mi) OMAHA SUNDAY MV.V.: ranilWIiY 1.1, 101(1 3 7t Council Bluffs Social Notes Popular Guest During Last Week Tha Atlaa club enjoyed a most delight ful luncheon Tuesday at 1 o'clock at the home of Mr. Elmer fhuanrt. Dafore Chgstma It had been planned to -chanre glfta, but because of sickness and ether reasons the social meeting had been postponed until this time. So with th Mrvloe of desert each member was gtven her share of the rifts. Mrs. Shugart was assisted In entertaining by Dr. Har riet Hamilton and Mrs. C. D. Parmalee. The club will hold the regular meeting Tuesday at the home of Mrs. J. M. Bar stow, when study will be resumed. The Woman's Christian association held Its monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. O. W. Butts Monday afternoon. Plans for the annual memorial service whioh will be held today were discussed, and arrangements made for It. The re port that the Insurance companies had paid the full amount of the claim for the recent fire In the nurses' home was received with much (ratification. After the business of tho afternoon had been transacted, the members spent an hour folding- sponges for the hospital, after which refreshments were served. A very Interesting- projrram was given by the members of the musical deport ment of the Council Bluffs Woman's club Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Elmer Swanson. Mrs. Robert Moth 1 was leader for the afternoon. A letter j from Benjamin Whltely was read, after which Miss Higgenson and Miss Kenady played his duct for two pianos, "Minuet" Mrs. W. J. Leverett read a paper on I M. Oottschalk and Miss Marguerite 'MRS, ISAAC Brown played his "Last Hope." A paper on Benjamin Lang- and Margaret Ruthven Lng. by Mrs. J. E. Wallace, was fol lowed by two songs sung by Miss Mar Caret Power, "Good-bye, Sweet Day," by Vannah, and Neldllnger'a "I Love My Jean." Miss Leahy gave a paper on George Whitfield Chadwick and Miss Shirley Harrison gave a reading, "Little Brown Baby." Mrs. F. J. Duerr spoke on "W. IL Ncidltnger and C. Whitney Coombs." Miss Helen Bentley sang, "Llndy," and "Slngln" and' a-elngin " (Neldllnger). Mrs. H. W. Anthony gave a paper on George P, Upton, critic, and Edward Baxter, lecturer, and Miss Ruth Turner sang "When Celia Binge" by Molr, Mark Johnson read, "Nebuchadnezzar," and Miss Gladys Holmes closed the pro gram with the piano solo, "La Scintilla," by Gottachalk. The Woman's Missionary society of the Broadway Methodist church held a meet ing at the home of Mrs. J. Wilcox, Thursday afternoon. The mite boxes for the foreign relief work were opened at this time. Mrs. Nethercut gavs a very nice talk on the utility of the mite box system and the needs of the foreign mis sionaries; Mrs. J. E. aiarshall sang very delightfully. Miss Marguerite Etsensper ger played two piano solos, and Mies Marshall gave a reading. The meeting was very well attended and mucn en Joyed. The Ideal club met Tuesday after noon with Mrs. B. 8. Terwilllger to con tinue the study of Japan. nstead of the usual current topics, a short business session- preceded the study hour. A paper on "Early Religious' Art, and the Influ ence of BudOhlsm""'was read by Mrs. J. P. Organ., Mrs. C. Bonham spoke of the feudal period, 'dealing with the Tarnato Tosa school. Mrs. J. W. Smith gave a paper on "The Renaissance'' in closing. The same study will be continued next Tuesday at the - home of Mrs. Terwil llger. ' The members of the Leschetlzky Music club entertained their parents at their meeting Saturday afternoon, at the home of Misses Laura and kary Grimes. Pa pers were given on "The Origin of Op era," by Phoebe Fisher, and ' The Life of Guiseppe Verdi." by Mildred Hlbbs. A short synopsis of five of Verdi's operas was given by Helen Mann, and MUrie Lund sang "Mother," In honor of the club guests. Piano solos were