Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 10, 1916, Page 8, Image 8

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    Society Notes -:- Personal Gossip -:- Entertainments -:- CM? Doings
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1 i
Here's Folate Joy for You
also stomach comfort be
yond belief. Heat a Shredded
Wheat Biscuit in the oven to
restore crispness, then cover
with sliced bananas and pour
over it milk or cream.
Sweeten it to suit the taste.
A complete, perfect meal sup
plying more strength-giving
nutriment than meat or eggs
at a cost of three or four cents.
A warm, nourishing breakfast
a delicious lunch. Made at
Niagara Falls, N. Y,
Tht W&rlft Grtmint
Any Local
I I ' II w VI
K .f )
Thursday Is
Delicious "Pompcian Bitter Sweets," fresh from
our CaTidy Kitchen. Pure, rich flavor, creamy choc
olate with crushed fruit and nut centers. Our great
h attraction, for Thursday. At other times wc
sell it for 40c a pound. Thursday, avc offer it for
than ever.
Popular fiction and beautiful gift books
tnnk mrst nrfrf n Kin Vl
V YY )
i" YY J
haurver is
cans in a
: , J In
Milk ia ateruixed and pure.
Three Group of Women Give Affair
at Commercial Club for Mini
ter'i Wife.
nr M Elll rifl A Krknitrf n
Th big affair of today la for Mr.
Frederick T. Rouee whnwi huahsnd. Or.
Rouse, la th retiring paator of the First
'onrcatlonel church. Mra. Rouse ti
honor guest at a noon luncheon at the
Commercial club with Mra. I. W. Carpen
ter presiding. Tha affair was given by
the Mu Sigma club, tha Smith rollege
rlnb and a (roup of women of tha First
Congregational church. At the speaker's
labia were Ir. and Mra. Kouae, Mr. and
Mra. I. W. Carpenter, nabhl Frederic
I'ohn and Mra. Conn, Mradamea IMgar
Scott, E. O. MeOlltort and Oeorge Thomp
ann and Mlaa Kate Mcllugh. Tho dceora
tlona were spring flowera.
lit. and Mra. Rouse will leave next
week to ba tha guests of tha lor tor i
Inter, Mra. Arthur Brown, near Tampa,
Fla. Mr. Drown la the manager of tha
largest grapefruit grov In tha world,
and tha Rouses will atajr In Florida for
two months when thnjr will go to Maine
to Mra. House's old home at Frecport on
Cseeo Bay.
rant frant Mala. "
Mr. Rouae la of the well known Walte
family of Maine, of which Chief Juetlce
Walte of tha Vnlted State supreme court
waa one of the many worthy representa
tives. The houae at Freeport la over 1.10
yeMrs old and known far and wide aa
"the old Walt houaa." All the Wattes
were ae caplalna and tha hletorlc edi
fice la filled with curloa and rellra from
every part of the earth. Tha furniture
haa aome of the rareat plecea In Amerlta.
Mra. Rouse's half-brolher, When older
than hie alaler, waa one Of tho Yankee
a i
"j Cb'
A big assortment from
which to choose at prices to fit
every purse.
Unique cut-out designs.
More artistic and attractive
For tlic Lurch Box
Put can of Cottage Milk in lather or tha
childrrn'a lutich box. If they like dclicioua
rich milk, they will surely amack their lips
over Cotuge Milk'a ridmesa and goodneaa.
You ran be aura of Cottage Milk. It It rwlc
aa rich as bottle milk, easy to carry and con
venient In every way. ,
KM Ball
Stariliaeel Unawa4aad
ia ust pure rich cow' milk with most of tha
moisture removed by evaporation. Nothing
added. It is henneticaUy sealed
apotieaaly clean plant. Cottage
For table or rooking uses there's no superior
to Cottage MUk. It is economical too. Use it aa
you would um bottle cream, or dilute it with
water and ue just aa you would bottle milk.
You won't know aatfarfartioa la milk until you
have tried Conas Milk. You'll uota its
hj iulun ritu away, and tba at we vi
Inm prnnouormi oooaed taai sa avparaot ia
atuue Biiua, 1 Your giucar haa a.
