f9 m I7ant-Ad Rate CASK WITS OBOHt p?r word each Insertion lc CUBOB Bittll C per Jin .on firm 7c per Hn ....three consecutive times (Count lx word to th line.) PZCIAX. BiTSU Farm will Ranch I.ands. ' to Pr "n each Insertion (Count all word to th Una.) roRFto advertIsin vndeu AGENTfl OR HELP WANTED CLASSIFICATIONS: te per word.....' .'."".JIT.! IHc p?r word ..three oousecutlv time ro a tamw ro i.TCTtb OF too O MM THAN lOfl B CARD OF THANKS DEATH AND FINERAL N'lTK KS: 10c per line . each Insertion (Minimum charge to cent. Mnnthlr fr (andlng .ad '" change of copy tl. Pr lint (fount nix word to the. line.j Contract rate o appUeatlon. TDK REE will not be rewnnnalM for more than one Incorrect insertion of n advertisement ordered for mors than one time. ADVERTISERS ehmild retain rcelpt given by The Re In payment for Want Ada, no mii:tk can be rectified w-tthoiit them. t'SE THK TELEPHONE If Vu cannot conveniently bring or n1 In your da Ask for a Want Ad Taker, nd you will irelve the nmt rood nervine a when delivering your 1 at the office. ruoxK tyler 1000. WANT-AP COLCMNS CI-OPE EVENING EDITION 1!:00 M. MORNING EDITION'S 00 I. M. -T" THE MOVIE PROGRAM CHANGED DA1LT. Answer tit question Wnerj to go tonltht" EMPRESS, 15th & DOUGLAS Fellg Tribune No. 10. "The. Getaway," Vim. 'The Roughneck," 2-reel Essanay. "Mary I ago," 2-reel Lsssnay. GARDEN. "i Si Vf a n n a m "The, Tip Off," three-reel feature. Comedy ami single reel drama. Fl.o Cent Program Five t'enta. g-R I N C. E S a." . " 1 2 1 7"- "1 r DO U O I .A " "The White Rosette," Mutual Mob terplctnr Lne, In 5 acta. tngturlnff K. Forrest Taylar and Helen Knasan. Taken from the celebrated P'ay and aele.-i.cd keystone rninedy. - rVsr4h- BRAND. - 1TH AND BINNKY." Theater Beautiful. Helen Holme In "The Open Switch." S!ig Tribuno Weekly. Three-tecl drama featuring Jack Pick ford. And a good eomedv. DOTHROPrViTll "aUd LOTHROP. Trlansla Comedy hisht. Cheater Onnklln in "Saved bv Wireless." Iiile Hsmlltnn In "Her Painted Hero." Hale Hamilton la an Omaha boy. Kltk. APOLLO. 2824 LEAVENWOHTH. I reels of ood picture. f jULKV A H L73 3 A lavon worth. Todav at 7 and p. tn., THaiidw Fealy In -Hnrel Woman." An K'ultahl ? Uue I 1? H OH ilF'P i1 ,EA V'fiiN W 6 RTHT The Citv." featuring Thurlow Rergee, World feature. One-reel comedy, Weat. BfONKCE. tt&& FAJtNAM. Tma ttcdnlman In "Ttie Honor o' the Jtoiyl." Mvrtie nonr.alea and Alfred Voelmrg In "The Offending Klia." Ard a ffoo4l corned v, laatlt !. BESSE. Florence Reed In Co'il Kii.oter i!-V. 24TH h N. New York." a d-part iJirle Wllllama and An!ia r-eawrt tn The Uoddewa, Chap. 10. Cripr.L'4i; siTii vur "Wrath nf Haddon Power." "Heart and Cliiba." "When William' WhUkera Worked." "Kpider Rarlow." i ii -3 tar.Features Tbaaa ar Special Extras Real Picture low a.pparlnc at la fullowiDg 1'baa.ura: fESaLc 24VH AND N. "New York," -part Uold Kooatwr play. F.arle Wllllama and Anita Stewart in -II,. Oiwtdraa.' chPerJ0. jJpRL33r"l6Tii AND iiOLUJoAS. "Mary I'ase." 2-reel F.aaanay. CAUDfcN, tills KAUNAM Sarah Ilernhardt, (-reel feature, abso lutely fuel run. rXTHl.OP7n24TirANirL0r Cheater Conklin In "Saved by Wlreleaa." liale llaniiUon In "Her Painted Hero." wo'lO:. ni "faknamT True Fsnardman in "The Honor of th Road." ; pOaLFl', LEAVENWORTH. "The (My." featuring Tuurlow Berber. World feature. WHEN TOO PLAN TO HF.f L THAT ltfc-AL Lat ATK-WHA'if I. let your property tn THE PKK l'.la llouea. Horn and Real J'iute iLi!d. tiuri-a of real fa tale are electing uaually, Vmu inuat t tht-re. ai.d apiMirent. ru ahoulil be an Inducement. but n-k the Information dcflnUn anil you will get ivaponae from p. riina really Intereated in vo ir viler, it you run it In Tilt: BEE. The Easy Way is the Telephone Way PHONE TYLER 1000 f I ' i M A N A n n ft. wSTiC B I fTk "("' i iy. I lah. Funeral from rel(lne of K, W. Hnman. 1'T Korth Thirty-third- atreet. Turaday at :I5 a. m. Hy Autnmolille to Ht. Jnhn'a church, J a. tn. Interment Holy Sepulchre. MAUSOLEUM. . . WHT bury jrour dead 111 tha cold cne:iml In atortny weather hen you can bnjr tomb In a marlde build n at reaonah' frt Tel. MAl'WLKUM CO, I. ?!? ri.HRIlTI. Atll'IS. fioriala, ! ! arnHln HI. I. V L. Hb.suk.hm)!. lata iJongiaa. CTliiT Min'er Fiorlata "ielegraiui a'd. Aaa n. tTl.pi. r HWUHOI )A, 14iy"Fariiam n"t. A. UuNACJi(UK. 1J Hatney. iJJua. liiau niRTII AMI ItRiTII. " firrthaJlmntrTnrt'Bdltfi K. ',,rTh,' hnapital, boy; U I, and tlara Fulllnir ton. M;i Tnylor. bov; Heriiard W. and F'lllh M. Champena'y M Wllllem, bnv; Motrla and Jennie PchlanK'-r. :T,!7 1kj rntitr, boy; M. U and May Duiavan. 