THE HKK: OMAHA Till KNDAY. IV.I'.KrAHY 1. m; 7" UHIEF CITY NEWS Vuwasend'a for portlar Oooas." BJt"atlas; rirtiwi Bureess-Orsndsrw ere Boot hilt n Now Beacon Pres. . tokae ntnovtd to T Brand. The. To Soil Beat Setat list It with J. II. tnimont A Co., Keellne Bids. Xumb Bot Ouilty Arthur Hansen waa found not guilty of a charge, of robbing a Burlington bCx cur by a Jury to District Judas Sears' court. " Mono vroflTam" elasslflel eoctloa today, it appara In The Bm KXCLUBIVELT. Find out what tho ra How mortnc plcturo theatere offer. TO. Bankruptcy Botitlom JosepU Gamble, K22 HlmebauRh avenue, filed a Voluntary petition In bankruptry, statins' Iita liabilities aa Hl6 and assets as $100. lukaoussr Tllaa for Claris M. F. Bnkhouser. dr-mocrat, well known In local politics, has filed as a candidate for nomination for clerk of the district court. - Br. Tonne Xeotures om Bsyoholorr Dr. O. Alexander TounK. lecturer on Bourolory at Crelghton university, ad dressed the Efficiency club of the tfmaha plant of tho Ford Motor company Tues day night on "Mental Leakage." ail for Woo of Kama The Omaha Vs.n and Storage company. In a suit against the Maggard Van and Storage and tho Nebraska Telephone companies, lo asking C.OOO alleged damages because tho telephone directory lists the defend ant as tho "Omaha Truck. Van and Rorage company.'' The plaintiff asks an Injunction to prevent use of Its trade name tn the future. Baya for Investment Hugh McCaffrey haa made two purchases for Investment through Olover A Spain. He bought the "Pratt," a three-story brick on Twenty fifth, Just north of Fern am, for $l,00a Mr. McCaffrey also bought two lota on tho southeast corner of Thirty-fourth and Leavenworth for $3,000. It Is an nounced Mr. McCaffrey will Improve the Leavenworth street lota. Seven Miners Meet Death in Explosion In Eastern Colliery WTLKESBAB-RE, Pa.. Feb. I Seven workmen were killed and two Injured by a gas explosion In the Ross vein of the Lehigh and Wtlkeabairo Coal company at Plymouth late today. All the victims were of foreign birth and several of them left largo families. The Injured, although seriously hurt are expected to recover. It la believed that some of tho men were killed by black damp which followed the excloskm. Gas Ignited by tho naked lamp of oni of tho miners la believed to have cauaed the explosion. About 100 men were In the mine when tho explosion occurred. They were hurled n all directions, sev eral of tho dead and Injured being found scattered along tho gangway. Those who escaped the blast rushed to tho foot of tho shaft only to find that wreckage had made It impossible to hotat or lower the carriages. A large rescue squad was quickly put to work and after several hours succeeded tn forcing an opening through the wreckage and bringing th Imprisoned miners to the surfaoe. At midnight It waa announced that all had been accounted for. ..... .' . Former Omaha Boy, Carrier for The Bee, Now Noted Sculptor . A former Omaha boy who Is achieving fame as a sculptor is Arthur Putnam, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Putnam, who lived at Twentieth' street and Poppleton "avenue. Arthur was a carrier on The Bee for several years. He lived In Omaha from 178 to 1898, when he went to Cali fornia. How highly his work is regarded Is Indicated by this extract from the Ban Francisco Examiner: ' "Visitors to the Palace of Fine Arts this week will see a dosen or so of small . bropses. fashioned by a master who can . put brute force Into Inert clay. Amid the sua vo. aptitudes and beatltudea of paatels and water colors and the wild lucubrations of the modern cult they wHl declare the primal and the strong. "These bronsea are by Arthur Putnam, the San Francisco sculptor. Mrs. A. B. Sprockets haa "purchased them, and will . present them to the city' when a permanent- fine arts building la provided. As they are now exhibited they will ar rest the attention and tell their own story of powerful genius." i Mormon Church Says 'Ware the Avalanche SALT LAKE CITY", t'tah, Feb. .