Sctal lOcicu
rapt etna captured with hi ship by the
Alabama during the civil war.
At tha close of the achool ygvr, Dr.
and Mra. House will be Joined by their
ch'ldren. Winifred and Mary, who are
Student at Hmlth rnlleire. and their only
Bon, Ilallock, who la at Obrrlln college.
For Mri. Raymond.
Mra. W. J. Conne'l sve a small lunch
eon yesterday afternoon for her igh
trr, Mra. Iaae MUler Raymond, Jr., of
Lincoln. Mm. Raymond la accompanied
by Mis Klcannr Raymond, and will re
turn home Friday. .- Mra. Charlea Ilea
ton'a luncheon tomorrow afternoon at the
Omaha elub Mra. Rayntorid will be among
the honor gueata wltn Mra. Wlleon Austin
of Pelham Manor anl Mra. Arthur Krock
of Ixruiavllle.
Sisterhood Bridge Coffee.
The Temple Israel Sisterhood waa en
tertained thla afternoon at the home of
Mra. Charlea 8. Klgutte- "bridge ana
coffee, a few tahiea playing rummy. 8ev-enty-flve
gueata were present and sev
enteen table, the bridge playea pivoting.
Prises were awarded to each table. The
proceed of tha afternoon wenj to the
Temple fund. AIMIn Mra. F.lgutter
were the following member of Mra. J.
IS. Kata' Hewing circle:
Meadamea Mradamea
J. B. Kata. William Feller.
I -co Rosenthal, Herert Arnateln,
Morlta Meyer, Harry lloeenfeld.
II. i. Abraham.
Mlaa Klale ttoeis.
For Mn. O'Brien.
Mle Ioulae IHnn'ng entertalna six
table at an afternoon bridge today In
honor of her guest, Mra. Edward O'Brien,
6f roughkerpale. formerly of Omaha.
Owing to the lllneaa of Mra. uurlen'i
sister. Mr. Will Coad, many of the af
fair planned by Mir. Cbad have been
poatponed. J
Kiss HcCormick'i Trip.
Mlaa Katharine McCormlck
afternoon for an eastern trip,
to New Yor City. From
Mlaa McCormlck will vlalt
leavea thla
first going
New York
at aeveral
point In the state before going to Boa
Ion, where an will atay until March
1, when he expert to return home.
Thnmmel-Conydon Wedding.
miss Uladya Congdon and Mr. George
Thummel will be married today at
, Jlocl.eater, N. Y. Mr. Thummel la the
on of Mr. and Mra. George Thummel of
Omaha. Mr. and Mr. Thummel, with
their daughter, Ptrlla. went eaat over a
, wek ago to be prcaent at the wedding.
Business Sale
v The Values Are Extraordinary
V And You Had Better Hurry
You fwlay Not Have Another Chance
To Buy Home Furnishings
at Less Than Wholesale
This is your opportunity to buy any and everything' you need for your home at prices
that will surprise you and if you so desire we will arrange easy terms on any purchase
which you wish to make. : .
6 4"
Opening of Valuable Go
Location of These Lands
t.OOO acre of homestead irrigated lands adjacent to the reliable governnieut canal in the North
lintte Valley, front elnht to twelve mllea northeast of llayard, And from ktx to eight miles North
eaat of Minatare, Xehraxka. lieaidee the 43 farms offered for entry there) are yet available for
entry 41 other hinne leads under the, same government canal Id the older section of the Valley."
Character of Lands
They are platted In farm units of front 40 to 10U acres. The lands are adapted tor alfalfa, wheat,
oata, sugar beets, potatoes and the like. Ileal Jea the grain production there la the live stock
industry for which thla valley has become ao well known.
The lands are free and are allotted under the homeatead laws. The government permanent water
light will eoet 933 an acre; 2 years time for payment: first payment 92.73 per acre. No further
payments for five yearn
9A.0O to flt.OO.
