Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 08, 1916, Page 6, Image 6

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' Tb Be FBhUfltlitr Cetwpway. Proprietor.
Kntered at Omaha soeteTric aa second-class matter.
tv carrier By mail
per month, Se yr.
PaUr arts' Similar Kc. , t
Kully without Pundsy.... 4 0
livening in'l Siindev .......... ,...
Kvenlnsr without Sunday.. ............ ..tV...........
-undav lee oniv ..,........ .e. -w
V I'ail aad Kunuijf Mr. three years tn adveace... ti9 0
: Sct.i aittli-n of chars of eridreaa or cornrlams tf
t regular It v rn delivery to Omaha Baa, circulation
. nenrtman t
Hmlt hr draft, express or postal order. Only twn-
ent stamps received In payment of smell ee--.
ounia rersoRsI rhwkpe. except on Omaha and tasters
' exchange, not accepted.
Omahs-The Bee Budding
Frnth Omaha aid N street.
Ounrtl Bluffs 1 Nerth Mala street,
j Ilncotn M Litfle Pii'ldlnc.
riilfirn-WI Hart BulMlnir
New fork-Rom Ilia, 4 Fifth arsnu
3, Ft. Ionta-M8 Nnr Bank af t'aanmarra.
Washington" Fonrteenth St.. N. VI.
' Adores pottitMlritoatlowa relatlne: t news snd edl--orlI
matter ta Omaha Bee, Editorial DeyartJDent.
Srafe of Nebraska. Cminty of ftonrlaa, :
I'alfht Wllltama. circulation manager of Th Re
Tuhitaiita eomsany, being duly awora. aava that th
averse circulation for tb month af Jeaiinry, Ills
rwa f.s.1 :
; rWHUTT WILLIAMS. ClretilaJInn Manager.
uheerlhed In mr preaenre n1 sworn to bfer
'rr. thla 4d day of February, IMS.
i:unr:i(T hunter, Notary Pubii.
babscribers leaving (ba city taiprMrflf
hoal4 bar a The FW mailed to thm. Ad
dress will be changed a of taa reqac1.
f- ; , ;
j The steady uplift in Omaha real estate emt
.strips the prophecy of tfcs founder.
A few large sections of th country sorsly
'need adequate preparedness against rod.
William Grant WebHtar upholdn th tradi
tion of th family. If la Ram la unabridged.
Flood in California and Arkanaaa. Widt
if we are doe for a real Jus rfae of the 81
Muddy tola year? . '
The ire crop la the blggott aad txat erer
but that la no alga that (he price of lc in Omaha
will undergo any downward ravtalon.
It'a a cinch that another water rat reac
tion will goon b forthcoming; for la not another
water board election on the boarda for thla year?
$ Stilt, why enould the acbool board Ml! bond
and make the taxpayers pay Interest m them for
aix montha to a year tofor the money ea
The lndpendeoc which the rillptae ar
now promiaed hat ao many atrlngs U4 t it that
the j may prefer, whea the tin eotaae, t 9
Kt entacgled la them.
' Governor Morehead's adyiee t famara n
.(he aelectlon of good d eora la timely. In
1 nugent care la aeed aelectloa rooatltataa the
" bevia of auccessful farming.
Sonoroua talk of squaring; democratlo acta
with the Baltimore platform lenda a touch, of
galuty to a dreary winter. Especially alnce the
axe la ready for tiM one-Urm plaak.
Next In order will he aa arUtratloa eonmla
sion to deride the equities between the different
favorite Bonn, and their right to kep outalderi
front poaching on one another'! preeerrea.
Occasional contributloni to the conaclnr
; fund of the national treasury Indicate a chaa
; toned spirit in spota. It takes the lengthening
fchadows of autumn years to lift the spirit to
the financial stool of repentance. '
It Is worth while noting as time alips along
that a poverty ot material for tha goversorabia
forces the democracy Into aa attitude of frlead
lineas for conscription. Fear of a pie counter
famine provokes resort to deepwrata asaedivat.
A blanket of snow in the north Padfi aoaat.
ranging from four feet on the level to unknown
deptba In the Cascade mountains, insures the
largest Job ever tackled by native Chinook wlnda.
Ir the circumstance, living up to Ita reputation
ah a dry belt la a back-breaking taak.
