I1IK HKK: OMAHA, FRIDAY, FKHRUAKY 11, ISMfi. FOR RENTAPTS AND FLATS f JIT rholo 4 or fc-room team heated spsrtmeut, on Wt rarnam St. John w. Iiobrins. iw farnam ?t heated. Janitor service. cu Ra l oath. "IVbVROOM ateam heated apartment. nr desirable, tha Chula Vista, mnd Poppleton Art.. Ml. in. 13 1 DW del Theater Bldg. Doug. 1ST1. Mlaeeltaaewa. WARM. COZY APARTMENT. Fin apartment of four rooms end bath, nicely decorated, oak finish, Kifatn heat, Janitor service; every thing flrst-clss. Sea it and you will take It. SCOTT HIt.T. CO.. Polglas l", MONTH FREK RF.NT. CLOSF-lN APARTMKNT. -r. and bath, apartment, bri-k ; m1. except heat: good neighborhood; $12.s. D.U BUCK. 912 Omaha Nafl. P. -'- T-ROOM, steam healed. $-vr.; near post office. O P. Stebblne. lul" Chicago. FOR RENT-BUSINESS PROPTY Stare. WIL.L, remodel apace. 60x60. for lodge hall. M floor of Crounaa block 119 IV 18th Bt., to suit tenant. CONRAD TOl'NG, t!2 Brandels Thea. Pong 1671 BIALlj atore room; very desirable; rent $.; IS20 Case St. CONRAD iOUNQ, 8?2 Brandels Theater. Ponging 1ST!. STORE ROOMS at 1S08-1811 Farnam St Thoa. F. Hall. 433 Ram ge Bldg. P. .4S. MOVING AND STORAGE GLOBE VAN & STORAGE Stores, movea, packs, ahlpa; a-hors ran and 3 men, $12b per hour; storage. SI per month, Satisfaction guaranteed, ouglas 4im and Tyler 230. GORDON VAN CO. Packing, storage and mor mg. 219 N. Uth Bt. Phone Doug-las tH or Harney 17. Separate, locked room, for household good ana pianos; moving, packing and OiSKha VAN AND STORAGES CO.. a ik at Douirlaa 413. fTDEElT? FREE Phone Douglae Xb for complete Hat of vacant houaea and apartmenU: alao for storage, moving. 16th and Jackson Sts. J -i nyyii Express Co. Moving. . j. iXlUIUU packing and storago. 1K17 Farnam St Douglag 14. ilAOUAKD Van & Storage Co. Moving. packing, storage and anippm- u. REAL ESTATE-IMPROVED West. Close-in Bungalow B-room and bath, modern; finished throughout In oak; within walking dis tance; near Crelghton College. Offered for quick sale at ROOD; 11.000 cash. ... , You couldn't duplicate this house and lot under (4.000. Shuler & Cary, D. 4KB. 204 Keellne Bldg.. Norta. AFINEttOME FOR VERY LITTLE CASU i'...inr cottaCA. oak 'floors, strictly modern: large lot. Small monthly pay ments, 3331 Ameg Ave. N0RR1S & NORRIS, 409 Bihi Building. phone Douglas 4570. U 260 rooms, nearly pew; one acre; all kinds of fruit good neighborhood, fine view; $1,000 cash, bal. mo. Worth I4.7&0. Redick Ave. Tel. Doug. 1510, ask for Colfax. BUNGALOW, 6 large rooms, new and modern; oak nnisn; corner 101 ou paveu street: on Sherman Ave. car line, . and Ames. Webster 422S. FOR KAI.K Stricilv modern. 11-room house; hot water heat; south front lot. Price y,wu. t'none uougm TEN rooms, four apartmenta, cheap. Phens Colfax 106$ after U a. m. oata. AN ELEGANT lIOifE Large living room, dining room with Dutch windows, kitchen, pantry, rear entry on first floor, oak finish; two bedrooms, sunroom and bath on second floor; corner lot, eaat and south front; close to school and Ilanacoru park; lo cated In Crelghton'a 1st Add. Price $3,760. $300 cash, balance monthly. C. G. CARLBERG, . 312 Brandels Theater Bldg. NKAR FIELD CLUB. We have a brand new S-room, strictly modern bungalow slyle : home in the Field club district; oak finish through out; full cement basement, with large corner lot; street paved; In the best neighborhood in the city; S blocks from car line and Hanscom park. Call us for appointment to see tnis. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. T.37 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1781. o Mtaeellaaeaae. tv i-Afill. BALANCE LIKE RENT. This is a nearly new -room. strictly modern home;- ten blocks from post- office, walking distance, it is finished In birch throughout. Street paved: gar age; nice, large lot, H block from car and school. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. "137 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1781. A GENUINE BARGAIN. No. 2003 6th Ave., Council Bluffs; I rooms, modern exoept heat, large barn, paved street and on car line; $2,100. Will sell for reasonable payment down, balance likn rent. Thos. L. MuUarry, tieenne Ming., itca itt. . 6-ROOMI BARGAIN NEW, 6-ROOM, 2 flTORY HOI'SK, NKAR CAR. A 8NAP AT H.400; REASONABLE PAYMENTS. BENSON & CA RMICHAKU DOl GLAil 1722. 642 PAXTON BLK. COTTAGE AT AUCTION At court house, February 24. 8e W. H. PCSSI--LL. .il Brandels Theater. BARGAIN in a new bungalow, 6 rooms and bath: strictly modern; oak and ma ple finish: leaving city: want offer. TKBBENS. tVffi Omahii Nat. Bk. D. 21K2. REAL ESTATE-UNIMPROVED Was 4. W ILL BUIMTtO SUIT. Hsve IS first choice lots in Leaven worth Hcleht Add; easy terms. Doug. 2Wil. Csr! K. Bolen. 