Tin: HKK: OMAHA. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY II, 1916. Society Notes -:- Personal Gossip -;- Entertainments - Club Doings GUEST LIST HELPS MORE THAN LUNCH Mrs. Beaton Entertaini Many Vis itor of Interest, Using Valen tine Decorations. AFFAIR AT THE OMAHA CLUB H MKI.I.IUrM Pen-raary IO. The best part of n dinner, or a lunch om. for that nuilfr, ahould be the per sonnel of the diners rather than the nc lectiona of the men a. I'erhapa thia la why an affair traced by a number o en-of-town guest always partlcu lerly delightful. Mra. fharlea Beaton la hnMre thla afternoon at a luncheon at the Omaha club with a lint of honor siicsts of mora than ps4lnn Interest there will ht Mra. Jean Marie Uulslaln Just returned from the storm center of tlie European war. hrlnitlna back tha pathetic atory of her husband a ravaged country of Belgium and. from our own fortunate land there are gueata from 1oulavllto, noted for the vivacious charm of Ita women, and from Pelham AT ALL STAGES OF LIFE 4 The Woman' Medicine. Good for All Ages. Mrs. 1 I&rold Smith Experience. 'Clarltsburj:, W. Va. "I am writinff to tell you the good your medicine baa always dona m and I hop my letter may be tha means of helping soma other suffering woman. Whan I was 16 years old I caught cold and had suppression for twj months. I got so weak could scarce ly drag myself up the stairs. I went te two doctors, then my mother got a bnttleof LydiaE. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound and I took It " I never had my more trouble and got atrong fast Then I took it spsin before my little : !'l was born and it helped me a good .1 and I pive the. Compound the credit - it Then thia spring I felt very 1 ' Djrrln, but I took the Compound i ! ben well all summer. I can ' ) e grateful enough for your medi- Mrs. Harold M. Smith, 473 i -r Ttreot, Clarksburg, W.'Ya. ! r forty years it has been making i i strong and well, and curing back- i'rvouncM, uterine and ovarian u ..alin, weakness, displacements, . trity and p-rioil!; pains. u wnnt sit1:i1 advice Wile n 11 IMnkitnm MeiUcIuo Co, jljljjjjjii'ijijjlll III ! N, ii j c aoie naoo JLargcstdrdcr Ever Placed in This Country The Chicago Musical College The Largest Conservatory of Music in the World . . Ii Beinjr Equipped Throughout With 100 Conover Pianos t , Tats Is the largest order for five PIaHos eter sold to an American educational Institution, and the Con over was the unrestricted and final choice from ntom more thsn four hundred different makes. Onlr a. piano of rare tons and touch could satisfy the faculty of this. Creat institution. Only an instru ment of unusual durability and atay-ln-tune-ablltty could lccet the service requirements of ita pupils. In official witness of their admiration for this beautiful piano, the following paragraph appears in the new catalogs of the Chicago Musical College: Cable Piano Corn pany 214 South Eighteenth Street Buy Now AH the trSome Furnishings You can possibly use for present and future use AT LESS THAN I HALF PRICE Ftirnluire &?, Staves Lii GOBMG OUT OF BUSINESS SALE Presents an opportunity that may never occur again ' 1 ; i I i i i i Buy furniture, stoves, rugs and draperies, buy an odd piece of furniture or a com P It te outfit d save more than half, and if you so desire we will arrange easy terms on any purchase you wish to make. 1021 FOnnSsOOE CO., IOI3-I5 Howard St. Manor, one of the moat beautiful of the groups of country homea In the vicinity or jew lork City. Another guest la a former Omahan, who has lived for tha last year In hfatoric Poughkeepale. Mra. Beaton choan a charming acheme of ft. Valentine decoratlona In red for th table Those preaent were: Meadamea Meadamea Jrnn Marie flulnlaln Kennetti Patterson, Hruaeela. Hcljtlum, Kdward t'rclichton, Wlleon Auatln. I'el- Hen llovce. ham Manor, N. V.; Harry Kelly, Arthur Krok fien Wood. of LouIfvIIIc. Ky .;llrrT Tukev, laaac M. Haymond MscMullen Harding, of Mncoln. Kdward