10 BRINGING CHARLEY WHITE TO REFEREETHE FIGHT Jfew York Man Selected to Give Decision in Boat Between Willard and Moran. WAS THE ALTERNATE AT RENO NKW YORK.' Feh. JO.-Charley White of this city was today selected to referee the ten-round bout between Jess Willard nd Frank Moran on March I. The choice M mado by the toss of a coin, after the managers of the two heavyweights had eliminated the namea of all proponed referee except. White, and .Jack Skelly. White waa alternate referee for Ts Rh-kad, the promoter of the comma; cdn- lest. at Reno. New, when Johnaon won the heavyweliiht title from Jeffrlea, July 4. 1910. v . Ulllaid nullfli.d hla 'manaaer hy tele graph that he would leave Chicago to morrow night, arriving here Saturday to begin training. He 4m reported to weigh pound at this time and will hiiva twenty-four tints In which to get Into condition. ... Moran Iravri . tonight for Saratoga, where he will train for ten day. . ..... May.Play Some of Clay Doubles Here NKW YORK. Feb. 10. -The awarding of the nalloiint . championship tourna mcnta. the amendment of the conatltutton to admit the player of the public park In large cltlca to membership and nn ex preaalon n to the Interpretntlon of the "amateur rule will to the leading bualness of the thlily-fifth annual meeting, of the I 'tilted Htutea National Uwn Tenul as sociation. Which will begin It amnion In thla city tomorrow. It Is practically act tied that the ull-cometV nntlnnnl rham plonahip elnxlca, the challenge nmtch in double and the tntrracholnatlc tournn tnent will kI lie sUtierl at the West Hide Tennis lull. Forest llllla, I,. I. The clny court Imiiiplutittlilp may go trllhrr li rhlliidclphlu, I'lttxb'iiRh pr Ht. IjOuIs. Ariilttluiuil sectional double champion ships may be hcduhsl for HI. I .on la, I'litubui ftU or onmha. Sclielule of Volley Ball Tournament "I.I'M HI'S. Neb., Feb. lO.-tSpeclaM-Wlthdiawal pf Fremont from the Ne biaaKa volley ball tournament, to be hell In the Columbus Young Moil's t'hila.lnn anoint Ion building. February 15. leavea an even rlvlit team to fliiht for the thamplonpihlp. orrii-lnls for the meet'' will be Karl Prawns ugh, athletic lnntruc(oi' of Columbus, and t A. lng of Fremont. Prawlnga to determine the opponen a lava been made and the promo in la am fullnwa: Norfolk RBilnt York "at t p. 'tn 1 Crand Ifimd avaina' Omaha at '.' io. in. KniiHint iniiilnSl llajrl'nua at p. m. S wanl aliiHt t'oliunbua at 4 p. m. Winner of flint and aecond liintchet will meet at 4.4U p. in., and wtnnora of Ih rt and Iiunh matchea at 6 3 p. in J'inal round lielween wlniura of hcaj nialchea will be at a p. In. Beatrice Making Foot Ball Dates HKATItU K. Neb.. Feb. lo.-tHpe. ial ) Coach ItatVbun announced Vedneailay that the foot ball aeaann with the lieatilea llluh achoot foot ball eleven w ould ot eu w ith Oram! 1'land on Octo- rer 4), the tmly team which defeated I 'eat rice last year. On October S) the Hcatrlce eleven will meet IJncoln hlih on tho IJncoln field, and a game haa t-ecn aiianaed with Iwnnce for riianknulv Ing day here. The trouble with Omaha a been patched up. and game ' will I played with the team of that city during' November. Uamea have alo teen a iieduled vllh York and Aurora, kul the (!-ila have not yet been fixed. PERU DEFEATS KEARNEY v BY DEIS1VE SCORE 1 1,111 ( I'KUl', Neb . Feb. 10 -X tal -ln a tut banket ball game with Keainey Nor nwl, the IVru five played a aleliar game, wliinliiK. 