3 a lh.ilue, fclil; Hnrcld and Heeaie Hervittilar, A, boy: Job and Axnea Jlaiek, 1 "I S South Fifteenth, alri; Tony and Klna Tabacen, fierce, elrl Ix-atha tai, It. Hale. mnntha. 212 Pouth Twenty-fifth. . Thomaa Chnmaboa .15, hospital; Kva Thorns", W. ?1I7 North Twenty-eighth: lieaaia Johauek i, HIJ Smith Fifteenth; lien a Id It. Prueka, IS, 4a't Bouth Twenty-aecond; Alra. Ma .1. lnraen. 71. hoapttal; Fdward JalernO wtla, ,7, 24H South Seventeenth; JuniM H". Pet erai m. 7S, tf Hr.uth Thlrtv-thlr't ; Howard A. Rohlneoil. M. :11IS lavent!ort; Frank fo.iomkn, hi. (in Houth Fortieth! Joaeph Sopp, 24,. 4:. South Thirty-tulr 1 ; John Wleae. tit, pouth Hide; Mra. Franoe Chalond, Jouth . MtRHI KiK ,I( K!SF.. Arthur Manaer, malia , C'or Jolmaon. Omaha Maynard Oardlner,- Heatrlro Carrie MCIaln, Maryville, Mo... Frank Harvat, Omaha Jeaale ftuaaell. Omaha Jfihn L, Mtt-lndln. Weenine V. ator. Alicia 1owImk, Wcepiivi Water... L0$T FOUND REWARDS OMAHA A COUNCIL. Wljl'fKt HTKEUT RAILWAY COMPANY. Prraoni havir. loat iom artfola wou!4 do well to call up tha office ef ths Omana A Counoll Uluffa Siieei Railway company to aacartatn whether thay lef II in tha tret car. Many article, eecn day ara turned in sod tha company la ejtloua to reatora tham to tba rightful owner. Call Pony. 4. IF YOU Iiim anyltilna and will itrti It tt'T. yen will aural jr r''tvr tt if found br aa honi iraoa. Ittfmarliibla rteorffrlM ara brought altotit arry d-r throuta thla column. TH l,-r.l. ho tlnit lrt artlslea ara latamtad In knowiat tnat tha atata la la trln In rannliln ihrni la rk the enr through artvvrtlatmrat and otharwIM and ttial a tall lira ia , ao, II aaaia aaa ha prorra. lo vew a nerara pnilir tTl.S'f MutiUay "eveniin on froaaiown or Bherman Ava car, a gold watch fob. . with 8. O. H. S. enalun; return to Karl . l.e. Bea office, tto. Side and receive re w a i d. ilAT ne had to sail: An automobile, a motorcycle, a rummer collate, - a Morrl choir, . And lie aold 'hem ' throuah THK ftfl-T Want Ad columi. t7ST CiiTiiii!rdrmond v n (plaflttiimj Return to R Rrown Co., or phono Harney Z&l, and receive reward. Fornllre Ma4 llonaekold (iooda. biO" BARoXlTrf Ftirnltur. i; alovea. beda. aprlnaa, mattr'a, t! asch; fce.ldlni eoifioria. t lnnkela. N. ;tlh. W, iwrr. Al.l HKI'AIHS V ator fronia. nrriant rolla. ate. Quick aervlca. Omaha Mtov Rl'FKkT. bedi-ooiii fiiiMiltuia arid" rug, ; nearly new. Call Web. im after Mon day CSlAffXTMfXoTv CO -Mattreawa nmdo ever .iuat like petw jnimlnio! Planna anil Maalcnl InatrnmeotB. f,;56 nulioa(iy pianort'J). 1 1 rncy B'.fil, .. SMITH IIAUNKS uprlKht piano, lu. Tvler laa, 0?'A'VTn'1 I'ir.v : TI-trola' "plan. T. 13! fn0ror monTl."ATrioni". Isij l)ouila. tr anil Office Flat area. fcKRKS, afen arnica, ahowenaea, ahelv. in .r w.'bnv 11 Omaha Fixtur ft upply Co. 4H-'fl-i ettltImat.-Jt MILI.rF.MY fixture- !'. P. ead, I' 1,1 Cumrrn anil l.dk. ln',M3 Jevilauwl trt If purchast'd fron t'hoio t:rittt Miop. 4in ne run, t-'pi Irnrlryi lilaaiomli, V alchira.- CTAirOS'DTZicKE friTien'a ai'dTaTlTa' .yati 'ha, ra"tiable. Friedman. . p L 1 Pong, baUPKCtAAhlva "lukv'WaUling ring" at l' h and Poiicla hta Iru I ti a Marklaaa, , SEWING MACHINES Wa rent, repair, anil naodles And part 0. ail evtlng machine. MICKK19 , NFRRAKKA CYC US CO.. IBtb nd Hurncy Sla. !ug. t6J. Machinery an CCaglnra. K'EW tU)iid hajid motora, dynamoa, inAKnetisa. I. a Dron LlectrtC Work, 5l-a S. J-thJ't. FOR 'SALK'lO-h. . ga eiiijlii; 4-hTiTo ahaller. itarper I'elerwm, Oreimrr, Nrh Typavirllera aail HHU.tllc. SnT-Lji?.Diri U'-ioS"" "ca uLilN cu Wa cniika tlieia in OMAHA. What? Typewrilef liiUUona! huppiiei for U Ofll'. pougiaaai47. -Re Jlitif. Kii-Ni' nb'.tver typvwrller mo. for to. O i lve r Ty pew rller A ency. I Fa r n a t . $Ypkwi;rh.it.-r oij, reiiiH t'tr ( cnlrel Typewrller Ffg. IJ Fartian iTT.ITlANv'h) Riti'lKin and i'erbon Co., eaiC btiri iptr and Inked ribbon. JfU Rkn'T a "KauriiiMlun" otful a typi wrtt-r. Uiw rent. Call Poutflu l"1!. l-i'TraVypiwriiir c:hinge7, SliXlilh. !. Ail )tai.aa lor Aia or inajil. v lltmarit and Pool Tablra O It SA Lli Ne and aecoud-tand caroia and pocket bPlmid table and oowung alley and aci:eaaorlea; nd for cta- lunuc; easy paytuciua. Th urunaaicg' Ralk-Culinder Co., 4r7 Ut S. IQih Si. PrintlaaT and Dtflee gapnllea. OM-; wriler lreaa for printing lniltalion tperlier lotter: one invalid aiitary ciiulr; one rollapaible go-cart. 1 hone Welmler n.fl. w"AXKItaMARNTlAkTPtg. Co., iiality printing Tel. Poug. t!. 6J4 .Ulh St. t knt P AtTi'i Git juircir j5ouqLA"r&i IxJt OiJtS'ptlnitng Co."Tel. iougla"M7 uialo r aud liuitaiaia MaitertaL Al l. MMii OF 1. 