Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 13, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 3-A, Image 3

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3 A
Vejr .
Enthusiaitio Meeting Attended by
Three Hundred Party Hen
in Capital.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
MNX'OLN, Feb. 12.-Rpeclal Teleicram.)
-More than 300 republicans fathered at
the annual banquet of the Lincoln Toting
Wen's Republican club this evening and
listened to speeches bjr Tale C. Holland
of Omaha, who spoke upon "Partisan
Politics and the Man In Office;" A. C.
Kpperson, of Clay Center, who talked on
"Pharaoh's Dream." and Henry D. K'ta
brook of New York, candidate for the
republican nomination for the presidency
Mr. Est brook paid a grand tribute to
Abraham Lincoln and called attention to
feme of the works of the emancipator as
worthy of emulation at the present time.
Following this he branched off to a
discussion of the tariff and made some
ptrons; arguments from a republican
Judge E. P. Holmes of Lincoln presided
as toastmaster.
It was one of the most enthusiastic
feathering- of republicans held In this city
for many years.
North Platte Man
Killed in Pistol
Duel at Chicago
CHICAGO, Feb. 12. Thomas Morton,
who said he came here from San Fran
cisco, waa held responsible by a coro
ner's Jury today for the death of Cyrus
E. Van Sickle, night watchman, who
was shot to death In the Illinois Cen
tral railroad yards last night. Morton
died of wounds received In a revolver
duel with Van Blckle. Van Sickle Is
said to have a family at North Platte,
AURORA, Neb., Feb. 12. (Special. )
"While, It has been generally understood
that J. II. Grosvenor of this city has
first Hen on the postmastershlp for the
coming four years. Dennis Saylor,
former county clerk, has appealed to
Henator Hitchcock, asking for a primary
election to decide the question of post
master. He asks that the people living
on the rural routes out of Aurora be
permitted to vote at this primary. Mr.
Orosvenor has" the recommendation of
the state committee and the other polit
ical committee In thl congressional Sls-i
trlct and In this county. It Is not known
tere whether Beantor Hitchcock will
order a primary or not " '
Hai.) Th successful applicant for th
;iHyaonls ranger station, Charles Bre
alna of Hyannia, haa completed hi filing
fey remitting to th Broken Bow land
fflc the exoesa payment required, and
Ma entry ha been allowed. About $2,800
Was received at th land office her in
deposits of $14 each and less, 208 formal
liomestead applications were received and
handled in the regular maimer and 202,
of them rejected and the same number of
check for the amount deposited were
delivered or mailed out by Receiver Ams-
. I
SEWARD, Neb., Feb. 13. (Special. )
The following officers were elected at
the meeting Thursday night of th Sew
ard Commercial club:
President, F. W. Qoehner; vice presi
dent, George F. Dickman; secretary
treaaurer, B. C Emrick; directors, T. H.
Wake. W. T. Souders, J. C. Oak and J.
F. Curry.
J. E. Oak offered a resolution which
was Unanimously adopted, requesting
Postmaster Thomas to make application
at once to the proper postofflce official
Tor free city delivery, a Seward haa been
entitled to free delivery for two year.
AURORA, Neb., Feb. 12. (Special.)
Mayor Charles W. Bryan of Lincoln will
bo the speaker at the Young Men' Chris
tian association on the afternoon of Feb
ruary 20. Silas A. Barton of Grand
Inland will address the meeting next Sun
day afternoon. Last Sunday Mayor Wil
liam Madgett of Hastings was the
speaker. The meetings have been well
attended. The gymnasium of the Young
Men's Christian association Is crowded
every Sunday afternoon. -
.ioiei inn weal I villi
WEST POINT. Neb., Feb. 12.-(Sue-
ciaL) The West Point mill property.
which was sold under a decree of fore
closure some months ago and purchased
by W. T. S. Neligh and others. Is about
to be reorganized and bids fair to take
its proper place among the industries of
this portion of the state. Stock is now
l-elng subscribed with a view of incor
poration, and a provisional board of d -
rectors haa been elected. This board con
sists of W. T. P, Neligh, Herman Zeplln.
John EUlnger. Jr.; E. J. DeBell, Chris
t-chlnstock. Paul Stuefer andj Felix
Given. The Intention Is to incorporate
the concern and rehabilitate the plant,
George Gerch and Miss Emma Buch-
hoi i were united In marriage Friday at
the Zion German Lutheran church. Rev.
