10 THE BEE: OMAHA THl'KSDAY, FEBlil'ARY 10, IKK) BRINGING UP FATHER Drawn for The Bee by George McManus t'opyrntht. 1!M, lnternstlnnal Ni ervlee. All night Reserved. AND HVr LONCWPO 1 h KNOW, 9M THAT 0O UT -fT Cf f I O V J wrru M. JnlJ 1 R)ND OF MID-1 HAVE IIH THAT V JUST TOO ( HUM' ?! ?, K I I ,i HL HAVE IT RCAOX X) ir3 N0 , M r BAG? C&?k I I V0OV. i r ' ' ' VHAT Jf? Jjj I WE RVCHT - SW- 11 I I -N I I I I I OMAHA LOSES THE BOOT "WITH ROGERS Gene Melady Doe Not Apologize to Commitiioneri and Council Bluff Gets Big Event LET DAN AND GENE MIX MAYOR Up to an hoar mo Ocne Melady, wrestling promoter, had not apolo gised to the city commissioner nor Manager Frank of the Auditorium. Mayor Dahlman reporta ha had an extended conversation with Mr. Melady, the net result of which wn that the Stccher-Rogerg match, hilled for Council Bluffs on Febru ary 15, will not be transferred to thla city. Tne mayor made thla statement: "I believe the 1400 flat rate for wrestling matches at the Auditor-J lum Is good money for the city. You have to take in a lot of money to bring the 20 per cent over 1400, and not many matches yield more than i 00 on a 2 per rent basis. In the case of the match between Stecher and Gotch which will, I am confident, be pulled oft here next summer, the Auditorium would not h larira nAiiirh That msirti wnnTil be held at the Speedway or the ball park. Such a match would bring In about 1100.000 at the gate, I be lieve. The city wilt b doing well to get a flat rate of 1400 tor these tcatchea at the Auditorium. Mailer ttot lata Tangle, "This situation iiom durlna my ab sence when Acting Mayor Butler and Malady exchanged letters and got into a tangle. The mayor ssys h believes a wrestling match between Ilutlrr anil Melady at th Auditorium would draw a larva noun St top prices. Another wit has suggested that ths tommlrsloners brine forth their wrestler and tf he can throw Htecher, thon Melady must spologlse to ths entire bunoh, If not the commissioners apologise to Me lady. Mr. Melady and Joe Iletmanek. Stech rs manager, had a conference this morning over the coming Joe Rogers fitecher match, and Melady announced officially that the match would be staged In Council Bluffs, as originally scheduled, and that be would ttik no attempt to bring it to Omaha. Uetmanek and the Stecher boys are in Omaha en routs from JDes Moines, w here Stecher dumped a couple of grepplera Monday, to Kansss City, where ha meets Amertou Friday night. A, 0. Nichols Wins Indoor Golf Event By Trimming Bock A. O. Nichols won the airtnor golf tournament staged on PHI Clank's Indoor course in the Halrd block, by defeating Kart Bock in the final round yesterday. Nichols won from Bock 7 up and . The match was over M holes. Nichols shot the first It In X and the second IS In It, while Bock took M for each round. Nichols becomes possessor of a trophy presented by Bill Clark by his victory. ARTICLES SIGNED BY JESS AND MORAN Match to Be Fought Under Rules of New York State Boxing Commission. EEFESEE TO BE NAMED TODAY Sinclair Sells Three Players NEW YORK, b. . Pst Tower., representing Harry Sinclair, chief stock holder in the late Federal leaguo, an nounced today that hs had sold four players held fcy Wnclalr under the peace agreement between organised base ball and the Federal league. The Cincinnati club obtained Catcher Kmll Huhn. a hard hitting player with the Newark Fed erals last season; Infleldcr Jimmy Ksmond from the same club, and Heine Hchuls. formerly with the New Tor Amerlcsns and last year with the Bur falo Federals. Outfielder Orover Oil more of the Kansas City Federals was purchased by Mansger Kelley of the Ht, Paul American association club. The prices paid were not made known. Des Moines Five-Man Team Wins State Championship CKDAR RAPIDS, la., Feb. .