played by Phoebe Fisher and Mildred Hlbbs, and selections from Verdi's operas were given on the vlctrola. Miss Freda Kenady is directing the studies of the club. The Oakland Avenue club met at the home of Mrs. F. H. Orcutt. Friday after noon. Mrs. Butler gave a paper on Manitoba, and Mrs. Blanchard on "Win nipeg, the Chicago of Canada." "The Coming of the Mounted Police" was given by Mtss Blanchard, and Mrs. Arthur closed he program with a reading. The meeting of the art department ef the Woman's dub Monday evening was devoted to the study of English cathed rals. The leader for the evening was Miss Jennie Rice. A description of the Round Temple church, erected by the Knights Templar In the Twelfth century, was given by -ra. Page Morrison. Miss Pile told of the Middle Temple of the Inns of Court of London, describing Its architecture and traditions. The literary associations of the Middle Temple were told of by Mrs. Dollle Burgess. Sbe enumerated the many Illustrious men whose names were connected In some wsy with this .emple. Descriptions of Lincoln's and Gray's Inns, speaking specially of the fine law library and the garden of Gray's inn. Miss Rice closed the program with the discussion of the Inner temple. Rochester cathedral will be the subject of the next meeting of the department, which will be held at the llm-ary, February 21. ' I - I .MUM rA 1 : j f r? J 22rf Isaic I&yzzaziJ f Imcohi VTT.T.KR TIAYMOVTY .IT? . ClV T TMTVlT.V rjITireii P UF.R MOTHER. MRS. V. .1. CON NULL, A VISITOR WHO WAS UXTENSIVKLY" ENTERTAINED LAST WKKK. mate by Mrs. Purdum. The next meeting will be held February 22 at the home of Mrs. L. A. Gray, with Mrs. Holllngsworth as hostess. Miss Irene O'Brien entertained the I H. D. club Tuesday evening at her home on Tenth avenue. Music and knitting furnished the amusement for the evening, which : closed with a - three-course luncheon. Next week the club will meet with Mrs. Enbody on East Broadway. Wednesday afternoon the home eco nomics department of the Council Bluffs Woman's club met at the home of Mrs. J. H. Haslam, on Lincoln avenue. A de scription of her week spent at Ames was given by Mrs. B. J. Towslee, who went as a delegate from the club to the short course in home economics. A demonstra tion of baking powdar biscuits was given by Mrs. Towslee and Mrs. Mack. Those who assisted Mrs. Haslam In entertaining were Mrs. Chsse, Mrs. Mary Smith and Mrs. Huntington. - Tha Klatter Klub met Friday after noon of last week with Mrs. Frank Binder, the afternoon being devoted to auction bridge. The prise for high score was won by Mrs. Frank Pinney, the cut-for-all by Mrs. W. 8. Rlgdon. and the guest prise by Mrs. Rolsnd Otis. Mrs. Paul DeVol and Mrs. Edson Damon were also the guests of the club. At the close of the game luncheon- was served. The art department was hostess to the Council Bluffs Woman's club at the Feb ruary reception held Friday of last week at the home of Mrs. C. G. Saunders on Oakland avenue, i The department took this opportunity to show the work being done, so the program was arranged with this in view. Miss Anna Z. Ross showed a series of etereopttoon vlews, which were described or explained by different members of the department. A sketch of Canterbury cathedral was given by Miss Pile and Mrs. Page Morrison described the shrine of Thomas a Becket and gave a little history of his life. Mrs. G. T. Walker played some tnuslo written by him, and views of tha cathedral followed. A history and account of the legends attached to Durham cathedral was given by Mrs. Emma Ingalla. and Mrs. J. B. Wallace played some of the hymns com posed by John B. Dykes in the cathe dral. Views of the cathedral were given during these talks. Views of Lincoln cathedral were snown miss wary muny giving the description and history. Pic tures were also shown of Litchfield