O'Hrlen Charle, Hcaton. I'oua hkeepate. .V. T Mlaaea M.e Eleanor Raymond Mnrxaret Bruce of Lincoln. Amv Ullmore. Louise Dinning. Dinners at Omaha Club. Mr. and Mra. K. W. Dixon itiva ona of tha Inrgcst dinner partlea of the aeaann at the Omaha eluh, tonlaht, preceding the Hiiliacriptlon club dance at Turpln'a acailcmv. A areola I guest of honor la Mra. IHxon'a alater, Mra. Jean Marie (lulalaln of Kruaacla Rclalum. who liaa but recently returned from abroad. Tha gucats will le aeated at amall table which bear haaketa of frauiiant pink wretneaa tied lth huge bows of pink tulle. Covera will le placed for: Messrs and Meadamea n H I'rim J. L. Kennedy. ia r. t rofoot J. L. Taxton. A. I,. Heed. V II l:,lnI Herbert heeler. M. Wllhelm, K. II. Hprague. Tr! and Mra. Charlea A. Hull Meadnmea Mcednmee. II II. Haldrlge, 'hailea fifutt. J M. OulHlnln. Mlaa Ida Sharpe. Meaara K. M. Fairfield, C. W. Hull. Htocktxn Heth. Itandall Brown, Karl (Jannett. Mrrn Rogers, I.iiclua SVakelejr, Klward llarte. Council Hluffa; frank Hamlltfin Farnam Smith, Birthday Dinner Party. Mlaa Ituby Iavey aave dinner parly Monday evenlna- at her horn In Flenaon In honor of the birthday annlveraai lea of nine girl frlenda, aa well aa her own. Pink nd white waa the color achemo of tha decnratlona. Thoae preaent were: Mlaaea Mlaaea Maud lliltler. Anna l'nmnh..ll I ena Maruula. Itiihy linvey. Vera Marahall, Moara Mrar Harold Iteed. llnWld Pavey, Flward Jatike, Fred Pavey, For Bride-to-Be. Mr. J. J. Porfda save a pink and while luncheon Wednesday afternoon at her home fof Mlaa Helm IJndaey of Hlrtnoy, who la aoon to bo married to. Mr. ltouer T. Hnlmnn of Omnhn. Thnae present were . Mlaaea Helen l.lndaev, tlterlrude Aiken, Oraco cilaiisucli, I.. !. Hnowden, . AII''o l-Vrguaon, .Memlaiiiea J. J. Dndda, M laaea Helen Cheaney. I-Iiib ltnnett. Ada K lopit. Kdna Hurtletf, Mlldrad Funkhniiser. MemlsiTie-. Pnrwln c"heaney. Thummel-Congdon Wedding. Klahnp (leorge Allen Beecher or Kear ney wai' one of the Kebraaka, (ueata at the marriage of Mlaa (lladyi Kngonie rnitgdnn of Bocheater. N. Y., and MV. (ii'Otge Biirtruff Thummel. aon of Mr. and Mra. Oenrgn H. Thummel of Omaha. Tli'o marring took place last evening at the home of the bride's parenla, fcir, and J!, Xli-aigo K. Congdon nt llncheatcr. The brlda waa- gowned 1n flesh oolorat I'r, ornamented with Iridescent trim. mwiR and rop of earU hanging from IS GIVEN THE Co The high Ideals ef oar teaching staff and the staudards ef weik required, demand pianos ef saperior tone and wearing: enallty. These we hate foind IN A MiriULATlVF. DEGBF.K la the new scale Coaover Danes made ky the Cable f osspany of Chicago." The same sterling qualities which caused the world's largest Conservstory to select the Conover are the very qualities which should prompt you to choose one for your own home. Furthermore, the Conover is more conservatively priced than any olher really great piano of today. If you desire, you may have three year In which to IT. Write today for Free Art, Catalog and details of our Three-Year ravtneH Plan. the ahouldera. She can led a ahower bouquet of orchlda and frardcnlaa. Mra. Henry V. Penlaon of Fyracuae waa matron of honor and Mlaa Marlon Ooodale fUron waa maid of honor. Tha brldeemalda were Mla Stella Thumme of Omaha, alater of the groom: Mlaa Katherlne Itenlaon and Maa FlitaHeth Htevena of Kyracuae, Mra. Fdwln Bird Wllaon and Mra. Jamea twen Hodxea of New York, and Mlaa Marion Cunning ham of KnoxvUle, Tenn. Theae all wora pink puaay-wlllow taffetn and carried rrtnch tinargaya of old-time flowera. After a aouthern Journey. Mr. and Mra Thnmmcl will vlalt In -Rochenter a ahort time. They will b at home In Omah after April 1. Mlaa Olndya Thummel, another alater of the groom, waa not preaent at the wedding, aa aha la now In Honolulu, the gueat of Mra. Harold Bromfleld Brown. formerly .Mlaa Bertha Dickey of Omaha Past Hospitalities. Mra. J. Calvert entertained the !.ob waugbtera of