1 WUIilt hXlll S.tLK t'hed In copatruction of bviildlng; In ng: I Ji it: firet el condition. Call Poug III Y niil'iu i.vi.e I. :rri- . M tarrltnnvana. IlEx ji:Tl:3T-HQuon, HOUSE; Thirteenth and Douglas, PottW.i-ln-Uad hlky. tu.-, tt.liO, run quint. ! Ifp.K 't Gunponder Jaiian tea with ! to lh ef beat t'c coffea. naivel txiat. at t2.Ji Pave' Coffee Market, l l Legeuworta ti., Uiiiana. :ncu. NOTICE TO BEE WANT-AD PATRONS . FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE AND BETTER SERVICE, '. .'..-- t . . ' 1 : The Bee will hereafter accept telephone orders for Want-Ads at the CASH RATE of one (1) cent per word and a collector will call a day or so later with the bill. , - It is sometimes a bother to como down to THE BEE office to place your Want-Ad and then,- again, it is quite often inconvenient for you to come down this way to pay.the bill for an ad you have had inserted this way you never have to budge out of your home or place of business to get Bee "Want-Ad eervice at the-CASH RATE! "' . . FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS -I laeelle k.eaa. FTlft SA 1J1 til KAP. Bualneaa College Couraa). -FuH and complete a. holarahlp In ena f to beat Omaha bualneaa achnnla. Good reaaon for Belling; perfectly relia ble; worth full price, hut will be sold ery reaaonably. If Intereated uvea. gaie at onc, hocaua airlng terra bealna eoon. Ther are a variety of cour-e fef Bale. For particular tii'iulr at Ui of- flcejf The Omaha Rea FO R B A 1 ,k I'aln t" a nd" w i I pa per bual neaa, conalatlng of wall paper, paint and hruahea. all in good condition, and alao well located, one, a-room houae and 4 lota; a anap If taken within the next JOdeya. Arldreaa W. H. Bpencer, Bloom field. Neh. 1NTEL1.RJKNT and pcraietent advertla Ing will "aell" any aalable real eatata, and th largct tiumher of proapectlva buyer can "V reached through the Real Fatnte Ci.d Want-Arl Oulde to all of (Jreater Omaha THK RKB. MY blah atandard of quality will b maintained; 4 quarta of Old Fontenell whlkv, IJ.Ifi; bottled In bond. Henry Polloch. mail order ioue. Poug. 7162; 1:2-K4 N. IMh ft. FOR SALF, CHFAP---rup oda foun tain. Call South . r. Of O. Irlen Weat Whlaky, 4 full qaria t-nttied In bond, prepaid. Cackley Pro Omaha . EVF.RY day haa ft aunahln for PFR Want-Ad uaer. fc'tart today. , Call Tv!r Vt. . ficHU 6 haaketa "delivered. II; Illlnol nut or lump, aa.M par ton. Douvlgg IVO. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mechanical Draughting Machine Designing Estimating Patent Drawings , H E. SLOMAN. Phon p. 444. 415 Pran la' Thatr. RKODi.-.GAAHP 8 "Cuvkv Wadding Rlnra" at tit h and Pouwlaa Hit. ExkhimhP; AT Y.'M.C.A. RualneM man. F.terylblagr for Vkoruen. ACCORDION, aide, knife, unburet, box pleating, covered button, all aliiea and alvlea; lieinatili'hlng, point wdKing; em broidery, heading, braiding, cording, eyelet cut work buttonhole, pannanta. Ideal Pleating Co., ,201) Pouglaa blocK. noua na ' Coalamea. THF. Iarget Btock of maaquerade and theatrical coatumea in th country. Then. Ueben fit Hn, 1SI4 Howard. P. 4IIR, THCATKICAI, fiowna, full dreaa auita, for rent. 2"iD N. 17th St. John Fddman. rreniaTUln. 1-AP1E8' lacket r-modelert In tra latest atyle. 19lt FriamiPougloa KclBtp'r Dreaaniaklng CoiW-i C'lfy Nat. Terry Presamak'g college. 20th Farnam. a Penpal. Pr. Rrdhnry. No pain. M? W.O W. Rldg. Pycirrliea. I V.Flck lea, 724 cTtyaBankj Ta't't" Pental I Room. " 1M7 'liouKliia. P. -'IbC Jnailcea of the Peace, H. II. CI.A1BORNR, M2 Pxton Rlk. Rad 74(11 . Not a rypu bile; depoal t Ion teno. CTW. H K I TT. ifRiirkerRVioir ' Prog. DRt'03 at cut prleea; freight paid on t0 ordera; catalogue free. Rliorman Mc Connell Prug Co., Omaha, Neh. Flatares and Wiring. DTIRICTM K'ectrlc waahlng machine, electric. Hot on and reading lampa. ?23 Cuming St. poug. 3Ma. Acpoantnnt. E.' A. DWORAK, C. P. A. 4HI-4W Rnmge 'Rhlg. Tel: Pongla 74M. Farrlera. BAM KNFKTFR. 1P20 Farnam, RedtlWI. H. knthol. a'li Leavenworth, II. ( hlrnprarflo Hirlnal Adjaatmvnta. PR RURJtonV, 1th and Farnam. Wcad "lop. l. 64i ; j'ainer aciiool geBnnate. Pr. 'j. C. 1 i wfence," T "Palrd "t'ildgTb. '4'it Moving Plctare Alack laea. OMAHA rilm Ex., )4th and Poug. Mo tlon picture ma el i ne a nd film bargain. Patent. P. ORai-nell. Paxton Rlk, Tet, Red 7llT 31. A. tiii-sre. H liran'h-la Theater Rldg. Piano lntrnrllun. Ragtime piano playing ' poaltlvelv taught in 30 leaanna. 4:':n Cuming. Wal. :ttr. Vacuum (leaner. ALL make. K. B. Wllllama, 30 B. 18th. Tyler 1011. M I ii a and 1 . 