614 Psxton Bldg. Nartk. THE most remarkable development ever seen in Omaha Is MINNIS LIJ8A addi tion. Over Mi lots have been sold in that addition in seven months. CHARLES W. MARTIN ft CO.. OWNERS. Mlscella areas. Two ACRES, close in, $U00; and other acreage, $JUk to $4. No tradts. Pat terson, Douglas 147. REAL ESTATE-EXCHANGE I.AND FOR CITY PROPERTY. e have a number of good farms, some of them in eastern Nebraska, that we can exchange for good Income city property. Farm lands are steadily in creasing in value and those who buy land at prevailing prices are bound to realize a large profit on their iaveal meat in the next few years. - . A P TCKET ft BON, Tel. Doug. 502 i:r7a yy. O. W. Bldg XQI'ItV IN ISO ACRl. V ,U- north . u t nt , Z "-ii improved; g'.ofl buildings, fenced and eross-femed; half broken up. Value, $,. -, trarte ' for city property, balance caah. Ad dieas s re Chss. I'nily, O'Neill, Neh. IrCdO. s pertinent house, land for hi If Trades, swaps, exchanges. Can inauh anything. J. A. Abt-ott. Patterson Blk. Uifiana. n REAL ESTATE-EXCHNGE REAL. EVSTATF., Fire and Oereial Insur ance. Art Thatcher. 1217-U City Nt t'on Bank Wilt ijouglae R'F.SlhKXCK and flata welflocated. Pi oh a nice for vacant property. l. "!iW. Toland A Trumbull. REAL ESTATE-SUBURBAN Benson. -ROOM. All modem. In Benson, at 2319 N. Mth Bt. Full lot. house about year old. Mortgage on It of J,"nO.00. payable tio.oo per month; make offer for equity. You need not fear to make offer low enough. The owner must eell and you will get a snap. H. A. WOLK. 614 War Blk,. Pong. Uaadee. Take Advantage of the Future rise in value. Don't envy the man who " "got In on the ground floor." You take few chance today than the man who bought ten years ago. The city la growing to the west at a rapid rate. Safe to Buy and Build In Happy Hollow and Dundee's newest addition because It ia west, and the building restriction assure good houses, preventing your neighbor from build ing in such a way as to depreciate your proierty, DON'T MIS8 THIS OPPORTUNITY but select a lot In one of these addi tions, and start now by becoming an owner of real estate where values are bound to Increase. Easy Terms One-tenth cash, and 1 per cent of purchase price payable monthly. Call or phone us, and we will gladly furnish plats, with prices, and show you the property at your convenience. George & Company, Phone D. 7WS. 901 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. OWNKK of Dundee liome with two lota has removed from city and says make price that will sell It. 8ee ua. F. D. WEAD, Wead Bldg.. J10 8. 18th St. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS Investments Double brick terrace with oak finish, tiled bathrooms; everything first-class; West Farnam district. Price $li,600; in come $1,200. louble stucco and frame terrace, $i:.fi00; Income 1,2G0. 4 feet with good Improvements, on Harney St., 21,600. J. II. Dumont & Co., 4i-18 Keellne Bldg. Phone Doug, 6XV INVESTMENT Two good, practically new -room frame houses, one. nice corner lot, 3fith Ave. and Jones St. Rental, I7S0 per year. Price only Iti.BOO. This is a SNAP. Look Into it. D. V. Sholes Co., i5.1g City Nat. Rk. Rldg. Doug. 40. Right Down Town laOxlfiT five blocks of lfith and Har ney, only $12,000; two houses rented at W and half ground vacant. Buy this close-In- property and you can't lose. Glover & 919-20 City Nat. Spain, Douglaa 3982. REAL ESTATE-WANTED WANTED To buy on monthly payments, mail store room, with living rooms above, In Central school district. Phone Red '854. FOR SALE-BUSINESS PROPTY , Lesaae for Sal Good Location for REAL ESTATE V " ' or INSURANCE 180 Squara Feet $30.00. Tb Be Building Co. Hoom 103. FINANCIAL FOR SALE $5,000 Issue a per cent pre ferred stock, retlreable In five yeara at premium; all or Part. Address K 723 Real Kstate Loans, Mortgages. WE are ready at all time to make loans on first-class city property and eastern Nebraska farms. Rates on request. UNITED STATES TRUST CO. 212 So. lTtb St. 6 TO for loans on best class city residences in amount $2,000 up: also farm loans. Reasonable commissions. PETERS TRUST CO., 1622 Farnam St. OMAHA hotna. East Neorask farm O'KEEFK REAL ESTATE CO.. 10H Oriliiha National. Phone Douglas 171 SlONEY TO LOAN, for ft years. otTUn- E roved properties. HOPEN At CO.. Doug. 4246. MORTGAGE INVESTMENT. Pome first-class mortgages 6 per cent Interest. W. T. Oralism, Bee Bldg. n A R V 1 N KH )N oraaha Natl. Bk. R'd 1100 TO $10,000 made promply. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg.. 18th i Farnam fits. lloNKY on hand for city and farm loans. 1 lw. Binder, ' ity ins tionai Ha n kB id g; CITY property. Large loans a specially" W. 11. Thorns. !H Btate Bank Bldg. CITY and farm loans. 6. ft'4i. per cent. J. II. Dumont Co.. 411 an ate Bank. 6 ct CITY LOAMS. l u. l arlfterg, 110- 12 Brandeis Theater Bldg. MONEY. HARRISON ft MORTONT ti Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Abstracts at Title. nTT AT? A KTK.K . A bstract t o. The j w nest i abstract la tha cheapest. Room 7. Patterson Bldg. D.2S47 V W If I? Title guarantee and Abstract iVL'AV"' Co.. a modern abstract office. S05 8. 