Benaon at her home Tuea clay evening. A half hour nihlo review waa held and plana wrre made for social evening at the home of Mlaa Byare next Monday evening. The members preaent were: Mlnac Mlaaea I,. Hllcer, Vera Marahall, Vera ranhorii. (lertrnde Calvert, Irene Moulthrop. Anna Campbell, Buby lytvev, Beulah Kvara. Alice Hnr, eaale Hellla. Mll.lred Tltael, Mm. caivert. ali'aa Birdie Blxler was hoateaa laat evening to a party of elrla who or ganised the Weat-l'n-Tcl Kcnalngton cluh. The members are to be Mla.ee- Mlaaea Mne t'oniy. Marie Slaven, N'aliel Hlaven. tbel Hlnv.n. Anna Rutthear. mrrtie Hlxler. A nun Itnmm, Flale I'miim. Anna Jenaen. Dorothy Hegemann, Caroline Hchuldlce. snea Duff v. T ola Clark. Francea Neltner, Oraca prdley. 'crda la Parhy, Clnb Affairs. The women of the Trinity Methodlat church will hold a parcel poat aala In the church pHrtors Friday evening at S o clock. rackaKCs have been received from all parta of the United Htatea and will he sold for amall sums. Kaeh pack age will he gold unopened, and with tha name of doner thereon. Lunch will be aerved cafetrla atyle. Thoan In charge of the sale are: Meadamea C. V. Newell K, O. Wllmoth. A. P. Johnston. Rarah Indcrhlll. v L.un-h cnmniTHee Includes Meadamea H. I Houchln, John Crawford, t A. Harmon, Kalph Harmon and K. W. ne- veal. For Mrs. Krock. Mr. Knhcrt Hwltxler gives a theater partv at tha Frandcla, followed by supper at Ilia Fnntenelle this evening, for Mr Arthur Krmk of lnilsvllle, guest ! Miss Amy Ullmore. Those present will be: Mrs. Arthur Krock. Misses Misses Amy Ollmore, Alice Hwltslor. Mesara Messrs. Ilnrry Byan, Robert Bwltilcr. Dr. U t. Hall. At the Brandeii Theater. Mr. and Mrs. A. U Iteed will enter tain fourteen gueata at bog party at tha Hrandeli theater thla evening, to sea the opening performance of "It Pays to Adyertlae," Mrs. Reed returned . tilts Boon from Chtcaga . where, she want for the Murphy-May wedding.' - Tha Frank Judsons, Wllllsra Hni mpaoy . y re Beautiful dJ Bugs and Drsperiss WILL LEAVE VACANCY IX CAB INET SOCIETY CIRCLE. rVaiCi-M''' ' i J MRS. L1NDLKV M. UAKlllBON. Clarkrs. O. If. Kellya, W. R. Httllwells and Arthur Melza are entertaining four gueata each. Among othera who have reafrvatlons are: Mra. O. C. Wharton. Mra. M. O. Cot- petxnr, Mrs. J. P. Kirkcndall. Mra. Her man Kountie, II. A. Tukey, Frank Ham ilton, Victor White. Y, W. Bacon and Forrest Richardson. The Ad club will attend in a body wnn their gueata, over 200 seats having al ready been taken for thla evening's per formance. Dinners Preceding the Dance. Two Informal homo dinners will be given thla evenlna preceding the Sub scription, club dance at Turpln's hall. The C. C. Uenrgea will dine with ten gueata and the V. R. Mciveeng with eight. On the Calendar. Mr. and Mra. George Redk'- will viva a dinner at the Omaha club Friday even ing before tha dance, tar. and Mrs. Roaa Towle will also entertain at tha Omaha club dinner-dance. The Unitarian Junior club will have a Quickest, Surest Cough llemedy is Home- . Made Keallr Prepare la a Few If la. tea. tkiaf bat laaajaalea Botne rteonl i innntt1 . J - . . - " ....,.,.,1, from one year s end to the other with a persistent bronchial coujjh, which is whoj. It unnecessary. Hera ia hnm..,.j. rM"iy,th,t K"1 riht t h "use and Will make you womler what became of it. Let 2 V, oil noes t'inex (60 cenU worth ) fr"!n",ry.dr,!tr,fi"t' Pour nt0 P'nt bottle and fill the buttle with plain granulated sugar syrup. Mart taking it at once. Gradually but stirolv you will notice he Phlegm thin out end then disappear al together, thus ending a cough that TU rever thought would enl. It also loosens prv, hoarse or tifht eouKh and heals the inflammation in a painful coOgh with remarkable rapidity. Ordinary eoughs are conquered by it in 24 hours or lesa. Kothinjr better for bronchitis, winter Concha and bronchial asthma. I his l'inex ami Sugar hvnin mixture niakea a full pint enough to laat a family a Ion time at a