Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 09, 1916, Page 5, Image 5

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Not a Particle
of Dandruff or
a Falling Hair
your hair! Double
beauty in just a few
25-cent "Danderine" makes
hair thick, glossy, wavy
and beautiful.
Within ten minute after an applica
tion of Danderine you can not find a
Ingle trace of dandruff or falling; hair
and your scalp will not Itch, but what
will please you moat will be after a few
weeks' use, when you see new hair, fine
and downy at flrat yet but really new
hair growing all over the acalp.
Danderine la to the hair what fresh
howera of rain and aunahtne are to
vegetation. Jt goes right to the root, In
vlgoratea and atrenathens them. Ita ex
hilarating, stimulating and life-producing
propertlea cause, the hair to grow long,
strong and beautiful.
A llttla Danderine Immediately double
the beauty of your hair. No difference
how dull, faded, brittle and aeraKgy, Just
moisten a cloth with Danderine and care
fully draw It through your hair, taklnjr
one small strand at a time. The effect ia
amaslng your hair will be light, fluffy
and wavy, and have an appearance of
abundance; an Incomparable lustre, soft
ness and luxuriance.
Get a 25-cent bottle of Knowlton'a
Danderine from any drug store or toilet
ounter and prove that your hair la aa
pretty and aoft aa any that It haa been
neglected and Injured by carelesa treat
ment that's all you aurely can have
beautiful hair and lot of It If you wilt
Just try a little Danderine. Advertise
ment. It means so much
Is wot n pleasant thing to think
about. But when you are actually
up atralnst It when your mind la de
tracted with sorrow and mattera. It
items, are balng thrust at you from
every aide
It'a re-assuring to know that the lot
question may be very easily solved.
A representative of West Lawn Is
subject to your inatant command. He
will call with automobile, take mem.
bera of the family to select a lot In
West Lawn and otherwise render as
sistance and advice in any way he can.
This personal service la not baaed
upon the priced lot you buy. In cass
where financial stress would ordi
narily prevent ownership In such a
beautiful cemetery aa West Lawn, wa
also extend the courtesies of our easy
purchase plan. Phone ua.
Cemetery ' Office
501 h and Center. I5lh and Harney
Cocoanut Oil Fine
For Washing Hair
If you want to keep your hair In good
condition, be careful what you wash it
Most aoapa and prepared shampoo con
tain too much alkali. Thia drlea th scalp,
make the hair brittle, and ia very harm
ful. Just plain mulslfied cocoanut oil
(which la pure and entirely greaaele),
Is much better than the most expensive
oap or anything else you can use for
shampooing, as this can't possibly Injure
the hair.
Simply moisten your hair with water
and 4 rub It In. One or two teaspoonfuls
wll make an abundance of rich, creamy
lather, and cleanses the hair and scalp
thoroughly. The lather rinses out easily,
and remove every particle of dut, dirt,
dandruff and exces oil. The hair drie
guickly and evenly, and It leave"!! fine
and silky, bright, fluffy and easy to
You can get mulslfied cocoanut oil at
most any drug store. Jt Is very cheap,
and a few ounces I enough to last every
one In the family for months. Adver
tisement. Cure Any Gold
Over Hight
Without Quinine or Depressing Drag.
Thia Kamad? la Oaaraataed or
' , Moaay Back.
You can break up that cold absolutely
and completely by this time tomorrow.
Your head will cl.'ar up, eyea and noa
klop running, bone aching stop. lassiUni?
and tiredness go away and you will he
yourself .igaln. Kven If you have grippe
nr influenxa infection you can get com
plete relief in two or three day. la the remedy which will
rtb this. It'a the most wonderful treat
ment know for all aorta of cough s. colds,
trirpe. Influenza, etc., and as a preventa
ilve agalnsi deadly pneumonia. It is the
only remedy which cures a cold without
Hcrioitsly dlstui bin the system, for it
loiitaina not one partiele of quinine In
any form. It acta gently hut quickly by
itmulatln the system and opening it eo
ll the germ are thrown off at once.