17th El. Tel. u. 1.4H. REED ABSTRACT CO. oldest abstract office in Nebraska. A Brandeis Thea. " Btorka and bonds. lis' HOME BUILDERS You get "7c You get builders' profits. ' You get caeli dividends. You get mortgsge security. You can get your money back on short notice. ... You get your part of all profits above 7 when you transfer your shares in Home Builders, INC. Anierii'an Security Co., fiscal agents. S. w. Cor. 17th and Douglas. Omaha. $l,("'at farm mortgage bearing 7 per rent secured by property valued $S.7:. Tal- mage-LoomiH Inv. o., v . i. w. Blflg. REAL ESTATE-TRACKAGE 1ST11 and Hickory, 4Vtxlfi5, on B. ft Ml R. K.. H.OAI itUll.L. Ms Umillt Nat. Bank Bldg. FARM LAND FOR RENT TV ENTY ACRES FOR RENT. Well improved, located near Fair acres. Just off paved road. All kinds of fruit. This Is one or the choicest pieces of acreage around Omaha and will be ready for occupancy March L Call at onra. HI ATT-FAIRFTEliD COMPANY, H) Omaha Nat 1 Bk. Bldg. Tel. p. m. FOR RENT 10 cres of land. 4 milss from t taras, isbd.; ii a. in cunivatlon, nt a. In wheat, balance first-ciass hay land. There la a small house and barn on ths place. Rents tor $4 per acre caaa. A ". Bee. lji-A.. 130-a.. Suu-a. Iowa farms, alliii proved. Write for particulars. Camp bell ft Craig. aJZ Keeiin tug. FARM AND RANCH LANDS California Lands. Nit 1N I MHKAM'K. a Pan Jeai'iln vallev farms; In alfalfa and ciop. and under Irrigation; 10 to Ml acres each. Well Ion. ted. Clear of In cumbrance. Can changa for eastern Nebraska farm land not too heavily mortgaged. PAV.NK INVESTMF.NT COM r NT. Omaha Nat. Hank Bldg.. Omaha. lowsT l.aaas. FOR BALK Dwelling and small acreage near Council Bluffs. Ideal for poultry or bees, nearly all kinds fruit; out buildings, etc. tmly few rods from railroad station, luitht party needs no cash, can make own terms Write owner, Hot T.fi. Atlantic, lnwa. Minnesota l.anas. Ac KB improved Inrm. SO miles from Minneapolis; 101) acree undsr cultivation, balance meadow and pasture; good soli; 10-room house, barn and all other build ings that are needed, school house on land; price, $ per acre; one-half caah: or will sell farm witn full equipment of hAfMI s 1 1 1 j. machinery. StC. Will make very reasonahio price en personal , property. Immediate possession can had. Schawb Bros.. KXM Plymouth Building. Minneapolis. Minn. Mississippi loin's. TUB BAFE 1NVK8TMKNT, The bedrock of evcuriiy In the busi ness world la land. We deliver to you an orchard planted to everlasting trees. Get particulars. W. T. SMITH CO.. P. 2S19 City National HankBldg Mlaaeart Laade. UKh.AT BAltiJAlNJ la down, $i month- ly, buys t acres, good fruit ana poul try land, near town, southern MKssourl. Price only $JO0. Address Box . Kg celsior Springs, Mo. . BUTTER live on your own little farm In Dent Co., Mo., than be renter. Call or write for booklet. W. S. Frank, Neville Block, Omaha. Jteuraska Lands. ALU THE TIME YOU WANT Owner of 240 acrea In Cedar county, 40 mliea from Sioux City; will make very liberal terms to first-class farmer who can make a reasonable caah payment; farm has about 1M acrea In crop, la well Improved and close to town. Prloe, tlut an acre. What's the use of renting? PAYNK INVE6TMENT COM PANT, Omaha Nat l Bank Wd.. Omaha. TWKNTY ACKUd. Ten miles from Omaha, near Inter urban, suitable for slock feeding, fruit growing or subdivision, at a special bar gain If taken this month. Bee me. OKOW5K (. WAI.IiAfK, 14 KFKI.INK. BARGAIN 20 acres fruit farm with 10-room house, good barn, etc. Close to Ft. Cal houn city pnrk. Bargain at $10,000. Joo Bolen. Ft. Calhoun. W0 ACRKS, Ixgan County, Nebraska, clear of encumbrance. Price $10 per acre. Will exchange for ity property. J. B. Robinson. 442 Bee. Doug, 80jt7, ABSO"!,UT kLY an AT ranch; 1,20 acres; 6) per cent level; $7 per; terms. Reives, & U If ford. 316 Ramge Bldg., Omaha, Nebraska. W tseunsla Usdi. UPPER WISCONSIN Best daily anJ general crop state In the union; settlers wanted; lands for sale at low prices on easy terms. Ask for booklet $4 on Wis consin Central Land Urant. Excellent lands for stock raising. If interested in fruit lands ask for booklet on apple orchards. Address Land and Industrial Dept., Soo Line Railway, Minneapolis, Minn. Ulsoellaaeoae, HAVE YOU A FARM FOR SALE 7 Write a good description of your land and send It to the Sioux City (Ia.) Jour nal, "Iowa's Most Powerful Want Ad Medium." Twenty-five words every Fri day evening, Saturday morning and every (Saturday evening and Sunday for one month, giving sixteen ads on twelve different dnyg for $2; or 00 words, $4, or 75 words, $t. Largest circulation of any Iowa news paper; ZoO.OOO readers dally In focr great states. FOR any and all kinds of acreage located on or near car line, call C. R. Combs, gift Brandeis Theater Bldg. Doug. 391. HORSESLIVESTOCK-VEHICLES far tat. Thirty-two milk wagoua for sale, cheap. Johnson-Dan fort hCo.. 16th and Clark. POULTRY AND PET STOCK MXD grain. 100 lbs.. H.'iu. Wagner. (01N.M . AUT0M0BILESF0R SALE' AUTOMOBILE 1N8URANCB FIRE, THEFT. TORNADO, ' LIABILITY A PROPERTY DAMAGE AT buniUDl 11. KILLY. ELLIS ft THOMPSON, tli-iU City Nat l Bank Bldg. Doug. 281. FOR SALE 1 two-ton Studebaker loo wagon wun top in excellent condition. Used about eight months. Address Box 1T.5. Manning. Ia. FOR BALK Automobile, Chevrolet road ster, complete equipment. Price reason able If sold at once. Bee Ooodyear Tire ft Rubber Co.. 2M9-61 Farnam. WE make one good .Ire from two old ones. Ask us how. Zwlebel Bros., tin Farnarn. Par Sale. REAL BARGAINS t 1914 Ford louring cars. 1 191$ Ford roadster. 