Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 12, 1916, Page 3, Image 3

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3 . -
Federation it Lincoln Urges Vote
in Every Town During
From a Staff Correspondent.)
. LINCOLN, Feb. II. (Special Telegram.)
In all towns of the mate, where there
are now saloons, an effort will be made
to vote on the art and dry question
at the spring election, according to action
taken by the executive committee of the
Nebraska Pry Federation, which held a i
enslon here today. In all towns where
there in branch of the society that
society will be f i rnlshed with plans for
starting; the sentiment for the election.
Stratton Man Elected.
The last session o fine Hardware leal
ears' association Is over and this after
noon the following- officers were elected:
C. B. Dlehl. Stratton, president; Frea
Felt, Blue Hill, vice president; Nathan
Roberta, Lincoln, secretary; J. H. liugsle,
Umaha; M. O. Trester, Lincoln, and J.
D. Ooddbred, I'tlca, directors.
Omaha was selected as the place for
the 1917 session.
Resolutions endorsing the Stevens' bill
In congress, preventing discrimination In
prices, were passed and also the federal
Mil, to do away with dishonest advertis
ing. This 1-cent letter pontage bill was
also endorsed. , ,
Inappropriate! Foads.
The exact amount in the state treas
ury, composed of old unappropriated
funds, la JJM.S36, according to figures now
obtainable. Of this amount, IflO.OOO is fees
turned in by the pure food department;
1514, auditor's fees; $3,2M. board of irri
gation; $234, Ptate Dairy Men's assocla- j
tlon; tM. state veterinarian: 138. en me i
and fish commission. State Accountant
DeFrance has discovered that there Is
in the hands of the state treasurer, 4.',4C
of fees and cash funds the status of
which is uncertain.
Mayer Again Heads
State League of
KEARNEY. Neb.. Feb. It (Speclal.)
Ilaatlngs will be the next meeting place
of tha Nebraska I-esgue of Municipal
Itles. William Madgett. mayor of that
city, extended the delegates an Invita
tion lo meet there next year and his
. offer was accepted unanimously. The
5ste for the meeting has not been set
J. W. Mayer, mayor of Beatrice, R. F.
Ireland, city attorney of Crete, and
Roseoe C. Oimtn of Uneoln were re
elected to their offices of president, vice
president and ' secretary-treasurer, re
spectively. A. P. Moran of Nebraska City and E.
J. Bredenberg of Wahoo were re-elected
aa member of the Board of Trustees.
FVanJc M. Arbuckle of Kearney was
: elected aa the third member of t
board to take the place of O. E. Trace-
. well of Valentine.
i There were forty-f j.dejegateg Jait
tendance at the convention. They rep
resented thirty out of tht forty-six towns
and cltlea that compose the league. The
attendance was not aa large as it was
at the meeting held last year In Lincoln.
Estabrook to Speak
; At Lincoln Banquet
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN. Feb. 11. (Special) The
next .Important, political , event . in. Lin
coln wilt be the annual banquet of the
Young Men's Republican club, usually
held on the anniversary, of Lincoln's
The banquet will be held at the Lin
dell hotel Saturday evening, February
1-', at 6:30 o'clock. The toast list this
year will be short, the speakers being
Ysle C. Holland of Omaha, who will
speak upon "Partisan Politics and the
Man In Office;" A. C. Epperson of Clay
Center, who , will talk on ''Pharoh's
rrcam," and Henry D. Estabrook of
New York City, who will talk on "Get
It Is understood that a large number
of Katabrooks'c friends from Omaha will
be here for the banquet, while a large
number of reservations for plates have
been received from out In the state.
Surgeons Perform
' Unusual Operation
COLUMBUS, Neb.. Feb. 11 (Special
Telegram.) A miraculous recovery fol
lowing one of the moat unusual opera-,
tlons in Platte 'county or world-wide
medical history Is recorded in that of
a baby born on January 29 to Mr. and
Mrs. John Hummer, residing three miles
southeast of Monroe.
Upon birth the attending physician, Dr.
j. H. Thompson, discovered that the
liver and stomach were held on the out
side of the body by a membranous sack
The abdominal wall failed to close
leaving an opening the size of a tea
kettle through which protruded the ab
dominal contents, the liver and slomsch.
A Columbas surgeon Was called in and
twenty-four hours later the child was
operated on being upon the table an hour
and a half. Both the baby and mother
are odlng well and on the road to recov
ery and the boy will be perfectly nor
mal. State Capitol News
LINCOLN. Feb. 11 (Special . State
Superintendent Thomas las gone to
Scotts Bluff countv. where he will ad
eres meting at Uering and Minalare.
