u TIIK UEK: OMAHA THCKSPAY, FKBKUARY 10, lUlii. SEW YORK jTOGX MARKET Luck of Buying Tower Once More Dominant Feature of Day's Sesiion. The Strange Case of Mary Page By Frederick Lewis, Author of 'What Happened to Mary" Pictures by Essanay . COPPERS GENERALLY AHEAD YOI!MS. home Intoxicated and wee sitting In the !to the Judge, "tifB tnr daughter end I rmrhul Mr. Pollock' office the door liia open and Mr. langdnn waa In there. !As we came up we heard Mr. Pollock to jr. 'Give me a fair thane that's all I ask, and I've never had It. Voii leave loan for two wwkn. and If on your re turn Mary Page mill prefers ti I will withdraw and give her up to you.' Mr. Ijtnrarlnn itumliffMl ml flrvf Tlinti ti I Mary Page, actress, is accused of Hie library. Vary ran to him and he took,"""" u.n ao wiai nay an.i nurnea N F1V YORK. Feh, t.-I,ack of huylnt miiroer or David Pollock ami la derennei i h,r hl(j km4 anwer. imjiiiii conunuen anaienuon 01 mt mi nr. innip r "'" . .,,,kl. , ,,i, -ni 1.. .1.1.- " . -a . iniiiitnj u u -!- .. i. fwi ecreamine and striking at :iim. ana no iw inirrwi. wfi mew rit ' im.- i .......,-. -,, , c-... n . -.-- Inent feature of today's market, wht-h .of Pollock, waa on the fire cecspc watch- ina rr l.angdnn. At Mary s trial ana admlta she had th revolver. Her maid letlfle that Mary threatened pollock with It frvloualr, and Mary's leading :Z:rS7rV'lVZ l '?,,.? "'?. "". grabbed Mary and tried to force a mystery. nrnfr1.il) lella of a strange Vss dull and elrrnmscrled no to the last rmur. when a wide and general demand for readier shares resulted In numerous substantial net gains. Oil the whole. coppers were foremost In the dav'a operations. F.utte Hiiperlor laHlna- ihRt rtmri with an extreme gain fr I. to M". iirKawanna anu . nanil print he saw on Mary a shoulder CrurlMe Bteel. as well as American Car, Hudilenty h puahel her off his lap. Then" she faltered a little, hut went braxely on. "Mr. Page took a flask of whls'ty out of hi Docket, and half In f'in. half In Rertei-al Fleotrlr. Weatlnghnuse and other on pmenti featured the war laauee si tains of 1 to over t points, while varl otia unclassified shares as well a utlll'la like Western Cnlon snd Mackav rom psnles gained as much. This betterment waa partlv offset by Intermittent heaviness In oils, nio'hra. Harvester rorpcrstlon. Cuban-American Buear. l( ed States Industrisl Alcohol snd People (;. the latter losing I'4 to 11014. on rumors rf a cut In the dividend at the next quarterly meeting. While making tip much lost ground later, rs'ls were subordinated to tha more apeulative s'ei-ks but New York ?- trsl. I ri on I'iririf. nansoinn rinns Ihe liquor on her. She she seemed ti go mad, and when I snatched her away 1 utile nlahtsnwn had rnPTr-.n it. ' " ' I;, ... ........... .m .h,- o fhe I""! m TM,vrr,,"'r. , I pl.ln:y-ould be seen the marks of the On th oontrary; your honor." In- T .,. Aim iaai, ' ... . m nana: i"v.w n it r.n nirp Kirwnra, inn there was sharp thrill almost of tri umph In his voire at he anoke. "It la my Intention to nenva bv tbla leailmnm . spfctators. that Mary Pane, thtouah prenatal In- A murmur of encllenient crept a'Hjut 'lha retorter'a table as well a anion the This was "ureat surf.' aid when Mary's ttemblln hand came bark began w"hout seeing either .vary or mo. I rcit we ought to aee. Mr. Pollock, any. way. but befor-we cxjuld go Into ths of fice we heard A dooT rrtak, and my hue-' band'a voice." She broke off with smothered sob, and l.snsdnn prompted her quickly: . . . . "What did your husband say Mrs. Page?" ''Me said. 