1 1914 Ford roadster. 1 1911 Hupp 20 roadster. 1 1911 Chalmers SO roadster. 1 1912 Maxwell 86 truck. 1 1915 Maxwell. C. W. FRANCIS AUTO CO., 27 IS Farnam. Douglas $6S. 11915 Losier touring, a-cyllnder $J0 1 1V1S MU1CK Is-UI lOUllllg tJ S IH16 Bulck rosdster MO 4 1SU Krlt touring 4,4 t II4 Ford touring t a iai5 Studebaker touring abti Auto Clearing House. 2209 Farnam, D.tag 1 QU-LrS. IrucK sue. nrunwia Jtuc Bervtca btatlon. 114 . Faroam. Phone Douglas 7tl. Aal Livery aa Osrsgss, Industrial Oarage Co.. 20 ft Harnygt. Ante Htig mm Him yJuIomobHe palntUig don by expert; t years - - """1 guar anteed 1st class. Johnson Danforth Co. DI'PLEX Urea Usl Ivager, are stronger ana mr, "V" , , si v.rnain St. Douglas 47$. reward for limiitiil,, we csn t repair, foils repaired. Baysdorfer. 210 N. lmh. Flee winter sloiage wiieu cars are paint- -r --- erl a nn crm'- j"M.if.i-. .wnrort n Co. fonatia Radiator Rep. Co.. Ar Par. D. 01 Asia tires and SaaaUae, ITj TOTTRFSh A IJT "pricTeT Ilomcr Hill. Mil Chicago HI MOTORCYCLES BICYCLES HARLEY-DAVIDMON MOTORCYCLES. Baraaln in used machines. Vlrior w... "The Motorcycle Man." T7UJ Leavenworth! I LEGAL NOTICES iJoTlClfi OK HTO K HOLDERS' "" MEETING. Notice Is hereby given that the regut,, annual meeting of the Block holders of tha SOUTH PLATTE LAND, COMPANY w?,1? be held t 'be offioe of said Company. Room 701 First National Bjuik balHtl Lincoln. Nbrll- JA" 0 cAoc,t . a lb first dsy of March, A. D., IJ14. ' va Lincoln, Nebraska, February 1st. ISIS C H MuRBjLL. President. Feby ldaot- Dry twili Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 10. DRY OOODS Wool goods markets were firm today, Willi active purchasing for spot and fu ture delivery. Cotton goods were firm. Raw silk wss firm. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET roor Cash Demand for All Cereals and Wheat Slumps Two to Fire Cents. CORN A5D OATS BOTH FALL OMAllA, February 10. 1"1 There was a very poor cafh demand for all cereals today. Wheat took the blgest slump, selling I to $ cents under yesterday a price, and the demand was verv poor. Corn was also low.r, declining 'i to ju. cents orf. The better grades sold a half lower, while the poorer grades sold fully $ cents off. tiata dropped three-m.arters of a cent. I've was a cent lower. Clearances were: Wheat and flour equal to 8?1,ion bushels: corn, JI.OtM bushels; oats, 1J2.0i ucshels. Liverpool cloaed with wriest unchanged; com. Sri to d higher. Primary wheat receipts were 1.108,000 bushels, and shipments 7.0i bushels. e.ml: receipts of 40.0vi hnshcls. and shipments or tA0 bushels Isst year. IVlmary corn receipt were I.UaVV bushels, and shipments Mftflot) huahela. against receipts of WO.flOn bushels, and rmpmenis ot Mishela last year. Primary oats receipts were tWJ.ftiO bushels, and shipments 8!,Oi0 bushels, against receipts of fcxi.ooo huahela. and shipments of 4S8.ino busliela Inst year. CARLOT KECK I ITS. Wheat Corn. Oats. Chicago Minneapolis Duluth Omaha Kansas City St. louis .. 4 292 b'l ... 4 ... Hi ...1 ...1M 117 7 tie W lnnipeg .! These sales were reported today; Wheat No. S hard winter: 1 car. $1.K No. $ hard winter: t cars, $1.17; 4 cars, Jl.KS: I cars, .W; 4 cars. $1,151; 4 cars. $l.lfi. No. 4 hard winter: 1 car (western. $1.1: 1 car. $1.14: 1 car. $1 lSi. 7 cars. $1.1; t cara, $1.12,; 4 cars. $1.12; I car. $1.11; : cars. $1.10: $ cars. 11 Oil: 1 cars 11 (i- 1 cars $1.07H. Sample hard winter; I car. $1 to; 1 car. $1.02; 1 car. $101. No. 1 durum: 11-6 crs, si. 15. No. $ durum: 1 car, $1.11; S cars. $1.12. No. 2 mixed durum: 1 rar. $1.15. No. 8 mixed: t rare, $1.17; $4 car, $L1B; 1 car. $1.14. Oats No. white: S cars, Vio; 4 cars, 4Fic. No. 4 white: 4 cars, 44 Sample: 1 car 42c. Rye No. S: 1 car. 92c; No. 4. 1 car. Soo. Barley No. 1 feed: 1 car, 6c. Sample: 1 car. 61 e. Corn No. 4 white: 1 car, 7 e; X cars, Wc: 2 cars, Nc. So. t white: 1 car. choice, 4c; I cars, 2"c; I cars. 2c; I cara, 61c. No. white: 1 car. f; 1 car, f4c. No. 4 yellow: 4 cara, 74e- No. t yel low: 1 car, 44c: 1 car, 63Vc: 4 cars. 3c; 1 csrs, 6214c; 1 rar. 62c. No. 6 yellow: 1 car, 62c; 1 cars, nso. No. $ mixed: 1 car, RSc. No, 4 mixeJ: 1 car, near yel low. 664c; 10 cars. Wc; 4 cars, Mic. No. 5 mixed: I cars, 62c; t cars, 61Vc; 6 csrs. 61c No. mixed: 1 car. S7c; 2 cars, 6rtc; 1 car, kr4c; t cars, 5or; li cars, Mc. Sam ple white: 1 car, .M)c; 1 car, 4Xc; 1 car, 46c; 1 car, Mc. Sample yellow: 1 car, frc; $ cara, 42c: 1 car, 41c; S cara, 3c. Sample mixed: 1 car, 5Sc; 1 car, Sic; 2 cars. 4lc; 1 car. 4fe; 1 car, 44c; 1 car. 42c; 2 cars, 40c; 4 cars, S7c; 1 car, Shc; car, $2c. Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. $ hard. $l.lHil 21; No. 4 hard, $1 14Htil.l7; rejectee nsra. fi.uiisn.ii; ino. 3 spring, $1.19-irl.21; No. 4 spring. I1.1j1.1S; No. i durum, Il.m!.1I; no grade, $I.IU1.1S; sample, 90c(M.06. Corn: No. 4 white, ft1 6-Hc: No. ft white, 66'.t6c; No. $ white. 60ii474c; sample white, 64iU(i6c; No, 4 yellow, 6RVjific: No. ft yellow, 66V4((ii4c; No. yellow, 61Vy'414c; ssmple yellow, Wi-3c; No. 4 mixed. 