THE HEE: O.NfAHA, , FEBaUAIir 1916. Want-Ad Rates CASK WITH OBDCB. lc p v word . rich Insertion CIAlOl BATEil lc per line one time ie per line ....three consecutive times (Count six woros to the line.) SPECIAL BATES I FBrm and Nsnch l.ands. 7o per line ""h Insertion (Count six werds to the lln ) FOREIGN ADVERTISING UNDER AotNTS OH HK1-P WANTED CLASSIFICATIONS: e per word ms lWo pur word . .tre consecutive time BO AD TtRV FOB TBAW A TOTAL OF toe. OB X.EBS Till lOo EB DAT. CARD OF THANKS. PE,TH AND FUNERAL NOTICES: 1 o per lln each Insertion (Minimum th SO cents Monthly Rat for standing ad (no change of copy) P' 'Count six word to the line.) Costract wh cm apptlcstloa. THE BFE will not bo reaponBlble for mora than one Incorrect Insertion of an advertisement ordered for mora than on time. ADVERTISERS srnuld retain rscelpta given by The Be In payment for Want Ad a no mistake can be rectified without them. USE THE TELEPHONE, If you cannot conveniently bring or m1 In your la. Aak for a Want Ad Taker, and you will receive the aame rood service g when . delivering your ad at tha offlca. THOSE TYLER l0. WANT-AD COLUMNS CLOSB EVENING EDITION" M. MORNING EDITIONS 1:00 P. M. THE MOVIE PROGRAM CHANGED PAILT. Angwerg tna question "Wher to co tonight." EACPRESSlDth &"'dOUG LAS SELIG "BLACK CROOK," 5-reel Kalom. GARDIiN. m FAUNAM Tha Roads of Wrath. One-reel comedy and tha lateat rathe .wi, 6c. Program. Sc. f HlNCKSa. 1UMI DOUGLAS. Alexander Gadden and Lucille Toft In "The Drifter," Mastct picture le Luxe. A great lesson on the gambling evil, five a via, and a aolocled Keystone comedy. Kuril). GRAND, 1CTH AND BINNEY "The Secret Agent," J-reel drama featuring Harold l,orkewood. Rod Circle No. 8, and agood comedy. Iajihuuv, tu anu'lotuhoFT William B. Hart In "Tha Plsople," a Trlngle feature. Booth. APOLLO. J 82 4 LEAVENWORTH. Tha Spv'B Ruse, Kalom. Tha Making of Crooha, 3 reel. Fellg. Prom Hiackstone to Stone., Mlna C. iJlOHLFr. 26U LEAVENWORTH. Martyrs of the Alamo All-Star Grif fith raat. Triangle wonder ploy, ono rye I coin cdy. Wcat. MONROE. J555 FARNAM. Jlonrv R Walthall and Wards Howard In "The Outer Edge." Wally n In "Cntey'a Awakening." Belig Tribune Topical. Beat !. JBESSH HTlt AND N. Sclig Tribute No. . The Dragoman, 2-reeI Ttibln. Peace at Anv Price. Vltagranh. Tha Red Circle, featuring Ruth Roland. Star Features Theaa ara Special Kxtra-Rl Picture now appearing- tha following Thaatera; Tha Making of Crooka," threa raela. J 4 Til ft N. featuring Ituth "Tha nd Circle," Roland. EMPRKS3. 15T1I AND DOUULAS. Black Crook. t-rel Kalern. t'KAND. lftii AND B1NNET Red Circle, Episode No. t , TiiuorTTiTirATD vtiuiam n. jiart in -tm Dlactpla," a 1 rmnKie reatura. f RINCtHa. Iil7-1 DOUGLA8T "Tha ITifter." Maslei nlcli.ra ! ljiue A inl leaouit vn lit gaiiibling avtt, JIvc at ! a. IpiOHLtK, bl LEAVENWORTH. Martvra it the A'.iiiiio. All-lar Urlf fllU caat. Triangle wonder play. K A Tlia AD rt'XH R 4. KOTKKH I VlKK lr. II. U.. ad"M yeara. tavea wiiluw and one an, Clarence II.; to allien in California, Mia. Km ma Yot 1 and Wr. Ho Uartlctle. Tha duel or baa lived In Omaha forty-five yraia. waa county hU in alxiwn yara o. Iteinauia at lieafry A lieafey'a chaptil. Kuncral tiotka J-'.r. i MAUSOLEUM. 'iWHT bury your dead In tha cold grvtinl la atormy weather when you can buy lomb In a marble building at raaaonabia tTkaT TeL MAUbOLt-UM CO.. 1. 17i. I'LUHIiTI, itlATH H. fic.riat"a."Twi4 farnuin 8t. b.'og" i iifcNUiilt&uN. Ul ioul. t ' i , Memtxr KUirlnta lelrgrapn )!. Attn. if j i 4t bAOUODA. l'Qjajgji The Easy Way is the Telephone Way PHONE TYLER 1000 llinTlia .4M1 ni.tlMV in Hi Trillin and ci ilia Anricreoii. Ji Smith Firiy-aei-otiil, girl: (Inlnii I and Mnty liailH. Iiotpltnl, ulrl; l.tiinn iiii.-M-ppa IMel'-fntin, iVi South Tenth, girl: Jmc nd Myrtle Freeman. :-l Howaid. toy; Joseph end Mury i:n Utcau, 1: holllli T enl v-aeennd, buy; iiinae end Knima Knnir, 1M' Suiiili Fifth, pill; StMtil.y and .Nell Koznk. I.'it Houth Fifteenth, hoy; Jcacph and Frnn- cii Kahyleky, 4 Mouth Fnrtletli. tmv; Incoh t). and Marie J. I.lnco, Lii2 N. girl: Abe end Futhcr I.lpamnn, fil'i Houth Twenty-fifth, girl; Joseph If and Helen I'oore, b"T Houth Twenty-fifth avenue, hoy; T. and Clara Itel'ew, Z21 2 North Twenty-flret. boy; Anton and Maigaret ."chncckinhui uer, Wl Korcne. girl; Jai-ol and Mamie Hchaaf. F.I1 Military avenue, boy; Ocrnardt and Esther Warner, hos pital, girl. I lentils Martin Keartia. SO. Pevenlh and Burt; Anna J. Kuhler. 