24 to W. Although Metier, I tru i bot center, waa out of fie game, the flint half waa 10 to X. In T'eru'a favor., J n te Uat lutlf Samitxrg and Fpoc'ht, fi-ru' tx-at Kuarda, were replaced by se:und and theae won the aec.tnl tialf. 14 to 1'eru ha met Comer. Urand Inland. Y in It and Kearney tn order and haa d feati-d all with bi 'oiea. except (land Inland, wbirh waa only beaten by 'wu puints. tluUrt Ttaal Bealew. N1TW VdHK. Feb. 10 - lloln-rt Tunla. the Hirutd player who holda the While loioiiiiairi (Hie, waa defeated by Paul R Kood in the 4(,eoiittf Katiiu of the National Indoor l.ii im.l t oauipUnialilp tour. aiiK i t here io,ia. 'J lie a. oie waa 4-4, X Halle Mall 4 lab Onalie4. IH'TTi:. Wont., Feb. 10 The ' Hulte i'hmrt iall iluli waa Incorporated liav hod lia vrm mint n w ill t,e c)inoi-ied tofiioirow when ttie liltetora will eieet i'Mi-i. It will beioiia lu the Aioiilana f.1 rri' i il league. ICS ir -THIS ! NO- WRAD ntcu 1 DOifitn I'l It NO f" - ' TA-TX I t " ' "i " . TORINO -VE MOVT 4T4ET I TONKHTOtJ Sm-t- Ftifi f " ' I J I LL FOOU . 'V'V fftjfl n H VL 1 C0THli ' 7 : ; : ; : ' : : UP FATHER Gotch Matched to Wrestle Santel at San Francisco U9 ANURI.K8. Cel.. Feb. lO.-Frank Ootch, world' champion heavyweight wreatler. ha Rigned article to wrcatl Kdward Santel In Kan Franelaco on Feb ruary 22, It waa announced here today. According to the term of the contract. It wa aald, Ootch muat throw Bantel twice In an hour. Ootch atated ha wa "back In th har neaa and had decided to coma out ot re tirement." ' Bowlers Open Meet On Mill City Alleys M I N N K A It) I.I 8, Minn.. Feb. lO.-Flay In the eighth annual tournament of the International Howling aaaoclatlon began her tonight, following addreaae of wel come by city official. Fourteen five man team, all but two of them repre aentlng either Minneapolis or Pt. Paul. participated In the opening event. It waa announced tonight that a total of $.M4 will be dlatrtbuted In prlxe. Bowling Matches at Minneapolis MINNKAPOM8. Minn.. Feb. 1i.-WUh IM five-man team entered, the annual tournament of the International Bowling aaaoclatlon will open here tonleht. Team from a far weat a Butte, Mont., and a far north a Winnipeg art en tered. Chicago will . be r-preaented by five team. Hloug City and Omaha alao will bo repreacnted. ' " ' ' Judge Shields Tics Indoor Golf Record The Indoor golf record of Omaha I now held Jointly by A. O. Nlchol and JudKe Khlelda. Flaying on Hill Clark'e court. Judge Hhlcld Wednesday evening I ted the record of 25 formerly held alone by Nlchol. Bhlelda aliot th 2i aa fol Iowa: 11113 1111 112 1 1 -25 BRANDEIS GIRLS' QUINTET SCORES ON THE SWEETS The Riartdcl' girl' five in the tdleV Howling Jcague. Jaat night rolled 1,301 to :. by the hweet f hopper. Score: . OMAHA TOW K la SVPPLY 1st. 2d. M. Tot. Mia Jenaen I.vn 111 1T .' Mies Howes I AH 111 M 'ra. :un.hy lift m ! 4HI Mr. Neale r. 1 1 l Mtf fldlgren ....lie 117 114 7.0 Total 7M -4 fct CAMPBELLS. 1st. d. M. Tot. Mrs.- Reeao ..HH 111 W SH v inn i ireen M M Mlaa N. Collins 1.2 IM HVi lot "as Nelson 141 - UV, lui 4X'i MlrsOocdeeke- 1W I'D IM 4' MIKW 111 17 :i Handicap U 5 39 IM Totals (1 M 1.048 nitANI'ElS. ' ' ' ' 1st. id. d, Tot. M-a. Kvans 110 1 14b M Mis McOreer 1 'l V! 6'i Mlaa Bauer IM 141 1: 4." Mlaa Banner tl Y.A V 47J Mia. Huff IM) 101 U i-3 Total 744 7 Ijnl INDEPENDENTS. Ial. fit, M. Tot Mi. Beeaon 113 lit "1 ...i a. (ioul.l Ml Mi) li V1 Mr. Jnmeeoii IK) I'm IM 411 Mra. ritantou :a) ixi M NBra. Harkett I l" 1 4 Handicap M 3 114 Total K." ! 