Till IJKK: OMAHA, SATl'KDAY, FKHHITAKY l- 1!M;. NEW YORK STOCK Mitt, of which $4M.17.'V0 It specie. I lecrcaee. Summarv of state iianVe and trmt cnm Pamea In Wrester New TnrK not Included In clearing house statement: Amount. Iwr. ls.AfW9.fO W.il.o Irre srular Tendencies Characterize I n..n - - J jr... v. liana. tlf. iuii auu i'v 8 erle Market. Vmill i ll.4fi4.rtm IasmI tendcra ' Total rieposlte r.4.?m :.i7.t J7J1 lin,Sl,i MMN.MO COPPERS AGAIN FOREMOST NEW TOTtK. Feb. H Irregular tendeneiea characterised today's dull and mnro parrot market wh rh hot the. itanal aatvecta of .an annrnsching hnlldav. Toppena were again the forcnviM f.-aMrea, that rroup a, a Hnl I" ninini..iii n other laai:ea I'mh Mutte Bnl ti rwrlne and several loan prominent a'oek Trust companies' cash reserve m vault. Increase. GRAIN AHD PRODUCE MARKET Wheat it Strong, Cash Demand it Good and Prices Advance Two r- to Three Centi. CORN ALSO A GOOD SELLER SOUTH SIDE THTSICIAN IN FAR WEST. London Plwk Market. INTHIN. Feb. It. Th 'slock tndsv vm considerably aetlve. w.i fr nni.trlrnlnf ! In American ra Ha and bonde. HI l. nar. itn per nunc. MnNEV-41i4N : rent. of the same class ..ored nrr hl.-h Prl e i.iki wnt hat r.e-nnori nine and silled shares, notably American tine three month. 6'4 per rent. were htsncr. sine i OMAHA. February II. 1M. i nr wneat marlM was strong imiar, the rsah demand good and wheat market ' . 1 ' 1 cnts higher. nrl Natl teal lead making an extreme fa n or 4 at i "V At o.M Intervals more ee.nned lasiics. , Including mil, followed the course of Ihe meta'a. hit activity In thnae stocks waa a.asmndte at best. Th'a waa a source nf d "appointment to trailers, some of whom had covered their ahnrt con tractu yerterday. largely in eonaecfenee nt the brilliant show n of New YorK Central for liecenibcr and re vear. I nlted Plate. Steel waa another de terring lnfliicnri that stock belli under obvious restraint throughout the session. At Ha m'nimim of f4H ete ahnwed nil ovrrnta-ht lnaa of N and her Indimtr.als, tpeelnllv tno mure active atoc-a In the o-ralleV wnr IUWn were lower tty 1 to 2 points. bu recovered Inter. Mnl'-in petprleum nl American Hmeltintt reflected rlfectlve aelllnl of t in fame chaiact-r aa recently .l'i ed nnd met rant Ha marine preferred reuHtered a further lnaa on rumora aff1lnn Ita earn ing capnc.ty. Illtrh priced aM-claltlea moved erratically, but mainly upward, the Sutera. General Votor. Interna tional Nickel and Tca company, rla Ina; I to 4 point with 7 fur Lethlehem Steel preferred at 137. Kalla were at their bet durin the mid teaaion whoa a audden apuit In New Haven. Keadinr and Ietilffh Valley In fuaed atrenfi elaewhere. The move, ment waa ahort lied, however, tp'otation re-edini rapid jr on comparatively amnll offerlnitt. Geneial apathy prevailed duilni the forenoon, but In the final half hour activity on an aacendlnt; acala waa re turned, effaclnaf moat decline, and leay Inir a number of net gain. Total aalea amount to '$. fO aliarea, copper rontrlbutlns about 4' r lent of the whole. Honda were Inclined to ahade. Ansl-v-Frenrh hm and other aiieculutlve lanue reeordln minor conceaal.in. Total aale. tiar value. auGFrpttatcd t:i.!ll'0.Of. I'nlted Htalca lind and Panama ad vanced ft to 1 per cent on call during the neck. Number of aalea arvt leading quotation in ttock today were a followa: Pale. H uh. lw, rine. , . im !l i U K l.anu It '4 JIV Prat area af lb Tratlai anal tlaalif t'HICAdO. Feb. 11. 8trenth ahowed Itaelf In ha wheat mnrket today aa a re ault of contlnuanca of Kuropeau demand. The cloae, althouah i:naettlel. waa 'o. to c net hlxher, with May at tl.l ZKa and July at 11.21'. Corn flntahed '4c down and nate off 'c to .. In pro vision the outcoma wa be to l."c advance. Hharp upturn In the price nf wheat took place aa aoon aa trndinar bean. Uv erpool dlnpntche were at hand tellln of more Uraent need of auoiJlea for Hrltlah mfllera. aa ahinmenta from Ara-entlna and IChlcaao Australia appeared dlaappolnllnaly tmall. Mluneapolla orferlnia here at flrtt roveil ecanty. but I'uiuin afle. V I li.i hkil irarMl . -1 nf mnM (lllnl than 2c. Proflt-tkln bv holder aet In !"" City aeemeH llkelv In !w wlnerf nut Announce. I " InnlKeK ment nf tome new export buttneaa cauaed a rally, but lively epeoutatlve aellliiri nrntiKht about a rurther acthaca.. lim ine up of tradea, however, to prepare for the double holiday in proapeel cauaed a final awlna; upward. It waa not until after the wheat mar ket had cloaed that definite cellmate of export aide put the total at ", (K nuahela. Ihl hl aatrreRHte, though, In eaoeciallv -"rn aa aiao a good aener, me oeiier e . Jie;raria i..il c.u ., iiieu .1 ,. rerun. 