It la not beyond the possibility of doubt that
Postmaster Wharton will also be a holdover
after the expiration of his commission. But,
thn. it is better to have the salary go to a good
republican than to have the money altogether
kept out of circulation, aa in the 'case of that
federal Judgeship vacaaey so long kepi vacant.
Thirty Years Ago
This Day in Omaha
' Comatled froat Baa fllaa.
William Peter i Hepburn.
With the death of "Pete" Hephnrn another
of the landmarks of Iowa polit'ca baa dis
appeared, aa well as a national figure af ao Insig
nificant proportions. His service la eonirreea
coders a eertod wkea Ibwa wielded mora gen
trtM laflnenco ia the national lawmaking body
than any other western atata, ami took rank
with? the foremost. He was a member of tfcat
historic groan, made aa of such men as William
Boyd Allison, "Dave" Ifenderson, John Heary
Gear. J. A. T. HuIT, Isaac BtruDle, "Bob" Coustaa.
aad John F. Lacey, who gave th Hawkrre stat
tmpresaivs standing la national affairs. Tbest
men were active la shaping the laws that en
sured the progreaa of the raaatry through a
onderfnl period of development, and bane left
enduring monoments to their activity in the
prosperity of th whole people. Mr. Hephura
cams Into greatest notice as th anther of th
Hepburn law, which stopped the Issuing of Inter
state frea paaaea by th rallroals, and cured on
of tha greatest evils of th traasportatloa ln
dostry. Ha also took an active part in the
enactment of lawa for tha protection at th
dairy industry, and was in many way of service
to his eonstltaesta and to the country. The
evening of bis Ufa was spent in quiet retire
ment, but ha was not, nor will ha soon b, forgotten.
Conservation on Right Traak.
Tha Departmeat of Commerce la taking np
the matter of conservation of tha lumber supply
along linea that ought ta bring serviceable re
suits. Aa endeavor la being made to aea if some
thing cannot ba dona ta atllis tha immeaa
waste now practiced In logging and lumbering.
Inquiry has developed th fact that only 320 feet
of each 1,009 feat of standing timber la utilized.
This means that 6S per cent of tha potential
service of a trea la wasted In the process of re
dodng it to merchantable stuff. This flgare will
not snrprtsa any who aava visited a modern aaw
mill and looked with sad aea at tha never-dying
fires, ia which blasa millions of feet of good
lumber, secaus it la cheaper to burn It than to
dispose of it la some useful way. Varloas rea
soas are sat up for this, but the chief one la tha
railroad rata. A Nebraska man muat aimoaf
weep when watching e. Washington sawyer send
to tha waste tire boarda that would be useful la
thia stat for fencing, corncribs, building
and other purposes, but which can not now ba
shipped and aold at a profit, because th rat la
fixed oa tha neat grade of lumber, and knowa
nothing of tha cheaper kind. Plans for utilizing
aawdnst, stum page and all that sort of present
day refuse of tha lanaber Industry are well
enough In their way, bat a mora practical sav
ing will ta to bring to market soma of tha lum
ber that ia sow beiag burned bee a us It does not
Uuds tha top-notch la grading.
Tavins blda, epened f tha Baard af publia Werka,
hoad thrae prtraa par square yard an rone rata aaae:
Sioux Kaila graalte, 13 tt; Colorade aandatoaa. ti ll;
irdar block, il.M, aapbalt, gifts.
A branch houaa of tha Waal Davenport Furnltura
ompany of Davenport. Ia., has bean opened tn thta
lty at :!J Pouth Fourteenth street.
An Interview with Superintendent Goodrich af tha
water orka Contains Inform allot) that mm af tha
nix inn have baea freaev yet, aatd it vary few af tba
ftda pipra. and that tba ally's dally consumpOoa of
water at tha preaaot time Is between t.kuS.OOt aaJ
4,M,t0 saliona.
Mr. and Mr a. F. C. Morgan and daughter, who are
hack from Ht. Louis, wbere their daughter, Mtaa Mary
Morgan, tuok tha veil laat weak, are leaving again
for hit. Paul on a week's vialt.
Mr. A. ftothery, a crayon and pattella arUet, has
aa exhibition at tha Hopa art atora a splendid crayon
portrait of Colonel Pratt, whlrh la pronounced a per
fect Ukeneaa.
