12 THE REE: OMAHA, FEBRUARY 131G. I7ant-Ad Rates - CASK WITH 010E C pfr word each Insertion CI1KOB BATE! I 9e per lln on ttm ?C per line ....three consecutive times (Count l word to the lln.) spzciai. UTIH - Farm and Rama lAnd. 7 c per line each InaerMon (Count six word to th lino.) foreign dvi:rtisino under . agents oh help wanted classifications: ?c per word " J,m 1'4C pjr word ..frw consecutive time JTO AD T1IIV rom !.!! TO AM A TOTAL OF too 0 TH f 10 TEA DAT. - CARD orr thank. rF..Tii and FUNERAL NOTSVt-a: per line.;. each Insertion 10c t .Minimum merge rem- r Monthly Rate for standing ad ,"" clujntre of copy) 11 1 per lln (Count tlx. word to the tine.) Coatraet rata o application. THE PER will not b responsible for more than ona Incorrec t Insertion of 1 advertisement ordered for mora than one time. ADVERTISERS should retain rscelpt given by The Roe In payment for Want Ads, no mirlaks can rectified without them. USB THE TELEPHONE If yoti cannot conveniently bring or ?nd In your ad. Ak for a Want Ad Taker, and you will receive the same ood service aa whea delivering your ad at tha of flea. thonf: tylfr 1000. want-ad colrmns close FVKNTVa EDITION- 1:0 M. MORNING EDITIONS 9:0 P. M. THE MOVIE PROGRAM CHAKODD DAILT. Auwtri ttit tjuestlott "Wbtr to go tonlC EMPRESsTl5th & DOUGLAS fell; Tribiina No. 10. 'Tha Qetaway.'; Vim. The Rouihneck," 2-reeI RaalaT. "Mary i'aaa." X-reel Eaaanay. OARUKN, FA UN AM , "Saved rrom Illmaelf," one reel comedy and the latent Patha vlowa. t Cents. program. I 'enta. f'AlNCES3. iaiMrXOUUtA'8. Jlarld Irkwood and May AUUon In Llllo of tha South Beas, i-act dramit. Ford F-terllnf In tur Daredevil Chief. Hrreamli Keywnne comedy In t acta. fceHna- Minneapolla and t. I'aul. Trav- elogue. Kortlk. 16TU AND BINNEY GRAND, Edwin Arden In Tha Beloved Vagabond, a R-reel Patha Feature. fOTHKOi'. 4TU ANjLOTiiHOP. Blanche Sweet in 8'olen tlooda. wt. ' tiPOIXO. LEAVENWORTH. Sells Tribune, No. 7," fell. J'Thn White Alley," 3 reels, Kaa. "Tha Mani cure Cllri." Pellit. JkOHLlK; iSbl LEAVKNWOKTH7 William Hart In Tha Dleilpla Trl anale Feature, t, rel comedy. UONROK. ' . t5&S FARNAM. , WIMIam Faverham In "Tha Right of TR'ay" by fir llllhert Parker, a powerful ator'y of tha North .Metro leature In five acta. KBUII4 t. jjebsb. urn ft n, . "Hill Peter'a Kid." -rel Vltaaraph. "Jane'a I'mhful )Iiro." Vltagranli. "Tha Fabia of vlia Two Phtlanthroplo Bona,'' auay. tar Features T-eaa ara .Srecll Eitra-ltMl picture low appaaitnf at UM following Tbaatara; APOLLO. ; 2814 LEAVENWORTH, -Tha Wlilta Allay," I reela. EMPRESS. 15TH AND DOUGLAS. Mary Page." 2-reel Eaaanay. Edwin Arden in The Beloved Vagabond, a fr-reel Patha Feature. LOTHR0P, 21TH AND LOTHROP. Biatich Sweet In Is .0 n roe" i - i rTXR naHT W!!Um Favereham In 'The Right of Way," a powerful story of the north In fiv ct OUL"', 261 LEAVENWORTH. W illis m R. Hart In The Dlsclpl Tri- HiV Feature. I rerl -oinedy. f KJNCESar . i-lf-lt "DOCQI-AS. Harold Ixkwnod and May Allison In "Tlllo of the South tea" In a four-act drama. rLOKHTI. SaTM . florists.' lJ4Tornam T a, )lMt.lu0.', laia Oougiaa. l.A r- f9r lortats Telcsraoo I A a a r(H IDA. H.i 1- nrcHm HI A. LGN'AGiiLK. itaitf. Luug. lutl MALSOLKU-i. IWHT bury yaur dead In tha cold crvtina In stormy weal her when you can buy a. tomb In a marble bulid ng at reaannabl prlct Tel. MAL'&OLtUM CO.. D. 217 J RIILI)I(1 PFBMITt. Hansen Chrlstenarii, iJ5l trick and frame dwelling. Lafayette. The Easy Way is the Telephone Way PHONE TYLER 1000 s - ' - i ii:r' m rt .wt, mtkp AN VfKAShl-Mrs. AiiTia. aged . Shipment from llesfey A Heefey's r ti i I . T'niy Hlh and Fnrnsm streets,' Thursday morning, to Ahion, N h. ;ARNS Mart n, aged hi ypm. Funeral Thursday morning. February 1". .10 a. m , from famllv rWm, Seventh snd W'ehatcr streets, to Holy Family chiir h at a. in. It'll 11 at Holy Sepuh her hMncifrj'. Vic iliToN John' B.'. agc"d SI, at hit ieP d.me, WH ( hr Kuneisl from residence Thiiredsv at 1:30 a. ni. by auto to St. John's rhurch at a. m. Interment Holjr Sepulcher ceme tery. . niltTII ASB- IlKtTH'. Births-Allen and AIMo Wolfe. 2"7 fNwey avenue, girl; C, and Eva Jen en, 21 Ellimn avenue, boy- R. V. and Ad M'Clillev. 1107 Houih Twcnlv-sev-entli, girl: David and Clarice Dicker, iurt South Fifteenth, bov: Charles and Kannle ( looc. MT4 North Twentieth, bovi Cliarlea c. and Nellie litiairn. xn4l Tar lor. ami ; W. t.areive nod Mildred A. Qulnlun, .-221 California, uirl: rhrlat and Marie Vritkr. '.MH Hoiith Taenty-thlrd. boy; Itrnry K. and Alum Deinpeev, Honlh Eighth, hoy. Ieath Wllllnm Ollltaple. UK Wa:i'nton: Mra. William .1. MiiIIIbp. V. llftt poi'th Tenth; I'. 