7M Mil A. B. PW F.KT HHOP. Int. M. M. Tot. Mlaa Oreen IA IM 4 Mlaa Hleriuan 104 M 112 Jl'l Miea Uruch HI 10 K ,m Mlaa Miller lit HI) 1-1 414 Mlaa Hughca Hit IM IM ksi Tolala 712 77 C S.SW NKH. CIX. CO. ClOAK 1E1T. 1st. Id. Id. Tot. Mlaa M. Belaley ...114 HI la S.I Mlaa I Villus; Ill 1'J 4 S9 KBrs. Bland 144 It l.W 41? htiaw 14 W 111 SID Mlae Crue l.'l 1:1 II n) Handicap 40 , 40 40 .la) Totals U1 4.M) 64 1.96J FIVE CANT-REPRESENT YALE ON ANY OF TEAMS NEW HAVEN. Conn.. Feb. 10,-The executive committee qf the Yale Athletic aaaoclatlon decided today that th five prominent athletes who withdrew front Intercollegiate competition laat fall for violating tb aummer baae ball nils can not represent Tale In sports during th present college year. Thla action bar I'aptaln Mllburn of the baae ball team, Harry Lrgore. th foot ball and baa ball atar. and William F.aaton, penrer Pumpelly and Robert Khett, member of the varsity Bins. .rtasier tamailetes Deal. PITTSBrROH. Feb. lo.-Prealdent Ed ward W. tlwinner of the Itttaburgh Fed- "i im ciuo. announce late today that he bad completed a deal for the awla ot First Uaaeman Kdward Konetrhy ana I'ltrhrra rank Allen and Elmer rvnriarr 10 me uuaton .National league I" w. Adertlaets and customer profit by thi 'llaaal'led Ad ' hblt. Tilt: HKK: OMAHA, FRIDAY, KKBIUIAUY 11, I'MO. Copyright. 1114, FISHERMEN OF THE BLUFFS TAKE STAND Propoie to Have Portion of Lioenie Money that Improvement! May Be Made at Manawa. SOME PLANS ARE OUTLINED At th annual meeting of the Finn and Game club of Council Dtuffa Tueaday night, plan that contemplate aom method of forcing the (tate to return at leaat a part of the nearly t4,0uu annually collected In the Bluff and boarded up at Dea Molnea o expended at Lake Oko- oll, were dlacuaaed. Charlie Paachel created a lot of en- thualaam when ha pointed out. the ln Juatlco of thla, and he aaaerted there would not be much difficulty In creating a aentiment In the Iowa legislature that would bring about legal change requir ing at leaat half of this license money to be returned for use In permanent Im provement of the lake. Ha aaaerted that the atata ha a big dredge that Ilea Idle all the time It I not being worked In the okobojl Improvrmenta. Ill Informa tion waa that there I no.w being hoarded up at De Moines about fJOO.OlO of the hunter' license money, and he believed mat tnia could be used aa ji atrong ar gument to pry loose from the state some of the money that I being taken from Council Bluff and use It for Im provement of the lake. He suggested the bringing of the slate dredge here and excavating the mud from the bottom of the lake, using It to construct a boule vard around the weat and north sides that would form a permanent dike and in automobile driveway. , MARATHON RUNNER COMES TO OMAHA TO MAKE HOME it. r. (.'aldero, a marathon runner with ieimaiitn aoroan, naa come to Omaha 19 make hi residence. Caldero cornea to 'hi city from l'allas, Tex. On New Veer day Caldero nmde a little ex cursion from Pallas to Fort Worth and romped home In aecond place In a flve mllo cross-country run at that city. Cal dero will how Omnha.hla speed at th approaching Indoor athletic meet which 'he Young Mirn'a Christian association till stage at th Auditorium March 31. ( law fiordoa I.eagwe. KILTIE8. lMt. i'd. M. Tot. riwiiiney ,...H ll I t 4:il Uraham ....Ixl 117 141 4VJ Munro IS1 8. 