Keenaa Hanoock, ana of tha atronsest live stock
eomoiUalon rirma of Cttaago. hare ata,btlsha4 a
offura at tha atock yarda at Bouth Omaha, with Mr.
1. Smith tn charge.
W. If. Ing of tha Republican has gone to 8t Paul
to m the carnival and somebody elaa.
A irt waa held at the reaidenie of Mr. Kline on
Vt fuming atreet In honor of the engagement ef
hia daughter, Miaa tora Kline, and Sir. Ivl.
(ierlea H.k"nws la bacti from Waahlngton. ahera
i t I.-.. ' viewing the adinlnlatratlon.
Poles Httt Pay lax Innocence,
The reply of Sir Edward Gray to tha appeal
from tha Americas Polish relief eommltteo, that
tha blockade be raised to permit th aaadiag at
food supplies from America ta FoUad, brings
forward ana of tha most abhorrent foatarea af
mod era warfare. It la ta suffering that must
fall upon Itelpioss aoaeombat&ata. Caught bo
tweaa tha linea of war ia wfeicb taey have ao
voice, and no part except as helpless victims, tha
people of Poland are to be compelled to endure
the sufferings of exposure and starvation. Great
Britain will not permit the passage of relief aup
pllea, for the reason that such action might be
to the advantage of Germany.
Tbts action sonms heartless, but It la war.
Germany has been not lesa hard la dealing; wltk
Belgium. .While tha Americana have been feed
ing the Inhabitants of occupied territory, the
Germans have been collecting tales from them.
Tha present Instance serves only to multiply
proof that war Is all that ias ever been aatd of
It Stern business at ita best, It la being con
ducted In a stern manner, and Its horrors will
grow as time goes on, till the very end. The
futility of our sympathy and tho failure of our
efforts to assist tha Poles la their misery should
tu no way tend to lessen endeavors to be of help
to tha unfertuaat victims of th nnreasoalng
conflict. In time wa will have to do even mora
for theaa who caa sot do for themselves. But
for the present, tha Poles muat pay the price of
their weakness aad laaocenca.
Thorna'a Figfit en Brasdeis.
Clifford Thorn, the Boanargea of the Iowa
railroad commission, la proceeding to Waahlng
ton to oppoae tha eonflrmattoa of Louis D. Bran
dels, nominated by th president for tha vacancy
on the federal supreme court bench. This pre
sents a novel spectacle of the senate publicly
trying tha preaidant'a sol action on tha char re of
being a radical, while Thorna has a grievance
against him for being a conservative. Tha Hawk
eye terror of transportation has a personal griev
ance against Brand ale, alleging that ha favored
th rail road a and meat pack era in the recent
great hearing on rmtea, in which Thorne'a conten
tions were set aatd by the Interatate Commerct
At th asm ttsa. th repreaeatatlvee of tha
railroads and packers, and allied Interests, wilt
gladly Join with Mr. Thorna in his efforts to pre
vent confirmation, for the Braadets nomination
doea not pleas them particularly.
It ia Jnat the kind of a fight calculated to
force the confirmation of tha man whoae course
haa been ao direct as to arouse the opposition
of extremists on both slles.
The supreme court of Nebraska ha upheld
the law providing for the teaching of any mod
era language ta th public schools whenever de
manded by petition by fifty patrona of tha
school. In other words, the legislators haa tha
right to pass such a law, regardless of tha wis
dom or unwisdom. The strictly home rule way
of doing It, however, would have been to put tha
question up to all the patrona of tha school and
let the majority decide. Perhapa It woald I
better to amend tbe law In thta dlraettea.
The Fine Art of Skating ,
0aarsw X. tvwa ta th Ba4eeet. Is short, art la Ion-; anrl few arts are longer
than fa Beautiful modern art of ekaUasv But ex
pntv skattn equipment and professional tnstmc
M will SM alona, or very quickly, make artlatlo
akatera, na matter how aMr-at the "eraaa" for danc
ht en rn Ira. Any couple may have great fun In
waltxtn awf In two-aw-pntag with tha sprawl and th
rrattrr af fha old American "locomotive" flg-m-e. In
stead af the eulet, rhythmic, gliding form; and In
the sunny wfnter out of doors, thla vigorous esertfoi
on states may be aa exhilarating and health-glvtn
su any eport en tha raleadar; but It Is not "skatlnif. '
acenrrflns; ta tha etarriVda of the infest develop
ment of th art.
