Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 12, 1916, Page 9, Image 9

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    Till; UKli OMAHA, SATYR-DAY, FEBRUARY 12, l!H(i.
- -
"TofiHii'i tor tportlBf Qoo4s."
tilfbUBf natures Bursess-Orandea
are soet PrUt I Now Bucon Press,
t. Itokes rtmovtd to T4 Brand. The.
oirty Corel Tor To rent property,
see J. H. Dumont Co.. Keellne Bids.
"Todays Mori mptn" claselfltl
section today. It appears In Tha Bee
EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what tha va
rloua moving picture theaters off.r.
Soaoksa'a Auto tolan J. T. Donohu.
XW) South Thirty-second avenue Informs
the police thnt hla auto was stolen from
in front of the Brandols theater durlns
the evening.
Fined for Creating- Disturbance I- B.
Hitchey of the Clowry apartments wn
arraigned In police court for creatine; a
f'lsturbance In trip building last night
and was fined I'O and corns.
English Ketarne Superintendent Eng
lish of the Recreation board haa returned
from Kansas City and St, Joseph, where
ho aecured tome ldnaa which he hopes
to use ta advantage In hie work here
next season.
Faroel Foot Fair Tha laiUs of the
Parkvalo Presbyterian church will serve
a dinner at the church next Thursday
evening at o'clock. They wilt also hold
a parcel poet fair the same evening.
ftelioToa of Watch K. J. Cary or the
Young Men's Christian association wai
relieved of a watch which he prtite,!
highly aomewhere between the Young
Men's Christian association building and
the Crelghton Medical college Thured ly
J. A. O. Kennedy to Speak Sunday
afternoon, at S P. m., J. A. C. Kennedy
will address the Omaha Philosophical so
ciety at Its rooms in the Lyric building.
Nineteenth and Farnam atreets. on
"Railroads and Their Control."
Xowan Bound Over William Hill. Keu
kuk, la., charged with the larceny of a
certificate of deposit for MM. made on a
bank of Boone, la., was arraigned In po
lice court and bound over to the district
court on a charge of grand larceny, with
bonds fixed at fl.OOO.
Will Slug la Cnloago Sunday Florence
Hasler Palmer will leave Saturday oven
ing for Chicago, where she goes to appear
in a special program at the First Metho
dist Episcopal church. Sunday. This will
he sort of a week-end trip, as she will
leturn next Tuesday.
Two Coats Stolen Christ Christensen
of Wlancr. Neb., reports to the police th -theft
of a valuable overcoat, which was
taken from the dining room of a local
hotel. Mrs. R. Chatfleld. 1822 Chicago
street, fnformt the police that a coat be
longing to her was stolen from the abovo
Bid on Baa Koines Job Omaha con
tractors are to have a chance to bid fo.
the Job of erecting the twelve-story bul d
Ing as the new home of the Des Molnei
Register and Leader at Des Moines.
Plans for the building have reached
Omaha and are on file at the Builders'
Store Hot Quarantined Due to an
error. It was staled in the Thursday
Evening Bee that a quarantine of five
weeks haa just been lifted on the grocery
store of Julius Wexenburg, 701 South
Twenty-seventh street. The store was
not under quarantine, but the living
quarters just above the store were under
quarantine, and it was this quarantine was lifted.
no trace of the man hus been found,
j Chief Patterson of the I'nlon Pacific's
I cret service department has gone t
the scene of the robbery to direct onern
' tlnns and take In charge the posses
1 searching or the man.
j At this time the I'nlon raclflo has
tome twenty-five of Its own secret service
! men, the sheriff of Sweetwater county.
. yomlng. and all of his deputies and he j wan who robbed the passenger of No f om the east arrived, bnarried It ent
' ' "'" " " .-,..... .,. now remaps oui in . aniornia. ami ' .. Th.v . ,.. hava
been easy for him, as no very govV
description of him hsd been secured ant
a man going west from there would 1101
an use any suspicion. It being a station
where most of the panscnaers from th
i.orthwest transfer for coast points.
combing the hills an.l the country w thus has eluded the men who are search
teen the two towns, but tip to t i s j Ins for him. West bound there is a const
time have been unable to find a pcrH.: train passes through tlrccn River at 11:10
who ever saw s man answering the .- j o'clock at night. There Is a grow.n
script Ion of the bandit. opinion that after robbing passengers of
There Is a lingering suspicion In Hie 0 ) bandit dropped off. walked
minds of the railroad officials that the tack to Oreen River and as the train
CLARK TIGH NOT FEVER hv "',n fn: minstion.