'With l-siudon out of the way, our little scheme should work nicely.' Thenthen Msry pulled at my sleeve and said. Tome awsy without see ing them, mother. We must warn rhllln fluence. waa born with so great horror' om Impofnt reacn.ng "---" of drink, a to Indiwe. In her. moment ' "her. and wen! aharply t her left of temporary Inaanltv even when she j shoulder. Ihera was no one In tha room wss a little child. And If Mary Psge ' needed tha answer to uni and Nw York' rplraVo "t r'' '' ,h ",, ,n"1 k,,,w1 ruvM Pollock ' que.tlon. preferred nere'actlva and strong, the lat- aha did so while suffering from an at- "Which shoul ler HHne 1 tots on rm ,y.ti l j tt-k of 'repressed phychosis' to which 'Mrs. Pase?" S pe' ceot dlv'den The rally w-ss si r ..... ' . t fiitles virr on t-e fil de-in I she has been subject all her life." "The left one Ider was that mark upon, I nlted F-te- H ei S'd Sm-Hin Bmelt Ing shatl-g.ro.i-r c eu'ly In the upward Total pv iinr'"rtr th .4 fnft shares. f rflri i,,.f-,i -i - ti' cohfl"med recent ilstemer," o t'-e h'-'i n'-eesure Jn th; steel Inu"-" f-.vreis's of (Tnl'ed fi'ates Pteer .if""" tonnsae were re vtsod on a less o'l'InitsMc lits's '"""per rnndltlnns were a-mmsrised aa "holing, with Indications of f-rti-er uinrspedented advances for the refined metsl. firmness rules in the bond marke'. wseept for Anslo-Ki-eneh .a. which msde a further decline to on relatively heavy offer!n Total aalea. par value, irsregsted J0,',. . t'nlted Btalea bonds were unchsnged Tha words spread like a flams through tha timber of curiosity and leapt from lip to lip not only through tlia court Itself, but aprrad by pome telepathh: mean to those hovering In the corridor without. The defense waa known at laat. It wsa temporary Insanslty tinder a new and delightfully erudite title. It caught tha prosecutor unsware. He appreciated lla cleverness, even though lia doubled Its honoaty. It offered an escusa for everything the shooting, the flight, Mar'y'a repeated and hysterical n call. . .. . ' . . Number Of aales atlrl leanina 1iloiail"ii" . rirrpi I oiior n s enueavnr in ninnw nn on slocks today were ss follows: I drink hut It waa so unexpected that he 'j' yi,liiil.iio quli k parry for I.angdon appeal. it 'i ? and ho was not surprised when th Judge before the child iat rtM Allt-('ltren American nt Ouasr. Amerlesa IMrlrii lsveaRnltvs Ararrlren B K.,.. Am. g. V R f Am. Snirsr garlnlns . AmerlM Tl. w Tsl A merits a Trtheee ... Anarsss ro)9sr Alrriitin ...... . . . SlalSvIS CoererKHIfS . iiimeTa a rait tWrrMekera S'"l Wmofcirn P-fjotri Xr .. rtklir-vrtla Petroleum ies'ticn Pirie .... nntrj lsthr rttMmkn a Okie.. '!itrati O W twtcxao. M S. F r niraas N. W 1'Meo. S. I. A P. R.. .') r l tw) :ts ' "S as 7' Il,ne n ltu l'l ' . ... 