Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 12, 1916, Page 7, Image 7

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    TIIK ItKE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, FEnillTARV 12, ll)l.
A Splendid Showing
New Neckwear
.The Neckwear Novelties
spring are just corning in. "
Fancy Prill and Roll Collars,
special at 23
Lace Trimmed Dutch Collars, spe
cial, at 25
Collar and Cuff Set, special, 25
New Vostees and Guinipes, special,
Bt 35
A beautiful line of Novelty Collars
and Vestees, at 50
A big line of 50c Silk and I .ace
Boudoir Caps, special, at. .25
Children's and Misses' Skating
SHs, caps and scarfs, worth
$1.50 to 2, special, set $1.00
Big Specials
for Saturday
50c Ivory Combs, at 25
$2.00 Ivory Mirrors at ..$1.00
$3 00 Ivory Hair Brushes. $1.50
50c Hair Brushes, at 25
20c Tooth Brushes, at 10
lkathkr uoors.
A special line of Hand Bags
and Purses on Special Sale Satur
day $1.00 Hand Bags, at.. 49,
$2.00 Hand Bags, at. .. ... 08
$2.50 Hand Bags, at. . . . .81.25
$2.75" Hand Bags at .... $1.50
$:!.00 Hand Bags at .... $1.75
These Bags are silk and leather
lined, fully fitted.
The new Strap Purse, at 50,
$1.00 and ...i...,..$1.50
A special lot of Plain and Fancy
Veilings, Just to close out quick,
worth 16c to 25c yard. Big
Sale Price, yard...... 5
H omefurnishing
No. 8 Cast Iron Skillets. .. .39
No. 9 Cast Iron Skillets, .. .49
No. 3 Nickel Plated Cast Iron
Skillets "70
No. 9 Nickel Plated Cast Iron
Skillets 89
No. 8 Pancake Griddles. .. .39.
No. 9 Pancake Griddles. .. -45
No. 8 Nickel Plated Pancake
Griddles 59
No. 9 Nickel Plated Pancake
Medium Size Bulged Pots.. 80
Large Bulged Pots 98
Medium Size Flat Bottom
Kettles 79
Large Size Flat Bottom Ket-
tles 08
No. 8 High Frame Waffle
''on" 80
No. 8 Low Frame Waffle
,rns 69
Any size Sheet Iron Drip
!'' IO
2fic Shaker or Favorite Flour
Sieves 19
2 5c genuine Wilson Toasters 15
24-lb. capacity Family Scales,
warranted accurate 89
;0-lb. capacity Flour Cans.. 89
American Lady Oil Mops,
special 69
Liquor Dept.
Old Taylor, 8 yr. old, full qt. ft
Cedar Brook, 8 yr. old, full
quart $1
Old Crow, 10 yr. old. full qt. 91
Guckenheimer, 8 yr. old, full
quart 91
Clarke's Pure Rye, 8 yr. old,
full quart CI
Maryland Rye, 6 yr. old, full
nuart ., 75c
Crystalized Rock and Rye. .7V
California Port and Sherry,
full gallon $1.23
Homemade Grape Wine, full
gallon 91.25
Sunklst Wines, 6 yr. old, full
quart 504.
Sunkist Wines, half gallon,
. 90c; full gallon 91.75
California Cognac Brandy,
bottle 7Sc
Heonessjr Brandy, bottle, fl.OO
La Turla Port or Sherry, 10
yr. old. bottle ?c
Mail orders promptly filled.
Price Savings Saturday That Satisfy Because of Qualities Unquestionably High
ilSiA i
for I illill
Silk Hose
At Pricing That
Insure Dig Hale
. . 1
Bim .-
1 j omen s pure
1 hread silk hose.
lain and fnnrv
A esigiis, all the
J ewe st spring
if hades, very spe
I inl. pair, Xo.
W nil . Clio
..omens i.oer silk hose with
lisle tops, double heels . and
toes. Extra long flare top, all
colors, worth 75c, special. 51c
Women's fiber boot hose, black
end colors. 50c value, 3 prs. 91
Women's mercerized lisle hose,
in fifteen different colors, 29c
value, special ji.v
Women's cotton hose, in recu
lar and out sizes, white feet,
rrRtilar 15c values, loc; :j
pairs for 25c
Children's fleeced and cashmere
hose, all sizes, special . . . .23c
If Li Uy
Superior Quality the Secret of the
Dainty Bungalow Aprons, nil
the new styles, worth to $1.00,
Saturday, in tlio Ladies' Un
derwear department, at. 49
Children's Dainty Crepe and
Muslin Gowns, .W values,
nt 35t?