-The first presidency of the Mormon church Issued a formal warning today advising all persons to keep out of the mountain canyons on account of the unusually heavy snows and the consequent danger from avalanches. Such warnings by the off'cers of the . church were common In the early" days of Utah, but it is said this Is the firm nt the kind that hns been Issued for f!fty years. More snow is in the mountains than for many years past. Several deaths have occurred through snow alleles recently anfl railroad and other traff c In some of the canyons has been suspended for several days at a time in Iho Ust fc weeks. Boys at Fort School Make Bird Houses, Which Will Be Placed in the Public Parks j .' . .. . y aT - ' -S" 'rf" - I I i v... t ' s I .1 ? .. .' f I . - 111 str .-,..l ...... ,, X.. w . 7 Boys at Fort school are considerably Interested In their bird-house activities. Last fall City Commissioner Hummel pro posed to furnish the material If the boys would make the bird houses, which will be placed In the parka during the early spring before the feathered songsters be gin to make their nests. The work waa taken up at Fort school with unusual avidity because tho boys have more equipment than is provided In the ordi nary manual training departments of the elementary schools. Helen Thompson, supervisor of manual training In the elementary schools, snd Robert Oalt, Instructor In woodwork at Fort school, secured plans of various types of bird houses and Instructed the boys in the art of fashioning these little homes for their avian pets. Wren houses are being made with par ticular care, because these birds must have opening of such slxe that larger birds cannot enter and disrupt the do mestic life of the wrens. Wrens also prefer tiny apartmenta In their housea. The naturea of the blrda were studied before designing these houses. One of the boys at Fort school waa so pround of his bird house that he asked if he could have It for his own use, rather than letting It go to some park where he might never bo able to Identify It. Other boys asked to have their houses marked with Identifications so they mlnht observe them when placed in the parks. There will be about 2M of these houses from the public schools. Commissioner Hummel and the school officials will hold a public exhibit of the bird bouses the latter part of next month. CERTAIN WILSON WILLJE NAMED Democratic Chiefs in St Lonii Sur President It Going to Be Renominated. MARSHALL'S CHANCES SLIMMER ST. LOUIS. Fb. . That Presi dent Wilson would he renominated without opposition waa the consensus or opinion of membera of the aub cornmlttee of the democratic na tional committee, who met here to day to arrange details for the demo cratic national convention. . The committeemen were nr o cer tain, however, that Vice r.valdent Marshall would be renominated. The election of a temporary chairman will not be taXen up until May. Robert Ewlng. publisher of the New Orleans Daily States, was ap pointed chairman of the press com mlttee for the convention and James Preston,' ecrgennt-at-nrms of the press gallery of the United States senate, waa appointed vice cbatrman. "are Wilson hm4. Chairman McCombs said to newspaper men today that President Wilson would bo renominated and that no opposition to him had developed In any quarter. .Several committeemen who were inter viewed expressed the opinion that the l"rs,rni had won the support of the country to Ms preparedness program. The eommlttee adopted a reanlmlon to invite former national committeemen to attend the convention as honor guests. The following subcommittees appointed today win continue tholr meetings hero tomorrow: Tlrketa and Badge Mr. McComha, rhalrman Norman Mack, New York. Thomas Tarvart, Indiana; Charles Moe erhenateln. Illinois: H II. Moore, Ohio, and K. F Heed New Hampshire. Hotels -Mr. Taggart, chhlrman: R. O. ood. Mtehlsan, and J. Bruce Kremer. Montana. Press and ruhllcltv--Mr. F.wlng. chair mn: Clark Howell. Georgia, and Mr. Mark. Hall and reroratlona Bd ard F. Ool tra. Mlaeouii. rhalrnian: llolla Wells, treamier nf natlnitl committer; V. W Marsh, lows, and Mr. Howell. Another Meeting anon. Another meeting of the eommlttee on arrangements will be held In New York City In about six weeka, Mr. McComh said. Early In May thla committee wi open permanent headquartera In St. Louli with Mr. Kremer In charge. A majority of the committee on arrangements will remain In 8t. Loula from early In My until tho convontlon clnaea. NEBRASKA REPRESENTED AT