with 400-candlrpower Mazda lamps. Installing 281 two-light units and seventy-one single-light units In tha "ornamental district." being down town streets where curront is supplied from underground conduits. This orna mental district will be extended thtrty Jlve blocks from the present area, ac cording to the plan submitted. The plan further contemplates replacing 1.174 aerial lamps of Omaha proper with 1,607 of the new Maida typo lamps. The proposition of the light company is to charge 133 per year per lamp for the lamps hung from center or mast-arm suspensions and supplied from overhead conductors; J38 per lamp per year for the single-unit lambs on ornamental posts supplied from underground conduits; $71 per lamp per year for the two-light units on ornamental posts. To Tome Within Appropriation. The city electrician will advise the council that the city will be able to maintain the proposed new system for (approximately 'S,O0q less than the appro priation of $117,000 set aside for this year, tho desire being to apply the unexpended balance on a deficit of $38,009 in the light ing fund. The city commissioners Intend to go into this street lighting proposition thor oughly. The municipal affairs committee of the Commercial club is Interested and various Improvement clubs will have a few words to say. I.e Cnrreat More Power. Tha new Masda type lamp, which the light company proposes to Install in Omaha, Inquires a trifle more than half of the current now used by the old style lamp and , the new type surpasses the old style in candle power. The company, it Is stated, will want some consideration shown on account of the claim that they will be required to Install about $90,009 worth of new equipment and "Junk" a lot of old lamps which. Omaha has been paying for. As an Illustration of the old and new rates, this example Is given: There are 1.274 old type aro lamps In the residence districts of Omaha proper, charged for at the rate of $08 a year, which figures) S73.S92; It la proposed to - replace these .lamps with 1,607 new Masdas at $33 a year, which figures 73,031 for one year. The rates quoted by the electric light company in their latest proposal are net. which would eliminate the royalty of 3 per cent. Last year the city re ceive J $26,000 royalty from this company. Omaha Men Receive Committee's Word River Fund Larger The snagging appropriation for the Missouri river between Omaha and Sioux City may, after all, not be reduced so much ' as was once expected. The con nesMunal committee gave assurance to the 'Nebraska delegation the other day that th6 appropriation probably would le larger than In former years. Former apropriatlons were $50,000. This " year $7a,0ii0 was asked, and It was proposed by the boHrd of engineers to cut it ti $25,0J0. Commissioner It. II. Manley of the Com incrc'al club has returned from Wash- .tnKton, where he attended the meeting of the National Chamber of Commerce, and was a member of a large Omaha delegation that went before the various (.neressional committees on matters per taining to the Missouri river snagging and development and other matters of in terest to Omaha and Nebraska. Mr. Alanley says that Congressman Iobeck has made a request of congress for a sur vey of the Missouri river between Omaha and Decatur, and that there Is a good chance this may be obtained. He points out that tho objection made to a survey between Omsha and Florence formerly was that there was no actual river navi tion in this section. Now the Omaha lKcatur tine of traffic is here to make a definite showing. WEST HAS NOW TOO MUCH STYLE TO SUIT HINES William ' Mliaou" - Htnes