6 X TIER OMAIIA SUNDAY BEE: FEBRUARY 13, 1916. 1 i i s v i ! ! S! ! i ) f i ! I! FOUR FIGHT WITH PISTOLS AND KNIVES Charge of Swindling Back of Myi terioTu and Bloody Battle in St. Louis Hotel. ALL TELL DIFFERENT STORIES KT. LOUIS. Feb. 12. An affida vit found In Dr. Charles W. Ken nedy's pocket this morning ex plained the cause of the fight with pistol, knives and dental Instru ments In a room in a local hotel last n'ght In which Dr. Kennerly of Cranlte City, 111.; Dr. A. F. Johnson. St Louis; Walter A. Dlefenbach. San Antonio, and Charles Lody, St. Lou.f. were Injured. Johnson and Kcnncrly were former college class iiiateE. former business partners and are lodge brothers. In the affidavit, copies of which have been sent to high Masonic offi ces here. Dr. Kennerly accused Johnson of failure to pay a It. 500 debt and of withholding other funds anlch Dr. Kennerly claimed were due Mm. The affidavit asked that Dr. Johnson be expelled from the Masonic order because of the allege wronts to Dr. Kennerly. Hr. John Vrrnr- Death. This mornhie Dr. Johnson i near drain at the city hospital, his face end body terribly slashed nl a wound through hips and the rroln marts hy a single stel Jacketed bullrt. Dr. Ken nerly, sleo .ut about the face snd arms, was a prtwner t the honpltsl. a police chare against him awaiting ths outcome of Johnson's Injuria The two other par ticipants In the flht also were prison ers today. Dlefenbach St the hospital with ereat -ah In tils throat', and Lndy at Police headquarters. Stories An t oaf llcln. HlBhly confllctlna stories were told by Kennerly, lody snd Dlefenbach. Ken nerly aald he "Just happened to be In Dlefenbat-h's room," when Ixdy and Dr. Johnson entered, the latter with a pistol In one hand and a knife In the other. K& nerly said ha earn to Et Louie to collect the money ha clatma frc:u Johnson, but dented he used a rsvolver or that he fought except in seU-defsnae. ldy a!d that as assistant to Dr. John son he accompanied the latter to Dtefon bachs room on a professional call. Ijlef enhaoh according to Lody, had po'ted as "Mr. Arnold." and had requested Dr. Johnson to perform dental work for "Mrs. Arnold" In their room. Aa he and Dr. Johnson stepped Into the room. Lody ald Dlefenbach attacked Udy and Dr. Kennerly attacked Dr. Jo'inem. Dautmr Repreeeata Patient. on the bed two pillows and a sheet wrre crudely molded Into the form of the woman" Dr. Johnson waa to treat. Lody e.i rilued rutting Dr. Kennerly and Dlef enbach, but aald he did It only to save tin own life and that of hla employer. I r. Johnson. Ptcfrnbarh admitted registering aa "Mr. m l Mrs. D. M. Arnold, of Mobile. Ala." I!- said Dr. Kennerly had arranged the dummy, on Uie bed and promised to "tell c try thins" later In the day. Closo Questions Of Soldiers' Wills Arising in, Courts (forrenpondtmoe of th Associated frees.) MERLIN. Feb. 8. Questions of the val lillty of soldiers' wills. Bcncrally made In the fluid and often In the form of Jnttera home, have -lven the civil courts some hard nuts to crack. If more than one ciire the perfectly patent Intention of the dvlaor has had to be Ipnored because he did not know how to draw up a binding document. Two such caaea have Just been passed upon and the verdlcta have been opposed to each other through nheer accident. The flmt Is that of a soldier who wrote from the trenches of Prance to his fiancee t riling her that U he anould fall he anted her to have one-half of his projv Hy. He aent a second letter to her parents which he slimed "Tour Son Frits." The first was aurned "Tour True Frits." By accident, rather than by design, ha wrote out In one of the letters hts full came and addraaa to Indicate how letters to 'him should be made out. The oourt held that thte accidental Insertion of the full name legally eatabllshed the Identity ef the testator, as hla signature did not. and therefore upheld the validity of the letter-wllL A similar case went the other way ba cauae tb letter . was signed only by a Christian name. A mother sued In be half of bar daughter for half of a fallen soldlors estate, on the baste of a letter signed only "Helnrtoh" and not dated from any definite place. Though there seemed to be no moral doubt ef lleln rlrh's Intentions, the court ruled against bla flaaoee. Tar and Feathers For Unionist Who Opposes Recruiting TV'i renpondence of ths Assoclsted Frees.) MKLBOl'RSK. AuatraUa. Feb. l.