-Ths Iowa State Bowling tournament came to a close here last night, with the con clusion of the final five-men event, won by the McPonnel Boiler Works team of Ies Molne. with ths exceptional total f .3 pins. In ether events of the tourney first money wss taken by William Burns of Cedar Rapids with sn Individual score of Ko and A. E. Johnson and W. II. Manahl of Waterloo, with a doubles total of 1.163. The following officers were elected: President. D. A. Hopkins, Orlnnell; rice presidents. Jsmes Bader, Boone, 11, IV. Faerber. Davenport; Fred McConkle, Cedar Rapids; K. C. Mcintosh. Clinton; secretary and treasurer. M. J. Locker, la Molties. MARATHON RUNNER COMES TO OMAHA TO MAKE HOME R. C. Csldero, a marathon runner with a reputation abroad, has come to Omaha to make "his residence, Csldero comes to thla city from I "alias, Tel. On New Year's day Csldero made a little ex cursion from Lellss to Fort Worth and romped home In second place In a flve- nrile cross-country run at that city. Cal dero will show Omaha his speed at the approaching Indoor athletic meet which the Young Men's Christian association will stage at the Auditorium March II. R0KUSEK ELECTEdTgUARD OF COMMERCE SCHOOL TEAM Mlro Rokusek, guard, was elected cap tain of the High School of -ommerce basket ball team. As this Is the first year that the Commerce school has had a quintet and the qualitlea of the play ers were not known, the election of the csptaln was delayed. Rokusek la playing a good gains at guard. He played halfback on the Com merce foot ball squal laat fall. NEW YORK, Feb. t.-Flnal articles were signed here this afternoon for the ten-round, no decision boxing bout be tween Jess V'lllsrd, world's heavywelgnt champion, and Frank Moran, challenger for the title at Madison fVjuare Garden, on the night of March t. The match will be fought under the rules of the Now York state boxing commission. No referee was selected. Willard will receive ijnu undet the signed contracts snd a bonus of t'.cne snd 61 per cent of the moving picture re ceipts. Moran'a share will be 20,im0, a bonus of 2,ta0 and 30 per cent of the film receipts. Separate contracts were signed, the first by the promoters, Tex lllr-ksrd and Sam McCracken, with Willard and his mansger, Tom Jones; and the second bo- ween the promoters and Moran and his tanager, Ike Dorgan. Jones, on behalf of Wlllnrd, posted $.1.00(1 cash s a forfeit for Wlllard's ap pearance, ant a check for I2.M0 was pouted on Morvn's behalf, iltcaard filed 110.000 check and Mccracken K.OOO as guarantee money. This total of $-2,000 wss turned over to the stake holder. Besides the $10,000 , guarantee money filed by Richard todny, another $.10,000 will be posted by JEFFERSON PHONE PATRONS OBJECT TO RATE INCREASE FAIRBVRY. Neb.. Feb. .-(8peclal Tel gram.) A committee of the rural patrons of the Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph company In this county, together with Messrs. R. K. Mattlson and W. H. Cam eron of Lincoln and representatives of the telephone company held a meeting here today to discuss the proposed in oreascd rates for rural subscribers. Jef ferson county farmera have been up In arms at the rate Increase and have hsld several insss meetings and adopted reo lutlons. The meeting of today wss to reach compromise between the telephone com pany and rural subscribers without car rying the matter to the Nebraska Rail way commission at Lincoln. The representstlves of the company plalned the operation of the telephone company and asserted it was necessary to have an Increase in rates. The com mittee, however, wss determined not to yield. Ths Jefferson county farmera were represented by James Axtell. 11. D. Ben son, Cheater MeCurdy, O. R. Jones and M. Cuffnian. The matter will be likely carried t the railway commission for final ad.1i cation. Grand Island is Fighting Scarlet Fever and Smallpox GRAND IHLAND. Neb.. Feb. . (Spe cial. ) The care of contagious diseases has compelled the attention of the city council, the members of the school board, the civic ' federation and the county board for the last week, and today at a Joint meeting of tba city and county authorities, attended by representatives of the clvio league, a large two story fcrlck residence in the outskirts was leased aa a temporary isolation hospital. This temporary effort has been made necessary by a seemingly threatening Increase in smallpox and scarlet fever cases. . About t n days ago ths Soldiers' Home was y quarantined and .no new cases have broken out there, due to the care taken in the way of fumigation and general preventives. The Grand Island college also was quarantined for a day following the discovery of a well developed rase of smallpox and all the students were thoroughly fumigated and the rooms disinfected. The