V2 Till; 1IKK: OMAHA, TUESDAY, KKHKUAKY 15, 1!16. DIES IN POOR HOUSE AWAY FROM PETS i Eeclo.e Hd Imiited that He Be Left in Eat with Hit Cats j and Dogi. DIES SOON AFTER REMOVAL Kate decreed that Oust Lamp man, 65 years old. ,a recluse, who r anted to meet death in hia hut at 417 I-afayette avenue, surrounded bj hia do, rats and pet chickens, should die In the almshouse. Though he - knew he was ap M caching death for several days, tampman had rcrusrd to be taken to a hospital. I-ate Sunday after noon George Trlbble, Union Pacific auditor, railed Superintendent Rog ers or the county hospital by tele phone and urged him to send for the aged man "for humanity's sake.". Rogers did so and the old man'arrived at the county Institu tion at 4:30 o'clock. "The patient Is dtad," a nurse reported at 1:10 in the morning. lias Aalmal rets. Umpmin had Jived In a one-room shack for many years, having no friends oilier .than his dog, four cat and several pe. chickens. When ha was stricken by hU lost n 'ness local charity workers who lesrned of hia condition, urged him to go to a hospital. "No, no," was hi Invariable reply, ,-l want to die here w.th my pels. They are my only friends." Sunday the old man was u noon scloti a most of tha day and It Is believed ha was too feeble to realise that his dumb friends were not with him when death came. Handling Hides is Fatal to Two Men; Contract Anthrax XKW YORK. Feb. 14. Or. C. T. Rotters ef tha division of InOusj-al hygiene ef the State I.anor department. It waa an nounced tonight, - will require Hurgeon General Rupert Tllua of the t'nlted Htatoi publio health service to use hia Influence with the Treasury department to have an order Issued for tha redielnfectlon of all I Ides shipped to A merl. a from anthrax Infected ports of China and South America. Or. Rogers' action la based on the fact that Eugene II lots, a hide handler of this city, la beiieved to be dying of anthrax at a hospital here. It la rr. nogera' theory that anthrax la communicated ex clusively through hides and leather. Although Klera was operated upon Put vrday afternoon for the removal of the anthrax lesion and the Elchhorn eerum waa Injected Into his blood, hia condition has steadily grown worse. OROVEftVn.LR. N. V.. Feb. ll-Nlles Reynolds, aged LS, died early today from anthrax vhlch ha .contracted lust week, while working tn a leather manufacturing plant here on sheep skins Imported from (South America. The disease was com municated through a slight akin eruption n his nock. This was the second case among workmen of tha same plant within a year. Tha other man recovered. British Parliament Will Open Without : Accustomed Pomp iJJNDON. Feb. II. It' 1 underslood that the government has decided to de vote the entire week after Tuesday to a riUcueston ef amendinenta to the royal artdrees. which will upen the way for ln terpellKtlons on many matters connected with the war. After the formal opening nt parliament, which for the tlrat time slticg the end of Queen Victoria's reign, will not be made by tne sovereign In per son, and will, therefore, lack the ae- uslomed PRKeanlry, H Is expected that Premier Asiitlh will make one of his periodical reviews of tha war. It la not unlikely that tha premier's review will lie Isrgely concerned with measures con templated for tha enforcement of na tional economy. Once the addreaa la voted, tha government wilt take tha whole time of the house for final busi ness. With regard to district restriction on Imports, It la stated that the government will. In the first Instance, rule that only one-third of existing Imports wilt be per mitted. It la Interesting to note. In con nectlon with the probable duration of the war. that political gossip already talks of arrangementa to prolong still further the Ufa of the present parlla ii.tut, m Mth expires at the end of Sep tember German Troops Are Poured Into Turkey UONDO.V, Feb. U.