9 fit w ore. Bt'Y your family Honors at Kllen' l.iocor houa 522 N. lh. Iougla 1W1. 4 arpeiiter and Yonirnotwra Uwiril ft Ron,JW Cepltol Ave. JltiX C. W. llokanaon, 2.'i I Af.-.vt'i. Tvl. 21rf-J. Prlertlvea. , JAM KB ALLAN. 312 Neville Rlock. Kvl- dence aeouredJnaM Caaea, Tyler 11'ig, HARRR8TROU. 402 Hamilton. Wal. 71. Miark (. omiaifaaiunera. MARTIN I) ft OS. CO. Fxchange Rldg. Uatcopath Phyalcinaa. JOt K PHI. VP! ARPTRONr, l Bee Rldg. I'lamra (.leaned. CPRLKP, .Ived Klaele. 11M City Nat. Scat Repairing. Om. Standard Scale Co.. 61J fl, Kth. P. J911. bh Repairing. Harlev Shoe Rep'r Co..2"(i4 Farn'm R. S(44. (! Olllnaa CARTKR Sheet Metal Company. 110 B. "5. Towel supplies OVtlM Towel Supply. iT B. 11th. P. 523. Trniaka and iiult CtMi, FRF.L1NQ A STK1NLK, Farnam Pt. Walt h Hperlatlala. . Chrlatinnaen, Id fl Pnxton Rk 1 yr. ex p. Wrdding, -glattoaery. Wedding nnnnnncementa. Poug Ptg. Co, Adverllalng Notelllra. M. P. Shafer Co.. 12th-Farnam. P. 7C4. trrklteeta, Kyerej I . t S.Iodd.til3 PaxtojiRlk . T. Vm. Attoraeya. C. T. Plcklnaon. 511 rnxton Rlk. p. Aarllnarrra. lo4 Powd Auction Co . lllli-l WO.W. R.S-JSV tlakerlea. 7.. H RKFPKR r N. IXth. Wrb. 3'7. Uraiaa and Iron Puundrlra. Paxt(m-MJitche!l Co., 27th and Martha Sta. 4 hlranudtata. Carrie J. Rnford. -"0,Pnx. Rlk. Red 4Vr7. Panclnat AfnUentlra. PF. U'X ACAPF.MY. 111 B. lSlh St. 4rra and t iraarra, ' BTATB Pry Clng Co.. 120 N. lith. T. 07t tleelrkcai HviMttrina). CAHII.L KLKCTRIC CO., Ree Hid. P. S7, fr.leelrt) ah. l loa AHen.ler. 52 Uea 13!dg. Red SU,jJ WANTED TO BUY t WANTFCP TO RI'Y Rank, working or controlling Inter at :, muat be flrat-claaa;. glv deinied Information: prefer coun try bank; would conalder orsanislng In good location. K. C. l'oynter Rlge low. Mo. , DESKS DESKS DESKS - New deaka, uaed deaka, bought. Bold andtraded. J. c. Beed. 1?4 Farnam NKW an.'l ... a k.j 7iT:.'JZtXZ ------ n. . ...lu-iinnii III.. I I I , , 1 1 ' .n OHr new atorea. Heekef Storea office Sit' Rrndea Theater Hid. Phone Tyler t". BVTT andlmna and fireplace screen. Ad drea J 721, Bee. v SWAPPERS' COLUMN JlUNTINtl outfit, new hammerleait Wln cheafer 12-grvige pump gun. rib barrel and recoil pad and caae, ka..kliat rat, liell veat and panta; ane,l. macintoau, w kt wartcin, nuntiiiM uag, heavy ocka, new, one pelr hip boot, ooot are No. le, i2u new tent, to trad for motorcycle or niall car. All in A-1 "ha.e. Addjeaa H. C. l. Bee. 1 HAV1-; a fuai-ctuaa ' i l.e.n.uaton rtfie, b-ahot. automatic, that i In toe beat of condition and a good aa new, only lieen tiaed a very few time. If you are thinking of getting a good rifle let rue know, aa 1 can aave you conaul erahle money. Coat Mi.ao new. What haya vouT Addreea B. C. 57j. Hee. STKKi, caatlng rod, fourleet' ix incheV, a Kate guide and tip, tri-pnn caatmg reel, equal to any reel made; aaanrt rnent artificial bait, lowagiac minnow, rubber frdg, uona. aplnner. leader and hooks; In fine condition. . Will trade, for good banjo, or what hav you? R. C. VM. Hee j?10iX)N8 Knttliah Pouters, White Fan- talla, Jacohlna, Turhlta and Bwallowa; all flrat claaa blrda; will wau for Car neatix or Homer plgeona twhlte Homer preferrel), or will trade for anything of equal value. Addreaa B. C Kf, Hee. htweiglit, twu-pei)ker J!8 model, Juat overhauled end fulll quipped. Will swap for tha beat lli model motorcycle or motorcycle and side car outfit I can get: but it muat be A-l condition. Addreaa B. C. T.i. Bee. Alj'l oMATIC rolary punter, Ne. runner tvpe anci rona paper, t oai jt. Juat the thing for a boy. Will trade for anything l can uae. Addreaa S. C. R-J. Rce. . , S'llA TRAl'IC y Aneliia player pluno and about worth of muaio for auto mohlla; piano In flit ilaa ipe. What have you? Addreaa 8. C. 9fi) Rce. flAVrK four Imxe of goof6-cenV cigar and Jo package or bull lmrhem Will trade for round table or aome kind of f urlture. Adroaa S. C. 48, Bee. I HaVbI a 6-taaVenger, 12-model Old body and top. In good condition, to trade for a et of tire aifce 34 by 4. Addree S.J!. M4Re. I13 TWlN Indian motorcycle, clutch ma chlne, to wap for furniture; must b In Omaha; let ma hear from you right away. Addiea S'. 45, Ree. . . EpIriON Ito'i T'honogfapii and j ae lect Blue Amuerol record; all good mtl lc, for vlaibie typewriter. Addict B. C. WU, Ree. TWO good aecondhand pool table to wp for I00 wori of new or econd hand lumber or cement block. Ad drea 8. C. !M, Ree. OK.NT'S new $200 wolid 141: gold watch, 4k diamond in back, for Ford road ster. S. C M8. Bee. WILL t ratio 118 gas range for. kitchen cabinet. S. V. W7, Ree. ALL furniture In 45-rnom hotel; leaaon ehla rent on building; South Side; will exchange for real eatate; value tLSw), Addreaa . C. 8H. Bee EiLLTARP table, home alxe; condition good; 3tx7. Will trade for anything I can nae. 8. C. MO. Bee. EM'oTICYClLE. twin Kxcelelor. fiial claaa ahape, to trade for Ylctrola, o.