Theae reirulre patience, persistence and eatheti..
setMtibtlttlea aat ao much exceptional strength, as
sklB In the expenditure of moderate force-not ft
nruch esperrelva akatea and coatumea, aa the Intetl!
eTrt apweectarjon of the problems to le aolverl. The
sotiittoa) la wrrhln tha power of nearly everybody. olJ
and young: trot It la not to be bought; It Is to ho
won only by Intelligent study, consistent practice
snd same hard work; yet the atruggle with the dim
etiltfes is the most fascinating; In the whole realm of
combined physical and Intellectual effort, and the
accomplishment Is worth all the effort It costs. For
of one thine, at teaat. wa may ba aure; all that Is
claimed for physical self-expression in Its mont artlatlc
form, aathefle danelnc. may be claimed with greater
force for artlatla skating, for tha simple reason that
In skating, tha sildlns motion is continuous then
are not th uaavoldablo pause that turn the grace
ful poiee, even for a moment. Into a rigid poae. ThH
superiority of skating aa means of physical setf
expraaato la ample Justification, for tha effort needed
to eeiwns th technical handicap of skates; a handi
cap, however, which In thaaa days of Improved tool
snd Infraction I reduced to a minimum. Balance on
the fcata-an'g cace acquired, however, the freedom
ef action hi skating, quits a complete as In swfmmlnir,
Is nearer that In. dancln to tha perfect freedom of
flying; wfrtrn, alas, la not yet attalnaftla by man. Ths
poaalMltty of phyakl self-expresalon. therefore,
fhrourh th freed ant of ekatlrg, 1 prpctl'-ally un
limited. Tha recent revetatlow af theaa ponalWIltlee by tba
Rtiropean profesalewnJa. espntrlated by the war,
strikes tha American piiMIe aa snmethms; new. There
Is, however, aotftmar new ahenl the akatlns; they rep
resent except Hs stmpt system. The element of alt
flg-ure-akatlnc have been raifaced to two, the curve
and the tura (on one foot). Combination of theee out
side and Inald edges snd turns, forward and back
ward, together with loo pa, pirouettes and Jump, make
up alt tha figures skatabfa. The fine art of tha new
akatlD la tba International style, however. Is chiefly
la the Bxanxter of execution, or In good form arms
and ks slightly bent, and all member of the body
contributing ta aa artlattcaUy beautiful performance
on th Ice, which ay th graee and charm at Ita har
monious meveiaaaaa, xoay aatlafy tha aathetlc aenna ot
both performers aad spectators. Experience haa proved
that far th esacntton of every flgare. there I naually
en eoctttos aad novaanant that ta aaaleat and meet
condiictv t anrjeaaai 'These positions often strike the
beglaner sa vnnaturaJ; bat th fine' balance required
by ta mar dtfflcnlt figure makes It economical for
tn begtnaav to learn tba correct posltlone at th
start, even If they seem at first ilk artificial pose.
Te make theaa soaltlw aad asovameaU easy and
natareJ I th eballeaa aad th charm or th art
Orae la th pas-feet leapwaate abedlenea af a moving
Barses body Sa hi wtn, to perfectly adequat x
prssstssi af that wtl na hie paattlon and movement,
Ket. however, mrtfl th aoattton and movementa ra
vtrad by th aww ahatlng ea b assumed nacoa
sulunsfy and autoaaattcany, can the skater be graceful.
K pbyatcai altrtbat is mar t b desired than
rhytluen grae. Bom caa never acqalr It None -can
equtro tt wars quickly ev mora affarttvely than ha
sneder artlatlc skattng. Modem artletlo skating,
therefere, is th finest ef physical art.
Borne ef tba bnacttea af thla fia art are being dally
re real ad by ssafatsslaasl skaters, chiefly front Berlin.
Their evolutions, however, savor too much of the very
kind of skating that fifty years ago Jackson Haines
revolted from In th New York Skating club. He car
ried to Europe tn 1S66 no great repertory of figure
rocking turns had hardly been discovered and he died
(1175) before th first bracket wss skated; but he wa
a dancing master by profeaelon, and though h ' al
ways skated alone," ha Introduced Into Vienna Iouy,
graceful, sweeping curre sad daao step to musie
a style which th danae-tovtag Vteaneae soon devel
oped Into palr-akatlng. Th Jackson Hslne American
style and th Jackson Halnea two-atanchlon, round-
toed akata Immediately spread all over Europe.