114 1.41 IT7N )H 11 a r ae' t 4.nn n't ttTia f4 7M 10 s fa . IT.") IK' )l4 '"' 1 9nm Mftt. aa aiu 4rU I a." rs ij 'now. fiercely, the mother dominant above ! mi I7n !; I7i'i j the wife. i ltS iH Sii ij' "Will you tell us of the Ircumalance, ! in ii i.l i please?" fanri 7 4 M', , nlshl when 1 hsd been Ittlng up sew ing. My Imsband came home bade the latter continue his questioning. "Mrs. Page. I will repeat my former question to yon. Did your husband ever strike you whan ha waa drunk?" "Yea." The word w no more than a whisper. . . "Old he ever strike yon Just before your ch'ld was horn?" "Yea." The answer came more quickly im "S ir" rs't, 1 tuna Oerw I K H mh i vrv drunk. He he ftinhtencd mo and I rolsraAs rwl aV lroe.... e4i , ', nwthte S1"I 1.20 W Tenrf g R O. TM.. Mallllerf Kemrtlle -4 U 1 Cieneral Wef'trlr VrrtrH s'd 4rear Ke flea elf rstrarehatTS T-lp)orallos., IHtncta I'anrTSl , fnfrrbr.rtiua') Tea, Cars. Innelrailan rorter Irttaraaltenal ytarvester., Vna ot Souihera..., lMh Valley 1i.yi a NiabvlDe.. ttean Pelmlcttm V'anil Cefper Aliaanurt, X. T. affl... MtWMrl Pa'lfte National Xlxnlt National Taa ........... Neva 4 Cnener baw TwV ntral K. T . K a II r-'orfilk H Weara. . . ... . Iran from him. That Infuriated him he 1 ' ra afrt tr)nnd eelxed me bv Ihe tw 'i 'V shoulder! Then he-he struck mP. Hut 4 it?S "! i' i he held me so light ;ht my shoulder for " 'k daya bore the Impr'nt of hi flntier In l ei r rH ir. a great bruise on the flesh." 'JS ".-. Tj 'S! ' you ever seen another bruls ii in 4h ui like thnt? fStr. I Saai tt,'H 1 v) nere .' ...... , , lt , , la.wa til js , I 404 TH TT'i ti rnT rHcltlfl fantrio Vat) , rarlfl TH. Tel...... f'tnirTla'a fMllmai FMtaee tsr. fr daw. Cepper fieartlna ic-p.pl. He Tra Hieel... T'fiiara emirie v!!n Ra'laar S'Maahaaar tVmeaar ... "rr-ree Covear Tata fnftitmtiy nlon Tar If te , . . . Hilei P.lte ffi t l'a Sieei . Wieel pM I 'H rnef . , . , lv-Ar 4'nlrrr , , vamin.h-.iiaa Rtartrla .. - Voto-a , WHth'k atl . i-'-v .tu,,i v. (M f pv 74 7i " V'ai aiilea.fur tlia 4av. ahra. Yes." ' -i The .itiestlon snapped 4u? inni mii ,mK J 'ruially. and Mary, loaning forward.. 4 tvta i: r4 1 atretc.heil out one shaking hand toward VV1' biof-er'n appeal or encouragement, 19"', lai't i'v. It was l ard to say which. IfSJ t u!J ilk! "'"Pon the shoulder of my babyl Wlie B tea v im'i tm 1 Mary wna born the Imprint of five S3 tit 1" n- j'inisr. like p-iiple brulsea. showed on l IK lit4 l'i;her shoulder. v How long was It topped scrcam'ng?" "Several hours, and she was feverish and III for days." I.angdon's voice now changed abruptly. ami the prosecutor a eyea narroweu w ti e atchfiilneas of a at . as tha formar askrd : on the night when your daughter rs- piKllntcd her engageincnt to David Pol loik. were yi sitting up waiting for their return from a dance?" "Yea." "Will you tell the court as briefly a na hi Wiiat occurred?'' "It wss very late. , 1 had been waiting hat seemed to me houra before they nw In. Mr. Page, who waa very much .ir.der the Influence of liquor, waa berat- ng .K'Jiry. and once he started to atrlke her, but Mr. Pollock Interfered, telling me that Mary and I had better go and try and get some hest. Onra in her own room. inwever, my daughter broke down and olibed and said. "Your grief and tath- r'a danger msds m accept Mr. Pol- ock. TonWht I tried to run away with 'hlllp, because he Is the man I lova 'lit I am helpless In your handa.' " "Old you still urge Miss Page to marry Mr. Pollock?" "No, My daughter's hspplnesa waa too neat a price to pay to save my husband 'rom the penally of Ills crime, and I told Mary that she and I together would go o David that very day and plead with Im to ser her free.' It waa dawn then, rd finally she went to lcp." "Dl( you make that plea to fr. Pol ock?" "No. We. went to ths office but but ' didn't see Mr. Polldck." ' "Will you tell the cdurf why? Not me. V 1 a. Page, but- the court as If I were tot present.'