Olds ra dangerous. The present epi
demic hufc caused tens of thousand-; of
I ntl this wl' ter. lo not let a cold run.
t .. ( i-t,f n cl'an". Pneumonia can kill
In a few hours and no coll sufferer Is
safe. Is guaranteed Mony
fcsrk If you a'e not satisfied. It Is Hi
ei e fried and proven rented v. Bronio
T s la scM by all eood drugrists at 25
eenta a box. or ent nrepsid unnn e
e1pt of r-rlce hv Trib r-heinlcal Co., jr,n
V. riavk !"t.. Chicago. 111.
Aa Effective Laxative
Purely Vaf atabla
Indazestioo, Biliouanesa, .
Q OR Q Qat Nlfbt
OKooolataOoat4 or Ptmlm
-Ir r - ! ,i Hi T -It Milf rV-
Senate Notified Price Will Be Ad
vanced $200 a Ton if Govern
ment Builds Plant
WASHINGTON, Feb. 8. Private
armor plata manufacturer, notified
the senate naval committee today
tat they would ralso the price of ar
mor plate $200 a ton If congress de
rides to erect or purchase armor plate
factories for the government. The
committee, nevertheless, voted to
recommend government plants.
After brief consideration, the
committee ordered favorably re
ported the bill authorizing expendi
ture of $500,000 to equip Mare
Inland Navy yard for battleship con
struction, and $100,000 to enlarge
facilities of th New York Navy yard
and the bill to Introduce midship
men to the first class at Annapolis
next July. These two bills passed the
house yesterday.
Three Votes Aaialnat It.
Senator Penrose notified the committee
of the stand of armor rtate manufac
turers, those chiefly concerned being the
Bethlehem and Mldvale Pteol companies.
The committee voted, nevertheless, nine
to three, to report favorably Senator Tlll
man'a bill to authorize the secretary ot
the navy to provide either by erection or
purchase or both, an armor plate fac
tory, with capacity of not less than
30,000 tona of armor a year. The bill
would appropriate 111,000,000. Senators
Penrose, Lodge, and Smith of Michigan,
republicans, voted aralnst reporting the
bill. Chairman Tllman and Senators
Swanson, Bryan, Johnson, Maine; Chil
ton, Phelan and Plttman, democrat, and
Clapp and Polndexter, republican, voted
for It.
"The threat of the armor barons to
hold up the government will not affect
oongress." said Senator Tillman. "Wo
were given to understand that the armor
manufacturers would Increase their prlre
because government manufacture of
armor plate would force them to go out
of that business and thoy would charge
this enormous increase in order to provide
themselves with an amortization fund.
But I gtics we can find a way to stop the
robbers. In time of trouble we could
seize their planta and operate them by
right of eminent domain."
Inheritance Helps
Fritz Kreisler Be
Master of Violin
Frit Kreisler, the great violinist, whose
concert la announced for Tuesday even
ing, February 15, at the Auditorium, tha
fifth and last of the charity concert
course, inherited certain qualities which
have gone far to make Mm the supreme
master that he ia. By race he 1 a, Ciech
and aa such ha Inherited that Interest
ing rnlxtura .of dreamy, languor end fiery
romanticism, which are the peculiar
artistic attributes of the. Slavic race. By
birth lie Is a Viennese and .having re
ceived bis early training and education In
that city he haa absorbed the almost;
gallic vivacity ajid anarkle characteristic
of the .Viennese. In his life lie Is thor
oughly cosmopolitan,, thoroughly at home
In Vienna, Berlin, Paris, St. Petersburg,
Rome and New York. And thia cosmopll-
tanlsm haa given him a sure balance of
feeling for proportion and a sense of
fitness which very few artists have.
His Omaha concert haa been announced
aa follow:
fa) Sonata, A major Handel
b) Fugue, A major Tartlnl
Concerto in K minor
(a) Allegro molto appassionato
(b) Andante
(c) Allegretto non troppo: Allegro
molto vivace .'.
(a) Iarghetto lamentoso Uodowsky
id) Konuino (on a theme uy ieei-
hoven) Kreisler
(b) Song without words. ...Mendelssohn
(c) Moment Musical Kc'uibert
(d) Maxurka Chopin
(e) Spanish Serenade
' Chaniiiiade-Krelsler
(a) Indian Lament I) oraU-Krcinler
(b) Viennese Popular King
". Arr. by Kreisler
(The Old Refrain!
