0 THK BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 0. 1916. 11 FOR RENT-AP'TS AND FLATS . KM choice 4 or fr-ronm team heatd apartment, on Wwt Farnam St. JOHN W. HOHP1N S.I t K A I tNAM ST. eIlKI;N 7-r. apartment, ln lulling heau tlful east un room, in West t-'arnam d'strlct.fo'' rnt, Harney 1 W: o ROOM Apt., heated. Janitor service, m 15. Call Rad ia-1. . FIVE-ROOM ateara heated apartment, vary desirable, tha Chula Vista, am end Popplston Av ., Ml 60. 13 Bru aeta Theater Bldg. Doug. 1571. Mlaeellaaewas. MONTH ritKE RKNT. CLOE-IN APARTMENT. S-room and bath apartment, hrtrk, mod. hut heat: beat netahborhood. $12.60 at US. fall for npixMntment to see them. t. K Bri'K.. ."li OMAHA NAT. PP. ta 7-Ro6m, strain heated, H.".; near post office. O P. Stehhlns. 1lrt Chicago. WARM. COZY APARTMENT. Kite apartment of four rooms and hath, nicely deem-ated, oak finish, itenm heat. Janitor service; every thing first class. Pee It and you will tak It. SCOTT ITTLT. CO.. Poiiglas 1(W8. A BUSY, bui3oir bell and a atenfly atream of repllea-after your :EB Want-Ad haa told Ita atory. FOR RENT-BUSINESS PROP'TY torea. WILL, remodel apace. 60x60, for lodge hall. M floor of Crounae block, 11 N. 1th St., to ault tenant. CONRAD mi .u, 3Jj nranqcia 1 nra. I'nuy, inn. SMALL store room; very desirable; rent $; 1X20 Cass St. CONRAD YOUNG. 822 Brandele Theater. Poiirlas 1571. STORE ROOMS at 1!JR-1811 Farnam St. Thoa. F. Hall, 433 Ramgt Bid. 1. 7406. MOVING AND STORAGE GLOBE VAN & STORAGE Stores, moves, pack, ahlpa; S-horsa van and 3 men, $V2 per hour; storage, 11 per month. Satisfaction guaranteed. ug'aa 4338 and Tyler 230, GORDON VAN CO. Parking-, storage and mov ing. 219 N. 11th St- Phone Douglas 394 or Harney 1937. fireproofWa,rhousb Separate, locked rooms, for household good and planoa; moving, packing and hipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. El S. 16'. h St. Douglas 4163. FIDELITY Flili Phone Douglaa SX& for complete Hat of vacant houses and apartments: alao for storage, moving. 16th and Jackson Sta. Jf" TJF'lAn Express Co. Moving. . j. IILjVjU placing Rnd storage. 1107 Farnam St Douglas 6146. SiAGOARD Van & Storair Co. packing, atorago and shipping. M ovine, D. 1496. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED . Wst. MODERN bungalow, one-half block to car. large level lot, tine location, shade treea, five splendid rooms, nice base ment, real furnace, pretty little home, almost new, will suit almost anyone, polished floors, electric lights; gas; J4's a complete home. Lot actually worth I'M, could not build house for less than 12,460, or a total of 13,200. Investigate, my figures you can easily verify. For quick sal will sell for only 12,So, and malm easy terms, too. Can give posses sion any time. Act quickly, see me any evening after 7 o'clock. Phone Benson 201 Nortb. KOUNTZB PLACE LOTS. ' We are selling 18 lots In Kountsa , Place at prices ranging from W up. Every on has all Improvements, in . eluding pavln. and paid for. Why not ,' buy one of these lots for your future home or on which to build and sell T .. . Yqu can afford to do It at tb prices - w are offering. A. P. TUKEY SON. Tel. Dong. tv2. ir.07-8 W. O. W. Bldg. t TXfine home for very little cash Two-story cottage, oak floors, strictly modern; large lot. Small monthly pay- - tuenta. 1331 A mes Ave. N0RRIS & NOREIS, . 4"l) Bee Building. . Phone Douglas 4270. 4 2C.O4 rooma, nearly new; one acre; all kinda of fruit good neighborhood, fine view; $1,000 cash. bal. mo. . Worth 14,750. 207 Redick Ave. Tel. Doug, liio, tor . 011 a x. Nh-vV 7-room home. Mount Clare addi tlon. Strictly modern. Built last Bep 'tnmber. Corner lot, 47x130. Newly furn ished. Will sell furniture with hous or separate. Phone Harney 2133. T"Kf rooma, four apartments, cheat Phone Coifax 1061 after 11 a. in. osita. $3 000 CREIGHTON'S FIRST K rooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, pantry, bed room on first floor: bed room, bath and sun room on 2d floor; furnace; elegant fixtures; full 1 cement basement; east front lot, 46 x r 14'.'; close to school and Hanscom park. )3U0 cash will handle this, lirand new. C. G. CAELBEBG, 312 Brandejs Theater Bldg. i MUST sell - my -large room modern . heme, on paved street, cement walks, large barn, nice shade, cement base ment, laundry, gas. electric lights, hot water beat, cistern, bath and sewer. One block from street car and public school. Worth 13,600. Make me an of fer. Fred Mower, owner, 70 H, Hth St.. Omaha. NEAR FIELD CLUB. W have a brand new (-room, strictly modern bungalow atyls horn In the Field club district; oak finish through out; full cement basement, with large corner lot; street paved; In the best neighborhood in the city; 2 blocks from car line and Hanacom park. Call us for appointment to sea this. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY., 37 Omaha Nat. Pk. Bldg. Doug. 171. o HANsCOM PARK baricaiii. (-100111. no atrl'-tlv modern home, corner lot, for 4ono. Ternia If desired. TKRRKNS, Omaha. Nai. Hunk. Doug. 2182. M lace lis aeou. NEW. all mod. bungalow, g rooma on flrat floor, 1 large rooms unfinished on 2d floor, large living room, beam cell inga, bookcase and many other ape claj features; oak finish in three rcjina. with oak floors throughout, lighting fixturea. ahadea, screens, house com plete In every way; dandy east front lot: paved atreet; one block to car. Price tS.Sio: terms. RASP BROS. POUO. 16.V1. CASH, BALANCE LIKE RENT. This is a nearly new 6-room, strictly modern home; ten blocks from poet office, walking distance. It la finished In birch throughout. Street paved: gar. aae; nice, large lot, block from car aid school. