Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 14, 1916, Page 10, Image 10

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Club Owners Flock Together at Lin
coin to Decide on Schedule for
Approaching Campaign.
fa Hourke, owner of tie Omaha club,
and Matty Ktug, playing manager, will
leave thl morning for Lincoln to attend
the echcdule meeting, which will lie held
there, starting today. Jimmy McUIII of
l'enver and Kd Hanlon of Hioux City,
blew through Omaha yesterday on their
way to the capital city.
Hanlon haa a novel Idea which he wil'
present before the moguls. I! union will
suggest that no gamea be played on Mon
daa. hot that a double-header be played
very funds y. "Union's chart ralla for
iM game Wih th aeanon to open either
April 1 or 14 and clns Beptcmher 10.
Hsnlon alao would r-dlstrlet the league.
In the past the circuit haa been divided
Into an esstern and weatern loop with
Omaha. Pea Molnea. Floux City and Pt.
Joatph In the eaelern and Lincoln, Den
ver. Topelfa and Wichita In the western.
It la Manlon'a Idea to switch the circuit
Into north and south loop. Ploux City,
Ie Meinev, Lincoln and Omaha would
he In th north' loop and St. Joseph, To
peka, Wichita and Denver In the aouth
one. ' ,
The Lincoln hotel will be made head
piatterx for the magnates. The meet
ing will probably la lit at leaat two duya.
Considerable entertainment (or the mag
tie tea haa been mapped out by Lincoln
business men. Monday noon a dinner
will he given at the Commercial club and
Monday night the baaa ball men will be
the guests of rrealdent Zehrung at the
fi'--r theater, where May Irwin will
appear. Tuesday noon the Kotary club
III take the magnate In hand and give
them a M( blow-out at the Lincoln hotel.
. Joe Rogers, largest wreatler In captivity
and the gent who tussle with Joe Blecher
at Cotmell Bluff Tuesday night, la ex
pected to arrive In Omaha today. Hogera
will do his last training for the go here
A eiltht I never rp" " to : A vacant
room In the Omaha Old Howlers' home.
Imni-lately efir th city tournament
there were sexeial appltisni fur entry
In tills well known Institution.
According to the handlcsD theorv the
A. p. Sc-t fhopa of the Women'a leajrue
snnino re cite champion bowling team.
I hev otcatrd the (Imlow Colta, present
ins ni pinna, hi special na nil leap match.
Fit ot til pnmeeaca hlah isora for" the
: 'hainnnt In the linn t'lty league. That
s high a. ore rolled hy Heavy-" IUni.en all
mil .omit i he will he una hie to roll
enough game to be eligible for the prise
list. ti. hrve a little xr!t-menl Flit
end Hoher trimmed up Mtt'ube and
Younger on the Mttrorolltan al'eg in a
Ihifiame wIi k Thin dev rioth
dl the aUtve nnlrs are oin to argu-ii-r.t
v ith an ot.ier tvo-tien tennis,
There are several good women howlera
in the city who are not bowling with any
iraaniited t am. Miss Hease itilrrsv hsa
en knocking down ecorea of the IM
arlitv. end would be a good addition
to aome of the- weaker trama that need
strengthen njr. t
, Jedlit-ka the Hralnard, Neb., atar. and
ide Cochran the local Ptori and Clara
Jie:ie rollnr, will pair up In a doubles
niau-h with Hammond and Miildaugh the
t ! Ifliliinl aharVH .' .nn. . -
A to6 mii-m of tismr. yrHi probably be
led In hoth Omaha ami 1' f...
a ll-w puree. The date and dctaiia hava
lift bei'n arranged.
"Kep" 8cipls sr out two pair of
shr.-e last week, waiklnv U-te.n trie
fainarn nlleye-nrd a bowling simply
house. After purchasing eome thic ni
fT belle and loin them out. he wivs
'ill liUKntisiicd and had to send to ( ti .
csgo for one. He la I'Mk hi ell kinds of
predl-tlona as to how the pina will
l-imhle h-n he re'-ela his mm irt pill.
The I'orey-M' Kenste team rollers In the
Hostrr leeaue hse a clissv t of avrr-
. Thclstflve slurs Ziaimrinsn,
with in avetave ef f ; A. Ilnsria, .'.;
y.arp, J2: Hoherty. IM. en t tllamt, l
The lead ng Clare , llelle llu'up presen s
even a lctir exaiil or s. well t.. Iimd
("sirs. Neale Is airieslu ).:. M r In.