How To Obtain
These lands are reached via Alliance and Bridpjrport. Neb. At either Bayard, Mlnatare, fk-ottabluff
or Angora local readdenla for the usual charges will conduct yon by automobile to these lands
where the candidate may make his fw-lectlon. After having derided upon a location the candidate
ahould obtain m certificate from the tfctvernment IVoJert Manager, at Mitchell, Neb., which is
aecured by the payment in advance of the firat payment of $2.73 pr acre. This certificate should
then be filed tovether with a homeatead affidavit in the Land Office at Alliance, Neb., aay time
from MAKCH 10TH If TO :oO A. M. MAHt It 21TII. The drawing will lie held at Alliance, Xeb
March Slth, lUifl. Farh homestead will be drawn for by the different candidates tor such par.
tlcular piece. The unsuccessful rnndiitale Is entitled to another selection If that haa not been
drawn. The Prior payment of 97S per axre for the certificate and the I .and office fee, will be
refunded by the Governmeat to thoae who do not obtain a select io a.
The North Platte Valley
S. C. Howard. Immigration Agent, C.v D. & Q. R. R..1C34 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb.
On the Calendar.
Among the affair of Thuradny preced
ing the Subscription club dance at Tur
pln'a hall will be a dinner by Mr. and
Mra. Charlea C. Oeorge and a dinner by
Mr. and Mra. Frank Hamilton.
Mlaa Elisabeth Ilruco will give a lunch
eon toward tho end cf the week, probably
Saturday afternoon, at the Omaha club
for Mra. Kdward OTrlen of Poughkeep
ale, guest of Mis Loulae Dinning, and
luler, of Mra. O'Brien' alster, Mra. Will
Mr. and Mra. Roe Towle will give a
email dinner at the Cmaha clun Friday
vanln, an affair consequent to the dinner-dance.
Mr. Fred Thomaa plvea a luncheon at
her home Friday afternoon for tho vlalt
Irg girls.
Tne Temple Iarael Sisterhood will give
a dinner-dance at the Rome hotel Mon
day evening, February II. v
Personal Mention.
R. F. Kloke of Omaha la a guest at
The Klme hotel. Excelsior Springe. Mo.
Mra. William Medders and slater, Mlaa
ted li
43 Farms Averaging 100 Acres Each
and no interest whatever la charged.
a Homestead
There Is no richer section of the West than thla region. V alley farms under cultlva
tion run In value from 973 to 9 ISO an acre or even higher. It la hardly neceaaary
to comment upon the Immediate or future value of these farms to be drawn for.
Our publication, "The North Platte Valley," may be had oa request. It describes
the older portions of the Valley and will give one an eaceUent Idea, of that locality.
Free on request. VVrtt me for the folder or for Information regarding these pro
posed lands.
Omahans at Chicago Wedding.
A great deal of local Interest attache
to the -eddlng of Mlsa Helen May and
Mr. Edward E. Murphy. Jr., which Is one
of the social eventi In Chicago thla even
ing. There are three Omahens In tha
wedding party and aeveral wedding
guests. Mr. and Mra. James I . Mliy, the
brlde'a parent, are frequent visitors In
Omaha, the guest of Mr. and Mra. W.
A. Fraser.
Mlsa Kucile Bacon (a one of the brides
maid at the wedding, which will take
place at St. I'Mul'a Epiacopat church.
Mra. Thomaa M. Murphy of Kanea
City, but formerly of Omaha, la tha
matron of honor, and Mr. Robert Thomp
son and Carl Ploom. lamatea of th
groom at the Nebraska unlveralty, will
be ushers. Carl Delgenhardt of Chicago,
another member of the wedding party,
haa visited In Omaha.
MV-a. W. A. Fraeer and Mr. A. L.
Reed left Sunday evening for Chicago
to attend the wedding. Mr. F. W. Bacon
had expected to accompany them, but
was prevented by an attack of the
gvlPP- " "
A round of gayetiea in honor Of the
bridal party ha been given In the laat
few weeke.
Mlaa Bacon plan to remain In Chicago
for a while after the weddtng, and later
wilt probably travel further before re
turning home.
Luncheons of Today.