COMMERCE MEETING (From a Staff Correspondents WPII1NOTON. Feb. -8peelal Tele gramsNebraska Is splendidly repre sented at the 1'nlted Statea Chamber of Commerce which convened today In a three days' session. From Omaha the del egates are: C. II. rickcna, H H. Hal drlge, R. H. Manley, E. 3. McVann and C. J. Iane, unattached, but an Interested looker-on. From Lincoln are F. J. Rich ards, president of the Commercial club; .1. C. llarpham, II. B. Orelnger and F. II. Woods. "Tiz" Gladdens Sore, Tired Feet No tiffed-np. burning;, tender, ach Inf feef fo eotnn or cal1nuiie. "Tla" makes sore, burning, tired f-ei fairly dance with delight. Away go the arhea and pains, tho corns, callouses, bl tat era, bunions and chllMnlns. "Tli" draws out the acids and poisons that rff up your feet. No matter hiw hard you work, how long you dance, h w far you walk, or how long you remali on your feet. "Tla" brlnas restful to l comfort. "Tilt" Is msglrn', grand, w n derfnl for tired, aching, swollen. aa t Ing feet. Ah! how comfortable, how hoppy yon feel. Tour feet Just t'r.!p for Joy: shore never hurt or s.'cm tlthi. Oet a cent box of "Tla" mw f m any dnigglat or department aroiv. K id foot tortvire forever-wear sma ler ah ea, keen your feet fresh, sweet snd hpt'. Jilat think! a whole years rooi oomi r. for only cents. Advertisement. humted mon Hill) Increases strength ot delicate, nervous, run-down people 200 per nent In ten days in many inatanc e lltt forfeit It It falls as per full ex planation In tares article ooon te ao peaf In this paper. Ask your doctor or Blkrrman Sk Mci ' nneit irucLftML fthaut It jtM Mtoree always oarrjr It la slock. HERE IS ZEPPELIN BEARIMTORPEDO Eighty Monster of the Air Now in Service of the German Government. GRAY Aim SHAPED LIKE FISH BERNE, Switzerland (Via Parte), Feb. 8. Eighty Zeppelina are now In the German aervlce, It appeara from Information developed at Friedrlch ahafen, where the Zeppelin works are located. One of the latest type that la having a trial trip thla week is L. Z-95, which Is taken here to mean that It la the ninety-fifth In the aeries dating from the beginning of the war, fifteen having been lost, it is said. The newest model seems consider ably longer tn previous types. It ia of fish-like sliape and fray tinted, by the means rf aluminum powder, it is explained. The gondolas are ot plated steel. Each has six machine guns in lta quick fire battery and ap paratus for throwing bombs and air torpedoes. It is reported that a new air torpedo more powerful than any previously used ia about to be given a trial. MISS CLARA BUSCH WILL WED AN ARTIST 8T. LOUIS, Feb. . Formal announce ment waa made here tonight of the en gagement of alias Clara liuseh. grand' daughter of the late Adolphus Busch, and "Central" Squeals on Dems and Is Laid Off WASHINGTON'. Ft. 3 A telephone operator on the capUol sw tchbsrd was suspended from duty tofljy following charges made by Reprvs-ntative Nfely of West Virginia in the demnrrailc caucua laat night that private onversatlona o democratic eongveenmen were being re ported to republican. Mr. Neely said that among other conversations of h'a which "leaked ' waa one regarding pro posed impeachment chargea agalnat a Weat Virginia federal judge. ITCHING BLISTERS ON BOY'S HEAD Got Worse. Affected Ears, Neck and Face. Scratched Day and Night. Terribly Disfigured. HEALED BYCUTICURA SOAP AND OINTMENT "When four months old ray hoy suffered with blisters and a kind of scaly akin on his bead. I go'. son:e salre and be didn't teem to Improve but got won aod Lis ears, nek. and face wera affnrted. He scratched day ami igtit the lulling va no Imenrj, aad e bad to keep his bands pinned tin whole time. The a as sura and In flamed, and be didn't have hair on his head. It was Juil a rap of sore eruptions, and his face wan terribly dlaflgured. "He cot ao bad we had to keep a maaW on his face. The trouble leJted for mouibi. when a lady told my husband about Cutii-ura Heap ar.d Ointment, and we gut them. Tim tliird day I noticed a big improvement and in two weeks my boy wu bcalej." iSigurd) Mrs. II. A. Thleie, S4S Cth fct.. iMlwauW. WU.. O. L 25, 1013. Sample Each Free by Mail With 32-p. Bkln Book oo request. Ad dress post-card "Cullmra, Dept. T, Bear . Bold throughout the world. Percy