VIPTIM Ai RFPORTPn I T" h ,',fr A:,!l"r1 City Physician
IUIim. ntrun I CU ,,or pMorrtrd the by at once as a
--- ' Al'll,t fl-.'l (IMA :A nT.I. kl ImMl
An error In the roconts al the health
office resulted in the publication of Clark
Tlgh. ;7. Hasrl street." In the Hat of
quamntlned locations thla week. The facts
are. this boy wan sent to the health of-
plrued under njiAranllne. A subsequent
examination of the hoy showed he ha
ecrema, whereupon the qtiarant'ne wse
removed, but the records al the health
office were not noted.
George N. Swigart,
Old Resident, Dead;
Funeral Saturday
George N. Swigart, pioneer of this city,
died Wednesday of this week at Detroit,
and the body has been brought back to
this city for burial by his daughter Mrs.
C. L. Wheelock. The funeral will be
held at 1 o'clock this afternoon from
tiurket's chapel with Interment at Pros
pect Hill cemetery.
Mr. Swigart is survived by his daugh
ter, Mrs. Wheelock of Detroit. He left
Omaha two years sgo last month after
a stroke of paralysis, which was the
cause of his death. He was 67 years old.
Ms. Swigart was a resident of Omaha
for thirty-five years and was well known
all over 'the western country. He was
formerly a traveling salesman for the
Lee-dlasa-Andreesen Hardware coiiv
r. uy. and was-Intensely Interested in
horse racing, for many years being cat e l
'Ion to Judge the county and state
races which were held In Omaha. He
was a most lovable man and' had a host
of friends.
Purlng recent years he was heart nl
soul In the work of Ak-8a.r-Bcn nd was
always ready with a helo'ng hr.nd for
any work the king wanted him to do.
He mss a mow. fH'nlUir flmirc around
the den, assisting the secretary end
sometimes taking tickets st the door
when the vMioro were brought forth
fcr Init'atlon.
Mr. Wheelock aecompnkd Mrs. Whee
lock with the body.
I'allbearers will be "red Sihemel
l':snk Wilcox. Dan Coffey, K.Itva !
M inis, Charlts Karbacli ur.d Kdwa d
Schreiber to Set
Forth His Plans
Saturday Night
Superintendent Schreiber of tho Wel
fare board will recommend at a meeting
of the board Saturday evening his plans
for establishing legal aid and employment
bureaus In connection with the welfare
work to be carr'rd on here.
The reconimetnla'lt on will urxe thai
divorce and personal Injury cases be not
bridled by the legal alU bureau; that all
data be confidential and that the bureau
seek to assist the worthy poor who have
yrounds for sctlon.
In Kansas City hist year the legal aid
bureau of tho Welfare board cared for
C.MO cases, 7i per cent of which per
tained to collection of wages due appli
.ante for this a'd.
Bandit Who Held Up
U. P, Train May Have j
Escaped to the Coast
Ko far as th rejlroad officials ran
learn, th man who Wednesday night
robbed the passengers of Union Paclf'o
No. U, y the Orgeon and Washington
limited train, just east of Oreen River,
Wyo., haa disappeared as effectually as
if he had dropped eft the earth.
The man hunt that was Inaugurate!
between Oreen River and Hook eprln;
Immediately after live rotriery waa proa
eicuud all Thursday and is etUl on. but
Friday, February 11, 1916.-
-Phone D. 137
Here's Interesting News From Burgess-Nash
The Immortal Lincoln
ONE HUNDRED AND SEVEN ypam ago, February 12.
in a lowly Kentucky cabin, amidst poverty such as
very few of us have had to contend with, was born Abraham
He surmounted obstacles that most of
us would deem unsnrmountable and rose
to the highest place and highest honor
in this great nation ever growing in
the love and esteem of the American
people, until the sad day when the great
heart was stilled by the assassin's bullet
in April, 1865.
