febi.tjary imifi. 12 Trrn mr,-. omaha. Want-Ad Ratos CASK WITH OaOOi J-C pr word each lnertloa CUM! liTEit e pr line V!1?J22 Jc per line thru, consecutive tlmee (Court six words to the line.) SPECIAL KATXti Frm nd Rnrh lnd. t per line each l""ryn (Count "M to the lino roRFTOV nvFRTIf1X1 t'NDF.rl AC.ENT OR HELP WANTED CLASSIFICATIONS: fe Mr word .one time, l'c p?r word . .re consecutive time aro take- rom A TOT A It OF O- tUM TIAR 100 PAT. CARD O" THANK. DEATH AND FCNERAL NOTICES: lfte per 1ln eecli Insertion (Minimum charge ho rent) Jlonthlv Rate fT standing ad change of copy)... Pr Count Mix worn to tne line.) Coatraet rta om appUeetloa. THE PEE will not hi responsible for root than nti Incorrect Insertion Of on advertisement ordered for inoro than erne time. DVERTIPT-:RS should retain receipt given by The Ree In payment for want Ad, an no mistake can bo rectified without thrm. SE THE TELEPHONE If you cannot conveniently bring or a-nd In your de Ask for a Want Ad Taker, ond you will receive tho same won't service aa when delivering your ad t tho office. PHONE TYLER 1009. WANT-AD COLl'MNI CLOSE FVENTNfl EDITION If : M. MORNING EDITIONS 00 P. M. THE MOVIE PROGRAM CHANGED DAILY. Answers lb queatlon "Wbara to go tonl(ht.M EMPBESs"l5th&" DOUGLAS SELIG TRIBUNE NO. 11 "BLACIC CROOK," 5-reel Kalcm. Garden. hi FAHNAM The Mf t'nmaaked. One-reel drama and One-reel comedy, Re. Program. RlNCEsa. ltlf-19 DOUOLA3r -lalrom Wllllnnm. noted Dmadway star. In Idol of the Stag, a powerful (-act maaterptctnre de luxe. f nowatorm and Hunahine, rlevey comedy Mertfc. ' TjranBT 16 ill AND BINS EY Her Mother's Secret. P!x-at I'Vix fertture; IpJlHRGV, iiiU ANjJTOTHKOP. 1 t.Htle Viola Dana and the Edison players in rne itnua or ijnm loun g-sailk. jrOLLO. 2824 LEAVENWORTH. ; The Wanderer, -ree Vltagraph. 1 TKIa Wav 0;it. Vim comedy. 1 Telegrapfilc Tangle. Vltagraph comedy. "The Reloved Vagabond," featuring Ed win Arden. Natural Color Patha Gold Rooster I'lay. One rel Comedy. vVal. '10NI10P I5RB TAHNAM. r.srl Williams and Anita "tewsrt In The 0(ldea, No. to. Earl Metoalf and Orml Hawley In The J'hantom Jlappl peas. last, aide I! ESSE, 24TH N. The Tricksters. Kalem. lorn Martin, n Man. A-reet Bellg. A Hpeclnt Delivery. Vim. Otar Features These are Special Cztra-Iteel V J Picture bow appearing at tbe following Theater: EMPRES. 16TH .AND DOUULAS Black Crook. k-reet Kalem. JjOTHROP, 24T1I AND LOTH HOP ijltt!e Viola Dan and the Edison players In The nouae ot 1,0s. court. XtONKOE. . ibha FARNAM Fnrle Wtlllsms and inlta Stewart In TbeJLloddess No. In. lftOiiUr. tl'i'l LEAVENWORTH 1 The Reloved Vagabond, featuring Kdlon Araen. I Natural Color Path Oold Rooster play. ll'RlNC&Sa. ill 7-1 ""DOUOIaA'a ' Walcom William, noted Broadway atar, In Idol of (he tUago, a powerful (-act ' masterpictur. It- - j UF.ATM tMI IIM Htl, OTit: j-A'OXNOil-Brldge.t, aed earsTT'eV rtiary t. Itinera I from family rel'lence, SH4 Noith flxty-ttiird street, Friday, 8,I a. ml: to Kt. RernaM's church, a m. Interment Holy tk-pulchr cem etery. iflOUMFR Mr. leo. aed "il ers. Fbt fuaiy . li.nerol from Hoffman's Funeral Home, Friday. J a. 111.; to Ht. Mary Magdalene s church, a. in. Interment iirrmin Catholic cemetery IV'-'flToN-ohn" BTaged ".1. at hi real dence, S3 ( har es Funeral from residence Tliursday at I u a. m. by auto to ht. John's rnurch at ! a. in. Interment Huly Hepulcher ocme tery. MAUSOLEUM, fvTHT bur- your dead la the col4 crwuni In stormy aaalher ha you can buy a, tomb In a marble bulld-ng at reasonabl preaf TcL MAlMlLt.lM CO, D. tl7i. LUHIST. J fc ATI 18, futna'a. li tarnain t :(L Iii:mji.k;N, lt ii ) teiiiler Flurlste Telegra xtugiaa. un A as n IJil.h-S A B'OIi)A. Iilj Fernaui si IxJNAGiiU iia'Ury. Doug, luvc The Easy Way is the Telephone Way PHONE TYLER 100Q RlnTII AM D:Tlt. tttrths t 'henek sn-1 Emtio Hrsbik. South Side, slrl: Miirrr S. snd Marguerite Itpoonhl, 2(l f-srstosa. t-n ; Joseph snd leiomrns Mmti. t.'.'l South Tw cutlet h. h..v; Martin and Martha Dran, M fx South Twenty-second, bov; Franrla and Frances White, Z7H South Twent y-first. girl; Harrison and Etta, trarvln, IMH perry avenue, girl: l-Tank and Resale Huralk. .41 Folk, ctrt: l. . and Bertha Heja. 11 South Twelfth, Ik)'; John and Elsie Lynch. 11 Taylor, boy; liana anil Martha Weah. s.H Month Forty nlnlh avenue, boy; V. If. and Hells Chamberlain. 