! "Well, your honor;," she said, turning and they mustn't know we have been here.' Bo we went to ;. I.angdon's of rt'e. and he arranged to come to the houae lata that night In the hope that we woti!d have learned by that time what tha scheme wa." "Did you learn?" ' "Yes. Shortly after Mr. Lansdon ha come, my husband and Mr. Pollock cam" In and Mr. Polio, k told tia that he had bought the mortgage on our home H said that If Mary would marry him within a week he would give her ih" mortgage and the forged check aa a wed Oing gift. If ghe didn't he would fore close and put the check Into the handi ef the police." v "Did Mi a Page agree'" "fhe said she would answer liliu t!io next day. and he said he would walC tlinnerli I... uniiiianii was angry mat there snoultl be any delay. Then Me Pollock went, and Mary Joined Mr. Langdon. and liny etartod for a walk." "Did you aea them go" "Did they remain tlicre','" "No. They fnded aa arte grew older." "Did they ever recur?" "V Ti.. i..i iinte KBi when Msrv t.4 MS MS 4 I , . I.m 10 s it4 feu ws I vests old. Mr. Page had come I.SSS M IM'a V', i - U 7S m V'.-','""" If M r ' " !-. TKE STRANGE CASE OF MARY PAGE" KOritTH KIMHOUK Kef It KittutaT, Feb. 13th AT THE EMPRESS aJSnE Mir ) '. -f.: r., fj jti-i- 4 IT t S 'S I 4 114'k l'S J" Jl aiw ' " , lei ', 4'a U t.4 )i r4 "H 4M '... : I V V i ,' V' '-i ;', : ii v - i-;;--.yz B V,wii.e'B.a11 fill 14 r r , iv Vevr York Menry Market. N(.'W vnttK. Feh. -M KRCANTII-R r fc-fia,ik pee rent. STRHUXO e-Xfil ANOrc - ISIxly-day M'is. t4.tl: demand. 4.;: rehlea, 4 7S U.VKn-Bar. ftiV; Mexican dollars, l".e. liON"P-t5ovei nment,- steady; railroad, flewi. t r Via Time, steady: slaty days, Jt-4 n.r r-e'it titxetv davs, t ier cent; six Jifr'l'f, a Iter cent. MO!JVV 4"tl. atesriv blh. pee cent; '- t iv r cent; ruling r1, t pr rem: iaa loan s oer cent; closing bid. 1". wr rent; offered at I per cent. '"I'if'is uotttoi op hondi today were i f'le; 't P e , ras. ..'.! N. mil. 4a....,e,i 4 M1 M K T. t 41... T,W t . . ; e..'.....'a" "te Par. e.a. Sa..,! ia-i-m ,i ..... Mt. Hover 4a V IV S. 4 re . ...'Oil. N. r C aak. a.,, .l j re "'. t. "iv 4W ttr'a ira. anal'am ...." S. V.. N. II. aV H. A. 1. a r. 4rt,.l')' -y. aa ,11$ A r -otii. r'-"i r. aa.. . rn. i, -r a.....ioi 1 a a ' a1 4. raeiei, ! re. 4.,. Rheumatism is poison In the f-hJw A rinStea a I a . six as.aa at... IjuiV . . . . . . t o I ... "'n, rr, 4."..'. vi i blood, lhat poison must be re- r '. l V "a r,". j: 'p. moved before the disease can be f r 4'i.... M t, t it.traA 1 Jb 9. O. r. 4... ' S .' a "V I -'4lCV4. 'I,. ;.- ' '"a." ll i The wonderful suceeraet attend u . '. i-'jua .. a. - , .: ih , jniT thg of j SaSa in cases of III, ran - f. 4- ' r . , Steel f. i ' " ll J a A i ! vi v. .... '.-.. 4'-.... .'a ; rheumatinm are due to the fact V.". "' " " "'" r X'MS i that S. S. S. goes right to the , source of the trouble. ' YOU MUST CO RACK OP THE PAIM AND CURE THE CAUSE OF-. ' IT FIRST. Rheumatism is not just a local soreness. The pain in the muscle or joint is merely a symptom the cause is much deeper. Rubbing the sore spot with oils or liniments brintrs a certain amount of temporary relief, but ;"-:' 1 ." -'xa..e-fiVV.:'.::': the disease is still In the system Tr'i':::: .