Practically without schooling, he was
a self-made man in the fullest sense in
which that term can be used ; - with a
mighty intellect and a. rare blendinar of
- the qualities of simplicity, sympathy,
f y honesty, perfect justice, mercy and love
ror nis ienowmen.
The work of the world goes on, but let us, every one,
pause to think of this great and good man who will live
forever in the minds of all Americans. '
February 11, 1916.
Announcing for Next Monday
A Remarkable Sale of
An event of vast importance to every
home in this community
See windows and Sunday papers for particular.
Chic, New Trimmed HATS
There fs Only One of a Kind, at
THESE hats consist of the sample line of one of the best
New York makers, secured at a big concession in price.
A charming selection of clever new hats
representing all the newest and smartest styles
of the moment.
There are hats for young misses and women.,
Hats for street, and tailored hats.
The new colors.
The new shapes.
The ne,w trimmings.
Every hat is an exceptional value. This
is a very special offer, so we recommend an
early selection. , '
Baigses Wash Co.' Second Floor.
Hitf V
Ml U
New Tailleur Suits for Spring
Make Their First Bow Daily
ALMOST every express from the east brings some new
creation as charming as the new season toward which
we are all looking with such interest as much a relief to the
eye as the first crocus, correctness is perhaps their keynote.
These charming suits are of taffeta, poplins, serges, black and
white checks, novelty cloths, etc., prices 'ranging from $19.50
to $100.00.
The New Dresses, $16.50 to $35.00.
AN exquisite array of new creations for Spring. The ma
terials are taffetas, messalines, combinations of taffeta
and georgette, messalines and georgette. New Spring shades.
The New Goats, $25.00 to $65.00
ffQPORTS" three' quarter and full length models of serges,
ij gabardines, checks, plaids and novelty weaves.
The New Skirts, $5.95 to $19.50
FEATURING the "Sports" skirt in jersey woven material.
Wide selection of colors, also such materials as poplins,
serges, silks and novelties.
ItarffoM-Nasli re Second Floor.
Drugs and Toilet Goods
Pebeco tooth paste, 60c size... 29c
35c Daggett & Ramsdell cream. 25c
f5 Gillette safety razor $2.98
Massatla talcum'potoder 12c
Colgate's Cashmere Boquet toilet
soup 10c
Tap Rose soap, rake 6c
C'anthrox, 60c size 29c
I jer Kiss (ace powder 48e
Kirk's 10c bath soap, 3 cakes... 18c
Williams' shaving soap 3c
1 lb. hospital cotton 23c
1 qt. household ammonia 13c
Banl Flush, 26c size 17o
10c crepe toilet paper, 4 rolls... 26o
Large pkg. Borax Chips 19c
Pure Castile soap, 10c bar 7c
Large full skin auto chamois. .$1.29
Hot water bottle. 1 year written
guarantee, $1.76 value 96c
Liquid Veneer, 25c size 16o
Liquid Veneer, 60c size 32o
1 qt. Beef Wine and Iron 72o
Jad Salts, 96c size 49c
Mentholatum, 26c size 16o
Co. Main Floor.
Women's $5.00 Boots $2.50
A Price Sale
FIVE styles sizes 3 to 7, widths
c to d. Including all patent
kid button boot, Louis Cuban heels,
$) values, for $2.B0.
Dull kid, side button boot, Louis
Cuban heels, $5 value for $2.50.
All patent kid, button
boot, white stitching, a $5
boot, for $2.60.
Dull kid lace boot, welt
.soles, Louis Cuban heels, $5
' value, for 2.00.
All patent kid button
boot, plain toe, I you is Cuban
heels, $5 value, for 82.50.
Women's $4.00 to $5.00 Boots, $2.50
Choice of any pair of women's tan Bushia calf button and
lace boots, from our regular $4.00, $4..'0 and $5.00 lines, Satur
day, for $2.60.
Br(e-Kaeh To. Korand Floor.