1 1. Pmtt. n, RWiT North Thlrty-ihlrd; Percy Morrta, 27, hoapltal. MtRRUGH f.KEISISR. Permlta to wed have been Innue.l to tha following: Nam and Realdenre. Age. Herman J. tyiwe, Ilethany 21 Ixju'.BO F. Oofect. Omaha 2t John Pelera, Jr.. Carroll, la ? Fdna Orevea, Omaha 30 Jamca D. Rk'hard. Fnderwood. Ia.... Marie Jenaen, I'nderwood. Ia 23 Raymond J. Herman. Omaha ?1 Mary Kohle, IlPalrlce 21 Farl Pntnnm, Albert City. It ? Jennie Wendt, South Bide 24 Frank Hntoile, Omaha "I Kathentno ftory, Omaha 21 A. Jnllua Anrtieaen, Florence , 27 fiigrld E. A. Hendrlckaen. Omaha 'A LOST-FOUND REWARDS OMAHA COUNCIL KLUr Kb MTltJttt ItAILWAI CO ill' A. N r, Poraona having loaf aoma artlclt would Co well to call up tha office of tha Omaha tt Council bluffe fltraet Railway company to aarertala whether they left It In the ttreet car. - Many artlelea aacn day ara turned lit nd the company la aaxloua to rentora them to tba rightful owner. Call Doug 4. ft" OU Iom anrinlng and will aitrtiM It bar. yea will aurair r'r II It tonne hr aa hnxl prmo. Hnarliabl reeevarlva af anittflat atmut erarr day tfcroura ihla auluma. THi jw Panai b Una loai artlalra are laoniuad In knowing that tha Mat la It trlri la. raquirina (ham la aaak tka n Ikrauih M'artiaamant and otharwia a4 thai a tallur lo ta to, tt. aaia i ba pro.aa.. la olraa a aarara banaliv. VTlfj. tht party who took the little elrla eiea rrom me recg porcn ai in nn hi., retmrn aame. No queatlona naked and liberal reward promlaed. Hied pritcd very highly by little girl at Chiiatmaa Hl't.e R'ST Sunday evening on Croantoe n or Biirrinnii Av car, a gold watch fob. Willi H. O. II. 8. enttlgn; return lo Ivnrl Iee. Re office. So. Sid and receive reward. LOSf-Auto giaaa for headlight, with dUnmer painted on glaaa, tctween Omaha and Houth Omaha. Reward. Thco. TIHotson.'-Tel. Pouth 1011 LOSTTpochetbook orTUmlae of Dougla. tietwem 24th and lth, Monday morning. He- ard.. Cgll .Douglaa. 81. FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS .ir-ur-ltar Mad llose-eld Uwi EiTTTTjAUiiAlSk- Furniture. K; atove. had a, spring, mattr'a, ti each; beiidm com for la. .llanket. 1-tW N. J4th. W. 1H0T. XT.L -ilEi'ATKS-NVator front, furuac Coll. t". uuick sarvica. umw eiora ftenalr Woili a Dnuclas. Tylr Cm A 1 IXT'I LLavCCO. Stattreaae lnxrte o ver just Itko new. l"7 cuming. t. "'. Plaoa aa MsalraL laalraiaaeat. ft mnntlt. lltlS Douaiae. Blor an. ,() riatarea. Ck?1vS, af-s. :alks. ahowcaaea, eheWi In. tn. W buy, ee'.l. Omaha Fixtur Supply Co . 4I4-U-1 S. Ifth. Doug. 27?4. lii ! l.LI , V it V flxturee. D. Weed. D.I7I. . tw"i and Kodak. ("ILNlri ivveitd fix a If purcliaaed f'ro.ii Photo Craft Mimu4i HeeBld. Iept. D Je-rrlrr, iilantsadat natrkia, brtODr-UAAHD'A luckt wadding ring'" at lih and Douglaa fit a ewtnai ltacblaes. TWilTcrMACiliKE3 - W rent, repair. ell nsedle and part f all sealng machine. MIOKfeUi NFBRAMvA CVCLB CO.. . lath and Harney Btia Iug. lt T y peavrl ler ia tllea. iTTT4ATvT. TtTbuoTT ca1u61T W rusks team, in OMAHA. Wfc typewriter Klbbona! .. Supplle for U3 . Iou' til?, la b Biag. Si-.Ni' an Oliver typewriter mo. fur li, Odyer Typewriter Ateney. V.4 Facnam. fyPkb W liKltf sold, relileo rnitaIT Cent rel Typewriter Fxn. VH)i Karnarn. ETTlTaNC1 KiUmjii and CarbuO Co., car bon Papee and ttikedTibbona. D. IMi. PJ'.NT a "Keniliigtun" not Jut a type writer. Low rent. Call l0Mgl-i34. f UT;r fypa titer KxJh .nge, 314 UUk. at. aii makea tor al or rant. Milliard ana Pool Table. F0K SAI.K New and second-hand carom and po;ket hi' I lard tabiea and bowling alleys and areasnrle; send tor cata logue; ausy aynieiita. Tli Brunawlok- bailie-Cullender Co.. 4C7-aoS.jaih St. . a.aaanrr aaaa jaaiiaian uaisriai. MlcfllllAN' while celr atiiiiKlea, jvoala aiui iMucs. t aciiic coast luiuner ana snlngles r . A. Colburn, Omtlm, Neb. ALTTkiaTi OF LI I fiKK rV)K SALK I eed I iv- construction of building; In flrat clnaa condition. Call lioug. 2117 FITy kiiicilius by tha load. Hmney yy'it. Prlnllaa aaJTlif lit'allaaa'iir(. inter ireas for punting iinltation typewriter letters: on Invalid sanitary chair; one follapslbl go-cart, i'hone wrmter w A l EHK-IIARNHAKT Itg. Co.. ajJality fuiiuiii jei. iiub. 2:vs. :' v. litn tNTltAlTvrlniiii Co. DOUC.Liai VhC tQi;GI.AB Prliilliig Ct.. Tel. Uo"uglaa.ir . Mlarrllaaraaa. FOR 6 Al.B CH Al", Etuaineaa CoLlcaa c,,uia Full and ooinplai acbularshlp In one er mi Dai .inana ounineaa scaooiv uooa reason lor am ling, perfootly reila me; worth full prbe, but will be sold sery reaaooably If Interested Invent gate t onca, becaua apiing larni begins n. There r a varletyof roin-a for ie, or particular Imiulr