-There has been a large Influx ' ef ' Urrman troops ln Turkey, according tj a Bucharest die patch to the Times. About K.000 Her mans arrived last wek at Hustchuk, Kulgsrla. and proceeded to Bhumla, which is about fifty miles west of Varna, and, it la understood, will continue their Juurney to Turkey. Jewish Philosopher To Lecture in Omaha !r. C'haim Khitlowsk;. noted Jewish philosopher and exponent of national iam. will come to Omal.a to deliver a ae ries of lectures under the auspices of the Jewish National Workers' atllauce. The first lecture will be delivered the six teenth tif February at the 8aedtah au ditorium, hia s.il.lect being'' "The Future of Various Nailonaltliea in America." OVER HUNDRED MILLION PEOPLE IN UNITED STATES WASmNOTOy. Feb. lt-The census bureau expert estimated today that the population of the United States on Janu ary 1 laat waa 101.aoS.Zll and that by July 1 It would be iuz.0lf.sue. On July 1 last year they figured tha population at Ji t'S.Sik. Western atatea have led In growth. Washington beading the list, with Oklahoma, Nevada, North Dakota and New Mexico following In the order r'Sicied. The bureau's estimatea are based m the rate of increase between the 1 toi. 4 5;u i-ensug. PREPAREDNESS ADVOCATE LOOKING FOR SOUTH ERN TRAINING GROUND Governor Hall of Louisiana and Major General Leonard Wood, commissioner of the east, watching the races at New Orleans. eV ' S" ' p: I ' J I U It . J p M,J v.V . tfjey WOOD AT. WORK FOR FRENCH ORPHANS OF WAR Two English Women Lecture Here to Raise Fundi to Help Little : Onei in France. SPEAKS AT THE ROME HOTEL Miss Florence Sclioficld and Mis Klllner Fell ate lit Omaha. In the Inter eat of the "O: (ihcllnat dee Armees," an organisation whose object la to provide 10 cents a day for 1!W,0 French war orphans. ,The French government now gives war orphans 5 centimes, or 10 cents a day, and the other 10 cents which the organisation la seeking to raise will en able liirtu to live in comfort even with tilings at war prlcea. They spoke Monday at the home of Wis. Howard llaldriKe, where a num ber of society women were present, lasl evening at I o'clock they lectured at the Rome hotel and took subscriptions to the cause. , Bath KagtUk Women. eJIsees Bchoflcld snd Fell are English women, .alias Schofleld haa lived for some time In I'arlx. Doth are dressed In blnck. Juttt )at week Mlsa Bchofleld re ceived word that her cousin had fallen fighting In the Dardanelles. Miss Fell has five brothers flatting In tha armies of Enuland. She herself was working In the lantern department of the Woolwich arsonul near I,ondon before he was sent on this intsalnn. "'There are about -to,) men working In Woolwich arsenal," she said. "It covers an etc of eight square miles. My work waa to wheel refreshment a of tea, bread and cakes around among the workers In one section. Many other women were etiRatte) in the same work." Mteaea Fell and Sci.of h-hl M!I leave for Han Francisco today. Will Strike-to Be Paid in Silver Coin El. PASO. Tex.. Feb. 14.-Approxl-mately fifty roundhouse employes of the National Railways of Mexico at Jus res. who struck late yesterday demanding that they be paid in allver. returned to work today. Andreas a. Oarcla, Mexican consul here, urged the men to resume work pending further consideration of their demanda. Oenerat Oavlrla, com mandant at Juares. stated that Alberto 1'anl. director of the National Railways, had sent hlra a measage saying arrange menta were being raude to pay employes In stiver. Woman Tries to End . Life by Drinking Ink Hl'SllVll.l.K. Neb. Feb. H trlpaclal.t Mlsa Kate Hhujcrt. who makes her home with 11. F Wasmund. Sr., hsa be come Insane, having tried to commit sui cide by drinking Ink, formaldehyde and attempting to open the arteries of her wrls". tllie waa taken under the care of the sheriff and will be brought before the board ef Insanity V nday. Suffragists Shell . - . Them, with Rhymes SIW YORK. Feb: 14.