I"' i Jmn. t'nrhisii, I . end t.'in
Jjya the baggage position h is..
Preaidrnt Oatea of the Nehraaka
lf.1 sx Istlon, will rail a meeting of the
cffiirrs and line. tuts, to ) held on K'el
ruary . m Omaha. Kevetwl bialeta from
out in the slat Will t here on tlt date
s'tenune the HuiUniiton tnurnsnirnt and
i't-iUrtii tist-a w iU giwU the opportunity
of homing e nift-tiug hm most of theta
sre here. The Unwiln fi.inls are anxi
ous to acquaint tlicsislt btiis with
tne k'lii in to tie used in (lie coining sistr
met t Mint also K-teive slub -siioii from
tnn oJUl to their tuurnaiuvnt uiasi.Us
lion. ...
The I li ni h pt in han llcip tournament,
el. i h iMtiua IVbruait lit sod lasts i.n
1.s tn tii Huntlluitnii llys. will give
all the eeund and third rale t" l.r, ln
l.aoic they hie been aceMna. Ttuie haa
I'" o cm. u.' e demand ' r a l uiullcap af
tnlr rid id hsa ateptx-d ok.t :o satisfy
I'.i ti innint It le no i,p to nil Ihoso
w !u r la IkIiis; h jr.i'lcap to ahuw ttiat
they ir,i n il by rntem g lad'a big event.
f0Tmt- MORft.O MEN f umt- 5ET- -I Lli CAR IWONT TAKf A : ' ' f '. 'VV. r WHETHER TOO 5
I j ANOCtvE. HE A 1- - A!LJP 3 WT TO Cl
Art i''1i svn. the preset. t holder of tlu
city I r i . 1 : v ) 1 . 1 1 rt stojiiniis. I title, waa so
far oil in 1 tint of n.e rest of the to a
tia Miri'iiy di'ln t have to ehe-k the
titf-ir. Aiol.luLs anke ehanipian 44
l--r i.onaioii a .ond rater nj
vio.iU iciiihe a hsnriirip p a tourna
i.Mi.l if 0v.isies of ha'.dsp tour
riaoetiti iiail i-ieir ia. Anliow Art
tnioks 'e ia 'n gd aa any how ler In
toais s.. I'sa auas l-"i lililu
r i-r liteMs on an baa s I o
trier ii-n iuu artisis. Me certaluW lieni
fiifiik'i'.l mat e oui. t liae to r-.-a as
a -t ais-u.f- to aaik aarav ttt1?! tne
r...niis in a tUi iittM'ot siiiria oul' pu.e
(.nines Safe lOileO UIO ail Nl) to Ue
.-m I ' a inner.
Peters-Eklund Go
Is Postponed Until
About March Fifth
The wrestling match between Charley
Tetera and Clarence Fklund. which waa
originally acheduled for Saturday nliht at
the Auditorium, haa been postponed Until
about Match S. Kklund la now In Texaa
and finda It will be dlftetilt for him to
come north thin week., lie aakd for a
poatponement, which waa granted, and
the match will he held In Omaha about
March R. .
South Side Stars
Barred from Game
Htudents of South High g'iiool are feel.
Ins considerably peeved Juat now. To be
compelled to etand by and aee their own
team needleaely defeated by Beatrice lal
Rattirday night when the key to victory
ftood hopeleaaly atit on the aidcllnea la
almnat too much for them.
Kalph lach. atar of the Bouth Hide
team at the atate tournament Inat year
and the player who boxed more ecorea
than any other alnple toaaer In the entire
four daya of the tournament, la Ixlng
barred fiom the play even though he la
a niemlier of the atudent body. The
charga of Ineligibility 'w preferred
againat the atar guard.
Iat Tueaday Leach and Korhmaker re
turned to the high achool after aemea-
ter of atndy at the Omaha university,
where (hey aludled acalnmlo auhjecta,
clearly comprlnlng a "prep" course. While
at the unlveratty, although Ineligible, they
participated In athletlca and made veteran
poeltlona en both the basket ball and foot
ball teama.
When the two young men returned to
high school Tueaday to enter the Junior
clnea. taking flrat half third year ctudlea,
their high achool cotireo being only half
completed, they were told that aoeordlng
to a rule of the Plate lllKh Behoof Ath
letlo aaaoclatlon they could not partici
pate In high achool athletlca without a
majority ruling- of the board of control
of the association overruling the aectlon
f the conatlttttlon that ao Implied their
Ineligibility. Hence, even though no out
aide objection had been raled, they were
barred from ratililratln In contceta with
ether teama of the atate.
