Till) HKB: OMAHA, N FM I ) A V, FKBKUAttY 11, lillti 14 NEW YORK ST0CK MARKET Metal Sham Aunme Commanding Position in the Day's Broad Market. NRW YORK, Feb. 10-Metal ihirm as sumed a commanding position In today broad market, majority of the better known copper. Including tTtah. Hntt end Puperlor, rhino and Uranhy. selling at the hlgheat prlcee In thlr history. Ana oonda led that group In point of activity, hut felled to equal ita high quotation of the preceding month. The upward awing In metal followed a further eharn ad vane In tha price of tha metal abroad. Among tha other acttvltiea waa I'tillnl Piste Fteel, which added a autatantlal fraction to yeeterday- advance, only to rleld later on eliln- of other leadera. ckawanna Hteel, Kepnbllo Iron. Ameri can Car. New York Airbrake, Railway Steel Pprlng and kindred stocks were firm to strong at tlmea. but share with Mex ican Intereata wera heavy, Mexican I'elro letim, Texaa company and American Smelting being under conatant restraint. There were aoma epectacular gains In a few speclaltlc an! utlllttea, wenerai Motors rising to 4'.; Inlted Fruit. , in HS; Couth 'or In Rico 8 ZEPPELINS SHELL ENGLAND BY DAY Two Women and Child Injured When Airships Ha id the Kentish Coast. MISSILES FALL NEAR SCHOOL LONDON, Feb. 10. Two women and on child were Injured this afternoon when two German Zep pelin raided the Kentish coant, dropping bombs. Three missiles fell on the outskirts of Ramsgate. our near a school at Broadstsirs. The material damage Is said by the war office to have been confined to the shattering of glass. The attack was made In broad daylight. At 3:30 o'clock this after noon three Zeppelins were reported spproachlng the Kent. coast and at aeroplanes ascended Germans, but they immediately re- user, 7 to American Coal I'rnduct. to Ij3V. and Mackay company, V to SI. Kalla lagged In the early rtcallnga, hut ame forward later under lead of Can adian l"acfic, a Men made an extreme gain of J'4 to ITS. "f-w York Central a erv favorable statement of earning lor Iiccemher and the ye-i- ll." gave further Inuetu to atanclard shares, but tha sI ence In these Issue waa met by free i tiering, causing some irregularity at tha riose. Total ssle ammintc.l to 72", shares. I mien rMaie oieei a ronnsae ieHri ir i , , . . . January showed only a nominal Increisc, I II eaten,. AS no engagement, unwrrg i.m put the total of :n. tilled order within the airmen had been reported, It is i lo range of the record for over five i years. , presumed the Germans made good Kurt her llht on the prnserous steel j . . conuliion waa f forded by the I.ncks-j meir escape. iieel annual report wherein Ihe. Qf (,e four bolllb dropped In 1:14 ucfli It waa replaced by balance of' ..... . almost ii.'M'.ixi. ' Hi oadstair. alt fell nar a school The Hank of ffngtsnd reported another ,-.. Th.-. f them sxnlmlad appreciable gain tu iia Hold imidiniia and houae. Thiee or them exploded, a mouiate alien,! Iicnlng of lla liability lit at ;reat Height, icservca. j ( A MSiJATK. Teh. H.-Two (lennan H'md were firm with further activity! 