-A shower ' c-f i hy tiled Unit I net will be sent tomor- trow to New York state, senators and rep- t . .. . teaentatlves st Washington It was an-Lo'-nced tonight by members of the con gressional 'union for woman auffrags." The floodof verse la designed as a new strategy In the rampaign In support of the proposed Ausan K. Anthony constitu tional amendment. Rhymatera of the ua on have been at work for some lime preparing for the Bt. Vanentlne's day mall delKery to members of congress. The e-.seS have been made aa personal as possible. TWO DENTAL SOCIETIES TO HAVE JOINT SESSION Omaha and Council Bluffs Dental so- l leilae will meet In a Joint aesalon at the lal hotel, thia evening. A a! niter and program has been arranged Dr. W, A. Cox. Aouth Side dentist, will be In cl arge. Appearing on the program a lr. . M. Prima, who will apeak oa "Pro tective Work;" Dr. K. H. Uruen'nS. on "Tooth Form;" Dr. M. H. Dunham, on I "Fined and Hemo.stle Appliances," and ; Ii . W. A. 'Valaem. nho 'Hoot t'ansl l-'tl'lnss." will talk or . L-i., . ltd SYCW OtLtMS JSACKS FREE LEGAL AID BRANOHNOW OPEN Superintendent Schreiber of the . Welfare Board Has Established Headquarters. F0S FREE LABOR EXCHANGE Superintendent Schreiber of the Welfare board has opened the legal aid bureau In the city legal depart ment and is now ready to extend tbla branch of the new public ser vice to all worthy persona, who have Ji'gt causes of action and who are without means to . protect them selves against Injustice. Attorney McOulre, for the pres ent, will be at the bureau from 2 to 4 p. m. every day (or consultation. It will be the policy of the free legal aid bureau to accept all just cases, except those of divorce or personal Injury. The superinten dent . and attorney of the bureau rail have offices with the city legal departent until permanent quarters shall have been provided In the bal cony of the city council chamber. Chsirihan Kturgess snd Ruperlntendent Schreiber of the welfare board are de sirous that tha atheist public, may know that, this free, less) Sid bureau Is In actual operation. Ministers are the city are requested to Inform their congrega tions. It la the des!re of the welfare board to make this legal aid department a real public service. I'o-operatton will be established between the Associated Charities and other organisations. A free labor' exchange will be estab llshed within a few weeks, the purpose ben'g to make thla exchange a clear ing house for the' city to find Jobs for the jobless and to serve those who may need workers on short notice. Skate Through the Streets of Staid Old QuakeiTown PilI.ADEl,PiriA. Feb.: H. -Philadelphia's streets for several hours todsy ra aeinbled a Vart network of frosen canals and for. tbe first time In. years It waa possible to traverse the city from one end to the other on lea skatea. V. Ureal throngs of akaters took advan tage of the opportunity. . Scores of pedes- 'trlans Were Injured by falling on the ley streets. .- . ' . A aleelstortn which atarted early last night rand continued until daybreak to dsy was responsible for the unusual con dition.. Holld Ice nearly an Inch thick formed In tha streets' snd on telegrsph sad telephone ' wires. ' Wire communica tion In all directions waa badly crippled, while some, points. In the state were en tirely cut off. - - . NEW- YORK. Feb. U. Four Inches of snow fell here today, and, coupled with rain, steel and Increasing cold. , made walking difficult and seriously Impeded traffic. Hrapitala were busy treating per- "..'r. ., wt., . .... ..(, .. ankles snd wrists, although no fatalities were reported.' A force of SW.OiO men waa . ... anfr.rii.tf r.