Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 13, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 12-A, Image 14

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    12 A
i i
1 !'
i !
Alternate Strips of Black, Orange
and White Will Predominate
in Color Scheme.
Oriental, with tendcncr toward th
Oapanese, I the war Hi decorations for
the, Omaha Auto show at th Auditorium
February 21 to 2 are descrlb-d.
aeorga Later, who has charge of tlia
decorating, haa Just returned from a trip
to th asst. where he vidiled three of the
biff shows to set a few pointer. Put the
oriental Id was derided befor Mr.
LAler went east and he believe the
Omaha ahow'a decorations will surpass
anything he saw on bjs junket.
The oriental effect will be aocom
titlshed by the uae of brilliant color. Al
ternate stripes of --black, orsnga and
white wl'l be the ' basis of the color
acheme. a ttrlklnit. If not startling com
bination. fcy me ouiite.
The corona descending from th roof
of th Auditorium1 for lighting purpose
will be taken out entirely and skied
renins bujlt over the entlr top of the
building. Also there will be Mo burlap
on the floor, a at prevloua show. Th
burlap waa not only unaanltary, but be
came tolled after the flrat day of the
how and waa entirtly unsatisfactory.
This year ruhberold, which la something
like linoleum, will be placed on th
floor. Thin la aanitary and can lie washed
anO cleaned every day, o that on the
last day It will be a clean an on the
The lighting of the Auditorium remain
a mystery. Beyond a vague assertion that
It will be a new scheme, never before
tried at any show any place In the
country, officer of the ahow association
are prone to sidestep questioning on this
auhject. They are willing to declare the
building will be an effulgent blase of
luht and the scheme win be new and
striking, but beyond that they refuge to
breathe a word. ,
Twenty gltls are now at work making
the decoration for the show and starting
the night of February It 100 girl will go
to work at the Auditorium, working at
night, until the morning the show open.
George Reim Leads
Field as Booster for
Omaha Auto Show
Uses Motorcycle in Mountains
to Get Material for His Lecture
To run short of gssollns eighty miles
from a base of eupply, 30o mile from a
railroad line, and In the midst of the
great forest of the Kalbab National
park In northern Arltona was the unique
experience of Tr. II. W. Taylor, who
lectures at the Toung Men's Christian
association auditorium Tuesday evening.
The lecture will be Illustrated with col
ored pictures of many points of more
than ordinary Interest and will be en
titled "From the Yellowstone to the
Orsnd Canyon." Dr. Taylor haa made
eight different trip to this wonderful
region and the pictures shown are new
and of wonderful beauty. He uses a
motorcycle In order to travel th nar
row traila and frightful roads of this
region which balk the automobile. The
average price of a gallon of gasoline In
this part of the far west, Utah and
Ariiona, is 75 rents a gallon, but on
several occasions Dr. Taylor relate that
he would have been glad to pay twice
that amount for this necesary article.
By means of hia motorcycle, Dr. Tay
lor travelled direct to the rim tti the
Ornnd Canyon of the Colorado river
and secured many valuable pictures of
this wonder of wonders.
' I . V,..- ..'
l ,, -- -''-'( . 1 ,
; : ... .. , t - - . t ,,t ,
" X ' - 1 '
1 V -',-"
Oyer Eighteen Thousand More Li
censes Issued in 1915 Than for
the Prerions Year.
American Minister to Portugal is
Among Those Who Selects Pow
erful Car for His Use,
Unanimously elect Oeorge Reim, Csdll
lac spent for Omaha and Nenrtekii, .
exalted ruler of the Royal Order of
(Omaha Automobile Bhow boosters. R-lin
certainly leads the field when It comes
to boostlnic the locnl auto ahow.
New York may have a great motor
show and some say Chicago hua the
greatest. Rut no amount of argument
ran make Relm believe either of these
aliows has anything on Omaha. He can
advance more reasons why the Omaha
ahow Is better and more proofs that It
ia better than a stump speaker Can ad
vance that .lils candidate la the logical
man for a soft political office with no
work and a juicy salary.
With the 1916 show but a week away
Re'm la fairly outdoing himself In the
line of boosting. There Uni t a Cadillac
gent, owner or driver that doesn't be
lieve the auto show Is Omaha's greatest
event. Relm believe It and say It,
and when Reim says a thing he haa a
rhanncr of nj lug It that makes you be
lieve implicitly that ho knows whereof
lie spcaka.