1 , In Anglo-Krench a at a nhKlt recovery aeroplanca. flying abreast at great from yesterday's low quotation. Toial height sill moving alowly, approachrd ssle of bonds, par value, aggregated . namBBtl fr, the Ken about J;) O'clock changed on W"1" ' U"'i"'l -rternoon. When barely 1M yarda Nunilier of aaiea ami leading quotathnt over the cl ffa they dropped alx or e'ght on atocka today were aa fnllowa: , bomha In rapid auci eaalon. All of the !. H jh t.l'- ,,. ...l..,.. rintnaif ulm Bull The raider turned aenward and a.iiui diIM'iil. Ilumlieda of P'O- I pie flocked to the acene. Uunllng for 'fragment of the cxp!nld bomb a I (ouvenlra. The Stra Case Te Mary Page Dy Frederick Lewis, Author of "What Happened to Mary" Pictures by Essanay Week of Prayer Is Observed at Bellevue College Germany Will Treat With One Foe at Time YOPSI9. Mary I'aaa, actreaa. ib gecuaed of the murder of Kavld follock and la defended by her lover I'hlllp lingdoii. I'ollock wa Intnxl'ated. Hhale. a crook and tool of I'ollock. waa on tha fire eecape watch ing for l.angdon. At .Mary trial ho admit he had tha revolver. Her maid teatlflea that Mary threatened Pollock with It previously, and Mary' leading man Impllcatea l4indon. Ilow Mary dla- ppeared from the acene of the crime I a myatery. Rrandon leiln of atrange hand print he aw on Mary ahoulder. flftPTr:R IT. ft'ontltiued from Yeaterday.) "No. t went to the kitchen tt fix the fire for night, lint I waa drawn to the window by hearing an?ry woida and aaw tny huaband berating Mr. Jtngdon. I a o terrified over It al nd-eo heart broken at the thought of loving my home, that I hurtled out and begged Slaty t come In to do anything to unlet her father. 0O she natri ' DiinHni, tn Mf few minuteg later they flew over j ij,nBt,m ,nd cominB ln, w,nt Mrllh't Ramsgate and Broadgtalrs. 1 to her room." A number of naval and military "'"d r go to your room alaoV ljng- tn attack the oon .i-:e hiiook ever ao llltl" aa he Today emla the week of prayer for college al Hellevue college. Meeting the atory of ahame and want and uf- I have been In progreaa at the achool alnce ferlng and of the effort ff the drunken i Monday, under the leaderahip of Dr. A. father to ell hla daughter to a man J n, Marahall, prealdent of the Omaha ahe did not love only rne l.eraelf knew. , Theological eemlnary. Monday chapel There waa more than one woman among j aervlce waa conducted by Dr. Marahall the apectator who could and did guea Bn(j )r. Stephen I'lielp. Dr. Marahall what It coat her, and whoae heart went j p,,,,,),, n i!f,lrVue to hold a veaper out to her In pity. ' aervlce ln the evening In Adelphlnn hall. It waa, however, an unfinished atory j aimllar gathering aaaemh'.ed Tuesday that he had told, and the room Inftilni. A aimllar program waa fol vlbrant with the unapoken query, "Where OW6( Wednesday, both meet naa conalat dld Mary go?" when Ijingdon called I n nr unort talk bv f-. Marshall, hla neat wltnesa: j To.lay will be given om- to prayet "Alexander Mai-rheraon!" meetings All clnasea will be dismlased The burly Scotchman, with hla deeply ) ,,, prByer w) begin at o clock th'.M tanned face, hla heavy beard and rough ( TnU in ),. followed at clothe, waa a trlklng contraat to 'h 0-c0ck by clas prayer meeting. John delicate little wltnes who had gone be. t nioomnulat. chatilain of the aenlor claas. AMSTERDAM (Via I-ondon). Feb. . The Koelnische Volki Zeltung, discussing peace possibilities, assert that Oermany will never conent to enter a general peace conference, but will only consent U negotiate with ca.