Special Lincoln
Day Luncheon
, Cricket Room
Sturdy 1:90 to 1:10 . M.
rhlrkn Oonsomms 10
RumUti Uvlloh So
Chlrkrn Hlil tV
Welrh l;iMt 8nlwirh lee
Cold Roast Mftsr Hanclwlch Ine
Arvlo Pie ,..!
rhroist l.nrr Cske Be
Frosn K No
fttrs hrrlrs with Oronni
Hot Thorolst with Whipped t'rsem . . lor
Mr-Inn's T (ern or hlarki So
Ooffae i pot coffie I Or
Music by Rim. Nbl end Rs, Trio.
Let Her Valentine
Be a Box of Candy
AND buy It here where you may
be sure that It's pure.
We are distributors of the fam
ous Martha Washington "Old Time
Home Made" candleR.
Mullane'a Cincinnati candles.
"The candy made with a lorlng
Johnson's Milwaukee Chocolates.
La Zeus chocolates, etc.
Special Saturday
Chocolate dipped carmels; regu
larly 60o lb., 39c.
Peanut butter candy; regularly
85c lb., 25c.
Barseos-Kesh Co. Cricket Room.
for St. Valentine
OUR Cut Flower Section will be
a bower of beauty Saturday
and the mecca for those who send
flowers on St Valentine's day.
Carnations 50o Doien
Fresh cut, long stem, assorted
Baryses Wooh Co. Main Floor.
Don't Forget Her on
St. Valentine's Day
17 VEN the smallest sort of a
-' ken will be appreciated.
Our assortment of valentines of
all kinds Is very complete and the
prices are most reasonable. t. Main Fleer.
Four Big Specials for Saturday in
JUST the sort of wear that will interest most men, and the saving possibility is
most unusual.
Men's Shirts I Men's Neckwear
The $1.00 Kind
Were $1.50 and $2
AN accumulation from our regu
lar stock, broken lines, odd
lots and discontinued numbers, also
lot of white plaited shirts from a
maker of high grade goods, the
usual $1.50 to $2.00 lines, 95c.
Men's Gloves
Were $1.50 and $2
ACLKARAWAY of all HamplcB,"
broken lines and job Iota; big
values at the regular price, but
wonderful bargains at sale price.
Every man needs a second pair.
Here 'a your 1 opportunity. Were
$t..r0 to $2.00, at 65c.
rEW flowing end 4-in-hand
ies made of high quality silks,
full shape, extra long, rich colors
and new designs. You'll want a
half dozen or more when yo i se
them, at, 65c each.
Men's Underwear
Usually to $2.00
SAMPLE lines, including 2-piecc
garments and union units, both
athletic and knitted weaves, soft,
cotton lisle and mercerized, strictly
first quality, some slightly soiled,
some badly soiled, others like now.
Usually to f2.00. each, B9o.
Barfees-Naeh ft Mela Floor.
Suit Cases at 89c
FIHKR suit cases. 24 Inch size,
metal comers, good lock and
'clasps; special st 89c.
Itqrsfh I'n. Konrth floor.
Men's Winter Caps
to $1.00 at 25c
EVERY winter cap In stock, In
cluding plush or fur In bands,
all late shapes, styles and materials
that were $100, Saturday 23o.
Burgeas-Nona Co.-ruirtli Floor. ,
Women's 50c Underwear at 25c
TJ EMARKABLE rallies, Including women's
tests, high neck, long sleeve cotton union
low neck and sleeveless
lults, snd lace, trimmed
pants, the 60c kind, at 25c.
Women's $1.00 Union Suits, bOo
Union suits with high neck, long sleeve, white cotton fleece lined,
ankle length, 59c. i
Women's 25o Vests or Pants, 10c
Whit cotton vests, with low neck -snd sleeveless, also lace
trimmed pants, 10c.
R.r(MS-Nsh l'e. Mala Floor.
Women's' New
$1.25 Pair
ANEW shipment just received.
Two-clasp glace kid gloves.
Excellent quality, soft flexible
skins, In black, white, tan, brown
and gray, at $1.25 pair.
Bargreos-NMli Co. Main Floor.
At 15c to 85c
IKCMTblNO the new hair line,
fancy border and plain meshes.
A pleasing selection, 15c to 85c yard.
Bursosa-N'oah Co. Main Floor.