proper safe guard being assured, the school wss not closed. Since then several new cases have developed In the residence portions of the city, but the strictest quarantine measures are now being employed. NO ACTION TAKEN ON PLAYER LIMIT Magnates Banquet in Celebration of National League's Fortieth Birthday. BRESNAHAN NOT PLACED YET HARDWARE MEN HAVE WARES ON EXHIBITION BOY ON HORSEBACK IS CHASED BY WOLF GRKTNA. Neb., Feb. 9. (Special.) Wolves are getting bold and dangerous In Barpy county. Sunday afternoon a 10-year-old son of Jsmes Dillon, a well known farmer living flvs miles south- hlm within twenty- west of Gretna. Neb., was out getting four hours before the fight begins, mak ing the total 140,000 of Wlllard's contract purse. Similarly, McCracken will post 1,000 for Moran in addition to the $5,000 he guaranteed today. It was announced that promoters, fighters and othors Interested would meet hera tomorrow to relect a referee. Several other heavyweight champions are among those' under considers tlon. CALLAWAY FIRST NATIONAL BACK TO STATE SYSTEM CALLAWAY. Neb., Feb. a. -(Special Telegram.) The First National bank of Callaway has again been converted to the state banking system and will now be known as the Seven Valleys Stste bank. This bsnk was organised In 1W7 as the fleven Valleys bank, and In 1908 wss converted ' to the national system. On February 1 of thla year It decided to change back to the state system. It Is now twenty-nine years since Its first or ganisation and it is reported as being h nMul hank In Cuater county. The officers under the state system will re- j main the ssme as under the national system, as follows: William Tyson, president; J. II. Decker, vice president; Harry Lamb, cashier. the cattle out of the cornstalks when he spied a large wolf and thought he would have a little sport of his own, being horseback, and he gave chase for about a half mile, when the wolf suddenly stopped and turned on tilm. This fright ened the horse, which wheeled so sud denly that the boy was nearly throwir cff. The wolf then chased ths frightened horse and boy to within fifty feet of the be in door, where there were several men standing and watching the perform snce, being so interested that nono thought of getting a gun until too late. The wolf escaped. James Murphy, a young farmer living about one mile south of Gretna, while out hunting rabbits Tuesday morning suddenly came upon a wolf, which seemed ss surprised as was Murphy. When he recovered he gave the wolf two loads of No. 7 shot, which, however, j dtd not stop him. Chase wss given by j V'jrphy and the animal was again routed out in about a half mile and received , two more loads of shot. He was followed I several miles by a trail of crimson and at I last accounts was still moving. A gigantic wolf hunt is planned to ; take place tn Sarpy county south f j Gretna. j NEW YORK, Feb. .-Meetings wera held here today by club owners in the Nstlonal and. International Bass Ball leagues, and the defegates hurried through their buslnesa at both sessions so that they would have smple time left to prepare for the banquet which Is be ing held tonight in celebration of the Na tional league's .fortieth snnlversary. No chsnge wss made in the rile limit ing the number of players to twenty-one by the National lesue owners, although Boston, ChleaKO end New oYrk went on record as favoring an Increase to twenty two players for each club. The word "manager," as well as plsy er," was read into the rule governing the hum ui Biary aunng a term of sus pension, and It was agreed thnt any club guilty or an Infraction of thla law should be lined $2K0. On motion of President Kbbetts of Brooklyn thst the drafting system be changed so that the lower division clubs would be afforded the first privilege of obtaining plsyers. no definite action was taken. It was the sense of the meeting, however, that such a change would be desirable, and the question went over to see what the American league and the minor leagues might jhav to say about it. President Weeghman of the Cubs stated that he had not made any definite ar rangements for the disposal of oRger Bresnahan's services. The Chicago club owner said that he would be in thla city all week and would endeavor to place the rormer Chicago club