-ii Individual enemy. Oermany take the ground, the paper adds, that a general conference would give Great Hrltaln tho upper hand. Leather Maajnate Dlea. IMII.ADKI.rHIA. Feb. 19-Davld P. !as. a retired leather merchant and a piominenl Haptlai layman, died today at hi home In this city. Orlef over the death of hi wife, a month ego. cauaed a general breakdown, which resulted III hla death, tie was .3 year old. Aladia 01 1.2 ' : nt, J4, I A !- hilmera S.I'W !- 3I' SI I Amerli-aa H"t Hiifir,. . H.'oi Aurlui Can ii.eil SI (."S Amrl.'a lM'oaintlv K9 Anirrlfin It., I.t"0 lt WUS I'll Am. a R pfil IMS IM 114 Am lanr Krlinlm .... 4mi III', IKS l"H American T-l. a Tel.... !. I 'V' I5J' U1 AHMai TlroO ...... iUI'a Jti. S Anacna.la ( Vppaf M.XM "', , Atehlna I i I"l Wi Kal-i a In 1,0-omnlva I Il'.f 1H' J 14 , Malllmora a Ohio 1.3 V, Ml h"a i IKtlil'li'in )4el J 47i 4'4 4 Hr.Hk?vn ltpid Tr e 7 Hi "I'd ( M'Oia.a felrotr-lim S'a I t aiajlan la iflr in l;a 171 1 Vniml lalhar 1.4 T.4S at M'i t liripl.a Oil la !, 3 ft t:t ( hi.au.! i. w n ivk ii 'i n I I lil..i, U. aV ft. r I.t M't M m ) -kiae X. W l'-"'i ! im.i". HI I. Mr 4 T x 'h 1,1 I h lii. ( M-r I.l 17 M 7 j I MlU'a.ln rurl A boil. ... a 4'4 44 I crucible St -ai lt.K tt, St -' I l'.i. r a K. n iM It I l'l.i;irit' Cmurlllaa .... (." 4S ' i ! Krla ;.' 14 J, ', Arkansas Town Has Lost Its Postoffice Swept Away in Flood i MKMJ'llia. Itlver, Atk., a Tenn.. Feb, ll).-Vhlte town near, the iiimtt.i nf , I mlnua poatofflce on "My poalcffl'-e la floatln . i.mi 4.?w , 1I.;J . I ' li4 !. 4 2W lnaral Klft Irlc liraat Northern a'A , lltal No. (Ira ila...... liutaantiilm Kiplor-alloa, li!tn' Can'ral Iirla l,oriiuall t'oit. i'ur. Ixariiiaiiau l.mtar Itit"rraltmw Haivgtvr.. Kaiiaaa lltv HauldaiD... !-!. tallev I eu avlll a N'a hMlla.. I'Mliaa PiMrnlttiat .... M aril i a ier iu. !. K. T. M.. Mlciit Pa.-lltc ., National lllwliit ....... ? arl.mttl Ia4 Nrv,il lopiMr ......... N.-w Varli Central..... ., N. V . K. II a tt , Xi.r II. WMIrB Na'-ii'-ra C. Ifu la : Mall fa. ;f.' Tel. Tel tnna.-lvanl PullmMii I'alH), t ar..., Hiy t'oa. .Copper t eaillnR I.ru liui A ttiaal.. hoillhrs I'ar flc Irtii hata Kallarar ...... f l-hal.ar I'empaay .. rtH.a'f c 'iMr IV irt fa i tmfit?y I lit I'actfli t nl.in P. firm pfil, fnlt-Mt S'alea Hiael f. S. S'aal pli I ah I'f'rnar V.marit t ntnn ,,,, Y .i !.!.;. i. a Klartrtc . . l ' ii Tia e-iaar laaa Mnlora Wal.aaa H r''l Iii -raaifnna I Marina prt. Twal aalaa (or iha ui .: 4J' l ;4a ta.'. 44', V. 4H . l'4 IB t;i t.r, litij IIH'l 14 ."" I down the liver, and unlcaa it lodge against aom tree, it Kill he a total loss," ald an I appeal from the poalmlaticsa received to-' day at the local office of the railway mall aervlce. ' . The poatnfili whs located on a raft 'JJ") which Hiinilay night tor from II fa- IS II. ":' 1.4'W 7't Hi", JI4i, iu i; 'i'.iV ;!, - U 1M4 ti.:ii 4.3-a tin, . 'i .i li 1 IlH I i Jll a.:.'i lull I a , 'l.vo :." I W4 111 4.r ns'i ia,K "i in I ana. in', in lit 'ai'i in IS Vvi't II-TI n ; 1314a l . I4V lit X7t 14 H 1', :o 1071' 1 lit', 114 i i, il1 til 1J..I, "t 4', 1IK4, Dan, tenlnga, dumping the mall and the pot- niltrea Into tiie water. Then It wa eatahlished on barge, anil again the Wind demolished it. The crct of the Mli-alsslvpl fhiod. passed Memphis, after reaching a itag ef forty-three and one-half feet, about three feet tinder tha high water record of IMS. Tonight the river waa falling i alowly here, and the crest waa expected to reach Helena. Ark., Paturday with a feet. All dlatrh t are Intact. 