Tha British, maanwitlf. had brought their big, flat
curved, stiff, combined skating to a hitch state af per.
faction. Xftirlng to 'aa th continental atyl as ex
pounded by th Vlenneee achool, waa modified by th
addition of tba new recking turn on big (English)
circle; so that wben tha International Bkatlng union
wa formed fa th early 'to, a new style of skating;
was tip tor standardisation tn tha annual Buronea
and world' chasnplonalitp competition that th union
began to hold. Th holding of th world's championship
far IB) m London cpenad th eyas ef th Brltlah to
th raeoarec of tba continental style, and the Na
tional Bkatlng association adopted It In 1900. In that
year I publiahed. In lay Handbook pt Figure Skating,
an exposition of th continental atyl. from th of
ficial document and (rem correspondence with Eu
ropean skaters; aad hi ta winter cf 1903-9 I aaw tt
for tho flrat time. On my return, I publiahed a. 'full
spaattlon of th IntemarJonai atyl (1904 and began
to demonatrat tt on a pair of Jackaon Halnea akatea
which Balchow, the world' champion, sent me from
Stockholm. , My crude effort undoubtedly deserved
the rldlcul I endured (I wa 46 year aid); but I
atuck t it, and now th laugh ta on my side. Irving
Brokaw, who won the fatted State championship la
19U8, took up th International style the next year,
and In February. 1901, with Karl Zenger (champion
af Germany In lta. gave on Oreater Boston rink
th first exhibition ef palr-akatlng la the International
atyl in this country. He I today our moot accom
plished skater tn this style.
No Buropeaa or world's champion haa ever com
to tha Vnlted State; but. thanka to the generou ef
fort of Mr. Brokaw, th Bkatlng I'nlon of A merle
held tha flrat competition in the International atyle
at Now Haven In March, 114, In which Norman Bcu.t
of th Waiter civb of Montreal won the men's churn
ptoaatitB. Mia Titer Weld cf th Skating club of
Boatoa th ladies' ehamploaahlp, Mr. Bcott and Mlas
Chevajrter of Montreal the palr-akatlng champlonanlp
and Mr. Nat W. Nllea ana Miss Weld ot Boaton the
wattatnaT ehatnptonahlp. Loat year there waa na In
ternational competition either here or abroad; but
tha New England a eolation held a competition In
Boston, In which the men's championship waa won by
William P. Chase.
The senaatlons of theee exhilarating big curvet ana
plrals tn graceful form, the accurate striking and
gliding, partner coming together and eparallns la
perfect rhythm with each other and with th boat af
tha muatc. tba llmltleea combination ot figure, con
trol of which challenge th Intellectual and phyal.
cal cklll and Ingenuity of young and old alike pro
vide a variety of physical aad ccthetlo pleasure ana
a free opportunity for ertf-expreaetoa, such aa n-
other out-of-door sport provides; for skating of tht
kind I sport and art In one, and caa ba acquired
earlier and pursued later la life than any other.
Henry Ford announces ha baa only started
la his quest for pane at home and abroad. Tha
next peace mission to Europ wlU b numer
ically greater than the flrat, and coatala fewer
highbrows snd a higher percentage of common
people. The new plan has the advantage ot
greater obedience and less austained vocal
Even Then.
Tv bean reading a lot of Assyrian history la my
library of tha World' Knowledge In Sixteen Vol
ant.' " says the man who la devoting one hour each
svennat t acquiring Information and culture. "What
asneclaJly mteraats sac Is tn fact that almaat all th
factor ef the walla have big carving of bull oa
Iham Seem to me a If th ancient Aaeyrtana couldn't
look In any direction without aeelng a bull. Wonder
why they had them."
"Oh." yawna the man who knoaa everything, "they
aerved the eame pur poae as the political poetera w
paate on our walla Kama old bull, you know. Judge.