Relm declares his Cadillac exhibit will .
be the best ever, Just ea the show will pert's
be .the best ever. He look for the) i
craftiest ' attendance In history at the I
display and tho greatest sale of Cadil
lac cars, if every auto dealer was a
ardent a booster . for. . Omaha and the
Auto ahow as Rplm Is, New York and I
Chicago would have to grant the auper
lority of Omaha without the sign of a
rap. . ,
The most notable aal of the New York
automobile show was that of eight Hud
son Super-Six phaetons to six diplomats
stationed in Portugal, and two member
of one of the most aristocratic families
In Lisbon, The sale of the eight car
waa a tng!a transaction. The cara were
purchased by the following persons:
Their excellencies. Dr. F. Regis de Oll
velra, Rraslllan ambassador; P. Kotklne,
Russian minister; A. Van der Goes,
Dutch minister; B. C. Segastume, Ar
gentina minister; Colonel Thomas 11.
lllrch, American minister, all of whom
have their official residence In Lisbon;
W. 11. Ktuve, American cgnsul. I'orto,
Portugal, and Benhor Fernando Pinto
Ilnsto and Kctuardo Pinto Iiasto, wealthy
and aristocratic residents of Lisbon. .
Because of the hlnh station In ofriclal
nnd social life occupied by these men
only cars of distinction were considered.
An ambassador or a minister represent
Ing a foreign country must have a car
lit keeping with the dignity of hia posi
tion. Thia narrowed the choice to a
few All have, summer residences lit the
mountain. Thus a car of great power
wna another vital xonsldernlion. Roomi
ness, beauty, of exterior and Interior,
hlh grade workmanship' and mnterlala,
ar.d the reputation and .standing of the
company for stability and service were
other factor Involved.
a the export who looked' over "the
field of American car for them reported
the Bupor-BI aa best suited to their
purposes. Colonel Hire, while on a Visit
to hia home In Burlington, N. J., went
to New York to view ' the automobile
show. There he, confirmed the selection
of the eight Super-Sixes. Colonel n-nh
Is a member of th widely known Rlrch
family, which for years ha been mak
ers of fine carriages. It was his expert
knowledge ' of materials, especially
leather, that led him to confirm the ex-
W. E. Foshier Says There Will Be
No Delay in Getting Autos to
The Foshier Motor company, distributer
for the Dort In this territory, proniise
Immediate deliveries of the sensational
little car. There I no doubt that motor
ists here will demand a large number
of Dort for Immediate and early spring;
Probably no car on the market haa been
received with aa much enthusiasm aa
the ltn Dort touring car. "Jack" Mans
field, sales manager of the Dort com
pany, recently wrote the local d'stri
buter that more than 2.2W Dort car
were sold during the New York ahow and
nearly as many at the Chicago sltow.
"New York people know motor cars."
said Mr. Munnfluld, "and they have to be
pretty thoroughly convinced before they
buy. Rut t didn't take them long to see
that they wanted the Dort.".
The Dort la best described as an "ex
clusive llcht car." It has sturdlness, de
pendability, comfort and refinements such
ss no other light car possossses. The
Dort ha all the advantage of the light
car with the vond ncilnta of thA hiir rAr.
t'h. i., k. i. ,h. I Hayes
. ..D ... . , ...... , tiii,.lL.0(.,
short of marvelous and aa to refine- i Holt .....
menta and beautiful lines they are evl- ) looker
dent at a glance. ' ' l&Te&n
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Feb. 12. (Special. ) Accord
ing to the records In the office of Sec
retary of Ftate Pool, automobile license
were issued to 18,543 more automobile
owners In 19U, than there were In the
year previous. Kvery county in tho
Mate showed a considerable percentage
cf increase with the exception of Thomas
county, which dropped from fourteen to
Dougla county showed an Increase
r.647 to 5.4M, Lancaster from 2,4",2 to 8,125.
But four counties in Nebraska in 1!)H
howed the number of automobile run
ring over the 1,000 mark. Douglas, Lan
caster, Plntt and York, but In 1?1J thero
were seventeen counties running over the
1.0(i0 mark. Besides tlioee cf 1914. Adim.
Butler. Custer, Dodge, Gage, Hall, Ham
ilton, Madlaon. Otoe, Polk, Saunders,
Sward and Washington were added.