'Jt'i i staae a Ighlly under fifty-four ' of the levwa In the Memphis d spoke, for her word brought hack so vividly t, at time of horror when he had atnod silently In the little green garden waiting for the unlet of night to seal over tie bona that held the girl he lued eo well and aeeme.l so likely to lose--the gill whom he waa next to aee in ao ter rible a KiiiMr! "No. I I went to my huahnnd, who waln-'the klthrn and tried to mnke l.lm stop drinking and go to bid. Hut, he he was violent. He accused me of of urging 4ry nut to many i'ollnik. and when I said that she shouldn't If It mould make her unhappy ha he struck me. The bh,w knocked me down. Mary, who waa partially uniirrased, heiml ua -slid cmr.e down, and lie turned o:i her. Jle struck her. itnd then lie caught her by the KltouKer and forced her to her knees!" ' Hob caught In her throat. Hha could not go on for a moment, and t e team lolled unheeded down hr cheek, a, stammerli.g a little and speaking almost liuoherently, she cried, "And then, your honor Mm y (creemed. Hcreamed the way ahe had befr.re, and 1 I taw tier go mad before my very eye! Mr. K.nm don, who had been waiting In the gatd n to be sure all was rlht wllh us car J tho act earn, too, and came running in. I My husband saw him and he anntched i the poker out of the fire, where. In my j haste, I he-1 left It, and swuiik H nt Mr. I I.angdn. Hut It waa Mary he hit. I l heard the sutiml of It -I smelt the burnt ! flesh, and S Mr. Iangilon flunif my hus band to the floor, I rsu tj her. Hut hv fore I could rtitcM hei or atop her ic I i an, at II i reaming, out of the house and Idlaapt eai ed." A passion of tear shook her ahe fUilshed, tear thai were mirrored In all tho eye In the room. Kven Langdon'a voice wa unsteady a he aaid gently: "That i all, Mr. I'age." Mary wa gobbing too, but they were the tear of ad memories rather tha'i present suffering, and ah flung a grate ful glanoe from beneath" her wet laahe toward tha prosecutor when hi curt. "No nidations," released Mr. Fag from tha stand and cet her at liberty to drag herself back; to her quiet corner. She had laid bare all the tradedy of her married life for the aake of her child; and what It had coat her to tell o calmly ta 41 snl 474 4 1.1, CO" iharra. S.V, l'4 4.H i, Tt", er lark Money Market. V'V VOftK. Feb. 1,M liHCANTILU l'AI'KU-3i;,i, per cent, STKI'.I.IMI K IIANUi:-0 dv bills, H.TI: f'""nrt, M.T.Mi-ltt; cables. Sa.Tw 7-16. sil.V);n liar. Ii'j-jc; Mexicana dollars. :-. m INDS Govei nment, steady; railroad. f'roi. Yl MY. I.OANS-Flrmer; Bft day. ?i n-r cent: W days. 2"n.'u;' per cent; liumths. !'', tier cent. t'.MJ. MttNKV btendv; high, t per tent; low, per cent; ruling rate, t Per cent; last loan. I per cent; closing bid. l per cent; offered at 2 per cept, 'loni! nuotatlon on bond today wart mb folio: T m, rat. la, raa ... ', I., a K. uI, 4a... tk f"ien a at K T. lai 4a . tui f. S. a rea il4M. Paa e. .,.. ,.iw tta rfHiraa .t'M Mont. Powar ta t7 f. g. 4a. tea 10'SN. v. V. aab. ....ti;i4 t rnieon liaiy y c'lty 41,, ig;, Am. Smaller, aa ...1II4.N. Y. N, H. It. A t t t e. 4S. ,Kaj, . 4a ,1151, Anai'i-KraiM-a (a .... No. rarlflo 4s., r" Atchlana aea. as ... 'k 4a M , ai. Ohio 4a ;"(V S. U raf. 4a arta, ' ttatk. ial r. 5a....ll'Jll'ar. T. T. Ua lal can. 1'arllte lal l i'aaa ooa 4,a !,", (two O. e. 4,a HIH 4n saa. 4Vaa...,....10lt r. n. O t. 4a ... Mtr.a4lni a. 4a ti, M A B I' e la..l'S. L.. 4 . P. r. 4a. 4s i', . I. T r. 4. 