11 10 North Twenty-ninth, boy: Jnmea and Idl Judge, North Eighteenth, boy. Deaths Antonls Acint, Seventeenth anil Capitol venue. .2; H. H. Haltott, 4:, hospital; William Cotter, ft. 1210 Douglas; John H. Marton, ft. iMW Charles; William Ulllisple, M, lultl Washington. MtRNU'.P. t,lF.SKB. Permits to wed have been Untied to the following-; Noma and Realden'-e. Ae. Onrdon H. Walker, Omaha i Adela Cannln. Omaha 40 feorito laitinr, New Orleans, La 34 Donna Wravea. Kanaaa City 22 Oeoree A. Thlrllnif, Waverly, la., over 21 Annie Schuler. Aurora, Colo over I Emmett Fl Bt hwalenbera. Omaha, over 21 Dorothy Hylcott, (nuaha over 1 Otto Raid win. Omaha 72 Minnie Dunn, Nebraska, City 1 Ronald 8. White, llra-lna. Canada X Itoao C. Wolf, umaha Oeorva Rurna. Omaha Ti Therkla Krleslor. timaha 23 Clarence Drake. Malvern. la Mary Amoa. Malvern, la 23 Ht'11. 1I0 I'KRMIT. Dr. F. W. tdnhauah. lw l-louth nfty econd; brink veneer dwelling, .".,000. LOST-FOUND-REWAROS OMAHA LOOM lb ULl K'.i 81 Kt-fc f kAlLWAY COAIPANT. I'eranns having lo gome article would da well to call up th office of the Omaha Council liluff Street Railway company to aerertaln whether they left It In the street care. Many artic le, aacn day are turned In and the company la anxious to restore them to the rightful ownera. Call Doug. 4; IF YOU IciM anythlns ml will ttnitw It r. in will aurrif rnovar It H fmicia ht ao noi.aai Saraoa. Itemarkahla raoevartaa ara bruiuht oout aary dav Ihrousi (tita aolnmn. THH I .AW- fanpia h Iln4 loat artletea ata 1tur4 m knotot thai lha aiaia u H trirt la requiring Ihaaa to i the Cesar IteMMfgH S4varitaamant m4 otaarwlaa ang tbat s tallura to 4a aa, If same aa aa pro. la- WTi7l. Hit party v.lio took the little glri's stea from the bacK porcn ei n. ui Ht., retairn same. No qiieatlona asked and liberal reward promised. Sled prised very highly by little girl aa Christmas cirt. LOUT Auto glaaa for headlight, with dimmer painted on glass, neiween Omaha and 8011th Omiiha. Reward. Theo. Tllloteon. Tel. South 1011 LOHT Htlikliin, horse shoe set wltn small gamete, few gamete miming, an old-fashioned ear-ring made Into stick pin; llbertl reward. Address Y. 239. Bee. FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS FereiWere d ltoasrlael Uooae. DIU BA f' tAtN'rt Furniture, lu; stoves. beds, spring, mattr a, t eacn; rauqmi coinrorts. Llenkets. N. 24th. W. 1W. XIX KCiFAir.t W aier fronts, furnace colls, etc. tJUU a nervice, 1 imann Repair Worva vw.i onnuiu. 1 7 6.M A flA7nilTL7)"w" dO.-Sia" t Ireases nm.1e ove r ,1nst II k en e w ,i w ri u immg. w. I'lra a Mnsleal Insfrnitieiue. B VI per rtinntirA. H-'eoe. !Mf"T)oUgla lore an4 tlffte. rtata-re. DKUKS. af"a. ecalea. ehowcaae. shelv. log. etc We buy. Omaha Fixture a m.:Z,J rv. 4ii.!.ts H. 11th. Doug. J74. MllTfTlNKltV fixtures. K. I Wcrcd. DM. Cameras laa KoUke. rH-MH ilevaiepMvl trie f purchased from Pbnto Craft MboP. 4i I'ee H'dg. Dept. D Jewelry, uiaMsudii VVslcfcaii. B O D K U A ATuTii- lucky wedding rtag" at lh imu Doiirlaa Bts tlolhlnsi, fr'ura, Klc. WK buy and acll tailor niatle suits and overovata. tYiedtnan, 1-U Douglas Ht. . Kevrtajs; Maihlaaa. "sITWlKiJiTMni Ws rent, repair, sell needle and carta Of all sewing machines. MICKKLD NFF1RAHKA CYCLIC CO.. Ilth enl lUiiioy bia. Doug. H4I. Mi-. v !.(. machine for sale. Inquire Ves try room lempla Israel. aUli and Jack son Bts.i Krlily after 10 a. PI. Typewriter a4 laplte. Itr. N't' an O lvcr typewriter s mo. fur ti. Oliver Typewriter Axency. ItJ Farnain. fTT'KIt A i'll. aoui, rsllten N)ptU7 tnirei typewriter r.xc. Iieio nrimm ftbi. 1 aTs! c iJ U 1 LIk. 1 1 and Carbon Co.. car 1 per and Inked ribbon. . vn. Rt.nT m "no'inliigtun" not juat type writer. Low rent. Call Douylns 1. fTUTraTypawillar Kxchsnge, 3lt TUl St. All make for aal or rent. Marblarry mmm F.aalaee. Vli'K' Second-hand motora. dynamo, 11 J" mgnetua. I m Uroo t.lectnc Wotkt, 8ll-. . uth Kt, .Miliars! ts Pool Table. FOtt SALK New and aeoond-handcari.nl nd pocket lil'llard tablee and bowling alley and accessories; send for cata log u; easy ( tlx nis. The Urunswtck-lialke-Collender Co.. 407-MW M. loth Ht. FOR BALK Flve"MMrtaiil'two bowP log alleys: cheap It taken at once. Hox t'3, Friend, Neb. l auvbor aad Bollaiagi MalrrlaL ALl.' KIN US ,K ..LaTL it' It 8ALK. Card III coiistruitlun of building. In flrsjlHSScrililon. ChII Doug. .117. rWVk hid i !' v "ibtTjoa d.i t 1 rncyJITJX i-riatma (an Itfllca Supplies. ON1-. wriler prees for printing Imitation 'typewftwr UU.rs on Invalid sanitary chair; on" lollapslble go-carV 1'hone VAlKHS-BABNHAHr Pv. Co., Maality printing Tel. Doug. 1:W. k.'4 a Uth Bt. f ENTHA L Print ing CoDOCGLA9j;.Sl unuuii i riniiii vo. tel. unugla M4. Ailst'ellaHeuaa, Foil 8AJ.K CtCAl " - .... u..wB vwinp. riftt and oumplsu cholaishlp In one "i i.bi vjiiiana ousinesa scnool.t. Good reason for sslllna: nerfetl mil.. bis; worth full pri, but will be uld Very reasonably. If tnteresled Invaail gate t ome, becauao spring term begins ooti. There are a variety of tour for ai. ror articuiar iiuiulr at the of "? of The Omaha Hee MY titil. siD-il of o.alllv will U iiiHiuikinett; 4 uuarta of -HJ Poutenellt wiusay, w.s; itotuea In bond, llcnrj runnel. 