License to marry was granted yester
day to Daniel Stlnson of Omaha, aged
3U. and Anna Nichols of the aame city,
aged S6, at the Lancaster county court
The application of the Hsinilton
County Farmers' Telephone company for
a rata in rates has been granted by the
railway commission, business phonee
owned, being raised to from to t-'H
and rented phones from ti to l:M. The
lancoln Telephone and Telegraph com
pany was given permission to cut out it
free service over the tine from Silver
Crek to Osceola.
Rollln Oreutt of Mlnden bss filed for
Ihe republican nomination for senator
'rqm the Twenty-second dlsirlct, com
posed of the counties of Buffalo. Slier
men rd Kearney, represented In the
last scseion by Peter Wink, demociat-
A petition sinned by seversl people of
I-xineton readied the office of the sec
retary of stale this niornliiif kltg thai
the name of Robert ; Boss Ik- filed for
the democratic nominal ion for Die pres'
'rr. Hess J'ves i levioiion
ture shows men at work looking for those killed in the fire. The man with the crowbar is
David Desjardin,, searching for the bodies of his brother and uncle, killed by falling walls
in the Commons chamber. i
I .nmm -.wm wtTMro-f . . . -v ip-"ii'.--y avyy ' smsitrwrw i
K V K ; k y v v jr.H 'V&xA
(Lrii &yi
K k aim It :
Richmond Busy
Laying Plans for
Legislative Feast
(From a Staff CoriespondciU.)
LINCOLN. Feb. 11. (Special. ) Colonel
Henry C. Richmond, who ns secretary ot
the legislative league has arransed some
of the best banquet which have ever
been, staged In Lincoln, is again at work
in en effort to outdo his former feats.
Colonel Richmond says this Is positively
hi last appearance In the role of secre
tary and general manager of legislative
banquets, but like the Divine Sara of
the stage, there are none quite his equal
and he may have many more positively
last appearances.
Governor Morchead will bo toastmaater
and will introduce such well known but
ancient orators as Speaker Marsh Elder
of the vintage of '91; R. B. Windham of
Flattsmouth, back in '"9; Senator Pat
rick, who was one of the orators of '07;
W. J. Taylor of J and afterwards, and
also Senator John M. Thurston, who was
elected to the United States senate In '9.,
and so on. - "
Prof. Condra with hi motion pictures
and the State Vnlverslty band will fur
nish some more entertainment, and
through it all there will be a beigy of
cabaret performers from Omaha who will
mingle among the banqueters and make
the baldheads happy.
The stunt will take place Thursday
evening, February 24, and all who have
the price are given a special Invitation
to. be present. 1 v
- t
Flattamonth Machine Shop fold.
PLATTSMOUTH, Neb., Feb. 11. (Spe
clal.) Herman Streetwelser, for the past
twenty-ife years proprietor of the Street-,
Weiser Machine shops and iron works,
has sold the plant to Mr. Frank Ray
mond of Atchison, Kan., who will im
mediately take charge of the buslnesi,
and move to thl city, while Mr. Street
welser will in a ahort time depart for
California where he expec ts to make his
future home.
Every Fall and Winter Gar
ment in the house
ing lorced out at
at sacrifice
"Out they go,
out of the way of
Spring goods."
sayg the "I W ill"
t'.v i
Alleged Coal Thief -at
Beatrice Had
$81 in His Pocket
BEATRICE. Neb., Feb. 11. -(Special.)
John Baker, a resident of West Beatrice,
v as lodged In the covmty Jail Thursday
evening on the charge of stealing coal
from K. S. .'.rthur. When se.trched at
the Jail by Sheriff ?ton I'll was found
on his person.
County Attorney. Messmore wss notified
yesterday by the supreme court that J.
II. Broody, Jr.. had been appointed ref
eree In the case of Iho State of Nebraska
asainst Gage County for the collection
ol $10,000 alleged to be due the state from
the county for the care of Insane patients
for the last twenty years. Gago county
proposes to fight the case for all there
Is In It.
Fearing that the .heavy fall of sleet
will tend to cause the crust of the ground
to be cracked enougn to kill the root of
the winter wheat, a number of farmer
living near Steinaucr are harrowing and
discing their field.
- Jack Raymond of this city won last
evening In the armory from Henry Lu(r
beg of St Lout in a wrestling exhibition.
Raymond won the first fall In thirteen
ir.inutes, Luttbeg tho second In nine and
Raymond the third Ir. elwven minute.