4.1. hospital; IVtd K. Lynn, 34. UAH North Twenty-fifth: Mrs. (liana Nlsnn, 7. Fortv-nlnth and R: John Aehenff-lter, 34. South Hide: Mrs. Snllln llnkenhof, . i!t4 North Twenty fourth; John A. Kmlili, 1, T."i Wirt; Albert Pallon. BS. 2MI I: ieorte I,. Foale, K, M12 Houth Forty-flrat; Mrs. Anna Hwsrtkowskl, hospital; Andrew H. fix, K hospital; Mrs. (lertrude Hoe mer, 65. hospital ; William Trotter, 4S. Twenty-fifth and Hodge; Mary Kllker. o. .'ir, Kouth Twenty-fifth; Fred J. Ml lea. Ifl. hospital. MtiiniA;R M(F,aKs. l-eri.iiis,to wed hiva been laaucd to tha following: .i-i.h. r "m i i,.ii,.f r. Age. Marlnua Nielsen, Hamlin, la 2 " , in mifnwn, .'iiinna ti m ii.ui I'i:hiiii. Norils Norrls, three frmno dwell ings, tvi.a and t.'.2 Florence boulevard and 71" North Twenty-fourth Btreet, neb. , L0ST-F0UNDREWARDS OMAHA COUNCIL ULUarrt Bi'liith.X RAILWAY COAiRANY. Persons having loa avina article would do well to call up tha office of tha Omaha It Council Uluffa Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In the afreet cara. Many article, earn oVy era turned In and tha company la acxioue to restore tlietn to the rightful ownera. Call t'oug. 4. UT TOU Itna nrlhln and will aiTrl It br. yea tll surely rxiom It It fmina by an hant erraoa. Hmsrkabls reonvsrlea are tirtaiiht about reary Oar Ihroilsk thla eolnms. 1HH lW-Pw,pi hs fine lost artlrtae ara lalrMa la snowing that lha alata law U air lit In lequlrlna Ibrm la srrk lb ownar threuKh a4 van laamant ana olnarwlae and that a lauura to da aa. It aame saa be arayae. Is Volyaa a ayara Danally. Cost Hntv.n n llHiniltiui Apia, and Har ney St., mink fur handbag containing email pursm with money. Finder deliver to eon Hamilton A put. or call Tyler 7Mi; rc warn LTiHT link cameo lavalllnre, act In mack enamel, with cut gold frame 1 ' Inchee long by 1 Inch wldo, with gold neck chain about '4 Inchca long, Re turn to room 1. Paxton hotel; reward. EoHT Htfckpln, hoiae ahua set with amnii gnrneia, few garncta miaatng, an olil-fssliloncd ear-ring made Into slick pin: llbertl reward. Address Y. 2? Hee. LOST Hpaniah lace acarf near resilience, Mis. F.. W. Nash, Siss Hurt St. Liberal Reward. t L'.'HT initial "M ' tiln, act wfth stirrict; reward. Tyler 1344, FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS Fnrnttare "d llouaeKold OooUa. EtKI HAHilAINH. Furniture, at.; atovaa. beds, springe, mattr'a, (I eachi beddln oomnrta. blanket. N. th. W. lrf. ALL HEPAlllt Water frontu, furnace rolla etc. QUICK anrvtca. iimana rio n l I'toA-S flmlffUll. lvtt'P fO. C.MAil A plT.IX5w'"CtV5!attresaeg tnado over juat line new. in i nininn. ."i: Planua and Maalrsl lost ranieata. tSnO po"rmontli. A. HoaoaTlMr Douglas. tore aajel Office) riafrra. 6k6KfS, aafea, acalea. ehoweaaea, ahelvi log. ate. We buy, aell. Omaha Fixture "f.'nnly cZ .14-H-W B. Itth. toug. Vti. Camera w Kdaka. Fit.V.H develepwd tree li I'Uichaaed from Hiiilii t:rlllilnp, 4I fee Hlrtg. Uept. 1. Jawrirr, Uloaauatls, VVatcfcee. bXoL'KOAAIIO at lucky weddintf rlnga ' at lath ana Douglas rlta. ( lolhlna, f'ura, Ktc. WE buy and sell tailor made aults and oveicuata. FVIednian, 1211 Itpuglaa Ht. aetvlnit Maciiloea. SEWINO MACiilFEH""" We rent, repair, aell ncadlaa and partg of all sewing inachlnea, MicKwin NFRRAhKA C It CLE CO.. 3 ilL. n i J L T1? L5!"j Lou g. not, T pewrttera sail Snpllea, NK VV-mai hlnea auld tho'siune aa VoiiIl H per month. 8u us before you buy or rent, blupcd any pltue on ten tluya tree trial, nulla Typewriter Kxchungu. Sin H. Ixih, innaha. Neb, Ui .MiAiS i up, jptwrttur Klbbona, b per iioaeii. nuua ijiH'Wiucr feacnauge, oit 8. luth. HiuK:.tiiiJl. TYPEWItlTKR for rent. 3 ntontha, .'. Kutla Typewriter Eaoliango, Ui H. Xblb Ht.,omha,NclJ. ItT'.N 1' an Oliver typewriter mo. fur K, Oliver Typewriter Agency. X Farnain. 4"v I't'krt i 1 ivit.S auiu, renieu repsireU. Central yypewrltar, lHOi Farnarn. RtXlANC hi Klbbun and Carbon Co.. car bon paper and Inked rlhbona. U. iit. KitN r a ' lieuuiigton ' not just a type writer. Low rent. Call lXiulus l'.. Machlaery aad lOngluea. MlVy ecoud-hani motora, dynanuia, iivtgnelua. Ia lirun t.leotno Vorka, Jla-a. a i;th bt. UHliard and Voof Tablca. FOH BALK New and aeoond-hand earoia and potket bi'liaid tablea and bowling elleya and accessories; aend for cata log u; euay paymcnta. The lirunawluk lig-i onenuer yo., 407 e H. lot h 8U FOR BALE Fhe pool" table, two bowl ing alleys; cheap if taken at once. Hok 41. Friend, Neb. I.aitubvr una skalkaiKe) Material. House For Sale. ... To 1q Removed I rooms, modern house, must be re moved by April 1. lilt!. Leave bids at George & Company, PlioneJX Te. n .' C UyN a t. Hank Hid g. f'itY Kindling l.v the loud. I i uucy xjji. Prlallaai aad Utile aappltee. ONE wrder preea for printing Tinlutiun tvueriter b.lttra: oiim Iiivm1i1 Mammpw cliatr; one (.ollapalble go-cat t, I bono y etiaier ti;e. WAlklHa-UAKNIiART Kg. Co., uality iriiuing.jei, i: -4 SlJih sit. CENTItAL pi luilngCoT D0OUA8j5lT tKCQ8 printing Cu. Tal" lMuglaa e4L M Uvrllaueuna. - high alaudaid of qaality wilT Iti main l nine. I, 4 ijuarta of Old Fontenelia tX9; buttled In bond. llenr Pollock, mail ordvr bouse. iAiug. 