Children 's Muslin Pants,
worth to 10c, at 12
Children's Heavy Fleeced
Suits, nil sizes, worth to T.')e,
Saturday, at 49
Underwear Sale Success
Ladies' All Wool, Silk and
Wool, Silk and Lisle, and All
Silk Suits, in i'lesh and white,
nnv tvle, wortli to $.).00, at,
MiiV..' 98 and 1.1)3
Italian Silk Vests and Bloom
ers, hand end roidered, worth
to $:?.:(), at 98 nnd 81.98
Ladies' Muslin Envelop Com
bination tuits, dainty crepe in
pink nnd white, worth to
$2.50, Saturday winl. .98
Remarkable Specials in
Corset Sale
gi Class Corsets
At Little Prices
$., mi ( '01 m l In Win
nrr'a, (tinner and Hon
Ton. Vli'W fin 'Si't
mo elialitlv s o I I e I
tropi liiiulllnt. Mil
ium liuKt. in ill im
lenrtli skirt. Si rr(;ll
for Saturday at.$2 8J WUlA
j:i:,o r,.i..i. h 1 1 V'
Mlc nil I ide, ''I i Mj I V I
simnlaiil Si.-- I , K
1 Int. ! J I M
lion'l fHll to si- !li. tBJ IjV
? 00 Comets. MimIIui i
lniF l. !1hmIIii;ii l n :l
ikklvli. of I'.iik lull roiitil
Sl.rcllll, St
V.H- Kufflos. special. t..,
.llif SHtiltsry lU'ltn. 1 Ink siul wlilt .
nHI. nt
"iiic HihhsIpitb. front or Imc-k fn
tinlim, piiilnolilfiy nnil ! trlin
nilnu. t'liolro 30J
$1 r0 UrnNSlcrcs. rnilrollirv n n 1
'.aco trlmiiitMl. Now I tli IIiup to
l-iiv cm' numuipr niipply. So -
M. nt a
A Prbposition of
New Spring Glove Styles
Women's l!om French Kid and
Lambskin Gloves, in all the new
sprinp Ftj-les, in one and two
button lengths, fancy embroid
ered backs at, pair. ,$1.1, I.RO
and $2.00
1'iiRiirpassed assortments of
the very lest the markets of the
world have to offer.
Special Values
Women's Lambskin Cape and
Suede Gloves, in all colors and
sizes, worth $1.00, at, pair, fllro
Women's Leatherette Chamois
etfe and Cassimere Gloves, in
white, black and gray, usually
sell for (!9c, at 4c
Why Not Anticipate Your
Future Wants in Vnderwear
It Would Pay You Big
to Do So Saturday and Lay
in a Large Supply at These
Extremely Low Sale Prices
Just a Few of the
Many Saturday
Men's flc Flannelette Nijfht
Khirts, some even better, slightly
soiled, mostly all sizes 40c
Men's $1.50 Flannelette r ja
mas, all $1.15
ti -Men's 50c and 73c Heavy Vln
ter Innerwcar Shirts and
drawers, lamb's down fleeced,
heavy ribbed cotton and heavy
wool mixed, broken lines and odd
sizes, all go at 3fc
)len' 91.00 Heavy Underwear,
1'nlon Suits and Two-pioco Gar
ments, in fleeced and heavy nat
ural wool, odd and broken lines,
at 0"c
Men'H $l.5-2.00 Heavy Under
wear, Suits or Drawers, fine
quality Australian wool, nothing
better 05c
Men's :i.00 White Wool Union
Suits, Globe and Bradford make,
sizes broken $1.08
A Display of New Spring Style Ideas in
Complete-"Comprehensive" -Distinctive
new Lrown Jewel omts
Jitst Received, for Saturday
Classy new styles, taffeta ami serge com
binations, cheeks, gahardine and men's
wear serge suits in the season's newest
shades,' such as peace gray, gait, reseda,
new sands, midnight blue, in the newest
novelty checks; l!.") distinct styles to select
from; sizes 11 to ").'!; $rj 4
Saturday P
4 New Afternoon Dresses
at $25.00
Hundreds of beautiful silk Afternoon
Dresses in the season's many new designs,
georgette and taffeta combinations, plain
taffetas, novelty silks, the greatest variety
of styles to select from; dresses at this
price suitable for ladies
and misses
URDAY AT $3.95
Hundreds ,of Women's and
Misses' Dress Skirts, In serges,
gabardines, tweeds, novelUes
and silks; skirts in this sale
to , fit 'every size; r.iany worth
up to $10.00; special Saturday
at ;. ..$3.05
283 Women's Silk Under
skirts in taffetas, messalines
and Jersey, in nearly all
shades, worth $4.00 to $5.00,
Satunlay special.. . . 82.15
Thousands, of new spring
IMouses just received for
Saturday; elegant vuriety of
styles, in tho season 'h most
brilliant shades, nt
$3.95, S1.95 and S5.95
Many Attractive Special Sales in Children's Dept.