(c Spanish Dance.... Uranados-Kreislcr
(d) Caprice Vlennois Kreisler
Stags Attend Krug
Theater in Force
A party of 525 men and women of
Omaha drove No. S5, Patriotic and Pro-
' tectlve Order of Stags, occupied a section
of tha parquet at the Krug theater last
I evening, the occasion being ' Stag Mght.
I in obasrvance of tha receipt of the local
I charter from the national drove.
During the action of the play, "The Man
From the West," Sport North Ingratiated
himself Into the good graces of Stags In
I particular and the audience In general by
making several apt refcrencea to the oc
casion. II. B. Fleherty, exalted recorder, and
Mre. Fleharty, entertained a group of
friends with the Stags, which wa tha
largest theater party ot the season.
John B. Morlrs.
John B. Morten, aged 31 yeara, died at
his home, 26W Charles street, Monday
night after a ahort Illness. Funeral serv
ice will be reld from the home some
time Thursday to St. John church, wilh
Interment In Holy Prpulchra cemetery.
Martla Reams.
Msrtln, Kearns, aged 50 years, a ma
ihinlat for thirty years at the I'nlon Pa
cific shops, died at hli home, He vent h and
Burt streets, Monday t Ight. Funeial aerv
Irea will be held from the residence
Thursday morning to the Holy Family
ihurch. . Interment will take place in
Holy Sepulchre cemetery.
P. . Kralt.
P. O. Kralt, aged 41, died last night ot
tuberculosis, at hia horn 6061 North Kifty
third avenue. He ha been a resident of
Omaha for over twenty yeara. Ha I
. survived by a wlf and six children.
j Funeral service will be held Wedneaday
.at 2 o'clock, from th horns. Burial ia
'. to be at Forest Lawn,
Mrs. Matilda krhaaf.
I HKAVEB C1TV, Neb., Feb. . -(Special.)
-Mrs. Matilda Schaaf of Holdrege died
at the home ot her cot sins, Mr. sr. 1 Mrs.
I'srry Johnson, at noon Sunday. She was
born in Kwidwi and waa at years of age.
The body was taken to Holdrege for Interment.
Joys of the
W THE. U'ATR ! Jgfc
01 YOUR WATLtiCOlL fife
WE KS.t If 17 ISN'T m l,s SO HMD I CAHT E
Jwi i : .
State Censui Shows Population of
Over Two and Quarter
- Million.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DKS MOINKS. Ia.. Feb. 8. (Special
Telegram.) Ninety-five mountle of the
tate as given out thus far by the state
census department show a total popula
tion of 2,291,054, aa agalnat 2.H9.63S for
the corresponding countie In 1910.
Page county and Guthrie county were
given out today. Page county haa a pop
ulation of 24,773. a against 24,002 In 1910,
and Guthrie county how a population
of 18,416, aa agamst 17,374 In 1910. Shen
andoah, In Page county, ha a population
of 6,637, and Clarlnda of 4,478. Tha other
towns In Page county follow:
College Spring. 68.-); Bradyvllle, J26;
Blanchard. 422: iShambaugh, 298; Rssex,
790; Yorktown, 212; Hepburn, 112; North
boro, 219; Coin, 666.
Junk Dealers Will
Bid for Remains of
Fort Dodge Road
FOUT DODGE. Ia Feb. 8. (Special.)
Four Junk firm are among the bidder
who are expected to make offer for the
Crooked Creelc Railroad and Coal com
pany' property when the forecloaura aale
Is held. Attorneya for Sam McClure, re
ceiver for the road, have" prepared a de
cree to be Bent to Judge H. T. Reed of
the federal court for l.l signature author
ing the sale of the property.
The First Trust company of Milwaukee,
the mortgagee, also will bid on the prop
erty, It ia expected, In behalf of the hold
ers of the $11,)00 wortii of bonds.
Claims against the property must be
filed not later than February 29. The
amount against the road now claimed Is
about ;20,OUO.
The eiuhteen-mlle stretch of light steel
track, as crooked as lis name Indicates,
was built between Webster City and I
lugli in 1S72 when the coal mining industry
ut Lehlsh was at lis height. A the mine
became exhausted tht fortune of the
road declined. li lone locomotive became
lr disrepair for Its duties of making one
round trip a isy. TIim receiver will se
cure an order allowing him to rent an
other locomotive.