- What nave your . u, im, nee GooP baae burner, will trade for any thing I can- ue; prefer a Victrola. .'8. n r; Hee. aTJTOMOBILF.S For other automobw bargain ea tha 'Automobile" ctaisniri- cation lilUH grade piano, price, uew, $4A, to trade for roadater. Address S. C,t 47, NV'HaT have you to trade for n fVe-Hj. P.aUhrjre-phaae motor? s. C. Ml. Bee. TiiOL box and mecnanle'e tool to trad What have ouTAddreaa . H4?, Bee f HAVK -horse power OldamohHe to trade for good Ford. B. C. I4'l, Bee. ' WILL trodo 2-cyllnder motorcycle,-lit Ni 1 shape jor .plumblns. M. C im. ( BUSINESS CHANCES OFFICE FOa .ltKAL. ESTATE OR . INSURANCE , SAME FLOOR "AS BKE OFFICE : ' ' THK BEE BUILDING' : OFFICE ROOM 10S. JEWKLRY atock and fixture 'ir.aale. Main line of the l nlon Pnc f. Onn be bouht for 23 cent on tue dollar It taken at once. Moat be ' dd by-Tuaa-day. Addres 140 AVoodinen of the World Kulluing, Pouglna iu41 or Wal nut 140H. ' ' TOR SALE ' Complete outfit cigar ior , fixture. Including large caah reenter, best In the city. Must be sold Immediately. J. C. Travis. 428 Bm Rldg. Puugiaa 1.9. ''. ; stock For Sale Five (hare of th capital tock of tha PRAIRIE LIFE INSUR ANCE CO., JS7UT, Reo. OARAGE for rent: The Jonecek garag at Humphrey, Neb. New building, Huxnu. lust completed; on the - meridian; best locution in lowii, Addiea Rug '24j, Humphrey, ncp. ; fl'CTURB htw, location. ' teases, ma chlu aa, rapaira, uppliaa ant) aooataortaa. fc ua first. OMAHA THEATER 8UPPLT CO.. ' Balnl Bldg. - FOR dALK Imant. children' and la dle' furnishing tora at David City, Neb., at a barsain: beat locution in toan; doing an excellent bualneaa, want tOretlrJ Box No. a6, David city. Neb. WANTE1 Partner "with some "capital for enlarging preaent grocery buslnea and estahltsidng a first ciaa meat mar ket: r" " - Addres K, .Re Of fice, South Omaha. . UttOD, I ii bi u ...aiaui ant for Bale tn Co. eat tuwn. very reasonable. .For further particular write or call on V. F. Killenwarth, aaeni. i vw. ia. FOB SALE Onlv variety stock in east ern Nebraska town: owner ha other busrnes that take hi time.. Addrsa Y . Bee. FOR a ALE Clean stock of barneaa good; buMinee wen tstaoiisneo; gooo location, inquire F. J. Kovar, Schuy ler Neh. THEATER! Buy. leas orall your the ater, machine and auppl.e through Theater Ki. Co.. DO Faiiiam ' -7. CFFICE for real estate or Insurance sank floor a be office: 11x21 feu Ml The Pea Rldg.. Office iioom lu BUSINESS CHANCES TFLFPHONB exebango for sale; good Proposition. Addref B. M. Statler, T eweeee. Neh. RrtftTACRANT and eating houae for anle. Haa pond bualneaa." Addreas Box 417, Ster ling. Neb. ...... Ml'BT aell only pantoriutn In Oothen burg, Neh., population 2,0m. Address ' T 2.3, Bee, T" OFT In or ont of bna'neo call on OANOKiiTAP. 4BI Bee Rldg. Poug. 8477. BALf R'V, tranalent corner, profitable bu-lneaa: ?4ir N St., B. Omaha. S. fTB tmialia Thealer Buppiy Co. for bar gain In eetahllshed h.,. P. 3h Buarh A Rorghoff. rrenaer Blk. P. 23i. TO WCll'KLY aeil your bualneaa any where, write Jim W ray. B)oux City. la. SITUATIONS WANTED Male. lOl'.VU man. 2.1 year old, would like to learrt the real f-Mate bualneaa and work ttl a rental Hating department;' have a 5-paatnger car which I will be glad to J-y!'.tL"y .eervico, Telephone P. 4TQ. V AN'l Kt uy two men, plav on farm or near-by plaoo In low. Nebraska. Sollth PakOt: hv first of Marrh: state term in first letter. Henry Schindler, l!,JL9Jl?JKan, POSITION wanted hy young man V, years of age, with experience hi grocery or general store; would consider any thing. Addrea VV. u. Howes, H South "tth tr;t. ' . ' LAIMJH of any kind by young married man of good habits; refer to Otnaln Jouiidiy for reference. Allon Hodgta, Orend A v e ALL around pastry cook wiahea'work in city or put; reliable; no booer; flrat clas references., Poug. 844". Apt. 8, shelby oue. POSITION' nanted by married man, ex perience a city . salesman, collector !,. ""okkeeper; reference furnished. Weh, J-,1.1. JOM WiNfEP House 'carpenter" In store or of', lee building by competent me- chanIcrhontJjfirney?W:f. LXPhJIUKNCKP bookkeeper want posi tion with best referencea furnished. Y'oi'Nll mn wanlS "posit Ion "driving a Ford; experienced. Tel. Tyler 119". female. MIPPLL-AOKO lauyr rctined. vompelent and experienced, desires Position tt