T11K NKK: OMAHA, AVKDNKSDAV, FKH1MTAUV 0, 191G. "3- Nebraska MORE CANDIDATES ENTER THE FRAY . A. L. Sutton of Douglas Completes His Filing for Nomination for Oorernor. JUDGE ALBEET FOR SENATOR t From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Feb. S.-('ityeclal. Filings this morn ln coming to the office of the secretary of state Include the following. Abraham I. Sutton of Omaha, for the republican nomination for governor. 1. L. Albert of oClumbua. for the dem ocratic nomination for the state senate for the Eleventh district, composed of the counties of Polk, Flatt and Merrick, represented in the last session by Sen ator Krumbach of Polk. C. E. Randall of Tork, placed In nomi nation by a petition from Aurora for re nomination as senator from the Seven teenth district, composed of York and Hamilton counties. William Soost of Magnet, for the dem ocratic nomination for the state senate from the Klghth district, composed of the counties of Cedar and Knox, repre sented In the last sesnlon by Senator Charles Ruden of Crofton. John S. McCarty of Lincoln will be a candidate for the democratic nomlnatlo for congress In the First district, having this morning accepted the petition filed last week. j Judge Bruno Hostetler of Kearney ha filed for renomlnatlon as district Judge that district , - . . Twenty Days, for ; j Shooting Quail . TLATTSMOt'TH, Neb., Feb. g. (Spe cial.) -George Hobson was brought before Justice Archer Monday to answer to a complaint charging, him with violation of the Nebraska gamelaw by shooting two quail, which are protected by law from the. hunters. The young man lentered a plea of guilty to the charge of shooting two quail, and not being able to pay the fine and costs was sentenced to Jail for twenty days. S COL. RICHMOND, BOOSTER, IS BACKING SOpHUS NEBLE (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Feb. 8.-(Ppeclal.)-Colonel Memy Clay Richmond of Omaha, states man. Journalist, orator, and now offi ciating In the way of maker of governors. Is again on the Job. The last time Colo nel Richmond visited Lincoln he picked a candidate for the democratic nomina tion for governor in the person of a, Lin coln irerchant, but the picking was not good and the candidate did not appear to be ripe for the plucking. Thla time he cornea forward and pushes his fellow townsman and next door neigh bor, Sophus F. Neble, editor of the Danish Pioneer of Omaha, as the man to lead the badly demoralised hosts of democ racy up tha hill of despondency. He says' that Nebraska 'would, do ltslet proud to elect Colonel Neble . governor and ho is for Mag. - ; ,' , .. ,, W v . Colonel Richmond Is. one of those self sacrificing Individuals who is": always boosting somebody else. He has ruined A valuable pair of eyes looking; over the state for the man who would be an Ideal governor and never thinking for a mo ment that the man who wears Henry Richmond's clothes and is with him day and night might make the all flredest . Lest col darn sroveraor this aid At ft.lr.- loosa, . ' - t VALUABLE PACING MARE AND SADDLE STOLEN NORTH PLATTE, Neb.. Feb, 8.-Spe-clal.) A valuable pacing mare valued at 1300 and a saddle worth HO were stolen from the ranch of Representative Harry I. Stevens near Maxwell, Neb.,- late Sat urday night. Frank Townsend, a farm hand employed at the Stevens ranch, dis appeared about the same time. ' Sews Notes ( Hastings. HASTINGS, Neb.. Feb. 8. (Special Tel egram.) The Clarke Hotel company has appointed a committee to begin prepara- HnM. , I. A K..II1m. A Ann,. A the hotel building. Rev. R. R. Percy of Uerwlck, la., has accepted a call from th Hastings United Brethren church and is expected here for next Sunday's services. J A committee has been appointed to make an effort to secure the next state democratic convention for Hastings. Files for Represeaiatlre. , NELJGH. Neb., Feb. I. -(Special. ) J. G. Crlnklaw has filed on the demo cratic ticket for state representative of Antelope county. He represented this rounty In the last legtalaturee. It Is sup posed that be will have no opposition in the primary. ' Water Roads Carry. . CROFTON, Neb., Feb. .-(Speclal.) At the special election held here last week the water bonds proposition carried by the necessary two-thirds with nine votes to rpare. Work to extend the pres ent system will be started as soon as the weather permits. 1 T . Married Fifty-Five Veara. fOLKRinOE. Neb., Feb. I. (Special.) On Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Boucher celebrated the fifty-fifth anniversary of their wedding day. A number of their old friends and neighbors dropped In to help them celebrate the event. Hmm Over by (an Shelter. CAMBRIDGE. Neb., Feb. .