7Miac; No. 6 mixed, RSiififi'kc; No. mixed, aiWilSc; sample mixed. WS67C. Oats: No. 2 white, S-iyWc; standard, 4p46Hc: No. S white, 46VtMfic; No. 4 white, 46(r4fiHc; rejected, 44'44441c. Barley: No. 1 feed, 771c; heavy feed, 4iJ-66c. Rye: No. 2, 3c; No. I. lfl2e. Chicago closing prices furnished The Bee by Logan A Bryan, stock and grain brokers. 816 South Sixteenth, Omaha: - Article Open. I Hlgh-I Low. Close. Yes y, Whuat Msy. 1 2SfIV4 1 28V4 1 26 1 17 i n i r, July Corn. Msy 1 ZlttW 1 20iJ 1 J0H 1 M i :n I 77rfs;nir- 7si477SU)irfi4.H 7V477H''ki!7t).aH July. Oats, May. July. 4S',H4"4I 47W4SVi0 48Vi 46H 20 SO 20 4"i 464 sty ttM Mi 40 1 SO 82H1 44T- pork. May 20 8!l 20 $0 I $0 MM, July. Lard. I May. 20 60-S." 20 tU IV 40 I ZU 64 I. 10 ff 10 22M 10 M 10 SO 10 27-S0 10 S24 10 40 11 12H 11 27', July. 10 40 I 10 47A 11 II 121 11 $0 1 11 271 H 4ft ! 10 I7HI 10 45 11 1SU1 H SO 11 27HI 11 4fc BJbs. I May. July. CHICAGO URAIX AND PROVISIONS Featares at th Tradlast sal Closlag Prices on Hoard af Trade. CHICAGO. Feb. 10 Renewal of export buying heled to rally the wheat market today, after a sharp break that was due to an unusual whirl of speculative stop-loss orders to sell. The close was nervous, at the same a yesterday s Un ion to Ho down, with May at $l.27 snd July at $1.204. Corn gained id'ice net to ino and provisions 5(tezvic. Notwithstanding that quotations at Liverpool showed unexpected firmness, it wss not until after the market here had undergone a severe tumble that Signs of fresh activity on the part of exporters began to develop. Estimates of the amount purchased for Europe put the total at only SHO.OOO bushels, but In view of the. previous nearly complete stop page of business with foreigners the ef fect was to restore in a measure the con fidence of the bulls. The sudden flurry of stop-loaa selling, which for a time overwhelmed the market, came about a a result of moderate Initial advance hers that gave new opportunity to discour- 1 sged holders who had been unable to ! unload on yesterday's decline. Ou the setback whtoh ensued resting orders to sell were automatically brought Into exe cution wholesale. Emphaaia to vhe foreign demands for wheat was given by an opinion from a leading authority that the world Im port reaulreinents this season would be 24,000,000 bushels In excess of the total as figured two weeks ago. Predictions were also current that shipments from Argentina and Australia would remain light. There were forecasts, too, of con tinued emallnesa of domestic arrivals In the northwest and of green bug danger In Oklahoma. Kansas and Missouri. Corn developed strength, owing to sea board hints that export transactions were under way. A bulge in prices at Liver pool and a reduction of estimates of tha Argentine exportable surplus tended to confirm the prevailing gossip. Oata hardened with com. Toward ths end of the day houses with seaboard connection were active buyers. Provisions received increased attention, especially ribs. Throughout the session the msrket had an upward slant. In fluenced by higher prices on hogs and by reports that cash trade had im proved. Chicago Cash Prices Wheat : No. 2 red, nominal: No. S red, ILIKU: No. 2 herd. $1.2Ht,1.27; No. $ hsrd, 1.22V4S1.$4. Corn: No. 3 yellow, nominal; No, 4 yellow, 710 7;c; No. 4 white. 714172V:. Oats: No, $ white. 46'Ati47.c; s!sr.dard. 4'i4i4!Vc. Rye: No. 2. $1 .02. Barley. HevaTSc. Meeds: Timothy. $ Wi.00; clover. $10 Wn 14. MV Provtalons: Pnrk, $l.iO&A) $6; lard, $10.00; ribs. $10 601 1.0. Report of an Improved cash demsnd had a strengthening effect late in the session. BI'TTFR Firm; creamery 2W.!lo. EGGS lower; receipts. f.l'W cases; firsts, 52'?t2a ; ordlnsry, firsls, 23c; at mark, cases Included. 3WI23C. P iTATOHK Ixiwer; receipts. 14 csrs; Michigan. Wisconsin, Minnesota and Da kota, white, lVfi 11.02, Minnesota and Dakoto ohlns. M f $i.on. POULTRY-Alive. lower; fowls. i&s,e springs, 17c. Minneapolis Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Feb. 10-WHEAT-Msy, $1.26'. July, 91.244: cash No. t hard, $194; no. 1 nortnern, i.a.'Wi.Ji; No. 1 northern. $1 iiil 2. FLOV R Fancy ptrits. $ Sf'; first clears. $5 18. Other grades unchanged. BARIJCY r,W- RYE s7c. BRAN-19.004j20on. CORN No. S yellow, ?fJ77e OATB-No. S white. 4T'(454e, FLAX BrTET-2.Jlfl1 S5U- Kansas City fJrala and Pravlslens. KANBAB CITY. Feb. 10-WHEAT-No. t hard n lMll.rS; No. red. Sl.SWHJl; May. $1 14V0'1 1: J"' $i.l4t. DATS-No. 2 white, i'ygilr; No. mixed. -' - BCTTER-Creamery, Sic; firsts, 29c; feconds, 27c; packers, 19V. CORN No. S mixed, 6WO70c; No. 2 white. K1 j, ?ry . Vo allow. TOSTlc; M ' Jul, 7.:Sc. FO;S- -Firsts. le: seconds. ?v. Pl'I.TIlY Hens. - turkeys. .V-; springs, 18c. .KW MIRK I.IOr.nAI. MARKr.T QaatatlAaa f tke Day on Varlnaa Com mod 1 1 lea. NFW TOrtK, Feb. lO-FLOCR-rn-settlcil W H rAT Spot, stcadv; No - 1 durum, $1.4..: No. 1 northern, Duluth. $1.41; No. I northern, Manilohs, St. M, f a. h.. New Yorg. Futures, itnwttled. Mav, $t.H COKN Htwt. firm; No. 2 yellow. ,n7c. f. o h. New York. OATH lot. ciulet. HAY Steady; No. 1, $l.2Vn l.fTW: No. 1. $1 I.kiI.-V. .w. 3, i.iii.iu; shipping, fto HOPS Quiet; st.ite. common to choice, l!lh, ISsii'i. ; i'U4. .wi ; t'ueme coast. 