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. W7 Omaha Nat. Bk. Pldg. Doug 1781 o A GENUINE BARGAIN: " No, Vtoi 6Lh Ave., Council Bluffs: ( reotns, modern except heat, large barn, paved atreet snd on car line; Xi.(H. Will aell for reasonable payment down, balance like rent. Thoa. L. MoOarry, Keeline Bldg., Red VM. gVROOM B ARIA IN NEW, t-ROOM, 2 8TORY HOUSE, NKAR CAR. A SNAP AT &.": RESONABLE PAYMENTS. BENSON & OA R MICH A EL, DOUGLAS 1T22. Hi PAXTON BLK. COTTAGE AT AUCTION At court bouse. February 24. Be W. II. RUSSELL. M Brandela Tbatr. REAL ESTATE-UNIMPROVED West. WILL BUILD TO ORDER, furnish plans (are, furnish lot and help f inane. If you sr going to bulid, see u or phon 1 1. JM OtO. E LUNDBURG. 6li Paxtwn Bldg. REAL ESTATEUNIMPROVED Merit. THE moat remarkable development over aeen In Omaha la MISSD LISA addl. tlon. Over h0 lota hava been aold In that addition In eeven montha. CHARLES W. MARTIN CO.. OWNERS. M lamella ras. TWO ACRFS, close In, ILJOO; and other aereege, lAO to r. No trade. Pat terson. Inulee 2i7. REAL ESTATE-EXCHANGE SALE or trade for Nab. land, fruit tracts irrigated. Improved: clou to town; flna climate. Thoa. Bailey, Canon City, Real, jlstate. Fi re and General Insur ance,. Art Thatcher. 1217-18 City Na tion Rank Fldg, Oonalaa SW! flF.SIDENCE and flata" welT7o7eTK change for vacant property. D. 6707. "Poland & Trumhull. FOR EXCHANUK-$J.0uy clear land for Income, town or city. E. W. Runon, HMney. la. A CO-ACRE farm, close to Omaha, for en change. D. 707. Toland oV Trumbull. 44 Hee TtMg, FOR KXCHANOE-Olear Arkanaaa farma. Leslie Land Company, Leslie Ark. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN nana. -ROOM. All modern. In lienson. at 2319 N. Mth t. Full lot. house about S years old. Mortgage on It of 2.flfi00A, payable lio.0o per month: make offer (or equity. You need not fear to make offer low enough. The owner muat aell and you will get a snap. H. A. WOLF. 614 Ware Plk.. Poug. Dundee. OVVNKK of Dundee liome with two lota has removed from city and aaya make Price that will aell 11. Bee us. F. P. WE A T", Wead I'Mg.. 310 B. 18th Bt. Boat a side. W.lOo BUYS two of the moat beautiful loia on corner In the Field club. Worth 4.iXI. Lota i and 9, block , flrat sub division of the Griffon Smith Addl lion. Located 36th and Pine, northwest l'Jn.'r- Mu8t b "old in five days. Act quick. 8mith-Lokwood Mfg. Co. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS fNVESTMENTS-2-etory bTlck. on S. 13th .i imuiBfl, f..iKai. -ainry ninct., on Dodge ami Hth. fine corner, $4o,0.J. 3-story, on Douglas nesr 14th, t-Vi.lxM. 3 atory. 27tli and Cuming Sta., good In vestment, 11.000. it-atory brick, S. 13th tiear Poppleton Ave., ll.Vtt). 3-story building. N. . mth, J3,fioo Irge coi ner lot, 17tli and Willis Ave., fl.TW. l-atory hotel, clone in, reduced. $30,100. t-story hotel, one of the best in th. city, t.0,yU. 2-story brick. i4ttt St., nil rented. 112,000. I want an offer on uny of the afcove. Write or call at 41.1 Karbooh block. Omaha, Nob. Thos. Adams. j A Good Investment Ja hard to find. By experience we know a good substantially built building and value. We can show you a new brick apart ment, near 28lh and Howard, finely equipped, that will m t nearly 10. Me dium priced. Don t delay; we can prove our Judgment. . . . Hiatt-Fairfield Co., Doug. 438. 230 Omaha Nat l Bank. 10 PER CENT NET INVESTMENT. Six-apartment terrace, ste&mheated, 6 rooms each, finlahed In oak with oak floors upstairs and down: strictly mod ern and new; well rented and always nlL;Tent- Annual rental. 12.680. Price. $.!2.&00. This Is a good proposition for investment. ... ,D- v.'sholes CO, 815-16 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Poug,49. , MORTGAGE JN VrXTMENT Some flrat-class mortgages, per cent Interest. W. T. Graham, Bee Bldg. REAL ESTATE-WANTED HAVE buyer for cloae-ln residence. to v fuviiin- tt nai navo ynur . R. H LANDER YOTJ. Tel. T. 6763. 2ua Neville Bloek.' WANTED To buy on monthly payments. ewmii more room, wun living rooms above. In Central school district. Ption Red 7464. FOR SALE BUSINESS PROP'TY , LeaM for 8al Good Location for REAL ESTATE INSURANCE ISO Square Feet $30.00. The Bee Building Co. Room 10S. $76,000 WILL buy 4-story brick block on ibth St., with ground 133 feet squar. J. B. Robinson. D. S097. 413 Be. FINANCIAL FOR SALE ,000 Issue s per cent nr. f erred stock, retireabl in tVHZ premium; all or part. Address K 7" Bee. Real Kstate Loaaa, Mortaraaea. WB are readj at all time to make loana on first-class city -proferty and eastern Nebraska farms. Rates on request. UNITED STATES TRUST CO. Ml So. 17th St. 1 lu for loans on best class eltw reHidtnces in amounts $2,009 up; i5 farm loans. Reasonable commissions PETERS TRCST CO.. 22 FaVjJSm si- cjuaha I.omaa. ttml AHA t.ornae. at Neoraska (m" O'KEliFB REAL ESTATECO Omaha NatlonaL Phon r.,.i.'l 1011 MONEY TO XoaK. for rjJTifTitr. BHQPEN i CO.." Doug. 4246. FARM loans. . eaatern NeiT, or westt em la. Toland aV Trumbull, 441 Be ftdi UAXtv ay' NTNir mi ivi WeTllSraMtV" fi 1 properly. Large loans a aveclahv W. H. Thomas. M State Ba n k b lj g. ClTV and farm loans. 