Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 07, 1916, Page 5, Image 5

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onrT iiiTrnrpT
unrni mirnr.M
All l CYowd Throng Sherman &
MfOonnell Irtna; Store Where
Special Inrrvctlons
All day Saturday a continuous stream
't people visited the Sherman McCon
nell drug More, IRth and Dodge streets,
where the Introduction of Tanlac, the
"at reconstructive medicine that Is
hulldlnjr up counlicss rundown men and
women and accomplishing such remark
aMe results In cases cf stomach and nerve
exhaustion began.
The Introduction was In charge of TV.
". Carter, who comes direct from the
Tanlac Laboratories to explain the tonic,
how It should be taken and the results
that may be expected from It. use. Many
I eople come to inquire about Tanlac, to
see how It waa Introduced and to learn.
nt first hand, of Ita merits. Many who
had knowledge of Tanlac or had made up
their minds simply said "Give me Tan
lac." The Introduction was the largest, by
far, ever seen here. The manager of the
Bherman & McConnell store said: "We
were greatly surprised at the instant de
mand for Tanlac. We had no Idea the
reconstructive tonic waa so well known
to the peop' of Omaha.. While we knew
of the astonishing success of Tanlac gen
erally, we did not believe the general
public had such knowledge of It or that
Its popularity would be so great here at
once. There was a surprisingly large
number of people, who, having heard of
Tanlac in other cities, welcomed Its ar
rival here."
Among the out-of-town people who
came to the Sherman and McConnell store
for Tanlac was W, Q. Rohrman, sales
mnn. of Springfield, O. "C was glad to
see Tanlac here." said Mr. Hohrman.
"Ita my personal 'safety first.'- I
larry Tanlac In my grip always and
I had only about half a bottle left.. I
first bought Tanlao In Louisville. Tears
on the road, with hastily eaten meals and
Irregular sleep, had made me a dyspeptic.
1 went to Asheville, hoping to gain relief,
for I suffered Intensely after each meal,
slept only fitfully and had grown so ner
vous and run down my work actually
waa falling off. I was returning on the
trs.j. not at all Improved, when I told
my experience to a fellow drummer. 'I'll
fix you when we reach lulsville,' ho
aid. 'Get some Tanlac.' I had no idea
of following his advice, but he fairly
dragged ma to the Tanlac store thcro
and watched me take my first dose. In
three weeks I had taken three bottles.
The stomach trouble had disappeared.
1 wss sleeping like h log and making
more money, because I waa selling more
goods. I suppose I have started fifty
salesmen to taking Tanlac and I have
nevar aeen it fall. I have marveled at
Ita effects dosena of times. I have
gained sixteen pounds since I began to
take Tanlao four months ago."
While directing the introduction of
Teniae" Mr. Carfr said: "No one should
be surprised at the great demand for
Tanlac heic, because hundreds of people
had heard of Tanlac through friends
or relatives in other cities." Astonish
ing as it may seem, just nine ..months
to the day after Tanlao first was.Jntro
rt'icVd 1,000,000 bottles had - been dis
tributed. . . " ' ...
Tanlac is composed wholly of herbs,
roots, barks and flowers, many of which
come from remote parts of the world.
Tanlac Is from the formula, of Joseph
Von Trlmbach and It I compounded to
day tinder his personal direction.
Tanjac la being specially Introduced
and explained at the Sherman McCon
nell drug stores, 16th and Dodge streets.
There Mr. Carter or his assistants wilt
dally explain Tanlac to the public, tell
how It should be taken and the results
that may be expected from Ita um by
men and women who need better diges
tions, more strength, regulated blood cir
culation and a general toning up of the
n'rvous system. Advertisement.
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. One package
proves it 25c at all druggists.
Nervous Period
ical Headaches
This trouble commonly called "sick head
ache, is said to be doe to the retention of
urea ii! Um system. Often It Is stated that
a poor eonditlon of the blood Is a cause of
tbeee headaches, or that It Is a nervous
condition; and in certain cases, no doubt
this Is true.
Where treatment Is demanded. It Is more
for the pi-In than anything else, and Dr.