Taul Romanoff of Omaha hue been
ntatched to- wrestle Bar I Caridock, the
sensational HawUeye grappler, at Water
loo., la.. Friday ntuht. rtomanoff la a
rei ant arrival In Onaha. having come
from Europe, where he won a aoore of
Oraeco-rioman tournamenta. While the
Omaha man la beat at the.Uraeco-Roman
game, he la a pretty Veen graprler at
ratch-aa-catch-can and la expected to
give Caddock a merry go.
Harley Davidson, world'a champion at
roller a Waling, will 'tart a week of eshlhl
turns at the muny Auditorium tontght.
Davtdaon will take on all corner at speed
racee and will give exhlhUlnna of trick
and aerobe Ho akatlng each night.
Ihtvldann won the roller akatlng cham
pionship at London In 18 and la posaea
aor of a diamond -atudded wheel valued
at 11..
Play In the atate billiard tournament
will he resjmed at the Bvmea billiard
parlors tonliht, when Albert Calm and
Atthur Stursea rroaa euea. This week wl
Iw the last lap of the tourney with Ih
eireptlnn of the final game between Cahn
and Hatrv Svmea on Monday night of
next . week. Tahn and 8ymea are now
leading the event, both having won three
gtttnra without a defeat.
. MtsMtesi Ulas f rttsa Harvard.
MIXnKN-. Neb.. Feh. 11-(8necial.W
Mlnden won (mm Harvard a basket ball
ranu- tn one of the hardest foutrht bat
tles of the araeon. The contest throuah-
out waa verv close, running peck to neck
until I Hue waa railed when both teama
stood 84 to r. Hid more minutes were
stven and Mlnden threw a ball Into one
basket, makintf the score M to 24. Car
man. Minden a star player, made ten
taakete and three field throwa. Nelson
i'htit ute. made tvs baskets. Kearney
wiii pisy eiiuaen neie renruary u.
Vtrlorlea (er ( ref laa Teaaaa.
CROFTftX. Neb.. Feh. tKpeclal.V
In a double header at the Crofton opera
house Friday evening the Crofton High
school team won from the Hlooinfleld
IMnh si hool lam. "S to 14. and the Crof
ton town team won from the Bancroft
team. 1 te i. hoth Crofton teama showed
eacvllenl team work and clea-rlv out
rlaaaed their opponenta at every stage of
the gsmu.
Falraaeat Beala llavrlax-k.
FAIRMONT. Nab.. Feb. 11 -iMperlalW
Fairmont defeated the fast Havelo k fle
on t ue noui rioor by a ecor of it to la
The gam waa fast, but rather rouak. C.
Moul waa the chief perform. u,r Hi
I'auntool ft. making fu ile'4 coaia.
f'fjr t:i v atois -inith ass th point
setter. Fairmont haa won twele out of
t-fieen game.
larksaa) Defeat Hewella.
ti.tRKSO.V, Neh.. Feb. M.-Spclal.
I'laikaon Huh achool baiket ball team
delaated the Hoaell Hin achiMil team
i.ere Friday nivht. .V Jo
Copyright, W(S,
Hard to Figure the Leaden from
Comparative Scores of Garnet
"Dope" la an Impossible product these
daya In figuring out the atate basket hall
proposition from a baslg of comparative
scores. Had not the writer witnessed the
majority of the leader In the atate In
ctlon In deciding games, there would be
no dope to write. For exampje. Cen
tral High achool trims Lincoln by a
decisive acore; Lincoln defeata Beatrice
easily while the latter later in the season
Invades Omaha minus two of their 'reg
ular men and holda Mulligan' crew to
tie acore. Or take it hla way: Houth
."Ida High defeat Unlveratty Place by a.
decisive acore; Central High barely come
away from thia defeated bur with a
victory while the game team win a
game from Lincoln easily; Orcenetreeta
men wallop Reatrlce and the latter team
cornea to th Couth Side and takea a
hard-fought game. Some dope?
The last week haa been a alow one in
comparison to the week before. What
few game played, however, allowed an
advantage here and there. Following a
defeat by' Central City two week ago,
Columbu Invaded the latter place last
week and In-a fast game defeated tl t
eCntral team easily by a score of to
L Thl give Columbu a clear field" in
me euproundlng territory, although It
record la marred by a single defeat. It
ha registered victorle over Fullerton.