Mother of Nine
Sues for Divorce
FORT DOUGH, Ia., Feb. 8.-(Speclal.)
Mrs. Msry Henry. 58 yeara of age, haa
filed suit against her S0-year-old husband
Samuel Henry, against whom she make
sensational charges. Nine children have
been born to the couple, eight of whom
I are living and have attained maturity.
Mrs. Henry la now iivuik at me nome
of a daughter here. Judge Wright haa
granted a temporary Injunction restrain
ing the aged husband from molesting his
wife. - Hearing on that injunction will be
held next Monday.
Mattla J. koar has filed objections to
McCabe Waxes Poetic Because He
is Returned to His Former Love
John A. McCabe blew Into Omaha from
San Francisco end toak his old place In
the office of the special agent of tha In
ternal revenue. H haa Just been ap
pointed chief special agent.
Nina years hava paased (soft music,
professor.) since Mr. McCab left Omaha.
Me left thia very position which ha Is now
again appointed to til!.
And hia dear Unci Sam'l has been kick
ing him around over tl.a country In varl
oua positions of responsibility. II was
In Omaha flrat In 1898. When ha was hers
befor his district comprised Nebraska,
North and South Dakota, Wyoming, Col
orado, I'tah, Idaho, Montana, Arisona and
New Mexico. Now It comprises only Ne
braska and Iowa.
leaving her ha flrat organised tha In
ternal revenua distrk-t with headquarter
at Denver. When he had that Job fin
ished he wa sent to Portland, Ore., to
do some organizing there. And ha aaa
at San Francisco Ju-t before being or
dered bat k here.
Rent Family
9 !
eh i
the probating of the will ot her mother,
Mrs. Maria Johnston. The estate la es
timated to be worth about 176.000 The
usual charges of undue Influence and
that the deceased was of unsound mind
are made
Iowa Refuses to
Raise Ban on Stock
DBS MOINES. Ia., Feb. 8.-llequests
made by Illinois stockman and Dr. O. K.
Dyson, state veterinarian of Illinois, that
the Iowa embargo placed on Illinois cat
tle becauae of the foot and mouth dis
ease be raised were refused late today
by the Iowa Animal Health commission.
Dr J. I. Gibson. Iowa state veterinar
ian,, stated that recent foot and mouth
caaea in Christian county, Illinois, were
responsible for the refusal.
Fort Dodge Boy in
Navy Is Drowned
PORT DODGE, Ia., Feb. S.-lSpeclal.)
John W. Joaelyn, electrician aboard tha
U. 8. 8. Dale, waa 'lost overboard In
Manila harbor last Thursday, according
to a telegram from tha Navy department
to hi mother, Mr. Walter Joselyn
of thl city. Toung Joselyn had
been in the navy four year. ,
OLBNWOOD, Ia.. Feb. 8. (Special.)
Tha Gunder Evangelical company, closed
their meeting in Ulenwood last evening.
About fifty expressed conversion at their
concluding meeting. The total number of
convert 1 888. The total offerings for
tha evsngellat on the last day and even
ing of the campaign wa 11,600. The meet
ings have been the moat incoessfut In
tha history of Glenwood. Itev. Fred W.
Long of the Glenwood Congregatlonallst
Church aucceeda Stanley M. Feater of
Wichita, Kan., aa their advance man.
ino party opens ai vi.ri, m., r cuius,-
n.... ..v I. -Ill I.. ..1.1 un.l .11..
. . . 1. V . I a .
I.J. X ll HUri HBI ID nv.u " ' -
SIOUX FAIXS, 8. V., Feb. 8 (Sje-
spa, a at at r f""
clal.)-T. T. Itoseland. a farmer living , D01lllll gl in the atomach. Stead
near Goodwin, loat 2.000 bushels of pots- ... . , , eiKht and work for m wa
toe aa ine resuu oi an unusual mciuriii.
in orner to Keep inw iwniura ut.iu utr.
Ing ha at the commencement of the ex
cessively cold weather placed a hard
coal stove. In hi potato pit. leslerday
during a fierce gale some of the straw
was blown against the hot stovepipe,
with the result that the atraw caught
flro and he flamea apeedlly were com
municated to the roof, which was burned
off, roasting and ruining the 2,'M) bush
els of spuds.