111111 oruer noun, uuuc, ,jd: 1:1?4JL-I',,h al-x j'tiiii- liviuoR rioUFu Thirteenth and Douglas. Rottlcd-tn-bond hlky, c, l.nO f 1 Si. iuii quart. NOTICE TO BEE WANT-AD PATRONS ' FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE AND BETTER SERVICE The Bee will hereafter accept telephone orders for Want-Ads at the CASH RATE of one (1) cent per word and a collector will call a day or so later with the bill. It is sometimes a bother to come down to THE BEE office to place your Want-'Ad and then, again, it is quite often inconvenient for you to come down this way to pay the hill for an ad you have had inserted this way you never have to budge out of your home or place of business to get Bee Want-Ad service at tho CASH KATE. . , FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS Mlirrllaaraaa. ffili'.K ' b. of floe Guntmwder or Jtpan tea with every 'be ef best tv- coffee, parcel p.sl, at 12 Ti. Iave's Cnffaa Market. Kit Leavenworth f4t.Omaha.Neh $" "(. Oi,!ften"W e"t Whl f. 4 full quar.e bottled In bond, prepaid. Ce c k ley It roe, Ome h e FVEMY dny hna lta aui.xhln for FIFE Vant-Ad users. Mart loday. Call Tvl.r 1O0 COAF baskets dellvere.. Jl : lUlnola "t or lump. t&U per ton. Doiirtas MJJ, lU TT El Mil I . K for l.oua. Davbl Cole Creamery Co., 14th and Jones Bts. WANTED TO BUY DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks, bought, sold - and traded J. C. P.ee. 1204 I'arnsm. NEW and aerond hand meat fixtures for ouriew stores. Ha,Wet torea office, 511 Rrandels Theater Hldg. Phone Tyler 41 ANNOUNCEMENTS Mechanical Draughting Machine Designing Estimating Patent Drawings H E. SLOMAN Phone I. t444. 4l firande a Theater. rUH tUUMT IhtAbUMtn VAfMET O. SOT.ONfON RHODEtJAAHD H Cuciiv' W edding Klni:s" at IHih and Douglns Bt t I X KWI.sk: AT V M C.A. Huslness men Kvrrytblaa; fur Mamas, ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, box piesting. covered buttons, all sixes and styles; hemstl'chlng, point edging; em broidery, heading, braiding, cording, eyelet cut work buttonholes, pennants. Meal Pleating Co., 2u0 Douglas block. Dnuglaa 14 4 hlropodlata. TiR. JOHNHtONS. Chlroiraclors, of r-neiann, Iowa, wish to announce their location at 2407 N tit. Consultntlon free and Invited. Phone t-oiith 4"IS. Carrie J. lulor.l. ni Pax. Hik. Red 4.'X7. ( oatarara Tlir. largest stock of masquerade and tneetrlcal costumea In the country. Tho. Ueben A Mm. J5I4 Howard. D. 41 IS. THEATRICAL own," full dress ults, for ii. anil rt. iiimn reiuman. UreaasuMkliis. LA I HE' 8 suits remodeled In the latest style.lllFarnam. Douglas DltriHSMAKlNO by the day.-7ork guaranteed, wensier t. St lia M ( ITTA .. dressmaker Uo H. .4 Av. 8KW1NO "at homo or out Rail 3SM. 8 K W IN o r l a y w r k . I o u gl 11 s 7m Keister Dressmaking Col. U28 City Nat. Terry Dressnmk'g college, goth A Kariiativ WORK OUARANTKKD. WALNUT (!. Ilentlsls. Dr. Pradbury No pain. H W.O.W. Pldr. Pyorrhea. Dr. Fl'cltU,'j5t .tyatank Tai't Dental 'Roonia.5l7 lougla"a. I."lwT Jaallcea f the Peace. H. H. CLA1DORNE. 613 Paxton Blk. Red 7f'l. Notary pulilli1: deiwisltlon steno. C. W. Hit ITT. ;iii H.irk'er Hlock. Drsgt, DRl'OS at out prices; freight paid on 1D orders', catalogues free. Bherman Mc- Connell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb; Flat urea mud Wr-. T.TTTITV Klectrlo washing machine, iuiimit electrlo Iron and readlug lamps. ?-2n Cuming Bt. Doug. 2..IH. Acraaalaati, E. A. DWORAK, C. P. A, 4"3-437 Ramge Rblg. Tel. DourI T4. Farriers. BAM KNRFTFR, 1HJ0 Farnsm. Red m I II. Kotholx. KSIH l-nvenworth. H. J7ta. t hlroiiraclle Spinal Adjaat meats, DR. BURHORN, Wh end Fartiam, Woad mug. l. frt47; i'almer hool g-aduate. Pi. J. C. Lawrence, 1 I'alrd Uldg. D. S4H1 Moving Plrtare Machtara. OMAHA Flint Ex.. 14th and Doug. Mo tlon picture mach'ne and film bargains. Pateata. D. O. Rnrnell, Paxton Rlk. Tel. Red 7117, I. A. Sturges, 6.m Hranilnla Theater Hblg. I'lasa Instruction. Ragtime piano playing positively taught 111 m lessone. Aidi cuming. wal. S.T. Wlaaa aa4 I.lqaora, fU Y your family Ibpiors at Kllen'g l.npior house, 61 N. lKth. Douglas !. ( arpenlera and 4 ualra.for IsnrdftBon,J.fl Opltol .Vve. T;Iaj Cl" W'7 l lokanso'n. 2ri5 I.VnwTTi. Tyl. -Jl'iT-. Delecllvea. -- JAMl-M ALLAN. SI 3 Neville Block. Kvl- qence secured Jn JlJJ5ses.TylerlV Kurnarea aad Tlawarr HABF.RSTROH. 402 Hamilton. Wal. 1.71. Live to-k t om-slsaloarra MARTIN BROS. CO. Kxchange Rid Oeleopata PbyaU-lans. JO-KPHIXR ARATSTRONO. 815 Ree Bl.lg Plntues CleaariT CD RLK D. dyed Klseje, HOT City Nst beat llepnlrina. Om, Stands rd Heal Co.. M.I . 