4 go. Pac. r. ta. le a, i". . rf. 4.... avu rat. 4a tot, n. It. tt. e. 4a ... T'v Hallasr la I''S K l an. ta M"at'llloa farlflo ta..., 7, ia. Klvclrln ta !. ao V 4 l ni v lai 4'a .... a-t'. a aer i..,.l"i, III. '. raf 4a tl-. M. Htaal it 108 V I -I M U 4a IM Waal. I n 10 4Ha Ha K. So. ret. ka.... N"4Wral. Elac ov. ia ei. . t.oaaloa Vtata-k Market. XiN'TMX. Feb. 10 The French loan nd several American bonds were fali'lv ec'lve on tb stock market today and American rails re.-elved beltr eiport at a f,ctlf"l advance and closed firm. elMTR-r-ar. !7d per o-in-e. MnKV-'i,4S wr cent. blMUl'M It .TK' Hiort bill ant three month. 6' er cent Trusty Drives Away In the Prison Car MTTMfl TttX'K. Ark., Feb 10,-I'rlca Davis of l.iitle UorU, a young electrical engineer with an onnglng manner, did not anaaer roll call tonight at tha state penitentiary, where ho a a serving lx teen year for forgery. Frlon official recalled that this morning he urged a new upply of gas4alltie ami oil for tha prison automobile which he drove a a trusty. At a city garage It wa discovered that Da via obtained adequate supplie and during the process hot rowed 1$ from At torney General WalUcg Davis, an old friend, who happened to be there at the time. Davis entered the penitentiary three month ago. i'e I not related to th attorney general. House Didn't Have Much On in Britain liONDON', Feb. 10. Col. R. M. House. President Wllson'a pergonal representa- ha.l a luvo of the wild thinga live, arrived here from Pari, this even- fore him, and he survyed the Judge and Jury with a wary hostility that tinder less tragic clrcumtnee would have won a smile from the apectator. ".Mact'herson, you are a wondsmon. ara you not?'' "I am, a'r." "Where were you employed atx year ago?" "I wa wurkln' to the Paisley estate, clearln' out the uld timber in the wood." There w a hint of a Scottish accent ln hi speech, though long years In Amet Ica had left It na more than a burr. pleaaantly suggeative of the wide wood land apacea among which his I'fe waa pent. "DM ou ever aee Miss l'age.'"' "Vca sir. ,he came tse the wood often. Che In her heart, and I d cooni serosa' heT many times. s;ttln' vl ' book.- or. Juat dies mln' In the woodi, ' "MacPherson, can u remember the !st time that you g w. Mary ,1'sgejn the moods of the Paisley estate?" "I've a" gude memory," he answered lehuklngly. "nd It' wa a time to set In anyone' mind. 'Twn on the night of the party Jim llnnley glvo up to the ridge." "Will you tell ua, pl.iaae, what occurred 011 that night?" "I had been lite the party and was cootnln' home. We l.ud sat saa lang It were pretty late, an 1 I says to mysel. 'I'll no ga way round by the road, but straight through '.ha woods.' I knew them too well to lojo my way, even In the dark. I had coom almost to the hol low, which la like a bowl in the middle of . the wood, when I heard aomebody ilngln': It came tran?c like In the night, and 1 am nae aahamed to aay I waa scared, ao I stood not hldln', mind ye, but waitin' Ihc see what It wa. Then I seen a figure on the other aide, of the hollow coomin' throiir.h the tree all la white and wavln' It arma, daft-like, and aingln' and lauxhln' and cryln' all In one." "Could you aee who It wa?" "Not st flrat. It were too far away, but f aay tj myself, 'It' nae a ghost, oor a fairy. 