14 A TilK OMAHA SUNDAY HKK: FKBUUAUV "U HUH. 1: i STATE CLEANERS GATHER!! OIJAHA National President and Secretary to Attend Ucbrnka Convention at Hemhaw Monday. DRESSES OFFERS HUGE PRIZE The Nebraska. State Association ef Clfnrs and Pri mill hold Ita annual convention at tha llenahaw Monday. The Nenraeka aaaoclatlnn l one of ths bla geat atat orgnnlaatlona In the country nl the convention holili a poeltlon of inniMt Importance In the, clr-anlng and dyeing" world. v. II. Brace of Buffalo and John I orlr-y of 8t. Iule, prllent and aec retary. irtrcctlrcly, of the National Aa hh latlon of Cleaner and Dyera, will at tend tha local event. Thejr will ho'h diacuaa thu pure fabric lw lefora the NVbreaVana. Machinery nwn fiom nil over the coun try are upected to attend the conven tion and a number of trade paper ed; lor. tnrludln J. W. rurrhaee of Clean in end letna. , Al Drmher of Omaha In planning to thiow a boinn In the convention by offer In a priie of XZ n Hold coin of tie realm. treaher nay It wilt be real tf'rt, not convcreatlnn. Iwvent fw Flalrl. In order to earn the one only haa to Invent a cleaning fluid that com leaa than 10 centa a gallon and will 1o the'woik aa good aa the fluid now uaed. Cleaning liuld la an expenalva Item and for year efrorta have, been made to dlaoover aomethlng whlrh will do the work aatlafartorlly and whlrh doea not bring ft relatively eypr-nelva prlre. In order to stimulate the Intereat of Inven tor Dreaher will make the offer of tiie hug prlae before the convention. Leo Foukup of Lincoln I the atate preatdent of the cleanera and dyera and will prealde at the convention. Rawson, Delivery Boy, Carves Clerk William rtawaon, colored, la fa crk at the Del drug store. Frank Sullivan la a clerk at the same place. The two loye got Into a dlecuaalon. and aa It waxed warm, Raweon drew a knife and commenced to carve Julllvan. Teople about the at ore Interfered, but not until Raweon had Inflicted wounda that necea aitated aendlng Pulllvan to the hoapltaj. FUwaon waa sent to jail. DR. FOSTER TO FILE FOR THE STATE LEGISLATURE Dr. Harry A. Foter, several terma a member of the Nebraska lealslnture, haa announced that he will file for the re publican nomination for repren' alive from pottgla county. Pr. Poster seys he will come out flatly In favor of n fR.onft.flnO bond Issue for the bulldlnt of a new capltol bulMlng. Tie' say lie It neutral aa to where that capltol shoull be located, but that Unrein' looks all right to Mm aa a location. Gets the Cash, Gets Beaten Up and Gets in Jail A man giving the name of J. It. Johnson and giving Columbus aa ha home railed on C. D. Vanaletine, a com mission man at Couth Omaha. He rep resented that he had a car of hos com ing to market and on the representa tions made succeeded In getting an ad vance of I1.T6. During the day Vanalstlne learned that he had beea swindled out of his money and started nut to find Johnson. He rnd notified the poll', and reaching the central po'l e etetlnn, arrived Just In time to ere the of f cera leading John son In aomewbst under the Influence of llijuor. Feeling ugly on account of the loaa of his money, Vanalstlne Jumped onto Johnson and beat him before the police could Interfere. unlvertlty plavera, their plarea will he filled by students of the Omaha Hlnh school who are experienced In the line of amateur dramatics. These are Miss Medrlln Mota. who will appear as Krau Orb; Klna I.evltie. who will take the part of FrauIMn (Snrhr. Ixiuise' Raabe