plain, pleated plaids and checks; special Saturday, 82.95
CHILDREN'S WINTER COATS, broken sizes, but elo
gant values, sold up to $10.00, at .$2.95
CHILDREN'S WINTER COATS, broken sizes, sold up
to $5.00 and $fi.00, at .81.95
AT $1.00
10 dozen dresses in this lot
of Wool Dresses, pretty
wash dresses, sizes to 14,
many worth $2.00 and $2.50,
Saturday Sl.OO
Big Reductions
in Pricings on
Men's Overcoats,
Men's Suits,
Men's Trousers,
Boys' Overcoats,
Boys' Knickerbockers
It's the quality that should count. If you
select from quality, you'll buy at Hayden
One Thousand
Cut Glass Samples
The Bargains Magnificent The Saving Is
About 40 Per Cent.
Cut Glass Vases, Bowls, Jugs, Fern Dishes, Ice
Cream Trays, Celery Trays, Compotes, Sugars
and Creamers. Many of these items less than
half the price at which they would 0
retail for under ordinary circum-
- j
stances. Choice
Splendid Shoe Values
Men's gun metal, bluch
er or button, all sizes up
to 11, $3.00 values, Sat-
urday, at $1.98
Men's gun metal, but
ton or blucher, Good
year welted soles, splen
did values at...S3.00,
"Women's newest styles)
in 7, 8 and ,i)-inch lace
siloes Goodyear welted
soles, bronze black, Ha
vana brown and pearl
gray kid shoes, $5.00 values, two lots, two
prices $4.00 and $3J50
Little GentV Itntton or llluicr hclittol SIkm-h, $2.00
valu 81.50
Child's Nhoes, sls 5 to S, turn soles, $1.25 values. 75
Ntop That Con(th!Huy warm-lined tlippers with felt or
leather soles at, per pair 30J
Final Clearance Men's and Boys'
Cloth Caps and Fur Caps
Take your choice of all of our Men's and Boys' Finest
Cloth Caps of every description, nothing reserved, all
weaves and colors included; worth to
$1.50, at 39
FUR CAPS, $8.00 TO $1.00
Men's Fur Caps, made of near seal,
pieced seal and full, at prices below
cost. Take your choice at one-third
off regular prices
$12.00 Caps, $8.00 $10.00 Caps, $6.65
$ 7.50 Caps, $5.00 $ 5.00 Caps, $3.35
Down to $1.0U taps at fl.UO.
Fine leather, leather lined Traveling Bags and cowhide Suit Cases,
with shirt folds, all sizes and colors to choose from, worth $6.00,
U S3 .05
Drugs and Toilet
10c Jap Hone or I'ttlmoltvfl Heap.... Oo
10c Kollii t'r-ie Toilet I'aper 60
4-10c Mars I'cnixlilK Soh. . B6u
$3.75 llorllik'H Mailed Milk 3.79
M.Ow Sal llipatl a 9o
$1.00 l.yilla K. I'inkliHin'a Compound . eo
.",0c Hottl I'liPiiolax Wafer 300
.f.c I'.ottle (jr. li'uiklii'a I'anara Tab
let 15e
$1.50 Hox Iji Trrfle or Axurea. Pow-
dr 034
J'Jcr Kin Fa' I'owder boo
ihc 'I'octh Hrimlira 100
f.Oc Jar Merithiilatum . B0
tOa Canllirox Hair Shampoo 3o
tcir Kottl Wlilte Due Tar Coutih
llemedy 350
26r Hot Us White I'ln Tar Cough
Itemeily lo
ir,r Hottle Real Witch Hazel lOo
$1 60 FVtuntain Hyrlngu 8o
50c Kuhbar tilovea , ae
$1.60 Auto Chainula 090
7 oc Auto flponxea, all wool 894
(On your hamplra of Quran Beas
and Melha. i'owdur, r'rea.)
1Ac ffhoe Bhlnola ,,. 6o
10c William' Hhavlnj Boap 4e
or S for loo
f0o Pox Qupn PHa Nail Luntar S3o
25i- Hox Quen Uea Kara Talcum,
154, or 2 tor .164
Attractive Display of Parisian Models
Inspired by Andrea,
Consello; Are Some Ex
quisite Expressions of
Springtime Millinery.
Consello Model
$5 to $7.50
We wish to announce that we noil
thet.e two Pattern Hats, Andrea and
Consello, exclusively In this rlty.