cathedral and of St. Paul s. Westmin ster cathedral was described by Miss Rice, and Mrs. Burgess read selections from Irving. Ben Johnson's song. "Drink to Me Only with Thine Eyes," wss sunr by Mrs. Clarence Hafer. After tha Droa-ram a dainty luncheon oi tea, tea cakes, marmalade sandwiches and candles was served, Miss Rice and Mrs. J. B. Wallace presiding at the table. which had as centerpiece a pot of Eng lish primroses. At the meeting of the East End Card club Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arlington Wright, the first prises were taken by Mrs. William Mar- nuardt and Mr. M. B. roiieii. R. Trotter and Mr. Orover DeBar were awarded the consolation prtics sna Follett the cut-for-all. Luncheon was served st the close of the game. The East End Kensington club was entertained Wednesday afternoon by Mrs. A. F Hobus. Besides the members, elgnt guests were present. The afternoon wa spent In visiting and sewing, snd luncheon was served at the close. The club will meet next week at the home of Mrs. Mark. 1018 East Washington svenue. The mothers of the prise winning babies i- . i-- utAAn.AW .1 1 Qt r let are renuestea ui At the annual meeting of the board of . . mf.mb(,,., 0 the Council directors of the Young Women's Christian , Bluffj woman's club Tuesday afternoon association st the rooms Tuesday after- t , O.corki wnen Mrs. Sydney Smith, the noon. Mrs. J. II. Beve-ldge was re-elected . c)ub prudent, will present the ribbons president. Mrs. J. B. Long was made j tnA plnM Tne publlc is invited to attend first vice president; Mrs. R. H. Nichols, I tM metlng. Mothers In all psrts of the second vice president; Mrs. W. S. Rigdon, j clty are mUoh Interested) In the contest, recording secretary; Miss Mlttle Pile, I tni evcn those who sre not presenting corresponding secretary, and Mrs. Ira j babies In the contest are showing a d Hendrlcks. treasurer. The president will sire to assist In the campaign for better announce her committees ai mo ne nealtn tor me nun iui. Florence Social Items HER ENGAGEMENT TO WED IS! JUST ANNOUNCED. , iwisn- m 1 x ' i Helen Iitidsey Griffith was the guest of . McMillan In Benson Mon- Mrs. L. R. Mrs. Clara B day. Mrs. Frank A. Sears of Rochester, Minn.,' Is the guest of "her sister, Mrs. E. L. Plats, this week. George McPherson of Chicago, a former resident of Florence, was here Mondsy and Tuesday renewing old acquaintances. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ross and family have moved from Omaha to Florence, taking the Harold Reynolds place. Mrs. W. B. Vreeland will entertain the Hillside circle of the Ladles' aid society of the Presbyterian church at .her home Monday afternoon. Miss Lucille Harris was taken ill the first of the week with scarlet fever. Miss Julia Krisl and Miss Viola Meyer have Issued an Invitation to the school patrons to be present at a patrlotlo cantata by the school children at the Eagle hall on Wednesday, February 23. Mrs. Frank Brown will entertain the T. T. class of the Presbyterian church Tuesday evening at which time plana for the plsy, "The Spinster's Return." to be given at the Eagle hall, March 3, will be made. i Misses Olga and Olive Peterson enter tained at their home Sunday evening for large party of young people. The Ponca kenslngton was entertained by Mrs. Andrew Albach at her home Monday evening. Those present were: Mesdames Nielsen, Broderson, Moran, Krenger, Jasperson, Prown, Reed, Han son snd Raymond and Misses Martha Jasperson and Christine Albach. Mrs. S. B. Letovsky will entertain the kenslng ton club next week. A surprise party was given Miss Maude Shipley at her home Monday evening. Twenty of her young friends assembled and made merry. J. H. Price spent Wednesday and Thursday in Lincoln on business. Leonard Crum returned from South Dakota the first of the week to again