-A motlun recently passed by the Melbourne Tiadca Halt council directing unlonlata Ignore the recruiting cards which the f-d. ial government haa mailed to every man of military age. resulted in the tsr-mid-feathering by returned soldiers of the man who Introduced the motion. ' A number of labor bodies In the com monwealth have ahown hostility to the overnmrnt's scheme for creating the ii w army, oa the ground that It la vir tually conscription, but the most pro niunc4 action thus far taken waa that bv the Melbourne Tradee Mall council. A few daa afterward Premier Hughes, j who la himself a unionist, appeared at a I nift-tins of the council while It waa fur- ' titer diacuealng the recruiting tarda. He coke to the delegatea In ptala terma upon their duties aa cltUena and as Brit tab. aubjecte. denounced the council for lta course aad advlaed It te rescind the motloa. aa soon aa possible. He waa met, however, by the point that roplea of the circular containing the mo tion had already been eeot te the various unions and that as the council would not meet arta until after the holidays about 1 a n.un'h must rlapee before a motion to rii,d, of wbitii due notice mtt be given, could be dUcuseed. It waa there detUmi to defer action for a month. :. hlle fort) or fifty soldiers eo- Ur4 tie efaoe of Fredertofe Kata, GIRL STARTS FUND TO BUILD U. S. BATTLESHIP More than $00, including $1 from former President Roosevelt, has been contributed to the fund started by Miss Marjorie Sterrett, a 13-year-old school girl, to build a new U. S. battle ship, to be called the America. i at Vvv ' - rv ' 4 J.;-.vaV.- ' yfcrifliaiaiimi.. Ku.f I tary of the clerks' union, who had intro duced the motion . directed against the reruitlni cards, snd pl Iceted the tele phones. They had with them a can of tar and a quantity of feathers, and when they had tarred and feathered Kats bun dled him Into the atreet. A woman who waa In the orflce and waa mistaken for Mrs. Ksts wss also tarred. Must Raise Price Of Sugar Beets (Correspondence! of the Associated Press.) BERLIN, Feb. I. An Increase In the maximum wholesale price of augar beets from 34 pfennigs per hundredweight to l.M or even 1.14 la fld be necessary If production til to 'ia eficouiaeed auffl. clently to Insure a normal crop In 191. Representatives of the sugar Induatry, and of agriculture In general, gathered recently In the ministry of the Interior to discuss the sugar beet problem.. Ac cording to the best obtainable estimates, the tint augar production from the beet crop will total only 30,noo,ono hundred weight, . aa against a normal production of from M.090.000 to 86.000,000 hundred weight, i , The reason for the decreased produc tion lies primarily In the high price of STYLE F. $7S. it Come to our store and ask to hear this dainty little cabinet model of the "world's greatest phonograph." It possesses all the wonderful "Vocalion" features Great depth, richness and "carrying quality" of ton Unapproached ability to reproduce the most delicate tone-tints in their natural shades Other models from $35. Small monthly payments Schmoller & Mueller Piano Corai an lill-.Kl 1'amani Htreri, Omaha, Neb. r'clMive itetail and Win .Wale ltt&trtbntora for Xebraaka, Weateru Iowa Mill Kotith Dakota. tprrtfkt, Tk Mee Oi i, aa 1 BSjajaajBj. are-J I I prs. at trs-9 3 1 J 1 ll grain. Farmers find It more profitable to plant their farms to wheat than to boot a because the wheat brings them higher prices. Therefore, If the beets are to be grown again, the price of them must be Increased. Many of the sugar representatlvea pleaded for a maximum price at 1.S0 marka or even 2 marks per hundredweight. It was pointed out that the cost of labor haa greatly Increased and that many other fixed charges that enter Into the production of augar from feeeta have gone up. The majority p(' those present at the meeting, however, agreed that a maximum price of 1 50 marka waa sufficient to Induce increased planting of augar beeta, to . a point whereby about 40,000,000 hundredweight would be raised In all probability. This taew price, it Is proposed, will become ef fective September 1, 1911, or before the crop la harvested. The 40,000,000 hundred Weight, it Is believed, will be amply suf ficient for all of Germany's needs. The proposed lacrosse In the price of sugar