-.rVVr. : and the pain will come back again. iw-lh S. r. S..""S-ae T, T ,a lot ,. .. . . . .a I.aa1all Marli Market. l4.DON", Keb. S. Iipier stluks were firm wnd a few American securities hanged hands on Ihe stock market to. day. The closing wsa quiet. The dollnr eocurltU.a mobilisation scheme la work ing well and eifhange people beMrvs t..t ,Vw Vnrk .'n.ina ailll I., k.1,1 r.rtVr.h7,Tsr,;.v', uf ,0 ',th sy.ift specific company 4.11 Vl'R-lur f. ner .mni-e I vniM.Y 4',f4 per cent. t f VI-" i is T IIATI nitort bill and It acta directly on the blood- nuriftes the blood and removes the poison that, is the cause of rheumatism. Wf If you suffer from rheumatism In any of its forms, your first step towards health must be t& purify your blood. . Start now taking S S. Sa according to directions. Our laboratory is the best equipp ed of its kind in the world. We have facilities for extractintr the medicinal qualities from herbs ana roots and ageing them pos sessed by no other concern. SSe S. is not a drug it is pure ly vegetable. It is Nature's own remedy the blood purifying properties extracted from native roots and herbs. Sa Se S. has been known for half a century as a blood purifier, and for diseases arising from impuri ties in the blood. Drjggists all over the Country carry it in stock or can get it for you with out delay. Don't be satisfied with anything but the' genuine. ATLANTA, GA. 1 three moitlha. Sla per caM. Reaik 4 lewrta. I OMAHA. Teh . Paok clearings for 'Omaha today were 11 S7 Tu.6T and for m (.-orieapt'"!"! day laat ear .'',- 1 t3-.Mll, 1 PEhsriNL PCRAGR4PHS. W. If. Koenlg leaves Thursday after- noou for New York. SvIHismi Min 1 ii. 'iiinilgrattan officer, of itiiN-i. is in tlt my on business. K. X. Moveil f Omaha la a guest at lit- Hotel Hiittpn in Ks'-elsior FpriiiKS. .',lr. and Mrs. J. J. Mift of Oinalia r rl'ed January : at the Motel huapp in F' t ebiiur r'prlngn, ill for two w wk' 'v. M tee Anna Wov of Omaha left yeat r- j i'y fur New Voik, sailing Mulitlsy for, s 'IroiiHiJrn. Trtiiih!e HrAtiieis .ntt-naiued turty-tso .a.iV-a niHiiiigers of fruit prwliit log anj rnmmlaaitri) ill in- at a laiiut Tuesday f.ti.ns at ine ileum. a, w. 1 Coveni-ir J-hn M. Moiebead la a gtieet I l the lln'tl r-naup In I .iirletir fpnnga I far a week 01 ten onym. Vic President Monroe cad Oeneral FTvlaht As-iil lioioiliii of tha Btuling. too hava gune to leaver, where h- will i!efcr for thrlr respective eum Ii.lc in a freight rate bearing that U a. S. K. Srnyth. assistant aecretary of ths Omaiia Auia chit). Is ill with tha grip. H is tiie active officer tf the club, who has itiarice of the liasdjuartwrs and liirlt li.fu. t.iation bureau at Hotel Koutenelle. A l?mxy cc i i Me OfTKcBtood ; 1 j luaa A. Maera aiaal M Ife Florida. , John A. Moore, who s"ed the t nlon Pacfie for I :i on account of peeaoiial ii 1 r-a gua'an.-e.f and wh erttled ftir I S' ' m solrd by fits wife, has gout! to I iotvia,. wi.ere be will remain dui.ug 1, t Uirt of ine winter. j :r(el in 1 I ! 