Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 10, 1916, Page 11, Image 11

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    Tfli: r.KK: OMAHA nU'IuSDAV, FKHTJUAUV 10, Wlti.
i Li ri w i rt w r ii ii iifi nil
is mm mmi)
Uillion Tom of Beit Ever Tnt Up
Here lUilroadi Are Nearly
Th local annual Ice harvest Is
finished and It Is asserted that the
crop Is the biggest and the best that
has ever been gathered. The close
cornea a week to ten days earlier
than usual, due to the steady cold
weather that has been general dur
ing the last three weeks. The crop
for this vicinity is' estimated at not
far from 1.000,000 tons.
The Omaha Ice and Cold Storage
company completed the filling of Us
houses and laid off Its men Tues
day night. The Cudahy Tacking
company, cutting at Seymour lake,
Tuesday night completed filling its
houses, as did the Armour company.
utting at Memphis.
The Lakeside Ice company, cutting- on
barter lake, stilt haa a few men at work.
but It will. finish gathering Its crop not
later than Thursday.
All Aearly Throne.
The Rock Island railroad company will
finish cutting- at Meadow not lster than
Saturday. It will be the middle of next
week before the Northwestern will have
Hi house filled. It Is cutting most of Its
tupply from a lake near Valentine. The
Burling ton people, who have been cut
ling Ice at Curtis, well out In the west
ern part of the state, will finish the
harvest, as will the Union Pacific, that Is
through at all places except Laramie,
Wyo. - - .
The. lea for the Union Pacific Is cut
end packed by the Pacific Fruit express
and to fill the houses along the lines In
Nebraska, Wyoming-. Colorado and Kan
sas, 160.000 tons have been cut.
All of the Ice packers assert that the
Ice cut this, winter is of unusually rood
quality, clear and solid and the blocks arc
' of good size to handle conveniently and
with profit...
Omaha Men Buy an
T - j i i 1 T1
interest m tne rry
I TY1T10 n TT
. Mime yjyjuxJCLLLj .uxuun.
Three prominent business men, John
Ci. Drexel, T. A. Fry and Robert Rosen
swelg, have purchased a heavy Interest
in the block on the northeast corner of
:. sixteenth and Douglas streets, the pro
' pertr owned by John Li Kennedy.
r The Fry Shoe company at present oc
cupies the corner, A year ago there
- were some negotiations on a long term
i lease, and there waa much talk of bulld
, , ing there. Later Mr. Kennedy renews J
-. the leases in the building for another
' year. Now that these three Knir
'men haver purchased an interest, there
ts again talk of erecting a fine large
; business blulding.
(Loretta May Have ; . '.
v . Operation to Cure
. Her of Wanderlust
Loretta. Byrnes, the little grl who
. started to go on a railroad trip all by
t fceraelf with money taken from her foster
' mother, Mrs. L. M. Byrnes. J7 Howard
lra Im , Vu .1 .
- . ,v mu vi aiiuil IU vun xier
mf her propensity to wander off. The
doctors are considering this step now,
rays Mrs, Byrnes.
"She Is just as good a girl as she can
re usually." said Mrs. Byrnes, "and I
don't think a mother ever loved her
nun more than I love her."
and she adopted Loretta three yea's ago
when she was sent out here from New
Two Teddy Bears
Born at Riverview
Kess'e. a large cinnamon bear In the
"o fit Riverview park, has two little
t'rtdy bears, which were bom Tuesday.
Phe In jus now guarding her babies with
inrelaxing seal. It would require the
romblned efforts of Joe Stecher and Gene
Melady to induce her to bring her chil
dren out Into the chilly air. In about six
teen weeks Bessie will have a coming-out
Tarty, when she will Introduce the young
lears to bears of the park.
Keeper Robinson says he can hear the
little bears crying, but he would lot ven
lire near enough to see them, not for a
raise in pay.
John Rush. John Bennewltg. Ed 6tm
eral. Frank Coad. Paul Martin. W. C.
Vraser. Amos E. Henley and Father
Flannttcan. constituting a team, leave
'ilay afternoon over the Northwestern
r Aberdeen. 8. P.. where Sunday they
will confer the fourth degree upon the
members of a class of the Knights of
Following; the conferring of the degree
the Omaha men wllr-be guests at a ban
quet to lie given by the South Dakota
knights. At the banfjuet John Rush,
John Bennewiti and Father Flannlgan
will ho the principal speakers.
t'ollector of Interna! Revenue George
11. lomis is ronfrnnted with s serious
problem to find room for his force of
workers. The Internal revenue depart
ment st Omaha has occupied four rooms
Ir. the federal building since, 1J, and up
10 the time of the new war tax inaugu
ration they were fairly adequate. . But
the new business that has come to the
office has caused a serious cramp for
Alter UgntpWkaM
Coughs that "hang on"' after laxiippe
exhaust the strength and lower the vital
resistance. F. O. Prevo. Bedford, lnd..
s: "An attack of I ilk rl dm left m.
f.h a severe eough. I tried everything.