Fremont and Newman Grove, all strong
quintet of that territory. Its teat will
tome In nectln wllh Beatrice which Is
on the schedule.
Belleva ftaeere Mpeeal.
Bellovua college opened an eye or two
hy defeating Craig High school, a tron
Quintet that ha boasted of a clean
tec old, by-the overwhelming; too re of 40
to 11 last week. The coll flva haa
been- bealan by Centra! High by a de
cisive score which should record the
Craig bunch a second division candidates
in the atate competition. Wilbur defeated
Friend nicely on their own floor Friday
evening by a score of M to 19. Osceola
won a hard-fought jrame front fetrorits
Inirg, twenty miles distant, by a score of
Id 10 la. North Bend essllv rtafe.i.
Hooper In a snappy game by a score of
1 to n. while Lyons and Bancroft played
lo a near tie, the score being Jl to 31 In
favor of the former at the close of the
game, ah or the victor are stron
candidates for auperlority In the minor
division of the stete tourney.
Central High la the the only flrat class
team that leads the state at present with
a iii-nn ricoro. ir aiuuigana Ctew can
defeat Lincoln a aecond time on the
Capital City floor, the team bid fair to
enter the atate tournament with a clean
record. South lllgli'a defeat by Beatrice
means lliVe . or nothing to the tru
strength of the gquad. The team waa
practically hot to piece Saturday night.
Nixon being forced from the play by hi
Injured limb and lack of practice.
Arthurton, stellar substitute center, quit
the team the night before leaving. Pat-
ton hclplce sto fill Nixon's place. v
;amea for This Week.
The coming week will find Hebron with
an opportunity ti prove Its eligibility t
tne Hist division of the toumey. Coach
Janda a man lll meet Ooneva Friday
evening of thia week, if Hebron wins the
lame their entrance to tha flrat dlvtekai
will be hard to queatlon In view of th
long list of victories they have left be
hind them. Ptinc'pal gamea of the week
Alliance, 14; Kimball. 11
t entrai Mich. U: t nlveraitv Place. II,
neainre. i.: routn eiile MlaTh. II.
I'olumbua. 35; Central t'lty. II.
Ceothenberg, 41;. Maxwell. IS.
t'sieola, 18, r-'trruKsburg, U
North fend, it; Hooper, St. "
Fremont. 54 - ('nninwn e High. It.
Wilbur. 31: Friend. I
Mellevio, collet, 40; fralir, II.
Beatrice, ; Nebraska Cltv. l:i
Oateola, XI; Nebraska Aggies, It
Displaying unusual form, the tft. Mary's
Congregationala defeated the Bouth Side
Presbyterian last evening at the "Y,"
24 to L .Th lineup:
Presbyterian. I Congregationala.
Rratton R.F.iL.F.
oswoid ; l.f. r.f.
Burke C. C ttatee
ntmot ft ten I. II lake
wen u.u. Harper
Hubatltutea: Yeoman for Iak. Brig
ham for Harper. Field goala: Oawoid
Dlmork, Well. Ih-ummond 14). Ixinsaeil
I. Gate ti Leak (ti. Foul goaia:
tiura (l. Feuia committed: Praby
teriana. 4; Congrvgatkmala. J. Rater
Maxwell. Time of halves, twenty min
ute. ...
., ..
r Sweaters far Osistr
Manager Gartner of the Townaemt (lun
coiuuauy hsa outfitted th tau Toaii
aend teama with new sweaters. Huh
tea uia aie ahoaina up strong thia sea -aon.
In th Trl-Cily league, tlia fust
Kim i In aocund plac. haing loat
but on game this season, fu Toan
end Tseis ar also going strong in
th Comr.ierWal league, at pieaeul being
in Itiiiu plac.
International New ServW-e. All Rlghti
Mulligan' Central , High Reterrei
Finally Win, Fifteen to
It took Coach Mulligan's Central High
School Reaervrs five minutes of extra
time to down the Townaend Tigers last
evening In a Commercial league fray al
the Young Men'a Christian association.
The final count was 15 for the students
and 13 for the Tiger.
Not for some time waa a more stub
born contest pulled off In the Commer
cial loup. Both team played a strong
guarding game, which put a disadvantage
on teamwork. At the close of the firai
half, the Tlrera had the edge of the
argument, leading by a i to 4 count.