1915. LMtlSc: till' 8iliV. II 1DKP Steady; Bogota, Jl32-; Centril A' ' PROVISIONS Pork, firm: mesa, l.v; faml.y, $22.0'Mli;i.OO: short clear. $,H 2.1.00. Beef. firm family, $is vortll o. Itrd, flnn; middle west. $UX 10 10 2t. I Al,l.tv --iiHirly steady: countrt', j'tc. M 1 'TTF. R Firm ; receipts, creamery, extras. ;nv(;'kH; Si'Sc: seconds. 2itic. city. 'ic; 4.74k tubs, firsts. US'.' WUJS Cnaettled; receipts, 10,1 cases; fresh gathered extras, yMiftc; extra firsts, 24V(-'c; firsts. :itlc; seonda. 214ir!c; nearby hennery whites, fine to (am y, S4t 31c: nearhv henerv t.yowna. 7l"-Sc. 4'HKKSV Steady: tw-elpts, 4.741 boxes; late s hnls milk flats helit sneclala 14 hllVic; state whole milk, average fancy, I Jan 17IV; state whole milk, current make. Nan. specials. HWtTliV; current make spe-iJaji. clsls, aversge fancy. 17ff17ic. i" IWI.THY -Dressed, firm: fresh killed Feu. chickens, 1KVJi27c; fowls. 14fllc; tui-iah. keys, 2Rc; alive, unsettled. i 'eU. , Cm.. 9t. Lea Is tlrwla Market. ST. t,OClS, Feb. 10,-WHF.AT-No. I red. $1.3lfhl.4: No. I hard, nominal; May. $l.23iml.ti; July, $1 17. CORN No. 2, 7iiV: No. 1 wilte, 7Mc; May. 7:.,c: July, 7M,7c. OATS No. i, 494143; No. I white, nominal. Llrergesl flrala Market. LIVERPOOL. Fwb. 10.-WHEAT-Hpot. No. 1 Manitoba. 14a 7d. Ne. I hard win ter, new, 1s 4Ud. CORN-Spot. American, mixed, new. Ids lid. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Fob 10. COFFKrT-Th market for coffee future showed con tinued activity and firmness owing to the strong ocean freight situation and tha steadiness of Urnill. The opening was 4 to I points higher and active month sold 14 to 17 points above last night's closing figure during the early tradlno. with all positions making new high records from the season, on covering and bull support. This represented an ad vance of over points from the low level of Tuesday and prices sagged off from 7.84o to 7.7.Sc for May and from s.ki to 7.fl.1c for September during tho middle of the day under realising;. Rallies fol lower, nowever, on reports or rirmnesg In the spot situation, with last prices showing net gains of 11 to 14 points. Kales, 67,000 bags. February. T.ic: March. 7.70; April. 7. sue: May. 7.X2c: June. 7K7c: July. 7.lc; August. 70e; Heplember, 7.c; October, g.oic; November, s.04; Decem ber. 6.07c; January, g.ioc. Spot coffee, firm: Rio "g. Sc: Pantos 4s. Oe. Rio coffee Is said to be compara tively scarce In the local stock. Verv few cost and freight offers were reported in from Hrsin. kid 7a were said to be offered st H o on London credits. Prlvato cables report a minimum freight rate from Braxii to New York or $2.oo per bag. The official cableg reported no change In mllrels prices. Rio exchange $-111 higher. Cattoa Market. NT.W YORK. Feb. 10 COTTON Ppot, steady; middling uplands, 12.20c; sales. 1,211 bale. Cotton futures opened steady; March, 12.05c; May, 11.26c; July, lS.Sso; October, 12 4oc; December, 12.54c, The cotton market closed very steady St s net advance of t to points. LIVERPOOL. Feb. 10.-COTTON Snot. easier; good middling, I.S2d; middling, s.tftd; low middling, l.ta. Bales, i.ouo bales. Metal Market. NFW YORK. Feb. 10. METALS Lead. $A.lo4i6.25; spelter not quoted. Copper, firm; electrolytic. nearby, t27.fitKriJI.i-0; June and later, $?.SfS27.00. Iron, steady and unchanged. Tin, steady; spot, $13. 2- bid. At London: Bpot copper, iim ids; fu tures, tlO Ss: electrolytic 14. Bpot tin, 179 10a; futures. 17 10s. Antimony, rim 1 .earl. Asa: sDeiter. i;ki. , agar Market. NEW YORK, Feb. 10. RTTQAR Raw, barely stesdy; centrifugal, 4.nic; molasses, s.inc: refined, steady. Future were eas ier today under scattered liquidation and selling by trade interests. At noon prices were 4 to 7 points lower. Haskell & Barker Car Company. Inc. Autherlxftd 250,000 shards Itud 220,000 that- No NominsJ or Par Valuo Summary of Fact Cunming Ihlt Ctmpatty onsf H Capital Stock,: 1. This Company, incorporated under the law of the State of New York, has taken over the business of the Haskell & Barker Car Company which waa established in Michigan City, Indiana, in 1632. 2. The new Company starts business with only one class of atock, no bends, notes or floating indebtedness- of any kind and has working capital to the extent of $4,500,000. 3. It is the belief of the Trustees from whom this business was taken oyer that from its inception thd Company has never had an unsuccessful year with the on exception of 1893, a recor Relieved to be unequalled by any other car company in the count- 4. Messrs. Stone & Webster report that the plant of the Company is equipped to manufacture freight cars of every description and is considered one ) of the most complete and up-to-date plants of its kind in the country. Its ! location in Michigan City, Indiana, ia ideal from the standpoint of labor, source of raw material and distribution of its products. 5. Profits for the years 1913 and 1914 amounted to $1,200,000 and $1,108,000 respectively, equivalent to 11 and 10 on the capitalize tion of the new Company, figuring this stock at $50.00 per share. 