manager to the best advantage. From a Staff Correspondent.! LINCOLN. Feb. !. (Ppei lal.l-Tlie Ne braska Retail Hsrdwsre Merchants to rts)' spent some time looking over the ehlblls at the exposition In the Audi torium. . This afternoon the business ses sion began at 1 e'clock. Topics for discussion were: "Profit sble Lines," by L. P. Rose of Arnold; "Buying," by W. W". Bass of Anselmo: "Price and Service," by Mr. Abbott of Sargent; 'Celling," by Charles Ammon of David Citjr; "Profits," by C. B. Dlel of Stratton. and "Cash and Credit," hy A. B. Hlava of Ravenna. In the evening many members took In the play at the Oliver, "It Psys to Ad vertise." I flyers Kilrrmely HI. Word has been received from Hot Springs, Ark., where Sheriff Gus Hyers hss been taken for treatment, that he has a fighting chance for recovery. Sheriff Hyers has been ill for about two weeks and doctors hsve been treating blm for tonsilltls. Not getting any bet ter, he was tsken to Hot Springs, where two doctors snd a nurse are In constant attendance, his trouble having developed Into scute kidney trouble and congestion of the heart. POLLARD HEADQUARTERS OPENED AT LINCOLN (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Feb. 9 (Special. E. M. Pollard, candidate for the republican nomination for governor, has opened headquarters at the Lindell hotel in room 103. GOTHIC "Arrow Collar Fits the knot of a four-ln- hand or bow perfectly. 2 for 25c. Cluett, Tcabody k Co.. Inc., Makers STECHER vs. ROGERS THE MARVEL and THE GIANT COUNCIL BLUFFS AUDITORIUM ' TUESDAY NIGHT, FED. 15 PRICES OF ADMISSION! $1.00, $2.00, $2.50 AND $3.00 Beats o Bale at MXSCataJrTB XOTZ&, Omaha, and CLABX'I MVO STOSS, Co. Bluffs. Ont-of-Towa larties Should Make Early .sveserratlona. -Ladles. Specially Inrited. Iowa Beats Cornell in Fast, Bough Game MOUNT VERNON. la., Feb. s-8pe-l eial Telegram.) Iowa defeated Cornell in a fast, rough game here last night, a to H. The vMors piled up a lead of 1 to t in the first few minutes of play. The half ended with a score of SO to I. In the second half Cornell came back and made 10 points to . Superior basket-shooting wss the deciding factor. The teams worked the ball down ths floor equally well. Close guarding made Cornell shots wild. Bannotka and the Van Lackun brothers stsrred for Iowa. The Cornell team was equally balanced. The lineup: lows r.minock, sn Uikun, I mtteri, K. Van Larkun. t.Mff. Cornell Walker. lrl. Gi iKsby,, Horn en. toer. j-ul-.iilutef Van Ijt kun for Gothman; eeily, All;on for iKwen fiUr Cnlree leal. I'JTTSBI TfiH. Feb. 1-Pre.tdent Kd wsrd ". liwlnner of the Ititslmi gh KeJ- ial l.-asi,e iluli. aiuioiincrd lute txl)' it at he lied iunpletrd a deal for the i. ft Tim. fi-iinnii J'.da-eid Koretchy srl llti-bec-s Kr.k Allen snd Kliner l.:iz.'i tu the llujion Aallunul lfcii CHO. MUNICIPAL COURT LAW BEFORE SUPREME COURT (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Feb. tSpecial.) The ease Involving the constitutionality of the law passed by the last legislature and Introduced by the Iouglaa county del egation, known as the Omaha municipal court bill, was argued betote the su preme court today. One law abolishes all justices of the peace In Omaha, and the law under die cusalon provided for a municipal court of thrva JudKes. Governor kiorehead appointed R. W; Patrkk, K C. Hunter and A. II. Mur dock as members of the court, and this was attacked by II. 11. Bowes and John Kuhn In their arguments todsy, on the grounds that the law was unconstitu tional and the appointments Invalid. - All three of the municipal court Judges were present. RECOGNITION DAY HEL DAT D0ANE COLLEGE CKKTK. Neb., Feb. . imperial Trie gram. Annua) tecognition day was ob served today at fmana college when the rlasa of l!i marched Into ehap in caps and gomns. Talks weie given by Prof Zmimslt and Presltent Allen. PARTY DATES OF IOWA t FRESHMEN CANCELLED IOWA CITY, la., Feb l.