The aecond period proved a whirlwind
affair and culminated In a 11 to 11 tie.
Oelaler, right forward for the students.
proved the hero of the battle. Geleler
tied the count a few minute before
the close of the aecond half, and In the
extra five minute of play flipped the
basket that decided the game. In all,
Oelaler secured eight of the fifteen points
garnered by his side.
Ruaaum at left guard played in usual
form for the Tigers. Althoftgh falling
to star In basket shooting, 'his close
guarding played an Important part Ih
holding down the speedy high schoolers.
The lineup:
Rnrxard R.F.IUF Powell
Moekovltg L.F.II.F. Oelaler
IX'nt CIO Yardlev
Mscfarland ....B.O.I L.O Crowley
Ruaaum L.Q.I R.O Reese
Substitute: Vnderwood for Reese. Fiti4
goala: Buasard. Moakovlta. Dent. Mao-
farland (. Glsler (4). Powell. Foul
goala: JlOacfarland, Crowley 5. Foula
committed: Tigers, 1; Heeervea, 8. Ref.
eree. Maxwell. Time of halves. min
ute. ,,
Nebraska Defeats
Aggies in Thrilling
Game at Lincoln
LINCOLN, Feb. ll-(8peclai Telegram.)
Nebraska and the Kan Aggie staged
another thrilling baakat ball gam to
night, the Huskers again nosing out In
front with the narrow margin of but one
point. Th score stood V to 2i for the
Huskers, after the Aggies had thrown
away a chance In the laat ten seconds of
play to tie the score.
The laat fifteen minute waa ao tens
the BOO apectatora were on their feet
moat of the time.
,Tit Aggies jumped out In the lead at
the close of the first half. 14 to 11. but
Nebraska started strong in the second
half and spurted four points to the good,
Captain Adama of Kansas then tried his
hand and shot two basket, tleing th
core. Leonard, the Kansas center,
fouled, and with nine free throwa to hi
credit. Thelsen again tossed one qur?
In th basket.
With less than a minute to play, Oardl
ner louie.a a vauas man, and .tuaTia
took hla turn, but the howiiug crowd waa
toe much and the ball sailed three feet
Juniors Win South
High Floor Honors
Julora of tho South High w n the class
championship of the school laat evening
by defeating tha freshman squad in the
preliminary game to the South Hlgh
Boatrlr game ly a acore of 1 to 11. The
game wa fast and exciting and witnessed
by a large crowd. Tha lineup:
Qtilnn R.F.I L.F Hredy
Orchard L.F.I R.F. Hamilton
MVmroe C. C HeiCereen
Walsh I,.n Morris
Korbmaker L.O.I K G .. Batker
HHibettttrt:' 4'hriatensf.n -for Walali
Vols for Hedareeu. Hoiaena for Uradv
Meld aoals: vJuinn. : ttrclisul i: Monroe,
': Hamilton. 1: Vola. h"r' throws: Or
chard. I; Monro. Barker. 4. Foula: Fresh
men.. 7. Junl . it. Score ttret half: .lun
MX: Fieai'meo. 4. Roforee: lUlm
Timer: Patinn. a. ores: Xerhe. Ttrtia ef
halves: Twenty minutes.
IOWA CITT. la.. Feb, 11 (Special Ti
egram.) For the serend lime this yea
Iowa demonstrated superiority over Chi
cago by a margin of one point when the
two teama battled tonight to a acore o
1 to la in on of the tougheat games ever
played on the armory floor. Aa ah
the tao teama plad In Chicago th
acore waa tied at th end of th first
half, this time at T to 7, Play was stopped
Ir. the second half to caution the II
es, who were fighting n uphill game,
against roughness.
ST- . JOWH. M.Fab. IS.-HrrUl
Telegram.) Tom Olbbon and V'c Hatiren
hvve been match.! for appearance here
bet mr err March"! an) 14 a lieadllncr of
the opening rgru pf th new St Fianols
ACile'lc tlub. Harun defeated IH k Ull
herl laat aeek and fl.-hta Jack lillon
Monday at M-iiiijIus. The buut her will
le for taelve rounja al tho Auditorium
whloh seat 4 last. The winaer wli be
matchfd aga nal Yiung Ahern befoie the
aatne vlub.
Drawn for The Bee by George McManus
two omaha hen
- upjn Singles
Otherwise Local Men Do Not Shine
Very Brightly in Mill Cjty
. Tourney.