-AM hrnlM I mh, nr lna1 1 put to work ' clearing the city'a streets of snow and sleet. VALENTINE FILES FOR OFFICE ON VALENTINE'S OWN DAY Sam Valentine,' as,. South Fortieth street, he been intending fur some time to run for nomination, as Justice, of the peace. However, In. hope of improving his chances he waited unttl Valentine's dsy to1 file, and then was listed aa a snd ; for democratic nomination. THREE MEN FINED FOR SEARCHING VICTIM'S POCKETS VX Nolan. A. Koukule and It. O'Neill were apprehended la the act of srolna through C. lethrley's packets at Tenia and Capitol avenue Saturday nUrtit. They were fined t and costa each. DeSherley halla from Detroit.' BOUND OVER ON CHARGE OF DESERTING HIS WIFE Hd Nkholaoa." 1TS4 Irfsf enworth street, charged, with w'f and child abandon neat. aa arraigned la police court and hund ever to vhe district . court with !nt!s ftied at II. "0" FAREWELL SERMON URGES TOLERATION Rer. Mr. Rouse Denies Existence of Satan and Pleads for Modern Science. - HAS CRITICISM FOR BUT FEW jmiirder tt l9Vli Pollock and Is defended nev. Frederick T. Rouse, pastor !J, '-,r 'n;'""; r Inlnxtcstetl. At Mnry e lilal she admits of the First Congregational church, tshe ind the revolver, iter ma ' testifies j , .... . , . !th. M.iry ihrentened t'-illrxk ilh it pre. who accepted the teachings of mod-( , ,, ,, ,, M,rv s loeoim mn imp'i era science in their application ftrs religion; rejected the theory Of a H.-i.ndcn teil? of a 'rmi- hand nrinl , . . , , j m. sue on Marv's hr.u iler. T'nrthet evl- personal Satan;, stood for a broad i ,if(. y,ow, thst llnnr of titnu pro spirit of toleration, and Mrove to en.- j J'ZT l" .TlU' pioy tne methods or Biny uunoay for the InviKoratlon. of the church, J preached his farewell sermon tn , Omaha yesterday morning. "And now. my frl-nds. my voice is sllencwd, by the wl.l of some of you snd the acquiescence of the others." sld ths minister, "t carry sway no a:lng, or 111 feeling, only the prjf und at iove and good will. 1 have no :o bt It is lest for me and probably for you. Aaayhoels eeer f "I deeply love and respect and believe In the great file .m rank of this church Almost without exception they rl.ig tru, and shall ever hare mv love. The Pharl- i see and the busybody are perhaps the needed element of every flock;-bit the strong common consecrated sense of this lovely people csn hardly go wrong and wilt hardly often be stampeded. I do not see clesrly your future. It is not easy, but 1 believe that through- prayer j one's dock with the Damaclean sword of and consecration and ae'f forgtfulness, j Justice above her, was now unconscious and burying of your own personal desires j of the crowd In the lourt room. She no and pet plana, you will be led out Into j longer heard the ooys who 1 pped from better things than you dare now ask or 'the reporters' table to the door carrying think," .... the nowe of tbe trial for the apeclal Rev, Mr. Rouse took ss his text I Coiin- i editions; she no longer felt the eyes of thlans xv:l-2, beginning "Now 1 maka jtno crowd upon her. Bite waa even un known unto you the gospel which I conscious of the rustling of the papers preached' unto you." . Me told without on the prosecutor's desk, which had at reservation of the gospel he had aaught first reaped her nerves so unbearably, to preach, of which the ouUtan ling fea- I Now mind and soul were alike con cen tres were the following statements: j trated upon Langdon and upon the slow Aeeepts Modera Helestee. ' building of the evidence that was to free "I have regularly and consistently ac- her from the charge of having murdered cepted the great trend of modern science. Ia".d Pollock. That an antiquated science should be") A tumult of old memories were surg taught In our puplts, contradictory to the lng about her as witness after witness science taught In o jr schools Is subversive I told of the tragedy of year before (a of the truth. "The love of Clod Is as natural as tha love of a mother or the 1 1-5 h t and warmth of the sun; and