6. The Company has taken over from the old concern order for 7,844 freight cars and other materials, sufficient to keep the plant operating at full capacity for several months. 7. A strong and the Board of Edward F. Carry, Ambrose Monell, William E. Corey, Frank A. Vaadorlip, Ldwin S. Webstar, John R. Mrron, . W, Harrimen, Arthur O. Ckoate. David A. Crawford, Charles A. Liddle, Application will be made Fe B. Keech & Company 7 Wall Street New York 7a sfoeik this Cmpvtj hating on Icrfty eMrsaseWlosf, thU rrfmtt mpptvm f tu m tnmtter pmKli innrmtion OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET Cattle Receipts Liberal and Prices About Steady Sheep Steady, Lambi Ten to Fifteen Off. HOGS OPEN FIVE CENTS HIGHER OMAHA, Receipts were; Orfl.-ial Mmirinv ... Offl.-lal Tuesday- . . Official Wednesday Kstiinate Thursdnv Ftbrusry I". I!l. t attle. Hoss. SHeep. ., a 871 i;i.A' 11.8" .. T 8 Ml 14 ,i7S .. T.'lSK .M .. 4,! .: U.1" our davs this week.. :.T17 7S.M1 4S.MO Ssme dns last week 51.717 Ct.W W.lflS Same davs I wks. sgo.24.r7 7S.I7H 2fvM Ssme dsya S w ks. sgo. $1 .04 44.214 Same risvs 4 wks. sgo;K,.1 4M .4i7 Same davs last year..s.2ti V.iM bb.l The fnllowt,, . akn a tii receipts of cattle, hogs and sheen at the Orniha erklew "' Mack rtisrkst for tu last few days, w com Psilsons fma, .'in Jin I " $ i Js ' Ja 7 MHI ft2 i . -I S A. I Ul t 77 SI. J T H i f 1 ..!".! 71 - . - A.I 1 AT. B If I t ti 5 9 17 l S f I 1. oft t 1 6P( 7l 1 J 4 ! SO. S 16 7 SOI Oji 1 .i ' I. r 1.1 v., hm . . ; , - 1 n .j a s.t n 1 Feb. l 7 4HI f 74 $ 1.1 7 M 0.' IkU r oh. .: it. U k UN '1 " m T 4. 1.7. 1 N ; H i 7 ,li . ' 4!; $1 I 8 71, 17 7i I '! I W I" 11 . . . H in . in 7 n.t 47 'el.. Feb. Feb.io. 7 75 W 40JLI1J LWi.' Ulll!), CATTI.K Rvceints were very liberal for a Thursday, 1!5 cars being reported In. For the lour days this week the totsl amounts to ix.17 head, the largest since three weeks ago and over K.tMl head larger than a ear ago. Beef steers, cows snd heifers did not show much change as compared with yesterday, being m the main steady. As compared with a week ago the market la generally 2Sc lower. mockers and feeders did lint snow murn change hmkiii today, but they have been easing on a little, especially the medium grsdrs and are now anywhrre from weak 10 perhaps 26c lower in some cases tnan last year's close. UuotHtinns on catllr; Good to choice beeves. 4;.Whie.i1; intr to good beeves, 5ikij 7.(10; common to fair beeves. good to choice neircis, u.Juj'i.iu; go,Ki to choice cows, r..u-iisi.7&; 'ir t" good cows, $&.J,6.m.; common to fair cows. $4 .af-tS.So; good to choice feeders. $7.0otC.0: lair to good leeilers, $4.54i'i.OV common to fair feeders, $fi.uti.nw; good to choice atockers. Si.outui.Su: lair to goort atockers, tH.lvn",.oo. common to fair stock- ers, 46.oU'ri.b1; stocK iicaets, n.iuw i.wi; Stock cows, $4.i6ge.Oti: stock ca.ves, .. Ul.si; vesi calves, ..oiJt;..6; bubs, stags, etc., $5.ikij.6o. IIOUM nuppiies were exceptionally litavy for a Thursday, arrivals ttelng 274 csrs, or 1M.&0J bead. Kucelpta tor the lour days amount to V3.MI head, and while slightly heavier than last week, are 2,f smaller than two weeka ago, and a falling orf of 1,mk aa compared with the ssme nays of lsst year. Mhlppera apparently had slim otders, al though on the strength nt an upturn In E rices at other polnis what hogs they ought on early rounds were strong to. In most cast, So higher, despite the breadth of supplies. They bought a food share of their hogs s $7.80ftf7.ku. First offers from packer buyers were franerally steady, and In soma instances 00 keel stronger. Hellers were holding for a M1IO0 advance, however, and nothing much moved on first rounds, in fact, very little was done until prices reached a mostly 6c higher bsals, when a few strings started to move. Even after ths ball was started rolling movement failed to liven 110. for sellers, remembering yesterday s hot linlsh and scenting another on the way lor louay, were In no hurrv to sell, and weru in clined to hold on for the lust nickel. Things broke ths other way lousy. n w. ever, for the liberal supply enabled pack ers to weaken values on the close, bids going back to yesterday's level on neaily everything. The general market was steady to to higher, closing with the advance all lost and In many cases even worse than llvtt. Bulk of the early sales wss $i.;0"i.n1. butt he Isle weakness brought snouiirt sales st $7.55 to put it in the bulk. These late salea were as usual not weighed In time to be quoted In this column, and consequently ths representative salea quoted show ths market to '.j better tusn It actually was. Tops reached $7.95. BHEKP Receipts of sheep and lambs continued liberal, estimated at 40 earn, of ll.Ooo head. Total for the four days is 43,540 head, being 7,500 larger than last week and 17,500 heavier than two weeks sgo, although showing a falling off of Capital Stock of ths competent management is assured Directors, which is composed c'.': ii eaB.Ml4 i.Vi ' were unloaded here, but did not sell, as as compared with , sat yyr: ,nrR wwr ,.nim tB,al receipts, the Cattle . 