cost of onlv fit cents. Keeps perfectly end taatee pleas ant Kaaily prepared, tfull directions with Pines. l'inex is a special and htchly concen trated compound of genuine Norway pine extract, rich in guaiacol, and la famou the world over for its eaae. certainty and promptness in overcoming bad coughs, cheat snd throat colds. (Jet the genuine. Ask Tour drureist for "2H ounces l'inex," and do not accept anything else. A guarantee of absolute satisfaction, or monev promptly refunded, goes with this preparation. The Pine (Co.. Ft. Wayne, Ind. mi " 4l LH 111- I I h 7i J Saturday, February 12, Lincoln's Birt hay and Tuesday, Feb'y 22, Washington's Birthday LEGAL HOLIDAYS Will be observed by the undersigned by closing both days. The nubile observance of the birthday of the leaders of our nation sug gests that these men stood firmly for tha principle "Tha American Home, the Safeguard of American Liberty." Are you taking proper steps to acquire your home? Wa have funds on hand for this pur pose and we would be pleased to have you come la and talk It over. The Conservative Savings & Loan Association 1614 Harney St. eocial meeting Saturday evening at the I'nltarlan Pariah house. The affair la Informal and under the management of the executive committee. The special feature for the evening wll be the hard times party For Mrs. Oant. lira. E. A. S.nger glvea a luncheon at her home thla afternoon, followed by rummy, for Mrs. James X. Oant of Kan sas City, houae gueat of Mrs. W. C. iacKnlght. The decorstlona are pink and white. Mra. Finger's guests are: Mesdames Meadamea Jamea N. Oant. tt. J. Mc'arthv. W. V. McKnlnht. Thomas F. Uulnlan. Miss Irene McKnlsht. Mrs. Thomss F. Quintan will give a theater party tomorrow evening at the Boyd, at the Opening performance of May Ira in, for Mrs. Oant. The gueats will be: Mesdames Mesdamra Jamea N. Oant, W. McKnlaht. Meaara.. and Meadamea E. .. Singer, Marry McCarthy. Miss Irene McKnlght. Thursday Popular with Clubi. Tne Original Cooking club was enter- ta nei this afternoon by. Mrs. Herbert Wheeler at her home. Those present were: Mesdsmea- MeadAmea Joseph Marker, C. T. Kounlxe, Ward Buraesa. . H. frlnm Samuel Hurna Herbert Wheeler. Moahier Colpetxer. ...is. oeorge KedicK entertained at an afternoon bridge at her home today, the guests being mostly members of the Tues day Bridge club. In the party were: Mesdames: Paul Oallagher. Charlea Met a. Charles Turner, Fremont : v . John Madden. Meadamea: Walter Roberta. Roaa Towle. Arthur Keeiine. Denis Barkalow. John Redick. Barton Millard. Ijonlae Clarke. Mlas Elisabeth Congdon. Stork Special. A son was born thla niornlng to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest L. Glover, 112 Evans street. Mra. Clover was formerly Miss Louise Copeland. Today's Events. Ms. Oeorge -Jl. Blcknell-gives an ex hibition tea this afternoon it the Fonte nelle to ten guests. Alumnae Dancing- Party. 'The alumnae of" St. John's High school will give their annual dancing party next Monday at Chambers' academy. The aplcndid, success of last year's af fair gives promise of an equally enjoy able time oS) Bt. Valentine's night. The following sre some of the patrons: Mr. snd Mrs. T. J. Mshonev. Or. and Mrs. C. C. Allison, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gentleman, . Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Heafev, Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Qulnlan, Mr. and Mr. T. C. Byrne. Mr. M. Olbson. . Social Gossip.' Mrs. L A. Myers of Tonkawa, Okl., Is In the city, visiting her daughter, itt. V. F... Bock. Mrs. E. O. .Hamilton of Omaha is s gueat st the Elms hotel. Excelsior Springs, Mo. W. E. Palmatler Is also spending a few weeks at the Springs. Mrs. E. J. McVann returned Tuesday from Washington and New Tork City, where she hss been for the last month, Mr. McVann. remained In Washington, where business calls hlin for gome time. Mtes Alice Swltsler will leave the mid dle of next week for New Tork City to be the guest of Captain and Mrs. Otto A." Nesmlth snd Miss Ottola Nesmith. who will be just returning from a month's visit to Captain and Mrs. Will Itameyn at Fort Ethan Allan, VI Dr. Louise Pound is Guest of Day of Henrietta Rees Dr. Louise Pound, member of the fac ulty of the University ef Nebraska, was the gueat yesterday of Miss Henrietta Rees.