14 SW W. Hlslop...l24 m 1..7 40.1 Horn M4 1S4 i;.3 4K0 Totals ,...fitt f: 7S 1103 Carter Lake Lad lea' l,eaae. LA 1st. 2d. 3d. Tot. Carpenter ..107 1.'4 '14 Jntes K0. M 9! 2.S7 Rogers 137 113 1"4 xa Zlpfel Ill l) 139 34) Dlmlik M 114 11! 319 Total 614 64) W l'il BOWI.1NO. 1st. 2l. 3d. Tot. Cattln 161 14M Vrt ,IP7 Brallejr HO Oi 0 Gould !) l't loo ici 4toldslrnm ..!. 1J3 M 3.1 Loverlng ....107 173 121 40J Totala 644 4CI4 621 1723 CAUTEH. 1st. 2d. 3d Tot. Pierman ....99 Wi 121 3na Hackelt 1 12. 141 424 Keating xjt 114 M 2 I'nderwood.. d lrl l.K) Whltehouse..lll 113 111 3i' Totala t14 600 31 1T1 CM B. lat. 2d. 3d To! Ilelfner Hi:) HI 104 l FYeeland ....1.17 1U 1)0 3 9 Johnaon ....lot) 13 It: 4l Haaaett 17 1"9 IV) 34 Berg 100 lo) loO 300 Totala .V W) 6S 174 Oaaaaa Caa Lraae, ECI.1PHE. 1st. 1.1. 3d. Tot. Bentley 134 IM 134 408 Mi .Samara .1.11 1U !; 3nl Weaa Hl : l.ti 3H3 Klley 104 w M M Tays 134 132 119 & Totala ....14 C41 671 1928 BOOKKEEPERS. . 1st. 3d. M. Tot. now 131 ITS 170 441 Vaughn ....! lat 4 3.1 Campbell ...144 123 130 1C7 Anderson ...114 124 1 949 Berg 134 W 164 81 Total ,...3t 411 470 1919 BT. ANPRKWH. 1st. 2d. M. Tot. Dunn 1.13 111 141 .W liana IJ.' I'.i 11X 4! Uiwden ....1.13 144 IM) 467 Durrsn imV I) IT! .177 II. Aiaholm.HJ 1st liw 42j Totals ....640 731 2064 BOBBIE Bl'UNB. 1st. Id. 3d Tot. . ' Hlelon...lM7 rt l: 411 . Dunn ....1t3 M iiit:at Forbes lis 1 in an .euchars . .14-1 147 III f Watson 141 110 134 37 Totals ... 74 tb m U TAM O'SIIANTEllS. lHl Id :M Tnl Young i:j l2 157 472 l.rlaile .....14A Wi li 4:13 Mulr l;M )ai pal 3h 'lark IA3 171 lu it Falconer ....IM 1K7 17 &33 Totala 7 il Uh 2332 Howlfr l.raarwr, OMAHA V. B. CO. lat. ad. Ill Tnl Mamrstrom im iki mi 4) i.yona 170 l2 l3 K14 Howell 171 174 ISO l.."S Toman 177 2 lHl 67U 1 niiaem ...,171 V 174 h) Handicap .. S S 1 TotaJa Mil Ml Wl il7 PETE IXCHS. lat. III. 3.1 Tnl Weeke l-O lwi 2 Teal 14 Its 1 ShU Kehm 1 in i? m Wartchow .14 lwl IM (ant Qo'f KM 1S4 lkl aii Totals H4 70 M 271 CORET-M KENZIE. lat (1 VI Tnl A. Rower.. rM art 17X i.u LION lHiherty ,...3it 17! &s-i Bland IM 174 )N 01S Lucena Zimmerman. IS 1M 17a bn Moran Zarp m 14 171 ilO in nnnor i-avia Hopaon Totala tea vl 1J J727 Wtt'KIA hl'PPLY CO lat. 1.1 Id Tot Totals ....640 749 466 1944 SALESMEN. 1st. Id. 3d Tot. 1'hll'pp ,...l.'4 134 133 44 Pugh 1.11 144 141 414 Oaliatla ...104 136 1.19 v Bodgera ... hi L'3 142 4.7 bhainea ....147 141 144 n Totala ... CSS 700 744 1121 TAR BABIES. 1st. 3.1 3d. Tot. Johnson ....14 164 4 604 Fleher 143 140 lx 47! Murdoch ....141 111 IM 414 Ha ne n ....lt6 174 1.j4 4.-1 Bland 141 179 1H6 639 Totala ... 773 7M4 tHT COLLETXiK8. lat. Id 3d. Tot. Hickey 173 1 37 IM 444 Mom Iwi ).i0 li) 410 Kctak 1j 111 IS 41 liberty a 144 has 414 VSrinuller .1.4 14 141 447 Totala ....- ;so 1 21M 8aup Berlwell Vea y .. Orvll .. Coady Handicap ..r 1.47 11 4iH ..1A 1 )Mi JiU ..lt M i: 44 ..170 I) I Jn . .l t IM ) ,V-4 ..S 4 4 144 Totala 7 r? 3i) SkJS LO-.ior. I MIlitWINO t. lat. Jd 3d Tot Maurer in ) vn Klnneman .211 171 l1) V "oyie iv 4 jm z.. V. Jaroh...V4) ino 17 n rVltl 20. 