4 1 (S s i 0 OMAM A, M'C B (To Be Continued Tomorrow.) Stock Yards Will Banquet Students from the State Uni I'reparations hse wen partially com pleted for the annual banquet In honor of v sltlng students of the Nebraska Plate t'nlverslty. who will be entertained t the local stock yfinla next Monday. n eml Manager Kverett nucklnghain an nounrea that through Colonel Jack Walters he has secured the services of Pr. R. I.. Wheeler, pastor of the Wheelet SU morlnl I'reshyterian church, as spenker for the occasion. Ir. Wheeler will speak on the subject of "Prepare.lncss.' It is estimated that 4ftj studenta and professors will make the trlj from Lin coln. The ladles of the economic department of the state university will also be In attendance. Thousand Tickets Sold for Big Ball Over .'M) ticket' ftave already ' been sold for the big charily ball, which will be held at the Auditorium February 13 by the Taughtera of 'siacl Aid society. A special meeting of the ball committee of the society waa held at the Bnal Israel synagogue Tuesday afternoon, and the report of thla Immense Bale msde. The money derived from the ball will go toward the building of a Jewish Old People's Home. With the money on hand and that which will be netted by the approaching ball, the Aid society ex pects to purchase a lot and begin Con struction of the home In the, spring. Proflta OH t'osarsaay. DKNVFR. Colo.. Feb. . Net profits of Ihe Midwest Refining compnny for the year endln? December 1, IMS, totalled I,7S3.1I. according to the annual report of O. II. Shoup, president, (xsued todavf Of thla sum ITDO.ooo were paid In divi dends. - Traffic Bureau Has Collected $6,000 in Overcharges in Year f iverchnrges exceeding H.'aW. were col lected from the railroads In Omaha bv he auditing department of the traffic bureau of the Commercial club during S'nce the law requiting all railroad 'arirfs to !e published ar.d strictly ad hered to. the number of tar'.ffs has normoiif?y Increased, and the use of them for outlining speclflo rates has been complicated accordingly. The over .ImrKea which the traffic bureau has been busy adjusting for Ita customers Itli the rsilwsys ore due to the ap plication of wrong tariffs between va .Inns pctrils. The rtiiway employes themselves art not ss familiar with their own tariff as 'iev mlil.t be, and thla is why so many iverchai ges occur. Not only has the aureau been busy oliectlng rebates on overcharges, but t hss 1 een busy uuoting rates to rtll memlers of the bureau who ask for imitations on given commodities between riven points. Rates were quoted during the year In repl- to l.4;fi requests. Urges Everyone To Quickly Get . On Water Wagon Drink glass of hot water before breakfast to wash out poisons. Butler of Columbia Coming to Omaha The next Palimpsest club ieaker Is to be Pr. Nl holes Murray H'ttlcr. president of Columbia university, who will bp en tertained here March 9. Prerlilent Untie Is one of the recognised top-not hers 1 ; Ihe fie!d of higher education the former president of the National durational as sociation and also editor of the Flucn tional Review. Ho will prrjbnbly ad dress the public school teachers and be entertslnel also by the Columbia alumn'. while he la here. ' "To see the tinge of healthy bloom In your fsce, to se your skin get clearer and clearer, to wake up without a head-, ache, backache, coated tongue or a nasty breath. In fact to feel your b'ft, day In and day out, Ji:t try insiile-bathlng every morning for one week, I'.efore breakfast each day, drink a g'ass" af real hot water w.th a tes,-oonful of limestone phosphate In It a a harmleSa means of waahlnj from the e'ongch, liver, kidneys and bwels the prevlntfa day's Indigestible waste, sour bile and toxin: this