12th. D. Mil lilies Repairing. Parley Shoe Rep'r Co..M Farn'm R. 3414. Steel tellings CARTER Bhcet Metal Contpany, 11 8. :5. Towel gappllea. OMAHA Towel Supply. I7 B. llth. P. Ha. - Trnnks aad Ball tsars. FR K.I.I NO STF.INI.E. imu Farnam Ht. Watch hperlallsta. Christiansen. ?d fl., Paxton Rk.. U yr. exp. 44l atatloaery. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. Adverttalasj: Fkoveltlea, M. F. Shafer A Co. Klh-Farnam. D. T474. Arrklterta. -i-ifiL? Tvld--l--"ito' BlK- p. yi Attararys. C. T. Dickinson, fdl Paxton Blk. D. I4 Auctioneers. Powd' Auction Co . 1115-U W.O.W. R !WW HakerlesT Z. H BFFPFR.'M N. I8lh. Wob. a?7. Itrasa and Irou " uua.rlra. Psxton-Mltchell CorTth snd Martha Sis. Ilaavlag traUrislra, DK.l.DX ACADEMY. Ill S. ISth St. Urra nnd Ivnarra. A TI" Pry Clng Co.. !) N. ith. n. S0TJ l:lr-lrlal ItrtMairtntc ft HILL F1.KCTR1I ' Co , Bee Bid. D. Itg. j Kl-vtrl aw. " l lo Adender. 624 Be Bidg. Red 'SJ SWAPPERS' COLUMN lTIuiAk-orf,,s li. it Ai revolver, pair spnna pKaie, Aiv.u 11; j-.ttisoii ib-M: I liinionispn ; siiiKle-ahot nfie; pair MJ Iiw1, elie y; new csuvss s.iolgun i..e- , $ Ingersoli watch, nee; Mia hunting case aatch. Iie-car guaranlee ce, l o to gold chain, about 1 sixe. rxcelletu timekeeper; want motorcycle, Ictrola. pump anoigun, rolltop deex, Colt revol ver, mandolin, cornet, kodak. Address B. C. Hae. 1 HAV a first-class '36' Remington rifle, t-ehnt. sutomstlc. thst Is In the best of condition and as good as new. Only len used very few times. If you are thinking of getting a good rlfln let me know, as 1 ran save you consid erable money. Cost Ji..;0 new. What have you? Addrem 8. C. 576, Bee. BTKKI. casting rod. four feet six Inches, agate guide and lip, tri-pan casting reel. euiiHl to any reel made; assort ment artificial bait. Dowsgiac minnow, rubber frog, spoons, spinners, leaders and honks; In fine condition. Will trade for good ha 11 Jo, or what have you' B C. ?-l, Hee HAVE about l-f new- electrical appil- an -ea such aa vacuum cleaners. 'Hoover.'- with attachments, Hot- Fiolnf stoves and tonal.ra. library amps and electric washing machine; all new; will trade for Ford touring car In good condlt'on. Address J T, Hee. I'lilJN-English Pouters, W hile Ksn- tslls, Jacobins. Turblts anil Kwallnws; all first clans birds: will swap for Car neaux or Homer pigeons 'white llomcis preferred), or will trade for anything of equil value. Addreaa f. C .VV). Hee. MuVINO picture film. !.( feet, part 2. weaiern im. lor noma or exnnmiou machine: Indians nd cavalry; contains scenes from Custer lest fight. III take .32 or .?S Colt's police revolver, or what hsva you? Addreaa H. C. w. Hee COMPLETE tamping outfit, 7x7 Pyra mid tent, cooking utensils, covers, pil lows, torch. Ho-foot fish seine, campers' band axe, etc. Want typewriter, cornel, Vlctrola. or what have )ou? Address 8 C. KA, Bee. ftiltli electric hand warmers, run off nsgneto or hatteries. ieiv: rora comu tutor ond wiring, emergency lignt. Wit'.t ixj or 3 ca.-ln. lctroi, or any thing I enn nee, Addrr C. !t"1. Hi PA I It lliK tiian a spurs or cl mliern. ruin- coat. a. brand new; Ever-tleauy san-tv raxor. 24 blades, never used. Want Mandolin, rolltop deck, or, what have youT Adoreas H. c. W.., Hee. Ii()A Uo I IClC, IlKhlwoishL, two-peKeenxer 1MB model. Just overhauled end run v qutpned. Will swan for the best Itli mnd.l motorcycle or motorcycle and id car outfit I can get; but It must be A 1 condition. Address 8. C. 7ZS, Bee. AUTOMATIC rotary printer. No. -A; rubber tvpe and ( roll paper. Cost la. Just the thing for a, boy. W 111 trade for anything I can S'i, Hee. Address 8. C. WHAT have you to trade for a. prao- ticnuy new, ihih, nve-paasenger auto mobile? Klectrle lighter and starter. Also 4x." camera. S. C. W. Bee. WANT TO THADHJ anything I have for printing press ana type or small pr ni Ing outfit, at once. It will pay you to answer this. Address P. C. Wi4. Hee WILL TRADE 'M Anpelo player piano and about iiu) worth of mueic lor auto mobile; piano In first clans s ape. What have you? Address S. C. 9.VI Ree. HaVE four boxes oFgood 6-cent cigars and ZJ package of Hull Durham. Will trgtlo for round table or some kind of furlture. A dress 8. C. H49, Bee. GOOD oak dining tablo tsguare). Iron bed and springs; all in fine sniipe, tor good cook stove or rug, or, what? S. C. n. nee EDISON Home Phonogrnph and 2o se lect Blue Amberol records; all good mu sic, for visible typewriter. Address 8. C. ims, lice. TWO good secondhand pool tables to swsp ror lluu worth or new or second hand lumber or cement blocks. Ad r1rc fi ( y, Hee. PRACTICALLY new base burner for I 1 l. Iun.ivi4la, mnlnri-wnlu nni-Vf.ln. IjyTW ,.t1, l.V.h.'