147 144 i .Totals ri Xa 177 .MID LA . U U. P I'O lat. Id Id. Tot Johnaon 17 la inj a.ii idj tn ij nrianaaon ina IM H h,l Weekea H 1) 147 er 177 1K 2 kn7 iianaii a p .. m m a Tolala mi2 ji r;u International New Service. All night rnmn n n n. - nrr7m i ..:, m I T Dead or Alive, Finn On Tigers Pay Roll LITTLE nOCK. Ark.. Feb. lO.-Mike Finn, long prominent In baae ball, must stay out of the game for at leaat a year, physician told him today at the hos pital where he ha been confined since an operation. Accordingly. Finn an nounced that he had asked Jim Dele hanty, former American league second baseman, to assume his contract to man age the Beaumont team of the Texas league during the coming season. Finn last year waa acout for the De troit Americana. Today he received a telegram from President Navln' of De troit which aald: "Dead or alive, your salary goes on this season just the same." Three StTPaul Men Win in Same Ring NEW YORK, Feb. lO.-Thre 8t. Paul boxeri won their matche In the same ring In Brooklyn tonight. Johnny Ertle claimant of the bantamweight title, ou'.- fotmht and, outboxed Teddy Mirtln of Providence, It. I. Krtle. weighing 115, had the better of nine of the ten rounds. Mnrtln'a weight was ll.i't. Mike Krtle, brother of Johnny, weigh ing 10. defeated "Kid" Murtha of Brook lyn, to whom he conceded aeven pounds. Billy Defoo made hla New York do but. winning from Hugh Rodden of Brooklyn. Defoe weighed 123 and Rod den 124. R0KUSEK ELECTED GUARD OF COMMERCE SCHOOL TEAM Mlro RokURek. guard, was elected cap tain of the High .School of Commerce basket ball team. A thla la the first year that the Commerce acho.il ha had a quintet and the qualities of the play er were not known, the election of the captain waa delayed. Hokusek is playing a good game at guard. He played halfback on th Com merce foot ball squad last fall. Itodcera Maria Meyera. NKW - YORK, Feb. 10-The Brooklyn National league base ball team today signed Catcher "Chief" Meyers, formerly of the New York lilanta. Mevera' con tract with the New York club haa an other yeiir to run at a salary aald to be bet w en IH.OCO and IT.oiJO. ' Telephoa Leagae. ACCOCNTINU. 1st. 2d. 3d. Tot. Prtmean ...214 144 205 fr tonelgny ...144 1S2 171 4; fatham ...I4S 179 Is 4711 Johnson ....J44 147 143 Vi -Oh'sd 143 128 128 199 K K. Totals 794 730 R"2 M74 U18TRICT PIJVNT . ?d. 3d. jW. Boucher ....114 171 136 4J4 C1"0" 104 1 101 3-.1 rry 119 39 103 311 f,"'"'';" I" 1N0 V m Handicap ... 24 24 2. 7, wJiv-'4 70S 54 1fll5 ESTEH.N ELEO. CO a...... M Tot. Sasatrom, ...J22 lifl i 4M I 141 144 1 4M i'"u,n 11 143 K44 470 Bachman ..m 1.10 isi 600 MU1" "4 141 175 4H0 iinuap , . IJ j2 13 3g Total fes 3J7 - TO J404 ' TRAFFIC. , . 1st. Id. Sd. Tot Lambert ...IM r Johnaon ....147 im i7 nr. ' "rr W 124 134 342 "raw 12! I41 100 11 Reynolds ...m U m Total T 7 3K sm v . cvi.r,r.K8. , 1st. 3.1. 3d. Tot Cronland .. mi us 140 sub W 141 147 6 1-1 HI l .l 413 fe'""'' .l-' IM 131 413 Rehaehuh ..172 In 144 4M Total 4D9 773 711 1184 : IABI SIt.K8. 1st. 2d. 3d Tnl Phillip WT 171 142 441 non km iso 144 Dunham ....1..4 -H lis Jalurs ....144 lis 104 a) I irirh 161 J40 J, MO Handicap ... 1 3 1 j Totala ..v.. 446 734 757 lli CON8TRI 'CTION. HEATERS. lat. 2d. 3d. Tot.- 1st. 21. 3d. Tot Mackln Pharia . 