1 i-i 114 I-il rvwl "r,,",, "umber on sale wss cut to about SheVp :::: iU 55' IViii 1 Mi'"" verv light supply sod ir.rT st. s. ttl 7 Ml Jil ! ijlioixuorte or. 4 5)1 " W i I " ,,r", to 'ho'p'- HO.s0filO.S0: lambs . 7 I j is' 7 4j, -I fair to good. $l0.J.4ij 10.S0: lambs, clipped K ib I i"' $ '.'11 1 W o: 40; vesrllngs. good to choice light m ;. i"' 1 6l f,J , lftVhf M: vesrllngs, fslr to choice heaw 1 oil J Mi I Wl I $ 0041.: wethers, fslr t choice. IT.ooH I M' 7 .1. tiv.'l T Ml ;:(: ewrg. good to rhol-e. 7. ;. ft; President, Haskell & Barker Car C. President. International Nickel Ca. . President, Midval Steel at Ordnance Co. - President, National City Bank, New York Member of the firm of 9tone Ac Webstar of Boston - President, Atlas Portland Co .ant Co. President, Harrimaa National Bank - Member of tit firm of Potter, Cheat et Prentice Treasurer, Haskell Ax Barker Car Co. Vice-President, Haskell Ax Barker Car Co. in due course to list this stock on Potter. UKin hesd sa com ps red with the corre sponding davs lsst yeir. Other market:! reported s fresh weak ness in prices today sud wl h liberal s'ip. plies the local trsde continued 1n bearish hands. The mat lei opened slow, snd what few lamh sties hm been msdc hv mldforenoon looked generally H-W1V teliw yesterday, t.lghi NcKlcans sild to $ 0.7. and se-rral hunches of fed westerns of desirable weight snd pretty good quality went at IS. There wss a fairly ursent reo.ues for a few good muttons and w ht ewes were sold durln the esrly part of the forenoon looVed shiul steady. Two tnails of real good en's brought $7., with others st 17.10. snd Menlrans that failed to sell ves'ardav went today a WW. Choice light Mexican yearlings that sold st .W were steady. Iwter trading ws. done In much the same notches as earlier, so fsr as lambs were concerned, and while ths msrket neyer bersnie verv setlve. big end of the offrilngs hsd rlesred by noon. Qusllty was real good, being as a general thing the best In a long limn. Bulk ef th Ismbs changed hands at $10 sAUta 1-,. while ore load of Mexicans made lio.aa. s nlcVed rbove the esrly ton. Nine rsrs which were tlei tnrougn. roi.rrts st gteadv price, and the same srnl ed to vesrllngs. The dav's too on yearlings of f.".0 Is a new msrk for th sesson. and In fsct sets a new record for this twlnt. sneer. sno ismns: 1 - - - - I. .ni! SA MHl 7.U1 flllCstiO 1.IVR STOCK MAItKRT Cattle Weak-.lion rws tkers. Weak. fHICAOO, Feb. 10 CATTLSV-Recelpls, S.OOO heed; msrket weak; native beef rteers. Sd.l'fie.W; western steera, $40 km; cows and helf JTS. $3.3i.0; calves, 1.4 JtVf? 11 25. I KXISI Receipts, 40,fif) head: msrket Sc sdvsnce: hulk of sale. $s.04Is.: llsM. $7 rnniik.Sl: mixed. $V0i.40; heaw, $a.0J,jf 0.4O; roua-h, $X0J4i.15: pis. $ lff7.S0i HIIEEP AND LAM B8 Receipts. 14.000 hesd; market weak: wethers. $;.wCA24; ewes. $fi.4iXt-7.$'.: lambs, $A.7b$ll.2i. St. Lewis Lire Stock Market. ST. TM'IS. reh. 10. CATTLR Re ceipts, 2.700 head: market steady: native beef steers, $7 HxtiS.nO; yearling steers snd heifers. $.r.tW!.Jf.: cows and heifers. $V5Vf 7.0; stnekera and feeders, $.V5t7.2o; Texas and Indian steers, $5 2Mfs).50; cows and hrKets, $4.00t3.5O; native calves, $3.0.ft 11 Ffl. I IOGS Receipts, 19.400 head; msrket higher: pigs snd lights, $t7U4K: mixed snd butchers, $4.05i..'f; good heavy, $$ 80 VMS. I ..,1., ill- i 1 00ni0.ui; lambs. $4.lTli7:i.$5; a SHEF.r AND tAMHH Receipts, I.Tnn wetnere. swes. I.2 Kansas City Lire Stack Market. KANBA." CITY. Feb. 10. -CATTLE-Receipts. 1500 head: market steady; prime fed steers, MSOj.; dressed beef steers, $7.00.t0; western steers, $46004.40; Block ers end feeders $4.(X1i;.K5; bulls, $..$fe $.50; calves, $.5(Kfi10.50. HOGS Receipts, S.300 head: market higher; bulk of sales, $T.Sfi15; heavy. IS.OCvSi 224; packers and butchers. $7.i. $.15; light, rf.AMTS.00; nigs. $4 2Mr7 $6. 8HEEP AND LAMBH Receipts. .om hesd; market lower; lambs, $10 2MII0 9); yearllmrs, tiocfj.7ti; wethers, $7.5.a; ewes, $7.V87.. 1 ' ' ' " Slnnx City Mr Stark Market. BIOlX CITY. Feb. 10,-CATTLK-Re-csipts, 2,000 head; msrket steady to Inwrr; native steers, I4B7.1; b'ltchers, $.'..00n est; cows snd heifers, $S0fa0; esnneis, ttfu4 71; bulla, stags, etc.. $A(VVi. HOGH Receipts, 17,000 hesd; market Steady; hesvy, $7.60417.75; mixed. 7."bW7,8J; light, 17 4 8.0.1; bulk of sales, $7.',5f)7.95. HIIEEP AND LA MB(4 Receipts. 400 head; market steady; ewes, $7.00; lambs. $9 2o110.76. I tt. Joseph Lira Stuek Marks ST. JOBF-PH, Feb. 10 CATTLF.-he-eeli.is. 1.400 head; market steady; steers. t,.iU: rows snd heirsrs. 5.VS-'i calves. Kt0tvai0.tr.. HOUR Receipts. 11,000 hesd: market higher; top, M 14; bulk of sales. $7. son $.10. . HHKRP AND LA MRfl Receipts. S f hesd; msrket steady: lambu, $10.&0fU.0o. Stock la Sight. Receipts of live stock at ths five prin cipal western markets: CatMe. Jioes fil. Omaha Chicago Sioux City.,...'.. Bt. Louis Kansas City Totals 4 HO 20. SOO ll.OI SO 1.70 1 ,00) 400) 17.0"0 110 1.3-0 .. $.01 .. .7Vt ..17.100 10 SO) S4.10) Read Ths Bee Want Ads. tt pays' by the personnel of the New York Stock Exchange Choate & Prentice 5 Nasaau Street New York I of I'olorsdos.