of Casper, Wye., Is doing Omaha for a couple of (lays, renewing acquaintance with his old friends. According to Mr. Mines, he "em to Casper when all there was there a bunch of sage brush and two Jack rabbits. Now It is a city of (.000 and growing rapidly. ' But," asserted Mr. Mines, "the Casper of today is not the Casper of old. It's too tame there now and you have to put on too much style. I went there thirty-two years ago when the west had some life. Now It Is Just society and style and I don"t like it very well." FIND CHURCH FLOOR HAS A SMOLDERING FIRE During the Kpworth league aervW Sun Uy evening at the Diets Memorial ihurrh. Tenth and Pierce streets, Kev. C. .V. Dawson and congregation were annoyed by escaping smoke. After the service the worshippers invektl-strd the source of the smoke and found a fliwr near tha furnace was smoldering, xiie damage was nominal. V. RATE HEARING IN PROGRESS Henry T. Clarke, Jr., chairman of the state railway commission, de clared that the business movements of the Rock. Island railroad In Ne braska lead him to suspect that It had deliberately Increased Its passenger expenses in order to make a showing in court when seeking n Increase of passenger rates. "You cannot defeat a state statute by any such methods," ho said to Judge E. P. Holmes, attorney for the Rock Island. This occurred at the hearing of the Rock Island's suit to enjoin the railway commission from preventing an Increase of passenger rates on the Rock Island's lines In Nebraska. Three Judaea Hear C'aae. Federnl J mines T. C. Munger of Lin coln, Walter I. Smith of Council Bluffs and Martin J. Wale of, Davenport ai hearing the case. State Ilailway Commissioners Clarke, Taylor and Hall and the railway com mission's rate expert, t d. Towell, were present. So also was Attorney t5eneral Willis Itccd. Among the railroad men present were I. M. Allen. Hock Island passenger traf fic agent, Chicago; James Stewart, gen eral passenger agent of the Rock Island, Kaunas City, and J. A. C. Kennedy of Omaha, counsel for tho Missouri Pacific, who recently won a passenger rate vic tory for his road. Mr. Clarke showed that the Hock Isl and has Increased Its passenger train service In Nebraska In the last four years from about 1.100 miles a day to about l,4Ti0 miles a day, thus showing decreasing earnings per passengcr-train-mllo. Frr'arM Service Reduced. At the same time, ho stated, the road's freight service has been cut down In face of Increasing freight earnings. "The average revenue of the Rock Isl and per mile of road Is as great as that of the Burlington and greater than that of the Northwestern in Nebraska," he said. ' Showing the effect of the reduction of passenger rates from 3 cents to 2 cents per mile in accordance with tho state law of 1907, he said: "In 1907 when the railroads received 3 cents a mile for eight months of the year and 2 cents the rest of the year, the Rock Island earned $1.03 per train mile. In 1903, receiving only 2 cents a mile, It earned JI M per train mile; in 1909 it earned $1.49 per train mile." Subsequent to this, he said, the putting on of new trains in Nebraska by the Rock Island road had started in the al leged attempt to cover up Increasing passenger earnings by artificially in creased passenger expenses. Decision Ready in. Fee Grabbing Case - : r - .if r - ? . District Judge W. O. Sears has an- J nounced that he will hand down a de cision this morning in the ca.o of Douglas county against Robert Smith, clerk of the district court, for the return of more than $6,000 naturalisation fees collected by Smith and held by him. TUTOR ENGAGED IN OMAHA