Arthur county had the least number In
1M. nine automobiles being credited to
the little county, but In 1!)15 It had run
the number up to seventeen, leaving
Thomas on the bottom of the list. Banner
county ran up-four times as many, Jump
from twenty-eight to 111.
List by (oaatlea.
following la the record by
MM 1911 County.
pis i.r'.' Joiiniori ...
MS 71 -Keni'iiey ...
9 17! Keith
1111 Keva Paha
2, Kimball ....
SMlLlncoln ..
2M uogan .....
Stl l-rfiup .......
MitlMarilson ...
fi7 l,fsi2!McPlHraon
vy 4i'Mflrriclc ,-.
fiiw iilMori tll ....
)! 183! Nance ....
2S ffiiiNemrtha ...
2ul 27;ilNuckolls ..
7"0 SOJjOtoo
572 8721 Pawnee ...
? Rt Perkina ...
tM l.OMllPhelps
ziz w.i'nerco
m .zu: Platte
Adsma ...
Antelope ,
Arthur ...
Manner ..
Hlnliie ...
Box Butte
Boyd ln7
Buffalo ..
Butler .,
Caxs .....
Cedar , . ,
Chase ..
Cherry ..
Clay ....
Colfax .,
Cuming .
Custer .
Dakota .
Dawea ..
Deuel ....
Dixon ....
Dodue ...
Dour la a
Dundy - ..
Furnas ..
! (inn- ....
Harden ,.
Gosper . ,
Grant ...
(ireeley ..
i 4
, 35 i
. bill
.a, 453 J.'il'f)
. 4-1 1 741
H fit
49 fit
JuW 1.1K1
. 25 ai
4S8 (T,
... 97 364
... 173 Wl
... 4 77
... 619 619
... V. 1.2W
... 41.1 67
... 74 17
... r74 627
... 4'i! 67S
...1.0)1 1,311
2;A m
KS7 1.4r,7
274 444
'' 1,172
.. 429 6941 Pol f 611 1,050
.. 62 10jRed Willow ilS 4i0
.. SX6 B4X Rleliftrdn'n (UU 111
. ri kock .....
.3.647 6.4IWI Saline .....
. 1''.1 2ej Snrpv ....
. 7;4 Saunders
. 317 r1 8. Bluff ;
. 134 24i Hewnrd ..
. 3'M 451! flherldan
. 8.S0 1.2MI Sherman .
. M 13fi!Sloiix
. 91 117! Htantnn ..
. lot laVThavur ..
. 34 3l Thomas ..
. 2S M Thurston .
. 77 1,191 ! I lev
. 7:.f 1.0H! Washlng'n
. 'Ji . 8741 Winne ...
. . 1341 Webster .
. 96 i' '5' Wheeler .
. 4't2 CIYork ...
. iC SS! -
.'8-7 8-491 Totals ..40.5C8 51.140
.'.414 S42
.46 97
...1.041 1.S15
Heard . ;
at the Omaha
Automobile. Cliib
Eacing Cars, Move -;
More Smoothly in
Their Second Year
Thirty-Nine Lose
; Cars in Fire and
Buick Makes Sales
Plan Long Distance
Pop-Pop Race on the
Omaha Motor Track
"Everybody who wants a motor car
wants a Buick," Is th way th Buick
Motor company Jumped before the pub
lic recently. Instantly other automobile
wien began to titter and giggle and scoff
and guffaw. Then the hilarity ceased.
The lnrgeat garage at lender. Wyo-
tnlng caught fir and thirty-four automo
biles were completely destroyed. On th
day following the fir twenty-two of th
owner who lost car placed order tor
ew models. Of these twenty-two. nine
teen purchased Buick. The list of those
Who bought new Buick with th model
which they purchased follow:
3rter Welch.. D--'i Arthur Croft. .P-S-45
Xobt Bragg. .P-6-M.F. Batcher D-S-t
Heard. .....l--b F- ". ...l--
' Mrower D-4-tr..Mr. Br. kttb..D-6-
T&. Young ...1- C. T. Baley....lV4l-4o
Ttay UeulT..l-6-4.VMr. Marlell....l-S.4fi
ttr Civintr H-6-4.VJ. W. Cook ... .I--45
llla Kad...D-6-4r. Wm. McFee...l)--4S
lr. Joltrey..f i-6-4,V A. V.