NORTH BEND, Feb. 11. (8peclal.)
A,'gospel team from O nana, composed of
Robert Smith, clerk of the the district
court; W. O. Ure, city treasurer, and W.
E. Foshler, Is expected here for the day
next Sunday. Mr. Smith will address the
men and boy In the afternoon at the
United Presbyterian church.
A dry federation meeting will be held
here Monday evening, February 14. Ross
L. Hammond of Fremont will address the
Scarlet fever is prevalent In the sur
rounding country, brcause of which many
Saturday, The "I Will"
All Men's
and Young Men's
$10 to $40 Suits and 0'coats
SUITS in a good selec
tion of sizes. 33 to 46
regular, long and stout,
but a special opportun
ity is here for young men and men of
smaller stature, 33 to 38 chest meas
ure. A suit and overcoat for the
price of one.
$50.00 Overcoats at Half Price, $25.00
Round-Up Sale
$1.50 Men's Shirts, at 95c.
$2.00 Men's Shirts, at $1.15
75c Men's Shirt3 at 53c.
75c Union Suits at 50c.
$1.00 Union Suits at 65c
$1.50 Union Suits at $1.00.
Men's Heavy Fleeced Shirts or Drawers, at 35c
Men's 25c Lisle Finished Hose 2 pairs for 25c.
Men's 25o Keystone Garters, at, per pair, 11c. 50c Men's Neckwear, at 25c
kkk oi;u
wh a ngttiMjMMi
''i'jtr.i: T .ci'.tni:i, i ni Mkv
of the rural srhouli. a,-c closed. Only one
nuuranttne has 1 cell established In North
PLATTSMorril. Neb., Feb. ll.-(Spj.
clal.) The matter of the teaching of
agriculture in the -high school at this
place will be given ft new Interest, the
coming spring, when Miss Margaret Ol;
herson, who has charge of that depart
ment, will have the different membcis
of the class, farm .lots adjacent to the
school, which has been secured for that
purpose and In conjunction to her efforts
to secure land for tho purpose, the Com
mercial club, have leaned their services
In securing the needed ground.
Ankara to t'e.lehrate Fourth.
AUBURN, Neb., Feb. 11. (Special. )
At a mass meeting of cltlxcns held re
cently It was tinatnlmoUHly voted that
Auburn hold a big Fourth of July cel
ebration this year and Invite all of the
surrounding towns to participate.
At the last meeting of the city council
an additional company of twenty-flvj
men was authorised to organise a chem
ical 'company, which would co-operate
with and form a part of the reguulr
fire department. This additional company
will be equipped with the best and most
modern chemical flro fighting apparatus.
This addition to the department brings
the quota of men to seventy-five. Tho
city furnishes all appliances and equip
ment and maintains two stations,
Fall City Fmrmer I.osea Rye,
FALLS ClTY,'Neb., FeiK 11. peclal )-,
August Melnser, a promlnet farmer of
Arago township and 'ffither of the assist
ant postmaster of Fall City, met with a
serious accident at his farm, seven mile
northeast of this city, while watching his
sen chop down some large trees, when a
sharp chip from the cutting flew Into his
left eye, cutting it bodly and destroying
the sight.
Turn old furniture, household goods and
clothing Into cash with a Bee Want-Ad.
WM. L.
Man's Great Semi-Annual
Fall and W inter
weight. Ulxters, Ul
steretteB, Chesterfields,
Hal mac a an s. Some
stores would consider our showing a
big stock, but we' admit lines are
broken. Chaiices'are you'll find what
you want here and at only Half Price.
$60.C0 Overcoats at Half Price, $30.03
ri.ATTSMOl'TH. Neb.. Feb. 11 (fp
c n- l'rof. A. t. Kagenlierger. pilnclpal
nf ih hish school, was taken to an
Omaha hospital today, whare
treated, for what was first supposed to
h-e origins ted from a fall which he
suffered about a week ago, and whlc.t
K. knit him In Ills bed sine, but whtSii
. . ... i- . .. .,h...ii.,i. of i I'Olaon was transmitted through bull
now 1st bought to be a complication of .,.. ., ,K. . .
. , . . . .r Irt served at the banquet.
,e IT... .. rt hf f.ll No on. at the speakers' ,sbl was af-
appemll. ;,!.. It HI not be ""J" ; feeted. Doctor. John R Murphy. Hugh
until ho shall have had an -r. ex.n.l- j,rR)nnw x u Ue Arth((r who
n""on' i were active In administering the mustsrd
1 Itr-Klrrt. a. hotilmaaler. j water. Issued the following brief
I'l.YSSKS. Nrh., Feb II. (pc'll.l
The Hcnid or Kducntion Thursdsjr eve-'
nlng re-elected J. V. V . Sklnkle as super- !