BOSTON. Feb. 8. (Special Telegram.)
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McWalter of Con
cord, Mass., snnounca the engagement of
their daughter. Miss Pessle McWalter, to
John J. Higglna of Omaha. Mr. Hlgglus
Is a graduate of the Worcester academy,
class of 1105, and Harvard university,
class of 1909.
Anyway, you see, he had a chame to
size up the merits of varloua widely sep
arated communities, each having its own
boosters' chorus.
In each place Mr. McCabe has listened
to th chorus and then declared promptly,
decidedly, emphatically and unequivocally
that the chorus wsa alr.glng out of tun,
and that the only real and genuine boost
era' chorus ia locatsd at Omaha.
lis aat In hla office with a broad smile
extending all over his froatlsplec and
remarked that everything comes to him
who waits, even to him who mails eight
"Omaha certainly Irnka good to me,"
ha said, "and I'm tickled to be back her
Mr. McCabe then burat Into song and
melody, with th following result:
You may talk alio it your aunny Cali
fornia; You may rave about the rose of Oregon;
Hut J bold with all my might
That Nebiaaka lr all rltllit
It'a the arandt'isi, brightest Und beneath,
tin; sun.
While Others Labor in Equally
Remote Sections of the
The accompanying Illustration show
the transporting of Ingredient that go
into the compounding of Tanlac. Men
labor way up In tha Northern wood to
secure the wonderful curative herb and
root that are compounded under the
direction of Joseph Von Trlmbach, noted
Oerman chemist.
The men and women of the civilised
j world should ne mierrsiea in mv,
how It Is first secured, and then pre
pared to relieve the ufferlnt ot human
ity. Just a these men, with their dog
train, in the froaen north, traveling
mllca over cruated mow, through for
ests of pine and spruca, avid for daya at
a time not In sight of huuian habitation.
Just aa you sea these scene In your
favorite "movie" theater. o men are
working to bring the product of the
farthest north for Tanlao.
i Other men are striving In different
countries and under dirrerent condition
to bring to America the product of th
Alps, Appennlne. Pyrenees, Russian
Asia, Jamaica, Braxll, the West Indies,
Persia. India, Peru and other remote
sections that go to make up the great
reconstructive tonic which has been a
revelation to ao many men and women.
! Friends' Tip Helps Him Come
Back on Tanlac.
A hundred to one ahgt won for W. H.
Scott, a retoiatlon of health and happi
ness. Mr. Scott la a farmer of Bueichal, a
town near Ixulvllle, Ky.
LJka other of the men whom tha
literary expert term "our country
cousins," Mr. 8oolt toll dally ao that
he may play hla part In supplying food
for the city folks. Year of hard labor
claimed this man a victim of atomach
Before starting the Tanlao treatment,
which he aays, "ha mada It possible for
me to eat five meala a day," Mr. Scott
spent 1200 for reinedlea that failed to aid
him. Though Tanlac wa a luO to II
sho he did not hesitate to "take a
chance" on it. "Taking a chance," h
say, "I an annual occurrence with a
farmer. In fact, we gambl with Mother
, ,
every time we plant a crop.
. . .
i "rive years ui iiuhikvh imuu
i me In a bad way when I first took Tan-
I lac. fight of the chlckena. hog and
I . . .4 wmil.l maka v.naj inv
L'O n r V ' I imV WU"U ..-"
pat. t know ft waa th seeing that
made me eat, even though I suffered
tot. i-itii v after almost every meal. I had
. drudgery.
"Friends recommended Tanlac to such
a great extent that I couldn't help try
ing it, despite the fact that It was a
long shot compared to the price 1 had
paid for varloua other traatmenta and
for medli al advice.: Well. I won. The 8'i
I spent for Tanlac ha already dona ma
much more good than all of the bane
fits I got oi't of the couple of hundred
of dollaia. I have gained 16 pounds from
iTunlse. I est any food now wnnoiii
suffering afterwards and ieep
Mile. Watts Praises Tanlac in
Health Hints.
As health I a first aid to beaut), this
story, told by Mile. Walts, beauty spe
cialist, of 1283 Lincoln avenue, Cincin
nati, I of unusual Interest.
"I can recommend no better giver of
health than Tanlac," says Mil., Watts.