5. i, pr cent M. uumonc ar co.. 4 isle e Bank 'Act CITY LOANS, C. G. Cai:itrijiC 12 Brandeis Theater Bldg. " ncrn money. Harrison & mohton" ' Omaha Nat. Bank Blda. ' Abstracts t Tltli cheapest. Room 7, Patterson Bids. D.i47 KERRTlJ.'" SU-nte and AbsTTact Co., a modern abstract offlo. UA H. 17th Ht. Tel. D. S4K7. RF.ED AbSTRACT CO. oldest abstract office In Nebraska. 2o6 Brandela Thea. lock a4 BeaSa. HOME BUlLDKilS. Inc., paying" on each fl.ll invaaUd now In Its ' O UL'AIU.IUU rOalTfiitRID BHAR.8. You ahar la tb SURPLUS PROFITS also, making a total earning f n pr cent to shareboldrs lio Invested 4 years ago. Ask for our No. B "NEW WAY" booklet. It telle all about It. AML K1CAN SECVRITY CO.. Fls. Agts. 8. W. Cor. lTih and Douglaa. Omaha. 1.2X farm mnrtaase bearing 7 per eentl scuret bv pronerty valued. K t4S ti' j uiSc loimis Invest. 1 ., W . O. W . bldg. FARM AND RANCH LANDS To W I. mm dm sT I - EN 1 JD low a farm; acres, tlxi Re acre. 1 se lli,i exchange, c. pi. elyea. 1 Rim e K'dg , Omaha. Neb. Hlasrwta laiSi. 100-Ac'Rlo improved farm. 30 miles from Minneapolis: loo acres under cultivation, balance meadow anj pasture; good soil; li-room house, barn and all other build ings that are needed, school house on land: price, ft) per acre; one-half cash; pr a III sell farm wtm full equipment of horses, cattle, machinery, etc Will make very reaaonable prtc on personal Property. Immediate poaeeeelon ran b had. Schawb Proa., lWt Plymouth Building, Minneapolis. Minn. Mlsaoart liada, UHKAT BA KO Al Ntf tb down, o month ly. buys 40 acres, good fruit and poul try land, near town, southern Missouri, Price only $3no. Address Bo . Ea- .'rl""'r springs, nio. BETTER live on your own little farm In vu., niu., man us a rrnifr, v i 1 v write for booklet. W. S. Frank. Nevlll Block. Omaha. MiaalealaBl Laaas. $300 CASH. 130 i'ER MONTH, without Interest, seoures a 10-acr pecaa orchard, paying 12,000 annually at ma turity. Income commence with flrat payment. w deliver the orchard planted. W. T. ISmlth Co City Natl ring. If. itMH. Nebraska La a a. I WILL soil my well-Improved farm ot J0 acres at public auction Friday. Feb. I. Land located mile west of Bel grade, Neb., In Nano county, southeast quarter section i to-nshlp 17, rang . Incumbrance, t3,fi00, which can he as sumed. Terms. 11,000 down on day of f'Urchase, balance to be paid March 1. 316. Fre transportation and all ex panse to purchaser. Send sealed bid to R. J. Hoy. FuUerton, Neb., W. H. Smith, owner ) A OOOlSSO-aor farm located three end! ona-half miles east of Kearney. Neb on the Uncoln Highway, consisting of 1& acres pasture, balance under culti vation; good s-rooin hous and barn for ten head of horses and other out buildings. Can give possession March, 1, 191a. For sale or trade for Omaha property. Write Ernest Smith, R. a, Kearney, Neb. KIMiHALL COUNTY LAND BARGAIN. t4o acres in the northern part of Kim ball county, where the soil la equal to eaatern Nebraska; smooth table land. Price 112 per acre. It would be cheap at tla. Terms will be given If desired. .1. H. DUMONT CO., 416-U Keellns Bldg. Phon Doug. (HO. NEAR EDGAR. 180 acres, level to gently rolling. I3f. sores in crop, tiood buildings. 1100 an acr. Twenty years to pay if you wish. Ask us. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg., Omaha. ALL THE TIMS YOU WANT Owner of 240 acres in Cedar county, 40 mlies from Sioux City; will make vary liberal terms to first-class farmer who ran make a reasonable cash payment; farm has about Its) acres In crop. Is well Improved and close to town. Prlo. HM an acre. What's the use of renting? PAYNE INVESTMENT COM PANT. Omaha Nat'l Bank Bids.. Omaha. TWENTY ACRE4J. Ten mllea from Omaha, near Inter urban, suitable for stock feeding, fruit growing or subdivision, at a special bar gain If taken this month. Bee me. GEORGE . WALIiAf.E. 14 KF.ELINB. K ACRES, with t&,ono worth of Improve- ments, in Douglas county, muss from Omaha, at 126 an acre. M 710. Be. W Iseoaalai La-da. UPPER WISCONSIN Beat dairy and" general crop state in uia union; setuers wanted; lands for sale at low prices on easy terms. Ask for booklet S4 on Wis consin Central . I .and Grant. Excellent lands for stock raising. It Interested In fruit lands ask for booklet on app'.e orchards. Address Land and Industrial Dept.. Soo Lin Bail way, Minneapolis. Minn. al toeliaaaoma . HAVE YOU A FARM FOR SALE? Write a good description of your land and send it to the Sioux Cit y (la.) Jour nal, "Iowa's Most Powerful Want Ad Medium." Twenty-five words every Fri day evening, Saturday morning and every Saturday evening and Sunday for one month, giving sixteen ads on twelve different days for 13; or 60 words, H. or 76 words, $6. , - Largest circulation of any Iowa news paper; 200,000 readers dally in four great states. FOR any and all kind of acreage located on or near car line, can c. H. Comoa, 116 Brandsls Theater Bldg. Doug. mi. FARM LAND FOR RENT FOR RKNT 1 HO acres of land. 4 miles from ( larks. Neb.; I'M a. In cultivation. 60 a. In wheat, balance first-class hay land. There Is a small house and barn on the place. Rents lor H per acre cash. A C00, Bee. L20-A., lW-a., 300-a. Iowa farma; all Ira- E roved, write ror parciouiars. amp ell 4k Craig, 533 Keeline Bldg. FARM LAND-WANTED V ANTED Farms; have 3,7 buyers; de- scrlbe your unsold property, tut r aj-m-era' Exchange, Denver, Colo. HORSES-LIVESTOCK-VEHICLES 17 as a Savlal. 