take charge a houseKeeper in fsmllv of two, or to take care of an elderly gentleman or invalid. Highest city reference furnlhed. Please call Web. 3214. Viz H MANE.NT DoalLion hv Tiori.ni reliable woman a baby nurse or for """im. i-none rtouin 1014 PPLK-AUliU womari wunta position Jiotiaekecper; flrat class and neat. VOi;Nll lady stenographer, i with some experience, deslrea poaitlon. Har. RX7. EXPERIENCED colored Woman would Jl!.f-n!g!!e-J"'.chambermald. Web. 12!. POSITION wanted aa housekeeper. Call In person. Ki'rj LeRVenmorth. . A NTiil) I'osltion aa chambermaid. !oug. 2211. Wlf0V wishes position as housekeeper? JLli!ir2i',,?:AYj ?,t,-1fP? f leL-?EiH' Lanndry and Pay Work. EXPERIENCED, laundry womi,n want bun die Wahlng: net work. Web. n7, Launciry hoik wauled. (.'all Ty. 2iii. UAYwork of any kind. Web. w26. Mary. V ANTEI Bundle washing. Florence 823. RUN OLE washing chean. Webster 4Hf7 Cleaning and laundry work. Web ster 474T VlANTEt-Pa.v work. Call Red 7526. ANY kind of day work. Pouglaa 4GS. . HELP WANTED-MALE Store and Office. SALESMAN, gaa engine. IhO to HM. Saleaman, a'ibn, drawing acct. Clerk, R.. R. exjierlence, S0 to $W. Bteno.. out 'of town. 170. Steno., It. Ii.. Iia. , c.r.. i "(o anion mgr., IJ. WATTS REr. CO., ' 840-42 Brand. The,. v . .. i r'.jj At once, good stenographer; rar-id-on lypewiiter; pay, !2 tn 1.1 per week, depending on ability. No nma , teurs need apply.. Call over Bell phone ; at our expense to A. A. Berry Seed Co., '"'a-inds.' Ia: ' SCfCARK PEGS IN Syi'ARK HOLES. , We find a position that fit you. CO-OPKHATIVE RKF. CO.. 1015-16 CITY NAT. BANK BLPO. Prefewloni and Tyadea. '$200PERMONTU The aalary of the specially coached and trained man la I20o per month and up. Are you receiving i0 per week? If not, apply to Suite I4U1. W. O. W. Bldg. Open' evening till It p. m., daily and hiinday. WANTED A first class shoemaker to do repair work.. Must bo steady and sober, and able to operate 'Champion stilche-; good , waxes to , the right man and steady employment the vear round. No . Oreeks need apply. Address A. Kyaer, Kearn oy. Neb. ' . . i AN T rll ifx porlenced men for wash ; room ; reference required. Globe Laun dry CorriOHny, Lincoln, Neb. Prua? eJtor bnapa. Job. Knaiat. Baa Bldg. Snleamen and Kolteltoga. Trad a eh . , , . . SAVE $25 . iEE. OUR SPECIAL HOLIDAY OFFER. IE ynu imii aiLLenii aay aoAool you :an hold your job and at lb nun lim gilt, your automobile sxiucattou If you uio! in the . NIGHT CLASS Or- NEBRASKA ' AUTOMOBILE hCHOOL. 0 l.EAVtNWOHXn. RED 3110 - ' .MOLER " . BARBER. : COLLEGE. Moh wanted, to learn 'the trade. We pave orltruiated a plan to teach it quickly and earn back tuition while learning. Tool Inuludod. Open to everyone. Write for catalogu. 110 So. Uth St.. Omaha. Neb. WANTED Names of ambltloua man.. It to 4f, wishing to become Omaha mail carrier. Commence T month. Address y w, we. GOOD MEN WANTED ' to learn auto work, for th big spring rush. Fin training work on autoa and electric starting eyaieuis. AMERICAN AUTO COIXEOE. ' Mf l F tjr n a m St. On i ah a. Keb CEARN barber tradeT more than make your tuition while learning. Set of toola included. Job guaranteed. Call or write for catalogue. l2 Podge TK1-C1TY BARBFR COLLETIE. Mtavellaavou. K. Government Want Clerk (UiiO month. Omaha eimintion Aurll 12. Sample questions free. Franklin inail- liite, oept. r.'l M.. Rochester. N. Y. VhCN for tlremeii, brukemen, $120 m.inth ly , exer1ein unnecessary. Railway. V Ti. Be. WHKN the renting problem ia under con sideration either from the standpoint of th tenant or landlord the Reul Es tate and Want Ad Guide to ull of . i.iralnr OnuilHt Tne Bee ia the beat medium for tur and satiafactory re auli. HELP WANTF-FEMALE a Store and Offices. Btx iKK'F.EPEK. F.xiaJ cteno, small orrlce, good houra it Steno, splendid place, good hour $M Bteno, cashier, expd lit Steno. bright beginner HO WESTERN RKF. BONO A.N, Inc., 7'if Omaha Nat l Bank llldg. ' COMPETENT woman without rhildren; full charge In sm.tll home; I In family; must bo good plain rook and do laun dry: -permanent nlaee;-good wages, 24o N. Jl VVeb. yfU. Qsll sfer' p. m. BTKNOi J R A P ii'K Fi io.nn BTFNOOHAPHKR . 43.09 TUB CAXn AOFN.'V. iX) BEE blio. BTENO.. out of town. I.'.i. Cashier, 0. WATTS RF.F. CO.. o-4J flrandel Thea. Prnfeaalon anil Trndea. WANTEP Experi enced fhst-claes hair dresser: on who un derstand all btanchea of the work. Applv Burgess-Nssh . - Halr drersing Parlor. LADIES wanted for de coraling pillow at home, spare time; experience nn Call forenoon, neresaary; good pay. 2V,7 H. 1.1th St. X porlenced Muat be w' lie . Anulv Hotel Fonteneiie. chanV ermaid. to housekeeper. LEARN halrdre.aing at The Oppenheim. aaleswnmen and Sollcltora. ANTK1 Ladv stt'cltnra, salary and commlfslon. 