at in of fi-e of The Omaha tie Mr high atandard Of quality will h maintained' 4 quarta of Old Fontenelie whlaky. t3.it; bottled In bond. Henry i-r,iioc, niau oraer nous, uoug. l-J. u:-iz r. ljtn m. . NOTICE TO BEE WANT-AD PATRONS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE AND BETTER SERVICE The Bee will hereafter accept telephone orders for Want-Ads at the CASH RATE of one (1) cent per word and a collector will call a day or so later with the bill. : ; , It is sometimes a bother to come down to THE BEE office to place your "Want-Ad and then, again, it is quite often inconvenient for you to come down this way to pay the till for an ad you have had inserted this way yon never have to budge out of your home or place of business to get Bee' Want-Ad f ervice at the CASH RATE. , - - FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS lHrrflaaraaa. ALEX JETLsJ LlgTJOrl iT5i. Thliternlh and Douglaa. Pottled-ln-bond hlaky, L.c, fl.O. fLZS flMI quart TrifT'T'! ' "t iSunpowder oe i lUiii j,pilB tea with vry 10 Iba. of heat Lv- rnf'ee, pnl P'at, at tlT Dave'a Coffee Market. Mil l-eavenwort ft.. Omaha. Neh $3.1'0 i:.Mo Weal Whlaky, 4 full cuaria ftilod In bond, ffjraoaid. Cack ley Pro.. Omaha . EVFrtY day haa lt4 aunahln for BfB Want-Ad uaera. Start -.oday. Call Tvl'-r )'r . (Y)AI 1 baaketa delivered, tl : llllnota . "t ar lump, la U per tea Doualaa 1J! Hl;f TEHJii, I.K lor honai TiaTR Col Creamery Co.. 14th and .lonea Ft. WK buy and aeiT tafior'made "aiilta anj overcoata. I-Xedman, 1211 louglaa St. WANTFD TO BUY Dl-JSKS DESKS DESKS New deakt, uad dcek, oought, told traded. J. v.. Rexl. iyn Karnam. Nl'W and aecoitd-hand lueat fixture for our new ei-orea. Ftaeket Store office, nil r a n deta Thea t e r HI d J'h o no Tyler 41". WILL pay raari for old houae or barn to wreck. Coif. 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mechanical Draughting Machine Designing Estimating Patent Drawings H R. 8I.OMAN. Phone p. J444. i Pranda'a Theiter. Xf MET (J. R0T.0MOM BHOIHCGAAHUfi TIuTkv Wedding H Inra" at lih and Douglaa P t. tXKitCIHW AT V.M.C.A. Hualneaa man. Ktirilkla, fvr Woraea. ACCORDION, aide, knife, ttinbttrat. box pleating, covered button, all elaea and atylea; hematllchlng, point edging; em broidery, heading, braiding;, cording, eyelet cut work buttonhole, pennant. Ideal Pleating Co., 2u0 Douglaa blook. Douglaa t-H laatamea. TUB largeat gtock of maaqueraHe and theatrical eoatuinea In the country. The.JJehen ii, JSU Howard. I. 4111. THEATRIC A fTTowna, fuiridreag tulta, for rnt. M9 N. l.lh St. John Fcldmnn. DraaimakUg. LA DIV.'S aiilta remodeled In the latest atyle. ln Farnam. Douglaa tun. DRKSbM AKlNU by "the day. Work guaranteed, weoaier nana. MHH, MOTTAZ. dreaamaker C46 H. U Av. HKWI.Ni) orday work. IiougVas T.'fiT keliter'nDreaamk"lngoj.1rj;MtyNBt. Terry IreamMk'g colloer2"lh A Farnlim. Itcniiala. Dr. BradlitirruNo paln12 '.Q.W. Pldif, PyiVrrr.ea. Or". FIcitlra.'T'i CityNat. Bank Taft" Dental RoomaT 1M7 fio'inTaa, D. ZiSaT jHkllcea of the Peace. H. H. CLAIPORNK, 612 Pax ton Blk. Red 7401. Notary public; deposition C. W. RRIT'tViwI l'oiker block. 7401. Notary public; deposition steno. Urnga DRI'Ofl at cut prices; frelijht paid nn fin ordera; catalogue free. Sherman A Mn Connell Drug Co.,Ornha, Neb." ' f'fxia'rt-a and Wtrlaii. DTIRKTM K'ectrlc waahlng machine. electric . I ron snd - readinz lamps. 22M Cuming St. Doug. '!! Arrosatssta, E. A. DW0BAK, C P. A. 41-4ff Ramge Pldg. Tel, Dotiglae 740. Karrlera. SAM KNKKTKR. 13 Farnam . Red WS4. H. Hnthnla. IH Jjeavenwof fh. - H. TiM. hlropret-llo Sptaal A-ThI a4els' PR. BUR HORN, tuth and Fttrnsm,1 Wcad Bldg. D. fUi; Palme? erhgol g-adtiate. Dr. J. C. Lawrence,'! ))alrd Hldg. r. S4il MuvId i'ictare Aiachiaca. r OMAHA rilm Fx. Htja-and Doug. Mo- tion piciure, ma--nme ana runt narf alna. , . PaleataT ' D. O. Bsrnell, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. t. A. !tui gea, 6.m brandcia Theater Bldg. 1'la.no laalriirtiou. Ragtime plann playing pltlvely taught in ji leaaona. cuming.. wal. s.:;. Vsesssi t leasers. AI.L-makes.'E. B. Williams. 801 fl. Mth. Tyler l"l 'i Inea au4 .Lifaora, BUT your family liquors at Klleti's Liquor house. 622 N. Ini lvDouglas 1. laaaj-dAPon,jil'i) frltel A ye. ' T.. Mi C. W. HokVnaon. Lv'nwtu. Ty. 21i"-J Urlwilrra. JAMFS ALLAN, J12 Nevllla Woe: Kvf. r dence ecured In all caaea. Tyler 11'ld. a arasi'aa. a 1 la war. HABER8TROII. 402 Hamilton. Wal. ton. Ua tX"k loranstaaiaaer. . MARTIN BROS. A CO. Exchange Bid. usleiat- Paiaictanal JOSF.PHLNF, A R MVT RONO, 811 Be Bl.1 g. Plnme leaned. ' CCRLKD, dyad. . Klsele 113 City Nat. rata Hepairlna. . Ora. Standard Scale Co,. (IS 8. 