71oJ, l!-i:4 N. liUi bU NOTICE TO BEE WANT-AD PATRONS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE AND BETTER SERVICE . The Bee will hereafter accept telephone orders for Want-Ads at the CASH RATE of one (1) cent per word and a collector will call a day or so later with the bill. It is sometimes n bother to come down to THE BEE office to place your Want-Ad and then, again, it is quite often inconvenient for you to eoine down this way to pay the bill for an ad you have had inserted this way you never have to budse out of ytur home or pLu-e of Luainc-s to vet lieu Vant-Ad service at the CASH RATE. FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS M leeella srasa, FOlR 8A i.K CHKAK Business College Course Full and complete a holarahlp la one of he best Omaha bui-lnes schools Good reason for selling: perfectly relia ble: worth full prbe, hut will be eold Very reasonably If Interested Investi gate at on'-e, liecause epilng term begins soon. There are a variety of coursea for ale. For particulars Inquire at the of e of The Omaha He ALEX JL.TLS LlgUOIl HOUSK, Thirteenth and Douglas, liottlcd-ln-bond vihl'ky, tl.OO, IL2S, full quart. ( (iolden West Whisky, 4 full u,'u n"aria tottlcd In bond, prepaid. -acsny iiroa. omana VliKM ' ,b- 'joc Gunpowder or ,'J, Jaran tea with eveijr 10 lb. of best V coffee, panel post, at I2.7J. I'ave s Coffee Market, lU 1-eavenwortn St.. Omaha. Neh. COAL baskeia'deiiveied. ft; Illinois nut or lump, ta.sO par ton. Dotiriaajtji EVERY day has ite sunshine for BFR V'ant-Ad usets. btart touay. Call Til r p C'AI'ET HI IT. rapid fheless cooker, good condition. Harney 344. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mechanical Draughting Machine Designing Estimating Patent Drawing It E. PLOMAN. Phone D. 2444. 416 Pranie a Theater. FOR I 'I it NT Y TRKAHFRErt EMMET (I. SOLOMON EltOKEOAARi) S Lucky' Wedding Mini's" at H. th and tioiielos His EXFTtCfSE AT yTm.C.A -tiusineirs men. l:vertliiuH for Monica. ACCOniJlON, aide, knife, aunburst, box pieaiing, covered pultons, all s7. and atyles; hemstitching, point edging; em broidery, heading, braiding, cording, eyelet cut work buttonholes, ,iennanta. Ideal Plea Unit Co., 2'JO Ijouglaa block. I 'out-Inn Intl. ( hlropodista. Cajrle J. Ruford, WO Pnx. ttlk. Red VM. 4 uilainra. . THE largest atock of masquerade and ineairnai costumes In the country. TI.eo. Mehcn n Hon, 3M4 Howard. I. 4115. THEATRICAL owng, full dreaa aults, for -Mi. T . inn ol. dunn r eiuman. ICresamaklng;. LAPIK'H rulia remodeled In the lateat atylo. 1911 Farnarn. Douglas 28:".' lift ! M i i A . "iireasni a k er "m'S 8.' i!4 A V . BEWINU at hotne or out Red SKWINtl or day work. Iouglns 72(9 Kelstcr'a Dressmaking Col. PUS city Nat. Terry Oreasmiik'g college. 20th"A Farnniti. WORK UllARANTIOKO. WALNUT Itenllela. tr. Hradhury. No pain. H W.O.W. Ptdu. ryorriiea. r. Kick lea, 724 city Na.HanlT Tait Dental Rooms." 1517 boughis; D.'2IC Jiiallcra of the Peace. If. II. Cl.AIHORNE. BJ3 Paxton Hlk. Red 7(i!; Notary public; deponltlon ateno. C. W. H U ITT, m Unrker ltlock. I hlrupractora, Nplaal Adjustments. DR8. JOHNSTON H, Chiropraetora, of ruiciaon, jowa, wiHn to announce their location at XK'7 N St., HOulh Omaha. Consultation free and Invited. Phone KOUlh 401K. 'oroga. DRITOS at cut prices; frelnht paid on 110 oraera; catalogues jreo. Hnermnn & Mo Connell I rii Co., Oninha, Neh. ilxturea ana Wirlntt. DtlliKIN Electric washing machtnee, lMw. anaa t i . m AvciianUailii E. A. DWORAK, C. P A, 4:a-437 Ramge 1 l d g. Tel. Douglai 74Q. K rrlera. " BAM KNKETFR, 1S:0 Farnarn. Red dSSI II. Holiiols. 2MK Leavenworth. H. rftill. ( blropracllu tiplual Adjaattuenta. DR. BURHORN. luth and Farnarn, Wcad inng. t"C t turner acnooi geanuate. Dr. J, C. Lawrence, I Halrd I'Tdg. D. H4H1 Moving; Plctara Machlara. OMAHA Film Ex., 14th and Doug. Mu- imp picture macnine and rum Dargalna, Pa r ata. D. O. Rarnell, Paxton Hlk. Tel. Red 7117. H. A. Muigcs, .) Itramlcia 'I'heiitcr Bldg. I'lanu Inalrucllou, piano playing positively taught In 80 Icssoiia. 4ii Cuming. Wal. 3:179. Wluea and Lluavra. BUY your family liquors at Kllen'i j.lquor house, W12 N. ltith. Douglas lariiealrra aad t knTractora Lcaaard A Son, Cepitol Ave. T. 1HVJ. C. W. llokanaon. 2ii06 I.Vnwtli. Tyl. SWiTT. Detect I tea. JAMFJS ALLAN, 812 Neville Block. Kv dencc secured In all caaes. Tyler 11 Faruncea ssd Tlawar HABERSTROH. 402S Hamilton. Wal. 71. Live Mock (uuiuiliuluaeri. MARTIN BRQ8. CO. .ExchanireBldJ. OsteupalBi PbaU'laaa. JOSEPHINE AH MWTHONO. CIS Bee Bldg. I'lainea ( leaaed. Ct'RLKD. dyed Klsele. 11S8 City Nat. Seal llrpalrlnar. Cm. Standard Scale Co., BH 8. 11th. D. 2911. Bhaa Hepalrlag. llarley Phoe Rop'nV.tXH Fnrn'm R. 34(4. ateet lallluaa, CARTER Sheet Metal Company, 110 8. "5 . c- . ' ... . i uni i auppiiva. OM AHA Towel Stipply. 