Intondent of Ihe l'lises sthools. Mr.
Sklnkle wsa given a two-year contract.
lie came here two years ego from I'aven- i
Miri Veli.. In succeed !r. Uoss II. House, I
who left to take the i residency of a large
rrhste school In lenvei.
HMslnesa t haeae rete.
rm:TK. Neb.. Feb. II. (Spec ial ) -The
Saline Lumber company, which runs a
Urge lumber and coal ard here, com-
.... . .t. u t.AM.hi- tt liii-ni
ovrr the yard to the Sach Lumber and
rosl company of Ord. The local coniHny
m U,al (lAnlllu n t
give possession of February a.
Lumber Schooner
Burns Off New York;
Crew is Taken Off
NEW YORK, Feb. It.-The four mastej
schooner, John Bossert of tbis port, was (
virtually destroyed by fire five miles I
at sea off the highlands of Naveslnk...
N .1 rsrlv today. tJapUIn Treaaey and
I he crew of seven men were in
the burning vessel by the pilot boat
New York and were brought ahore by
the crew of the Sea Bright coast guard
station. Three of the sailor were -vereiiy
The Bossert wss loaded with lumber
and bounded from Georgetown. 8. C. to
New York. The fire started In the foio
oastle from an unknown cause. Coast
guard from the Bandy Hook and Sea.
Bright life saving stations put out In
their life boat, but when they arrived
alongside, the Bossert was ablai from
bow to amidships. The crew was taken
orf and the vessel drifted seaward be
fore a strong northwest wind.
The John Bossert was a wooden vessel
of tl tons gross and ws built t Bath.
Me., In 1904. It owned by Lou
Bossert Sons.
Severe Rheumatic
Pains Disappear
Rheumatism depends en an aeld 1n the
blood, which affect the muscles and
Joints, producing inflammation, stiffness ,
and pain. Thl acid et imo i"
through aome defect in me om"'
process. Hood' SarparlHa, tha old
time blood tonic, ta very guoceasful in
M.imunt of rheumatism. aw
xi ti ith nurirvina encci, on
blood, and improve the digestion. Don't
suffer." Oet Hood ioay.
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. One package
proves it 25c at all druggists.
through our stock Sat
urday. Hundreds of bar
gains still here, but
they're going
in all
lllack suits and
overcoat ex
Men's Furnishings
$1.50 Men's Sweaters, at 95c.
$3.00 Men's Sweaters, at $1.95
$3.50 Men's Sweaters, at $2.15
$1.00 and $1.25 Kid Gloves, C5c.
$1.C0 Warm Night Robes, at 45c
15c Men's Wool Hose, at 10c.
Hundred Prominent
Men Stricken With
Ptomaine at Banquet
CIIICAOO, Feb. II. -More than 100 dis
tinguished persons ho ail ered ptomalns
poisoning at the banquet last night at
the Cnlverslty club given Arelilblshop
he will !eloige William Mimdrlcin of the Chl-
rnta s r;hdlo'ese today had fully re
covered. Prompt first aid measures ad
niln'stered by physicians present pre
ented any after effects. It la said that
F.inrtlcs reilexed the victims. Prac
tically all returned to the hall to hear
the addresses."
Tt.e chef was sought for an explana
tion, but lie had gone home. The man
ager, V. J. IViiighcrty, stst d that the
Hiuip was insile from supposedly fresh
ihlckrn brought Into tha rlub this morn-
i I'lshof Mesnwr of .Ml'wsnkee; lllsliop M.
. listlngher,
Utand Itapliis. Mich.;
Bishop P. J. Muldoon. ttockfonl. 111.',
Bishop l.hV'K. Utinn. Ntc,e. Miss.;
Mshop PVMp .1. bsrrlgsn of Sioux City;
e C Keily. I'hlcngn;
' ,.,knftl. ,. ,
nnolly. New York, and
Itev. John Whalen. 'Brooklyn, N. V.