'Tl some pi.lr' daftl got away from It keeper. I'll wait till It got nearer, then try and stop It." " will have chargo of a Joint senior and Junior gathering. The two. under classes will meet separately. A general aervlce will be held at 10 o'clock. President Nlcholl announced that he had decided to abandon the afternoon gathering, otiglnally planned. sHudenta and faculty will assemble In the evening for the last of Dr. Marshall' talk. On till occasion expressions may lie called for from the student. - ' . Ing.. Iter -he conferred with Walter 1 tinea I'age, the ambaasador. The con ferei. -e between Sir Kdward rey, the British foreign secretary, and Mr. House hna J'eerr arranged for tomorrow. It J understood here that Colonel House' principal work during his trip was on' the continent. He saw most of ihe .leading British statesmen when he wss here before, and It 1 not likely he will hold many more conferences before sailing for New York. , (PA WAPITI55 Ffil 1 Wtf j j) W Ii Lall U Iia U I. Ml lifELS Enjoy Life! Stop Headaches, Sour Stomach, Biliousness, Bad Breath, Bad Colds, Constipation. They're a Treat! Cascarets is Best Laxative for Men, Women, Children 20 Million Boxes Sold Last Year. Straighten up; Remove the liver and bowel poison which la keeping your head dlzy, your tongue coated, breath offen sive, and stomach sour. Don't stay bil ious, sick, headachy, constipated and full of cold. Why don't you get a box of Cascarets from the drug store and eat one or two tonight and enjoy the nicest, gentlest liver and bowel cleansing you ever experienced? You will wake up feel ing fit and fine. Cascarets never gripe or sicken like salts, pills and calomel. They act so gently that you hardly realize you have taken a cathartic. Mothers should give cross, sick, bilious or feverish children a whole Cascaret any time they act thoroughly and are harmless. (To Be Continued Tomorrow.) 'THE STRANGE CASE MARY PAGE" FOL'KTlt K1MKOI1K See It ttunilay, Feb. 13th AT THE EMPRESS OF A NEW FURNITURE STORE FOR OMAHA in. iiiaymono C lire mpany WILL OPEN SOON k Watch Newspapers for Announcements HE'S FOR PEACE AT ANY PRICE. UNASHAMED WASHINGTON. Feb. 10. -Opponents of administration plana for defense legisla tion concluded "their dy In court" to day before th house military committee and' while not unanitnoua In their opinion aa to what should be done or left undone with regard to th army and navy, they all oppoacd any change In military policy. A majority of the speakers, even th women, dlaclalmed any sympathy with a peace-at-any-pr!ce doctrine, but I. U. Ylllard, New York newspaper-publisher, prefaced hi remarks with the statement that under certain ronditlnna lie would wear that honor. GEORGE EGAN CHARGES ! . EXTRAVAGANCE IN STATE riEHK. . V., Tb. 10 .Special Tele grain. Unrg Kaga't took advantage of the legislative members to make a talk here this evening In hi candidacy for the governorship.' II devoted hla time to charging the state otiienlsatlon with ex travagance and graft of state funda. A number of the membeia were out to hear his view of their action' aa there was so session to take up their time. . Washington Affairs The house Judiciary subcommittee bv a vote of 4 to 3. recommended to tho . full committee th reporting to the house "without