make his home In Florence. Mrs. C. W. Bhulxe returned ''Odnesdsy from Wausa, Neb., where she wss visit ing her sister. Miss Lillian Broderson, who Is teaching school at Long Pine, Neb., returned the first of the week to visit her parents. Mrs. Frits Kruse entertained Monday at her home In honor of her birthday.. About twenty guests were present. Mrs. I. A. Taylor entertained the Dor cas society of the Methodist church Mon-Oejr. of college students Is with nose burled In a book, and gave themselves up to one of the merriest revels which the students have enjoyed for a long time. Delightful Informality marked the whole affair. Those present were: Misses Misses Ruth Jlltson, Frances Keller, Kuth Stokes, Edna G!the. Eva Ward. iSusan JHlson. 'hapman Rumsey, Kmma Ward, Hernlce HoMotfeldt, Hasel Zoll. Irene Leslie. IRernlne Mitchell, Eleanor Hhlmer, Helen Andrews, Anne Johnston, , Messrs. Judson O. Ward, Lester Stewart, Perry Johns, ln r ales. dv. February 1, with Mrs. K. Joll on rifty-sixth snd Leavenworth streets. Mrs. 11. A. Alllston was given a sur prise rrty Friday afternoon In honor of her birthday, wher. the following guests were present: Mesdames K. W. Oehrke, Ingersoll. William Elliott. N. P. Nelson. B. lolley, E. Doll, R. J. Sutton. N. 1 Thompson, F B. Kern and Miss Mlnnlo Oehrke. Miss Lena Nielsen celebrated her birth day on Wednesday evening when covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. II. H. Niel sen, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nielsen, Mr. and Mrs. Hans Nielsen. Benson v Social Ciroles Mssrs. Paul Cummlngs, Garwood Richardson George Evans. 1 Wslker Rule, President W. B. Nlcholl of Bellevue college and Mrs. Nlcholl entertained the members of the faculty who live In Bel levue at dinner Saturday evening. This dinner was the second of two Informal affairs which the Nlcholls have given recently in honor of the college faculty. Spring flowers,, with pink and white sweet peas predominating were used In the decorations and favors. Covers were laid for: , Dr. snd Mrs. Stephen Phelps. x Dr. snd Mrs. Charles A. Mitchell. Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Bets, Rev. and Mrs. Charles K. Baakarvilla, Prof, and Mrs. P. W. Evans. President and Mrs. W. 10. Nlcholl, Mrs. Henry McRoberts. Miss Marguerite Dlddoch mad a hur ried trip to her home in Walthlll for the week-end. Miss Laura Doollttle of Klrkman, Neb., wss the week-end guest of Miss Helen Andrews. Judson C. Ward of Arcadia spent Fri day and Saturday with his daughter. Miss Eva, a member of the freshman class. . The visit of Miss Alga Mills of Walthlll, who during the last week has been the guest of Misses Marguerite Dlddook and Chapman Rumsey, was the occasion for a number of Informal affairs In Fonte nelle hall this week, , . ' ' , Miss Irene Leslie entertained In her rooms at the Fontenelle Wednesday evening In honor of her guest. Miss Ruth Derbyshire. Thursday evening Miss Derbyshire was honor guest at a "spresd" given by the Misses Ruth and Susan Jlllson. v West Ambler Social Activities Bellevue Society Circles In the absence of their presidents and soma of their prominent members, the Adelphlan and I'hilomathlan literary so cieties of Bellevue college banished the memory of long-standing feuds to Join in a Friday night jollification In Adelphlan hall. All the company from freshmen to seniors forgot thst the proper position CELEBRATED HIS FIRST ANNI VERSARY YESTERDAY. meeting. Plans for the entertainment and Jubilee of Friday, Saturday and today were perfected. At he Wednesday meeting of tho Book Lovers at the home of Miss Rice tho club continued the study of Thackeray's great A daughter wss born last week to Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wolfe- Peter Hennickson Is seriously 111 at his home on Forty-seventh' and Leavenworth streets with