rletnslng, sweetening and purifying the entire alimentary canal be fore putting more fotd Into the stomach. The action of hot water and limestone phosphate on an empty stomach la won derfully Invigorating. It- clean out all the sour fermentations, gases anj acidity and gives one a splendid appetite for breakfast. ' A quarter pound of limestone phos phate will cost very little at the drug store but Is sufficient to demonstrate that just as soap and hot water cleanses, . sweetens and freshens the skin, so hot water and limestone phos phate net on the bloo.l and Internal or gans. Those who are subject to consti pation, b lions attacks,' acid stomach, rheumatic twinges, alo those whose skin Is sallow and complexion pallid, are assured that one week of Inside-bathing will have them both looking and feeling better In every way. Advertisement. READ THE BEE WANT ADS The New Spring Styles Form a Very Pleasing Part of February Displays EN' 're-itch lAmhsklit j T T ' I T new gllpon. very I vJf 1 $1-19il Ji, Wometi'i Real F (lores, in the new, for early gprlng wear. In white and tan, worth $2.00; special A W Frr$ jw xey ii DODGE Aisp DOUGLAS STREETS Women's leatherette and Cha tnoisette (.loves. Id alipon and two-button lengths, worth 69c; special for Thursday, JjC Spring Garment Styles Unquestionably Authentic, Most Smart and Gracefully Becoming, Thursday's Values Should Produce the Greatest Selling Ever Known in February CLASSY SPRING SUITS in truly , surprising variety of charming now designs, and in nearly every color and weave in fabrics that fashion favors. Don't miss the splendid val ues hown .Thursday at $19.50, $25, $35 to $65 100 MORE GENUINE SOFT FLUSH COATS "just received for Thursday's; selling; all sizes ' Hi to 46; matchless values at $19.50 A... SEE THE SPLENDID VALUES DISPLAYED IN SIXTEENTH STREET WINDOWS. OVER 600 WINTER COATS Both women's and misses', in big assortment of popular styles, materials and colors; made to sell to $25.00;' Q $() QS " " " " NEARLY ' k66cT HOUSE DRESSES, YOU SEE THE VOGUE for Spring as designed 'by ar biters of Fashion in these Lovely . Dresses mirrored as accurately ast if you paw them on living models in their orig inal salon presentation. A wonderfully broad showing Thursday, at most attractive values . $18.50, $25, $35 to $65 DAINTY, NEW DRESSES, worth to $15.00, in Taffetas, Satins,, Crepes, de - Chine and combinations, in every wanted color; big assort- flO QiZ racnt at Oe VD MANUFACTURER'S SAMPLE BLOUSES Made to sell to $6.00, in Chiffons, Georgettes, Laces, Crepes de Chine, . Washable Satins, etc!; all new, brilliant . o QO shades and stripes, at. . . . ... .. a70 ALL SIZES, ON SALE HALF PRICE. Most Modern and Sanitary Brewery in the West. Family Tr?de supplied by WM. JETTER, Distributor, 2502 N St. Telephone Doutrlas 4231. South 8G3 or SC3. $30 Made to Order Dresses $20.00 A Most Attractive Proposition rlrst Because Mrs. Ca ts vod, who is in charge of our Dressmaking Depart ment, has just returned from the east full of new ideas for Spring ttnd Summer season, nd ready to gire you the benefit of her study and wide experience. Second Because you have a large and widely varied stock of new silks for selec tion, your choice of any up to f 1.7 5 yard values, made up In the style you may se lect, a real $30 inade-to-your-mribure dress, now of feied it . $26.00 llrwl-t'laa Workmanship