William Harms, pastor, performing the
oremony. The couple will commence
running rn the eut side.
The first series of hlh school debates
In th'a district will be held February 24,
and !". Newman Grove High school
team will meet West Point High in thl
city on Friday evening, the Sth. "Pre
paredness" will be th question discussed
affirmatively by Newman Grove and
oegatively by West Point.
Mr. nd Mr. Casper Hagedorn. rel
dents of the west side, celebrated their
'liver weddl
dding anniversary on Thursduy
Mix Mas Mamaardt I'Hrt.
AVOCA, Neb . Feb. 11 Special )-Mi
IMu Maiuuardt, prexent superintendent of
schools of this county, has filed a a
randid&le (or re-election to that offioe.
Situ .Marqujiriit resided here until tht
was f -Ire till to the office.
Governor Fixes Up Little Task
For the Voter April Eighteenth
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Feb. (SpecJaD-Oov-ernor
More lies d does not expect to be a
candidate for office at the primary elec
tion, but rather than disappoint some of
the other fellow who do he has decided
to have a primary election anybow and
has Issued the following call so that any
body can look the list over and pick the
office he wants to land. The primary will
be on the 18th day of April and that
leaves only little over a month before
the time for filing will expire, which is
thirty days before the primary election:
"By virtue of the authority In me vetted
by law and In accordance with section
of the Revised Statutes tt Nebraska
for 1P1S, I, John II. Morehesd, governor
of the utate of Nebraska, do hereby di
rect and proclaim that a primary election
be held in the several polling precincts
throughout the state of Nebraska on
Tuesday, the 18th day of April. 191, dur
ing the hours designated by law, for the
following purposes, to-wlt:
"To express a preference for candidates
by each of the political parties tot presi
dent snd vice president of the United
"For nomination of two candldate-at-large
and one from each congressional
district In the state for presidential elect
ors by each of the political parties.
"For the election of four delegates- t
large and two from each congressional
district In the state to the national con
vention of the respective political parties,
and for a like number of tterntes.
"For the election of one national com
mitteeman for each of the. said polotlnal
i parties. , .' t i
'For the nonpartisan nomination of tow
SCHUYLER. Neb.. Feb. . 13.-Spclal
Telegram.) Elkhart Bridge and Iron
company of Omaha was awarded th
contract for the construction of the Stat
aid bridge on the Platte river for. th
amount of $61,500. Eighteen companle
submitted bids.
Three Death at Table Rock.
TABLE ROCK. Neb., Feb. lJ.(Spe
clal.VGeorgo Albaugli, who had presided
over the Pawnee County Foor farm and
had charge of the county poor for a
great many years, died this weelt of
pneumonia after a short but sever ill
ness, aged about 52 years. He is sur
vived by a widow and two children.
Mrs. Martha Myers died suddenly
Thursday afternoon at tho home of her
daughter, Mrs. Hester Frank, adjoining
Table Rock on the north, aged 73 year.
She was the widow of William Y. Myers,
who died here many years a jo. She la
survived by four children. Mrs. Hester
Frank and Nathan Myers of Table Rock.
William R. Myers of Lewtston, Neb., and
Perry Smith of Ansley, Custer county.
Mr. John TIbbita, who resided some
three mites northwest of here, died at his
home at an early hour 'Friday morning,
aged about 55 years. Grip, with other
complication, were the cause.
1 '. r- -
.nwi note oi Beaver crossing. .
(Special'.) A movement is oh foot for a
farmers' elevator. Nearly 109 farmers have
subscribed stock, which assure the early
organisation. . Recently business men met
and perfected the organisation of a com
munity club. Officer elected are Dr.
CL W. Doty, president; Dr. Q. L. Hewlt,
vice president; Charles M. Warner, secretary-treasurer.
It Is intended to Include
farmers a well as busmen men. An ac
tive campaign Is on tor the betterment of
the entire contmunlty.
Dr. C. W. Doty has filed for the demo
cratic nomination for senator from the
Twelfth district, comprising Butler and
Seward counties.
8. Tlnley, an old resident of the com
munity, is suffering from a stroke of
paralysis. Mr. Tlnley was the founder of
the Tlnley house in Omaha several years
Phil Maurer of thl place, member of
the house four year ago, has filed for
renomlnatlon on th democratic ticket,
not as a Bryan candidate.