His revelation of Himself as natural as the revelation of the truths and wonders of'electrlclty. ,Thls, perhaps, is my moat radical and Important depar ture front the common way of 'thinking and the commonly accepted mode of re ligious teaching. Slagce Vmth to Heaven. "I believe that God reveals himself In all religions, that Buddha drank In a degree of the life giving rock and Con fucius and Pocratea and Kplctetua. The prayers and alms of many a non-Chrls-tlan Cornelius have come tip acceptable to God. "I have serious doubts concerning the practical value of ' formal theological dogmas, often only tdolatroua objects of faith. 'Thou ahalt not make unto thee any graven Image.' A creed la a graven linage. "I believe In the personality of God. hut not in the personality of Satan oi evil. To exalt a great he-devll in the neither half of this universe as almost a rival of God, la a fet'sh worship, a devil worthlp and the biggest kind ef idolatry Immortality fusible. "Years of toilful meditation lead me In creasingly to the lofty, perilous height of Jesus' hope of immortality. He who rises highest sees the fsrthest. And Jesus rose so high that what Is to us a faint hope, became to him the most profound con viction. I would rather trust hia spiritual vision than any other." ' The present location of the church at Nineteenth and Davenport streets has be come impracticable Rev. Mr. Rouse told tha congregation. The following two solutions of the removal problem exist, he said: "Secure a new site not far from For tieth and Podge, or merge with St Mary's church on a site nesr Fortieth and Farnsm and continue the present church aa an Institutional work under the charge of the united church." "Do not quota me to your new pastor,' the minister advised the congregation.. Cadorna Hurls Defi At False Bulletin Writer He Disdains PARIS, Feb. 11. A Haves dispatch from Roma under kialurday's date aaya that tha Italian commander-in-chief, Ueuten ant General Count Cadorna, haa Issued a statement declaring that one and for all he disdains to tske any notice of Aus trian attempta "by false bulletins snd ! other methods" to 'lower the dignity" of the Italian army commander. On the other hand. General Cadorna c'alms thst all Italian bulletins are carefully drawn up and "admit neither of denial nnr at tenuation." . . ' . VILLA MOVES SOUTHWARD, WITH ENEMIES AFTER F.U PA SO. Tex., Feb. H. -General FVau Cisco Villa waa today reported inov.ni south with ffv datAChmenta of ' de facto troops moving from various points to in- tercept him. Advices to General Gabriel Gavira. commandant at Juares, aild that the rebel leader had returned to the Santa Ana district. The chase was being led by General llobono Reyea. raxrchlng aouth with a force or Yaquli. Other Yaqul forcra were marching toward Sinte Ana from Bonora and Maderla. A fourth ! force was following aha railway ,frpm maaeriK ina iiiiii wss uuru sarin from Guerrero. To Peel Off Blotchy, Rough or Chapped Skin To remove roughness, chaps, freckle, blotches, or any comlealou clfftculty, the i.Sf.'ThVV ordinary mercoilsed was. procurable at any drug-store tn the oriatnal one-ounce package. The wax ehsortj tha derecttv outer skin, a little each day. gradually bringing the second layer of akin to the surface The porea are uaclogaed and the face breathes la the llfe-gtving oxygen. The new akin Is beautifully soft and Boot less, bearing the heaithy glow of youth. Just apply the waa aa you would cold rreom, only not rubbing it In. In the morning wash It oft with warm water. It a tha moat effective cotnptealoo treat ment known. To remote wrinkles it Is a rood plsn to bathe the face once a day for awhile In a harmless solution snade by dissolv ing an ounce ol powdered eaxoltte In a half pint of witch haul. There la noth ing that wilt eo surely erase the hateful 'ne. Advertisement. The Strange Case of By Frederick