2u7 8. 11th. D. bM. Tranke aad Hnll ( aaea. FRBLINO & ST El Nl.i:. 1S.18 Farnarn r-t. Wslvb ivclalU(a. " Christ lanaen. ?d fl1.JVixjon Jtkjg yr. exp. r .. . at Bmou.rj, Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptj. ro. Adverllalagc Neveltlea. M. F. Hhafer A Co.. 12th-Farnam. P. T474. Arcbltecla. Everett B. Dodd. OH Paxton Blk. P. ?om, Attaraeya. C. T. Dickinson. 511 Paxton Hlk. P. 1M Auctioneer. Dowd .Aiitftjon Oo . U1&-16 W.O.W, R.3ai. Uakrrlra. . g. H REEDER 'iOa N. 18th. Vcb. 37. Uraaa Mae) tr. ruundrlea". Paxton-Mltchell Co. th and Martha Sts, llaurlns tiaurwlra, DEJLUX ACADEMY. Ill H, IkjRt l)i' auii (leaucra. ?T A.T !L nry - Cl n r.?- J t? N l?th. P. SQ-g b:ie'trlval il-wTrlna, CA1HLL ELECTRIC CO.. Bee Bid. D. 3jl7 fc.leelrulsw. - a Vloa A (lender. C4 Bee Bldg. Red S'ii WANTED TO BUY DESKS DESKS DESKS New deskt, uced d.akj, bought, sold ndt raded J. c. Hern. ?o4 iaiinrn. NEW and n null linml meat fixtures for our new stores, basket Hiorea olflce. b ltrandeia Theater itldg. Phone Tyler 4k. SWAPPERS COLUMN :i liltLAKorjb.N 11. it A." revolver, pai. spring Haiu, n.iii n, jmiisoii JIoiih l liuiiugiapii; sliiaie-shot line; pair nip boots, aixu 11; new canvas anoiguu eaae. U liigcrsoli watcii, netv; one hunting case watch. lo-)eai guarantee case, aim to gold chain, abuui IS sine, excellent timekeeper, want motorcycle, ieiroia. pump anoigun, rolltop dPM, Colt revol ver, niuiiduiln, cornel, kodak. Address H. C. j)t. Bwe, 1 HAVt, a firxi-claa 'Mi' t;eiiiiugiou llfle, 6 aliol, automatic, that n in toe best of condition nd Ka good as new. Only been tiaed a very few times, ir you ate thinking of getting a goud rifle let me know, as 1 can sa.e you cotisiit erable money. Cost ti.oO new. that . hayeou?AddreaeS. C. i.76, Bee. STEEL casting rod, four fccl'als Inchea, agate guide and tip, til-pan casting reel, equal to any reel made; assort ment artificial bait, Dowegiac minnow, lubber frog, spoons, spinners, leaders and hooka; In fine condition. Will tirade for good banjo, ur what have eV ou? 8. C. y,:i.He. HAVE about tiew electrical appip Slices such hi vacuum cic:iners, Hoover," witn attaclimenla, "Hol- fiolnf atovea and toasters, library amps and electric wa-ihing mMciilne, nil new; will trade for Ford touring cat- In fc-uod eondit on. Address J 23.x, Bee. PlUEuNs KriKliah Pouters, White Fan tails, Jacobin. Turblts and Swallows; all lirat clans birds; will swap for Car ncaux or Homer pigeon,! twhlte Homers preferred), or will trade for anything of. equal value. Address H. C. Vw. Bee. MnVI.Mi pl. tuie film, 1,01)1) feet, part 2, Western drama, for home or exhibition machine: Indians find cavalry; contains scenes from Custer a Inst fight. 111 tnke .32 or .38 Colt's police revolver, or whti't hnve you ? Address H. C. 9i0, Bee. COM I'LE'l'K campiiiK outfit. 7x7 PyraT mid tent, cooking utensils, coverp, pil lows, torch. k-font flh seine, campers' liand axe. etc. Want typewriter, cornet, V Klio In. or what have you? Address 9. t '. ::;(, Bee. FORI' electric hand warmera, run off of magneto or batteries, new; Ford comti tator and wiring, emergency light. Want 30x3 or 3'4 caalng. Victrola, or any thing I can use. Address k. ;. K.eo. f'AIR, llneniHu's spurs or climbers, rain coat, 38, brand new: Ever-Ready aafety razor, 24 blades, never used. Want Mandolin, rolltop desk, or, what have you? Andreas H. c 93, Hee, ROADSTER, lightweight, two-passenger. i-ift monei, ijst overnauied and tuny quipped. Will swap for th beat ltlt model motorcycle or motorcycle and aide car outfit I can get: but It must be A 1 condition. Addroaa 8. C. 725, Bee. AUTOMATIC rotary printer. No. 6-A; runner type ana s roue paper, uosi w. Just the thing for a boy. Will trade for anything 1 can use. Address 8. C. r,2, Hee MOTOR HO AT I have an 18-foot Mullen eieei (uai, newiy reaocKon, ana aiso a 3-H. P. Ferro engine to trade. What have you? Address 8. C. SUB. Bee. WHAT have you to trade for a prac tically new, ihu, Ilv j-passenger auto inoblfe? Electric lighter and alerter. Also 4x5 camera. 8. C. 9t. Bee. WANT TO TRADE anything I have for printing press and type or email pr.nt Ing outfit, at once. It will pay you to answer thla. Address P. C. I, Hee. WILL TRADE M Angelua player piano and about iiu worth of mimic for auto mobile; piano In first claaa auape. W hat have you 7 Addrea 8. C.