. : .
Home Tauat hctitbi bhw
TEKAMAH, Neb., Feb. U.-8peclal.)-
The special meeting at the Presbyterian
church, which began January 80, have
been attracting a large attendance. The
musio has been In charge of Mr. B. J.
Gano, who Is one of the laymen of the
church, and. th large chorus haa keen
very efficient in every way. The pastor
has done th preaching and the splendid
attention given his sermons Is evidence
of the way th people appreciate his
work. There haa been mora than a score
of conversions, a large number from the
senior class In the High school. The
Independent Order of Odd Fellows at
tended in a body on Tuesdajr evening
and tho High school had two evenings
last week.
Lyons Defeat Daarroft.
LYONS, Neb., Feb. 11 (Special.;-
Lyons High school defeated Bancroft
High school In one of th fastest game
of the season on Lyons' floor, 22 to 21.
Preston was the star for Lyons, whll
Cate starred for Bancroft. . A larg and
enthusiastic crowd attended.
Obtains Permanent Relief
I was afflicted about five year With
kidney and bladder trouble; there waa
one year during thl fiv year that I
waa not able to do anything; In fact, I
waa helpless. I tried several doctors and
several remedies, and my family doctor
advised m that I would hav to be op
erated on. I waa then advised by a lady
friend to try Swamp-Root; after using
seven bottlt of Dr. Kilmer' Swamp
Root I wa restord to good health and
have not been bothered with kidney or
bladder trouble for the last ten years. I
cheerfully recommend Bwamp-Root to
others for kidney or bladder trouM.
Your truly,
12 Wet Dalton St., Hugo, Oala,
Personally appeared before me. this
27th day of February, 1115, Mr. J. R.
Turner,- who subscribed tbs above state
ment and made oath that th same I
true in sn'tnc and fact.
J. If. F1NCHF.R.
Notary Public.
I'cire What Suamp-Itool Will l fur You.
Hi-i-d imi cents to Ir. Kilmer ft Co.. Uliig!iomtun. N. Y.. fcr a sample Slie bot
tle. It al'l convince anyun?. Vou will also recelv a booklet of valuable infor
mation. t!liig about the kidney srd bladder. When writing, be sui ami men
tion the Omaha Kundiiy Bre. Regular fifty-cent and onu-dol ar six bottle for salj
itt all drug store
candidates for chief J net Ice ef the su
preme court, to fill vacancy, and
"Six candidates for Judge of the su
preme court.
"By each political part jr. the nomination
of one candidate for rlteJ State sena
tor, and
"One candidate for congress from each
of the six congressional districts.
"Also candidates for the following
On governor.
One lletitehant governor.
One railway commissioner.
Two regent ot the state university.
One state auditor o( publlo accounts.
One state treasurer.
One secretary of state.
On attorney general.
One commissioner ot public land ana
On superintendent ot publlo Instruc
tion.. . . .
"Thirty-three state aenator In the twenty-eight
senatorial district, apportioned
a provided by statute.
"One hundred representative from th
seventyseven representative district, ap
portioned provided ly statute.
"Also the nonpartisan nomination of
two candidate from th First Judicial
district, two from th Second, six from
th Third, fourteen from the rotirth, four
from the Fifth, four from th Sixth, two
from the Seventh, tw from th IHghlh,
four from th Ninth, two from the Tenth,
our from the Eleventh, two from th
Twelfth, two from the Thirteenth, two
from th Fourteenth, two from th Fif
teenth, two from the Sixteenth, two from
the Seventeenth nd two from the Eight
eenth Judicial district.
"Secretary ot Stat."
TBCUMSEIt, Neb. Feb. 11 (SpeelaU
Mrs. John Masur waa badly burned at
her home at St Mary, this county, by .a
box ot stove polish exploding. Sh waa
working on a warm stove. Mrs. Masur s
clothing caught fir and th f lame were
extinguished by her a-yir-old daughter.
Lucy, with a few bucket of water. Th
woman was badly burned but Is expected
to recover.
Xttws Note of Seward.
.SEWARD, Neb., Feb. 11 (Special. V-
The board ot managers for the Reward
County Agricultural society has set th
date" for the county fair September
It was decided to have no political
beeches at th fair. A boys' and girls'
pig and poultry club will have an ex
Cllve O'Neal, who haa been working for
a railroad company In Omaha, la quaran
tined with scarlet fever.