Lewis, Author of "What Happened to Mary" Continued from Saturday.) RYSUFftiS. .Mirv P.ie. atrm. Is accused rf the ( KtPTF.R V. Iter Fathers' Heath. Psychologists and those scientists who study the human brain declare thnt the focus of consciousness Is dual, and that unless the subconscious mind supplements i the conscious concentration, the attention Is ally diverted. Thus a sailor steer ng by the North Star quivering In the tall of the Utile Hear Is readily diverted by the flashing of a meteor serosa the heavens, since It is only h's outer con sckusness that 'is fixed upon the star, hut whole awarm of meteors mUht have .streaked vhe sky unheeded when Vlysses, life In hand, steered between Scylla and 'Charybdls. snd all the din of the siege failed to distuib Archimedes bvnt over ! his f'gures :n the sand. For here con ' sclous snd subconscious forces were j welded into a groat intensity. In like fashion.. Mary Page, sitting in the prla tragedy that had so grim a sequel in the present); and yet there were atrange nightmarish blanka In those memories spaces where fact hnd to give place to imagination, and during which arte had hung in the nullity of uncounted mo menta, merging Uko a person under ether to momentary paln-scarcd consciousness, only to sink whirling back Into oblivion. And It waa of those moments of which Mary herself knew only by hearsay that tho witnesses were now testifying. They were an odd contraat, these de fenders of Mary. Mra. Page, slender, frail, bowed with grief and anxiety; MacPherson lh his rough clothes and high boots, a veritable iScotch giant with a square beard: two distinguished-looking men with the grave, kindly faces of those whose lives are spent in bat tling against the dual enemies of disease snd mental suffering; Jeanette, Mary's maid,, and all the others whose words were to shatter the great, ominous temple of accusatory facts raised up bv the state, , Mary did not realise the subtlety with Which . Lngdon was calling these wit nesses. In fact. It was doubtful If any of those In the courtroom except . per- j hap ,he proMCUtoP and the Judge, ap preciated the skill. with which he brought out each detail in its turn. There wss no confusion of facts, no forcing of a conglomerate array of evidence upon the Jury; but. Mlt by bit, as one pieces to gether a Jig-saw puixle, he was fitting into a perfect picture for those present, tha tragedy of the life of Mary Page. In pursuance of his method of bringing out events as they had happened he had already, at a "bar side conference," asked permission to recall his wit- Even Cross, Sick : Children Love ; Syrup of Figs f . , . Look at tongue! ' If feverish, bilious, constipated, take no chances. Calfbrnia Syrup of Figs" can't harm tender stom ach, liver, bowels. t , - ' Don't aeold your fretful, peevlah child. See If tongue Is coat 3d; this Is a aura sign lta little stomach, liver and bowels are clogged with sour wsste. When listless, pale, feverish, full of cold, breath bad, throat aore. doean't eat. aleep or act naturally, has stomach ache. Indigestion, diarrhoea, glvi a tea spoonful of "California Syrup of Ftge." and tn a few houra all the foul waste, the sour bile and fermenting food psasea out of tha bowels and you have a wen and playful child again. Children love thla harmless "fruit laxative," and mothers can rest easy after giving It. because It never falls to make their little-"Insldea" clean and aweet. Keep It handy, Mother! A little given today saves a sick child tomorrow, but get the genuine. Ask your dtungist for a 50-cent bottle of "California Syrup of Figs." which hsa dlrect'ons for babies, children or all ages and for grown-ups plsinly on the bottle. Remember thre are counterfeits aold here, so surely look and see that yours la made by the ' Cali fornia Fig Syrup Company." Hand back Ith contempt any other fig syrup. Ad- venisement. RUPTURE