212 114 134 44 ..114 141 1 '4 40I IM IM) ya M 1JJ 112 1 34 348 tr.w ..IT! P6 K'4 N;i ..i.s n w Ijuie ..151 1 1,-S 4.4 111 4 is i 1"4 121 134' li tamborn Handicap ..94 lo4 IVi 370 .. b li 106 Totals ....747 744 444 2149 WIRE CHIEFS. '."i' w w Tot. Huff 2t 149 2.m K I AinJeu 147 1J l 4 4.4) Ellison 141 IX 143 4lo Oould 1 v l.wt 147 46 Kaaper 144 171 143 47 Totals ...:.794 rx) TM 1321 AVDIT1NO. In. 3d. Id. Tot B. Noland ..143 IK3 143 447 Haa hud .....146 1-1 144 4 Keller 170 144 If. I 40 W. Noland.. M4 l.sj 1 4! Oiaen 144 l'i 1.7 ?44 Handicap ... 4 4 4 U Tctala ...... 7-43 7M 737 14 GENERAL OFFICE. lat. 2d. 3d. Tot. m Kent ... Whttloek Overmlr Peterson Holllday Totala . )l l: M! I'.I 1-S IM 3'9 14 ' f.'3 7S 4 1?3 114 ? 216 17 144 lot 7 714 721 124 Drawn for The Bee by George McManus Reserved. National Trotting Association Elects Welty Its President MKW YORK, Feb. 10. John C. Welty of Canton, O., waa unanimously elected president of the National Trotting asso ciation at the biennial congress of the aaaoclatlon which waa held here today. Mr. Welty aucceeda P. P. Johnson, who retire after-having erved a president for a number of year. Change In the racing rules were made In part a follows: A horse with a win race- mado on a mile track shall be allowed but one sec ond for each quarter of a mile or frac tion thereof In the distance' to be raced when entering on a half mile track, pro vMln the class to which he would be eligible under this allowan e la hot slower than his win race for the distance on a hxlf mile track. Other allowance mav be granted If o stated In the published condition, but when offered for los ng perform ances or for being hind the money In public races they ahali be llmltod to the current year. A nominator alo Is required to claim time allowances when making entry and also state In name why his horse is en titled to It. If he should fall to do so. hla nomination Is not entitled to any time allowances In the event. The time between heats for any dis tance up to and Including a mile shall be twenty-five minute; for any dlstanc between one and two miles, thirty min utes; for anv distance between two ani three mile heat, thlrtv-five mtnutfs, and for any distance between three and four miles, rorty mlnutea. Anv mihltc race at an Irregular dis tance, for example, aeven and one-half fwrlongs, shall be regarded as- Irregular, and time made at any such distance shall creat a bar at the r.ext regular distance. CHAMBERS HAS GOOD EYE IN MATCH WITH STURGIS Will Chambers, in a brilliant session at the Syme parlor last night, whipped Art Bturgls by 114 buttons tn the 230 race t 11.1 ba'.kllne billiards. Chambers' laat big run was uncompleted, aa he stopped when he ran out his string with his thirty-ninth, consecutive kiss. His other lopg strings were 18 and 18. Sturgls' high rens were 14, It and 11. Tonight, McCoy and Williams play. rirates Bay Maran. NEW YORK. Feb. 10,-The Pitlsgumh National league team today purchased Harry Moran. a left-handed pitcher, from Patrick Powera. representing Harry Sin clair. Moran played laat season with the Newark Federals. A roe a Defeats Syraease. AVOCA. Neb.. Feb. 10. fSoeclat.) Avor defeated Byractise In a fast game of basket ball here Inst night before a large crowd, by a (core of 2d to 14. Taft Says Filipinos Play Ball Instead Of "HeadHunting" NEW TORK, Feb. 10. Former Prel- dent William H. Taft. addressing mag nates of. the National league, declared base ball haa been an Important factor In civilising the Philippines. He aald American soldiers and sailors hav taught the game to the natives, and thai Ita Influence haa spread to the wilds of the Island poaseaalona. Baae ball, he added, has been substi tuted for head hunting by th Igorroto tribes. Mr. Tsft said he was glad the umplr haa the authority to Bend, off the 'field thoae player who do not behave them selves. 