. JP. Fie. burg.. D--4.:
.Of these nineteen, Messrs. Welch,
JWrd. Brower, Young and Cooper owned
Bulcks that were detrey4 in the fir,
and they ordered new cara of th same
rnak a th ones destroyed. Th other,
bowerver. .owned car cf. other make
than Bulcks. Everyone know that an
automobile is taxed to th utmost when
It is put In aervle In mountainous coun
try. While some cf these car will
1rouably be used oidy in town, yet the
W.ajorlty of them will be tixed over th
entire state of Wyoming. This compli
ment to the Buick car show that the
people in the west believ that when bet
ter automoUlt-a are built, Uulck will
t-ul 4 them.
A- lot; distance motorcycle raeu of 10)
or 130 ini'es to 1 held on the Omaha
Automobile speedway Is a contemplated
Clan of Jack rrlnrf, bulhter of the areel- Prince is figuring on holdlnx the
event on time In June. . ,
The local automobile speedway ' would
te an Ideal place fcr a long pop-pop race,
t'eclare Prince. The track, being a mil
siul a quarter, Is In full view of the
spectators. Kvery point of th riding sur
face can be seen from the grandstand.
Also he boards with the high pitched
curves are more conducive to sped than
the fltt knd dangerous dirt tracks. It Is
estimated the gas bikes could make well
over 10 mile an hour.'
If Price holds the event 4s contem
plated, ucl famou riders ft Carl
Cowdy, Joe Wolters. Otto Walker, Morty
Graves and others would enter.
Victor H. Boos, the IocaI Ilarley-Davhl-an
dtuli Ihute.', has tecclvtd wurd that
tl.e fostinastor general ha ameode4 pca
tsl delivery resulatiou to permit the mv
toiiytlo to t used tv rural route car
riers when equipped with a motor of not
W than aitty cubic inch c ilud. r dis
placement, have a Itmtatiently attached
'.) van with tread adjustable to flfty-si
inclits and waterproof body not less than
forty-two inches Ion, twenty-four incbss
wide and rlghtevn tmhe deep.
The Auto Accessory company, who
operate the Ford supply store, at 203
Farnam street, wilt open a branch Slore
on Sixteenth and Cuming streets, ep-
i ,,,,. "i.gis ! polt the new assembly plant of the
Ford Motor company. Tney wjij oe reaay
for business about March 15. ami by this
arrangement country customera and pur
chaser of new Ford cara can secure their
ektraa and 4Ulptmcnt without driving all
th way up town to th old store.
A .repair department has been added
to their Farnam street house and they
expect an Increased business along that
line together with their rapidly growing
trado lu Ford sundries.
F.iitertalnlng Ilrat-run mutton pictures
t the llanshaw hotel will be one of the
side attiactlona for visitor during tho
Auto show, beginning February II. Be
side photoplays, comedies and new pic-
clal night.
Now that Cord tlrj, b providing lu
rued ruling comfort, have won their
May 4vur w'Ui motoriKt. and r
' I? niMi. d as standard r(Ulpneiit on some
'.- ut cars, the observation of U. XI.
One of the moot important . mov of
the Omaha Automobile club ha made la
the rr fent statewide campaign to In
Though there . are exceptions to the
(rule, race, car generally perform nt their
jbest durinff their second year., The Max
,wella in their 1913 form raced-virtually
, . . . . . , ... i vriviiuiuijr jor csperimeni, oe-
terest Nebraska town. In marking thek ,nff talwn, dlr.t fronl tl)e MaxweU ao
roads. The club h. met with splendid tory t0 the. neat of bRt8 C1V the. speed-
towns that are very keen on this subject
and have written th local club: -
Broken Bow Tho Public Service rlub Is
much Interested lit the subject and will
ee that our roads aro marked.
Msdlnon-We have done a great deal
In marking our loads and upon your sug
gestion moie will be done In the spring.
Kxter-e will certainly fall In line
with this good work.
Kearney W realise the importance of
marked roads and ahull give this work
special attention the coming year. Will i
mall a map showing road marked. !
Lincoln It Is . our Intention to mark
the roads forty mile In every direction
from Lincoln. : Will guarantee you
hearty co-operation In this work.
Nebraska City Tour ' road marking
campaign is an excellent Idea and you
can count us with you.