12th. T. 11. Ikaa Heialslnr. Hsrley sthoe Rep'r 'o.,iQ4 Farn'm R. S4I4. (eel irlllagsl CARTF.R Ehest Metal Company. 110 S. 'X fnr Happily., OMAHA Towel Supply, 107 S. 11th. D. H2S Traaka aad lalt tasea. FRW.INtl STr.INI.H. 1V Farnam M Vatch MpeeTailaia.' Chrlstlsnsen. Id fl., Paxton Bk.. II yr. exp. aiauaarrj, Wedding announcement. !Vug. Ptg. Co. Adverllslaai .Novelties M F. Shafer Co., 12th-Farnaro. D. T4T4. Arckltecta. F.verett B. Dodd . 4113 Paxton Blk, P. y1, Altnraeya. C. T. Dlcklnaon. 611 Pa xton Blk. P. 1A A art luaeer. Dowd Auction Co . Illt-ll W O W. R Bvt Uakerlv. E, M Rr.PPKK. 7n N llLh. Web. !S7. ' lra a-waadriia. Paxlon-Mlti hell Co.. '27th' and Martha Sta - V klrlaa. Carrie J. Puford, t Pax. IHk. Red 47. llaaelaa AtaJraiUa, DK LUX ACAD KMT. Ill 8. Hth St. Iera and Ilvaaerai. 8TATKPry dug. Co., 1JH N. 1?th. P. sort Ulertrirai MeiMilrrag;, C A HILL Ft.ECTIilO C. . Bee Bid. P. M. Klea-traTyaw. ' l loa Ailender. iH Re Bldg. Red Soil SWAPPERS' COLUMN M HHUK-o'h,. ii. 4t A. rtvoiver, pair aptlng aaaiea. ,,; r.iei.ii liurua 1 honograpn; aingie-ahot rine, pair hip boota. ; new cuaa aooigun raav; I.' Ingereoll WHtch, nee; one hunting raae watch, )o-er guarantee caee, aim o gold chain, about Ml alia, excellent llmckeepar; want motorcycle, Vlctrola, pump anotgun, rolltop deH. Colt revol ver, mananiin, cornwi, aodak. Addreaa H. i.'. I.i4. bee 1 HAVlv a litat-ciaaa 'Mi' Keminglvn rifle, 4-ahot. auininatle, that la In tne 1-eai of condition and a good aa new. Only been need a very few ttirwa. if you ara thinking of getting a good rifle let me know, aa I f an aav you consid erable money, t'nat 2i.;i0 new. What hv.y7A,,lreaS. & ITi, Bee. HTKr.Lt caaung rod, lour leet n Incliea, a ante, guide and tip, tn-pan caaung reel, euual to any reel made; aaaort inent artificial bait, Dowaglac minnow, rubber frog, apoona, aplnnert, leader and hooka; In fine condition. Will trade for good banjo, or what have you? H. C. HM. Mae MAVK about tMi new electrical appli ahtee. auch a vacuum cleaner, Hoover," with attachment, "llot polnf ttovea and toaeiera, library lampa and electric waanlng machine; all new; will trade tor Ford touring car ln good condlt'on. Addreaa J 2-M. Bee. i'lOWi.NS-Kntillah Pouteia, White Fan taila. Jacnblna. Turblt and Swallow; ell flrat claaa bird; will awan fur Car tieaux or Homer pigeon (while Homer preferred), or will trade for anything of eo,'iwl value. Addreaa B. C M. Wee. M'TviNU li.-ture fflni. l.OB feet, part i Western drama, for homa or exhibition niaclilnei Indian and cavalry: contain acenea from Cuater a laat fight. Will take .21 or .3 Colt police revolver, or what have you? Addreaa ft. C. Wo. Bee. COM I'LKTB ramping ouTfit. 7xt Pyfa- mid tent, cooking utenalia. cover, pil low a, torch, u-foot flah eelne. campers' hand axe, etc. Wanl typewriter, cornet, Vlctrola, or what have you 7 Addreaa 8. C. 4, Ree. FJkD electric hand warmer, run off of magneto or batterlea, new; Ford corhu tator and wiring, emergency light. Want S0x or '4 caalng. Vlctrola. or any thin lce n Uae, Addreaa H. C. KW. Hee. PATH llneman'a epura nr chmhara. rain coat. 3X, brand new; Kver-Ready safety rsxor. 24 blades, never used. Want Mandolin, rolltop deak, or, what have you? Addrea fl. f!, rtee fioADSTKft, lightweight, two-paasanser lldf model, list overhauled and fully aqulptied. Will swap for tha beat 101. modal motorcycle or motorcycle and id car outfit I can gat; bat It must b A l condition. Address B. C. TA. bee WllAThav you to trade for a piao tlrallv new, 191, flve-pasengr auto mohll? Klectrlc lighter and starter. Also 4x5 camera. S. C. , Bee. , AUTOMATIC rotary printer. Ko. t-A; rubber type and ( rolls paper. Coat M. Just the thing for a boy. Will trad for anything I can use. Addreaa 8. C. WI1X, I'RAL'K )j0 Angelu player piano and about tiuo worth of muslo for auto mobile; piano In first class ahnpe.. Vv Hat have yout Addreaa 9. Ci ) lice. flAVE four box of good (Ucent cigar and 26 packagea of Bull Durham. Will trade for round table or aom kind of furlture. Adreaa S. C. 949, bo. IWJ TWIN Indian motorcycle, cfutch ma- cr.ino, to awap for furniture; muat be In Omaha; let me hear from yod right way. Addrras r. C. 9i. He. . OOob oak dining table (square). Iron bed and spiing; all In fine shape, for good cook alove or rug, or. what f 0. C. 1M, Bee. F;fJ.SON Home Phonograpli an- Zo se- lect blue Amberol records; all good mu sic, ror visid: typewriter. Adar a. WS, Jtce. TWO good secondhand pool tabiea to swap lor Jii) worth or new or second hand lumber or cement mock. Ad dress S. C. t.4. Be. PRACTICALLY nw base