. - J . peilla, or best offer. Phone South Vui. MV U. M. F. b-pasnener car to trade; In good running condition, vvnat nave you to offer? Address B. C. .ift, Hee 'A HOUj 6-nite player tniiklc, all In r'ne shape: some a rolls, waui email iciroia, or wnati r. c. xi. uce rVANT an Incubator and Kiiinea hen In trade fcr household goons or anytlitn. else. Address s. c. 9as. Hee. UK NT H now 1-iXI solid 14k gold waicii tk diamond In back, for ford roan s' ee. t. C 6. Bee MODEL 10 Bulck rut.obout. in good run nlng order, to trade for motorcycle. Ad dress 8. C. 9W. Bee. iJimiK base burner, will trade for any thing I can use; prefer a Vlctrola. .8. c. iies, Hee. Ki i.l-iKKaS suit, else- 40. worn only . rive umiw; mai 9o, win ratio tor Liiy tiling I enn uhs. m. .-. ,.i. nee. . ii,l,l-.i,TltN of American and foreign coins, whrth I'JO; will trade for any- thlntf I csn use, b. f. ;a,, ee. ADTOMOBILKB For other automobile bargain ae the -Auiomoone - ciasam- cstion. . WHAT have you to trade for a flve-H.- P.alt.. three-phase motorT . c. !. nee. Wild, trade IIS gas range for kitchen cabinet. 8. C. 6i. Hee. BUSINESS CHANCES TRi:8TK'rl BALK. The undersigned trustee will offer for snle at public auction to the highest bidder for t ash on Tuesday, February 15. 191. at J:3u o'clocK In the afternoon, the atock and fixtures formerly belong ing to It. B. linger, said sale to occur at the linger More cunning, locatea at Walt hill. Neb. A caieful invoice of the stock lias been niado by N. U C. Brigga of Sioux City, la., the figure on huh follow: Shoes I1.4525.1W Rubbers and overshoes.t 11.01 tli-ocerles 2-0.70 Crockery, glass and stcneware..., 145 1 Huts, caps and mittens .27 Clothing RHrt S: Dry goods I.Wi.DS 7 ASH. M . Wtl.71 Fixture Total .5M.04 The keys to the store and the Invoice may be 1 roe u red at any time before the sale at the Walthill National bank by anyone Interested. Walthill .should make a very good location for a perma nent business. Remember the data of sale, February IS, IhiH. at :90 In the afternoon. - For further Information addles Tnler ton Warfleld Co.. Trustee, Sioux Cttv, la. OFFICE FOR HEAL ESTATE OR INSURANCE SAME FLOOR AS BEH OFFICE THK BEE BUILDING- OFFICE ROOM 1 FOR SALE Restaurant, hotel and bar ber shop. Fancy line of groceries tobacco and cigars: a hsrggin. I am going on a farm thta ping. Uood lo cation. Opposite car barn. 31 Avenue A. Council Uiuffs, la. Phone Blu-k 1vi5. u INti Picture TheHters. real bargains inn bines, repairs, siipplles, accessories new and second-hand. See us. OMAHA THEATER SCPPLY CO. Baird Hldg. Doug. JuXi. BUSINESS CHANCES F 'It BALK. T;-ilor snd psntorluin shop loa town of 3,'"'; only up-to-!aie atii-P In toan- did over l n business In 16 wceka; low rent; will pay to look this i.n: bviiii,' nthrr business calls my at teni'io. A'dre.a Y JZ7 pee. F('P.Vai.K "inlants. hil.lreri s and la- diea furnl"hlnn store at lavid city, veh. at a '-en am; best location (n town: do!n; sn excellent bus.nesa: want to re-Ire R. x No. X, laPI ' Ity. Neb W ANTK1 - 1'nrti.er l'h s me c r -- for enlnrclmr present grocery Puslnesa and eatsbllshing a first-class meat market; pood i- cation. ijiire J . - t'frice Bi-'ith Onmha. . VAKIt.TV si-m corporation rieeires eompelcnt store manager who can in vest f.K: exceptional opportunity. Ad- r1- rt Hee. RARHKll SHOP "for sale; 0 chairs, abso lutely best buy in Denver. Il, jonj Ityan, 17 8 Ktout ft., Denver, Colo. fllKATKRi-uiy," ias or'sill your the- ster. machine and s ippi e tnrougn The-ter Ki ( 0. IKV! Karmm ' ' -7. Foil S. I.K Flri't i l if- rate, ri-markiblv rhenii. ir tske-i r tin one eeK. easy ternir-. Phone- PrH t"1. U B. pith CFKTCK for re-il estate or insuranca same floor a Bee office: Ux.l feet; hp The Ree R cK'., Of'l-e frootn 103 0 OFT In or out rt biis'oeis "call OA NO F..STA D. '22 Hee Hldg l)0"I. TO BELL or o-.iy "a" busin' s. call 01 Fosch Borghoff. Frenier HiK.u..i T QI'H'KI.Y sell v.i.r l.-lm-ss iiiiv- where. wrl'e Joe W rny. smim ity. ' I, k'll with l. ...i.-tiid interest 111 til., h-iaioera. , I'rlr-?i CJ. . Hee. SITUATIONS WANTED Mull-. POSITION wanted at onco by two youn i married men; one la A-I nuto repairer anil driver of H years eNperienco in re tails hardware and Implement ),i.nc, good salesmen; none out relmblc parti. s need answer. 'Address M-7;r7. Hee; . ; .-..111.-. H,uiii-it l.y in-41 rictl ttun; ex- t oiic: 'U r-5 ci.' it ii' c-ii.hu. (h.iiik o-,i the crocers and bakers; also book I.i. j. i ii-ii: c- i-icii.; it-Krciices lur . i.' ,.,!. W eb. RK.LIAl'LK junllor. w.iite. with fir.t clnsit reference would work for room and board. K. L. Burke, 24-2 St. Mary's Ave. Co hi -lll.D hoy wiahcM position as housn- l(ceper and coox; prefers place wnere can take ,.lto b-aons. Harney ri4'i. JANITOR, bandy with tools, would like place In apartment Houpo or notei. tfood reference, wen. ,v. f REHSKU want work in cleaning house or tailor shop. Uood reference. Wca. 79. YOUNG MAN wants work. Most any kind. Clerking preferred. 