Tips on Home Topics
t Faatne na Reltaloaa Liberty.
kfAQNOUA. la., Feb. 7. To th Editor
of Th Bee: ' Religious Liberty, a timely
dlecuaalon of which haa begun In the
columns of Omaha papers. "Religious
Liberty" waa what thrilled Luther so
that he did not falter to appear before
the emleaarlea of Rome at the Diet of
Worms In 1.&I; religious liberty is whst
encouraged the pilgrim fathers to seetc a
new home In America, but religions lib
erty wa alert embodied Into the consti
tution of these Vnlted States of America,
thn guaranteeing religions liberty to
every American. Thia guaranty of re
Itglou liberty Is not a liberty to believe
In one' heart er mind what one feels
like, because for this there can be no
leg'atatlon. bat for an expreeaton or con
feaelon befera ether ef that which we
belter. A person having religion In hi
heart cannot refrain from, allowing er
expressing whatsoever fill his heart,
the aam a an unbeliever feela com
pelled te reveal what fill his heart. The
unbeliever says "X am not ashamed of
my unbelief;" th Christian says, "I arfl
not ashamed of the Gospel ef Christ; for
It Is the power of God unto salvation; to
the Jew first and alee te th Greek.
Rom. 1:1. Cornea now Metcalf aad
wlnhes to tell o to be ashamed of the
Gospel of Christ, to refrain from using
the privilege greens ns by tha coastitatlon.
Speaking of year religion to another
whoae religion dlfTem with yours Is critl
elm and this cannot and should not be
forbidden, as Editor Pontius correctly
show. The writer endorsee everything
he says germane to religious discussion.
We need mere of It. The Lutheran church
Invite the freest and fullest dtscuaalon
and crltWmn of Ita teachware baaed upon
the word of Ged. aa we have It In tha Bible,
g would be ashamed of my affiliation
with the Lutheran chdrch or any other,
for thai matter. If it deprecated publicity,
criticism. A church or other charitable
Institution, whoa exlateace 1 dependent
from th nubile or that bids for public
tolerant er reeognrtio. or appear be
fore th public and then whine ami
klcka and fret a and pouts because tha
public before whom It parade gase upon
It and passea a few harmless remarks is
not worthy the nam of religion, ner
rHibll tolerance or recognition. Criti
cism brings out the beauty of the Bible.
Criticism has caused and helped the
growth ef th Lntheran church, t. for
my part, am suspicious ef any Institu
tion that cannot bear criticism or tha
light ef day . Such an Institution should
net make a bid for public tolerance; yea,
dee not deserve pubttc patronage.
l:vze!!cl Lutheran Pastor.
rial forme and Candldafee.
NORTH LOUP, Neb.. Feb. .-To the
Editor of The Bee: There must of neces
sity be a great number ot candidates for
office in th tat and county onranixa
ttona. Th persona In Nebraska and other
states wb are te become candidatea for
election for th many and various official
positions, en th republican ticket, would
ataad a much better chance of election
If the Chicago convention nominates an
actual piuaiete having a real record
ef pregTCaetysasse ta chow Jnat what that
candidal la. Th as of platforms ha
passed, if w are to tea tha democratlo
pledge for a example. Candidate have
long been In th habit cf getting before
th people on rty platforms which were
written fer th purpoa ef getting votes.
Ws muat Insist, as w should hav In
sisted long ago. that platforms should
contain nothing except what the candidate.
Is known by his record to stand for. While
we have been making a hallelujah noise
over platforms, the Wall street end of
the game has been naming the men to
live up to the platforms. They always fail.
W muat quit the boslnee ef platform
making which Include everything from
soup te nuts, as my democratlo friends
from Council Bluffs would say. and tap
any man on the ahoulder who proposes
such, with ths admonition, "Old man,
that 1 too much pepper." A little fore
thought on this matter of nominating a
strong progressive for president may save
the hide and .tallow of a multitude of
other candidatea In tho general election.
Editorial Snapshots
Philadelphia Ledger: "Poetry makes a
little money nowadays." says a publisher.
Jf prosperity haa reached even th poata,
it I universal Indeed.
Brooklyn Eagle: Th Colossus of Roads
Is the fcx,000,m appropriation bill passed
by a porcin house of representative. A
country boy could tell that without a
trace of classical education.
Boaton Transcript: Wa gather from the
enthusiastic remark ot our prohibition
friend that th Demon Rum Is almost a
near th point of complete extinction aa
he waa thlrty-fiv or forty year ago.