'O of 2 cent while the off grade corn told ; at unchanaed price. .nil t were aiao in oemana ann ine irw anil , . v. . . . . m m . i wrir ni irrwi ir pair- uivukiii a half to three-u trier of a cent mora than yeaierilny. Hye waa fully I cent hither. The Omaha Or In exchange will dote tomorrow, Uncolna birthday. i .iiiiri i. wi'tai t.i.11 ilour were equal to l.Ji7.ci1 buahela: corn, 30.0m btiah eia; oala, Sii.iinj buahela. At Liverpool wheat cloaed le higher; dun. j.(c hither. Primary wheat receipt were 1.204. buahela and ehlpmenta 6IR.ii''0 buahela, holiday laat vear. Primary corn receipt were 1,445.000 buahela and ehlpmenta aAt.OOo buhel, holl dv laat year. Primary oata reca'pta were ISri.Out) buah ela and ehlpmenta "Hi.oiO buahela, holiday laat vear. CAR LOT RKCr.lPTB. HM ....nn .... 49 .... 4 ....17X 4.VI T'4 17 1M i...i.. i rjm.. 'i- i.i . ,... i l wiiuer; i car. li.in .r;..i.L.-j t.ir..V:L, ll.W: 1 car. .'c: a, car. Hoc: H car, H.. 4 m I.1KI II' Lew 7.i 6m k. l.nw) S3' l.tfti 17.'. 1..VII 1.1ml l"4 I. It I i It KM J.fil t.4 I.7OT 1 4." ft I l II. ill tlatka Onll Allla-I1ialm.ra AnvaMraa Beat Mllgar..., Amertraa t'aa Am.rU-aa liromotlvt ... Amarlraa P. a R Am. a R. r1 em autar Reftnlnt , Amor1r.il Tel. ak T.I . . . America a Tnbarro AaacAnil Coeptr Atchlana NM.In tncomntlva .... IHaltlrmiie lihlu.. .... Helhlliem Ht)l PriKila H.pld Tr r.tltiirnla P.lrnt.uia ... f'an.riiaa Parifio ...b... i.ntial 1alhr cheMffealia Ohio Chlran O. W t'hlratn, VI. V Hi. P... I h Ira,. M W 4 hirvaa. R. J. P. Hr. I'htna INkoper rolnrarla f oel 4k Iroa... iViicibla HimI Iienv.r II a nt KKillUra' naciirltleii ... KM reaarml Klecfrlc Ilraat Noilhara pfd (treat N. Ore Hfa tlnacaahelm Kaplorattoe tlllnet t'entral Invrrborouxii Tea. Core. hirlralioa Cnr-par Irtieraattanal Harvaaler. Kanaaa I'll Holilhern, . . Iliixh Vall'r l-nul-vlllf a Naihvllla. l.lran P.trlaua .... Vila ml Ofiaar Miauiurl. K. 4 T. (t.. M Hililrl Parldc Natt.nal Plarnlt atlnna 1.4 ......... Nevada f'oener Vew Tnrk ( n ral. . . . v N 1' a M Norfolk a Wealara v,w1, pc-itit Pa-i'ic V.n .. rcltle T.I Tel FVintylvanl rnl'm.a Pn'ace Car ... Pr on, 4'oppar tt.adlna leeuhllrj Iroa A. Ilael.. Mwjth.m r.rKIc t'mthrra Ttallwtv ...... fif tirit-hahef fomraf .. Tnnewa forre.r Trm Cnmrianr t'lilnn Parifle t'a'na Pclflri rim I'lll-a HtalM tateal 41 MI I Hl.rl pM I MM t'ah Ootjner U.v-i Weaiern t'nlon Weailnarrft.a Fleetrlc ... I.fti Votiia Power f r.a.r.1 Mutora ... VTahaah' B tM . . aleratter.l Varlne affl. J." IS M II1S ! lots govern bin ii of heavy re elpta on Mondavi arted in the corn market aa more than an I offaet for an early pdvance due to re-1 porta of aerlntia rroo damage In Argen- turn, rso export aale were heard or, (le apite notable upturn In value at Liver pool. Oata were governed alinoat wholly by the fluctuation of corn. Kea hoard demand waa not especially In evidence. Provlaiona aeemed to le detlred by a new et of Inveatoi. Chief attention waa given to rib. It wa aatd the caali trade a continuing to improve. Chicago t'aah Price Wheat : No. I red, l.: No. S red. !.2.'rti .- No. 1 hard, ll.iMSfil.ftl'.: No. 3 hard. .r,V,ii.U. Corn; No. 3 yellow, nominal: No. I yel low, 7Ki73c; No. 4 while, Vytiiac, Oalai No. t white, Vit47Hc; atandard, 41U'iii,o. live: No, 2. II HI. Hurley, nTti'ioc. Heed: Timothy. r.COUX.M): clover. llO.WVif 1X.50. a.Z ' Privlalona: Pork. liV.ontf.J0.37A: lard. I10.SU: H.jtj I rib. IKi tV.ail I.',. u HCTTKH II gher; creamery. 24ff.'tmo. i in', rutMiH-i.wcr, receipt, .an cae: 12.H I flrata. Ti'nl:t,c; ordinary flrta, 21c; at ""a mark, raaea inc mien, anjuc. POTATOKH Iwer; recelpta, 17 cart is 101 4 711 1 i wiH 13 ,T i Mlchltfan, Witcunaln. Mlntieauta and Ua- i:kotn. white. .' il.02: M jUakotn Ohloa. Kkull.tiu. .S tn', tut, II ti 171. us 1 11 I, to 7t .ii 4e lie i lis it 174 US 13 S l'i IKS II 4T'i It . 