FOR SEVEN FOY CHILDREN Superintendent of Public Schools Graff haa assigned MIbs Sibyl Nelson as tutor for the seven children of Mr. and Mra. Edward Fitzgerald, whose father and children are appearing at the Orpheum this week under the namo of "Eddie Foy and the Seven Little Foya." It la the custom of Mr. and Mra. Foy to engage an instructor In every city where they appear. WHY HAIR FALLS OUT Dandruff causes a feverish Irritation of the acalp. the hair roots shrink, loosen and then the hair comes out fast To stop falling hair at once - and rid the scalp of every particle of dandruff, get a Zo-cent Dome or uanaerine at any drugstore, pour a little In your hand I and rub well into the acalp. After a few applications all dandruff disappears and the har stops coming out Adyer tJseinent Dyspeptics! End Stomach Misery, Gas, Indigestion 'Tape's Diapepsin" neutral izes acids in stomach and starts digestion. Stops any sourness, heartburn, or food rising in few moments. The question as to how long you are going to continue a sufferer from indi gestion, dysepsia or out-of-order stom ach is merely a matter of how soon you begin taking soino ULapeimln. If your stomach is lacking In digestive power, why not help the stomach to do Its work, not with drastic druse, but a re efiforcenient of digestive agents, such as are naturally at work in tho stomach. ' People wilh weak stomachs should take a little IMa pepsin occasionally, and there will be no more indigestion, no feel ing like a lump of lead in the stomach, no heartburn, sour risings, nu on stom ach or belching of undigested food, head aches, dizziness or sick stomach, and be sides, what you eat will not ferment and poison your breath with nauseous odors. All these symptoms resulting from a sour, out-of-prder stomach snJ dyspepsia are generally relieved five minutes after taking a Utile 1is.ci sin. Go te your dniKgist and get a to-cent case of Pape's Dlapepslu now, and you will always go to the table with a hexrtv appetite, and what you eat will taxla good, because your stomach and lnics tints will be clean and fresh, and you wil know there arc not uInk to be nv more lal nights Hn.l iiiih.-i u d.iys for Ju l. They frhi n you and make ;m f,v; like lile is worth liv In -Ailw-rtiwim in. Yo In. elpecl. Make TSuis Party ' We are going to tell you about a party to be given in Omaha. You may not be invited and we know you won't feel badly if you are not but just the same, you will be interested; for if it were not for you this party would not be held. For nearly a year the Oma ha Manufacturers' Associa tion has been telling you about Omaha -Made Goods. The manufacturers asked you to choose Omaha-Made goods whenever these equaled in quality and price the products of other cities. They told you that .in this way you could boost your own town and in crease your own prosperity. This must have been just the reminder a lot of folks needed, for things certainly picked up. Factories that had not been doing half what they could, had to increase their outputs; managers had to have more raw material, more equipment, MORE EM PLOYES, and-well Omaha's factory output in creased $17,530,522. So your co-operation in buying Omaha-Made goods, in TALKING, USING AND SERVING Omaha-Made goods helped to keep $17,530,- Here Are the Prizes and the Donors Affinit) Clrnnrr Co. Affinity products. American Putty Co. 1 caae Package Whiting; 21 I -lb. kgs. to "(M II. IIcnHIii & Son Cigar Co. 25 (icn'l Stanton inllil 10c Clgtirs. ' j r. Itloom Co. White Marble Fruit Stand. Rui-Krs-Grioiilr-n Co. El-frlc Pan. Iliirkley Knvrlopw Co. -ft hoxes linen finish bond Envelopes. Ityrnft & Hammer Co. 1 Golf Coat, KuWn 11. & II. WjKrt N hi lis, 1 Oak brand Auto Shirt. Cnt-tcr White ICd Co. H J2)a-lb. kew Carter Iead. Defiance Starch Co. 12 boxes March (6 pkgs. to each). Drogher Bros. For Men! Hreaher Omaha Made Hat. For Indies: Order for Cleaning or Dyelns;. F.guenw-O'Flynit Co. I round Cretonne Hat Box; 1 square Cretonne Hat Vox. H.iarninnn Ylneffnr & Pickle Co. 1 rase Assorted Pickle, lten Biscuit Co. Assorted Hen Quality Products. K I in hull laundry Co. laundry Rcrvtre. Maney Milling Co. 8 12-ih. sacks ftorrklst Flour. Mark Bros. Saddlery Co. Indies' Manicure Net, Midland Glass & Paint Co. 4 Mirrors. Nationnl Fur & Tanning Co. 1 Hudson Seal Fur Cap. National Printing Co. a orders for Calling Cards, f.2.50 each; ft Bohemian-American Cook Hooka, fl.OO each, Nebraska & Iowa Steel Tank Co. -5 Unrhage Oans with holder. Omnha Auto Top Co. 72-ln. No. 04IO Plush Auto Robo. Omaha ltottling Co Ginger Ale. Omnha Concrete Stone Co. 2 Flower Vases). Omaha onerage Co. Plant Tub. . Omaha Hat Factory 2 Hat. 1 Parmer-ONon Co. 1 case Parmer's Diamond Blend Coffee. Paxton A Gallagher Co. !-doi. Kamo Pancake Flour. H. A. Hchpelder Navigator Cigar (box). Skinner Manufacturing t. ! cases Skinner's Macaroni Iroducts, M. E. Smith Co, 6 "Minn Taylor" House Dresses; S "Ideal" Men's Dress Shirts. Smith llrlck Co. l.OOO Building Brick, or equivalent In csmIi if they cannot use brick. Standard Chosnicnl Mfg. Co. 6 Powder Guns filled with dry disinfectant; 1 ftOc box Standard Poultry Tonic; 3 Imttles Standard liniment. Storr. Brewing Co. 1 case 8 doien pints Stor Triumph Beer; 1 cane A dozen pints Stors Old Saxon; 1 rase 2 dozen pints Stors Malt Tonic. I'ncle Sam Breakfast Food Co. 1 case, large sire, t'nele Sam Health Food. ' . Willow Springs Brewing Co. ft rases Old Time Brand Beer. liOose-Wlles Biscuit On. Chocolate Hydrox. Pavton-Mitchell Co. Six Metal Ilcture Frames. -Swift & Co. 522 more at homehelped to produce more business, to t MAKE MORE WORK. The manufacturers feel this is only the beginning. They want to keep the good thing moving. So they are going to get together Thursday night at the Commercial Club and plan to continue this co operative boosting for a big ger, better and more pros perous Omaha. Oh, yes, they want to get better acquainted socially, too. . So they will take their wives along. ' That's why their meeting is to be a party. Another thing, women insist on favors you, know ho women are. Therefore prizes and souvenirs will be-given. There will be 'a lot of these, more than $400 worth. And . the best part about this party is that everything served and every prize will b'e OMAHA-MADE. I made: in '"""K OMAHA BAG MANUFACrriBEBW ZKXB-OafAK. BACr OO., lXtm SB I Jaoksoa a vs., Sousta 110. BOILKH MAKERS XKAK-WZX.UAKS.KOirsrT 00 834 sad Hickory, Souflas 1043. BOTTLERS oiuia BOTTi-rira oo, eis to. nu at., Oouslas 1100. LODP-satEamr jbottxisto co isoa Wsbstsc St., DourUa 730. BOXES PACKING , OICAKA BOX OO, East Omaha, Wsfc. star 413. BaaEKSS-O'rXTTrO CO., (Omaha Tlbra at Oorrngatad Boa Co.), lota aa LMTiiworts, Douglas 1131. BREWERS TOBg IMWIIS CO, lilt Sbarmaa Webstar sal. KBTB BBXwnro CO, Cta ana Isavsa. worth, DoUflti 1498. rrnsn xbuci esiwiio co.. suu Avsaiis and Boulovard, Tylar 430. fZTTXm SBBWXB0 CO, 3 Ota and T Bts. (Soma ). willow arBivoa bbewibo CO, 3d and Mlokory sits, Dooslas 1304. BRICK MANUFACTURERS TDltUUO flits BBICX CO, 1303 W. O. W. Bid, Seuflas Kit. BUTCHERS and PACKERS' TOOLS O. B. UTH ft CO, 1510 Capitol Avs, OoocUs Sit. CAHCO POULTRY AND CHICK FEED, COK ME.tli, FTC. OABCO MTI.X.nrCI CO, 14tB sad Sis, yboassi Doug. 147 of t7a. CEMENT BLOCK