1 lost In weight and aot an thin i
.looked as if I would never-get well. I
tnd Foley e Honey and Tar and two
' I Miles cured ir.e. I am now well and
' t'ark o my ' normal weight.- Foley's
Honey ami Tar gets right at the trouble.
It is a snf'. reliable remedy. Sold every-
V h 10. Advertisement.
Popular Former Omaha Girl Who
Is to Marry Chicago Attorney
Petty Thefts Are
Reported to Police
W. A. Keyt. 1T.1K Capitol avenue, was
visited by hurvlars Tuesday night, hi
stole a quantity of Jewelry, risers and
Peter Christiansen of n Miami
street, a snorts that a kit of tools Wlong
Ing to him were taken from the l.ahor
Temple wlth'n the last three dnys.
O. U. Grraen. In5 lodne stmt, lout a
nhisbie wati'h when some smsk thief
gained entrance to his apartment.
Mlka Kelser. :f South Klghteenth
street, reports the theft of six bolts of
, .. . ::.
Tsuline Winter, principal of (larflrld
school, South Sid", states there were no
scarlet fever rases In school. The one
rase reported should have been shown
as an exposure Instead of an affected
joss cAKiiEijmstnAsz:
Mr. and Mrs. Clement Chase announce
the engagement of their daughter, Car
melite, to Mr. Sebastian Hlnton.
Miss Chase was born in Omaha
and passed her childhood and early girl
hood days here. She took the position of
secretary to Miss Jane Addama of Hull
House not long after her graduating
from Bryn Mawr college in 1S12. At
present Miss Chase Is a student at the
: ...v
', '
' ' ...
hA. j j
While the famMy were sway from homo
fire in the residence of Mrs. Bridget
Murray, 1H3 South Twentieth street, did
damage estimated at close to The
blase originated from an overheated stove
which set fire to some curtains.
! City Commissioner Hummel of the park
(department has placed an oMor for e..17
' worth of roses snd other floral deeorstlve
plants for the park system, this being the
first order of the kind for this season.
( , , - sd!
,( -v.;:'
City Commissioner Kugrl hss written
that he expects to be home on Satur
day. He was in San Diego st the time
of the broken dam and relates Incon
veniences to travelers.
Who comes with May Irwin in her
lntc-st success, "No. Kl Washington
Pnnare," st the Hoyd Thursday, Friday
and Snturday, with matinee Saturday of
this week. Is an Omaha boy and was
a former pupil of Lillian Fitch. He haa
since been with Mrs. Leslie Carter, "Lit
tie Women" and "Along Came Ruth."
Morning reports sent in by agents of
the railroads Indicate continued fair and
balmy weather all through the northwest.
with no Indications of a cold ware or
anything of the kln.1.
The Rurllngton-s report shows tempera
tures of y to SO degrees above sero all
through Wyoming and to SO above
through Nebraska, the ooldest points be
ing In ths east portion of the state, along
the Missouri river.
Northwestern and Union Pad no weather
through Nebraska an.1 Wyoming, with the
exception of In the Immediate Missouri
valley, Is 30 to 40 degrees above sere.
There were r o storms or snow reported
from any part of the country between the
river and the mounts'ns.
Villa and Band Are
Driven from Canyon
TAt PASO. Tex., Feb. . Francises
Villa and his band hare been driven out
of Canyon De K Nldo. western CJilhwa
hue. according to official report re
ceived today by General Garira, com
mandant at Juares. The report stated
that the bandit band was moving east
ward toward Lacuna, where Cokmel
Samuel O-nsales Is In command.
621 Residents of Nebraska
rcgistercdat Hotel Astor
during the past; year.
1000 Rooms. 700withBatIi.
A cuisine which has made
the Astor New York's leading
Banqueting place.
Single Rooms, without bath, io ta fom
Double . . oo to 4-ea
Single Rooms, wid bath, 14m to &oa ,
"M avoa to ym .
Parlor, Bedroon tai bath, ifluoe sa ixam
At Broaxiway, 44th to 45th Srrecti the center of New York's todal
and business activities. la dose proximity to all railway tennmala.
BOYLSTON Tn COM. CLAHINDON, "acmsj oolkv wag.g
A high elati, modem house, sraslkgxni ssrvvse, pleassm rooms, superior euista J
Ladies v-evaling; alone are assurea' of courteous anendon. .
guaeecaa Put, taets gsesa. p; ynrm Sars) e.
ew.s ..O..' " OO "
Aatsawjaa Pn. sVa.00 a ear Ma r)(B . joaiae, saoeanrvw
a. o
t'hlcairo School of Civics and Philan
thropy and' will reoelve ier degree In
MV. Hlnton. who comes of a family
well known In England, la a practicing
attorney of Chicago and a graduate ot
Princeton. 'OB. He la Interested In out
door sports and social work and haa a
cottage at the famous artist oolonv at
Woodstock. In the Cascades. The date
for the wedding Is not yet announced.
SIBil jiSi .Hi Ills lii n iiiiiiiiii 1 iiilii !3j ii
Woman's Activities
The National Woman Suffrage asso
ciation, for, the first time in Its history.
Is to . turn Its guns on congress in' a
fight for the federal suffrage amendment.