1 t t lstVi xi fsc.s1s.ri .!. m . wi wi m 1 lomr ket price. If you want them act quick. Cannot take them to market on account of sickness in family. Wm. B. Wld- ...... r. Iii.n.lnu- U inn Thirty-two milk wagons for sals, cheap. Johnaon-Danforth Co.. 18th and Clark. HAY 4s 0 ton. A. W. Wagner, sol N. 17 POJJLTRY AND PET STOCK IfXD strain. lOoTbs.. 11.75. Wagner. SulM.14 AUTOMOBILES-FOB SALE REAL BARGAINS 1 U 114 Ford touring cars. ' 1 1911 Ford roadster. 1 1914 Ford roadster. 1 Itll Hupp 20 roadster. ' 1 1313 Chalmars x roadster. 1 11I Maxwell IK truck. 1 1916 Maxwell. C. W. FRANCIS AUTO CO- 2214 Farnam. Douglas Kl AUTOMOBILK INSLHANCJS FIRE, THKiPT, TORNADO, LI ABILITY a PROPERTY DAMAGE AT LOWEST RATES. KILLY, ELLIS - THOMPSON. K1J-814 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. l.oug. jris. V B make one good lire front two old ones. Ask us how. Zwlebel Eros.. ffiH Farnam. Tn. "For gal. 11D15 Losler touring, -cy Under l-i I- 191i Rulck C-t touring wt I Bulck roadster u 4 Wis Krtt touring ,4 ft WI4 Kord touring ts li6 Studebaksr 4 touring st0 Auto Clearing Houa. f Farnam. D to 6-L.B. truck . Nebraska BuicaT" Servic Station. 1114 FaJ-a Phone Powglaa 7TL Oau-ara. Induatrlal Oarage Co.. 20 HarneyjBTX Aal Kr'"s -al-tta. Auluuiobil paloUug don by eaperU:M yss' e-perteno In Omaha: work guar. Imaed lat clasaJjjsunPanfortti Co. Tl'PL"EX Uis last lonsar. are sl7oTJi7 and more durabl. slx3S. f4.su. Hi r s mam pi. y liwi it-waid for iiiBgeiito can't repair' Colls repaired. Hyadorfcr, ;iq n Kth .. . . 1 . . .fur. u li n 1 . .. . Free winter atorase wlin cats are paint ed and repaired. Johnson-I Hnf.,rti cn (imlill;ii'"i; R' p. 10., .iji .ar jji" Alia Tirvm mm ttlc " A "TOT liTrfi "H A .F-pRIc e7 " lioiuci' H'll. Ull Ciiicstio bt. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat is Weak with Poor Receipts and Sells Unchanged to Half Cent Lower. CORN IS CENT AKD A HALF TJP OMAHA. February . Wi. The wheat market was rather weak to day, the receipta were small and the de mand waa not very good. Cash wheat aol.i unchanged to lower. The demand for rem waa fair, the re ceipts wer good and there waa plenty of corn for sale. The better grade of corn aold lyi h.ghrr, while the poorer grades olt unchansed. Oata wer quoted lower, selling un changed to o lower. Py was fully lo hlghr. Barley was unchanged. Clearances wer: Wheat and flour equal to 9M.0O0 bs.i corn. t.00u bu.; cats. IS.0O0 bu. Uyerpool closed with wheat unchanged to d lower: corn unchanged. Primary wheat receipts were aWjWO bu. and shipments. 7Mu bu., against receipts of 717,no bu. and shipments of l.OW.000 bu. last year. Primary corn receipts war l.&fc.fl00 bu. and shipments ant.Ooo bu., against re ceipts of 1.074.000 bu. and shipments of K.7.000 bu. last year. Primary oata receipts war ail .000 bu. snd shtnmenta 9oti, bu., agalnat re ceipts of 7;u.ot bu. and shipments of ww,uw pu. 1 use year. CARLOT RDCEI1T". , . Wheat Corn. Oata. Chicago 14A M M Minneapolis 30 ... ... lniluth Omaha 4 M Kansas City ft M 7 Pt. Louis US i, 14 Wlnnlpe Hi ... ... Thesa sale wer reported today: Whnat-.No. I hard winter: 1 car, 1U'4; I car, L&. No. I hard winter. 1 car, 1.; 1 car. U.aO; 1 oar. 4I.I9W 12 cara, i.l; 4 car. U.1AW; 14 cara, (1.18; i oars, 11. WH; 10 cars. 11.17; 4 cars. 1.1'4; 96 cars, 1.W; 1-4 car. 11.14. No. 4 hard winter: 4-n car (wastarn), 1.21; 1 car, ll.isv,; 1 car, 11.14; 1 car. W.16S; cara. 1.I6; 1 cara. II 14'; 11 cars. I14; cars. $1.13; S S-6 cars. $1.1:. 1 cars, lull; I car. $1.10; 1 car, ll.OD; 8-3 car. 11.08. Sample hard winter: 114 cara, II. OS; 1 oar. $1 07; i cars. $U; 1 car. 11.00; csr. k No. 1 spring: 1-5 car, 11 ; car, 11.17; I cara. 11.1(1; 1 car. II 1R. No. I durum: 1 car. $1.18; t ear. Il 17; 1 4 cars. 11.17. No. 1 mixed durum: 1 car. 11.18. No. I mixed durum: 1 car. $I.17'4; 1 car. ll.1T. No. S mixed: 1 car. Il.li; 1 car. 11.7. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, 11.14; 1 car. 11.13. Rye No. I: 3 cara. Wo; 2 cara. KU Com No, 4 white: 1 cars, e; 1 car, Ma No. ft white: 8 cars. 62V: Kc: a, cars, flifco. No. white: 2 cars. 67Hc; I car. 7c. No. I yellow: 1 car, 70c. No. 4 yellow: 2H cara, 7V,c. No. I yellow: I car, a. No. yellow: 1 car, Wc No. A mixed; S cara, (Ac; 1 oar, AMtc. No. I mixed: 1 car. 4c; S cara. 63Vc; S cars, 3e; cara, 63c; t cars. lc; 1 car, 60S,o. No. mixed: fc car. IWo; t car. 66c; car. 68c; I car. 67Hc; i ears. 67o; 1 car. 60c. Sample white: 1 car. Sac; 1 car, 63c. Sample yellow: 1 car, 07Hr; 1 car. tc; I car. 57c; 1 car. Kc; 2-6 car 60c; U ear. 4Hc; 1 car. 4Ho. Pample mixed: I cara. $!c; i car. fcle; 1 car, 66cr 2 cars. 62c; I ram, 60c; 2 cars. 4o: 1 car. 4fic; 8-5 ear, 44tio. ..UT,N, 8 hlt: 1 car, 4Mie; cars, t4c. No. 4 white: 1 car, 4Tc; t cars, 4VV:: 1 car. 44,c; 1 car. 44c; H car. 44c Sampl: 1 car. 44c; 1 cars. 43Wc; 1 car, 43c. Omaha Caen Prices-Whea t : No. 2 hard. l1.2mtM.; No. I hard. $l.lffl.i1; No. 4 hard, 1 ffVfjfl.JD- No. I spring, I1.1KW1 R; No. 8 spring. fl.1Mr1.2l; No. i durum. fl.174V1.18- No. I durum. 1.16fl1 .17; asm Pie, fVjl.fl.. Corn: No. I white. tft 4 whit, BT.VfcflwsVrc; N. 6 white. lSHe: No. white. Wi,fc; No. 8 yel low. CoaTO'io: No. 4 yellow. "Mi'.tc: n. yellow, fifvjafte; No. yellow. F32c: No, 8 mixed. flS'4c: No. 4 mixed. We; No. mixed. ewMdo; No. mixed, S; "ample, mixed. 