Cairo There la no auto club here, but
I will bo pleased to take the responsibil
ity myself of seeing that the road are
mat kid. a. C. Raven, cashier.
Chester Thank you for calling our at
tention to this and will put up some
good slgna In the spring.
Alliance Olad to hear from your wor
thy oiganlsatlon. Alliance has the beat
merited road In th weatern half of the
state, but will continue to Improve them.
Juanlta There 1 no club here, but will
be glad to do all 1 can personally. F, L
Graas. ,
Columbus Will most certainly co-oper- i
ate with the Omaha Automobile club In I
this splendid movement.
Clarks Very good Idea and will help I
iwaya. It Is believed that a season of
experience at high speeds . ha suggested
many way In which, by attention to
minor detail, they can be made .even
faster than before. ', , .-, .
In these matters- Blckenhacher will
have the advantage .of counsel from Rny
i llarrouii, . fdrmer international champion
driver, who designed the cara and super
vised their 'construction 'at'.the Maxwell
planta a year ago.: . ;
Improvements and service parts for the
cars will bo built at the Maxwell. Motor
company' machine shops In Detroit.
NEW SALES MANAGER OF THE , r81 Cvlou month was In the heart of
I llir Pf.rm v.'iiirm !rniw,n. ,
The Chicago Automobile show brouO'.
In a total of XV) orders and tho New
York show 2,OA Theae orders wero
rlaced at tho 4cr by dealers who this
year attended the big metropolitan ex
hibits In greater numbers than ever be
fore. A striking feature of the record-break-
11. E. Raymond, second vice president
of th B. F. Goodrich company of Akron,
O., relinquished the office of general sales
manager to W. O. Rutherford, at the
January meeting of the company's board
sof directors, Just concluded. Mr. Raymond
will continue actively aa vice president
exercising general supervision over sales
and advertising policies. The change was
made necessary by the enormous Increase
In the Akron concern's bus'ness.
Mr. W. S. Rutherford, In charge of
the Goodrich store In this city, gave out
this Information yesterday. "Mr. Ruther
ford will begin his new -duties at once.
The announcement of the chance was
made by the board of director of the
company after their meeting In Akron."'
Orders Received in January More
Than Doable Those of Best
Previous Month.
, i
Indicative of the remarkable prosperity
of the automobile business is the January
record of orders Just announced by the
Faxon Motor Car company. In the
month Just closed this company reoelved
orders for 6.7i2 cars for Immediate ship
ment. - -
This break all previous ."axon record,
the total number of order received Jn
January being more than double that of
the best prevloua month last May, when
8.318 were received. The showing- is con
sidered all the more remarkable when it
ia remembered that January is a winter
month ordinarily a dull periodwhile the
Automobile 'Leapfrog. '
A motorist returning -homeward to
Harrta . Ana,. Cal.i at a good rat of
speed, suddenly found hi path blocked,
lie turned sharply to. the aide, climbed
a pile of loose dirt and leaped a four
foot irrigation ditch, winding up In a
farm yard from which he found an easy
path back to the road again. - All Santa
Ana went out the next-day to see the
tracka made by his Maxwell car. -
Maxwell Pleat for Canada.
The Maxwell ' Motor ' company ' of
Canada haa begun construction of a
large factory hulldlrur at Windsor.
Ontario, where it will build In charac
teristically large uuantlttea Maxwnll
cars for lorn!nlon trade.. Canadian deal
ers hsvo been heretofore supplied from
Detroit. The Windsor city council do
nated a site for the plant.
I have now located at
2230. Farnam St., and will
remodel the old location,
installing all modern elec
trical equipment. I will
be prepared to handle all
manner of electric car
work and repairing of
starting and If sitting sys
tems; alao batteries.
For the past 10 years 1
.have been connected, with
the Electric Garage and
Drunimond Motor Co., and
my eiperience has fitted
me for all kinds of electric
work. - ...
iien for Philadelphia
Storage lottery Co.
Walter Anderson
Electric Co.,
ing January buslncsg was the number of
falnlosd orders received. A few year
aro the oiilering of a tralnload of Cara
was considered a big event, but row ,
sdays In factories of large production,
like the Faxon nnd others, tralnload ship
ments are not uncommon.