Mrs. Frank II. Roesslng of Pennsylvania
will 4 charge of the campaigner)!
Washington. '
"Mrs. Benjamin -Walker, president ' of
Parent-Teachers' association of . the
Henry Clay school In Chicago, haa ap
pealed te the mayor to see that the
school Is put into a better condition.
Many of the children have "struck." at
the instigation of their parents, who will
not let them return to the school until
It Is properly heated and otherwise
rendered sanitary.
Mrs. June. Houghton has designed a
number of. model garments for women,
besides a motor veil which fsstens with
a button and loop over large or small
hats and forms a scarf or shoulder dra
pery to be worn in a number of beco.i.
Ing ware.
The women Socialists of New Tork are
lining up against preparedness. Plans
were made for an antl-prepardness
demonstration. Mrs. Krnnst Lllenthsl,
head of the organisation, said that the
SoclaUata believe that alt war is for
profit. "No war," she said, "has ever
been fought In the Interests of the
people. It Is always the worker who has
to suffer.
Two thousand women will serve ss
Judges and clerks of election In Chicago
this year. In some precincts there will
be two women, and In one (the Twenty
third) there will be three. Not more than
800 women have served as clerks and
Judges heretofore, snd less than half
that number have applied for reappoint
ment. The compensation will be IT a day.
Instead of 15, as a result of the action ,
of the legislature last year.
Mrs. Maud Murray Miller, who was
appointed aa a member of the motion
picture censor board by the state In
dustrial commission of Ohio, waa dis
approved by Governor Willis, but it
seems thst, according to the rules of
the board of censors, she Is not under j
the civil service, and she will continue
to draw her pay until a successor. Is
elected. Because of the fact that there
is a deadlock in the board, and the
question of a suocessor cannot be solved
Just as present, she may draw salary for
some time without having much work
to do. Mrs. Miller waa appointed through
the Influence of the women's clubs of the
state. - - . . . .
'Mrs. Marie Tylee MoHugh has been
appointed matron of the ' county Jail by
Sheriff McShane to succeed Mrs. . Ida
Knight, who resigned. '
To Darken Hair,
Apply Sage Tea
A few applications of Sage Te and
Sulphur htinirs back Its vigor,
color, gloss and tbiclutea.
Common garden sage brewed Into a
heavy tea with sulphur snd alcohol added,
will turn gray, streaked and faded, hair
beautifully dark and luxuriant, remove
every bit of dandruff, stop scalp Itching
and falling hair. Just a few applications
will prove a revelation if your hair la
fading, gray or dry, scraggly and thin.
Mixing the Sage Tea and Sulphur recipe
at home, though, is troublesome. An easier
way Is to get the ready-to-use tonla, cost
ing about 60 cents a large bottle at drug
stores, known aa "Wyeth's Bags and Sul
phur Compound," thus avoiding a lot of
While wispy, gray, faded hair la not
sinful, we all desire to retain our youth
ful appearance and attractiveness. By
darkening .your hair with Wyeth's Saga
and Sulphur, no one can tell, because It
does so naturally, so evenly. You Just
dampen a sponge or soft brush with It
snd draw this through your hair, taking
one small strand at a time; by morning
all gray hairs, have disappeared, and,
after another application or two, your
hslr becomes beautifully dark, glossy,
soft and luxuriant. Advertisement.
Gentlemen's Evening Clothes
From King-Peck $137,000 Stock
M 1
Why bear those pains? g
A single bottle will JJ
convince you H
TM 17?
Arrests Inflammation,
l'revent severe compli
cations. Just put a fev
drops on the painful
Bitot and tlte pain ait-
Go On Sale Thursday
King-Peck's stock of evening dress for men includes the
latest models. Full dress or Tuxedo suits with the cor
rect, moderately wide lapels, faced with gros-grain silk, of
course, and finished with the grace and contour that in
dicate highest excellence of tailoring.
And now for the greatest values youve(secn in evening
clothes. This is a most unusual occasion, and such a sacri
fice of this clothing is almost incredible.
t. )
All Full Dress and Tuxedo Suits
Have been divided into three lots for quick selling
LOTl. LOT 2. LOT 3.
$12s - $17 - $225
All Full Dress and Tuxedo Vests
and Fancy Vests in Two Lots
LOT 1.
LOT 2.
Silk Lined TopCoats,in Two Lots
LOT 2.
LOT 1.
$10.00 - $15.00
The men's fnll
dress furnishings and
accessories from the
King-Peck sale are
also now on sale on
the Main Floor of the
Men's Store.
fHt i
Choice of All King-Peck Fine Shoes at One Price
Desiring to make quick disposal of the balance of the fine shoes from the King-Peck $137,000
stock, we will place the entire lot on sale Thursday morning at one price, $2.25.
The lot includes
the tan and black
calfskin, button and blucher lace, flat
or high toe lasts, light dress or heavy
work styles. All sizes
in the lot.
Values to $5.00
Former patrons
of the King-Peck
store probably know that their
shoes were of the best make, shape
holding, good-wearing and practical.
More desirable bar
gains you never saw.