pneumonia, Mr. Thomas Blsckett of Arlington, Neb., was in Omaha last Wednesday to visit his son, Wslter, who la seriously ill of pneumonia In the Immanuel hospi tal. While here he wss the guest of his son. Wlliner R. Blackett. The Grace Saxe bible class will meet Tuesday at 10 o'clock with -Mrs. p. I Edgsr, m South Fifty-first street. Ruth Wagner Is quite 111 at her noma on Mercy street. The Epworth league of tha Jennings Methodist church will gtve a Valentine social In tha parlors of tha church Tues day evening, February IB. Mrs. Guy . Glover of Arlington, Neb., was the guest last Sunday ef her brother, Wlliner R. Blackett. The Ladles' Aid society of the Jen nings Methodist church will met Thurs day, February 17. 1918. with Mrs. D, Glvens. m South Fifty-first street Mr. snd Mrs. Hans Nielsen entertained at dinner Saturday evening In honor of Mr. Nielsen's birthday. Covers were laid for- Messrs and Mesdames Mr. E. A. MtrOlaseon. spent a couple of j date In Missouri Valley on business. Mrs. J. Woods of Portland, Ore., Is visiting her sister, Mrs. Frank Under. The Kstherine chspter of the guild will , meet and have supper Monday evening at the Presbyterian church. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Akerraan enter tained the Sunday school board of the Presbyterian church Monday evening. Mrs,, L. K. Luther entertained on last Sunday In honor of her sister. MKss Jen nie Johnson of Nebraska City, The B. L. 8. club will hold a meeting on next Thursday afternoon at St. Ber nard's hall. Mrs. Walter Snell has returned home from a six weeks' visit with relatives In Nlxen, Pa. Mr. E. A. McGlaason entertained his Sunday school class at his home, Tues day evening. Mrs. A. F. Snyder was hostess, for the Good Times' club last Thursday after noon. Mrs. C. E. Tltsel was hostess for the Cosma Kensington club of Omaha last Thursday afternoon. Mrs. E. J. MoArdle entertained at a dinner Sunday evening, when covers were laid for twelve guests. The women of the English Lutheran church will give a Washington's birthday dinner next Friday evening. The Christian Endeavor society held a , special service last Sunday evening, when Mr. Baker of Omaha gave an Interesting talk to the young people. i Mir. and Mrs. A. Beyors of Pierce, Neb., , spent last Wednesday visiting at the ; home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Amish. ; Miss Kate Van Horn was hostess last week for the Christian Endeavor society at a social gathering. Walter Snell. who has been with the ' Kuhla Drug company, Is now with the Union Pacific, as chemist. A reception for old and new members of the congregation will be held at the ' Presbyterian church next Friday even- ! lng. Mr. and Mrs. A. C, Lessard entertained last week In honor of their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Seldler of Grlswold, la. Mr. Thomas Horan and Miss ..ose Horan were "at home" last week for the Keystone Park Boclal club. A son was barn to Mr. and "Mrs. How ward Lessard on last Wednesday, Mrs. G. Waterbury will be hostess for the Methodist Ladles' ' Aid society on next Wednesday. Mrs. J. - Barrett of Minneapolis, Minn., who wss called here 'by the sickness and death of Mrs. O'Connor, re turned home on Saturday. Mrs. J. Calvert entertained the Loyal ' Daughters last Tuesday evening, they will have a social gathering wext Mon day evening at tha home of Miss Byars. The Baptist young .people had a sleighing party last Tuesday evening with a supper at the home of Miss Maud Palke, nine miles west of Benson. The women of the Presbyterian church gave a Lincoln chicken dinner last Fri day evening, and the women of the Methodist church will give a Washing-j ton's dinner next Tuesday evening. Mrs. C. F. Harru) entertained Wednes day at a theater party for Mesdames W. A. Smith, J. J, Btubbs, 8. A. Collins. J. Speedle