( li0 Bee. WANTED TO TiADK-lnatrui:tIon in piano tuning for cello. Must be first class Instrument. Call or addreaa 2726 Houth inth Ht. GOOD oak dining table isquare). Iron bed and springs; au in line anape, lor good cook atove or rug, or, what? 8. C. ton. Beo. TWO good secondhand pool tablea to swap tor uw worm or new or socono hand lumber or cemont blocka. Ad dress 8 C. (s"i. Bee; MANDOUN, like new, also riding aaddle. ant anno tromuone or postcard atxe kodHk. Address 8. c. Vt, tvee, Si Y K. M. F. 6-passenger car to trade; fn IDWl rUMIIllie COllUlllUII. O I1BI IISW UU to offer? Address 8. ( 9.riS, Hee. H ROLLS liu-note player muaio. all In fin shape; some i;i rolls, want email Victrola, or what? 8. C. 857. Bee. TTvANT an Incubator and guinea hena In trade for house!. old goods or anything else. Addreae 8. C. 958, Bee. HUNT'S new i0 solid 14k gold watch. k diamond In back, tor 1'ora roaa ster. 8 l' M;, Bee. MODEL 10 Bulck runabout. In good run ning order, to trade for motorcycle. Ad dress 8. C. 9fi. Bee. Fl 1.11 1 KEoH muii. alae 4o, worn only five times; cost 3o; will trade for any thing lean line. 8. C. Bfl3, Bee. Ct l.LlA TK'N of American and foreinn coins, worth :"0; win trade ror any thin T can tine, 8. C f'.2. Bee. AUTOMOBILES For other automobile bargalna see tha "Automobile" claaatft. cation. WHAT have you to trade for a flve-H.-P.alt., three-phaae motor? 8. C. 9fl, Bee. WILL trade tlK gas range for kitchen cabinet. 8. C. 507. Bee. BUSINESS CHANCES TRC8TEK8 SALE. The undersigned tn-stee will offer for aale at publlo auction to the highest bidder for cash on Tuesday. February "1.r. 11. at o'clock In the afternoon, the atock and fixtures formerly belong ing to R. H. Hager. aald aale to occur at the Hager gtore building, located at Walthill, Neb. A careful invoice of the atock haa been made by N. L. C. Brlgga of Sioux City, la., tha figures on which follow: Hhoea 1,2B.M 1 tu libera and overshoes 191.01 Orocerlee v 2HO.70 Crockery, glass and strneware.... 146.1 Huts, capa and mltter.e SoM.n Clothing 5-Mi.s.' Dry goods l.8.1o.3o 7,5M.:u . 9.71 Fixtures Total I8.KS.04 The keys to the store and the invoice may ba procured gt any time before the sale at the Walthill National bank by anyone interested. Walthill should make a very good location for a perma nent business. - Remember the date of aale, February ir, 11, at 2:30 in the afternoon. For further Information address Toler ton Warfleld Co., TrUBtee, Sioux ( It v. la. OFFICE FOR REAL ESTATE OR INSURANCE 0AM IS FLOOR AS BEE OFFICE THE BEE BUILDING OFFICE ROOM 103. MOVING Picture Theaters, real bargains; machines, repairs, supplies, accessories, new and eecond-hand. Hee us. OMAHA THEATER SUPPLY CO, Balrd Bldg. Doug. 3620. BUSINESS CHANCES MAN AUEU WAN I ED. Manufacturing business, absolutely gill edge, oi.lpJt staple as sugar. Sells to packing houses, It, til, w Unless lei n depart ment stores, etc. Assets l,i0, llal'ilitlea not one cent. Only high class man wanted wiio munt take I'li.V.K) slock; adequate salary for manager. tee me personally. No In formation over teleplione J. A. A HBO I TT Piit'etain Hiock. uiniha. Neb. o FTr HALE Reataurantr'noteT and bar ber shop. Fancy lino of groceries, tobacco ami cigars: a bargain I am going- on a farm this spring. Hood lo cate n. Opposite car barn. 2il Avenue A. Council Bluffs, la. Phone Black 1RT5. PK'Tl'KK PIluWK-Nchiawka town, l.iM. only shov. , Rood btislnesa, owners mov ing to California. Nebraska town, l.lfoi, only sr.ow. dapriy location, good busi ness 7 liit-ntR v v.eek J-O0. Omnhn Tli-iii'-r Hi. pi 'v Co.. I'nlid Hldg. Doug. 3"i?n. JloVlNt pictuio theater, fine opportun ity to ge. good suburban house, ihlckly populated dinltlet. only fWO. seating K). we.l equipped, price good for in days only and will be worth more. Address B 741. Hee. FOR SALE Inranta. rhildren'a and la dles' furnishing store at 1 iavld City, Neb., st a ariain; beat location In town: doing an excellent buiiness: wsr.t to reilre Bog No. J. David lty. Neb r ... . r.. VARIETY s'.ore col poratlon desires competent store m,.tiauer who can In vest tJ.txiO; fxceptlon.t! opportunity. Ad dress tl 7 '3. Bee. KUH HALE ( ompletely equipped cafe, doing good business, in a hotel: an at-ti-netive proposition. Address E 743. Bee. BTRBKK SiloKfor ale: ohalra, abso lutely best buy In Denver. ll.V'fl. John ltynn, 17:8 Htout r8t., Denver, Colo. TirKATKRH Buy, feaae of sell your th ater, machine and suppl.ei through Tlieater Ex. l c, Ittyi En mam D. 107. OFFICE for real estate or insurance; same floor aa Boe office: 13x21 feet; 130. T he Bee B 1 dg.. Office Room 1OT Foil SALF4iU pool ball, 4 new Brune- wlck tables, back caae and cigar case. B roadway, Council Bluffs. tit d I'.T In or out of btieineaa call on QANQESTAD. 42x Hee Bldg. Pong. 3477 TO HELL or huv a buaineca, call on Busch ft Borghoff. Frenaer Blk. D. 3BU. TO OU1CKLY sell your business any where, write Jim Wra y, Bloiix City, la PARTY wlih one-third interest In big business. Address 8. 