'its 14 171H IJK4 'l J1 l.ll', 17 S 41. S 1iS 17 7714 Ml i:s ' S 7rs tS inc 7t i me mi II4 ID I IV. 4 l.at tm I rn I w If.. " S. iu II i mo ! s 47 S MS tm, !ln ns Hi IIS US 4 M 1S 4 117S 14 S s 7iS lS Mi M 1I7S llS II ts r 'is" 7H M ie f'S .', H US 'i4i 117 'l s 7S "iS in s II 4 1 171 MS its II MS 11 liS s 4.H I'S , 1 lilS I irn, I 4 " : IS lei s I7S ' 4' I Ti I lftiiS 17 S MS s IMS 71 ui'i ', 71 111 III lH Vi 14 7H K14 1S tl' IMS t'OS iMV. rMt S HT .ItS t'H 7'S 47.1 MS 7a IMI'l.THV-Alive iprlni;, iVc. llnneota lower; fotvla, and lac; Urges Nebraska to Establish a State Highway Commission nS "Nebraaka tliouM eatabllali a atate highway commiealon," gaya T. Warren Allen or the bureau of road and road engineering of Wathlncton, D. C.,, who poke to Commercial . club men, good road enthulat and city and county commlHaloneie at the Commercial club rooma at noon. It declared that under prcaent loiull tion the thing to do la to place the road outalde the boundarlej ofthe munlclpal itiet under the administration of the atate. lie advocated a city tax, county tax and atate tax for revenue for road building", but pointed out that erfcti fund tliould be pent for road Improvement agyiearly at poib!e in the community Where the money waa raJtcd and where It would do the moat linmedinte good fqr thoa taxed. "A competent highway engineer ahould be employed." he ald, "a ho ahtiuld make turvrya and prepar map. Then should Theae aalea were reported today: Wheat No. 2 hard winter: 1 car. 11.2m: 1 car, fl.il: 1 rar, tl .30. No. 2 hard winter: 1 car, 11.20; 2 care. $1, !!",; 10 car, tl.10; 1 car, ll.lx't: ft car. $.18: 2 cara, $1 17H: cara. 11.17; 4 cart, gl.lrt', ; 1 car, 1.1. No. 4 hard winter: 1 car, Montana, 11.23; tart. 1.1: 4 car. O.l.'.S; cara, 11. IS; t cara, 11.14'; S cara. II 14; t cara. $1.13; I car. tl IV: S car, II 10. Hample hard a); I cara, it.Uo; l car. No. I durum: I car. II. ITS: 14 cara. tl.l So. I durum: I car. H.15. No. 2 mixed: I car, 11.21. No. 1 mixed: 1 car, fl.lH1; I car, 11.16. No. 4 mixed: 1 car. H.H'-i; i car. 11. IS. Hve No. 2: 1 car, f.Hi;. No. 2: S car. MV. No. 4: U car. Me; 1 car. xo. Hariey Hample: 1 car. MOc Corn No. 4 white: t car, 4c; 1 car. c; t cara. 7Se: Lear. (T'.ic. No. ft wmte 1 rar. 64SfC: 1 car. !;; 1 car, eoSjc. No. white: 1 car, Wc; I car, &.'. No. 4 yel low: 41 tare. inc. No. & yellow: cara, :c: I car, k No. yellow: 1 car, (mc; 1 car, MSc: 1 car. 67c; X cara. Mc; 1 car. 5.V; ,, car. Roc. No. :l mixed: 1 tar, vvc; I car, ti8c. No. 4 mixed: 2 cara. 67 c; 1 car. h.'x-. No. b mixed: I car, .)Sc; 1 car, tfSVkr; 2 cara. :ic; t cara, 624c; 1 cat, 61c; i car, mfmc: D car. 0 No. mixed car, MH4-; a cara, Me; 2 cara, K6S: 7 car. ifc; 1 car. MV4c: 4 cara. (4c: 1 car. Mc. Hample white: 1 car, 46c. Hample yel low: i cara, hoc; 1 ear, 4Kc; i car, 4c; i car. 44c: t cara. 4c: i car. 37c: 3 car 3.c. Hample mixed: 4 car, wheat mixed. Mic: 1 car, biie; J car. i2c: 1 cara, f.lc: 1 car. 4ic.; 1 car, 4Kc; I car. 42c; 1 car, 41c 1 car, Wtc; 1 car, 8Hc; 4 cara, 50c: 1 car, 4He. Oata Standard: 2 car. 4;Sc. No. 1 white 4 rr, 4.".c. No. 4 while: & cart, 4.ic. Kample: 1 car, 44c: 1 car, 4w. Omaha Cath Price Wheat: No. hard, tl.2fr41.21'.: No. 3 hard. H.I.Vul.JO: No. 4 hard. tl.frl.1: No. 2 aprlng, ll.lX) I121S; No. .1 aprlng. II.1M1.20: No durum. $1.1VvJil.ltS No. I durum. l.i: . aample. tatcjill.ou; corn: No. ; whlte.liVrt!o; No. 4 white 67W'4io No. white, Oh-Cc: No. white. t6riSc; No. 3 yellow, iWi:irW4v Xn. 4 yellow, tlft tc; No. 5 yellow. tHftC-: No. t yellow. mixed, wutwiyo: no. o. I mixed. fft4c: No. aamnle mixed, anfitxic. Oati No. 3 white. 4fA;fM7c: atandard. 4nS46'yc: No. 3 white. tfMH.Vtc: No. 4 white. 444ti-4To. Rar lev: Malting. 7iii71c; No. I feed. rJH6c. rtye: No. 2, WitrfoVic; No 3. IKi4jMc. Chicago rioting price fumlahed The Bee bv Logan V Brvan. atock and grain broker. 