Albert Meier, Barthold, ha bought out
the Seward Agricultural Implement busi
T. C. Beck," present county assessor.
ha filed, as 4 democrat, for th offlo
Of cterK of th district court.
At tha meeting . in District No. ,
County Superintendent Brokow and
County Agricultural Agent Charles Gun
nel gave an illustrated lecture on farm
Interests to an audience ot farmer, who
rod to tho school on bore-hck on ac
count of th read. .
.Mora Flllasr la Caster Cos at r.
BROKEN BOW, Neb,, Feb. 11 (Spe
cial.) Additional filing ' for county of
fice hav been made thl week as fol
low: Representative, George W. Oreen
wait, Garfield, democrat; J. W. Lundy,
Doris, republican. Sheriff. J. F. Wilson,
Broken Bow, democrat; C. E. Varney.
Callaway, republican. County Judge. N.
D. Ford, Broken Bow, non-partisan.
Cbunty superintendent, T. C. Grimes,
Broken Bow, democrat; W. A. Resene.
Mason City, democrat. Clerk of district
court. George B. Malr, Broken Bpw, re
publican. County treasurer, M. 8. Eddy,
Broken Bow, democrat Supervisor,
Charle Sander, Ansolrno, democrat; Ed
ward Foley, Merna, democrat J. F.
Wllon. the present sheriff of tho county,
filed on the strength of a petition con
taining over 800 names, while a petition
favorinar County Judge Ford contained
1,050 name.
Yoaaa: Farmer Foaaa Dead.
CRETE, Neb., Fb. lt-(Speclal Tele.
gram.)-August Winkler, 28 year old,
farmer living four mile east of Crete,
wa found dead in the haymow of the
Hudson livery barn by John Harms this
morning about 11 O'clock. Th coroner
waa Immediately called and on 'hi ar
rival decided that an Inquest wa not
necessary a th facts Were conclusive in
showing that h cam to hi death front
acuta alcoholto poisoning. He la believed
to have taken seven ounoes of pure
alcohol. Mr. WlnkUr leave three sisters
and two brothera
School Maa Decline Heeleetloa.
FALL CITT. Neb.. Feb. 13.-(Speolsl.)
Superintendent William U Crow has
been unanimously re-elected to th po
sition at the head of tha school, with a
raise of salary. He has Informed th
board that he had decided to take np the
tudy of law at the Untvrlty ot Chi
cago next year. . . . .
Phon your Want Ads to Th Be.
Helpless From Kidney Trouble
I wish to advise that I hav been both
ered with kidney and' bladder trouble
sine childhood; and after my mother,
Mr. J. R. Turner, trying Dr. Klltnar'
Swamp-Root and being cured. triad
th tun and recommend that It Is th
best that I hav vr tried; la fact, t was
helpless when t began taking It and am
now in gooa neaun. i cnearruny recomi
mend tswsmp-ivoot to otnra.
. Tours truly,
213 West Dalton Bt. Hugo, Okla.
PersouaJly appeared beor ana this
27th day. Of February, lilt. Ml Nalll
Turner, who subscribed the above stata
mnt and mad oath that th aui Is
true in substanc and In fact
Notary Public.
Thii Constitute! Lilt from Which
Nebraska Voters Will Hate
Chance to Draw.
(From a Staff Correspondent )
LINCOLN. Feb. 12 .-(Rpeolsl.l-lf no
other filings are made for the republican
i nomination for the presidency under the
preferential primary there will be four
men from whom the voter can take their
Tha name of Henry Ford still stmids.
Mr. Ford has made no effort to have
his name taken from the ballot. At the
time his name ws filed by Omaha par
ties Mr. Ford was out on the raging
waters In pursuit of Mr. Bryan's dove of
peace, and of course had no chance to
withdraw his name. Since he has re
turned home he ha not appeared to take
any Interest In the matter, and so It Is
presumed that his name may appear on
th ballot unless sVme patriot reminds
him that his name will appear.
The other candidate are II. P. Ksta
brook, of New York, Senator Cummin of
Iowa and Theodore Burton of ,Ohlo. It
Is not probable that either ot these will
want his nam withdrawn, and so Ne
braska republican voters will have a
chance to make a choice.
License Issue at Fall Itr.
FALLS CITY, Neb., Feb. 12.-(Sp.M lal.)