Cleveland Plain Dealer: If one might
suggest tn all modesty another geograph
ical change, now that geographical
change are so popular la foreign re
gion. Kut-ee-Amara would look mote ap
propriate to English eyes If spelled Kut
and Run,
Baltimore American: An Indian chief
in the street of Boston the other day
tomahawked a boy In a crowd that had
been annoying him. And probably the
flrat civilised regret over the occurrence
will be that there waa not a moving
picture camera to produce such a realistic
picture of the old frontier day.
Brooklyn Eagle: A law to Imprison
mlsbrandera of goods, except for export,
la pending Is congress. The exception la
a delight te cynic. To tell the world
that we will not swindle one another, but
will swindle foreigners. It we can, is.
from the ethical viewpoint, absurd, and
from the practical viewpoint most in
advisable. Nw Tork World: Possibly General
Wood la right when he the United
States navy would net last sixty days in
a fight with a flrst-claaa power, but ther
were eminent critic of that establishment
In th firing ef ISM who gavs It even leas
time In a conflict with Spain. Other na
tions learned something from the Ameri
can navy of that period, and perhapa
with reasonable preparedness we may bo
able to teach them again.
New York World: During fourteen
montha of operation tha Waahlngton
government's bureau of war risk Insur
ance on ship took In H.IM.4&. In premi
ums and paid out fc36.4 for losses. This
leaves a profit ef tl. .. whose per
centage cf total receipts will put sny
other war business In the shade for
richness. And It will be recalled that
thia waa a bualnesa which waa taken up
by the government simply because pri
vate Insurers would have nothing ta do
with It except at prohibitive rate.
Boston Transcript: It's going to be
pretty hard for a prohibitionist to explain
a campaign contribution to a man named
Plttebursh Dlepatch: Readlns seme of
the colonel's remark these days raises
the suspicion that he, toe. has changed
hie mind since the time he oid te belabor
tha mitrk-rskers.
Chicago Herald: A Chicago man charges
that he was sent to the lunatic asylum
because an employer wanted In keep hla
wife as a cook. Housekeepers will gener
ally agree that no crime la unwarranted
when the retention cf a good cook Is at
Hprlncflcld Republican: It will surprise
a good msny people to know that the
Oranrl canyon of the Oloradn Is not a
national park or In one. More than lM.fV
se-Amertca-flrst tourists visited It In 1!M".
It surely ought to belong to the nation
and be under Its protection.
Philadelphia Iedcer: Mr. Hamlin Ger
land show a painful lack of familiarity
with the history of the Pllirrhn Fathers
when ho says that If they "had spent
more time going flflhln and less In
hymn singing, they wouldn't have died off
so fast." The Pilgrim Fathers wer a
sturdy lot, agembers of the Church Mili
tant, who never let their religious obli
gations interfere with fishing, hunting,
fighting ami drinking strong liquors.
Even Colonel Roosevelt, who once mixed
them up with the Puritans, could not de
scribe them as mollycoddles.
'Why does thnt Plrkiiin a-Irl make un
her face ao atrikincly ?" asked Maude.
"Phe Interferes when h walks," re
plied Maymle. "he haa to make up her
Ince to draw etlentl-in from her feet.
Washington Star.
amount of preparedness?" demanded Ken-
Ur. k . I . 1 ' ...... . .....
"T TT.fmimi. I JUU 1 1 FT III
Privately, yea, stated Congressman
TT" ( . . 1 .1 , . 1- .ill... T ... . . . J w
Jections for an arsenal for my district, or
Kansas City Journal.
Dear JnR.kABieeir,
could tffVE you Oft YCl
Utile Pitchers Mrs. Fussy, let me see
your old hen.
"Neientjor w nat old pen, poyr
IJttle Pitcher Why, pa asked ma this
morning when you sent over to borrow
some flour and lard if she was aending
more chicken (eed to the old ben next
door. Baltimore American.
Son I the ink that papa write with
Indelible, mother?
Mother No.
"I'm slad of that, because I lust spilled
it all over tha carpet. Phtladelpnla Led
"What hav you there V
"An automobile catalogue."
"Why do you read ao many automobile
catalogues? Tou haven't the price of a
'Well, you sotta keen Posted on auto
mobile matters In order to understand the
jokes. Louisville Courier-Journal.