The story of her recovery from stom
a. h trouble and nervousness, in her own
words, follows:
"I waa, for many months, a victim of
stomach trouble and nervousness. I had
suffered terribly from pains that fol
lowed eating. Headaches alao would add
to my worries. Improper digestion
finally brought on nervousness.
"Relief came, however, when I took th
advica of several women who aald, 'Tak
"Not long after I atarted th Tanlae
treatment, my patron began to remind
ma of the Improvement In my condition.
And bacausa health is th quickest may
to beauty th Improvement was particu
larly notlceabl In my face.
"What Tanlae really did for m I can
not aay. I am ao grateful that I am
willing to recommend Tanlao oublicly."
Savants Point Out Seriousness
of Modern Methods.
Advanced medical men who have made
an exhaustive atudy of the present day
methods of living and maladies resulting
therefrom, have termed "auto-lntoxlca-
tlon," a the foundation of these 111.
Auto-lntoxicatlon la the slow aelf po's
onlng ot tha vital organs, produced by
th excessive mental and physical strain
that wa art forced to endure, which ren
der tha organ lame and permits toxin
actual poison to be generated within
one's own body.
When the more Important" organ fall
In their duties, tha body fills up with
poisons, and the victim readily ylelda to
their baneful Influences. Bright a disease
stomach and Intestinal troubles, and
catarrhal affection of the mucoii mem
brane may be called auto-intoxlcallon.
Tanlao ws designed specially to com
bat these Ilia. Tanlac begin II action
by stimulating the digestive and asslm
Unlive organ, thereby enriching th
blood and invigorating the entire y
tern. Next. Tanlac enables the stomach
to thoroughly digest th food, thus per
mitting the assimilable product to b
converted Into blood, bone and muacla,
For these Qualities countless people
throughout the United Btate dally In
dorse Tanlac the Ideal reconuiructiv
remedy-tonic, apptttlxrr and Invlgoren
for nervou, run down men and women
Question of Interest Advanced
After She Says That Im
pulses Are As Strong1 As
Verbal Command.
'Sometime It seems to m that our
nerve actually nave tn powsr ot
thought," aald Mrs, Mary T. Weston, of
3:'5 Tenth avenue, West, Duluth, Minn.
Mrs. Weston had been discussing nerve
freaks" wlih friends.
"I wa very nervous, and especially so
at night, from lack of proper rest and a
deranged atomach," she continued.
'An almost uncontrollable Impuls
would come over me to get up and run
to escape' nervousness, It wa probably
a subconscious 'freak,' but It seemed a
If 1 could hear my nerve saying: 'Run,
un.' I would Jump at th slightest noise.
1 wonder If this la not soma form ot
thought T
"My atomach bothered in so much
that sleep wa rar. There wa a bloated
condition all th time. I would hav
dlzxy spell occasionally, and when I
would atoop over, Spot would flash be
fore my eye. My heart palpitated and
It felt that sometimes my heart wa
going to jump out of me.
"What food I could eat did me llttla
good, because It soured on my stomach.
' "It seemed as If tha very first dose
of Tanlac helped me. I have received a
great deal of good from It. My atomach
feels better In every way. I' sleep well
sain and my heart no longer bother
me. My nerve hav quit 'thinking
They are fifty per cent better.
"Tanlac ha dona m so much good
that 1 have recommended It to many ot
my friends and they ar all getting good
results from the treatment."
That It pays to hav faith In adver
tising la forcefully demonstrated In the
tory of Oeorge W. Ferris, of 1608 Fast
Seventh street, Pueblo, Colorado, who
la known aa th "Tea Man" because ot
his long association with th I'nlon fa
il fie Tea company.
"I hold that the advertisements In a
nswspsper are aa important aa the news
columns," ssys this man.
"It waa not until 1 read several of th
Tanlac stories that I was able to diag
nose my own case, t'ntll then, little dtd
I know that tha pain I had suffered
after eating, the aleeplessness and loss
of appetlt all wer symptoms of stom
al U trouble.
"Then ther would be formations ot
mucus In my throat that would cause
m great worry. I did not know until
I 'studied' th Tanlao stories, that it
left unchecked, this serious symptom of
catarrh would ld to grav results.