unci I'erfect Kit Guaranteed Inquire at Silk lkiU ua Mala l-'loor, r liremsmaklng , laej. on Fourth r"iMr. aaawiwag! The New Season's Corsets Are Designed to Follow the Lines of the Natural Figure. The Season's Corsets are designed to follow the lines of the natural fig ure and to bring out their beauty. The simplest gown is enhanced by the sug gestion of . the trim figure beneath The corset cannot entirely make over the figure; it cannot make' a tjiin woman plump or a stout woman thin, but a Warner Corset, chosen for the individual figure and correctly fitted, will give graceful lines to every tyjie of figure. Wafner Corsets fulfill every requisite of style, fit and comfort. Come iu and see our new Spring models, loth in lace back and lace front. Styles for every type of figure. Warner Corsets carry our guarantee not to rust(ff jn A break or tear ....? 1. UU 10 tpD.UU Oar Sj le idid Display and Demonstration of Pure Food Products Continues All Week KB VKCIAXi irrS ST. WUDOW rirx.avii. We want every koasswtfs te eume aa sample ad jadare foe yourss.vae tba Ktgk ataadara of 3uavUty saw e. aamcaatratavd ia ear Maiavjaveta fur fooe xvepartnaeai. We aave ta people from i te 60 ea ta aoat of living. IT ibe. best pure Granulated Sugar for llayden's Health flour. It's perfec tion, nothing tlnar made. l-lb. aaoic for O-lb. sack Heat lilgh Grade Diamond U rVxir, inada fruni the baiat It-ct.-d No. 1 wheal, every sack gnar anieed. per a'k SI. IS bars ileal 'lwn-Ala, lllaniond l' or l.uiemliy tiiean White laundry Hou fur e i lls. tlioli-e Japan Kk'e IM S Iba. Kelt Hoi led White BretAiau oatmeal asa OaJion cans tio.'den Table Syri!', for aaa i'-lb. pai'kage Self-Rising pancake Hour "for Ste It-ounce pkg. Cunduaed Mince lat for gi.a Sl-ounce jara pure FVult rreaerve"4 ror see Isxia. jara pure Strained Honey.. Me 4 rana tfenry Was, hiring. Ureen r I.lma Boana aaa 4 larga rana QoUan Fumpkia, lti- Inv ur 8auer Kraut See large rana rondensd afllk BSa K. f. .'orn Makea. pkg ,..aa W. O. C. or Krumblen. kg s Gallon rana Golden Pumpkin g6a Gallon rana Ft Peachea or Peara.Sso rana Oil tiardinea lee 7 Iba bast Hulk laundry Starch. ae The beat Tea Siftinga. lb lSte Oold.n Santne rnffee, nolblng f In r fur family use, per lb 80a Tata Btrra: a am coa majikct Vtm TMB FSUfLB. The.besi t'r-aaiitsr) Hulirr, carton or bulk, lb tie Fancy No. 1 Country Creamery But ter, lb see Fancy No. 1 Ialry Table Butter, per lb S7e The beat No. 1 Storage Fgga...,a4e The b jet Htrtctly jTMh Kgaa....avea Fancy Full Cream N. V. While. Wla nuisin iVeaai or Young Aim l a t'l.ex se. lb tea itiiabel boxea fancy Jonatlian. Grern tnr or 1 Ionian Beauty App.ea.ai.SS raJror TOOavrBa aaAri TMVlt Al.m 3 alxe, ea'-li 10a 4 ante, each 71 le, arh Se ax: TEY IIAYDEN'S FIRST- ESK tOITHLEI DXSSCT raoit tin eaowia, You don't hare to pa nv inflated f riers. W i buy and sell direct to thg consumer. Xaydene' Ire ths aeopla the Miv ks Pviee ef What Thar Are Worta. 15 llta. best Hed River t'oiatoea to th peck SOo Irge bunchea tYesh Beets, Carrots or Turtiipa .4 Urir bunch Vreah Shallots. .. .Ste lre bunch FYeah H.a'1 ihes . . . .' 1 heads Fresh Ieaf lettuce 10a Laiee California Head lettuce, per h'vad Vi Farcy Florida Hiram berries, quart bos ,..45e F'mirv Mushrooms, lb. box sM Old Brl, Carrots or Turnips, at. pr pourij - Sa Fancy Michigan or Wisconsin Cak- bage. lb, la K X i X1 m