-rSpecial Telegram.) Earl Wyman la in the local hospital In a serious condition resulting from falling under his corn sheller. The wheels of the sheller passed over his body. At this time the extent of his In juries are unknown. BEAVKR CITT, Neb., Feb. I. -(Special.) During the absence of the family at church Sunday evening the house of B. r. Selbert was broken into and US Bun day school money was take. It was In pennies and small change. How Is Preifsl troop). When tho child la subject t Mk r rroup, ee to It that he eata liaht .v..- tllir tnal an uu 1 ..... . . - - - iiomirn may nun on an aitaca, also watch for t.e flr.t symptom hoarseness, and give 'l ambrrtaln'a Cough Remedy as soon a the i hlld fecomea hoarse. Obtainable e vary where. Advertisement. Nebraska Clifford Thome Eeady with Brief Against Brandeis (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Feb. . (peMal.)A brief of Clifford Thorne, chairman of the Iowa Railway commission prepared in his ef forts to have the confirmation of Ixuls 15. Brandeis as Justice of the supremo t-ourt knocked In the head by the senate, because he alleges that Rrandlrs was not oquare with the people in tne fight he made before the Interstate Commerce commission in the advance rate rises, has reached the members of the Ne braska commission. The brief states that "On b -half of the State Railway rnmmlmlonn nf the riant states interested; the American National Live Stock commission and tlie farm t grain dealers, representing 2y00 'ihlp- pers, who have commissioned me to speak, I hereby repudiate In unqualified terms the concessions made by Mr. Ili-an- dela In closing the argument on behalf of the public In the advance rate caw"w before your honorabel body.'" i Referring to statement made by Bran- ! dels that "there should be no basis, we i ought not to consider mere percentages, I we should not attempt to say what Is a I reasonable surplus," Mr. Thorne says. "this Is a pretty argument from the rail road standpoint." Hastings Institute Cannot Use Schools HASTINGS, Neb.. Feb. 8. (Special Tel egram.) The Hastings Institute, organ ized to teach religion and social condi tions, was turned clown by Ihe Board of ) Education last night In the request for ! the use of the high school building for j classes. The Institute is nonsectarlan and plans to take a social survey of Hastings. The total enrollment of the schools for January was 2,312. which Is 1S Increase over the corresponding month In 191. ' NEBRASKA HARDWARE DEALERS ARE AT LINCOLN (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Feb. 8.-(Speclal.) Exhibit ors attending the fifteenth annual gather ing of the Nebraska Hardware Dealers' association, being . held at the Lindell hotel, are getting their exhibits pretty will placed at the city Auditorium across the way, and are making an excellent showing. Harry Porter of Lincoln has on exhibi tion something new in the way of desks mado entirely of steel. The convention opened this afternoon at the Lindell at 1 o'clock with an address of welcome by Secretary Whltten of the Commercial club and response by Presi dent J. J. Jennings.. The response wat made by S. R.' Derryberry of North Platte, to which the president again responded.'-.Miss Pearl Ha'llowell of Fre mont favored the meeting with a song, "Brighten the oCrner." written especially- for the occasion, Nathan Roberts, secre tary, delivered the annual address. " ' . JUROR WHO COLLAPSED ? ' PROBABLY IS INSANE NORTH PLATTE. Neb.. Feb. S.-(Spe- clal,) Will Fabllnger, who became men tally deranged while serving on the Jury during a session of the district court In this city, was taken Into custody by the sheriff Monday and will be given a hear ing before tho board of insanity. Fab Ilnger's condition has not improved, as was expected, and as a result It was thought best to place him In charge of tho sheriff until ho could be examined as to his sanity. JOHNSON FARMERS TO MEET AT TECUMSEH TEOUMSEH, Neb., Feb. 8. (Speclal.) On Tuesday and Wednesday the annual Johnson County Farmers' institute will be held In this city. A good program, in cluding speakers from the agricultural department of the University of Ne braska, ; the government veterinarians having In charge tho hog cholera pre ventive work in Gage and Johnson coun ties, and others will be given. News Notes of Edgar. Edgar, Neb.. Feb. 8. (Special.) "Pu Nebraska Telephone ' company, which bought controlling Interest In the Edgar Home Telephone company, moved their central office today. They have Just com pleted the construction of a complete outside system, moving all poles to tn) alleys where possible. Several gangs of electrical engineers