3I& South Sixteenth. Omaha: I r. ... V DR. C. M. . mESiNE.V METHODISTS i WANT IMMERSION Group of Trail Hitters Not Satisfied with Sprinkling Baptism and Insist on Complete Method. BORROW FIRST CHRISTIAN POOL How to be baptized Is a question that haa worried many of Hilly Sunday' trail-hitters. A group o' six or right, although becoming members of the Methodist church, will this evening: be baptized by immersion, whereas the custom with Methodists is to baptize by sprinkling. , "ine baptism by Immersion will be performed by Rev. Titus Lowe of the First Methodist church, at the First Christian church, Twenty sixth and Dewey avenue. The lat- they are taken Into full mcmbcrahlp. About 13 probationary membera will be accepted Into full membership at the Ftrat Mrthodlat church aervlee next Pan day morning. Family Haa Dlaagrrrairat. Methodiata of Omaha were rattier amuaed by one man. . who, with hi fam ily, hit the trail during the fa.ll revival. It la aaid that the man in1ted upon being baptised by immeraion because he had been reared to, reaard that the only proper method of baptism. Other mem ber of the family would not consent to lmmertlon They prepared to be bnptlaed by sprinkling Wed need ay night and the head of the family plannod to be baptlxed by Immemni laat nluht. A sharp family dis agreement waa Imminent, but the man avoided It at the last rnoincnt. by con wnfng to be bantlid by sprinkling with the other members of the fiimily on Wednesday niiht. Big Corn Receipts and Price Gdes Up ' One hundred and thirty-four cars of corn came from Nehra.ka ml Kanaaa to the Omaha markrt and IS carloads went out to the feed lot of Iowa. Minnesota and Illlnola. The rrlcc were 2 cents up from Thursday, selling at to cents nor bushel. Wheat was strong ar.d 2 to 3 cents up. selling at $1.1' to II. 2, '4- Receipts were ! carload. The market en oata was a little weaker than on corn or wheat, yet there waa an advance of 4 to of a cent per bushel, sales being made at 41 to W cents. Re ceipt were 3 vnrloadf. KCHINDEL. the use of its baptismal pool to the Methodists, es the . latter have no tank in their church and last ! evening's class of trail-hitters In 1 slsted upon being baptized by Im mersion. . I Mrs. T. F. Sturgeea. an active member of the First Methodist church, was in : charge of last evening's class, wh'ch oonaiated entirely of adulta. The baptism Immersion took place at 8 o'clock. . . Thirty-nine trall-hittera were bap. tlzed by sprinkling at the First Methodist . c c;. ' TOi,,a;ia,, i church last Bundny and more were no Prominent South Side Physician bliptlzert Wednesday evening, still other, Passes Away After Sullen ' Stroke of Apoplexy. THOMPSON-BELDEN BUYERS' ARE BUYIN3JN NEW YORK lr. W. W. V. llorne of the linen de partment at Thomptvn-Beldon, leaves the latter part Of the week for New York, where he will Join C. C. Helden. who U ter church extended, the courtesy of now ;n ea"1 "p" "y eorBe nnacn oi iiio un n.... . - . . . u..1nln tlons. AllsJ Isabclle Rhodes, buyer 4f graces, embroideries, neckwear and glovta is also In New, York. Robert Nlroll. resi dent buyer, will return wllh Mr. Helden to look over the local situation before resuming his bu; Ing In the metropolis. DR. CM. SCHINDEL DIES AT SPOKANE HEAD OF UVE STOCK BANK will be baptlxed by sprinkling Sunday morning before the church service. Bap tism is required of all Methodists before KATHER1NE DODIMERD . IS AWARDED DIVORCE , Kathevinc IVidlinead wa awarded a divorce from Frank lod;moad, the first man to cor rccive alimony from his wife In NeLrafka. by Judne Scars. Tem porary alimony totalling something over iV wa given llodimeHd during t'l" course of the suit. All of the property. In hiding the looming house at 1620 Bur street, wa awarded to the divorced w fe PIMPLY? WELL, DOfl'T BE! People Notice It. Drive Them . Off With Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets. A ptmrlv face will not embarrass you much lonu'er if you et a p:u'kae of Dr. ttdwarda' flle Tnlilrt.s. 