recommendation". of the Susan II. Anthony oouatltittlonat amendment for natlnn-wlde womun auffrage, - Opponents nf the S2S.nV0 good roada hill, already paaaed by the house, maneu vered It Into the senate poatofflc coin- j nil! tee and prevented Its sponsors from keeping tt In th agriculture committee, J where they hotied for favorable action. A national defense advertising cam paign was laid before President Wilson I by a committee of tho sioclated Adver- i tistng flub of the World. Th. commit-' tea said It - stood reade to prepare the campaign and carrv It to fulfillment, en- listing assistance of newsnaoera and mag- ) a sines and other advertising agenclea. j Poeclal pension or $10 a month each . and place on a toll of honor for former t soldiers, who a -e holders of medal nf . honor and ara over fid yeara old. are authota in a bill Introduced by Kapre- entall e'ttrwood pf Ohio, and paaaed bv th house It la estimated that not mire ttimi I AuO veteiwna come under the provtslnna of the measure. designation ga a l-udgo o I Oil aa4 Moala. SWANVAII, Feb. lil.-TCRPK.NTINE-Nothtna- d l.i; laet aale February I at M'Tr: e-"'Ms. Tt bb'.,; shipmenta none; alo.-k. tt bhls. . In l X -rTi in; aalea,' T bhla. ; receipt. " bbia : ahlpmvii's. none: stock, fkV:t'i 'b. guote: A, Jl. C. D. 5S.'i: K. ti ?6l '; f. ti. II fiSi; I. i al; K. $S6: m. i8i'; N. .i; v tj. 7.M: wv, ir.;i. Advertiser and customers profit by th "Ciaaalt'ied Ad' habit. Bask rirarlaeje. OMAHA. Feb. 10 nnk eleartnaa tor i"aa today were HVf.t.! and tnr te coirespenlu !ay laal year. !,'CS.- T :. Culled from the Wire. An order cutting fiom fS.Tnj -to fT.(Vu Iha damage awarded Uatgaitit Waddeli of I . Angelea by a jury In her bnach of promise case against A. H. Manoy of Taoa. . M . a. as issued In the i.o An geles district court. "Come cuin(.alnn for governor In Massachusetts bae coat IIOO.ivxi." raid Secretary of Slate I a list ry. addi-eaain ) a legislative committee In eupuort of a I bill providing lor the iauiw and rlr.'U- laveiu Dl laiiii'aiau uirruiuia cjr me aia.e. The republican convention waa held a' Manila. The . delegates endorsed "th iitin-l artisan pulley of former administra te ns and ciiiidi-nuied "the prearut l.i- Ui-ctiuil of pulliica li.to affairs of the hllipplnee." The nsolu'ion also e- I'trsse.i opposiiion 10 inv i'o iciea or 111 Wilson admlnlstiatlnn In rect to Mex ico and In other i Uvular. . Th Protestant Kpuuopal uhurvh wl'l consider the acetiiance of lliK-krfe er r'oiiiHtatlou dotiattuni for ita uniwrt.y rnd Iiosi-IirI at Kiiannhbl. Cliina, provided uch a -rettaBce "! not Interfere -In Widow's "Mite". -on - Appam to Red Cross t tiroi.K. Feb. -tJautenant Berge. 1 "' f ' our '"' , ' DUr.ctiun h ' , , . , " 1 Institutions. accordiiig lo a reso ution ' f ,n n'rm" P" "P adited st New Vorat by the lloaid ot rt :. nnAunee4 today he would give .r Ar" Red t'roas "mite" boaea ' .