burner tor Oliver typewriter, motorcycle, encyclo pedia, or best offer, phone South 'W71 M H M. F. 6-paaaner car to trade; in good running condition. - w net have you to offer? Address S. O. Kt, Bet, lHu ROLLS Co-hol player muslo, all In r'ne anape: some roll, want small Vlctrola. or what? S. C. 9S7. Bee. rWANiP an Incubator ond guinea her In trad for household good or anything else. Address 8. C. 96a. Boe. OK. NTS new fe!00 solid 14k gold watoh. H diamond In back, for Ford road s' er. is. c h, bee. tlOTOUCYCLE, twin Excelsior, flrst- ciaa anape, to trad mr vtoiroia. or what have you? S. C, 946. Hv". JIODEL 10 Hulck rur.about. In goodrun- nlng order, to trsue ror motorcycle. Ad dreas S. C- , Bee. y GOOD base burner, will trad for any thing l' can uae; prerer a Vlctrola. 8. . inf.. be. A U TotlOill Lfcni For other automobll bargain e th "AUloraobll" clasaifo cation. - HKIH grade piano, price, new, H'3, to trad (or roadster. Aaurec ts. c. 17, Pee. WHAT have you to trade for a flve-H.- F.alt., three-phase motor? H. c. wi. Be. WILL trsrte ll-eyllnder motorcycla. In N 1 shsim for plumbing. S. C. i. W 1 1.1, trade 118 Ra rang for kitchen 1. 1 a e f RAT T1a BUSINESS CHANCES OFFICE TOR ' REAL ESTATE , . OR'. , , INSURANCE SAME FLOOR AS BEE OrFICE THE BEE. BUILDING i . OFFICE ROOM lol TWFLVE-ROOM, fin rooming house nothing better. -and within walking dl tance: two living . rooms reserved for rourself; Income from other rooms now 144: rent. 1U: strictly flrst-claa house; price. 11.1V0. Mr lnd interest In West ern part of st a to are heavy; must take full chart of office March 1. hence am selling my fine pi see here. Address H II., onner. P. O. box lii- Omaha. Our Nsbrsska farm mortgage ira not af fected by European war or panics. Amount lt to l-0.(. W collect all Interest and principal fre of Charge: iO year ' . in the Nebraska farm field without a losa la our record KLOKE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 1 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg.. Omaha, Nb. BI-ACKBMlTtl shop with or witn out rt Mence, In town of S.uuO, doing a big busi ness. Automobll and repair garag. large buMnea. money piaaer. Some poolhall and ail other business Investment a. BUSCH BORGHOFF. J-reriiierb lock . lot h ndI Kd D. t319, FOR SALE Tailor and pantorlum aiiop Iowa town ef l.tnu: only up-to-date shop tn town' did ever fA business In 14 weeks; low rent: will pay to look this up; having other bustnea calls my st tentton. Addreas T 2"7 Pee. loVINti Picture Theatera. real bulla Irs me hi lies, repairs, (i-ppiles, arceasorlea new and second-hand. Se us. OMAHA THEATER SUPPLY CO.. Batrd Bldg. ' ' ' Doug, a&kl TO wlTU'kLY sell your business any where, writ Jlro Wray, Sioux City, la. BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALfvln.'ants, children's and la lliea' furnithln store at I'avH City, Neb., St a arain: best location In town: doing sn excellent busineaa; wanl to retire Box No. SPh. David ' My. Nek WANTKD-Partner with some c-:el for enlarging present grocary busineaa and establishing a first-class meat market; good location. Andir. K, ..u ( if flee. South Omaha. GARAOR for ent. The Jonerel gsrare t lliimphrev. Neb. New building, u, luat completed; on the mermlan; beat location in town. Addrrsa box 14 Humphrey. Neb. VARIKTV slot corporation desires competent stor mara iter who awn In vest com): exceptional opportunity. Ad dress O 7RS, bee f HIiAT'KRS buy,' leasa or sJI your the- l'r, machine ani uppne tnmtian The ter Ex. Co.. MM Farnam D e7. fOH SALFIrat claaa cafe, remarkably cheap. If taken within one week, easy tc r ms. Phone Red 4142. 613 S. IHth. CFfCK for real estat or insurance; same floor as Be office: 11x21 feat; IJA The Be Bldg.. Office Room l' TO GET In or out of buelnea call em OANGKPT A D. H Be Bldg. Doug. 477 tALuOS, frsnalent corner, profitable busineaa; 24:'n N St.. S. Omaha. S. ll. fp SitLL" or nuy a business, call on Busch A Borghoff. Frenaer Blk. V. SSIX SITUATIONS WANTED, Mate. POSITION wanted at once by two youn-i married men; one Is A-l auto repairer and driver of 1 years experience In re tail hardware and Implement business, good saieemon; none but reliable parti; heed answer. Address M-737, Dec. RRLTaIiLM jiinlt'or. white, with first class reference, would work for room and board. K. L. Burke, 2402 St. Mary's Ave. Col.'iRKI) boy wishes position as house keeper and cnoki j. refers placo where he can take nlano lessons. Hsrney &S4. JNO. P. CARLSON. Painting snd Paper Man.ing. 42 N. 3ilh St. 11. wi-ale. T0UNt lady stenogrspher wants to work fur room and board; can cook snd do light housework. Call Douglas iffej. FrACTCAL nurse, good references, wishes permanent position, csre of In valid or sick child. Tel. D. 3M0. RKLTa BLK colored girl wishes work a chambermaid or dlhwaher. So. 1272. EXPERIENCED gtenosrapher want poil t Ion evenings. Col fax 3441. HUSBAND and wife want position aa In tiltors, Ca II Webster 7410. (ToLORi) lady wsnts position a cham ber maid. Cal! Web. 6656 COMPETENT lady wlahea position as housekeeper. Web. 6207. . Laaadry aad Day Warlt. tXPERlKNCF.D laundry womi.n wants bundle waahlng: neat work. Web. ns7. 