40 per mo. to l-tsrt. Call Wal. 4:tt. JNO. P. CARLSON, Painting and Paper Hanging, 842 N. 35th Bt. ll.o. fee mate. YOL'NGt lady stenoKrapher wants to work for room and board; can cook and do llsht housework. Call Douglas 3"6.". PRACTICAL nurse, good references, wishes permanent position, ciire of In valid or sl'-k child. Tel. D. 3.i. FIRST-CLASS cook wlshe position.; good reference. Web. T.H'i 1 nlT aoRTil V Indy ricsiiea position as ,.,ii..,i,eei-ri-. w eh. al io. WANTKD Position as housekeeper, Rt once. Call Doug. M:. ki-.I.IA UhK colored girl wishes work as ihfi pihi-rmnlrt ordp-li wanner. So. 3.T., EX PKR1 liNCF.D stenocrapher wants position evenings. Colfax 3141. HI'SIUNl) and wife want positions as Janitor. C-ill w ehstep 741Q, I pos ber maid. Call Web. bXA. Cti.MPKTKNT lmly nishea position as roiMekceper. W eh. n2(77. l.anndry and Day Work. EXP&IUUNCFOD laundry womi.n wauti bundle washinit: neat work. Web. Utf liAV woik of any kind. Web, ta.ri. Mary. i t v Tc I ' -: iihii- wcHhinn. Florence W'ANTED Day work. Phone Web. 74T6T" Cleaning and laundry work. Web ster 4745. WANTKD Day work. Call Rod 7026. ANY kind of day work. Douglas M'vl WAhHIMl and ironing. Collax A"0. HELP WANTED MALE tares and Offices. WE NEED AT ONCE: Salesman, gas engines, ll.t); salesman, speiiHity line! tl.uuo: etenourauher. ttki: ledger clerk, $k; partner in real estate business; small investment required. THK MAKT1 COMPANY. ' W. O. W. Bldg. bAI.KH.VIAN, power luc.ny., 12.. Sleno., 11, H. exp., Asst. hook Keeper, expo on v. 1..1. Strno.. as.t. to sale mgr.. Retail clerk, orefer grocery exp.. tai, Bteno., blight young man, $56. AaL hookkeeier. 1 10. KSTK11N KEF. A POND A S3' N, INC. Originators of the llcference Business, 7.i3 omahu Mil I Hang Hiog. SALESMAN, auto 1" to 2X) SOLICITOR. Al proposition " SAI.KB.MAN. rugs and stoves $75 to .m CI.KUlv to asslnt manaKer M) 8TICNO. to asfcist saiea manager l WATTB HEF. CM., MO-42 Hriindt'ls The Sgl'ARE PEA18 IN SQUARE HOLES v tind a position that rits you. ClMLPEItATlVK REF. CO.. 1015-18 CITY NAT. BANK BLDQ. SALESMAN (At'TOS) $1 OFFICE MOR. (INVESTMENT).... 10C STENO. (URAINV 70 THE CANO AI1B.NTT. 0o REE BLDH Profealone aad Trades. v ANTED First class auto truck me chattlc, by wholesale firm. Best of ref erence at to ability and character re quired. A. 740. Hee WANTED Two experienced structural steel draftsmen; slate fully previous ex perlence, references, elc. fcox 322. De trolt. Mich. nrug Store Snane. oba. Knelrt. Hee Bid Trad acbooia. SAVE BEE OUR SPECIAL HOLIDAY OFFER. If you runt attend day school you call bold your job and at the him time set your automobile dU.'aUcJU If voo euro" r th NIQHT CL.VS3 OF NKlilUanA At aOMOtilLB BCHOOU 24-sJ LEAVENWORTH. RED 3110. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. Men wanted to learn the trade. We have originated a plan to teach It quickly and earn back tuition while learning. 1001 ;nciuuu. open to every 0110, v run ior catalogue. 110 bo. I4tn ri.. unmna, ren GOOD MEN WAMteI) ' "' to learn auto work, for the big eprlnx rush. Fine training work on autos and electric starling sysieiua. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE. JC'S Farnam St. Omaha. Ne LEARN barber trade, more than make vonr tuition while learning. Set of tools Included. Job guaranteed. Cell or wrhe rr celalogue. 1HJ lixlge TRI-C1TV BARHKR COLlEtlF. WANTED Name of ambitious men. If to 45. wishing to become Omaha mall carriers. Commence tn month. Address Y 1!. Bee. HELP WANTED MALE Mlsrrllnneeins. MAN snd v.nefn imiihIim sutoiionn place for general plsce and housework: gowl wages and ernisnent place if satis fsctory: must give previous emjdoy Inent. snd references, with application; out-of-town applicants will be con p. ,!.,- aHdrea p -7:, rare Hee., " NOT H ' l-r TO F A R XI F. RS. When In need of help of any kind write, telephone or on'! ori 11a Cl NN 1 NUll A M L.VHilR ,i ! I-ATT. Ill S. i:lth Bt. Ovnah. Neb. I'. BT Uoernment Wants Clerks 41i5 month nmnlia exsminxtlon April li Sample eiuestions free. Kranklin InAtl tute. Dept. LI M.. Rochester, N. Y. W ANTT.l Mini" forinovTTiiow at once. 17.V1 ei! ,i nrt !. HELP WANTED-FEMALE Stores a o, nfflcea. STEXOdKAPilEHS pnd typlfis furiii-!io(l for any tyr cwrlter our si-rxlic m iit-e. !tol 'l ypewrlter Co.. ?IH S 19'h. Tot l. I'm. TKNO. niiif "dicTTnor TT STKNO., wholesale 7."i WATTS H'-K. CO.. H-r. Hranrieis The. TWO stciingrapiiers. at once TIIK M AM II COMPANY. 