MINNEAPOLIS. Feb. 13. (Special Tel
egram.) Omaha bowlera did not shine
ery brightly in the five-man event at
the International Bowling association
tournament here tonic ht, but at least
some of them are sure of money in the
In the team event the Pete Lochs of
Omaha rolled 2.4S3 for three gamea.
Thia, will not even get them Into the
A. Wartchow rolleJ into third place in
the singles when he totalled 609. C. Kean
rolled Into fifth plac with a total of 59S
for three games. F. Balser totalled 561,
but that Is also outside of the money.
The single scores:
1st. Id.
Sd. Tot.
wartohow " M 'J0
Kean 2H 210 17
lialxer 212 IM H7
W. Ootf 171 111 1"iS
. Weeks.. 2M 143 1M
... Tesl 210 1H2 Ki7
I.eadVrs In Ones aad Two.
Leaders In the singles and doubles were:
. Iorlnser. Aberdeen. 8. D..
. Wartchow. Omaha
D. Guatafaon. fit. Paul
W. Kites, Minneapolis ,
C. Kean, Omaha...., ,
R. Hedin. Hastings. Minn
R Huntsman 8t. Paul
iHiun AS-
Mitchell and Suat-ex. Wlnnlnca.. ' f.144
Thomas snd Cook, St. Paul 1.13
tieman and Warr. Bt. Faul 1.12il
Knderlln and Rnlowff, fit. Paul 1,110
Luckman and Oohrman. St. Paul 1,10
C'blratT) Teams Lead.
Chicago teams jumped Into the lead of
the five-man event tonight, the following
team leading:
Joee Qomex, Chicago.. ' J.gTO
Flennera, Chicago J.S2S
O'Learye, Chicago 2.'tV2
Chalmera, Chicao 2.717
Matak. St. Paul. 2.638
Grover Alexander Is
Among First in South
HOT SPRING. Ark.. Feb. 13.-The van
guard of the major league baae ball
playora who will ' get Into condition here
to begin training for the li aeason, ar
rived here today in the persons of Grover
Cleveland Alexander, . the Philadelphia
Nationals' pitcher; Carl Maya of the Bos
ton Americans' twirling staff, and Clyde
Milan, the Washing-ton Americans' out
fielder. Walter, Johnson. Washington
pitcher, is expected next week.
Alexander will remain her until the
first week In March, when he will join
his . teammates in Kt. Petersburg. Fla.,
wlictc they will train. II declared h
aJ$5y is in fine condition.
George Chip Knocks
Out Frank Notter
tiEW TORK. Feb. 13. Oeorge Chip of
New Catl. P., former middleweight
champion, knocked out Frank Notter of
New York In the fourth round of a ten-
round match In Rrooklyn tonight. Chip
weighed VA pounds tin) Notter 144.
Joe Chip, brother the former cham
pion, outfought "Kid" Alberta of Kliaa-
beth. N. J., in a ten-round match in
Brooklyn. He knocked hi opponent
down three timea. Chip weighed 153
pound and Albert lwt.
south sideIaptIsts
overpower christians
At he 1'niversity of Oi.valia the South
"Ada Baptists tcoU the First Chriatiana
lit tow. .23. to SI.-. Snar py' pavainc and
good ti-amwork mad.' the same close
throughout. Hill auiuxed six fhid
goals for Jh -i'a pt lt a. Foy .was The
sie lar operator for the Chriat'anr with
five. - The lineup:
nAPrtST!. ' CMRHTJAV'fl.
Johnson R F.l L.F K!per
Hall L.F.I R.F llobson
Keaaler C 'orlia
Vil'er IKi.'l.n Sutton
Uraiai L.O.' U.O Io
- Field gca'e: Jnhnpr-n. 4; Hull. 0; Orovea.
S: llobson. 2: KI'Per. i; t'crllvs. Kov. i
Kil gua'a: Johns' 'il. 5: Miller. Ilobann.
Koula commuted: Haptlsts. i: Chr'stiana.
I Kerens-: - llngi e. Time of halves:
Ten.- nitnules.
When all
Want Ad.
other wave fall, try a 1W
n H ! II I IIU j 7
Magic City Quintet Drops Fast Floor
Fray to Downstate Team,
Sixteen to Eleven. ......
Reatrlce. 16; South High. 11.