44f&37c; 0.a,"i NO' White, tfc; atanaard, 4Mr4'4e; No. S white, 46'4 .R,ci!?4 S.Mt' ''' Barley; Malt ing;. fr7Jr: No. 1 feed. 668o. 6ye; No 2. 04lc; No. t 3ik4c. Chicago dosing prices furnished The Bee by Logan A Bryan, stock and grain brokers, tig Bouth Sixteenth. Omaha: Artlolej Open. I High. Low. I Teay. Wheat I Mar. 1 fl4 1 81 I JfTat 1 0'iSl 1 2T!4 1 31 July. 1 3044211 1 VH; 1 1 22T com. May. July. Oats. T7W 7714 7TV.I 76'4 May. July. 4474i ' 4!U 4i '. 47, 40 47i' 4'i-41 48Hrti rorn. May. 20 10 S3 20 M 20 10 30 20 47H 20 8?', J7V, 10 (K 10 23 11 00 11 IS July 20 97 tv eo 10 1 10 90 11 10 11 M Lard. May. WflMH 10 15 10 20 11 10 11 2ft 10 rt4 July. 10 26 I0 23VJ K'na. May. July. 10 71 11 IW 10 tnv II lb CHICAGO ORAtlt AND PHOYISIOXfl Pea tare f the Tradlasr l Cloalagi Price a Boar- f Trad. CTOCAOO. Teb. T. Export demand of large volume gave tha wheat market to day an upward swing. As a result, nnces at tne close, aimnugn unsettled, wer 17i7?2e to tHSa net higher, with May at II XPim.Wi and July at 11 2hA. Other leading stsples. too. showed gains -corn, IVie to HiitmH; oats. 1V.J1T1U. and provisions, THO to 2To. Htlmatea or wheat nought In the T'nited States today for shipment to Kurop amounted to I.SnO.000 bushels, not Ineindlna? l.ftAOnO bushela recently taken at Portlond, Or., and not heretofore an nounced. It was evident alenoat from tha start that European buyins; neerly eer- Tam to reacn a tiDerai total wou.cl be in order. The first sign wsa thst Liver pool quotations came virtually unchansed notwitnatanning yesterday s sharp break In values her. There were also dis patches later saying that scarcity of sup plies In Greet Britain continued despite the fact that London was paying the highest prices yet on the 1A16 crop. Besides, the world's available atork showed a notable falling off as against a substantial Increase at the eorreaoond Ing time last year and there wer ad vice that Oreec was attempting to pur. Chase l.hoouio bushela. Except for a brief reaction soon after the opening and for another downturn lust before the close, the bulls kept the whest market on the upgrade through out the session. lightness of receipts northwest, where an Increase had been predicted counted somewhat against the bears and so likewise did numerous tele-. grains referring to a widespread cover ing of e and sleet over portions of Iowa. Nebraska and Missouri. Corn sscended with wheat and as a result of assertions that foreign coun tries wer after com. especially Sweden. Pen mark and Holland. Favorable weather eased the market at the outset, but the Influence waa only transient. Oats took the course of other grsln. Export sales of 400.000 bushels helped the dvanoe. Active demand for lsrd put firmness Into the provisions market and mu'h more than overcarry an early eel hack for pork. Foreigners were said to have done at least some of the buying of lard. Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 red. fl.314; No. I red. fl.27W4t1.28H: No. 2 hard, nominal: No. I hard. ai.23T4ft1.2Si. Corn: No. 2 yellow, nominal; No. 4 yellow, 719 REAL ESTATE-TRACKAGE llTlTVnd l!'kory, WHxl. on B. -HtiT ft. R . I4.O0O. ORIMilh-U M' Omaha Nat. Bank Rldg. MOTORCYCLES BICYCLES HARLEY-DAVIPfON MOTOnCYCT.KS. Bargain In usod machines Victor Rooa, "The Motorcycle Man." 7U Lsavsnworth. LEGAL NOTICES Nolle ts hrby given that the rerular annual meeting of tha Stockholders of the SOUTH PLATTE LANL COMPANY will t held at the office of said Company noon 701 Ftist National Bunk building Uncoln Nebraska, at II o'clock a. la, "0 the first dsy of March. A. D.. Ull. Lip coin, Nebraaka. February lat, lm w C It MORRI1-U Preelden" W. W. TURNER fcort-rr by ldt. ' rt ' I IOcjI.' bi:iJin6. Seated blda will b received y the School Board. Oulde Rock. Neb, until r'ebruary . for material and labor In construction of f-,'3 k school building slso plumbing, heating and wiring same'. i'lai-s and aimcitu alluna wllh board and R. A Hradley a. Co.. architects, Hastings. Neb. Ftbi;Ji 71V; No. 4 white, 7Wr7iV Oata- No. I whit. 4664TNc: atandard. 4a4H,. Rye. nominal, llarley. Ss.fiOc. Timothy, f MHT8.n. t'lover. llrtOiwfflShV Pork, ll!.i . Lark. . Ribs, f 10.37 Vi'in 7H. HI TTER Firm; creamery, S'-.ttrtO'v. MH.S tower; receipta. I.TM rases; firsts Jic; ordinary firata, 2CHc; at trark, rases Included. 243IHC. lnTATOF Hlaher; receipta. cara; Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota and Da kota white, ftSodHt.tV.; Minnesota and Da kota Ohloa. Kwult.OO ICLTRr Alive, unchanged. NKW YORK 44KKHA- MAHKBT 4otatleaa f th Day Yar4s C oaaaaedltles. tied, aprlng patents, fSOfl0; winter (.tci.ts. auinfj.a, winter straights, fa.lt V 21. Nv HEAT Spot strong; No, 1 durum, $1 4H. No. 1 northern. tuluth. fl.nOH; No. 1 northern, Manitoba. ti.tV f. o. b.. New York. Futures flmier: Mav. tL.txH- CORN-Spot firm; No. i yellow; S7o, C. I f . New York. OATS Spot steady; No. I white, ISSUr It We. HAY-Steadv; No. 1. 11 IMT1.27': No. I. I116AI1.20; No. 8, fl.OOOtl W; shipping a.tfoci. HOPS Quiet; state common to choice, liu. ivj?7c: 1H4. ktitH-: l actflo co iL 1911. I.1r1c- t14. 84T-HV. . 1IUCS- Steady; Bogota, lfl3c; Cen tral America, lie. LEATII KR Firm; hemlock frits, 834 S' seconds. 8?H!lVv PROVISIONS Pork firm; mess, 13000 'Wt: family. ISI.OOifW 00; short clear, f 1 K4T2S .00. Peef, steady; mess, fl6.