Orthweln, an artist of this city. Miss Busch la the second daughter of August A. Busch, who inherited the bulk of the estate of his father, Adolphus Busch, multi-millionaire iwer. A "For "ale" "Classified Ad" tr "For Rent" Ad placed habit. French Aerial Chief ResignsUnder Fire PARIS, Feb. t. Reno Besnard. secre tary of state for aviation and aeronau tics, has resigned. For some time there has been hostility toward Besnard for his conduct of his office. The campaign against htm was conducted by certain newspapers which charged that he was Incapable. During a recent session of tho Chamber of Deputies members sought to question Minister of War Oallleni about measures designed to avoid future air attacks on Paris. The minister declined to answer, Stating that to do so would be against public policy. Deputies then charged that this waa proof of an aviation crisis. Wants Milwaukee to , Be American Capital WABHIVOTON, Feb. t. Representative Carey of Wisconsin today Introduced a resolution for transfer of tho United States capital to Milwaukee. Ho Bald ho did It because of pending legislation which might make the District of Colum bia dry. Prohibition, ha said, waa "a menace to society and good government." HOT TEA BREAKS A COLD TRY THIS Get a small package of Hamburg; Breast Tea, or as tho German folks oall It, "Hamburger Brust Thee, at any pharmacy. Take a tablespoonful of tho tea, put a cup of boiling water upon It, pour through a sieve and drink a teacup full at any time. It la the most effective way to break a cold and euro grip, as It opens tho pores, relieving oongostlon. Alrt - loosens the bowels, thus breaking a cold at once. It la Inexpensive and entirely vegetable, therefore harmless. Advertisement. tittt;rt-?tH rm ill mm mm ill! li'litKSii'i ipi!i!ii;i iflitofiiiii mm m.- M'- tll!l!i1itlilln;ll!lli; :t)t . n!i"'"i'i;,inii!?k .tiiiiii. Doctors used to say "Europe Now they aay "Th not Springs of Arkanaaa" Bocisty, before the wsr, divided its crowds of health-aeckira and plaasura lovars bttween the European Spaa and Hot Springs. Now they are flocking to us. Ana wny aoir No spa ia the world im paiMi in cura tive and rju vcaating por srs the natu rally hot, radio - active baths of Hot Springe, Ark. In th waters there ia relief for all, and cure for moat suf ferers with rhtumatiam new health for thota with livtr, kid- UUS1N1.S3 MEN'S UtAOUK. Huttteriw. Ark. PIMM MS booklet. X am .... . . Addrrst i acy, skin and stomach troubles even for Bright'e liaae and Locomotor Ataxia in their earlier stages. There ia renewed auength, energy and nerve lores i or tne tired, nerve racked b u a i new man aod the a e u r a a thtnic society woman. J e i a the throngs for health for complete reit or for a bril- 1 I A t U.IAII. Coma and golf, rids horn back, motor, walk, drive, dance whatever you like, you'll find it here at ita beau Hail Coupes. SPECIAL: Low round trip rata in affect on roade entering Hot Springs, Ark., and all connecting lines. Be auta you get thia special rate. a PH!' nr. Watarm Ouinad and ControtM by thm Unifd Stat Government Tha Hot Springs ars on the beau tiful Government reservation their virtue are endorted and their ueele controlled aodregulat ed by UncleBam. To hie Ane army and navy hompital here he aende Ida soldiers and aallora for treat ment end they go away cured. IIS mnnn.iiuuuiitTi m i in; Hit lit: it :i iititg : Ul ;M : -tt:;i :i -i; .n .111,1 ; J ' reiiiFwee What (Ullirrs !Verd Mew, In spits of the best rare mothers can give them this, weather brings sickness to many children. Bate, reliable family medicines are in demand. Mrs. T. Neur euer, Eau Claire, Wla., writea: "Foley's Hoaey and Tar cured my boy of a severe attack of croup after other retried lee had failed. I recommend It to everyone, as we know from our experience that It la a wonderful remedy for Coughs, colda, croup and whooping cough." It stops tho coughs that hang on and weaken after the lagrlppe. Sold everywhere. Adver-Usemeot. TODAY'S AID TO BEAUTY & DELEOdoHJJS SlrEt7 HOT YoU rJ5E EMdJoY An especially fine shampoo for this weather can be easily made at trifling expense by simply dissalving a teaspoon fu of canthros In a cup of hot water. Pour slowly on scalp and maaaage brisk ly. This eroates a soothing, cooling lather