Five points separated South High from
victory Isst evening st the close of tha
game with Beatrice. Coach Jones tall
youths from downstate covered the floor
with wonderfttl speed and nourishing an
early lead played the Packers to a stand
still in the last half, winning the game
by a score of 1 to 11. .
Probably because Captain Nixon, star
renter and captain of the Bouth High
team, was compelled to leave the game
early In the second half because of an
Injured knee, the game waa lost for the
local team. The South High students
played lings around their opponents in
almost every department or the game,
but were forced to swallow their pride
nd accept a beating when victory seemed
within reach.
The line up:
Cosford R.F.I '..F Orahani
Smith ;...I.F.'R.F fo.r
Ward C.!! Nixon
Rurroua-h R.O.I L.O Shainholtz
fchelleniuirKer .L.O I R.O.. Hott
Substitutes: Shainholts for Nixon, Corr
for rtlislnholtx, Wilson for Corr. Field
Poala: Cosford. Smith t'J. ward, stiailen
arner (3). Corr 2, Oiaham. Shainholts.
Free t'.irows: Smith Want. Nixon 2i,
3hBlnholtr. Fouls: South High. 8; Bea
trice, 7. Score, first half: ; Beatrice. 11:
South HUh, 7. Rererce: or'e Meyers,
Oman. Timers and scorers: .lono,
lies trice, and l'atton, South Omaha. Time
of halves: 20 mlnuto. .
Dubuque College
Losfes to Wesleyan
rUBUQi:R, la.. Feb. 13. (Special Tele
gram.) Dubuque college lost to Nebraska
Wesleyan college tonight at basket ball,
20 to 19.
CRETE, Neb.. Feb. 13.-Spclal Tela
gram.) An all-star aggregation of Crete
and York players defeated the San Fran
cleoo Native Bona basket ball team here
tonight. 33 to II. This is the fifty-third
straight, game which this team has played
on their trip and they showed good form.
The locals forged ahead right at flrat by
excellent basket shooting and perfect
teamwork, but th last half the visitor
ahot goal at will.
Kesler, the San Frsncisco lanky center.
shot six difficult basketa. while Schlssler,
Doane coach, caged nine. Schlssler and
Glen starred for the locals, while Captain
Bldwell and Kesler starred for the vis
Itors. Referee. Spencer. Cody High
school; timekeeper, King; scorer, Tyler,
;ts First Irle.
CmC.'GO. Fib. IX-Raa-nar Civitvedt of
Chicago today wa awarded first prixe in
the professional division of . th annual
ski tournament of the Nnrge 8M club of
Chicago at Gary. 111. Cmtvedt acored 15
points. Henrr "nil of ev.ettrr.bott RpilvtRS.
Colo., waa aecond With ?SH pouita. Can
Hall, slso of meamboet kprlnss, made IM.
tastos IIIstbi Victor.
STANTON. Neb., Feh. IS. (Special.)
Stanton High achool defeated Weat Point
High school at basket ball Friday evening
by the acore of 47 to 21.
Read Th Bee Want A4. It paysl -
J 4 fcl I ll VJ
l 1 y ' I ;l
m ft
Cnteral Distributor Omaha. Nebraska
ssm ftse 0-, mm
Melady Bros.' Ball
Team Will Have Its .
Own Home Grounds
Oene Melady yesterday practically com
pleted anangeinenta to Jease a large plot
of ground Twenty-fourth and Hick
ory streets,' where he will put In a base
ball diamond which will be the home
grounds of the Melady Bros.' ball team.
The team will apply for membership in
the Greater Omaha league, Omaha's big
Class A league, at the meetlm,' Thursday
Jlin and Bud Melady, two member of
the championship Luxua crew of 116, will
compose tho nucleus for the Melady team.
They will get a competent manager and
will start signing players Immediately. A
few athlete. Including, it is said, several
of the Luxus, have already been signed.
(Correspondence of the Associated Press.)
SYDNEY. Australia. Feb. 8. The M.OOO
Russian residents in Australia have been
notified through consular cl nnnel that
all men anions them of military agu nu;st
take part in the r. They are given
tho option of either joining the armiea In
Russia or enlisting in the Australian ex
peditionary forces. The Russians tn Aus
tralia are nearly all of the working class,
largely employed as minors. The Russian
consul here said. In explaining the call to
the colors, that the regulations of thaU
country make obedience to military conii-.
manda Imperative and tha shirkers ar
regarded as desertei and are subject t
martial law.. .:
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