MANUFACTURERS OMAHA COHCXBTB BTOHB CO., H, W. Cor. gath Ava. and ahlar. Was. ttt uao. CONFECTIONER V. t. CBBXXW CO.. 801.11 Soaflas U Dona-las 8J3. TOEOXI.H ft DIHHIWO OO, 181S.lt Jonss St., Dona-las SOS, COUCHES AND MATTRESSES l. a. DOUP CO, 1301 Vloholaa au Douglas 1SOO. OOFFEK, TEA AND H PICES niMii oLBOi co, na mo. nth it. Douglas 8338. OEBMAH-AICKBIOAX OOrTBB OO, 1117-18 Dodtf St., Douglas 7188. CRACKER MANUFACTURERS ITBV BISCUIT CO, Capitol ATS, lit to 13th Bts, Douglas 8183. CRAVATS, BELTS, PURSES, POCKET BOOKS and SUSPENDERS - SMITH, lOCXWOOD MTO. CO, 8383 oath 13th St, Douglas S3S1. CREAMERY COMPANIES FAIBMOWT CmXAMXBT CO, 19th and Jonas Bts.. Douglas 1401. WATSBLOO CBS A MB BT CO, 1(17 Howard Bt, Douglas 1408, COMMISSION, PRODUCE, ETC. XIBCXHBAUH ft SOB. IHC, 1808.1 1 Howard St, Doug-las 434, DISTILLERS IXEH ft CO. WECliOW BTBZBOB DIB. TII.X.EBY, 831-3 Howard Bt, Doug. Us 834. ELECTRIC COMPANIES OMAHA BLECTBIO Z.IOHT ft POWBB CO, D. r. Bldg., Douglas 10a. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES AND x LIGHTING FIXTURES BDmOEBB-OBABDEH Co, 1811 How. aid ht, Tilar S81. E(RAVERS ELECTROTYPERS BAXEB BBOB. EBOHATIBO CO, 1813 Howard Bt, Douglas 868M. ENVELOPE MANUFACTURERS BDBKXET EBTEX.OPB OO, 417 Sa. 18th Bt, DougUa S1. FIXTURES OMAHA rXXTVBB ft BUPPX.T OO, 414-18-18 Bo. 13th Bt, Douglas 8784. FLOUR MILLS TPDrxa arxLUsro CO, ma fcaraass Ata, Wabatas- 88. FOUNDRIES Casting nd Sssh Weights. OMAHA rOUBSBT COMPAXT. .97 Jackass St. Dourlas 1438. FUR GOODS xatiobal rum ft TAvsrma co, 188S BO. 13th Bt, Trior 180. GAS COMPANIES OMAHA OAS CO, 1808 Howard BU Dona-las so. HATS OMAHA HAT PAOTOBT, 1381 Douglas Bt. Douglas 444. ICE DEALERS VBOPX.X'B ICS ft COLD STOBAOB OO, 1884 Chloago Bt., Douglas 60. OMAHA ICB ft OOX.S STOBAOB OO, MoCasms Blk, 16th sad Dodgo Bts. Douglas 465. ICK MACHINES BAXEB ICB MACxrara co, itth aad Bleholaa Bts, Doarlas US1. LAUNDRIES XOBTPABEXb Z.AVXDBT OS, 1TOS Tta- toa St., Donglaa 860. XrMXAI.X X.AVHDBT CO, 18074M-U Jaoksoa St, Douglas US. PUBITAH L1VSD1T, 880-18 Parana Bt, Harssy 1771. LEAD WORKS X.AWBBBCB SHOT ft X.BAB CO.. Pa, tary South Omaha Douglas 1888. IjODGE SUPPUES X.ODOB BUPPXT OO, 1111 Paraaaa Bt, Douglas 4180. MACARONI SXIITBEB KABVPAOTTTBIBa OO. 14th and Jackson Bts, Trl.r IMS. MONUMENTS J. P. BLOOM ft CO, 1708 Oumiar Bt. Douglas 678. FURNACES TABTDABD PCBMACB ft SVPPLT CO, 411.13 Bo. 10th Bt, Douglas 8087. (Basblt all east aad Wats' all staal t urnaros.) MIRRORS and ART GLASS WINDOWS BUDX.ABD OI.ASS ft VAIXT OO, lit aad Howard, Douglas 781. Oil A ' Z.. T. XICBOIAB OXXi CO, 804 Baird Bldg, Douglas 388. PACKING HOUSE PRODUCTS STWTPT A WD COBCPAXT. South Omaha. South Bass. f" MADE IN 4 k)MAMA PLAMNG MILL BAXKXM BSAX.TT XHTBSTMXrrT CO, Ground Tloor Bss Bldg, Doug. Us a86. PRINTERS BOOK AND JOB OMAHA PXIBTIXO CO. 13th and Par. nam. Douglas 848. v COBBT ft MoKEXBIE, 1407 Xaxssy St, Douglas 9444. SADDLERY 1. K, HAXXT ft CO.. 313-17 South 19th St, Douglas BBS. bTARCll MANUFACTURERS . DSPXAXOB STABCX OO, 9560 Cuming St, Douglas 170. SERUM MANUFACTURERS O. X. BXBtTM CO, 3936 ! St. South Omaha, Beath 463. sITEU SXBUM OO, South Omaha. SOttth 893. OBATX BXI.T SUPPIiT CO, tobby Ba ckings Bldg. South Omaha, So. 9664. South Omaha. South 986S. TANKS, CULVERTS, GRAIN BINS, AND OIL DRUMS HEBBABKA ft IOWA BTXKZ. TABX CO, 1301 Sprues Bt, Wabatss 978. 1ENT8 AND AWNINGS SCOTT.OMAKA TEXT AXD AWXTBTO CO, 11th and Harney Bts, Douf. sua. TIN CANS AND SHEET METAL OOBSOX LAWLESS CO, Sth sad Dodge Bts, Douglas 48a. WOODWORKS , OMAHA WOOD WOBXIXO CO, 1601 htaxcy St, Douglas 8846. WHOIJCSALE GROCERIES PAXTOsT ft OILliQBIB, 701.11 South 10th St, Douglas 84.