15aY work wanted by Swedish lady. Harney 4 it. DAY work of any kind. Web. C921. Mary. W A NTs'lt Bundle waehlnsT. Florence 1 WANTED Day work. Thone Web. 7410." CTe anlng jn d laundry work. W e b ater 474V VTANTEI Day w8rk. Call Red 7o2G. ANY kind of day work. Douglas K463. HELP WANTED MALE tore aad Office. SALESMAN, paper, wee tern Neb....$lii Steno ' ' 6 Shipping clerk 76 Bookkeeper, . lumber xp 75 Steno., aast to sale mgr 65 Western Reference & Bond Assn.. Inc. Originators of The Reference Bustnesa. 7r2 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. SALESMAN, auto 1100 to .KW Salesman, ga engines. 1 Office clerk and typist f Steno. to assist sales manager 66 WATTS REF. CO.. 40-42 Brandels Thea. IF you are qualified to hold a hlgh-clas position see us. No filing fee; only a deposit of fifty (60) cent to cover ex pens of invvsttgattng reference. THIS MARTI COMPANY, . 1H27 W. O. W. Bldg. SOUARE. PEGS IN SQUARE HOLES. V imp , a position mat nia you. CO-OPERATIVE REF. CO., 1016-16 CJTY NAT. BNK BLDG. STENO. A N D CLERK (Grain) tTO.OO SALESMAN fAUtos) ia.w STENOGRAPH Ell 175.00 THE CANO AtiENCY. n Hee Mltlg. OlFICE clerk and typlat, -6. WATT- KEF. CO., S40-42 Brandeia Tiieater. ProtVaetoa aad Trade. BATTERY MA?; ONE WHO THOROUGHLY- UNDERSTANDS REPAIR ING OF STARTING AND LIGHTING BATTERIES. TO SUCH A MAN CAN OFFER SPLENDID PROPOSITION. CALL AT' ROOM 929. CITY NATL BANK BlJlG.. BETWEEN V AND 12 A. M. WEDNESDAY. $200 PER MONTH Th salary of th specially coached and trained man la 120U per month and up. Are you receiving ' per week? If not, apply to Suite 1401. W. O. W. Bldg. open evenings till 1 p. m., daily and upos v. WANTED A first claa shoemaker to do repair work. Muat be aieady and aober, and able to operate C ha mi; ion stitcher; nod wane to the right man and steady employment the year round. No ureek need appiy. Aaarea a. Jvyser, Kearney, npd, responsible man in each county to sell th Vanrensh Water Circulator for Ford automobile. Will keep your motor cool under the most trying condition. . .THE SCHILLING MEG. CO., " no wn..,w a.v. c WASTE D T w o experienced structural steel drsftsinen: state fully previoua ex perience. . references, etc. Box 122. De- trolt Mich. Drug Stor Mian, job. Knelst. Bi Bldg! alessaea aad Soltcttora. W ANTK1 Three book ealaamen; good magaaine men can sell this propusiilon; men toiiav earning 170 to lbs) a week; call between !: and 12. 112 Balrd Bldg. Boya. OFFICE boy wanted. 621 N. lth St. Trad aekwvla. iBAVHW EK OUR SPECIAL HOLIDAY OFFER. If yeu can t attend day aeh-i yd can held your Job and at th asm time sat your auiotnobUa dduuatlon If vou eu-o" n tha MQHT CLASS -OF NSBKAsaA ai, . J.MOB1L1 HCUOOL,. LEAVENWORTH. KKDlilO. ' MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. Men wanted to learn the trade. W kiav Arlflr.ll - I - - . . .? aulckly and Cars back tuition whll veryon. Writ for catalogue. 110 So inh St.. Omaha. Neb . . . GOOD MEN WASTED an l.irn anta wnrk tnr. .K -I i . rush. Fin training work ea auto a a' sirctric ainriing ajaivroa. AMERICAN AUTO COIJ.B01C- tOM riraam St, . Omaha. Nab. HELP WANTED-MALE Trade Achatals. WANTED Ns me of ambitious men. t to 4.i. wishing to be om Omaha mall carriers Commence - month. Addreas V ve. . LFAR.V barber trade, more thanmsike your tcltlon while learnlne:. yet of tools Included. Joh gi.rj-anteed. C'll or wrl'e for eata'ou. 14 Dodg". TR1-4.ITY PA RFrTR COLI VS'lV. Mtarelteaeoaa. NOTICE TO FARMERS. When In need of help of any kind write, telephone or rait on u CUNNINGHAM LABOR ACENcY. 111 8. inth St. Omaha. Neb. U. S. G-vertiment Wants Clerks lluo month. Omaha examination April 12. Ssmpl tiuesttnn free. Franklin Insti tute, Dpt. m M.. Rochester. N. Y. W"ANTET M"an for movie show at once. 17M Lea ven wort li. HELP WANTEDFEMALE ntores and Office. STENOGRAPHER out of town $7n Steno. and clerk W A TTS RE F. Cf)., sv-41 Brandels Then STENO. AND CLERK (Oram) $u6.00 CANO AGENCY, V Bee Bldg. Profeaalana anil Trade. WANTED Experi enced first-class halr dresser; one who un derstanda all branches of the work. Applv Burgesa-Naeh . Halr dreralng Parlor. LI. A UN linltdrejBlngat The Oppennelm. llaaseknl aad llaaaivarie. FRkE. Ad for servsnt girl will be run dya free of charge for residents of Greater Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring, send or phone your ad to TUB BEE office. ' Phone Trier 1tV. COMPETENT woman without children; full charge In small home; 1 In family; must be good plain book and do laun dry: permanent place: good wages. 