are at work connecting tho residence and business houses with the new electric light services twenty-four hours each day. 18 PQUHDS OF BLOOD b the average quantity in a healthy adult, but it is the quality of the blood that determines our strength to resist sickness. With weak blood we find cold hands and chilly feet; in children an aversion to study, and in adults rheumatic tendencies. In changing seasons get abundant fresh air and take a spoonful of Scott's Emulsion after meals, because Scott's Emulsion is a rich blood-food that will increase both quantity and quality of the blood while it warms the body and helps carry off the impurities. When multitudes of people are to day taking Scott's Emulsion to avert winter sickness, and are giving it to their children, it is careless to neglect its benefits. Luok out for substitutes. 6coU & Bcwne. Ulooiuacld. N. J. 15-36 250 PAIRS OF WOMEN'S WALK-OVER SHOES At 99c WALK-OVER COOT SHOP 817 8. IHlii St. Bstwssa Harney aad Jaraam. Nebraska Bankers Will Meet At Beatrice in May HEATRIOK, Neb., Feb. S.-tSjvelat.)-Group No. 1 of the Rankers' Association of Southeastern Nebraska will hold Its annual meeting In Peatrtce on May 10 and 11. The cities In the group Include Lincoln, Nebraska City. Ilea ti Ice and other towns, and It Is eapected thst about , 3tM bankers will visit Beatrice at that time. A number are expected from St. Joseph and Kansas City. Mrs. Julius Ialluge, an old resident of Beatrice, died Sundav after a prolonged illness, aged SH years. She was a native of West I'russia an.l is survived by her husband and five children. Mrs. Samuel Berry passed sway at her home In Beatrice Sunday niftht, aged tS years. She leaves her husband and two children. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Dunii, old residents of Beatrice, who recently located on a ranch near Halgler. Neb. The Methodist church, which has been closed for the last few months because of extensive Improvements belrut mado on the edifice, was reopened Sunday with special services, which were In charge of Bishop Bristol of Omaha. The Improve ments cost nearly IIO.OUO. Committees were ' appointed yesterday to arrange for Company C banquet to be held at the Taddock hotel next Saturday night. Governor Morehead, Adjutant Gen eral Hall and ex-Stato Treasurer George have sent word here that they, will at tend the bamiuet. WATERLOOCOIUPLE MARRIEDHALF CENTURY WATBHIjOO, Neb., Feb. 8-(SpecIal.) Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Todd of Waterloo celebrated their golden wedding anniver sary Monday afternoon and evening with a reception, which was attended by more than 201 guests. Mr. and Mrs. Todd were married February 7, IfMJ,, at Hebron, N. Y., and came to Wateiloo In 1S69. They have conducted a hotel and livery busi ness In that town ever since. They have two children living, a eon and daughter. both married, John K. Todd of Waterloo and. Mrs. F. C. Kennedy of Valley. One son, Jsmes J., died when a youn man. They carried their weddlns; handkerchiefs at the celebration Mondays. Among the presents received were I16 In gold and many other remembrances from friends. Kotra from Kyraense. SYRACUSE, Neb., Feb. 8. (SpeclaU The village board decided to have an en gineer's estimate made for an electric light plant and to pass tho proper ordi nance submitting the question to a vote of the people at the spring election. It has ordered the cancellation of five of the water extension bonds, amounting to t&.OOO, as the water extension has been completed and these bonds are not needed In payment for tha Improvements. The board will have a special meeting I'Vbru- YouJre Bilious! Clean Liver and Bowels Tonight Don't stay headachy, siok, ' or have bad breath and sour stomach. Wake up feeling fine! Best lax ative for men, women and children. Knjoy lire! Remove the liver and bowel poison which is keeping your head dlny. your tongue coated, breath offensive and stomach sour. Don't stay bilious, sick, headachy, constipated and full of cold. Why don't you get a box of Cascarets from the drug store and eat one or two tonight and enjoy the nicest, gentlest liver and bowel cleaning you ever ex perienced. You will wake up feeling fit and fine. Cascarets never gripe or sicken like salts, pills or calomel. They act so ffently that you hardly reallre you have taken a cathartic, t Mothers should give cross, sick, bilious or feverish children a whole Casoaret any time they act thor oughly and are harmless. Rupturo Curo Secret Free I Was Enptured aad Was Cured and Want to Tell Others Bow It Was Accomplished. Holhlng to Sell No Charge Mads. I will tell you how my severs rup ture was cured, and how I believe yours can be cured. The Infor mation will not coat you a cent. I will be glad to feel that I have helped you, and that knowledge will amply repay me. If you will Just send your addrens (a postal will do). 