739, Bee. SITUATIONS WANTED Male. POSITION wanted at once by two young married men; one la A-l auto ropatrer and Oliver of K years experience, and both have had 4 yeara experience In re talla hardware and Implement business, good talesmen; none but reliable parties need answer. Addresa M-737, Bee. I t ii'i Io.n wanted by married man; ex perienced aa city salesman, calling ou the grocera and bakers: also book- keeper and collector; referencea tur- nlsned. wet). 2ii3. ALL kinda of odd Jobs and Janitor work by hour, day, week or month; experi enced in all lines of work. Webster 5036. Aak for Johnson. RELIABLE Janitor, white, with first class reference, would work for room and board. K. L. Burke, 241)2 tt. Mary's Ave. COIAJHt&IJ boy wishes position as housu-keepc-r and cook; trefeia place where he can take piano lessons. Harney f.vifi. JANITOR, handy with tools, would like place in apartment house or hotel. Good reference. Web. 67118. pREfHER, wanta work In cleaning house or tailor shop. Uood rcferencoa. Web. 6i9tt. YOUNQ MAN wanta work. Most any kind. Clerking preferred. $10 per mo. to start. Call Wal. 431. JNO.- P. CARLSOrJ, Painting and Paper J In n glng. 3( 2 N. 35th Ht. H . 2iO. WANT position to run Ford; t yeara' experience. Phone Tyler 1398. Femal. POSITION wanted aa housekeeper or caretaker of apartment or rooming house. Middle aged, reliable, trust worthy and neat. Long experience. Best of references. Will consider any offer. Phone Doujlaa 6992. Call for I,aurn. v HOUSEKEEPER wants position In re fined home. Can gle best of reference aa to ability, etc. E. C. W., Pla'ta- mouth. Neb. COLORED gill. IS yeara old, wishes to asalst with housework; small wagea. Webster 479. FIRST-CLASS cook wishes position; good references. Web. 7325. TKUT iVOliTtt Y lady desires position aa housekeeper, Web. SI3fi. WANTED Poaltion as housekeeper, at once. Call Doug. E432. EXPERIENCED stenographer wants position evenings. Colfax 3441. COLORD lady wants position as cham ber maid. Call Web. 6u65. Laandrjr and Par Work. DAY work of any kind. Web. t92t. Mary. WANTED Bundle waahlng. Florence 3-3. WANTED Day work. pTione Web. 7410. Cleaning and laundry work. Web ater 474V WA NT ED Day" work. Call Red 7325. ANY kind of day work. Douglaa 4a. WASHING and ironing. Colfax 2S00. HELP WANTED MALE Btorva and Officee. WE NEED AT ONCE STENOGRAPHERS $40.00 TO $75.00 . WATTS REF. CO. 840-42 BRANDEIS THEATER IF YOU don't smoke, chew or drink at all or between IS and 35 years of age and think you have the ability to some day manage, call at the Basket Stores' otllce. Ell Brandels Theater Bldg., 11 a. m. Saturday. STENOGRAPHER A clean-cut, wide awake young man for assistant to aaiea and advertising manager. Thla is a splendid position -with' a remarkable fu ture for the man who can quality. Stat age. experience, references, salary, etc. Addresa C 742, Bee. SALESMAN Experienced auto supply must be a "money maker;" splendid future for right man: give age, experi ence, salary, references, etc. F 744, Omaha Hee. nALKHMiAN (AUTOS) 12S STENOGRAPHER (OUT TOWN)... 75 BILL CLERK 45 THE) CANO AGENCY, 6 BEE BLDG. SQUARE PEGS IN SGA'AKE tlOLca. We find a position that fiia vou. CO-OPERATIVE REP. CO.. W.Uti CITY NAT. BA V K H1.IMV Uf'FtC'K CLERK, executive ability. 107 SOLICITOR, aaiea epxerleine ', WATT 8 REF. CO. 40-42, Brand Tliea. FOR A-POSITION SEE US. THE MARTI COMPANY 1327 W. O. W. Building. Prufeaaloaa aae) Trades. iv ANTED Fli at das auto truck me chanic by wholesale firm. Best of ref erences as to ability and character re quired. A. 740, Be. -MPJMNTED-M ALI I'rnfcaalona and Traafea. WANTED Two experienced structural steel draftsmen; state f till v previous ex perience, references, etc. Fwix 322, De troit. Mich. AN all-around rubber stump man; Im mediately, u W. Holley ft Son, Dea Moines. Inwa. COIOHED boy wanted aa porter. Powell Supply Co., jfltsi Farnarn I irur Store Hnane. Jobs. Knelt IW Bid. Dalesmen aad Solicitors. WE WANT S-A-L-E-S-M-E-N of the llve-aggresslt e-not-easily-wlilpped variety. Men who can get an audience from and talk intelligently and con vincingly to business men. Must l.ave some knowledge of adver tiflng and selling advertising space. Salary and commission basis; perma nent poFition. with bright future to men kwho can make good. Tell all about yourself In first letter, experience, refer ence, etc. Address C W2. Bee. WANTED A gt.od, steady, gentlemanly Baleaman to handle a Ward's wagon In every county: no experience needed; you furnish team, we furnish working capital: only amhitloua men need rep y. For full particulars write promptly to Dr. Ward's Medical Company, Winona. Mlr.n. o WANTED Three book Male-'ineii; good magaxine men can sell this proposition; men today enrnlni; $70 to fluO a week: call between 10:30 and 12. 312 Halrd Bldg. Trade wcboula. SAVE5 SEE OUR SPECIAL HOLIDAY OFFER, it jr'u va bliciiu uar acnooi you can hold your Job and at tne am time get your automobile education If von euro1? in the NIQHT CLASS OF NEBHAftrvA A O iOMOBTLB bCHOOL. 