'Ihe skin should rwtn to clear airer you have taken the tablets a lew nights. Clean.e the hi .od. the bowela and the .'lcr with Olive Tabids. lr. HJwards' Olive Tablets nre the suc cessful : substitute f.u ciilomel there s never any sickness or pain after taking them. Ir. Kd wards' Olive Tablets do that ahiih :. loniel does, ai d Ji.xt as effective ly, hut thrlr action U senile and eafe In ttend of severe and Irritating. No one who takes Oilve Tablets la ever cursed with "a dnrk brown tnste," a bad hrrfMh, a 1 ill, listless, "no good" feeling, constipation, torpid liver, bad disposition or ' imply face. Dr. Kdwnrds' Olive Tnblets are a purelv veRotnble compound mixed with olive oil; you will know them by their olive color. Dr. H.ilwanlg epent years among pa tients afflicted with liver and bowel com plaints, and olive Tablets are the im mensely effective resu.t. Take one or two nightly for a week. Se how much better you feel and look. lc and 2.V per Vox. All druggists The Olive Tablet Company, Columbus. O. Dr. C. M. Schindea, prominent South Side physician, churchman! ana citizen, aiea hi opus no cam. Friday morning. The body will be re ceived here Monday and burial will; be held on Tuesday. The doctor; suffered a stroke of apoplexy. He; went west six weeks p.go, following! o nervous breakdown. j lie was 62 years of age and was; A rt IcTel Open. ' Hlah.l Low. Close. I Yea y-T W beat1 May.ll8sis,l July.llUVtlSI Corn. May. July. Oata. May. July. Fork. May. July. Lard. May. 1 2i! 1 !'. 7H'ti'7SM i?tia- us,' 49fl4rVV 4K'4 4Sl4fl,40S 10 ti4 14 r;'i so 7JH 1 471 1(1 Jf it mv July. I 1U 4T ft bt. I I . Mai' 111 tn.lt' Julv'lH tr-T II 76 .I.ILf-.'fLlLgi 1 J7''l 2Srfilajl 27 Vi 1 srsj 1 1 h 4WI48'A1. V 45' St) 42V4I 9 W so u ) ;& 10 10 ST-S7 10 &i 11 45 77ts; 48.iff4 Sf62'4 10 J7-S0 10 4& 11 90 11 4S The Strange Case of la I Mlra for Ihf Air. Ili.tat abaraa. sPiniTitrnri Tntnr. hkvikw 4olaer Raay Week la ladlratta by Trade Re.Kertt. NEW YORK. Feb. ll.-Bradttreet'a to norrow will aay: Another busy week, busier, perhaps, Than ever before at this ravin, la imit ated bv repnrtt to Hradatreet a Journal this week. Speaking In a aeneral aenne, industry It told up fur monlln to come, aiaiiil.y f malerlaia it paleiu, demand la apparently itisadulile res-srdlcsa of prices, and the country la con I runted by ' an extraordinary situation. , On the other Land the aituatlnn In gen eral la maiked bv certain drawbacks, j Complaints about high prices In many i tinea affecting profits are growing more j numerous, aieel milla are confronted with the problem of how lo satisfy horn con aunicra at much lower prices titan for eign business coinniMiKls: wmr la restie, the year to dale bnlng tern marked . by many ttilkia. labile llie outlook aa retards g-l"vsnces of roil m ueit and western lailoav rmplo1 m Ik riucile.l. and demand for rig 1ro- aur-tesis more or li t infill, ml tell caurra -onservallsin among buvera. lio seni to . look for price enceasions. Weekly bank vlrarlnsa were ll.J-.t.HO.WW. Da I.arrler netalaed. . . a.. . u.uu rara t Awlar.. wHo baa been ...i..UM al.e Vtrnwna aince IttlO. has coma In the form jt a report, carrying j been remlncd for the merged St. Louis with them estimate f the cost of build- team Ing given stretchea .if road, etc. They I ahould show the type of road considered i best suited to various localities." The speaker held that aa mout roads In Nebraska are dirt roadi and must neeee- J ttrlly be dirt roadi for many years to, come, one of the mu't Important things' to be considered here Is the best method j of putting them Into good shape. This, he said, requires attention to drainage problems and the profer shaping of the road to turn water -nd keep permanently bard and dry. , he settled In South Omaha and was; a practicing physician here since' that date. He founded the Country I club at Bellevue, was president of, the Lire Stock National bank from 1907 to 1909, served on the Board of Education, of which he was elected president; was president of the board of trustees of the Wheeler Memorial church and was highly re garded in his profession and as. a: piA'lic-splrlted cltlaen. Funeral services will be held In the Wheeler Memorial church. The Masonic fraternity will participate in the aerv Icea. Dr. fkhlndel is survived by a wife and two children, Louise SchSndel, a teach er In Brown Park school, and Crombie 8 hlndel ' of wlft tc Company's plant, j Dr. I. N. Schlndel of the Houth Fide la a j brother. The family residence Is at 4104 