24U3 r. i!-n. wfp, jjmi. can alter p. m. MiDDLE-AGBDT3y or good girl to help with light housework for room and board and be companion to an elderly lady. Call at 2764 Grant St., or phono Webster 3126. WANTED First-class girl or young woman for famllv of two; work light, but mut be thoroughly reliable. Phone nannen. umn. mi. W ANTED Experienced white girl for general house work; family of 1; good wagea; referenoea required. Wal. 1849. 611 Cass St. WANTED White a-lrl for reneral houae. work. 2 In family. Must know how to cook. 404 N. 4"th. Sr. 'Walnut RS7. WANTE1 Girl for aniieral housework: no waahlng". small family; white pre ferred. Call at 611 N. 2Hh St.' I'Wi PETENT maid' for general house- wont, small rsmny, good wage. 123 S. x-.'d Ave. Harney S2.V. - WANTEDGirl for general housework; per ween; launarees epi two aays. fwvis i.ass t. WANTED Olrl to assist with houss- work and car of amalt child. Phon Harney 7WS. WHITE girl for general housework In small family. Must be good plain cook. i liiiiarMrynirn. W"ANTEI Young whit girl for general nouaowora; no cooaing. -lvuf lut. web. WANTED Olrl for general houaework: -o cooaina- nor wasning, ttea ws. WANTED A nice Kill to assist In house- worK. Harney gio, . WANTED First cl&s whit cook. 3S0j EDUCATIONAL BUSINES3 COLLEGE STUDENTS ' SAVE MONEY ON COURSE. For tale, with good reasons for sell log. a variety of oours. In a reliable Business School, on of th leading busi ness college of Omaha. Will be sold . very reaaonable away below rc-rular prlc. If you ar considering taking a course in v-aiiaaiB iiua at once, alnc Spring Term begin soon. Call offio. umana eee. DAY 6CH06L S0YLE3 COLLEGE. NIGHT SCHOOL Every day la oniollment day. Book keeping, Shorthand. Stenotypy, Typ. ritlng. TelOKmpny, Civil Servloe ll Commercial and English branch. Cat alogue trv. BOYLES COLLEGE, Uth and Harney Sta Tel. Douglaa 1086. THE VAN SANT SCHOOL BTENOGRAPHY BOOKKBEA'INO. Day School for Young Women. Evening School for. Young Men. mid Women. batui day morning cla In typewriting. Ion C. Duffy. Owner and Manager. J0 8, Uth St Omaha FOR sale, the following echolare.iipa in nrat-ciasa iman nuainess couag: On unlimited oomblnatloa business gnd shorthand cour. On unlimited atenographle cour. One three-months' busineaa or steno rapnlo course. Will be sold at a discount at tha office of The Omana Be. EcTKOL OFMoTJKHN LANGUAGES Claaw or pHvste lesson. Downtown Studio. Phone Web. fwo4. Vxton Blk. School of Lettering and Art Tuition HO per month.. Doug. 2167. PRIVATE instruction in Grettg snort hand and pouch typewriting. Walnut 2J:7. PERSONAL WILTS. FISTULA CURED, Dr. E. H. TariV curaa piles. Tatula and other rectal diseases without aurgi cal operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonial DR. E. K. TARRY. SW Be Bldg. U.000 TO PEN MOM INVALIDS. The 1-tdir' Horn Journal 11.6 The Saturday Evening Post 11.60 The Country Gentleman 1 fw 0 aubaciipiiona each month till April earns that IS.OOu for The Inva lids' Pension Assn. Your order or re newel contributes 60c. Urgent. 0 needed In February. Phone Douglaa 7ia or ad drees GORDON. THE MAGAZINE MAN. Omaha. Neb. MEDICATED vapor and modern Turkish baths for ladl-s and gentlemen; lady attendant for ladlea: Swedish maasag 1M9 Farnam St. - Douglas 3437. PERSONAL RHEUMATISM, stomach, liver and kid ney trouble, goitre, nervouenees and asthma sufferer are successfully re stoied to health by me. Examination free. Call Suit 312. Be Bldg. DR. W. If. KNOLLENBERO. Chiropractor. Tyler INDIES OF OMAHA Shampooing, halrdresslng, facial mu ge and manicuring given In your homes. Dorothy Kamp, 627 8. 27th. Tel. Red S!fW YOUNG women coming to Omaha a tranger are Invited to Tlalt th Young Women's Christian association building t 17th St. and St- Mary' Ave, when they will be directed to suitable board ing placca or otherwise assisted. Look for our traveler' guide at th Unto Station. TH E Salvation Army industrial hum so licit your old clothing, furniture, mag silnea. We collect. We distribute. Phone Douglas 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new horn. 111M11?-H14 Dodge St. BAN FRANCISCO INSTTTUTF;. 