- Dr. Pound Is the . collector of folk-songs sung In Nebraska and has complied a work on this topic which took the labor and Investigation of ten years. It wss her endeavor to get the aonga ' which went by word of mouth r.nd Would pass away with the death of the singers. Many of these songs were of early settler or cowbV 'origin snd of local Inspiration and dwelt upon some particular Incident or situation of pio neer or homestead life. Dr. Pound Is equally interested and an accepted- authority upon- early Eng lish, especially the pronunciation of early Saxon words,, snd the vsrlous jlalects of the old Heptarchy. Dr. Aoscoe round, dean, of tha. Harvard Law school, is brother te Dr. Ixulse Pound. OMAHA SUFFRAGISTS WHO HAVE BIRTHDAYS THIS MONTH Along with the msny birthdays of presidents, writers snd other famoua men, which come this month, come birthdays of famoua and local suffragist 4 Accord ing to Mrs. Draper Smith, the blrthdiy anniversary of ffuean Anthony Is Febru ary It, and that of Anna Shaw, Febru ary 15. Of local Interest especially is the bltth day of Mra. C. S. Btebblns. who passes the 70th milestone on St. valentine's day. Next to Mrs. T. U Kimball, Mra Stebblns Is the oldest suffraaist in the Omaha ranks. Members of sll three suffraee societies are planning to celebrate these anniver saries Jointly. KEEN INTEREST IN DR. POWYS' LECTURE Omaha Women Delighted at Oppor tunity of Hearing; Him Again. STYLE IS VERY DRAMATIC The return of John CowDer Pnwva to or two lecturea under the ananlcea oi me fine Arts society. Is heralded with muctj dcilght by the wome.i who made up the audiences at . hla early lectures before the society. The fiery young Welshman, h'S Sllahtlv droot.lnr Mv. draped In an academic gown, and sur mounted by a shock of unmanasable hair, has proved the most popular of all the speakers on the lecture courae this year. Powye Is known as the man who revol- utlonlxad the academic lecture platform, his style being dramatic In the extreme and his lectures couched In vivid popular language. The lecture at 4 o clock at the Hotel Fontenelle will be on "Dostoievsky the Soul, of Russia.'' The evening talk at the Tonne Wohen'a Christian association auditorium on 'JiiIIl'S Caeaar," Is given by special re quest of the Drama league. Mrs. Leonard Everett and Mrs. Edgar Morsman give a luncheon at the Fonte nelle Friday for Dr. powys. Women from Paris to Talk at the Rome Hotel Next Monday Next Monday evening at o'clock. In the ball room of Hotel Rome, a talk will be given on ."The War and the Children of France" by Miss Florence Schofleld and Miss Klllnor Fell. Miss h'ehofleld has letters of introduction from Madama Paul Vla-oal, wife of Colonel Vlgnal, French military attache at Washington. Miss Schofleld and Miss Fell have come from Tails, where they have resided for many years, and. they have been lecturing with the greatest success In New Tork, Philadelphia. , Washington snd all the large eastern cities.. TI.eir snpeal Is briefly aummed un aa follows: The manhood of Frsnce Is dying to defend their country and the orphaned children must be helped to take up the place of their dead fathers. "One hundred yeara ago France came to the aaeJstance of the young American Republic, today the Republic of France calls to America, through the voice of her sons. 