Houth Twenty-aecond street. Winchesters DotaaK Well. NEW YORK. Feb. 10. Cross earnings of t-'o.aoa.OKo and net earnings of tV-'.Of. equivalent to ' per cent on Its capltallt- ti..n ItOnOOilO were rerorted todav bv the Winchester Kepeating Arms company for the year ending February 5, last.. ; Ira P. Higby, Old 1 Omaha Hotel Man, is Near Death Mary Page By Frederick Lewis, Author of "What -Happened to Mary" , Pictures ,by Essanay ixiriu. ' Mary' I'ase. aetrcaa. is accuaed of the murder of David l'ullock and la defended by her lover.. Philip Langdon. PoUock waa HitpKHated. Shale, a crook and tom of I'ollovk. w aa on the fire escape wtch Ing for Langdon. At Mary a trial alie. admits she had the revolver, ller maia testifies that Mary threatened f01'" with It previously, and Mary s i"""" man Implicates langdon. Mow Mary dis appeared from the scene of the crime is a mvaterv. Rrandon lriilt of a atrange I hand print he saw or. Mary's shoulder. lewr Vark Mtarr Market. XKW tonic. Keb. tt.-PfllMK M V. R- CA NT I I.K rATEH aVuS-a rr cent. NT KM 1. 1 VO KXCM AN'tJV: Htatv-day bills. SI 71 : demand. tt.Ti li-lH; cablet. :.:u. ILVEIl-Bar. :Sc: Mexican dollars. HoNDii Jovvrnmnt, strong; railroad. i-rriiiar Tl M K UIAVH-Kaaler; attv and nine , tv dvs. ?'tij'i per cent: six months. ! .-r Cell. CALL MUNn'-Si.mlv: blebeat. t per n : loaeat, 1H ier cent; ruUna rata. C per- cn: laat loan ir cent: i lom finally Texas i in i . per cent; orreren at I ner cent. : ih fleam ouetattona e bonds today j Ira P. lilgby, pioneer hotel man of Omaha. Is reported in grave danger and likely to die, following serious opera tion at Vnrt Worth Tai Thla Intnrma. tion was received In a telegram bv Mra. I M. A. Metxger. Hi South Ninth alreet. Council Hlufft, who la a sister of Mr. Illguy. Beecher Higby of the County clerk's office, and John Hlghy, also of Omaha, are brothers of the sick man. I In 1N64 Ira lilgby entered the hotel business In Omaha with hla father In trie old Parnam house, on Harney street, ! helweeen Thirteenth and Fourteenth 1 streets. He was later connected with the old Wyoming house. Ninth and Par nam streets, and with the Pax ton. Mil jlard, Murray and other hotels here a generation ago. For eight years during the eighties he was attached to Internal revenue aerv Ive. Later he waa a hotel man at Lin coln, and also In Minnesota. Illinois and He la now about years . niAPTr.R (Continued from Yesterday.) Could you hear what she was slng- -r, a; 1. r. ref. a art.. . . , v a . d r.B-i I . a . r A . l. K w. 1 ' .r. t. .. a..-... it... a.r'- ... ,hi a s . . . . F.I v rua . . pih. i r '-a... r.a e.r-fi- . ... i'b. r. a',.. i- n r . 5 . ' M II f. e . r n i e . a. . A a rrf 4'-a.. n O. e, 4 ., frl m. r-.a irie.rir . 4. Cil. V-. ) iVi. 1 . i a. .of . . . at. M M 'ra .... K I 4. rt. h.., dial. .!. ax vai 4a . M K T. IM 4. . : ,' Mn. p.c cal, 4.....'a"i'i Wort Pnarr I. aan X. V I'. .b. I.....11I., v . i,, 4'..... it: .tit v. v. x. ii. a it .: a in . v- "-clflt 4a . Si la gr- . ' I rt. 4) .!. t. T. I. . . F.-s. era. i,a. . a raa. 4Sa .. . "S.an'aa . 4a. ''; l- a. v . . a" ho r.r r. la. . . a"', da raf 4a t4 W So Ri'lrir U Ki 1'.lrlo Pacllla a V ..I, rr 4. aa', . aa- iv a uStor 4 . !. r a fl tm . . a-,al.a I -i 4l ... "a . I 1 Weal. tV. .. la. - I f o 4" Vi r t TJn Yrm 1 i n i.abULii xiai v alio Breaks Three Eibs in Fall Over Banki r.d, Nse, But preaentl I neara inuiuri olce a vobe ahojtin', and I knew u eia someone after her. I waa minded to ahout back, tut I w&a afraid of acarln' the poor daft thin, so 1 stood watchln' till suddenly the coon out Into a patch of moonlight and I sew her face. It was Ms- Page." A little gust of whispering comment rippled th'rotigli the room, and the Judge, i.anina- forward, brol e In sharrly: "How far distant was thla figure when ..... t ih.ii.hi vo.i tecognlxed It as Marv PaaeT" i ritnna ken. exa"t;y." aaid the woods man thoughtfully. " 'twas no more than maybe twice the wlllh of the apace of yon door." nodding toward the entrance into court, "but to et to her 1 would have had to skirt the lip of the hollow, se I stood still, watchln'." Will tell us how Misa Page looked?" "Her dreaa or her petticoats, was all torn and muddy, her hair was hangi'i' 1 J... onto her shoulders, ana ner ... . . I"' ..'414 I "4. llev. Oust llarvalls. pastor . of the nd there was something inai wtr. like a great aora on her forehead. Bhc moved Ilka a. Mind person, stumblln' Catenaeat af Clearla 1 1 ease la. I NP:W YOrtK. h. 11. -The atatenient ) of the actual :.. million of riearicg house . bonks ai'd trual conipar.lee for th w.