1-.27 W. O. W. P.ld--. Profeaaloita on.l Trnde. ADY MARKER nnd nsaorter; stea'ly. references. Alliance Steam Ijiundry. Alliance, Neb. 1,1-AH.V bnlrdi-eaaini: si The Oppenhelm. Ilonaehold nnd Domestic. FREE. Ads for servant girls will be run 3 days free of charge for residents of Greater Omaha and Council Blu'fs. Hrtng, Fe d or phone your ad to THH BEK office. Phone Tvler Pi0. MIDDLE-AUKD Indy or good girl to help wttn light housework for room ami bpsrd and be companion to on elderly ladv. C11H at 274 Grant St., or phone WehMe' Sir.. WANTEti- First -class slrl or young woman for fsmllv of two; work light, but must he thoroughly reliable. Phone Madden. Done. 2-IM. WANTKD Kxpei leii-ea while filrl for peneral house work; fami-y of 3; good wages: references required. Wal. 1SI9. Caas St. WANTED Experienced girl for renern.l liouseworK; no wssn.nK. liar. 4. 123 So. 37th St. Call after 6 p. m. WANTED First-class white cook. Uood wages. Reference required. Mrs. Nash. Wal. 9!. CO.Mi-r.TENT maid for general housed work, small family, good wage. 123 S. :r.'d Ave. Humpy sa-a. WANTED Girl for general housework; per ween; laundress kept two days. Cass St. ANTED GIr! to assist with house work end care or small child. Phone Hnrnev 75T-. W AM r.D A nice girl to assist In house- v.if. 1 m rne v sio. WANTED Oirl for general housework. ti;i jo. jutn st. Experienced girl for general housework. W CD. 14CT. VVANTEI First class white cook. DS0 Hurt. EDUCATIONAL BUSINESS COLLEGE! STUDENTS 8 AVE MONEY ON COURSE. For le. with good reason for gell ing, a variety of courses In a reliable Business Kchool. one of the leading busi ness college of Omaha. Will be sold very reasonable a v.ay below regular price. If you are considering taking a course Investigate this at once, since Spring Term begin oon. Call ofllcs, umana DAY SCHOOL. BOYLK3 COLLEGE!. NIGHT 8CHOOL. Every day Is enrollment day. Book keeping, Shorthand. Stenotypy, Typa rltin. Teli-Krupi.y. Civil Service all Commercial and English branches. Cat alogue tree. BOYLES COLLEGE. 16th and Harney St Tel. Dr.uglaa 156S. THE VAN iSANT SCIiOOL 6TENOQRAPHT BOOKKEEPING. Day School for Young Women. Evening School for Voting Men an W omen. hatuiday morning class In typewriting. Ion C. Duffy. Owner and Manager. 30b S. 18th St Omaha. FOR sale, the following scholarsnips in a first-class Omaha Business College: One unlimited combination bus mess and short hand course. One unlimited stenographic, course. One three-month' business or steno grapolc course. w III te sold at a discount at the office of Th Omana Bee v sciiooi. of MODERN languages Clans or private lessons. Dowuiovsn studio. Pnone Web. b5.'4. Paxton Blk. School ot DcUbiIng and Art. Tuition $10 per month. Doug. 21.7. PRIVATE Instruction 111 Gickk auorthand and pouch typewrltlni;. Walnut 2327. PERSONAL PILES, FISTULA CURED. Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without aurgl cal operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonial DR. E. K. TARRY. 140 Bee Bldg. $3,000 TO PENSION INVALIDS. The Laults' Home Journal tl.U The Saturday Evening Post fl.oQ The Country Gentleman $1 tw 6i0 subscriptions each month till April -earns that 3.w for The Inva lids' Pension Assn. Your order br re news! contributes 60c. Urgent. 30 needed I11 February. Phone Douglas 71 or ad dreas GORDON. THE MAGAZINE MAN. Omaha. Neb RHEUMATISM, stomach, liver and kid ney trouble, goitre, nervousness and asthma sufferers are successfully re stored to health by me. Examination free. Call Suite 212. Bee Bldg. DR. W. II. KNOLLENBERG, Chiropractor. Tler 19S. YOUNG women coming to Omaha a st ranters are Invited to visit th Young Women's Christian association building at 17th St. and St. Mary's Ave, where they will be directed to suitable board ing places or otherwise assisted. Dook for our travelers' guide at the Unioa Station. MEDICATED vapor ud uiouern Turkish baths for ladits and gentlemen; lady attendant for ladles: Saedish niassagt 1919 Farnam St Douglaa 3437. PERSONAL THE Balvatlon Annv Industrial home ee llelta your old clothing, furniture, meg axlnca. We collect. We distribute. Phone Douglns 41.15 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new borne, 1 1H-11 1 ?l 1 1 4 Dodge St. ADVERT1SK your prcpeity aa thoustt yni billeved Its sale or rental to ba f-iportunt. bv keeping it Hated In the Pis House. Home and Real KsUte C ti ld -TIIK RF.E RTT I T IT lT" Bocessfully treated U 1 1 UltL without a surgical nperation. Call or writ Pr. Wrejr Mtl-eny. SngFtee Pldg.. Omaha. MISSLft iiRAV AND HEAD, f'leeiric baths, chiropody treatment. elentlfl" masssge. 210-212-71 4 Blk.. ITt 1 and Pouglaw. D. 845H. Balrd Personal Misses Staples A Shaffer, bath, clef trie treatment. Open B a. m. to 9 p. m. Doug. 711. 4"! Ware Block. 1, I.ARKM K. WH-eSE, refuse to pay n bills contracted by my wife, Mrs. A. AI. Wieae. until further rotlce RMFPM ATISM treated auccessfulHr. re sults giiarant'd Dr. Bowser. 