These two pattern hats are the exact
copies of Ittiisian Models, which were
Just recently received from across tho
Andrea and Consello Hats ronie in all
the late combinations, such as Vapor,
Gray and PlnS, Delft l'.lue. Apple Green,
Burgundy lied. Mandarin Yellow and
the late Orangeade shade.
Andrea Model
$10 to $18
f . rr Nil
: mi
A Rouser of a
Trousers Sale
Our Entire Fall
and Winter Stock
of M en 's Separate
Your choice of the regular
$2.50 and $3.00 $1 aa
Trousers ipleUU
Your choice of the "regular
$4.00 and $5.00 ,-Jo C
Trousers .tpteDD
That sold at $3.00, Satur-
day, your
Saturday the Last Day
of Our Mammoth
Pure Food Exhibit
rmXB AMTZ.Xll of Our KUrh Mtaa.
drd of QaaHty at a arlna- of BS Vsr
Cant to 60 rr Cent the Coat of
17 lh. brut I'u re Granulated
Husar for fl.OO
48-lh. nark bHt IUkIi clrade Dia
mond It Flour; nothing finer
for hrad, pi on or lakra, aavk,
10 liars Hnat-'Kni-All, DlaJiiond C
or Laundry guocu White Uun-
dry Hoap a 5a
h Iba. rholre Japan Rico 850
H Ibn. beat Htorlllxed White nr
Yellow Corn Meal l?o
7 Iba. heat. Bulk laundry atari li. SSa
33-os. Jar 1'ure Fruit Proaervca. . .83a
28-ox. Jar Pure Htiolnel Honey .'.830
Larjro Imt Hi'K Wori'cater Haui'o,
Pure Tomato Catnup, PIt-klea,
an.ui tfd klnUH, Horaeradtah.. or
Muatard, per buttle Sc
Tall raji Alaalia Halnion ......... 100
4 Inrnu tana Coiidfiiiaed Milk. ... .880
Mai lo, for IcIiiB, lartrn can 19o
4 -ana Wax, Hlrinjr or Lima Moiina Stto
4 In in" rann Uoiulny, Bauer Kraut
or Pumpkin 804
Yeaat Kohiii, pai'kaKo 94
K.-('. Corn Klakea, pnckaKe 60
Tim beat Soda or Oyati-r Crackers,
per lb ?e
The bent Tea Hlftlniia, lb 18V,4
Fancy Aaaorted CookieM, lb. 10o, 18V4
rhncy Uolden ISantua Coffee, lb... 804
rox Tsi .
The beat Croaniery nuttor, carton
or bulk, lb 31 0
Fancy No. 1 Country Creamery
Uulter, lb , 89o
Fancy No. 1 Hairy Table Hut tar, 870
The beat No. 1 MtoraKe Kkks.....84o
The beat atrlutly IYpmIi 30o
vn cream, iew york White,
Wiaconnin "ream or Young:
America Cheeae Me
Bunhal boxes fancy Jonathan,
Ure.nlnir or Itonian Beauty
Apples $1.6S
noM TU omownB
Tou don't have to pay Inflated
prlcen. We buy and aell direct to the
conaumer. llayden'a lvo the people
the market price of what they' are
It Iba. beat Red River Potatoes to
tlm peck 304
Large btincbea Freah Beets, Car
rota or Turnip 40
T.nrKH hunchea Friwli Bhallota. . .310
I.hiki' biincbea Freuli Radlahes 9iO
3 heada l'Yeah Leaf iettuce 10a
l.HiK" California Head J,ettuce,
'end 7140
Fancy Florida Strawberries, quart
box 4S4
.hancy Muaurooma, l-lh. box 304
old Hceta, CarroU or Turnlpa. lb., So
Fancy Mlclilaan or Wlaconaln Cab.
banre, lb Jo
Buy Your Meat In
Our Mammoth Meat
ueparimem ai a
Saving of 25 to 50
Per Cent.
No. 1 Fresh Pork Loins.. 10 H
No. 1 Steer Pot Roast. . 10e-8
No, 1 Steer Round Steak. . 14i
No. 1 Fresh Pork Roast 04
No. 1 Fresh
Spare Rubs 10
No. 1 Link Saus
age 13V4t
No. 1 Bulk Saus
age Sej"
9 lbs. Leaf Lard
for OS4
Smoked Meat
Kex'lal eiMtui-du)
Armour's Star
Hams ...17 He?
No. 1 Picnic Hams 10V
No. 1 Lean Bacon 17?i
No. 1 Back Bacon 13
No. 1 Fresh Oysters, quart.. 30V
Freh Dretsed Ctiirkene at
WholeKale Prices.
kk Ml PUKttaOiA tMHl