The hosts at , the banquet ' were the
board of gevei'iinrs of tha Catholic
in your
gluten, one
home prepares
Wrilm m from
- - ,xiiiliijii I 1 niiV ii" ' ' ' "
I f J. OtOl 7iTJ . Iff
Orchard & Wilhelm Co.
s 414-416-418 South 16th Street
Liu iny
Special Furniture Items
Left Over From Our January SaleRare Bargains
(72.00 Morocco leather Sofa ..$20.00
67.50 Morocco leather Sofa . . . . $17.50
f32.S0 AVhlie Kna.nieI Serving Table S5.00
$10.00 Karly English Arm Chair ..$4.00
$.6,r.O Old English Flandara Tabourelto $3.25
$36.00 Mahogany Serving Table i... $14.00
$30.00 Golden Oak Library Table $20.00
$39.00 Square Pont Brass Bed $10.50
$45,00 Mahogany China Cabinet .$20.00
$22.50 Golden Oak Chiffonier $12.00
$34.00 Oolden Oak Chiffonier , $25. OO
$19.00. Mahogany Chiffonier $13.50
$44.00 Vninut Chiffonier $22.00
$46.00 Tapestry .Vpholatered Rocker ', $27.00
$39.00 Walnut Dressing Table $25.00
Shirtwaist Boxes
BUncH noxes with lid separate,
ready to be covered and AfX
flntBhed. Were $1.60, nowUC
. 27-inch size 50c
30-inch size 60c
54-inch size $1.00
35c hlnfes and 20c handles for
above boxen, per or
set ZLOC
150 Window Shades
. at 19c Each
Were priced up to $1.50. Come
In almost any delred color.
12 Styles Portieres
$4.85 Pair
' One pair of a atyle red. roe,
green and ' brown, arniurc and
Damask. '
Values up to $25.00.
This Handsome Stewart
en I ' . i i m
f tiin i . in"" - ' j
ft & - J
Church Extension society, but many none
Catholic were present. Among other
taken 111 were W. A. Tllden, president ef
the Fort Dearborn National bank; Jamee
B. Forgsn. chslrman of the First Na
tionsl bank; Judges Kersten. McGoort'
and Brentano of the Cook county bench
Leonard A. Bushy, president of the CWe
cnao surface lines; Jol i B. Rc.hoopg
superintendent of schools, and J. B. uore
man. chief executive of tha Chicago,
Kock Island A Pacific railway.
Suicide of Girl
Probably Due to
Blasted Romance
CHICAGO. Ken. 1l.-Poelblllty that a
shattered romance had urged Marion
Lambert, a hose frosen body wa found
In tte woods l.i a north shore suburb
jesterday, to self destruction, wa con
sidered today by authorities Investigat
ing the IR-rsr-old school girl's death,
r'toile that the girl had shown evidence
of despondency,, linked with a love af
fair and the absence of any signs of
struggle where the body wa found, were
said to have given weiKht to the theory
that the poison wh ch ended Mlsa Lam
bert's life wss not forced upon her.
Friends of the girl said ahe told them
of receiving a telephone message Tues
day night from a Lake Forest young
man. how student In Wisconsin uni
versity. Messages from the chief of
police In Madison, Wis., said thl young
man had been there all week.
Take a walk Just before lunch you
cold. Take a walk, lust after
you are warm. It ia not
In the weather, It'a the change
body that cornea from eating.
Spaghetti ia particularly rich in
of the truly strengthening in-'
of food. The woman who aervea
thi delicious and healthful dish in her
it against cold and sickness.
mi'm Ymmt mrmmmr Fmmti
BROS., St. Louis. U. S. A.
White Enamel Bed
Similar to cut with contlnuoua
l4-lnch aeamlenri tubing end
eien Ts-lnch filling rods -good
metal caatera full aiae.1'
A Bargain for $6.75
Cocoa Door Mats
Special at 49c
For 14x24 mata, Saturday.
A iHi-ge line of mate In all aize.
60c to $5.00
Small Rugs
$5.95, $6.95, $7.25.
That were .oo to f tl.SO each.
Hize 8AX63.
In Btindhar Wiltons, Hartford
Saxony, French Wiltona.
Brussels Rugs
9x12 aixe
Special Saturday, $11.95.
Made from traveler' samples
of heavy Tapestry Brussels car
pets. Oriental patterns, made with
one 'cross seam.
Value to $16.50.
Range $29.00
on Sanitary leg base like cut, with
warming closet, full nickel trim
ming; an extra value
Sold on 30 Days' Free Trial
not a cent Down and privilege of
$5.00 monthly payments after sat
isfactory trial.
$3 5.00 Stewart Cabinet lUnge $30. OO
$47.50 Stewart Cabinet Range $10.00
(With reservoir.)
$62.60 Stewart Combination Gs and
Coal Range $55.00