Mr. R. E. Smith entertained at a 1
o'clock luncheon at her home today,
covera being placed for:
Mesdamee Meadame
J. H. Martin. K. H. Rose.
C. O. Porter, O. A. Ittln,
P. W. Wolf. R. K. Smith.
Correct Wardrobe for
Man Will Cost Two
Thousand Dollars
ST. LOUIS, Mo., Feb. .-A strictly
correct wardrotoe for an American man
next aummer will coat over 11,000, ac
cording to a list of garment prepared
by delegates to th national convention
of merchant tailors In eesslon here. Tho
list Includea thirteen suits ranging in
price from t5 to S110, and a dosen over
coats, motoring coats and caps ranging
In price from t5 for a summer motor
ing coat to l for a 'fur llned winter
top coat.
Going Out of
Business Sale
The usual land office fee varies from
Mary Meddera of Baltimore,
guest of their brother. Dr.- D.
dera, and Mra. Meddera.
V. .
V ' " -"I
2Gssf7iiuee Lohrrnan.
Considerable mystery surround ,the
circumstances of Mis Rose Blalao and
Mia M. Lohrman, who fainted a they
proceeded from their bedroom at 2ri0g
Patrick avenue yeaterday to descend
a stairway. Mlaa Blnlac fell over In
faint and Mlsa Lohrman followed In
quick succession. Police surgeons re
sponded and revived the young women,
but were unable to offer any explanation
as to the cause of the suffocation. Seven
other persons in the same houae were not
affected. An Investigation is being made.
Miss Lohrman Is IS years of age and
waa visiting Miss Blalac, her cousin,
who Is 20. '
Saw Wood if You Eat
at Industrial Home
Because the Ice crop haa practically all
been harvested a areat many men are
attain thrown out of employment, accord
In a; to Captain Kline of the Salvation
Army Industrial home. Captain Kiln
ha two carloads - of railway ties, fur
nished him by the Burlington railroad.
This la oiiltft a pile of . wood, and the
men who apply to htm for food and she!
ter are clven a chance to cut up a few
ties for a dinner or a bed.
Thus not a, man-(rets anything unless
he works for it. at this Industrial home.
The Salvation Army sella the wood In
stove wood tentths ,for $2 a load delivered.
MO TV Feels tc-ety Well.
Those who hive headache, rheumatism,
tiff and swollen Joints or any other
symptoms of kidney trouble will be inter
anted in a statement from A. u. Francis,
Zenith. Kan., who writes: "I had a i
vera pain. In my back and could hardly
move. I tried several remedies with no
result. I took about two-thirds of a 60o
box of Foley's Kidney Pllla and now feel
entirely well." Mlddle-aied and older
men and women whose kidneys are weak
ened find thee aaie pills rive relief from
sleep-disturbing- bladder ailments. Sold
; every where. Advertisement.
A New :
Nine - Inch Boot
At Other Stortt
It Will Coif
U Mote.
Thit new Boot is made
of the 'finest quality velvet
kid, u) th flexible welt eolee
and Spanish Louie heels.
This is on of the most at
tractive styles we have, and
certainly the best value. .
Parcel Post Paid.
1419 Farnam St.
Famous Movie Star
Condemns Curling Iron
T.ittl Xtary Ptekford, whoae pretty
curly lock a have been ao much admired.
,ta that aha haa never used the curl-
In- Iron, she fall to the wtMora of
burning- the Ufa out of the hair.
That the heated Iron ia rulnoua to the
hair ia belna more and more appreciated,
u.nv are dtacardlns; thla Instrument of
torture In favor of plain liquid aiiroerine
Thla la not oniy nirnuoH, dui i wi
K.nrtrll to the hair. Instead of alvln
rua a burnt-out. ltfeleea aDDear
anoa. It ctvea thera a brisht luatr. and
h .urlinraa looka altogether natural. It
la a alnipia thins: to procure a few ount-es
of liquid allnieruie from the drussist and
apply a little at nlht with a clean tooth
bruah. The hair ahould be moiataned the
Ciii Lnrth. from root to tip. The beaut
ful wavy effect upon artalr.a; is asTeeably
aurpc.atng. Advert isemenu
Ys 500
Six Taken to the Emergency Hos
pital One an Ice cutter 01
Sixteen new scarlet fever cases
were reported to the health office)
tiring the last twenty-four hours.
Six patients were removed to tha
Ity hospital. Oliver Lane of Ash
land, Neb., is an ice cutter who ap
plied at the free dispensary on Doug
las street for treatment and his case
as diagnosed as scarlet fever.