beeta wlU cause a corresponding In creaae In the prloe of raw augar. It now Is controlled by a m.:.lnr,um price of 12 marka- per hundredwt'g.uV and wilt go up to at least IS marka Far Releasee llooaer. , Ths Fargo club of the Northern league haa released Kddle Hooper to enable him to elga a manager of the Ciiamberaburg olub of the lllue Kldge league. MiTiil'WMlia' lananadnni liiii OBJECT TO DRINKING RULES Efulationg in London Cause Many Protests, bnt Have Little Ef fect on Liquor Traffic. VERT WET COMPARED WITH IT. 8. (Correspondence of the Aaeodated Preaa.) LONDON. Deo. 10-The new drink reg ulations making It unlawful te buy or aell any Intoxicant at any lloenaed premise or In clubs except between the hours of noon and l:M and ( JO and In the evening and on Sundays between the hours of 1 and I and between and , have led to an outburst of criticism. From an American point of view the drinking habtta of an claaaee are strik ingly general here: Indeed, one of the leadera of the British cabinet told an Associated Preaa representative thla week that the consumption of alcohollo bever ages here Is more than double what It la in the United Statea and that the efforts to reduce the drinking by shortening the hours of sals In munition eentera have as yet reaulted In a reduction of leea than 15 per cent In the amount ecnaumed In there areas. Rut there haa been a dlrau nltlon In the number both of arrests and prosecution for drunkenness, time-keeping sheets In the factories reveal a alight Improvement, crews of ahlpa are more sober and the transportation of supplies la attended with lea delay. . "Seventy Women Enter One Publlo Houae In Fifteen Minute" la the tltte of an article that haa attracted wide at tention aa calling notice to the general drinking among lower olaas woman In London. It waa written by Rev. T. H. Gllllngham, "the cricketer-parson," who says he counted that number of women go Into a saloon In a quarter of an hour In one of the poorer eectlona of London. He adds: "I don't suppose It continues all day at this rate, but from many Inquliiea I learn that during morning and afternoon large numbera of women paaa their time In theee placea, and one man who la an alderman In a well known dlatrict told me he had never aeen so much drinking In thirty year aa since the war began." Women Drlaklagr More. The reaaon given for thla increaee la the amount of money that the war baa brought to women whose husbanda are $250,000 FOR HEW ' CLEANING RECIPE i Dmher Brothers will Pay this to Person or Persons Who Will Discover, Make or Compound a Successful "Substitute" to Be Used in Glean ing Work. Colossal Chance for Chemists, Inventore, Geniuses, Eta, to Grow Independently Rich Through an Idea, Coma forward ya straggling in ventors! You've oftaa wad ,y0u didn't have a fair ctzsts, but hr It one if aver thare waa on. Drearier Brothers. The Cleaners and Dyers, at 2211-3313 Farnam street. Omaha, will give $260,000 cash for "something" that will clean clothing, etc., as perfectly and safely as the "something" they now use. The compound, preparation or process must be perfectly harmless to the most delicate fabric, must not fade or take out one lota of color, must be entirely odorless and non explosive, must not shrink fabric, yet remove dirt and grease to the last veatlre. Dresners have something new that posacases the proper properties; something that does Just what they want It to do. but. It's so all-fired, Infernally expensive that lta use borders well nlgb on to prohibitive, because of the rapid raise In price of almost every commodity. Dresners have lately reduced their prices on men's pressing work and would like to reduce cleaning prices as well, but a reduction on cleaning will be out of the Question until prices on present materials go down, or until some brainy or lucky genius discovers the "substitute" for which Dreehers are offering a $260,000 reward. Now then get busy there's $260,000 In It for you If yoa bare what Dreehers need and will agree to give Dv-eshers the exclusive right to use it. (Bear in mind that the $260,000 will be forthcoming in real and not conversational money, If your idea fills the bill). Papers all over America please copy this, fw the offer is not re stricted to Omahans by any means. A Fiji Islander can get away with the $260,000 aa well aa a resident of Kankakee, 