tVe hare a successful treatment for Rupture without resorting to a lalnful and uncertain aurgical operation. XV re tha only reputabl pnysiclans who will tait such iuia upon a guarantee to give aatlafactory results. We have lo-vote-1 more han twenty years lo il.e e clualve treatment ef Htiniure, and ae have perfected the beat treatment in ex trtenoe today. We do not Inject paraf fin or was. a It la danseroua. The ad vantages of our treatment are: No Ions of time. No detention from hutl.iaaa. No danger from chloroform, shock and blood poison and ao laying up In a hos pital. ' A Few of Our 8atisf!d Patients, Mr. Peter Blah. Harvard. Neb.: Arnold Born. Norfolk. Neb.: W. M. Oensllngvr, Burr. Neb.; V. 8. Judd. Avoca. la.; J.hn H. tssver, Blair. Neb.: C. M Ifsrrls. Mal vern, la.; Orrln Heed, Ogmlalla. Neb.; Anton t'arls'm. Oakland. Ken.: Rev. J. II. Btaariard. t'tlc. Neb.: John Irtihne, Wis. ner. Neb.; Jnhn "oo, 8loux City, la.; Pan Murphy. ! North llth St.. Omaha. KH.. and hundred ef other. Call or writ, Ore. I1T a MATaTSaTT, 3os Bee lag'. Osteite, cea. Mary Page Pictures by Essanay ' nesses a second, or even a third time. Thus It came ss a surprise only to the pectators when Mrs. Page" again took her place. In the witness box. 8he looked pitifully rnle and wan, and lanKilon'a voice wus Very gentle as he said: ".Mrs. Page, you told us yesterday of how yorr daughter, struggling with he drunken father, was struck by him sni fled screaming from the house. Will you tell the court, please, what followed thnt flight? Did you go after her or remain at home?" "It was Impossible for me to follow as quickly as Mr. Iingdon did." she said quietly; glancing toward the Judge. "So I stood at the ante waiting, feeling sure that It would only he a very few minutes before he would return with my poor, half-rraxed girl." "Wss there unyone with yon?" "At fli'Ft quite a group of our neighbors were there, drawn by the sound of of Mary's screams. Hut they soon followed Mr. Langdon and I was left alone". "Did you return to the house?" "I went back as far as the window," she aald In some hesitation. "It It was very cold and I wanted to get a wrap, but I I was afraid of my husband." "What did you see when you looked In the window?'' "I sow my husband, sitting by the table still drinking. At Inst, however, he fell over, onto the couch asleep, and I went In and t wraps ani blankets, thinking to start out myself in seitrch of Mary. As I came out of thi cottage 1 saw Mr. Pollock drive up In hid motor, and, think ing he had news of my child. I ran down the walk -to him. He knew nothing of where she .was, alas, but he had heard rumors of whst had happened. While I was telling him abont It a man, one of the men who worked near our home, came up and said that Mr. Langdon had aent him to tell me that a posse of men waa searching the woods for Mary and hoped aoon to find her." "Did Mr. Pollack make any comment on this?" "Yes. He said. 'My God, she'll die out there In the cold. They rrtust be a pack HIAYDEM Li. . L116 t? DODGE BUY FLOUR NOW! The Market Is Going Higher Every Day We a (f vise our customers to buy now. We look for flour to go 15c to 20o a aark higher in a short time. We bought heavily previous to the last raise. We guarantee every sack to give perfect satisfaction. Made from the best selected No. 1 wheat. Tuesday, per 48-lb. J -I AC sask V A lO 10 lbs. best pure Granulated Sugar for $1.00 10 bars Beat-'Em-All, Diamond C or Laundry Queen, White Laun dry Soap 23c 4 pkj?9. Macaroni, Vermicelli or Spaghetti . 