-.1 mna tint ship and oontaliilng 7S tnr rISf of widow and or- i-a KaHg'araf Th boae previously . n.t ja'4 confiscated by the V - wkn H cpturd th Ap jim T however, did tk - a--n4 tot geld bar from th , f..e - frg eala. r'oielgn Mlsslona of tne church Jidin t". Khea-liaii, uie time leader ot Tammany ball and foiinrr po'.toa inni, IMIM-I. ix r of Ne York. di-d at Saw urk al the age of t. When Kichaid t'roked retired aa lei.der of Tamiuany ball be named Mr. t-heehan a bia auc coaor. but eiteehen a subaeuuently de poaad. I.aler the two men became po lull I enemies. A. II. Brown, general traffic manager or II. 1 I I aeu xi i'l,a'ern rallrcad t.4 a A.ms cargo, oi- hMr1 Mr wUb y. Hr w -f rri.af lain a arviKmn ., f g'rrirnenl, wa e- '..,-.f ay a, aftal twlay st about 0 , m 1 " ton of cocoa, it--- -1 a--- ' rtved here Inst Monduy on a short tUeaa- lire trip The body will be 1st-an to VA I aw tomorrow for lli.i rtiienl, Mr. Brown as aO eara u'd and turmeilv un. eiai manager or tne Kansas Midla lailro- - nd j Put Stomach in Says Indigestion Results from; an Excess of Hydro , chloric 1 Acid. . I'ndlgeated food de'ayrd In the atoiuach ' decays, er rather, ferments the same a I food left In the open air. aaya a noted authoalty. He also tell u that Indigea- j t'on la caused by ll'per-acldtty, meaning j there Ja an exceas of hydrochloric acid; In the atomach hlh pievents complete i dlgrstloa and starts fuoj fermentation I Thus evef) thing eaten sours In the stout ach jnuch like gaibsge aot ra In a can forming acrid fUlds and gasra which inflate the stomach like a toy halloon. Then we.feel a heavy, lumpy m'aery In j th chest. belch up gas, we eructate I sour rood or rave heartburn, flatulmct, water-brash or nauaea. ' He telle ua to lay aaide all digestivi aid and inted.,get from any pharmacy four ounce of Jd Pall and tak a tShleapoonf.il In a glaaa of water before breakfast and dilnk while it ' ta erfer eclng and furthermore, to eonllnue this for a week. While relief follow the f til dose. It a Impcrtant to net (rai se tiie acidity, remove the gas-making mass, tart th liver, stimulate the kidney and Ihua promote a free flow of pure di gestive Juice, Jtd-Salt 1 Ine 1 pensive and la mad from the acid of giapea and lemon Juive. combined will I'.thla and Sodium phos phate. This h miles salt la used by thnuaand of people for atomi h troubl with excellent result. Advertiaerueat. s ave r IV- T vioney Now on a 'New GAS RANGE Let Us Tell You Hov and WliT - - EXPERIENCE HAS SHOWN US THAT THE HEAVY BUSINESS IN GAS RANGES COMES IN APRIL AND MAY. EVERY YEAR WE ARE RUSHED DURING THESE MONTHS AND HAVE TO PUT ON EXTRA HELP AND GO TO EXTRA EXPENSE TO HANDLE OUR BUSINESS. WHEN IT COSTS US MORE IT COSTS YOU MORE. THIS YEAR WE WANT TO START EARLY AND ; DISTRIBUTE OUR GAS RANGE BUSINESS OVER FEBRUARY . MARCH, APRIL AND MAY. . BY SO DOING WE REDUCE OUR COST AND GLADLY GIVE OUR CUSTOMERS THE BENEFIT OF THE SAVING. 11 H t,i 1 r . . , 1 p : ' V !j Put a Range f j I Like This in i ( I, Your Home. During February and March We Are Offering What We-Consider The Ideal Range For the Home at a Special Price.... SPECIFICATIONS. We do not care to cive you a technical description of this rangejust a few of the main points. It has the best of workmanship and material. It is built on a 2-inch angle iron frame. The oven is 16 inches wide, 18 inches deep and 14 inches high. The broiler is 16 inches wide, 18 inches deep and 10 inches high. The oven bottom and top is 18 gauge double metal The oven lining is 24-gauge double metal. The oven burner is single control on, rK.: tt-41 AvxM;i i . fuel line not in $25.50 belling Price Until April 1: fuel line in...... ..J23.50 PAYMENTS, S3.00 DOWN; $2.00 A MONTH. 5 DISCOUNT FOR CASH, 30 DAYS. A NEAT, CONVENIENT, EFFICIENT, WELL-BUILT ACORN OAS RANGE. GOOD ENOUGH FOR ANY HOME. OMAHA GAS COMPANY ii S