"With knowledge that I waa a victim
of catarrh and atomach trouble, 1 lost
little tlm In getting to Tanlac.
"And If Tanlao has not helped ma I
would not now recommend It t friends,
ss I do at vry opportunity."
Goes to Foundation of Moden
Common Ailments, He
Tanlac Is being specially Introduced In
Omaha at the Sherman McConnell drug
store, IKth and Dodge streets, by an ex
pert direct from the Tanlac laboratories
a ho meets the public dally.
In discussing Tanlan westerdav tha
Tanlac man said: "Men and women who
have Improper digestion, who ar nerv
on and very Irritable' because of suffer
ing, lark of energy or ambition for their
work,- are easily d'scouraged and become
melancholy over alight matter, luffer
with backache, poor memory, unsound
aleep that doea not really rest them. Ir
regular circulation of the blood, dttxlne
and the common ailment ot th atom
ach, liver and kidney, many ot which
ar caused by catarrhal affections of th
mucous membrane, which long uncheck
ed finally have affected tha vital organs,
will find Tanlac the tonic, tissue builder
and appetiser designed to overcome these
While It I true the aucces ot Tan
lac In Omaha ha been o treat aa to
amaxe certain business men, it really
slso la true that Tanlao la no mora popu
lar here than In other cities.
'We find It to be ao everywhere, that
even the moat prominent persons win
give testimony in praise of Tanlac out
of gratitude for tha relief Tanlao bring
and bacauie they believe It Is their duty
to do so.
"It Is a humanitarian spirit to help
the 'other fellow' If you can, and that
is the first thought of many pf th men,
and women who voluntarily tU what
Tanlac ha done for them."
Knoxville Pastor Thankful for
His Physical Transformation.
Th'Rv. W. T. Roby, pastor of th
West Lonsdale Msthodlst church, Knox
ville, Tenn., prominent and ravared min
ister of th "Old Franklin state.'; 1
one of thousand ot professional men
throughout th country' to whom Tan
lao has proved a highly reconstructive
' "I want to bear testimony to Tanlac'a'
beneficial and curative powers," said
th IUv. Roby, "but can hardly find
word of sufficient Import to accurately
express how grateful I am that I hava
been restored to my former self.
"I had suffered from aatarrh ot th
stomach for several year," aald the Rev,
Roby, In drawing a word picture of those
months that war "dark chapters" In
his lift. "As this dreadful malady grew
mora sever It sapped my strength and
vitality. I could scarcely aat. My stom
ach caused ma considerable worry, Ther
wa a sourness in my throat and gas
would form In my stomach; my kidneys
also pnlnad me and I lost wlght stead- ,
"I wa urged by my wlf and parish
oner, who grew alarmed at my declin
ing health, to seek relief at soma water
ing place, it was about then that I
heard of Tanlac. Peopla of reputation
were Indorsing this medicine and I ai
one began on my first bottl. s ,
"With th third bottl my Improved
condition waa th talk of th neighbor
hood. My appetlt I nothing short of
ravenous and I suffer no bad effects
after eating. My digestion is good and
the pains about my kidneys hava left
entirely, Onca again I aleep well, th
nervousness has disappeared and, all In
all, I feel like a new man.
"In Indorsing Tanlac I feel that I am
spreading comfort to suffering human
Legions Everywhere Suffer
From More Recent Ailments.
The Tanlac story of Ml Olga Matt
lln of 133 Main atreet, Toledo, O., is
a striking one for nervous, depressed
"I waa troubled for years with my
stomach," aald Miss Mattlln. "J had
no real appetite, and, though on a diet
would force myself to eat. My atomach
would bloat.
"1 felt tired and languid all day long
and at night could not sleep rsatfully.
In tlm I wa almost completely worm
out. Th principal trouble, waa with Im
proper digestion.
"In one week' tlm Tanlac worked a
great chang In m. Again I anjoy a
good, healthy appetlt. I no longer suffer
from nausea, nor th old dlssy spells,
and I am not tired out befor th day
"I want to recommsnd Tanlae, spe
cially to women, because I know, how
many there ar who feel much Uka I
did and go on suffering and gattlnsT
real enjoyment from llf.
"From what my friends told ma X
felt sura that Tanlao would benefit me.
but I was ludeed surprised. a th uk-K