'If I had my way," he added, "I would also shut the mouths of those fel lows on the aide lines. Tou may not ap prove ot that now, but you will come to It. for If you let a mouth go you do not know what It la going to bring about." Off on Sled for the Land of Angry Braves FLAGSTAFF, Arts.. Feb. 10. Their motor car lashed to a aledge on which It will b conveyed over, the anow-laden mountains. Frank A. Thackery, superin tendent of the Pima Indian reservation. and I'nlted states Marshal Joe . Dillon left here today for Tuba, where, Indian of the Navajo tribe are threatening an outbreak aa th result of the killing of a brave by white policemen. The sledge will convey the party eighteen miles over the snow-covered trails. Th officers hop they can make- th remaining seventy miles to Tuba by th automobile, So tar only a comparatively few of the Navajo have shown any sign of anger over th killing ot th brave. MINNESOTA TREASURER IS UNDER SURVEILLANCE PT. PAIL. Minn.. Feb. 10.-Walter J. Bnillh, Minnesota state treasurer, waa placed under eurvelllanc of a St. Paul city detective at a Minneapolis sanitarium late today, according to R. D. O'Brien. Rants county attorney, pending grand Jury investigation of alleged Irregulari ties la th handling of certain atate fund. Tha amounts, aggregating mora than M.00. aald to hav been obtained by forgery, have all been repaid, according to iMate Auditor Preua REDFIELD ADMITS FIGURES ALL WRONG Secretary Confeisei Wholesale Inao curaciea in Government Ex port Statistics. BUT HE "PASSES THE BUCK" WASHINGTON. Feb. 10. Whole sale Inaccuracies In government ex port statistics were admitted today by Secretary Redfleld of the Depart ment of Commerce, in a speech be fore the Chamber of Commerce of the United States. He said, how ever, that by an order issued Febru ary 1, he had remedied the situation so far as was in his power, and that errors of the past, caused by refusal of shippers to give the government facts and by antiquated laws, would not be repeated. The secretary referred to a charge made a month ago by officials of the chamber that the percentage of error in departmental reports was so great it was impossible even for experts to estimate it; that single cargoes run ning into thousands of dollars in value left American ports without being recorded, and that the pub lished export figures for 1914 fell far short of the actual exports. He said this probably understated the cases. There was but slight inac curacy in the Import statistics, he added, as returns on imports were more fully under government con trol. ' ' ' ADVENTIST SEES MORE WARS AND END OF WORLD AHEAD LINCOLN. Neb.. Feb. lO.