111., if he has what's wanted. - in the meantime Phone Tyler 346 and have a Dresner man come after the clothes you want cleaned, or leave the clothes at the plant, at Dresher The Tailor, 1616 Farnam. street, or at the Dresher branches In the Burgess-Nash or Brandela stores. Advertisement. TM fcastftstSM to tb Btr la tha ecsitral wws wtca boildtata sfartr1 ta tfeefcr rsr. ample aosjavda. yet entirely AU tiaot. and tendertns It peael&U to olaaatfr osans Tbe one aidlnf Wag ttttad tor aad de-eta4 te Ue treatment of aov-coataa-koa and a oa -dental diseases, ae others be ing admitted; the other Rest Cot tage befag deatgned tor and de voted to tb exclaatve treatment ef eeleet masktal eaaa requiring for 4 time wa&c&fnl ear and ape ctal narelag. pop" conoEnT avsrroBrtriK iobat it i ml o.HBts aavaaa Baxxa, At Taiai'SOTaJia. Ouaaaotor. XX? aa Oiuluk oread Ovn Siady elua, atiaa Bertaa Cod ay, aoiwiat, wlU reader "lanaaaetee." aU aroat I 1UMIT. drawing separation allowanoea and to whom opportunities for labor have never been no plentiful. And anybody who looks below the surface of political man Ifestetioria can see that thla Increaae of money among the poor haa not been an altogether nnmlxed bleealnf and that the atempt to preach economy and against waste la meeting with little effective re sults la many communltiee where spend ing money ta more abundant than It haa ever been before. To an American with no prohibition pi-ocllvttlew It la a shock than one doea not readily get aceuatomed to, to aee women and children In thlr arms atandlng outside the public bounce emptying their glasses and to read the signs en the doors that children "under 14" muni not enter. It la no atlgma to visit or to lolte- In the "puba." Some complain that the cabinet aet a bad example and that only two or three of the ministers followed the leadership of the king and agreed to give up alcohol during the war and there Is a great deal of discussion along the llnea that the Englishmen doea not like to have hla habits Interfered with or h!s personal liberty regulated by law. However that may be. every movement in the line of restriction meeta with vlgoroue opposi tion and It reemtrsa no little courage, aa courage goea among politicians, to ace It even with the country at war. Advertisers and customers profit by ths "Classified Ad" habit. M "ami i, miii m v"i'H"1"'" wi""li'"W iiM aiaaMiiiiifiitiaBiii' iiiMii1,iiiliiiiftiaiiijaiiit iiiimil AT THE GREATEST SHOWING OF SPLENDID VALUES of any Furniture Store In the city. All that we ask Is that you COMPARE THESE WONDERFUL VALUES All small lots, all Individual pieces In Dressers. Chiffoniers. Buffets. Dining Room Tables. Rockers, Bed Davenports, h I Rugs, Etc., must and will be closed out at February Sale of DRESSERS Y i 18.00 solid oak Drone- f r ar era, I draw era, prlc. ..: . 119.60 Dressers, quartered oak. top arawera awell aia ep shaped, aafle ertce V I Us I 9 122.60 Dreasers, solid . fie, as oaJ. full awell fronts. 132.60 Dressers, mahoajsny fin-, isn wo on anous, aell C fl Ms; rsliue. at. only 91 I s3U two short Arawera, mirror it MOO mahogany. Dreaaersi verjr massive, three Ion and iwo anort arawera, mirror 2 z24 inohea; aale nl CA n price, only ..OdtiUU This Sals Offers You Savings of From One-Third to One-Half. February Sale off Dining Room Tables H.S0 extenalon table.' 6-1 atyle. gtlln flnlah. CO ft ft aarie price, only .. Pws9V 116.60 Tables, American oak finished, square ped- Q fiC estal, sale price .... WsU 122.60 Tables. American quar tered oak, 10-ln. bar- u a a rel pedestal, price 127.60 Tablea, eolld oak, plank top. Colonial deelcn, hlirh fin- ofy.'... SI5.75 All hlrher priced aampl tables at from one-third ta sonenaJrnainaJ $12.90 FOR THIS SPLENDID 122,60 PEDESTAL TABLE. Has large circular top, round pedestal and Is built of solid oak. Terms $1.00 casb and $1.00 monthly. Sals of Library Tables II 60 Library Tables, aolld oak. fuuied finish; 4 QC ssle price 0fiJ9 616.00 Plana Top Library Tablea. fumed. I-lnch auuare is? nr..?!?.... S8.75 till and 126.00 Sample Li brary Tablee. la roUn oak or fumed finish. A DumNr of dif ferent styles; your I 4 1 C choice at only... 9lail9 i 5 : -V 5AN1TAHY IXnadreds ef 1 J Very e a sy other equal- ff V terms dor. ly asi rood a"s--j la tola sals Tatoea. Lnt-Sv 1 &r o9 uie oa; worm f.oa. sale price 0 w: $8.95 W E 1-1. MADE K1TCMKN OAMIET. Simi