2M LEAVENWORTH. REO 3110. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. Men wanted to learn the trade. We have originated a plan to teach It quickly and earn back tuition while learning. Toola Included. Open to everyone. Write for catalogue. 110 Bo 14th St.. Omaha, Neb. GOOD M EN WANTED to learn auto work, for the big spring rush. Fine training work on autos anJ electric starting systems. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGB. W"3 Fainam Ht. Omaha. Neb LEARN barber trade, more than rmtkn your tuition while learning. Set of tools Included. Job guaranteed. Call or write for catalogue. 1402 Dodge. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. WANTED Names of ambitious men, U to 45, wishing to become Omaha mall carriers. Commence tf7 month. Address V 199. Bee. Mlscellaneon. MAN and wife on Omaha suburban place for general placo and housework; good wagea and permanent place if satis factory: must, give previous employ ment. And references, with application; out-of-town applicants will be con sidered. Add?eeJi P. '73S, care Bee. INTEliLlGBNT and persistent advertle ing wlli "sell" any eatable real estate, and the largest number of prospective buyers can t.a reached through the Real Estate and Want-Ad Guide to all of Greater Omaha THE BEE. NOTICE TO FARMERS. When In need of help of any kind write, telephone or call on lis. CUNNINGHAM LABOR AGENCY. Ill 8. 13th St. . Omaha. Neb. V. S. Government Wanta Clerks 100 month. Omaha examination April 12. Sample questions free. Franklin Insti tute, Dept. 121 M.. itocnesier, . x . WANTED First class druggist. Eher man ft McConnell Drug Co., 16th and 1 lodge,. Omaha. ' WANTED Young Japanese for house work. Salary r a month. F-6Q4. Bee. WANTED Man for movie show at once. 1756 Leavenworth. HELP WANTED-FEMALE tores and Offices. STENOGRAPHERS and typlats furnished for any typewriter Our service Is free. Royal Typewriter Co.. SIS H. 19th. Tel. D. 1980. Stenographer, grain, $45. Stenographer and office clerk, $40. THE MARTI COMPANY, 1327 W. O. W. Building. STENOGRAPHER JTiO STENOGRAPHER ;. 46 THE CANO AGENCY, 630 BEE BLDG, Profeaalona Trades. LADY MARKER and aasortef; steady; references. Alliance Steam Laundry, Alliance, Neb. LEARN halrd resalng at The Oppenhelm. Ilonsehold aad Domestic. FREE. Ads for servant girls wilt be run 3 days free of charge for residents of Greater Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring, send or phone your ad to THU titir; ornce. i'none tyier touu. MIDDLE-AGED lady or good girl to help with light housework for room and board and be companion to an elderly lady. Call at 2704 Grant St., or phone Webster 3136. . . ... WANTED First-class - girl or young woman for family of two; work light, but must be thoroughly reliable. Phone Hadden. Doug. 2433. WANTED Young white girl to asalst with general housework; no cooking; small family. Har. 2593. 3(19 FYancIa St. WANTED Good white girl for general housework; no cooking. 1704 Lake bt. Web. iiSl. WANTED Good girl for general house work; small family. Red. 4757. 713 N. 2tHh8t. : WANTED Ex nerlenced alrl for general houi-ework; no washing. Har. tel. 123 So. 37t h St. Call after 6 p. m. WANTED Good white girl for general housework; 4 In family; good wages. Har. fi. 34'.'4 Ixidge St. WANTED-eFlrst-clase white cook. Good wagea. Referencea required. Mrs. Naah. Wal. 99. COMPfc.'1'KNT maid for general house work, small fajniiy, good wages. 123 8. Jf'd ve. Harney S2..6. WANTED Competent maid for general housework. Reference tequired. 141 N. 41 St Harney 2241. WANTED Girl for general housework; per week; laundresa kept two days, 3j8 Case St. WANTED Woman to do cleaning half , days. Steady work to right parly. 1812 Capitol Ave. WANTED Girl to assist with house work and car of small child. Phone Unre-ev 7V. WANTED Middle-eged ladv to do look ing. Nurses' Central Club, 242.) Harney. WANTED A .nice ghi to asaist in houae . . tlarriev ttO. WANTED Girl for seneral housework. 613 No. 19tb St. Experienced girl for ginernl housework Web. I'tn. MWcellaaeoaa. TrTfTEI'HON E girl wanted at o-ice. Sut Pry Cleaning Co.. 118-120 N. 12th St. EDUCATIONAL BUSINKSS COLLEGE) STUDKNT3 SAVE MONEY ON COURSE. For sale, with good reasons for sell, i big. a variety of courses In a reliable Bi siness Kchool, one of th leading busi ness colleges of Omaha. Will be sold tery reaaonable away below regular price. If you are considering taking Course Investigate thla at once, el nee Spring Term begins soon. Call office. Omaha Bee. PAY SCHOOL. BOTLES COLLEGE. NIGHT BCHOOL. Every day Is cmollment day. Book keeping, Shorthand, btenotypy, Typev. anting. Telogriiphy. Civil Service all Commercial and English branches. Cats alogu free. BOYLES COLt-EOfS, lath and Harney Sts. Tel. Douglas 1366. THE VAN SANT SCIIOOLT STENOGRAPH Y BOOK KEEPINO. Day School for Young Women. Evening School for Young Men ana Women. Saturday morning class In typewriting. lone C. Duffy. Ov ner and Manager. 