-FoIolwIng business sessions of the Central Union conference of the Seventh Day Ad ventlsts at which the question of greater missionary effort tn the Orient waa dis cussed, the meeting tonight wns given over to a discussion of the European war, T. B. Thompson of Washington. D. C. preaching' the principal sermon. He quoted public men ss saying the lust eighteen month hav been tho blackest In the history of the world. "Nothing like it since the dawn of his tory," said Rev. Mr. Thompson, and ho warned his auditors to be prepared for the last days, prophecies, he said, of both the Old and New Testaments. "Terrible times are just ahead of lis," said Mr. Thompon. ."The present war I but the seed of future war even more terrible. The prophecies indicate that the whole world will yet be In volved." Price Cards. According to President Brit ton of Ht. I .on is, he end his wife have placed a price of 1400,000 on the Cardinals. ' 5 V,- WHISKEY its.. A.tihimf&liiiiit . JBl Mfr GROTTE BROTHERS CO. General Dtatribtrtors Omtha, Nebraska I " "i man Persistence is the cardinal vir tue in advertising; no matter how good advertising may be in other respects, it must be run frequently and constant ly to be really succcessfuL FLING FRENCH OUT OF WINTER CAYES Germans Capture Eight Hundred Yards of Trenches on the Western Front. MINE BLASTS DO THE WORK The French and the Germans have been engaged in a furious combat on the sector of the western battle front between Lens and Arras, where re cently there has been great activity. Berlin reports that to the west of the town of Vimy the Germans captured French positions over a length of 800 yards. Paris admits that the Germans, after the explosion of two heavily charged mines, got a foot hold in portions of a French trench, but says they were driven out by hand grenade attacks. Southwest of Vimy, in the vicinity of the road running from Neuvllle to Thelus, the Germans discharged another mine and then essayed an Infantry attack against the French, which wag repulsed. Drlre Germans Back. Paris also reports that the French In the grenade -'tack drove the Germans from a small post between Bolssons and Rheims, and that the ' French batteries have badly damaged German organiza tions In the forest of Apremant, south east of St. Mihell. ' : On the Russian front Berlin records the repulse of Russian lnfajitry attacks at several points In the Riga region. A Petrograd dispatch says severs fighting Is developing in this district, the pre liminary artillery duela having changed Into bombardments of great intensity. ' .Nothing new has come through con cerning the situation on the Austro Italian line, In - Belgium, or In Asia, where the Russians and British at vari ous points ar engaged with the Turks. Two women and one child hav been Injured In a daylight raid by two German Zeppelins, which dropped bombs on tha outskirts of Ramsgate and near a schoel house at Broadstalrs In Kent county, southeast England. - Owing to 111 health. General Blr Horace L. mlth-Dorrien has given up bis com mand of the - British forces In Baat Africa. He has been succeeded by tha Boer, General Jan Christian Smuts. Great Britain's reply to the American government's protest against tha British blockade has been delayed and possibly will not be sent to Washington during the present month. Read Tha Bee Want Ads. It par! PARIS HAS ITS FIRST SNOW OF THE SEASON PARIS. Feb. . Tha first snow of tha season fell in Paris today. Tha snowfall was general throughout northern Franc and in all tha trench country.