February SALE
Continues, embracing our en
tire stock of high grade de
pendable furniture, offered at
15 to 33Va
Under Regular
Berf eaa-Nsah Co. Third Floor.
"It Pay to Advertise"
Thread Silk Hose
85c Pair
PURE thread silk hose, full fash
ioned, regular made with dou
ble garter tops; black, white and
colors; ths usual 11.25 qualities.
Itar.-M.-KMh C Main Floor.
Women's 15c Linen
Handkerchiefs 7c
D IO selection of fine linens and
AJ fancy colored border handker
chiefs, were 15c, for 7c.
Itanreee-NMli Co. Mela Floor.
Boys Knickerbocker SUITS
$3,95, Were Formerly $6,95
A SAVING or exactly $3.00 on the suit, msde of worsteds, homespuns,
tweeds and fancy mixtures, mostly with two pair of pants.
Boys' $1.00 Caps or Hats, 2So
A clear. ay of our entire stock of boys' bats or taps that were to
1.0(Vat 25c.
Hunreea-N'eah Co. roorth Floor.
The Burgess-Nash Label
That You Will Find in a
uit of Clothes
IS a certificate of clothing character
fully appreciated by clothing-wise
men of Omaha and the hundreds of men
wh6 come to Omaha for their apparel.
It Is a sign that a man may b well and
appropriately dressed at a fair cost.
Day-in-and-day-ont endeavor to 'do
everything a little bit better than any
one else has made the BurgeRB-Naah cloth
ing organization favorably known. Styles
that are strictly correct and in weights,
that will insure actual comfort. Further
more, every auit is built to conform with
our specifications, the
of quality which means the best possible at
every price, $13.65 to $40.00.
We feature for Saturday
Men's Hand-Tailored Suits at
Men's Pants, $2.95.
Worsteds and fancy mixtures, big selection of
new patterns, were to f 5. Saturday, $2.tS.
Barveos-Nasb Cm. foort B. Floor.
At 48c
NCLUDINO home ofthebip
gest Kellers of last year Htill
in their original edition.
'The Pastor's Wife."
"Teeth of the Tiger."
"A Soldier of the Legion."
"Love Insurance."
"The World Set Free."
"Who (Joes There."
"It Pavs to Advertise."
"The Sealed Valley."
"Cease Firing."
"On Hoard the Good Ship
And many other titles afford
ing most interesting reading.
Special Saturday, at 48c, Co. Maia Floor.
"Wirthmor Waists" $1.00, Always Worth More
NEARLY all women believe in economy. 'Tis right that they
should, and for whatever they spend, they ought to get the
greatest possible return. Every purchase we make is made with
this idea in mind. And in arranging for our sourcea of supply for
waists, we have been particularly fortunate in this regard. For
not only are our waist values exceptional, they are really, decided
ly superior to what the same amount would ordinarily buy. Here
you can always find the newest and most wanted in waists of real
character and worth, at prices that represent substantia! savings.
The two waists illustrated are of the justly famed Wirthmor
maKe. our siyies wui De snown for the first time tomorrow,
always, $1.00. Wirthmor waists are sold here and here only.
Horsoa-N.eli Co. Hwoirnl.
Clearaway of Boys' "Hard Knocker"
SHOES With Rock Oak Soles
big special sale that
boy to
very parent with a robust
clothe and keep in shoe leather.
Two big lots, sixes 1 to 5VL'-
Hoya' Shoes (4 QQ I Rova' Shoes
reg. $2.50 I feg. $:UK)
to '.u, at to 3.r0. at
Women's 65c Rubbers, 19c
Ootid quality rubbers. in several
styles, all sizes included, the usual
6."ic quality, at 19c.
nrfOoo-Naah to. BaMotral.
Coats Prict
HAT'S the wav we of
fer every child's coat
in our basement section.
Coats that were $2.98 to
$7.95 now $1.48 to $3.98.
ItarsMe-Nesh to. HuraiMt,
Were to $5 at $2.97
Serges, whip cords, waf
fle cloths and silks in black,
navy, brown, green, striped
and plaids.
Bsrsoao-NaAh To. Bsjsomenl. .
. J
JFSV , . T TT 3
'cvit n yd ODYb ctche,