and Miss Lillian Harris. The flrt department held a meeting Monday evening, at which time Messrs. Ben Morton, Harry Knudsen, H. Nellsen, Jim Morton. O. McGulre and P. J. Flyn, received five-year service diplomas. Mrs. W. F. Vernon entertained last Wednesday in honor of her daughter's birthday anniversary. The little folks present were: Dorothy Smith, Edith Stsrrett, Leila Boner, Helen Walllck, Josle Wylle, Irene Sesrson and Henrietta Maurer. Mrs. H. W. Co I son entertained on Wed nesday for her little son's birthday. The guests were: Eugene Plckard, Alice Col son, Gall, Bennet and Margeret Davis, Clark Bowennan and Ardeth Van Ars dala. Tha Eighth B olass of tha Central High school held a social and business meet ing and alerted for officers: Robert Russell, president; Ben Butler, vice presi dents Eunloe Roth, secretary; Herbert Frlerman, treasurer. A class paper will be edited by Clifford Ellis snd Olga or ensen. Mrs. K. Llljenstolpe entertained a num. ber of Omaha friends last Tuosdsy. In honor of her birthday. The guests were: Mesdames John Helgren, Alfred Bloom, Joe Berger, J. Bundland. J. McFarland, N. P Swanson, J. A. Swanson. W. J. McCaffrey and W, A. Llljenstolpe. One of the Lohrman Newer Skirts immmi .... ' ' i , ' v ;- " F you will use forethought and arrange to have your spring suit tailored Now before the annual spring rush"I will make every in ducement in , the way of price. As low as $35 if order is placed before Feb. 20th. COMPLKTK $8 to $10 Special Until February 20tk 433-25 Paxlon Block, Omaha Oakland Avenue chapter of St. Paul's novel "Pendennis. Mrs. r.m.n guild held a combined business meeting told very Interestingly of I-aura Bell and and tea Monday afternoon at the re.l- her associations with the rn" deno. of Miss Elizabeth Quinn. Tomor- "V. and of the resulting love affair wit ... l.k Iimm. Arthur Pendennls. Mrs. Chsrles T. Otn w m uivvuns will uw iieiu i . " ..v... , . , Mr.. Bh-rt with Mrs. Hunt- . r gave a condensed account of the char lngton and Dr. Harriet Hamilton as hostesses. South First Street chapter of St. Paul's guild met Monday afternoon at the home of Mra Forest Smith. Mrs. Smith wss assisted in entertaining by Mrs. A, C. Graham. At the meeting of the Tuesday History club, held at the home of Mrs. J. K. Cooper, the study of Equador was taken up. Mrs. Killpack told of the Caras and Mrs. A. W. Tyler read a paper on tha Spanish conquest. "The War of in dependence"' as given by Mrs. C. G. Bauoders. while the formation of Equador was described by Mrs. Painter Knox. The geographical characteristics were de scribed by Mrs. J. K, Cooper and tho cU- ; acters in the book which had not yet boi discussed, and closed the story. Miss I lie will again be hostess Wednesday after noon, when the club will begin the study of "The Newcomes." The meeting of the R. snd 8. club an nounced for last Thursday has been post poned tlllThursdsy of this week, when it Will meet with Mrs. Gardiner. The Flower mission held Its annual elec tion Wednesdsy afternoon at the home of Mra. Frank Pinney. Mrs. II. A. Qulnn wss elected president, Mrs. Pinney, vies president; Miss Nell Benton, secretary, and Mrs. Clarence Keeltne, treasurer. Tea was served after the business was com pleted. Mrs. Pinney was assisted in en tertaining by Mrs. Frank Binder, Mra Roland OUs and Mrs. Reed Fllckinger. 