(orj 17.W; family, 118 HKfflt.00. Lard, firm; mid dle west, ItO.intf 10.30. TALlXw--juiet. city; IH: country. lA'NHc; special. 8Vo. PUTTER Steady ; receipts, t.tot tubs; creamery extras. H4a4c; firsts. 27H'd' 2llic; seconds, 3M7"27c. l:OOS Unsettled: recHpta, WJ rases; fresh gathei-ed, extra fine, Jlilflc; extra firsts. 2;if.ic; firsts, I7&18e; seconds, 244 pic. CMKFSB Steady; receipts. 2,41 boxes; tinchsnged. IOULTRY t-lve. unaettled. Pressed, firm; freah hilled, chlckena. 16H4f7c; fowla. 14Hdfl!Mc; turkeys, 28c. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Feb 8.-WI1F.AT-Mav, II.IH4il.'i o I1.2PH: July. I1.27H. Cash: No. 1 hard, II.86H: No, northern. ll.aoHfH.IO': No. 2 northern. ll.JRH 1.80. FIXT'B liower; fancy natenta. 1700; flrat clears, U.J; other grades un changed. BARLEY flnfrftc. R V E-WTe BRAN-ioTvrr;ooo. . CORN No. 8 yellow. 7(W77e. ' OATS No. 3 while, 46H414uc. FLAX SEKI-fl26V;4i2.2gn. Kanaa City Oral- mm Fyavlalaaa, KANSAS CITY. Feb. H.-WHF.AT-Steadv: No. 3 hftrd. It 2W1.80: No. I red. fl.2stfii.38; May. ll.31HlM.:i'4; J"ly. 11 WH- CORN No. I tnlxod, HH4MPHc; No. 2 white, 7l1r7lHc; May. TIluc; July. 734MP "He. - - - - OATf-Mi. z wnne, wipojc; io. a mixed. 471748Mie. BCTTErl creamery, j,,.. nr,,, clc; seconds. 27c; packera, lHc. FIX 18 Firsts, 21Hc; seconds, 2V-. Piin.TRY-Hens, 14Hc; turkeys, 20c; springs, Inc. St. La-la (Sralsi Market. ST. 7U1S, Feb. 8 WHEAT No. 3 red. I.Kwl .85: May, ll.3i,MM.; July, I1.I9H: No. 2 hard, nominal. CORN No. t. 74c; No. I whits, nomi nal. OATS No. t. 4Hc: No. J white, nomi nal; May. 76Hc; July. lbWbj. Liverpool Grata Market. LIVERPOOL. Feb. 8. WHEAT Spot, JNO. 1 aiannona. 1 ci, r.o. a, 1 s 1, .x o, 2 hard winter, new, 1.1a 4d; No. I north ern, Dnluth, not q'loted. CORN Spot American mixed, new, 10a Hd. ' Cattew Market. NEW YORK. Feb. f.-COTTON Spot. steady; middling uplands, 13.10c; no sales. Futures opened steady; ntarcn, n.anc; May, 12.10c; July. 12.21c; Octolwy, 12.28o; liecember, offered at 12.8fio. Futures closed firrn; March, 12.07e; May, 12.2c; July, 12.41c; October, 12.44c; De cember. 12.57c. The cotton market closed steady at a net advance of from Z3 to 24 points. LIV-RPOOU Fen. 8. COTTON Spot, steady; good middling, f.2d; middling, 7.Kd; low middling. 7 Ood; sales, l.ouo bales. Crade Oil Goes lo Tot Dollars. WICHITA FALLS, Tex.. Feb. I. Bids ss high as 12 a barrel sr being mad for crude oil here today, and soms con. tracts wer reported closed at that fig ure. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattl Flraa ..Host Stra -keep firm. hHICAfJO. Teh. I C ATTT .fTln.lr.l. 4.000 head- market firm; native b,r steers, pi.mi.7b; western steers, tfi.rtinij 8.10; cow and heifers. f3.16U.li; cslves, 8.2F11.26. ' HOtHJ Recelnts. 89.000 head: atrons. mostly 80 higher; bulk of sales, t8,oat(i.l6; llicht, f7.80Si4T.30; mixed. ff.K(8.26; heavy. rr.K4f6.26; rough. fl.tb&lM; pigs, f4.60f 8I1EEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 18,04) we. fi.bOdi.SE; lambs. V.6n3ll.M. Kanaa City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Feb. 8 -P.ATTI.H Reoclols. t.MO heed: market ilnaiiv prime fed steers, 8ft.6o1T9.16; dressed beef aleers. !7.0Oii).4O: western steers. KaiOiZ 8.40; stockers and feeders, fi.OOfr7.s3; bulls, sa vn mi; esivea, Bh.niwiii.n". 1KV1S Receipts, 21.0H0 heed: market ateadv: bulk of aalea, 87A00: heavv, f".(N(f 00; packers and butchers. $7,704 7.9.',; llsht, r.4r-if7.8S; pigs. IA.8.V87.1- SHEEP AN I LAMBS Receipts. 7.000 head; market higher; lamb. flA 7Mr11.ir,; yearlings, f 2Mj,80; wethers, 7.7!Ktj.26; ewes, $7.Xtl7.76. . . t Slow- City Live Stack Market. SIOl'X CITY. Is., Fsb. I CATTLE -Recelnts. 10.000 head: market steady na tive steers. fH.ortft?tf: butchers, $fiOftm.W: cows and heifers, lfi.ontj.2.i; stockers and frndera, ffl MAxIM; bulls, slsgs, etc., la.O) C.oo. . IIOOS Receipts. 2 000 head: market steady; heavy, 7.707.86; mixed, 17. .V. 7.70; light, 7.S7.a6; bulk of sales, 7.U T.80 SHEEP-Recelpts. 600 head. . Lot. Is Live gek Market. ST. KOI'IS. Feb. l.-rATTI,E-Recelpt, 4.200 head; market steady; native beef ateers, 7.(KVii W; yearling eteers snd heifers. $H hmti ; cows. K.60A7 00; stock ers and feeders f nirf7.25; Tens and Indian steers, $.Vi'.JH.60; cows and heif. ers. 14 00HJ.M: native cslves. $i Oi1I.M. HO IS Receipts, U.! head; market steady; plga and llrhta. fft.a04iw.1S; mixed and butchers, $7.9fs.30; good heavy, $8.20 ft 2K. SHEEP AND I.AMBS-Recelpta. 1.200 head: market atrong; vearltng wethers, IS nnHt aO; lambs. $L.0:2ril .25; ewrs. Vi.U4p 7. '-0. t. Josepk Llv Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Feb. 8 -CATTLE-Re-eelpta. 2.200 head; market ateadv; steers, $7 OiAti.tb; cows and heifers, 4.0o"iH.:i, calves. $8.otV(J10 50. H('1 Receipts. 12.600 head: market ateadv: ton. $7.90; bulk of sales. r7.aVnT.80. SHEEP AND LA M US Receipta. 5.000 head; market higher: lambs, 110 6t0H.3"i. Slock la Slarkl. Receipts of live stock at tha five prin cipal markets: Oat He. II Asa Sheen nmirn imm. n .......... i i -. it.:. 10 8 irO tlcago .' S.4 21 .0U) 14 1, 2.itl 18.mr) 7.0trt lit) Kansas City " St. lull's 4 1 Sioux City 10.' Tots Is ..UMO M.800 36.700 Metal Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 8. M ETA I 4 Lead. 16 12 Spelter, not cjuoted. Cupper, firm; electrolvtlc. nearby, 87.0rtr28.00; June and leter, Dt .Wrl M. Iren. ateadv and un changed. Tin, iulet; apot, 141. 