-k I ,,ia davtl (..! that they hold U'1.. ') reecrve in eateas of legal re -..ire. 1 meets. This U " .le ieae of II ! 3U j fioin lant wr'k. The atstement f.M!a: Ai t ual Condition Ainoun. - 'r-na.l 1 oana. etc ," "' V "i " 7 ,; T':" i Hki rve. own vsulla ..-T.('40 'l er l irarrv. be I, k ... I '. '! "rl Orler flepoaiiorlea. i hi I ."' t.71,t Vet 'f.-ma.t aciKiaitt i.4'S '"' 1" ' Vet t. (rs.lll.... l'-l-A"r S.l'.-.ei . uc.UH.ii Se?e -9 9 i.e'Mia rwriti .. 7 .' !) 'c,ik Orthoilox church at Sixteenth and over stumps and aumpln' Into the treva. i Martha atwete. U confined to Ma home. ' and yet she hep' oa that atrange crooln 17u Routh Sixteenth stre.t. with three ! song laughln'. too, at times, broken ribs and a arenched arm. J "Could yovi hear any other aound . Father llarvalls. In the fours, ef his j "Aye. I heard voice calHn 'Mary, duties aa the only Greek Deator In this ' ManrV And 1 could hear the smaahln . . . . .,. hi. -.. i.'.i aha unalerbruah aa somebody came I mi vi , . v u ..... . j , vi vii -.j . " - baptise a baby In the country rouwa dis- ruanln'. but she dldaa look around, tanee from Vallev Junction, la. "Did she pass your He started out In a sleigh driven by a "No; she skirted the hollow fauna "4 man from the livery barn. On the way other side, but I could aee her. I wouldna the sletgt) fell over fifteen-foot em-I let her out of my sight, till aha were bankiiM Bt, the minister receiving tho aft- j safe, but I dldna. want ta lay banda on lurles mentioned. ! daftle myael'. Then guddenty I saw a Brian He a at rescued bf aome paaxlng people sapling cut at the root. Then aha gave aacry, and fell and crumpled in a little heap." . "Pid you go forward then?" "I started, but before I could get around to them, the man hadypicklt the lassie up and carried her down by the brook in the hollow." "Could you atill see them?" "Aye, Ilka in a theater, for the moon shone down there, while I stood above i them In the trees. The man who was ' Mr. Langdon here kep' wettln' hla hand- ( kerchief and bathln' her poor face tilt she opened her eyes and said 'Philip, Philip'.' And at that he held her cloae and sobbed l'ke a child and said. 'Mary, ' Mary, are you all right now. Vicar?' Ant she aaid, 'I'm tired where have 1 beenT; And he said, 'Never mind, dear, you can rest now you are safe In my arms.' Then suddenly she gives a scream and cries. 'Don't let father touch me don't let him touch me! Oh. Philip, I can feel It on my shoulder It burna It burna!' And he klaaed her and aaid. There Is nnth'n' on your shoulder except nvf kisses, Mary, Put the fear out of 'your head; nolhtn' can harm you while I have you aafe." And she aays, 'Not even Iavid?' And he tas, 'Not even David, damn him!' Then she gives a little sigh like a bairn that la tired and holds up her lips to be k'ssed. and then snuggles her pulr ' head In hla shoulder, and he knelt there holdln' her." i'ou went up to them then, did you not Weil, you know that," answered the Scotchman with some scorn. "I went Ul and 1 said. Van I help you carry the' pulr lastlc home? And he aaid, 'No, I shall nof move her till, alia haa rested a bit. Then he wraps her In hla coat and slta watchln' Jer, but after a bit he aays. 'She's been tleepln' aound, I can carry her now,' and he picks her up In hU arms and starts off " "Pld Miss Page apeak when she was moved?" "Yea; she a Id, 'Am, I atill safe with you. Phlir And he aa a 'Yes.' And a'ie aays, "Oh, I wish X was dead except for you, dear.' And he said, 'I wish those who torture you were dead, my darling, but I'm going to guard you myself In the future.' Then, atill holdin' her In hHi arms and carrytn' her careful l'ke, he went off through the' trees." and taken bark to the hotel In Val ey Junction, where preliminary examination waa made and then he was bruught t hit home here. At present le 1 si. feting intense "atn from the Injuries An V-ray examina tion will te ma.le. eome runrjn' through tho woooa, ana when he taw her, he gave a great cry an ! shouted, Thank ad'' Then he called ...in 'Marv. Marv wait for me-watt for me, dear!' The echo In the hollow I caught It up ao that the whole woeua . fell of the cry. and at that !. linied, and stood salu'-like a )oumjl tto Be "Continued Next Tueaday.) 