14 Be Fldg. I)KrA "r." STOKES has moved his offlci to 47- Brmdels Theater Bldg. f Cl ION . KIC nisaaage. fi20 Be Bid. Phone Oonglas ZVZ. .Vh-VSAUi'., baths, exicrt masseuse. 1731 llnd"e st. Massage Vie Webster, Ell Paxton Blk. Dm-clas 3??7. . 3 FOR RENT-ROOMS. KnrnlsUed Rooms. AVE HAVE a very nice front room with two largo closets, one block from Hans coin I'ark tar. everything modern, prl vsle famlly. References Harney 2411. LARUE front room, with large closet. In strictly new, modern -home; West Far nam district; gentlemen preferred. Har ney Km Fol'K sleeping rooms; private family; everything new; convenient to several rsr lines. 2T.16 Templeton. Colfa 743. J"Tlil. SAN FOR D. HOTEL HAP.tSf. l?th and Farnam. JOth and Farnak e-pcciHi l:-i ej to Peiinunent Guests. .! t-. .1.-1 AVE. Modern furnished -n'na. will-tnit distance. Douglas 7rj. CHICAGO ST.. 2112 Elegantly fufr7ishe modern room, reasonable. Red Mi6. El'RMSHED room for one or two gen- I lemon; Dundee. Walnut 2"77. M ODE RN alee p Ing rooms . Harney 4014. Ilnnse-keeplngr Hooma. COZY, warm room, suitable for light houi-cke-i Ing or sleeping. W'alnut 3239. 4-17 H arney. tib ST.. 4i'4 N. Nicely furnished house keeping rooms. Douglas 7KI. FLKNISHED housekeeping room couple. Dundee. Walnut 2077. for Hoard and -looms. MORCROFT, 123 S. 26th Ave. Large, well heated room, with running water, also private entrance; southern ea posure. Also large south room, suit able for three or four. Serve excellent board. WARM. COMFORTABLE ROOMS. Newly furnished, home privileges te the right parties. We serve good board. Call W.bster 7172. STEAM-HEATED rooms, suitable for two, excellent board, reasonable. "The Pratt." 212 S. 2!ith St. Phone Doug. 81 38. I'nfurnlshpd Hooma. THREE unfurnished rooms, with use of telephone. 110. Colfax 12KS. FOR RENT-FURNISHED Apartments and Houses. Apartment. SPLENDID. NEW. FURNISH ED. TRAVERT0N FIREPROOF. 24TH AND LAN DON COURT. Catering to people of refined tastes. Apartment la completely equipped for housekeeping; up-to-date and comfort able. TRAVER BROS.. Tel. Doug. U58. 705 Omaha Nat'l Bank. Phone Web. 4S3S. evenings or Sundays llonaea. FURNISHED Strictly modem .-room cottage; very desirable. Harney 1551. f UitMSHED -house. 4 roome, modern; bath and furnace; walking distance. Colfax 2:7. , FOR RENT-HOUSES West. DON T let fear of repairs and deprecia tion keep you from owning your home Buy a well-built homo and It need not worry you. Phone Benson 122. F S TrulllnKer. THE for rent advertisements appearing In the For Rent column of The Be dally cannot be beat for variety that will please and fill the needs of any one desiring to rent, Phone Tyler 1000. FOR RENf; " tG32 Harney St.. mod. 10-room brio house. Hot water heat. Inquire T. J. O'Brien. Tel. H. 1094: D. 1111 2820 DODGE, 7-room modern house. Ha ney 3778. Nortb. 151 Sherman ,Ave., mod., 14 room $31 1515 N. 17th, 7 rooms, bath .'. jg "Q" ' r It r. , r. u (JL.AB 6n4. 3-ROOM, full basement, newly repaired cistern and well. Gas for cooking and lihtlnif. 110 XI14 WakalA. U 11 lilij GRANT ST.. Tr. uiij uha.t ST.. 7-r. com., modern. T. F. Hall. 433 Ramge Bldg. fa. 7406. Sontk. I-ROOM bom In Hanacom Park District. 1130 Georgia Ave., with garage; nleel decorated, excellent condition: 136 HASTINGS A HEYDt.N.114 Harney St. DESIRABLE 6-rooni cottage, modern ex cept furnace. 628 S. 19th Ave. Hlxen- baugh. D. 42TW. P GEORGIA AVE.-NEUR MASON- rooms, all modern, first class. v next door 7 ROOMS, all modem. 1)04 P. 2bth St. Benson A Myer Co . 4'4 Om. Nat. Bk. R Id g. Miscellaneous. H. H-3;l N. 17th ti rooms, brick, mod.. .$?J.4 I. iKi-12 N. 17th 7 rooms, brick, mod.. 26 09 1712-16 Charles rooms, brick, mod.. 2. 00 1715 Charles 6 rs., frame cot., mod... 27.60 1723 Charles 5 rs., frame cot., mod... 26. Oil 142 N. IStli St. 6 rs.. fr. cot., mod... 24. do I4ii N. i:th 7 rooms, brick mod t.oo UO N. 17th 8 rs., frame, 2 families.. 22. 60 We have also cheaia-r cottages from W to llij. in good shape, but not modern, all within walking distance. PHOENIX INVESTMENT COMPANY, Doug. 4w. wii Branuels Theater Bldg. tS S. liiTH -i., all mod. house, newly 11. i .: nlil.M. ll ... 1 -. I also new oak floor, well arranged for renting rooms, 145. 2210V, Bristol. 5-r., part mod.. 114. 31-27 Manderson St.. f-r.. mod. ex. ht., 11. sa'3 N. 17th. 6-r.. all mod. apt., heat and water furnished, MO. 50 rasp pups. porn. ta. l-R. cottage, bath. 1412 Evans, J0. 5-r.. 3304 Franklin. u. 8-r. cotta e. 3Tth snd Patrick Ave 1. HOI'SES FOR RENT. CRE1GH, SONS at CO.. K BEE BLDG. DOUG. 209. -H., downtown, colored, 111; 1 and l-r., lot garden ground, 14 -Ij Tel. Doug. 21u7. Evening Walnut 26T7. "No Need to Walk Them in When You CanTalkThemin,f PHONE TYLER 1000 I 1 4 A "ssasassrfej ALL YOU If AVE TO DO IS CALL UP TYLER 1000 AND GIVE YOUR ADTHE REST IS DONE FOR YOU NJ