'V give my life, will you help my little ones?. " Miss Schof'eld I acting under tho dlree tlon of the American committee of the eaatern society called "The Fatherless Children of x France." constituted In Franco under the patronage of President Polncsre, Aristide Brland and many others. The lecture given on Monday will be free and under the local patronage of the Omaha Franco-Belgian Relief society. Work of. the Bureau. ; of Publicity for the Year Just Over The bureau of publicity recelved'from all sources for laat year, $!75.S5. There was on hand at the beginning of the year 191S, just making available for use during the year a total of-flS.tOl.. Of this amount a total of tlS.lH.M wai expended. General office expenses. In cluding, salaries amounted to $,021.42 General publicity, i.lf9.t2. The getting and handling .of conventions held In Omaha cost M.M5.82. The general work of the bureau .during 1815 waa directed along three, general rllnee: development and promotion, pub licity ami conventions. The development campaign Included the "Stop off st Omaha" campaign, Omaha Day at stste fslr, purchase of the Audi torium by the city, Mendelsshon choir. Ak-Sar-Bcn, Retailer's Charity Concert course. Automobile show. Business Men's outing, tha location of the University of Nebraska School of Medicine hospital and the "Know Omaha" campaign. QUARANTINE IS RAISED ON WAXENBURG STORE Quarantine on tho grocery store of Julius Waxenburg at 701 .South Twenty- seventh street has lecn raised and Mr. Waxenburg la again " enen for business. The store waa quarant'ned for five weeks or. account of acarlet fJver In the family but the victim is now Icily recovered, and Mr. Waxenburg wishes to notify his cus- tcmers that he Is once more doing bust ness. TO FIX UP YELLOWSTONE RATES FOR SUMMER MONTHS All Vnlon Pacific officials Snd agents who have to do with the Yellowstone I'ark business will meet In 8t. Paul. Minn., Saturday, where they will decide upon Ihe rates and tho service that will be maintained to the park next season. Passenger Trafflce Manager Fort of the I'nlon Pacific w ll he at the meeting, coming from there to Omaha, spending uaday and Monday In the city. COMMERCIAL CLUB TAKES UP SCHOOL INSPECTION A permanent system of Inspection of schools' with s view lo preventing the spread, not only of scarlet fever, but other contagions that might break out In the future, was discussed st noon at the meeting of the municipal health and boapitala committee of the Commercial club. City Physician Connell appeared be fore the committee and gave some facts ss to the present alluatlon. I BAGGAGE j Most Complete Lin in Omaha It la our apm-lalty and ws know all about It. Let ua demonstrate our Una of WARDROBE TRUNKS We have tha celebrated Hart niann Una. Itemenibjr ws like email repair Jobs. t FRELING & STEINLE ("Oaaake'e Beet Baggage Builders' isoa rajuiaig Cannot Secure Any Trucks for New Cars Because of the War The probabilities are that the Omah Street Railway company will not bulid any new cars in the local shopa this spring. However, a large number of the old cara will be worked over and put Into first claaa shape. The war In Europe Is reaponalble for tho fact that no new cars will be turned out. In past years 'he Onw'iA company has had contracta with eaattir, plant e to sup ply the necessary trucks tor tara fov the Cmaha lnea. Th."ae hav nlwayi been turned out add the orders filled iiulckly, tui now l' s different. 8ome time ago officials if the local company at nt requests to the enr wheel foundries with which ihey nuve been doing business for yea-s, asking quota tions on car trucks. The answers came back that no quotations could be fur nished for the reason that all of tha factorlea were swamped with orders for supplying munitions for the war rona an 1 that the pre fit Was about 10 per cent greater than on the manufacture jf car wheels. As a reault It la practically im possible to secure any class of car cast ings. Thla year the street railwuy com pany will assume entire charge of the amusement psrk at Lake Manawa. bolow Council Bluffs, and will maintain sub stantially the same rail service as laat year. The resort will be under the man agement of Carl Edwards, the five-year It see with Harry