28c i cans Fancy Sweet Sugar Corn, Wax, String, Green or Lima Beans ,2Hc 4 large cans Golden Pumpkin, Hominy or Sauer Kraut . . . .28c 4 IC-oz. pkgs. Condensed Mince Meat 25c 4 16-or. cans Condensed Milk 28c 32-o. jar Pure Fruit Preserves for 25o 6 cans Oil or Mustard Sardines for lOo 2S-ounce jar pure Strained Honey lor 2So 4 lbs. Fancy Japan Rice .... .25c lbs. Choice Japan Kice 25c E. C. Corn Flakes, pkg. ..... ,5c The beat Soda or Oyster Crackers, per lb 7c MacLaren's Peanut Butter, per lb. .. I2H Yeust Foam, pkg 3c I cans Old Dutch Cleanser . . .25c Large bottle Worcester Sauce, pure Tomato Catsup, Pickles, as sorted kinds, prepared Mustard, or Horseradish, bottle . , , ,8c Orownell Hall Downtown Studio 61 McCague Ituilding, 15th and Dodge Sta., Omaha, Nebraska. Piano Emily Weeks Deomgoole, Sophie Nostiti-Nainiska. Violin Luella Anderson. Pupils may enter at any time. Telephone, Red 4496. . For terms, address, Brownell Hall, Omaha. (r ft AIMwo imp LI 1 - I 111 Jmh Vr . . ' - of Idiots not to have found her in this time." Then he grab'.ied tho other man hy the arm and said. T.ct In the car and show me how to rejeh the plnce where the searching party I I'll find Mary I promise you that.' "Did he offer to ta';c ou with htm?" "Yes, but 1 felt that I must stay a home In canelu casc-they brought her back, or she wsndered back of her own accord." tTo He Continued .Tomorow.) For Catarrhal Deafness and Head Noises Here In AmeWa there Is much suffer ing from catarrh and head noises. Amer ienn people would do w'U to consider the method employed bv the KnKlisn to com bat this insidious disease Flveryonn knows how dump the Knalifh climate Is and how dampness affects those suffer ing from catarrh. In Kngland they treat catarrhal deafness and head noises as a constitutional disease and "ae an Inter nal remedy for It that Is really very ef fienctous. ' Sufferers who could scarcely hear a watch tick tell how they had their hear ing restored bv this Kngllsh .treatment to such an extent that the., tick of a watch was plainly audible seven and el-' t inches fri cither ear. Therefore, if you know someone who Is troubled with catarrh, catarrhal deaf ness or head noises, cut out this formula and hand it to them and you will ha been the means of saving some poor suf ferer perhaps from total deafness. The prescription can be easily prepared St homo for. about 7" and is made as fol lows: From votir druggist obtain 1 o. of Par mint (Double Strength!, shout 7V! worth. Take this Jionie, and add to It i pliit of hot water and 4 ounces of granulated sugar: stir until dissolved. Take a table apoonful four tlniea a day. Parmint Is used In thia way not only to reduce bv tonic action tbe Inflammation and swelling In the . FUstaehian Tubes, and thus to equalise the air pressure on the drum, but to correct sny excess of secretions In the middle ear. snd the result- r g'vps T usually remarkably quick and effective. Kvery person who has catsrrh In any form should give this recipe a trial and free themselves from this destructive dis ense. Advertisement. "THE STRANGE CASE OF MARY PAGE" FOURTH EPISODE See It Tuesday and Wednesday AT THE EMPRESS DOU0LAS STREETS The best Tea Stftings, lb,..12Kc Golden Santos Coffee, lb 20c The best strictly fresh Egffa, per dozen 80o The best No. 1 Storage Eggs, per dozen .24o The best Creamery Butter, carton or bulk, lb 31c Fancy Country Creamery Butter,- ler lb. 20o Fancy Dairy Table Butter, lb. 27c 2 lbs. good Butterlne ...... . .25c The best Equal to Butter, sold for Creamery, lb 23c ltushel lioxea Fancy Jonathan, Greenings or Roman Beauty Ap ples, .$1.65 Fancy Florida Grape Fruit, each, 3-, 7H. 8sc, lOc FHESH VEGETABLES DIKECT FROM THE GROWER You don't have to pay inflated prices. We buy and sell direct to the consumer. Hayden's give the people the market price of what they are worth. 1 5 lbs. best Red River Potatoes to the peck 30o Large bunches fresh Beets, Car rots or Turnips 4c Large bunch Fresh Shallots. .8Hc Large bi.nch Fresh Radishes SHc 3 beads fresh Leaf Lettuce. . ,10c Large California Head Lettuce, per head 7Wc Fancy Florida Strawberries, quart box , 45c Fancy Mushrooms, 1-lb. box.. 35c EEESSHEESBBBsW 2rrHf;v,,n rite t'f'HflH ; il