The question of wet or dry will be an
issue at the coming election In this city
one more. A petition lias been filed
with the city clerk -and It Is understood
that the wet forces hav taken tho initia
tive thl time, th dry having tiled last
year. .
State Capitol News
(From 4 Staff Correspondent.)
I.1Ni?OT.N. Feb. 12. (HDeclal.) An ac
count of tha nnlvrary of the birth of
Abrsham Lincoln most of the officers at
the state house are closed this afternoon.
Governor Mlarehead went to Beatrice to
attend a banquet given by tne National
Guard of that city, but other officials
were atloklng around the town.
O. G. Smith of Kearney ha filed for
the state senate from the Twenty-second
district, composed of the counties of Buf
falo, Sherman and Kearney, represented
in tha last session by Peter Wink, demo
crat. Representative Tnirt l,wi!Ran of Oreeie)',
who filed for the democratic nomination
for th stat senate from his district,
has withdrawn Ws filmy, as Kenntor
Buhrman. who served In the last session
has since filed, and Mr. Lanlgan does
not tare to oppose hi in.
Former Superintendent Baxter of the
Hastings Insane asylum, with Mr. Bax
ter, will make a call on the State Board
of Control Monday. Whether the visit
has anything to do with the former
superintendent's Incumbency of the of
fice of superintendent of the Institution
Is not known. '
The hearljf on the charges against
Superintendent Guttery of the Norfolk
asylum still stands a It did at the close
of the sitting f th board a week ago.
Th board says It is waiting for the
evidence to be written up. when Dr. Glit
tery may be called, to testify In hi own
behalf. It he so desires. , .
DR. BRADBURY, Dentist ,
27 Years In Omaha.
921-22 Woodmen of the World HWg. Phono 0. 175fl.
Hth and Farnant Ht., On-aha. Hours 8 to 0; Sundays, 10 to 12.
For the Home
From the finest and most complete stock
in the city.
Standard Brands at 95c Full Quart
Pure California Wines, 25c to 50c
Wethip in plain Mealed boxet.
fr dsliyery on 2 qts. cr more ta Council fluffs or So. Omaha
WriU for Price Ut.
Luxus Mercantile Co.
. , ' 100-111 North lflth Street.
Phono Doug-las 18M9. Opposite Postofflce.
Mall Orders Promptly Filled.
r - i
fice. Men only treated. Hundreds of the Most Prominent
People in Omaha have been cured by.
Dn.iviUinr.1 cnEioiuoii maxwell
' 403-9-10 Omha National Bank, 17th and Tamam Bt.
Phone Red 4390. Hours 9 to 12 and 2 to 5.
Stranger Passes
Forged Check on
Beatrice Boniface
BKATItlCE. Neb.. Feb. 12. (Special.)
A stranger who visited Beatrice on Janu
ary 24 and stopped at the Paddock hotel
for few days succeeded In passing a
forged chck for : on E. K May. the
proprietor. The check was drawn on Iho
First National tmnk of Klnaflsher. Okl .
waa mnde payable to C. D. Moor and
bore the name of F. L ratten. The
forgery was not discovered until yeter -
day, when the check came ba'k to Mr.
May marked "forgery." No trace of th
stranger has been found and he appear
to have made his escape.
Adolph Arpke, for the last thirty-three
years a resident of the Harbin vicinity.
passed away at his home yesterday
morning, aged i years. He is survived
by five children. Ills wife died a week
John Baker w as fined .ln and coats by
Judge Kills, yesterday ,.n thv charge of
stealing coal. He paid his fine and was
discharged. When arrested Thuradsy M
was found on his person.
Nearly Half Billion
Output of Farms
(From a Staff Correspondent.) ! j
LINCOLN. Feb. 12. 8peclal.)-Accord- ,
Ing to the report of the State Board of j
Agriculture, the total value of Nebraska j
farms a they produced last year
tj.i nv ::' ami the report i
adda that It Is no wonder that Nebraska
banks have on deposit $34O.n.0flO of funda
of the neonle of tho state. The showing
I a follow:
Ry or barley..,
All ntllfcr haV...
Bushels Total
or Tons, Value.
.22,4.7: IHt.u4i.lM
. 7l.4JW.775 5".144.lft
.. 7S.74.4i
.. (1.474 4P1
.. 10.MM77
.. 4.0i8.l
V. (,)
Palrv (milk), quarts.. fS0.M8.18o
Poultry products
Animal production
Fruit and berrle
Garden and miscellaneous.