2Ti bid. At Indon: Spot copper, -101 lua; fu. lures, -loo; electrolytic. 103 Is. Spot tin, 17 10s: futures, I7 1s. Antimony. tib. Ijtui, tiil. Spelter. 8. ' Dry Ge-ods Market. . NEW YORK. Feb. f. DRY OOOD8 Cotton goods markets wer firm and In active today. Yarns wer firm. Raw silk continued hlifh. Export trade Is hampered greatly bv shipping conditions, snd many orders for cotton goods have been peased because of inability to ar range shipping dates In adtsnoe. Advertisers snd customers profit by the "Classified Ad" habit. OMAHA LIVE-STOCK MARKET Cattle Receipt! Heavy and Trade it Slow, Steady to Lower Sheep Ten to Fifteen Up. HOGS STEADY TO SOME EASIER , OMAHA. Fehruthv 8. 1018. rw. 1 .ptf. wr: Cattle. Hose. Sheep. Orriri Monday 8.8TI 18.8.v n.ar.4 r stlmate Tuesday ... 7,100 17. M ,ti0 Two days thla week. 1S.871 warn day last week. l'.'.IW crania il.i'i 1 1. - 31.S50 3t.0 S4.V.7 30. 18 ?0.8 I4.883 ll.K.'7 M.8J Jime clsva wka. ago!lU-. esm nays wka. aso.18 .ITS name dnva last 1 t 27.6W S7.1JI 3:1.447 The tn 1 . ..".' ..' iL. . i ..1. . caoie snows tn reiv I Jv e.- J10 h,P -t Omahs as tJL 'fet f..r the year to date compared with last year: .-.., l?l. lis Inc r 166.7. 104.S77 61.401 "ccp Sif- vul 87.747 BHcl. roJ,ow,' tabl shows tn averag mark..J hof h Omab 1W atock Pardon,-0' tl ,Mt ,,w Uy' wU,, 60 Tim T em J T 6 I 0 t 46 T M Jan. t I 11 t W I M 88 ! WS I W. I 0 t 831 t Ml ? Jan M 80 II 1. t 1. Jaa. I 77 I 07 T ll I l. I 1 7S( I ll T 88l Oil T Ml 1 a vii 4 -i a t 9 4ft a it Jan. Feb. , w Til I i , V v-, 1 J . . TMHllTIf TMITr T 6;',l IMK 4 , I 2S 38 7 so. 1 1:. 7 801 1 06l T 88 1 ao 7 SI tl 88) 8 17 T 42" I T 40j I 28 1 ah. reb. Kt.h. 4 I. Feb. T4HI a in 1 l 1 H ' - I u 8 74l I 8SI 7 N I (M T 48 74 RS 7 8N 7 4l 8 71 T 76 I W T 801 I 41 'eh. Feb. llTII'i.l n . 1 Mundiv. Rocelpts and dlsnoaltlon of live stock st the Union Stock Yanla, Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at S p. m. yes terday RECEIPTS CARS. Cal I in. I tnus I C. M. A Wabash Pt. P.. rSfJjM. ll8.lit4.l1:l!Ul i- ? L 1 ill 1 21 t 8i a hi Jan IlrM rrtTtt 5t wan n 1 1 . . ( 1 U 8 1 8 7 1 2 SO k 'i 'i xi .. 1 88 i a 'i :'o is "i Missouri Pacific. 1 'nion Pacific..., t N. W., east. N. t w..i 1 C.. St. P.. M. 4k O,. 31 C. R. ft Q., si... 14 V.. H. O wss .. M C.. R, I. p., ,a,t.. 4 C R. 1. A P.. west. 12 Illinois 'entral IS Chicago Ot. West... I Total receipts... w DISPOSITION-HEAD. Cattle. HngS.Sheep Morris Co Swift A rnn,r 8M tTudahy Packing Co'.'.'. Armour V Co Schwaria A rv. . 81. .1,:ts2 1.34 2.418 1.8l 1.811 2.041 4.i' 1.7W 6'8 1.71'J J. W. Murphy Morreii 14 m 8 181 "l36 ?i V.1 W 4W i4 10:1 itM 114 40 W 8 186 114 11 22 1 11 81 4'.'8 8Ti 87 121 W7 14ncoln Packing Co... So. Chnaha Pack. Co St. M le lankln r Roth ....'; 106 W. B. Vaaant Co.... Benton, Vansant L. P. R. Lewis Huston A Vi J. It. Root Co .?. If Hull. Rosnnsiock Rros. r . it. Kellogg Werthelmer A Degen. H. V. Ilamillnn Sullivan Rros...!.'....!! otns.-tilld A Krebs... Mo. A Kan r-1 f a'. Christie " HlSglns Huflman Meyena Olasslw'i-g ', nanner Bros John Harvey ,,,,, lnnls A PYancis Kline Jensen A Lungren..., Other buyers 874 '.".V '.'.' ':. 7,015 18,661 MM v w 1 .r tweipia were quite liberal, boln l"rted In. This makes the total for the two days 16.871 hoad. the than double tha receipts for the same period a year ago. fuller market points were alao well supplied and there waa ".kr 1flin l' loBe the line. Th lowe trtd out as slow, steady to As it became apparent that ther . v"ry ood 1"and. tha market firmed nn .A .u. 1.1 .. 1 V... . F.mlii oomrnanded steady prices. r?Aw7T r 10 sin peeves, l-Jli.80, common to fair beeves. fO.botr L . ood.tu choice heifers, f4.K.7.lO; good to choice cowa, fOOt1.76; fair to f"-! .?"." J.'i0; common to fair j7.W!lXff'3o; 0,,1 n choice feedera. ilMtilM; fair to aood feedsra -MhClA' common to fair feeders, fo.6O4W.60; good to choice lockera. f7.tyit7r7.8u; fair to gootl '"-era, ,m .wi.m; common to fair stock ers. fo.504f.t0; stock heifers. $6.7!i4r7.O0; stock cows. 14 7f.fr rjc .i.ri. ..1.. s ti 7.36: veal ralves. l7.tWiB.76: bulls, stssa tc. 6.(XKiWl.liA. Representative sales: RrCEf STEERS. r. Pr. Ns. n 4 On 10 a T is l'i f 11 7ft f Ifl 40 .... 134 T SB 41 laas T t so , lo 144 No. ... 14... ... II... SI... 14... IX... I... n... 1... At. ... K ... 4 ...1171 ...1171 ...1441 ...Mil Pr. I U 1 II T 7 To 1 at T STEERS AND HEIFERS 4 m trr t is ( 874 7 4 It HEIFERS. 874.114 I., M T l T N 1 at ill I 44 wn.m !:PPimwnntmiOT';liwfflinwi'mnMt'fw iimi iwwiwnimiffn'iiHWimn'WHnmiwniiii ,'ll:fl''Ull;!lljljl!!'1,iJf!w!fiyjj(wi)l M h'.-i.'.Lv'ifi'r'.'. I 1 L i n. i' '.' i : ad .' CM maas ess t I "Who is the Manager of the Millard now?" When I I the boy replied "Mr. Lou Rentfrow," he registered for j one of the best rooms in r t hi MHtiiiffpr to coniA tn his 1 - Vas an Old Patron of Hotel a Hi pralsei of th new atmospher to Mr. Rentfrow wer very flalterlufc-. Ht) had bn a patron of the Millard sine Its con truclloa (but bad not visited Omaha for three yean). lit comment on the marked Improvement made by tha management wis very complimentary. Wires Family to Stop at Millard After a brief interview, he asked for telegraph blanks utd wired hi family, who are on their wgy to New York City, to top over la Omaha, and Informed Mr. Rentfrow ha wanted a auita of rooma for their use. Thla demonstrates what proper managing ot a hotel will do. HOX KHTY CI.K A N LI X KSH S KK VI CK lg the motto of the Millard Hotel Management. Millard Hotel ' ,1 i ''"l- fll'H te'HO-w' WVH'r I""! ' t-.Nj-J' '(HI ' -tfl lH' ttliU I.