has ben selected for the role of Rosa, a mM. Tre proo-cits mill he for th relief of mfferera abroad. Rrad TV' Ree Want- Arts. It pay' German Play Monday at Vercin Hall "!aa Cilueck lm Wlrtkel," a Oermart play by "uderman, will be given Monday owning- at the Omaha M'islk Vereln hall. Seventeenth and Cass streets, by the fiertnan Dramotle society of the V'nlver sitv of Nebraska. The play met with aueh favor when recently preaented. In Lincoln that efforts were made by local Germane to have the production repeated In Omaha. Owing to the sickness of several of the I rinr nrum rnrtll OTmrr DOES $2,500 DAMAGE Oeoige Crolv. OH Omien avenue, was awakeuod at i a. m.. by the mel! ef smoke. At I:. he started a Ire In the kitchen rsne. Mr. Croty aavld most of his furniture. Three sons asleep at the time of the fire esisped uninjured. Dam age to b'.iiMtn end rontonta was est I - ' mated at 1-'.6"0. Base Ball Uniforms The kind PaRourke buys. Get your order ; in now and get what you want when you want it; J. L. Brandeis & Sons Sporting Goods Dept. r x - i! v """""" J Sales of Special Importance From the Kli'G PECK $137,000 STOCK .WWch Will Continue for Monday Are: a All' the'Mon's Suits and Overcoats are now gelling re gardless of former price or value at $7.50 $10.00 $15.00 -All the Men's Trousers, from the King-Peck stock are selling now from $1.48 to $4.98. All the Full Dress and Tuxedo Suits arc divided into three lots ' $12.50 $17.50 $22.50 In addition you will find extraordinary values in Men' Chesterfield Silk' Lined Top Coats, Men's Fur Coats nd Men's Fur Lined Coats. Novelty and Imported Laces Gold and 811yfr Lace Flouncing;. alo Colored Novelty Ingres Em- QQ broldered on Silk Mallno Neta; worth $1.60. Yard ,.,..iOC II to 27-Inch Imported !ac Flounclngi and All-OvM-g; 9c value, oq Special Monday, yard..... ..? ....aJtC 1 M' ' H Wmtltl p wwpi.i.pbii I ill III ipwill.lil.lllW U u i i mi BP! j IIIHI ft I'll I lllIIIMHl,ip H I II RIH l W W.IIHIBII HMHll I II II I Hi Embroideries of Special Merit 27-Inch Very Fine Swlaa Baby Flounclngs. some with ruffled and hem stitched effectg others in dainty eyelet apd floral designs. Special, 0 18-Inch Cambric and Nainsook Flouncing, also a tew corset cover Of. patterns. Special, yard ...asOC Dresses -Are-Vfery Much in Vogue y. "Vogue," interpreted commercially, means demand. And 'business icumen," in this in stance, means that wc foresaw the demand for dresses this spring. Accordingly, we have bought, not alone in quantity, but the . i DRESSES THAT ARE IN DEMAND And, more than that, never before have we shown such a collection of extremely desirable sort of dresses as nowand at such reasonable prices: $13.75, $19.00, $25.00, $35.00, $49.00 and at all prices up to $89.00 ; -; s We picture a few below at special prices. The drawings are from our stock : . 00 Exceptional Silk Frocks at viT- 9 yj s iJ: THE value of these Dresses is the more notable when .one appre ciates that the fabrics promised great est favor for the Spring season rcpe Chiffon and Taffeta weaves are cm ployed. The styles are refreshingly new and delightful. FULL skirts, draped wskirts, puffy sleeves, new quaint .bodice effects, a wealth of rich silver and gold cm broidery and a wide choice as to col orings, make this event another of those noteworthy selling features for which this store is so well known. 