79 South lth St., aecond floor. Hot tufc hatha, shower, genuine Swedish mas sage, chiropody, manicuring; graduate. Hours 10 a m. to 10 p. m. PERSONAIs-Allre. If you want to see your mother alive, come home Immedi ately. Her life despaired of unless eh can ee you; wire your answer. O. F. Coonrad. 1010 Abury avenue, Aabury Park. N. J. VAPOR, tub and spray batha; special or lauiea and gentlemen: new vacuum massage machine. Edna La Bell. 709 S. 1th St. 3d Fl. Apt. 5. D. 7046. RTJPTTH-'R SueeMfully treated x u vj without sureioel operation. Call or write Dra. Wray Matheny. lot Bee Bldg.. Omaha. MISSLS GRAY AND HEAD, Flectrlc baths, chiropody tieatment. scientific massage. 210-212-314 Balrd Plk.. 17th and Pougla. D. 14511. t Personal Mlas Staples A Mason, bath, electric treatment. Open t a. m. tt 9 p. m. Doug. 711. 161 Brandeia Th. I, CLARENCE WIESE, refuse to pay any hills contracted by my wife, Mr. A. M. M'lese, until further potlce. MISS WILSON. Bath, 1802 Farnam St. Room 2. Phone Doueiae STM. MAE BRT7GM AN, Steam and shower batha. Red 2717. Room ?"3, Kqrhach Blk. RHEUMATISM treated nccefully, r ult gugrant'd. Dr. Bowser. 114 Be Bldg. COZY manicuring parlors, bath. 1901 rarnam. Apt 7. noun. 7574. t)R. A. C. STOKES has moved hi afflcd to 474 Brandeia Theater Bldg. MISS VF.NET A, massage and alcohol. rub. Office 109 So. 17th St SCIENTIFIC masaag. 620 Be Bldg. Phone Douglas 72. MASSAGE, baths, expert masseuse. 1721 Dodge St. MASSAGE Mia Wbtr. 511 Paxton Blk. i inngias jz27. SEWING at home or out. FOR RENT-ROOMS Karalaked Resaia, WE HAVE a very nice front room with two large closets, one block from Hans coin Park car, everything modern, prl- ti xaniiiy. jeieryncea naraey 2411. LARGE front room, with large closet. In strictly new, modern home: West Far nam district; gentlemen preferred. Hir- I'CJ w. FOUR sleeping rooms; private family: everything new; convenient to several car lines. 2516 Templeton. Colfax I741L HiiTEL SANFORD. HOTEL HARLET 19th and Farnam. 10th and Farnam, Special Rates to Permanent Guests. olo S. 21ST AVE. Modern furnished rooms, waixing distance. Dou gjaa W9. 'II 1 1 " a f II CT 9lfl I.-1 .1.. 7. , u - J CHICAGO ST., 2lL5EleRantly furnished modern rom, reasonable. Red 6676, FURNISHED room for one or two gen tlemen; Dttndoe. Walnut 2077. lioasrlteeptar Haai 23D ST., 424 N. Nicely" furnished ousA keeping rooms. Douglaa 76S1. FURNISH ED ' housekeeping room Tor couple. Dundee. Walnut 2077. - Board and Itoos MORCROFT, 121 S. 26th Ave. Larg; well heated room, with running water, also - private entrance; southern ex posure. Also Urge south . room, tilt able for three or four. Serve excellent board. WARM. COMFORTABLE ROdMS. " Newlv furnished, home privileges t th right parties. Wa serve good board. Cell Webster 7172. STEAM-HEATED rooms, - suitable for two. excellent board, reasonable. "Tha i-rari. 313 p. am rt. r'hone Doug. K13S. GOOD home cooking. Opn for business t i"f s. ntn st. Douglas grn. lafsrnUkt-4 Hoai THREE unfurnished rooms, with us of teiepnone, iu. Colfax 1285. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartment And Houses. Ho FURNISHED Strictly modern 5-room cottage; very desirable. Harney 1661. FOR RENT-HOUSES Veat. FOR RETf 9831 Harney St.. mod. 10-room brick house. Hot water heat. Inquire T. J O'Brien. Tel. H. 10M: D. J n. THE for rent advertisements appearing' in the For Rent column of The Bee dally cannot be beat for variety that will pleas and fill th needs of any on desiring to rent. Phon Tylr lOOU. 220"TODG E. 7-roonl modern house. Har ney S776. North. 3922 North Eighteenth St. Six room, two-story, strictly modern snd In fine shape; good a new; east front; two blocks to car; 30 per month. Hiatt-Fairfield Co., Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tel. PJ4jW l.ils Sherman Ave., mod., 14 rooms 1M5 N. 17th. 7 rooms, bath I11UU X" .TJ I.- V 1.. r. r..r-. . ... $ L15 GRANT ST., T-r. com., modern. "L T W 14.11 i ll . . til..- irT 7401. NEW 7-room modern house. gai7 rieward. Harney 474?. toata. I-ROOM borne In Hanm om Park District. UM Georgia Ave., with garage; nicely decorated. excellent (.AhHlti,,n- t . HASTINGS A HKYPfX. 1614 Harney Bt. I'EsiHAbLE i-ro'-iu col tunc, modern ex cept lurnace. 628 8. lll Ave. Hixen bauxh D. 4216. S.W GEORGIA AVE. NE VK MASON-" 1 rooms, all modern, first clasa. Key next door 7 ROOMS, all modern. 1.104 S. 2tlth St. Benson A Mvera Co., 4J4 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. "No Need to Walk Them in When You CanTalkThemin" PHONE TYLER 1000 ii Red zk-u t ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS CALL UP TYLER 1000 AND GIVE YOUR AD --THE REST IS DONE FOR YOU a