---lafci 'a-,-MiBiMa----H-i.tW.ii-M- 1 7-8 I 8 , 1 I 4 la t PI M in 11 I tfl 8 1l Til CALVES. It at in 1 .... 1 ." so i M la .. Ul k F E E P K Tt S A N D STOCKERS ft is is l I 78 11 am 1 an . t is 4 M J4 7 4 as 41 l t 1 r 7 tn 1 1014 1 M a mm Tat IIOOS Arrivals while hardly up to x pectatlon were of lllersl proportions, 41 rro or about 17,6a head being re ported In. Receipts for the two days foot up 21. 8tJ head being 4.600 smaller than a week ago. and 2.w lighter than either two weeks ago, or last year. In fart arrivals so far this week are smaller than than for any similar period sine four week ago. Shipping demand continues consider ably narrower than a week ago. Outaid buyers operated carefully on early rounds today, and while there waa s feeling thst packer trade should be higher, shippers wer able to buy what hogs they wanted early at figures that ware little If any better than ateariy. Aa high as $7. So, yesterday'a top, waa paid on several oc casions and bulk of the shipper purchases waa made around I7.70itr7.i6. S4i.rly packer bide were conventionally, lower, and as sellers looked tor the trail to take a stronger turn today nothing sold to packer buyers on early rounds. How ever, bids raised so slowly that when they finally reached a steady basis quit a few hogs started changing hauda. After a trading basia was finally estab lished, trade firmed up. and whit move ment never became very active, a good many aalas wer aa much aa 6o higher. 1h fact Is thst the general murket showed on paper an advance of about 6c, but at least part of that ran be attributed to Improvement In Quality. Then, too, shippers who did not start out any too strong, stayed la the market until the finish, snd the final reckoning showed thst they had bought a vary respectable ahar of to total offerings. itepreeentatlvs ealea: . A. SS. rr. We. A. Pt. lt 40 T 4s t 14 ... f M 14 ... T H 4T ! ... t as 71.... ..r T S 71 L ... 1 SI .tM T4TS4 47... ...4 ... T ..w ... Tie .. T T 4 114 ... 1 m II... ti tu ... tn as... 4 I ... In 84... rios. T 8 84 1S4 ... Is SHEEP Supplies wer mere moderate, but at that were larger than moat recent Tuesday, some thirty-eight cars, or ,' bead, being reported In. Total for the two daya of ai.Ma head la 4.60 larger than Isat week and nearly twice a larg as two weeks ago. but only a little over half th alas of th run during th same days last year. Trade shewed a strong ton right from the start this morning, and whl.e pack ers wer a llttl backwsrd about taking hold, flrat sales looked 104fl6a higher than yesterday'a opening prtcea. or fully steady with the high lime on yesterday a elos. In other worda. values wer ltviilfte above last week's clos. A deck of 70 pound lambs set a new top of 111.00, th highest price psld sine last June, snd for that matter the beat, figure ever given at this lime of year. Hulk of the desirable lambs sold during the esrly part of th fore noon landed at llo.7MH10.aft. Anything good in th w Una found a, fairly ready outlet on a good strong basis, although less attractive kinds wer hard to move. On paper valiiaa looked l to'lno higher, but quality continued to im prove, and thla fart is responsible for part of the gain in prices. As high sa $7.40 waa paid for good ewes, and several bunches of a deslraol kind sold upward from 17.26. Quotations on snap and lambs: Lambs, good to choice, llw.7MHI.00; lamb, fslr to good. I10.4OC10.76; lejnba. clipped 18 7M t.60; yearllnga. good to choice, .0e 4"; reariinge. fair to choice heavy, lflc 76; wethers, fair to choice, ft. Ktfl. to; ewes, good to choice. f7.2b47.40; wf, fair to good. lltOffl.fc No. A. Price. 7. fed feeder lambs - 68 10 2 211 South Dakota larrsb 72 10 60 8 fed lamba 7? 10 Mi 2:s Colorado lambs 70 10 0 40$ fed lamba It 10 rV 4H2 Colorado lamba 86 10 40 6Jt Utah lambs 10o 2ol fed lambs 79 10 116 fed Ismbs 80 10 0 4E fed lambs 74 1 16 ETSBsrital Asple mm Deled Frail NTTW YORK. Feb. 6. EVAPORATED API'LES Pull. DRIED FRUITS Prunes quiet but firm. Apricots and peaches quiet. Raisins firm. Painful Swollen Veins Quickly Relieved and Reduced Mrs. R. M. Reenter, of Federal, Kan sas, writes an Interesting account of her success in reducing a severe ease of en larged reins that should b encouraging to others similarly afflicted. Eh suf fered with badly swollen and Inflamed veins (In fact, on had broken), for mora than seven years before aha became ac quainted with Absorblne, Jr.. and used It. Absorbln Jr.. was faithfully applied for several weeks, and, to quot fram Iter letter, Ths larg knots In ths veins left. It was all nicely healed, and haa not bothered me since." Absorbln, Jr., Is as antlseptie lini ment healing, cooling and soothing. Safe and pleasant to us. 11.00 n4 91 at Four druggist's or postpaid. Liberal trlsl bottle posbpald for 10e In stamps. W. F. TOUNO. P. V. r. Ill Temple St., Springfield, Mass. Dallas, S; D. Big Ranch Owner Compliments LOU RENTFR0W Now Manasjer of Millard Hotel The Ran oh Owner came into the Remodel ed Hostelry Saturday and as the courteous boy employe offered to carry his grip, asked: the Hotel, then called for room st rmr - ftft 13th and Douglas Sit. 924 tM 17 11 M IS 18 -1 IK 4 TT 4 M I... IK I 1 4S t 16 f-irtltu ftssitWi IWuat)UM4--4rai -