In two instances during the last
ay there were two cases in each
home. Most of the new cases af
fect children. Seven quarantines
were removed Tuesday,
Health Commissioner Connell reports
nothing particularly new In the situation.
The Inspector are busy quarantining
new places and removing quarantines
from convalescents.
New cases reported are.
, 3012 Mason, removed to City
oodcock, 3009 South Ninth, removed
to City hospital.
rerrv, afiis Hamilton.
Greenhouse, 1912 North Twenty-sixth.
". Iee. 601 New Hamilton, removed to
City hospital.
Mra. Charles Oarrlson. 2309 noutn Thir
teenth, removed to City hospital.
Oliver mne or Ashland, rveD., removed
to City hospital.
jonn uowiinic, ;wif aiapie.
Mrs. Collan and baby. 2.HH5 North Twen.
ty-flret, aecond floor, removed to City
J. Potter, 46"2 o rover.
Folker. W North Twenty-second.
Moluf. S01 North Thirtieth.
Welner ftwo children). 8736 North For
Olive Joseph, 4105 North Twenty third.
Ninety-nine cases have been reported
since February first.
Holovtchiner Says
It is Contagious
Grip, Not Scarlet
Comes now Tr. E. Holovtchiner, mem-
ber of the Board of Education, with a
statement that most of the cases being
reported to the health department aa
scarlet fever are in fact a form ef con
tagious crip. The doctor said:
"Grip manifests itself In different forms
at different seasons. This season it af
fects the skin. Deduct the real srarlet
fever cases from the total reported and
would say the rest are grip. Scarlet
fever never -affects a child under 6
months of age and rarely an adult over
We have had many cases of adults
and some Infants under months. Acain,
scarlet fever invariably leaves serious
results, which we have not been hearint
of In tha local situation. I am not con
tending that this form of grip Is ' not
dangerous, nor do I believe there is tin'
necessary alarm ever what is believed to
be scarlet fever. Other cities are havlnqr
many cases of thla same form of grip. I
contend that our bacteriologists should
Isolate the germ of this disease and de
termine its relation to grip, which I am
sure will he the case." '
The personal injury suit of Jim Bplezlo
against the Hodgin Construction com
pany, has been transferred from the
district court to the federal court.
In Its trial tha qestlon of the legality
of the Nebraska employer's liability act
will be decided. It la the first suit to be
brought in this atate Involving that act,
the defendant alleging that it haa been
at all times willing to pay Spiezlo com
penaation as provided under the act Tha
plaintiff waa working at a cement ma
chine on the Ford building on North
Blzteenth street when ha was injured.
Whether Douglas county shall collect
IS50 Inheritance tax on tss.000 worth or
whisky stored in Kentucky and owned by
the estate of tha late John Under, la
a question which County Judge Crawford
Is to decide. Arguments were presented .
by attorneys during the morning session
of court and tha Issue was taken under
The point in issue is whether ware
house receipts for the whisky shall be
considered property .subject to inheri
tance tax.
General Gorgaa of ranama canal faro
has telegraphed that ho will be unable to
come to Omaha to speak at ths banquet
of the Knife and Fork club Thursday
night ss scheduled. General Gorgas wlrea
that he has been suddenly called to Ala
bama, which necessitates bis disappoint
ing Omaha.
The banquet has been indefinitely post
No Danger--j
No Delay
IF YOUR monay u ioifi in a bank
pietacvi by the Stat Bank Gtiaianty
The State Bank
of Omaha
l ath sad I
buJ that bank Kaukl Worn inaahwnt,
yau will taraiv your anoney ia full
wiThia SIXTY DAYS at the aaart. F
bank fad, it tru, but it erraainmlly
happam. CauM yon afford tha ba aaj
Jelay if your fund wars in aa asiprew
tectad. inaoUant bank? Tha Stat Bank
of OmsAe invitaa and guarantaa your
paid art Savings
Baas' an Ti
fapf Oops Boca
13 00 a iwar mni an.
A3 rlarajaju protacted by
the Dapoahor'i Guaran
tee Fund f tk State of Aj-
t i