11 m tm vim im ll0k Charming New $25 00 Models in to Dance Frocks 39.00 Showing the new tendency toward panniers and distended hip lines. Clever new ideas in Gros de Lon dres, Satin Channelise and Taffetas, many with the brocade figure of silver, combined with tulle and metal laces. Dainty colorings of peach, sea foam, green, yellow, Copen and white. Sport Skirts $5.98 to $10.00 Beautiful new golf '.net. Including dark greens, navy and brown, as well as high colors of rose. Copen and white'. Clever Ideas in pockets and belts. Smart woolen checks, plaids and mixtures, showing contracting shades for trim mings. Pleated snd circular models, particularly clever for skating and sport wear. Greater Stocks, Greater Variety, Greater Service Greater Advantages Every Way We make this comparative claim, first because It Is a fact and acaln because there are only a few stores in the United States ranking In volume of business with Brandeis Stores, even in vastly more populous com munities. The leadership of Brandeis Stores In this territory is unchallengeable. This situation gives out buyers unusual and strong advantages in the Eastern markets, where they are now making the largest and most advantageous purchases this store has ever known, at a time when there Is an unprecedented scarcity of merchandise. . . These are indisputable facts that will cause this institution to stand out stronger than ever before this year when the people of this community come to buy the necessities and luxuries of life. - New Silks in Plain and Fancy Nov- elty Weaves, and Plenty of Them 36-Inch. Radiant Satin, in navy, wisteria, plum, gray, ad miral, straw brown, black, . white, evening shades, etc. in tact.' every shade Qrt imaginable. yard....yOC 40-Inch Canton Crepe, 40--lnch Striped Poplins, 36 Inch Plain and Fancy Messa)lne, lncludlpg black and all the . street and evening shades; worth to u.oo., on Q bargain square, yard.OtC y 36 and ,40-Inch Taffeta, Faille, Gros de Londres and Peau de Sole are being shown in jacquat ds, checks, stripes and figured effects, In light and dark backgrounds. Can nelle stripes In the gayer hues are much . $i.5oTo$2.5o 36-lnch 'Faille Francalsse, good weight and firm texture. One of the fabrics that will be much in use this season for dresses and suits. . In all wanted shades. Per yard $1.69 86-Inch Neptune Satin, the kind that launders. Pink, flesh and ivory tjj ?Q shades. Yard.... Ple)a7 40-Inch Black Suiting Satin' Ducheose, a heavy, high lus ter, soft finish satin of good wearing Quality. Regular $2. B0 quality, Ifeclal, r jj j- 24-Inch " Black Satin de Luxe, all silk, beautiful fin ish. Worth 75c, spe cial, yard ..... 49 c 5 SPECIALS FROM OUR LINEN STORE 10c Hack Toweling, 7Vic Full bleached, fine weave, soft and absorbent; wears and launders like all 4inen. - 12yso Napkins, 9c Full bleached, hemmed ready for use. The quality of wear. Size 18x18 Inches. V y All-Linen Damask, 79c Full bleached, all-linen ta ble damask,' 64 inches wide fno napkins to match), in s range of very pretty pat terns. 7Q Yard f Xj C $3.50 Bed Spreads, $2.75 Satin Marseilles Bed Spreads, made of a very fine selected yarn, scalloped and cut corners. 