50(1 Bee Bldg. Hcnaeholrl and Unmestlp. FREE. Ada for servant girls wl!t be run 1 nays free of charge for resident of -Greater Omaha and Council Bltt'fs Bring, send or phone your ad to THE? RKK office. Phone Tvler yiii. WANT EP A reliable girl, about 25 or 30 year old to do general work In small restaurant. Good pay, board and r.iom, transportation paid, out-of-town. Phon or call Mr. George Smith at the Mer Grand Motel. COMPETENT white girl or woman for general housework. No washing. Refer ences required. Mrs. W. K. Reed, 22(Jti r. hi. r-none s. i;i72. WANTED Ulrl tor general housework. xmo washing, three In family. Mr. A. W. Gordon. 3611 Jackson. - W A NTE1) Experienced white nursemaid with references. Young girl need not apnlv. 4M N. ath Sti Use. SO. W A N T E D U i i f for genorai houaework: no assning; small ramllv; white pre ferred. Call at fill N. 2oth Bt. WANTED--Girl to musist with house work and care of small child. . Phon Vternev 7". WANTLI White girl for enerl house work: no washing: good wages. 4'.v8 Podge. PhoneWalntit 2tj. WHITE girl for ge'neral hous"ework In einnir ramiiy. Mini oe good plain cook. Call Harney F,9. WANTl:t Young white girl for general hnueework; no cooking. 1704 Lake. Web. J1 . - A nTe'I'i Girl for aeneral housework; cooimit nor wasmng. lied ions. WANTED A colore! mnfd; .good' wage Mr. Martin, 17.VI Leavenworth. EDUCATIONAL BUSINESS COLLECSH - . ' . STUDENTS . 8AVB -MONEY ON COURSE For al. with gdod reajnna for a'. ing. a vor ty of course in a reliable Bcalneaa Khool. en of the lead'ng busi. neaa college of Omaha. Will b sold very reasons ole-aw ay below regular course lnestlate thla at one sine. Boring Term begins oon. ga office Omaha Be. PAY SCIlOOlT"-: - BOV leS i.UubrJOE. . 4 , . . N1UK S SCHOOL. Every day is cntoilment day. ' Book keeping. - Shorthand, stcrrotypy," Typa ariting, Telimrap. -.- ' Ivll servloe all Commercial and linglhsh branches. Cat atuguu lrer BOYLES COLLEGE. -... ltith and Harney Big. ." . " . Tel. Pouglaa 1585. - THE VAN SANT SCHOOL STENOGRAPHY BOOKKEEPING. Pay School for Young Women Evening School, tor Young Men-and Women. , t-atuiuny mornlnc clai In typeWrttlng. Ion C. Puffy, 0;ir atld Manager. 8. l;h Sy ; , Omaha. FOR sale, TKu following acholaraalpn In a flist-cla-s Omaha Buslnes Collage: One unllintteiil ' combination business and shorthand course.. One unlimited stenographic cours. One three-mpr.lUa' busineag or ino graphlu course. 1 ' . III be sold at discount at tha off .ee of The Omana Ree. - . NEW face wanted on th movies; complete courso lnovi acting, Ji. We secure permanent engagements. 1 The prainattc Correspondent, .Has tings, Neb. "SCHOOL OF MODERN, LANG C AGES . Class or private lessons. Downtown tiulln. Phone Web. 5554. ' tsxton RlhT School of Letitiing and Art. Tuition liu per month. toug. 71.S7. PRlV'TE intructlo In Glegg snorthand and pouch typewriting. Walnut 2327. PERSONAL PILCS, FISTULA CORED. Dr. T.. R. Tarry cure pile, fistula and other rectal disease without surgi cal operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book tm rectal disease with testimonial. DR. E. R. TARRY. !0 Be Rldi. 13,009 TO PENSION INVALIDS. Tli Ladle' Horn Journal 11. M Th Saturday Evening Post $1.60 The Country Uentleman..., fl 00 t o subscription each month till April earn that 3,(i for Th Inva lids' Pension Aen. Your order or re newal contribute die. Urgent. 3ti needed In February, 1'houe Duugia TltkS or ad dress OORDON. THK MAGAZINE MAN. Owaha. Neb. IlllRl'MATISM. stomach, liver and kid ney troulile goitre, nervousness and asthma sufferers are successfully re stored to health by me. Examination free. ' Call Suite il2, Bee Bldg. . DR. W. II. KNOLLENBERG, Chiropractor. '- Tyler 133. oERSOL THE Salvation Armv indosinal home so licits your old clcuhlng, furniture, mag- if I IKS. We collect We distribute. " Phone Pouglaa 4115 and our wagon win rail. Call and Inspect our new horn. !U-l1lVltl4 rndge St TOl'NO women -omttig to Omaha at Stranger re Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building t 17th St. and St Mary's Ave, wher they will be directed to suitable board ing plaoc or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at tha Union Station. SAN FRANCISCO INSTITUTE. 