Barnett having expired. Demo Committee Will Name Eight Men for Electors The democratic state central commit tee will meet Saturday afternoon In the Paxton hotel "to consider such business ss may be brought before the commit tee." W. H. Thompson of Grand Island will preside. One of the pressing matters to be considered will be the selection of eight presidential electors whose names shall be placed on the April primary ballot. Jt Is not necessary that this committee make the selections, but the explanation Is given that In the press of other mat ters the democrats of the state may over look this matter. Local democrats who say they "know.' declare there will be no opposition to C. M. Gruenther of Columbus, W. J. Bryan of Lincoln. W. Jr. Thompson of Grand Island and L. J. Plattl of Omaha, aa delegates-at-large from thla state to the democratic national convention. It Is stated that the Mr. Bryan mentioned la a brother of Charles Bryan, mayor of Lincoln. J. A. C. Kennedy and Frank Ransom of this city are stilt mentioned as the district delegates to the national conven- . tlon at Bt. Louis. Ryan Company Gets' Last Inch of Space ; at Omaha Auto Show - The last square Inch of space in the Auditorium for the annual automobile Show which will be held February 21 to has been contracted for by the Ryan Auto company, who will exhibit the Marmon car. The Ryan Auto company l at present a Lincoln concern, but It Is said this company will move Its head quarters to Omaha and have a branch In Lincoln as it has Just been given the state agency for the Marmon. The Ryan people were forced to accept space In tha basement as all of the space upstairs was contracted for some time ago. Two pleasure cars, the Marmon and Stuti, will be shown In the basement this year due to the crowded condition on the main floor and stage. FREIGHT CAR SHORTAGE IS RELIEVED FOR PRESENT For a time, at least thtf freight car shortage has disappeared. Right now all of the road a operating out of Omaha have sufficient cars to handle the grain. In and out about aa rapfdly as it la offered. Another congestion Is likely to appear at any time unless arrangements are made at the seaboard by which cargoes., can be sent abroad. Warehouses aloni the Atlantic sr-d Oulf coast have been pretty well cleaned out during the last week, assert the railroad men, but theie is enough grain enroute to quickly fill them again unless ocean shipping facil ities are provided. The Northwestern brought In from Chi cago 165 empty freight cars to be loaded out with Nebraska wheat. Thla road brought In M0 empties laat Sunday and haa been averaging about 150 per day since. MRS. WOOTAN'S MOTHER DEAD AT HOME IN CHICAGO Mrs. Arbell Ilolden, mother of Mrs. James H. Wootan, formerly of Omaha, died at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wootan, E21 Ridge avenue; Kvanston, III.. Wednes day morning at the age of 73. she will be burled Friday at Bushnelt. III. where she resided for some thirty years: She left Bushnell In August, I!, when her hus band died, to make lier home with her daughter In Omaha, and went with her tc Chicago when Mr. and Mrs. Wootan took up their residence there a few months ago. CONTRACTS LET FOR BRICK AND FOR IRON CASTINGS To the Nebraska Foundry and Manu facturing company waa awarded a con tract to furnish the city 100.000 or more pounds of castings on a bid of .024 cents per pound. The Smith Brick company was awarded a contract to furnish 900,400 or more bricks on a bid of t l per 1,00) during 191. She I.Ikes t haaaberUla'a Coagk. Raaaedr. T Uke Chamberlain's Cough Remedy better than any other for children because It gives the quickest relief, and Is about the only one they will take willingly." w rites Mrs. Jamea Kern, Manchester. X. V. "It is equally good for colda and croup and Is deserving of all the good X can say for It. I am never without It In the houae for it la fnvaluabte when needed" Obtainable everjrwhere-JLd-teniae men t.