-(8pecla" Tele gram ) There Is no double standard of social conduct at the I'nlverslty of Iowa. Cpper class fraternity men of the Pan Hellenic Council have seen fit to punish their freshmen pledges by taking away their party dates for a period of two weeks because the freshmen took unlvrr- j sity girls to cafes for suppers after a recent freshmen Pan Hellenic fraternity I dance In violation or s university ruling. I Hixty-fjur girls Invol.ed were deprived of their party dstes for a month by Dean of I Women Anna Kllngenhage. The council says that the men were not punished so J severely because mont of them were not familiar with the rule, which applies of ficially only to coeds. The individual fi ternltles are enforcing the edict. TWO THOUSAND RAISED FOR HASTINGS Y. W. C. A. i HASTINGS. Neb.. Feb. . (Special Tel- egram.) The tt.OOO fund needed for launching the Young Women's Christian J association has been raised and perma nent quartera will le opened within In a few days. THE PUREST OF CHEWS IS "OLD KENTUCKY" Be Rid of Piles A Free Trial of Pyramid File Treat mailt Will Amaze Ton With Its Result. Perfect Plugs Produced by ths nest Wholesome Methods Take My AeVfce-Cet PrraasksrOe Treataasat' 0 Vva mjL k-l : il i A 'Smtt It is only flr to yourself to TRT Pyramid Pile Treatment the most popu lar home pile treatment In the world toils y and ou tbst lias stood the test of tiuie. Mail the coupon ROW or else get a 60s bos of pyramid PUa Treatment tromauy drugsUkTake aotutniiluu-. FHE. SAMPLE COUPON pyramid rRrq COMPANY tv Pyraiuta Hug- Uarafcall. Mich. Kindly send me a Free sample of Prrsjssd Pila Ireustsl, In plain w rapper. Name Strsst fltr Ftate ITS FLAVOR A DELIGHT There's more genuine tobacco enjoy ment in a rich, mellow, juicy chew of high-grade flug than in any other form of tobacco. And there's no plug made that is so delicious and appetizing as Old Ken tucky. It has the fresh, sweet, mellow taste that Nature gives the tobacco leaf. You get real tobacco flavor in Old Ken tucky and you get it pure. From the time the ripe Burley leai reaches our factory, until it goes out to gladden your taste with its rich flavor in golden brown plugs of Old Ken tucky, it is kept pure by the most mod' era methods ever applied to the mak ing of chewing tobacco. No factory could possibly be cleaner or more sanitary than the great, new factory in which Old Kentucky is made, For a good chew get a plug of Old Kentucky. Try a lCc plug to-day. Advertisement. What Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes Thought A hout Prohibiton... Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes, father of Justice Holmes of the Supreme Court of the United States, was not only an eminent physician, but was, in FACT, gen-, erally recognized as one of the clearest thinkers of his day, and a most valued contributor to American literature. Dr. Holmes denounced Prohibition as he did 'every other form of bigotry and FALLACY; so that when a second attempt was made to fasten a prohibitory law on his state (Massachusetts) after the statute had been tested as futile and re pealed, he was one of the leaders in the fight against it. Dr. Holmes' opinion on this subject was well expressed in one of his famous "Autocrat of the Breakfast Table" articles, wherein he referred to French wine with enthusiasm. In reply to a divinity student's question, whether he believed in a diet of "rum," the old autocrat was quickened to say: "RUM I take to be the name which unwashed moralists apply alike to the product distilled from molasses and the noblest juices of the vineyard. Burgundy 'in all its sunset glow' is rum. Champagne, 'soul of the grape of Eastern France,' is rum. Hock, which our friend the poet speaks of as: 'The Rhine's breast-milk, gushing cold and bright, Pale as the moon and madening as her light.' is rum. Sir, I repudiate the loathsome vulgarism." "I believe in Temperance. But let me tell you there are companies of men of genius, into which I sometimes go, where the atmosphere of intellect and sentiment is so much more stimulating than alcohol that if I thought fit to take wine, it would be to keep me sober. Among the gentlemen I have known few. if any, were ruined by drinking. My few drunken acquaintances were generally ' ruined before they became drunkards. To those who still mistakenly cling to Prohibition FALLACIES, the above forceful views of Dr. Holmes, a man of deep learning and insight, are submitted for the consideration of the thoughtful. Absolutely Pure lllr kM Xtf HIPAi A Nebraska Product ILER & COMPANY THE WILLOW SPRINGS DISTILLERY Has Paid $4,000,000 for Omaha Labor, $12,000,000 for Ntbruka Grain in 40 Years