0 a mm H. 11. Nielsen Hsrry Johnson t'srl Nielsen Misses MIMred Johnson Hetty Nielsen Johanna Nielsen Messrs Albert f'hristensen James Nielsen M. Chrlstensen Misses Clara Nielsen Ina Nielsen Messrs Wohbv Nielsen A surprise party was given Mr. John Wlsler Tuesday evening, the occasion being hts birthday. Cards and games furnished smusement for the evening, Prises were won by A. J. Wisler, Mrs, Fred Tex snd Mrs. George Hoffman. Those present were: Messrs. and Mesdames K. A. Winn W. T. Hamand V. A. Marshall Kred Tex Frank Cockayne George Hoffman r.mii iromen Misses Mildred Wisler Ina Wilcox Rose Carr Messrs Clnnn Wisler Jlin Gllmore Walter Wisler Crochet with IClostersilk wl"l "Hamming B hT7 V -twCiv W$J fJ -"aJ Easy-to-f oUow-Inslxuctiona Frco Use Klostersilk for all kinds of crocheting and embroidering the perfect ''twist of the thread makes it impossible for Kloster silk pieces to shrink or pull out of shape after many launderings they retain their brilliant lustre and remain asbeau- tifal as new. Present this advertise ment to your dealer and get. absolutely free "20 Klostersilk Crochet . In structions." ... If he does no.t happen to sell Klostersilk," send -his name and three 2c stamps for the 20 Instructions. The Thread Mills Co. Thread Sales Dept. X ZltW.Aau 3uCkicase.nl. I ST. VALENTINE'S I DAY BRINGS BACK SWEET MEMORIES Allerl Lincoln Cleveland Jnjrph Heger A. J. Wisler M tss frri,t WIn1- jl.yrila Wisler ! Helen Wisler ! Messrs Al W isler ' . . . -1 i . irwi . v , inn llenrffA Marshall Mrs. hi A. Winn entertained at cards Wednesday afternoon when prizes Vrere won by Mesdames A. J. Wisler, Jsy Colo, II, Itocsslg nnl E. riroman. Those present were: Mesilanics Frank Cockayne, R. J. i Button, V. K. Kerns, H. K. Oanls, I"red (Tex. George Uatighmsn, A. Hansen, John i Wisler, V. A. Marshall, A. Oroetsohal, Kd Maack, W. C. Johnson, Connelly, X. Fox. A. J. Wisler, Jsy Cole, H. Roesslg snd Kmll Oromsn. Mrs. A. Wllg entertained tha A. A. B. club at her borne last Friday. The aft ernoon was spent In embroidering towels for the hostws. Those present wero Mesdames R. J. Button, P. K. Kern, E. Ioll. I T. Bullock, N. P. Thompson, 8. Westln, O. Hayes. A. Hatfield. Bert Polley snd Miss Mary Peterson. The next meeting of this club will be Prl- I a st i i 1 PRICES IX) It DRY CLEANING MEN'S Overcoats .... Ulsters Sweaters SUITS, 3 pieces.... $1.50 SUITS, 2 pieces.... $1.25 Trousers .....$ .50 LADIES' Tailor Suits ...$1.75 to Skirts, plain ........ ...$ .75 to Skirts, pleated ...$L0O to Waists, plain ........$ .50 to Waists, fancy ........$ .75 to Dresses, plain .$1.25 to Dresses, fancy . $1.75 to Jackets, short .$1.00 to Jackets, long ....$1.50 to Gloves ...$ .10 to We tfusu-iMiteo sallsfiw'tiuu or no pay. Why wot liav the I1K8T? THE PANTORIUr.l "Good Cleaner and Dyers." - - -10111-15-17 Jones St. ' Fhone Doug. 0413. liranrh Office, 2016 Farnam St. ftouth Hide, 4708 8. 24th St. X. It. We sponge and prrss suits for SO centa. $1.50 $2.00 $,.50 $2.00 $1.00 $1.50 $ .75 $LC0 $1.50 $3.00 $1.25 $2.00. $ .25 DO YOU REMEMBER the little valentines you sent tier the ones with the Uttie red heart and the pretty Terse When you both were ktdsT WHY NOT RECALL THOSE MEMORIES by sending her now a boa of at. Valentine's Candy the I a (THOSE MEMORIES I by sending her now a boa of I . M . I W - Bt. vaienunes v-sjiuj un m a kind you can get at I Greens Pharmacy i SIP aaa I Cor. Itth and Howard, Omaha Distributers for the Cele brated "ler-Klss" Perfumes and Toilet Articles. I Open a Charge Account With Loftls Bros. & Co. 'You can't go wrong If you buy a Diamond NOW at our present low prices, and you'll be "laying up money" every time you make a payment. Buy a Diamond NOW, on credit, and get the benefit of; future advances. L a d I e s' iMamond Ring, 14k solid gold, Loftl.' "Perfeo- t i o n trn www $2.60 a Month mounting as a Month so Diamond 8tud, solid t SO a lcaata IO3 Wrist Watch. Caaa and Bracelet ar both fine lk solid gold. Iever set, full nickel Jeweled, choice, of either white or gold dial, tluaran- ' J24.75 teed, at nrmAt mui aa.M a KOBtb.' ' raoae Pouglas 1444 and oar saUsmaa will oalL Call or write for Catalog jTo. 03. Opea dally uUl .. Batrays 1U i30. : The Old Reliable, Original Diamond Watch Credit House s w.i rs Wa.tloB.al Bsvalt Blor k 409 . It 0rh. Opp. mf mI. Co ppt' orm