709 South lth St., eecotid floor. Hot tuo bath, showkr. genuine Swedish maa age. chiropody, manicuring; graduate. Houra to a. m to 10 p. m. PERSONAI-AIICS, If you want to your mother llve. come home Immedi ately. Her life deapaired or unless aha tan sea you; wire yottr answer O. f Coonrad, 1010 Asbury. avenue, .tabury Park, N. J. 1UJ T U H K'tay treated - without a aurglual operation. Call or w rit Dri. W ray A Matheny, Sot Fee Bldg.. Omaha. MiSS lift GRAY AND HEAD. Electric ba tha, . chiropody treatment, aelent'flc massnge. 210-212-714 Balrd B1k.L17tH ghd Pongia. P. I4.V4. MEDICATED vapor "and modern Turklsri bath for 1adls and gentlemen: lady attendant for ladles; Swedish massage, in fr.vn-w pf in.ir-s ?417 Personal TtllsMea Staples & Mason, bath. electrlri treatment. Open t a. m. t -LJ!.-. P?u- 'R- o Brandel Th. I, cl.ARENt E "wiENi;, refuse to pay any bills contracted hv rrv wife, Mrs. A. M. wies. t'J'l fnrfhr Potc. vapor, tuh'XnTJsVrat baths. " Edna La Bell. 709 B. 16th St.. Id floor Pt. P. 704. . MIBS WILSON', Baths, 1802 Farnam St. Room ?. l'hnn o tiylns STSt. - M. V.RT'O.M AN. Steam and shower baths. Red J727. Jloora Krijrhseh Rlk. -RH R CM A TISM trea tedanccessf ufiyTr" f'rant'd. T)r. T'owser. I t Bee Bid-. COr.i-'ni tnlonrins parlor. baJhi! isn) 'a rrla m, Anf 7. poinr. 7r;74. ArS!- STOKES haa moved hirSfflc. to 47f Rrandel Theater Bldg. MISS VFVETA. massnge and alcohol. rob. Office 10 So. 17th St. DRESfiMAKING by" "tdiy7 guaranteed. Webster 6'8 Worlt SCIENTIFIC msssage. Phone Onoelss '!72. h2l Bee Bldg. KAhhaipi, baths, expert masseuse. 1721 Podge St. MASSAGE Miss w'ebstar, til Paxton Blk, Poi: la S227, SEWING t horn or out. Red tK" 1 FOR RENT-ROOMS Furnished noona. i'S2Pu FOitu. Hotel HAP.tF.t ""h " Farnam. JOth and Farnam. ,. r-errn;ineiu liuests Webster St. l(TjrVell heated epTn -'ne 1'iririreu. ited . NiCo.'i!tI ra'f'li" .r?on'. Cose liTTaTl ."i rr. NICELY furnished sleeping. J)oua.7o Honaekeeptnit Kooma. A MCWt.V h.TTTi .rT. iL. ' rr .i.. nave suite ot Bl'lTM of li , -: n . . , ' ' luriuanen enu we I nurti'?isroo,n"' 3:X' ain' Tei vvil- Ronrd and nooma 1 'V. ?r. "iree-rooni a'uiiea, WeiTTarnam district: nothing to equal In city nleSE ant eurroundings; east, north" 'uth , po.ire: splendid board; comforlable cheery- place - for wlntar. Id I in ,, n.ter; arge yard and MrrhTwp.;"." WARM, COM FORTA BLE ROOMS f ha rtikt f"r'Vrnedhome PrlvllcpeV to jMVa3VrU7hWeV, Sd "" 3 ON EH, i424-Front room and boaTdm PHvjfsjrjjyjs F"dR RENT-FURNISHED .ipartnientg and House. llouai-a. " tiiiM -Tui-nishad completely, locutior. tjc-.lrahlc, reasonaJilo. Phone ilar. :USl FOR RENT-HOUSES . $35-3003 DODGE An S-room all modern home; well located and rent cheap. Corner - lot and but two blocka to Fainain car, half block, to Turner park. , !. Glover; & Spain, ' ' Pougla gjwa. ?E6 Pouglaa, inodem, 8 rooms, $.V2.!bn. 1125 South aiat, modern, 8 room. IJtK 9.v yotith 41sr modern. 7 mom !-.,' WHAT'S between outside paint andiiw side nlastr.?. Watqh. one of mv well I'-J1,'" 2jomcV,n.df r ri'one Benson 322. F. S.. Trulllncor. ' KS2 Hsrhey St., mod. 10-room brick houae. Hot water heat. Inquire T. J. O'Brien. Tel. H. 1004: P lTPi 'i - - - .v N'OI-th. A-BUSY, busy door bell and a steady ; vi Trin--a auer your :eu mu-jiu naa lorn lis aiory 2LM Lincoln RLVI j-jl-room houae, Strictly modern, with .iot water hoat. Price t.V) hnn-l.i isia lilJ GRANT 6"T.. 1-r. com., modem "EC T. Vj Hall. 4.U Rarr-ee Rl.ls r. uu NW. 7-rooin modern houae. 3S17 Seward. Harney 4i42. New tnod.' hung. TT Manderaon. Col. 121. - ' ' on(h. . tC)0hl non' Uanscorn Park Pb-trlcti 1L Georgia' Av.. with gnrag; nlcal i.1,'ci',?!f,'i' excellent condition; J3i li-gliNGS HEYPBN. HI4 Harney Bt. I'KBiiUbLl? 5-room cottage, modern ex cept furnace. S 8. lilth Ave. Hixen- "".no. ip. an. 5 RtJOMB all modern, il(-4 H 2Sth St. Ben Son & Mrerg Co.. 424 Om. Nat l Bk. Bldg Mlscellaneoaaw $i7 5-r., mod. ex. heat. 2210 A me Ave. :-5 7-r., all mod., Mi4 S. 32d St. I2S 5-r. bungalow, oak finlali, strictly mod.. SR-'t V anih ' 135 7-r.. strictly mod., with garage. Pinkney t. Very nice. TKBHK.N S, 015 Omaha Nat. Bk. P. 4181 t-R.. downtown, colored, tlj; I and -r., lot garden ground, 14-li. Tel. Poug. .Ull. Evenln-sWalnut 2:,g7. , HOCSES FOR RENT. c5KK;Ilt. soNs co.. mt Ree r.Lpo. nouo. kkj. FOR RENT AP'TS AND FLATS . West. " FARNAM AND TENTH, .VFI.OORS. S storie. good brick building, ele vator, luis Farnam St., will inak pric light for terms. W. T. (iR-lHAf, BEE BLPG. DANDY . four room, aouth front bay; walking distance. Doug. 254C. "Ao Need to Walk Them in When You CanTalkThemin" PHONE TYLER 1000 -s-1 V 1 A TV L YOU HAVE. TO DOlS CALL UP TYLER 1000 AMD GIVE YOUR AD THE REST IS DOME FOR YOU