lar to tlluatratlon. with cabinet top, wvrth 116.00. LITTLE DIPL0CACUS DOES IT Aitknr ef the Katlaaal Grip Esl. deanle Tacared ky the Dextera. More than a score of phyalciana held a symposium on the recent grip epidemic at a meeting of the Northern Medical as sociation of Philadelphia, in the Northern dispensary, ' OM Falrmount avenue, and disclosed many vagartea. that developed In connection with the malady. The real cause of grip, according to Dr. J. B. Mucker, director of the state laboratorlee. Is the presence of what Is termed "the little dlplocacus" In the blood. In his pa per on "Grip In Adults." Dr. I Napo leon Boaton said: "in the recent epidemic the grip wss more prevalent than In former yeara. but the symptoms were milder. At the same time there were more cases showing se rious nervous symptoms than ever before. There were a number of cases of acute Insanity, due to exhauntlon, and In some Instances a wild delirium developed even after the patlent'a temperature had fallen to normal. Swollen Joints were another unusual symptom that accompanied this epidemic.-" Philadelphia Record. Retalne Foar Veta. The Milwaukee club haa retained only four of last season's players, outside of the pitching staff. hh'i'i'Iihi'iihu'I'sii N'WIiillllilWii'WIi.l'W'li.'wwwV'W'W'llwwjWTi!' ilninsiiiMiiai JiiiaMiej i telliliiiiSaiisafaalMlsaa Of Furniture, Rugs and imqn mjthttim; 0. EXTRAORDINARY REDUCTIONS TERMS TO SUIT YOU 1095 For this solid oak Colonial Dresser Just like the Illustration; built of solid oak, la a colonial design. This is an extra high trade value and ordinarily retails at f 18.50. Terms: ft Cash and fl per Mo. .4 j.aiani f February Sale of Rugs and Draperies $7.60 Plymouth Rus. room size, a very dnalrabla bedroom 4P OC rua; aale price rsa.u $31.60 Seamleaa Brussels Hub-. else Sail feet, very SQ ir (pretty pattern, for . . wlwilO 3.60 Vslvet Ruse, else I QO :Tz54-ln.; your choice, VliJO Punch mops and one quart of oil. a lion Curtains, three bis at Mo, $1.19 In lots TSO and value $1.50 price. llOe Conaoleujn taata, II Incline Princess Vav uum Wweepors, aquare. I On 55.95 I ape clal. aale prloe, H 1 1 I XTlifw,S,',Ll "t aifcsMiind masniii if I iiir (I n t r, COUCHES Well made, open into a full mrSittiiiffG? . v Be Rid of Piles A Prea Trial of Pyramid Pile Treat ment Will Amaxa Yon With Its EerdU Take Mr Advke-Cet Pyramid Pile Treat It, Is only fair to yourself to TRT Pyramid Pile Treatment the most popu lar home pile treatment tn the world today and one that baa stood ths test 0,Meliethe coupon NOW or e'se get a Win box of Pyramid PUe Treatment from any druggist. Take no substitute. FHEE SAMPLE COUPON PYRAMID PRUO COMPANY. tub Pyramid Bids. Marshall, Mich Kindly send me a Free sample of ryraanM Pile Treetsneat, in plain wrapper. Name Street City. Ptate. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4: Stoves & Sri Sale off BED DAVENPORTS 26.00 automatio Davenports. American quartered oax frames. tlfi Cfl aaie price "iwiws 242.60 Doofold Davennorta. golden or fumed finish, quar ' tared oak f ramea, 0OJI 7C sale price Mifl I J 66.00 Duofold Davenports, quartered oak fram. arehulne leather upholster. Q M FA ed, aale price ....wmUW All our nia-n arale sample Davenport at from one-third to one-hair reduction. Big Reductions in . Every De partment in the House. Buy Now! if February Sale off II urass ana iron ueds One lot Enamel Beda, fl tt values to $4.60. for el.SJ One lot of Iron Beds, enamel finish, values to t9 QC , 67.60; aale price... 16.60 White Enameled Beds, masalve 2 -inch Q M ft J- tublnv. sale price.. 69.00 raae Beda, well ma!e. full else, apeclal C Qr sals price, only.... 9w3 621.60 Brass Beds, satin fin ish, a splendid I CC Value, aale price.. VIHiUtf $30 Brass Beda, satin finish. an exceptional $16.75 value, sale price . Buy Now Pay Later H1 1 Ofl FOR THIS BENT wl 1 JJ POST BRASS BED. Finished in saUn. ex tremely durable, an unusually bis value. Worth $17.60. FEBRUARY SALE BUFFETS $20.00 Buffets, American quartered oak f-j i aas finish, sale pr . .y I Os I w $25.00 Buffets, fumed oak finish, French plate mirror, eplen- tJI C CA did value at . ylO.OU $35.00 Buffets, construct ed of genuine quartered oak, fumed finish, very Stylish. fArl f"A sale price v&&s3v Many other big values. TIL roa Tsrta navT ram, avavosrsB araviMQ WOaTV S4.O0. ?iar 4Pv M t 3 tmniH i i 1 " u j j 4