January has Mlraed by
With her vsrleiiateil weather;
Siiow and fleet ud rain nl hall
First i tui'.t. tr-cn ntl t..p.-ti.T;
loudly ciid lite l-rec-xes hnvl
Round "te tables of mv cirrct ;
But within I wa content
With my frosted pane to star at.
January had her thaw
Kept her Ions; t rme-honored custom
Like the ones some people have
And are always loathe to bust m-
tTbere h one I'd like to bust '
And I mind not if ou know it
The cuxtom of over paying the cook
And onderpytng th strticsling poet)-
Tes, January had her thaw.
Thawed a little somewhat slushy
Ken this fmet-bU' pen of mine
Ooxed out verse that sounded snishy;
Then there came a sudden freexe.
Just aa every thaw is followed
And the editor's hard neart
Gracious m:-'Tm frozen solid.
And wlille roysterlng go the gate
Round the gahles of my parret.
Tho' 1 should melt Into verse
In bold type 1 may not air it:
Hut I'll bope I'm nood at hoping
That some phllnnthrophy fairy
Will bewitch the mercury in the tub
And cause a btg thaw In February.
Clear, Peachy Skin t
Awaits Anyone Who
Drinks Hot Water I
r gay an inside Datn, Before areas:-w
fast helpa ua look and feel
clean, aweet, fresh,
Sparkling and vlvacloua merry, bright,
alert a good, clear skin and a natural,
rosy, healthy complexion are assured
only by pure blood. If only every man
and woman could be Induced to adopt
the morning Inside bath, what .a gratify
ing change would take place. Instead of
the thousands of sickly, anaemic-looking
men. women and girls, with pasty or
muddy complexions; Instead of the multi
tudes of "nerv wrecks," "rundowns,"
"brain fags" and pessimists we should
see a virile optimistic throng of rosy
cheeked people everywhere.
An inside bath Is had by drinking each
morning, before breakfast, a glass of
real hot water with a teaspoonful of
limestone phosphate In it to wash from
the stomach, liver, kidneys and ten yards
of bowels th previous day's Indigestible
waste, sour fermentations and poisons,
thus cleansing, sweetening and freshen
ing tha entire alimentary canal before
putting more food into the stomach.
Those (Subject to sick headache, bil
iousness, nasty breath, rheumatism,
colds; and particularly those who bare
a pallid, sallow complexion and who
are constipated very often, are urged
to obtain a quarter pound of limestone
phosphate at the drug store which will
cost but a trifle, but Is sufficient to
demonstrate tha quick and remarkable)
change In both health and appearance,
awaiting those who practice Internal
sanitation. We must remember that in
side cleanliness is more Important than
outside, because the skin does not ab
porb impurities to contaminate the blood
while the pores tn the thirty feet of
bowels do. Advertisement, -
'! ii;;'
ivviiS.iiVl'iil.ii' ,'':!:,!jl:l
.tsMsv t 'v'rti'i,!1)!1! -'ui'itK hi I, t't 'ii'f.'ii),
- ' .;il W. i-'-iMl ' irj'N
' ".,"1"' 5 "-ft ' ' i rZ",X : w ". 1 -i rl
I- : ; , , ,,asrW,rtS,''i,l,-: . i "Ij! 1
Chicago &
North Western Ry.
JacksonviTJa, Fia. . . . $50.61
Jacksonville via Washington.... $61.00
Tampa-St Petersburg, fls, .... . .$62.23
Palm Beach, Fia. $69.19
St Augustm. Fia..... $52.98
Orraond, Fia........ $57.03
Kisshnmee, Fia. .....$59.68
Miami. Fia. $72.78
Key Weet, Fia. $83.78
Augusta. Ca. $49.78
Charleston. S.C $50.68
New Orleans-Pass ChrUtisn $41.18
Havana, Cuba $87.18
And Many Other Point
7 Dally Trains to Chicago 7
Double track and automatic electric
aafcty signal all ths way.
Tickets, rescrvationa and full infor
mation may ba obtained from
J. M ELLEN, a A . 1401-03 Famm St.
Catena. Ne. fhea Oeogla 8740
i iff?
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I oe. afaar" s-jaaaar'- JH - a;ib vmrw,
Persistence is the cardinal vir
tue in advertising; no matter
how good advertising may be
in other respects it must be
run frequently and constant
ly to be really succcessful