25c Turkish Towels, 18c Full bleached, hemmed ends, dou ble twisted yarns, size 22x44 inches. Extra heavy quality terry. Sheetings, White and Printed Cotton Goods 36-Inch Brown noaton L. L. Muslin. tra. weight and quality, fall standard. Off the bolt Monday. Q. 0 vard The Genuine "Sterling" Bleached Sheeting, full 72 lnchea wiae. ta Ttra. heavv. linen fin UVCWS ' lh. free from dressing; wearing quality, uur regu- vilo 27-Inch Dainty Wonder Silk and 32-Inch Highly Lustrous Tee-Kay Taffeta, merchandise worth up to 29c. The color lines are broken. therefore they go on sale Monday at, per yard 27-Inch Kimono This 15c Fleece Flannellette, txtra walcht. fleaced Inaida; bauttrui lar 24c grade, yard atavrw "v ,lo 36-Inch Genuine Bleached "or ciai Monday. . .....u, w nrt fin. yara Muailn, extra iu". -" ---- ini- ish. free from crewm. V JLoQ X ,viv ar IC U Ull J " W a Whit (jOOdl v IIthly Mercerised Dress Poplin. r... K....tif,.i aiikv finish: all tne wani- in amaii and aidium an - ,a colors, permanent 1US- 1 u. dota. tioiKl quality for cur- j o:, lus. X J New Sheer lln. 17 lm h. ld. f ' lUc yard Whlt EmbroMorad Fabrtra In tha lat t ihiu aud dralana. Many new atylra to al.'t from, for blouaea. con t Srmatlvn drattH, ate; 31 and ' 4 Inchaa vltla. Monday, yard., Fan y Bukil Woa'a 8klrtlu. on. f tha mw fabrUa for apart aklrta aud Jkraota; 4 try apvclal. yard Imported Whit Plqua. Sua vitality. rrotty anofr whlla, pktrta. rbildran'a Inrhaa wid. l ard Now Vi'hlla Military Cluator Srrlpoa for blouooa, i lachoa Ulo. SpocUI, yard Jl-liuh W hll. ' Madraa. In rho.ka, ! torda a-id aatm atriMa, for moa'a i ahirta. paloinaa and I'hlMron'a i r; modiaia bvy quality.... I lm-xrll lrrlob. thamola flnlh. I ntaina no flllM.g; pura hit.a0 'I 14 ! ! aa ldo. Hici.l Monday. MM O 'I JI-yaM bolia. 986 r. ana for aport aklru r inch. a "'yijC la Pioua. Sua auailty. ila. for -ulta, " r fiarka. a..-.; a30C 39c 19c ter: 19c ana 2oq vaiura. ' Tl, Rannlnn ABDleweD urraa nurse stripes ana iu-j checks; vaiue, Ulor yard w "Indies' Choice Longciom. 9c 32 In Beautiful White Shirt In Madraa. all tho nw halriltia atripoa and famy ficuroa. Hoc ur lio val u. Monday. Beat Grade Indigo Dye Apron Gingham, compares ' with Amoxkesg or Lan- 1 caster. ' All the wanted checks and broken effects regular 1 Vie grade, Mon day, yard Colored Wash Goods Coma in and aeUot your "Non-Kruah" ' draaa new wnlla tha color Una la com plet: whlta and avary new abada la roproaantod; nama "Non-Kruah" atampad on aalva(o of avory yard. Con- aw flnad to Brandala Storaa; II Vtf Incbaa wida. Yard -Inch Volla flouncing1, in beautiful French prlntlma very new andPyr" Jiiat wbat you want for the new ijf - full dreeMa. Yard Imported Marqulaette ribbon eelrafe. new floral dealcna on whlta and A f tinted grounda; II lnchea vldt.UHC Special, yard w Snort Sktrttna' In atrlpea and cro tonne decline, for akirta and aulta; II f f lnchea wide. Special Monday, Iff yard www Irre Aaeortment of new Printed Vollea, In (lorale. atrlpea. plalda; for nlouaea, dancln irorka, evening Kowni. etc.; printed on beet hard twieted voile; 4 T) f Inrhra wide. Per JJC Imported Pique, In col ored atrlpea and dota. for houee and etreet reaeea and children a No. 27 In. wide. fab- .... , : I v. tnnfl Th a hpalll IU1 BOH niiiau .. . ,..L1. II.. .(a la kiim V aaaniaum iur nuo underwear; i:vc vaiue. Yd.. 19c yard uuaIi rnmfortr Cretonne an T.nrr Printed S lkol ne. in ail i"" ...ni.rf h and darK BTOUnua u neat fancy prmtins; Ulor regular l!Vc valuea. . w w 40 Inch Beautiful siercenzea it.tmrn. Bookfold. Eitra weight. Bijniy l.h. Reaular Sao IT. alue. Monday, I JL 6V2c )rd J Our Great FAMILY SHOE SALE Involving heavier stocks, greater variety and bigger values than ever offered at this annual sale. Our windows now contain a displav of the shoes and Tuesday P. M.'s advertisement will give full details. Begins Wednesday, February 16th y