106 8. 18th St. ' Omaha. FOR sale, the following scholarships Is) a first-class Omaha Business College: One unlimited combination buatnesg and shorthand course. One unlimited stenographic course. One three-mAnths' business or atene graphlc course. ill be sold at a discount at th office of The Omana Bee bCTlOOL OF MODERN LANGUAGES- Class or private lessons. Downtowa studio. Phone Web. 55.4. paxton Blk. School of Lettering and ArU Tuition (10 per month. Doug. 2157. PRIVATE instruction in Gregg shorthanl and touch typewriting;. Tel. Wal. 2327. PERSONAL PILES. FISTULA CURED. Dr. E. R. Tarry curea pllea. fistula and other rectal diseases without surgi cal operation. Cure guaranteed and na money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. K. R. TARRY. S40 Be Bids. t3,0U0 TO PENSION INVALIDS. The Ladles' Home Journal tl.M The Saturday Evening Poat $1.50 The Country Gentleman $1.06 KtO subscriptions each month till April "earns that $3,000 for Tha Inva lids' Penxinn Assn. Your order or re newal contributes 50c. Urgent. 8 H needed) In February. Phone Douglas 7163 or ad dress GORDON, THE MAGAZINE MAN. Omaha. Neb. RHEUMATISM, stomach, liver and kid ney - trouble, goitre, nervousness and asthma sufferers are successfully re stored to health by me. Examination free. Call Suite 312, Be Bldg. DR. W. H. KNOLLENBERO. Chiropractor. Tyler 19S6. YOUNG women coming to Omaha aa strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building t 17th St. and St. Mary's Ave., where ' they will be directed to suitable hoard ing places or otherwise asalsled. Look for our travelers' guide at th Union Station. THK Salvation Army Industrial hum so llolts) your old clothing, furniture, mag asines. We collect. We -distribute. Phone Pougtaa 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new bom. 1110-im-U14 Dodge St. ADVERTISE your property as though you believed Its sale or rental to be important, by keeping It listed in th Pig House, Horn and Real Estate Guide TH E BEE MEDICATED vapor and modern Turkish baths for ladles and gentlemen i lady attendant for ladlea; Swedish massage. 1 1 ni9 Farnsm ft Dongla s 9437. MASSAGE AND ELlOCTRiC ' BATH 8,' chiropody and manicuring. Mlsseg Gray and Head. 210-212 214 Balrd Blk., 17th and Douglas. Douglas 3458. UTT P T TT Vt F! Sucesstully treated U 1 1 U K ill without a surgical operation. Call or writ Drs. Wray ft Matneny. mhm mag., omana. Personal Misses Staples & Shaffer, bath, electric treatment. Open 9 a. m. to p. m. Doug. 713. 41 Ware Block. v M. BRUGMAN. Steam and shower baths. Red 2727. Room fan. Karbach Ulk. . I, CLARENCE W1ESE, refuse to pay any bllla contracted by my w ife, Mrs. A. M. Wiese. until further notice. RHEUMATISM treated successfully, re sults guarant'd. Dr. Bowser. 814 Bee Bldg. nR7A.C. STOKES has moved his offlcg to 474 Brandels Theater Bldg. SCIENTIFIC massage. 520 Be Bldg. rnone Douglaa khx. MASSAGE Miss Webstar, 618 Paxton Blk. Douglas 1227. J FOR RENT-ROOMS Famished Koeew. WE HAVE a very nice front room with two- large closets, one block from Hans coin Park car, everything modern, pri vate family References Harney 2411. FOUR Bleeping rooms; private family; everything new; convenient to several. car lines. 2516 Templeton. Colfax 1743. HOTEL SAN FORD. HOTEL HA P. LET. 19th and Farnarn. 30th and Farnarn, Special Rates to Permanent Quests. 510 8. 2IST AVE. Modern furnished roo i na. walking distance. Douglaa TK19. CAPITOL 2411 Clean, pleasant south room, adjoins bath. Reaaonable rent. (7HICAGO ST., 2iU Elegantly furnished' modern room, reaaonable. Red 6676. MODERN sleeping rooms. Harney 4014, Housekeeping; Hooms. COZY, warm room, suitable for light housekeeping or aleeping. Walnut 3239. 4217 Harney. THREE furnished rooms for light house keeping Webster 4451. 2624 Erskine. 2U.2 T. MARY'S AVE., modern south front housekeeping room. Hoard and Rooms, WARM, COMFORTABLE ROOM& Newly furnlnhtd. home prlvllegea to the right parties. We serve good board. Call Webster 7172. h'l r.A.M-)t r.ATED looms, two.-excellent board, reasonable. "The a u:i n "lc iui Pratt." 212 8. 2."th St. Phone Doug. 3138. FOR RENT-FURNISHED Apartments and Houses. e lluuara. FURNISHED Strictly modern 5 room cottage; very desiiaible. Harney 15.11. -''- 'N't "i !. ii-' 4 rooms, modern; except bath and furnace; walking dls- ' tance. Colfax 2627 .V "BUSY buayloor bell and a steady ' stream of replies-after your ".JEB ' Want-Ad has told its story. , "No Need to Walk Them in When You CanTalkThemin" PHONE TYLER 1000 N N ALL YOU HA'E TO DO IS CALL UP TYLER 1000 AND GIVE YOUR AD THE TSET IS DO FOR YOU