. 36.ou0,Aii0
. U'1.1.?IJ
. lo.noo.noo
. 10.000.000
Beatrice Guardsmen ,
Banquet at Paddock ;
BEATRICE. Neb., Feb. 12. (Special
Tolcgrnm.) Company C held an elabo
rate banquet here tonight at the Pad
dock hotel, which wa attended by bout
125 guests, Including members of the com
pany and their wives. Captain MatAb-
dou was nHiitiiiwoit
on the toast Hat were Governor More-
head. Adjutant General Hall. Sam Bi
ns ker and other. Th music wa fur
nished by tho Gilbert theater orohestr. i
laemna Hold Kronen Is.
The present outlook Is that Taeom will
retain Its franchise In the Northwestern
league, and that Butte and Great Fall
will be added to make up a lx club clr-
cult. ..,..). . i . . ...
Good Teeth Secrets
Health, Beauty, Happiness
. A complete ot of teeth makes one look nat
ural. Defective teeth are referred to as a mis
fortune. Science has made rapid strides la the
last tew yearn, new Inventions are coming out
almost daily and proof of this Is to be found In
my modern offices, where you will see on your
first visit every late Invention pertaining to th
Science of Dentistry.
In even the best work done by many others
you can nowhere get as high a percentage of per
fect satisfaction as you can here.
Your teeth ar? flrwt In line of vision when you
.meot anyone. Don't disgust your friends or
business acquaintances with unsightly teeth.
Specialists In the treatment of all gum dis
eases and all branches of Dentistry without the
Send for Booklet on unusual Dentistry.
Piles and Fistula Cured
Without Surgical Operation or Pain.
No Chloroform or Ether given. Writ
ten Guarantee Oiven in All Cases.
Pay When Cured. Carfare Paid One
Way to Points Within 50 Miles of
Omaha. Patients must come to the of
Beaton & Laier Cp.
415-17 So. 16th Street. Phone Doug. 335.
"The Store That Saves You Money''
is 11 to Delight the heart of Womankind !
, CO
, B
. Z
V?t tXKX-V.f'--Zl-
Thousands of dollars' worth of new Bedroom Fur.
niture, in all the beautiful new designs and finishes,
have been added to Beaton & Laier showings during
the past week. The highest standards of quality at
the lowest prices possible characterize the new ar-,
rivals in greater measure than ever.
..... . . .,,, . f . ,V ' T'' y
(ll Ivory Chi ffonUtu . I7.50 22.5Q ii0.7S
Old Irory THt Tahle $t.ftO iK1.75 S2.SO
llliirk Walmit Itrganora 3:t.7. :ta.ftO $3.1.00
Hlarl Wnlnnt till f fouler 18.73 a.OQ :U.BO
Blnrjt Wnltmt 1W . i....lM.rQ 20.5O .V2JiO
Mahogany Hreawers '2I.B0 $21.00 S-9.5Q
BlaJt Walnut Toilet Tallica J1.50 $20.75 .TB.7
Mnhogany Chiffonier .$14.75 1.50 21.QO
Mahogany Toilxt Twblcw $10.50 $21.00 $2H.BQ
Mahogany llert. $1HJIQ $22.5Q $24.00
New Oriental - Hiass
Fumed (hk Tea
' with solid top and loose
glass bottom serving
tray; haa rubber tired
wood wheels. Exactly
like cut; price
Ivory Reed Furniture
Suitable for living room,
bedroom or sun parlor. Cre
tonne upholstered; rockers,
at $10, $10.50 and $11.75.
Tea Carts, with glass tray,
for $11.50
Covered Work Baskets,
$4.50, $5.50 and $7.00.
Phone Tyler 1000
Preparations made several
months ago enable us to
present one of the largest
and most varied .stocks of
... .' . . ?
Oriental Rugs in the mid
dle west at the lowest
possible prices.
1 1
Sanitary, light
weight, continuous
2-inch steel tubing
bed, like cut, fin
ished 'Vernis Mar
tin, full or three
quarter size; price,
Davenport Ded
Similar to
cut, with
frame and
best fabri
coid uphol
stery; price,
O !
and you will receive a srsa
eourtccuj servics is ftxi
you were dutivericf yr:r fe
Ad to THE EEE Cl3 b Ptrsca