When nil
Want Ad.
other ways fall, try a Be
ls, rfiwn movie of good road and
i facfjhiies will also be shown on pe
The annual tetml tournament at
T'alm Reach la scheduled to commence on
Saturday, February J. The winning of
this tournament can-tea with it th
cliamplonshtp of Florida Th present
holder of the title la George Church and
previous champions have been Heals
Wright and Teddy I'ell.
Manager Donovan of lh New Yorka Is
very strong for outfielder tlllhooley. He
thinks well of tho youngster, and say
that If he had some of Kauff confidence
In hia own ability he would hat been a
star long ago.
all we can
Friend You have a very good plan and
feel sura all towns will help.
Clsy Center A very good move and
we will do all possible.
Crawford Together with the Alliance
club we have marked loads clear Into
youth Dakota.
Clarksoii We arc planning some new
roads and will take occasion to maris
tiering Vou are to be commended on
tl.a splendid work you ar doins. W
will work toet1 er with the Scott liluff
people lu this respect.
r remom e promise a Hearty co
operation of our club In the spring In
marking roads In Dodge county.
Norfolk Will be glad to co-operat
with you. Will mark roe. da within a
radius of forty mile or Norfolk. Will
send you a map. Thank for calling our
attention to this.
Geneva K llmore county Is right w ith
you In this ImportHitt move.
Hrock As theie la no auto club here, 1
will personally asKimie the task of sign
ing the highways. E. C. Yont, casi.Ur.
Superior Man;- of our roads ar
markeik- but aa )er your letter will got
busv again.
Tecumseh Omaha-Topoka road la
market! serous the county, but will got
buay on others,
Ord We agree with you that ' well
marked roads bnnj huslnrKS to town
and we will do all pnnaible.
Sm tatuntuhtle Srrsnua.
The roiik-eemitlon sttendtng the Klmt
MeiliodUl Kpis-opat thurvh of fort land,
lint. re. em I I n,uid to no automobile
sermon by tl pnxtor. Kev. Asttvr H.
I'renton. Tlie subject was "l.exiioiis
from the Hiliws a 1 fv-imla Tvur in
a Maxwell."
. : .. . . . I
You Can Count On It
When we take care of your storage bat
tery there's no doubt of quality service.
We have established ourselves' as experts.
Will you come in and be convinced? .
Nebraska Storage Battery Co.
. SS03 Faraaas Ut. Tel. Xtouf. aioa. .
. Fre inspection of any battery at any time
mm m
thonm Dougla U$S
Overland-Omaha Company
J. it. JAMISON. FriUnt
2047 Farnam Street
Wllllllll if
M.'li.r- l,P4.i.;ijl-l... ff i 'il; m ' il- II j ; ,Kv fl
. jW $875 ' .
1 1 1
Will Any Other Car
Stand This Usage?
ONE REO DEALER habitually
pulls off this stunt in demonstrat
ing a Reo car to a prospective
HE DRIVES 15 MILES per hour
.ahead and shifts in his re
verse gears 1
Well he says he has used the
same demonstrating car for a year
now done the trick hundreds
(he estimates thousands) of times
and gears are today just as si
lent and apparently just as good
as ever. So is the clutch.
BUT AFTER ALL it isn't so
wonderful when you consider
how Reo cars are made.
all vital parts that, includes
shafts and gears of course
makes the feat possible. . Would,
even if he hadn't the velvety Reo
THAT DOUBLES the factor of
safety, for tho you drop the Reo
. clutch in instantly, still there's
, no jerk. It takes hold softly
but holds when once fully en
gaged. SO IF' YOU ARE the one to whom
he is demonstrating the Reo car,
sitting beside him, you are sur
prised to find there's no jerk, no
apparent strain when he does it
CAR SEEMS TO come to a grad
ual, tho a quick, stop; then as
softly reverses.
BUT WE DON'T believe there is
another automobile on earth that
will stand it none but Reo.
design, Reo material and Reo
BY THE WAY let us remind
you that the appreciation of Reo
qualityReo value is so gen
eral, the factory is always away
behind orders. So it is necessary
to place your order long before
you want a delivery.
be a minute too soon.
Reo Motor Car Company
Lansing, Michigan
Distributors Zaatsra ana Worthsra Wsbrsska and
Wstra Iowa.
Distributor Sontaara aad Wstra Ksbraska
- - . aad Hortawtra Kansas,
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