I that dissolves and removes all dandruff, excess ol and dirt. Rinsing leaves the scalp spotlessly clean, soft and pliant. while the hair takes on a glossy richness of natural color, also a flufflneas which makes It seem very much heavier than It Is. After a canthroa shampoo arranging tho hair is a pksaaure, AdvertlaemeaL t I.' ' a SI PfloMPT POLITE DELIVERY To FAMILY TRADE. PHoNC WEB.I260 CHAS. STORL CONSUMERS DISTRIBUTOR i Store Hours 8:30 a. m. to 6 p. m. Saturdays till 9 p. m.s urgess-Nasm Gompamy. WeHlnewlny, Krl. I, IHKl. "eve rybodys store" I'lione) Douglas 137. Our February Furniture Sale Offers Savings of 15 to 33V3 Under Regular Prices FURNITURE of every kind for the bedroom; for the dining room; for the living room, etc. Maybe it ia an extra iqoq you need, or an entire bedroom uit, or perhaps you intend to outfit a home in the Spring, whatever it is, you can get it at Burgess-Nash during this February Furniture Sale at a sharp reduction in price. Limited srmce allows ns to list but a few of the many upecial values. $625.00 Bedroom Suite, $425.00 Four pieces, beautiful solid mahogany bedroom suites in the Adam's design, an tique finish. $194.00 Bedroom Suite, $110.00 Four-piece bedroom tsuitcs in white en amel finish, largo dresser, chiffonier, dreaslng table and lied. An Adam'a reproduction. Regularly 1194.00, sale price $110.00. Unusual Values in Separate Pieces William and Mary dining table, fumed oak finish, wan $25.00, now $13.75. Colonial davenport, new loose cushion seat, wa $1)3.00, now $65.00. William and Mary china cabinet, American walnut, was $40.00, now $24.75. (Jolden oak rocker, genuine leather peat, was $15.00, sale price, $7.75. Rocker, upholstered in tapestry, was $22.50, sale price $13.75. (Tliair, solid mahogany, upholstered in tapestry, was $25.00, now $14.75. Ivory dressing table, mahogany, top, was $18.75, sale price $10.75. Bnrtees.jrash Co. -Thus, rioor. You Will Want One of These Beautiful Liberty Rings TV T ADE of sterling silver, finished in r rencli gray or dull 1YJ. preen gold and set with l.'i bright, gleaming, red, white and blue stones to represent the 13 original American eolonies. The statue of Liberty, symbol of Freedom, Justice and Peace, exquisitely engraved and holding aloft a fiery Siam ruby, stands out just as gloriously as it does to the in coming ships in New York harbor. v The Liberty Ring is the National fashion a fashion that will never die while America is the iand of Liberty. Exactly like illustration at $1.00. x arressrash Co. Mala rioor. BASEMENT TOME New Satin Untrimmed Hats, Values to $1.98, Thursday 79c NEW satin shapes for Spring, large and small effects, in black, African brown, navy blue, green, gray, red and 1 -1 - II 1 l. 'J A - ...! saim pinnies, iwguiuny pneeu u Jfri.yo, specially priced for Thursday at 79c. New Trimming Flowers A splendid aiaortment of new flower (or the Spring or In between bat. Including small roaebuda, novelty wreaths and hand madi' eb'ffon flowers, very apwlal at 10c, I've and znc. Free Trimming Service $331.00 Dining Suite, $250.00 A heavy Colonial dining Buite in solid mahogany, dull finish, regular $.'131. 0.) value, at $250.00. $315.00 Dining Suite, $245.00 .Jacobean oak dining suite, consisting of buffet, china clonet, serving table and chairs. ' Dainty Aprons 50c to 75c Values 25c A 8PI.KNDID aaaortnient of wonien'a aprons, made of flno allover embroidery, awlsa un( lawn, fine embroidery ruf fled, slightly aoiled and mussed, regular 60c and 75c )f values t aOC Barress.sTaah Cok eoend rioor- Women's Muslin Drawers, at 15c Women's muslin drawers, heui atltf hed ruffle, cut full, f f a splendid vnluo at... IOC nraess-Vash Co. aeeon4 rioor. "Speaking of Operations" THK funniest book yet wrlt ten by lrvin B. Cobb. Kull of the wit and humor so char acterlatlc of (Lis well known and popular writer. In book form, 5c. Burress-Haeh Co Mala rioor. Don't Forget Heron St. Valentine's Day EVKN the smallest aort of a token will be appreciated. Our assortment of valentines of all kinds ta very complete and the prices art moat reason able. .Valentine post card, out and attractive, dozen, 10c. Place carda and dinner fav. ora in generous aelectloa. Buffoss-Hash Co. Mala ricer. aBurgessJfash Company -Everybody's Store jses