1 will do the rest. Mr rupture occurred from a strata while at work, just as most rup tures occur. I am a carpenter by trade. Through, tha best of good luck I found a means to obtain a rurs, and was soon strong: aad wall attain and back, at work. It seems only fair that I should let others share In. my good fortune, snd that Is why I sm inviting, all ruptured people to send me their ad rireeses. Please remember that I don't want a single cent of your money. All I went Is your address. Kend (t to me mmw, snd I fed sura you will nevrr regret it. Addrras: Kiiwene id. Hullen. f arrentT,wwU slurctsllus Ave, lUbaiMuan, X. J. i ary 15 to consult With tho engineers te a'aidliiR th electric llKht proposition. 1. S. iMrttng, for yenra a d runout and leading business man of I'nsri lla. dl'-d Saturday night after a lima I Inrss. Mr. Hailing was largely known In thU rait of the county, lie la .irled by hi wife and three ilauchters. Charles Hle!rnsn snd Ml Jennie Blakesly of this village were married Saturday nlKht at t-he home of tha bride's father by Justice l. B. Wert. They will reside on a farm near heir. HELP FOR WORKING WQHEK Some Have to Keep on Until They Almost Drop. 1 low Mrs. CcrJcy Got Uel;. Her Uajettor from a wo-nan who had to tvork,, but was too veak and suf fered too much 1 3 contuiua. liow she regained health : , Frankfort, Ky. " I guITcrnd somuch Tfith female weakness tlict I couid not .o my own work, hr.d tj lure it don. I henrd so much t'..outLy ,:iaE.Pic! ham's Vegetable Compound that I trletlit. I took three bottles and I found it to te nil you c!r.!rr.. Now 1 f pel a well ever Id: J and tri c'rlota i!'B'lrry ow n i.V -.?i I recommend it to r.r:y woman gufTerirj from fomalo wcaltnem. You may pu llsh my letter if you wih. " ! !rs.jAMif Conley,616 ft. CIcIr rt.Trankfort.K;'. : No woman nufTcHnjr from any form cf femala troubles uhould loe hope until she has fiven Lydi.t H. Pinl.ham's Vcf;. etnble Compound a fnir tiir.l. This famous rrrioOy, the medicinal ingredients of which aro derived from native roots and hcrbn, hs3 for forty years proved tobear.iotvcluablotonh and invigoratorof the ft'maleorganisrr.. All women aro Invited to write to tho Lvdia i:. Pinliliiwn Mcd: cino Co., Lynn, Mush., for special ftdvlc, It will bo conildcntlaL ELL-AMS Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it. 25c at all druggists. Let f'i l A Hsnd'Mada I - Sou' Mash H ' VtHv WHISKEY Sl! 'a )f hip Kamtucky. II where Wiii lBOND Ecrwhere'.VJBfljr Save . EXPERIENCE HAS SHOWN US THAT THE HEAVY BUSINESS IN GAS RANGES COMES IN ; 1 APRIL AND MAY. EVERY YEAR WE ARE RUSHED DURING THESE MONTHS AND HAVE . TO PUT ON EXTRA HELP AND GO TO EXTRA EXPENSE TO HANDLE OUR BUSINESS. WHEN IT COSTS US MORE IT COSTS YOU MORE, i THIS YEAR WE WANT TO START EARLY AND.'. DISTRIBUTE OUR GAS RANGE BUSINESS OVER FEBRUARY . MARCH, APRIL AND MAY. BY SO DOING WE REDUCE OUR COST AND GLADLY GIVE OUR CUSTOMERS THE BENEFIT OF THE SAVING. '.. ... ;.. . iZ i - e-' i ' -iy '.: ' f t V?' r'l."'-'''' Put a Range Like This in Your Home. Selling Price: Until: April . PAYMENTS, $3.00 DOWN; $2.00 A MONTH. A NEAT, CONVENIENT, EFFICIENT, , GOOD ENOUGH FOR ANY HOME. 0MAHA t'IHMt!l!frH!tf,Mff!JHf',,!,'',,,M,H',Mlll''!!?fM?5'MMHM,f g'JilliaMilMiWtM I z Z-3 r i m mm 1 15 pllHllltlllllHlIllllSlHIHH I I ... i yfM- tVW. ii-rttii-Trni-TM'i--TfVii i i n.. niin- -n- '' ' 'l'' r..,..riVr ii ii.ii i in.. jiiiii lamminuHnMaNV , - . v B ' Ix """N ' : HENRY:' ROHLFF GO.' ' Phone Doutbs 876': 1V1UHO j 1 vy Y v GAS Us Tell You How aiid sCj U -41 - . jT v The Champion of Moderation its. ii it AViFKv ill II IV 51 II 7 'MX t r : : , 2567-69 During February and March We -Are Offering What We Consider The Ideal Range For the Home at Special Price a SPECIFICATIONS. , i . - . . . . ... ,. . .. - ; We 'do not care to fiive ybu a techliical description of this ranger-just a few of the main points.' It has the best . of workmanship and material. It is built on a 2-inch anjjle iron frame. The oven is 16 inches wide, 18 inches deep and 14 inches' hJsh. The broiler is 16 inches wide1, 18 inches deep and -10 inches hig-h. The oven bottom and top is 18 gauge double metal The oven lining-is 24-gauge double metai. xne oven Durner is I: f Sg- LINE NOT .IN... LINE IN 5 DISCOUNT FOR CASH, WELL-BUILT ACORN OAS -- - i fclcjkk. - t ml. - I I "till I J K d y ii!i Lcaveawcrth Street, Cissbs, Ccs- on. a sTcw . RANGE Why single control. .... . . . ' . . .v. .$25.50 .23.50 30 DAYS. RANGE,