1 MARY PACr I U 1,111 HTH KIMSIlliK I I See It Hunduy, l-Vb. IStla B i 1 AT THE EIY1PKE.5S B EMPRESS ffwrivncrmrtitrKTga oil- mm msm wMMimm m Ml sj Before you spnd a dollar for Home Furniture anywhere, see our mammoth high-grade stock. Note the prices and quality, and then buy where your every dollar brings you the greatest value. The greatest money-saving' opportunity of the year. - Now is the time to buy a complete outfit at a genuine saving. . .., . ' . ' ! ; EASY f.t OHTHLY PAYMENTS GLADLY ARRANGED OH ANY PURCHASE I I Baal a W aMrJF aa 1 7 g F I - . ""t . V SB I - cr K S f& rl our ii r Ii 1 OUR NEW MODEL SANITARY 1 KITCHEN CABINET B if 1 1 1 throughout of solid oak, entire top enameled in white. Fitted with sliding nickeloid 4op, metal flour bin and sifter metal .cake and bread box, and full set of tea and coffee cans. . Stands 72 Inches high and 42 inches wide. Our ape clal gale . price $19.50 ELEGANT PARLOR raw ROCKER Beautl-17 fully upholstered In Spanish imitation leather. Has broad roomy seat, and wide tufted back. The massive frame la made of American quarter sawed Imitation oak, richly polished .In golden. Posi tively a 19 value and ' our very I ... . 4 a Anlv 64.95 Tine'Whitt Porcelain Top Guaranteed for 20 Years. - SANITARY . ALL WHITE PORCELAIN TOP KITCH EN TABLE. Guaranteed for twenty ears. White porcelain top la Xsxll n., gupportea oy neavjr nam. ana rigid legs. i hlte enamel finish. Only. f r5-i ;vf5XJi'vi'"! mm 3ai wfTp i i;a i i win i i ? - i 11 " " " Eartman ' - '- (rw henthtr - J1il a i ai , I 4&VV.J' , ':' k " ' ' J-- A -"-.Art I BllB ' U V M -rT rTa-r-.,i.4gi. . f,w mj Solid Cak. Guaranteed Spanish Kjm PURE S6.S5 Frame Solid Cak. Guaranteed Spanish imitation leather itbholsterina SOLID OAK AUTOMATIC BED DAVENPORT. ia very massive, with full rounded front, heavy colo nial posts. One motion instsntlv converts it from a davenport to a full-sited bed. Haa full aprlng back ana seat, upnostered in guaranteed Spanish imitation leather. Beau tiful design and exceedingly well made. " Only lull . V mo $18.89 BOI.ID OAK MIS SION PKDESTAU J in. high. Haa heavy column, broad flat y bate, flnlthed In fumed only. Our low price for Batur- vn52e10 only. ,.:.e;wwig; THE GREATEST VALUE IN A BRASS BED COMBINATION EVER OFFERED IN OMAHA Bed has two-inch .heavy posts, ten filler, full height. Fully guaranteed and fin ished In satin. Mat tress has heavy ticking and soft, cotton top. All steel spring, woven wire top and supported in the center. Complete combination of three pieces specially priced for Saturday at, only $12.95 Our Great Special 4 Rooms Completely Furnished $ $5.00 A MONTH mm a 1 NOTE THESE BIG UUG UAKGA1NS -- r par -fe ELEGANT I A B L F. UAMP. St and a 14 in. high. Haa birch mahog any bate. 14-ln. thadr with heavy fringe and braided dga. y rrl v $3.45 FQEE! A alKAl'Tiril. OA-PIKCK DI1 N Kg IKT ajlvea away aboolailriy Iklaa week wliai every 04V ekaato of MD ar ttrr. (aak Of 1 realll. S(-in. Aamintter Rug. Heautiful new detigna High grade ft) atp quality. aPaJatJt) Only txt ft. Brutaela Rug. fperlally AO l.1 till ft. Velvet Rug High pile. Beautiful color eom bl natlona. lit value. . txll ft. Brueaela Rut ftrongly woven. Large aaaortment to aelect from, at only . . . . S12.98 aaela Rug. en. Large $11.25 A HIOH ARM GUARANTEED MW ING MACHINE. Solid oak ceae. ait drawere. all aeresaorles and at tarhments. Fully guaranteed for II v'ara. Made with all the latest Ira- nrovementa ull nan oeanng. Worth double the price we ask for it. A genuine bargain at $18.75 Aaaerlea'a Urealeot llaaae raralabtra. OTT.J A TO (0 1414 - 16 - 18 DOUGLAS ST. Visit Our Columbia Grafonola Department Sold tn Our Usual Easy PaymintPlan A i x I