A. F. Bobellscbmldt ol Louis vUle, has
found anU-kamnla tablets to give prompt
and satisfactory relief. "Kest should be
Indited upon," he says, "and the patient
should go to bed, darken tbe room, and all
the attendants and family should be as
aulet as possible. An emetlo will some
times shorten the attack. The bowels should
be kept open with " Aotolds" a hot bath and
a thorough rub-down with a coarse towel,
often give grateful relief. Two anU-kauinle
tablets when the first signs appear, will
usually prevent the attack. During an at
tack, one tablet every hour or two will
shorten tbe attack and relieve the usual
nausea and vomiting." These tablets may
be obtained at all druggists. Ask for A-g.
Tablets. They are alto unexeelled for ner
vous headaches, neuralgia and all pains.
Tew seed's for porttm 0os."
Zdfhtlag? riituss Burgess-Oranden.
eve aVeot IMa n Now Beacon Pre
r. Bteke. removed to T4 Brand. The.
Property Oared Tor To rent property
eee J. h. Dutnont Co.. Keelln building
Keen Tour Money and valuables in the
American Safe Deposit vaults. Ill Fouth
17th St., Bee Bldg. Boxes rent $100 for
I months. Open from a. m. t . P- m.
"Today Movie wrograsa claaalttel
section today. It appears In Tbe Bee
EXCL.U81VELT. Find out what the va
rious moving picture theaters offer.
Two Divorce Inlta James If. Warren
Is suing Gertrude 11. for a divorce on
grunds of cruelty. Charles O. Wolfe
charges Msry L. with desertion.
To Tell of Ulstrota The story of
Joseph lllllntrom, I. W. W. poet, will be
told at the hall of the Industrial Worker
of the World. 1301 Douglas street, Sun
day, at 8 p. m.
Polio. Make Oaf Bald Louie Ahko'a
cafe at Fourteenth and Douglas streets,
waa raided Saturday night by the po
lice, and Ed Scholia taken as keeper,
with four women Inmatea,
Bluffs Man Ioses Cash Ludwlg
'Snyder of the Grand hotel of Council
Bluffs was robbed of M by two men
who attacked and overpowered him at
Twelfth and Douglas streets, last night.
Injured After Leaving Oar John O.
Palmer. 1012 North Forty-fifth street,
was struck by a horse and wagon after
he had alighted from a street car at
Forty-fifth and Cuming street. He sus
tained painful bruises and a dislocated
Cash Hot Stolen In the burglary of
Basket stores. North Twenty-fourth and
at 2061 Famam streets, which occurred
early Saturday morning, a small amount
of groceries waa stolen Instead of $W0 as
previously reported.
Xiaurle Qnlnby to Speak Laurie J.
Qulnby will address the Omaha Philoso
phical society at its rooms In the Lyric
building, Nineteenth and Famam streets,
this afternoon at 3 o'clock, using as his
subject "Ha Saved Others."
Mrs. root Class Meets Monday Mrs.
D. A. Foote, leader of the ISO neighbor
hood Bible classes .of the city of Omaha,
will conduct her' class for leaders on
Monday afternoon, February 7, at 2
o'clock In the- auditorium of the Young
Men's Christian association.
Bevolver's Slcharge Cauaes Turora
Alice Williams, 1514 Chicago stret. while
calling on a friend, Mra. A. Jones, 697
North Eighteenth street, discharged a
pistol accidentally, which she said she
was carrying because her husband threat
ened her. She and several people In the
houso were arrested.
Snow Blockade Balsad Word reaches
t'nlon Pacific headquarters that the snow
blockade on the Oregon and Washington
Railway & Navigation lines haa been
'raised In the Paclfto coast country and
that trains are again moving. In that
cuts along the Columbia river, east of
Portland, the blockade haa held for
nearly a week.
Bard T. Miller Z.eotare Tonight Burd
F. Miller will give a lecture on astrology
at Theoaophlcal hall. Suite 701, Bee
building, Sunday evening at ( o'clock, the
subject being "The Personality and the
Individuality," The lectures are given
free to the public. Btereoptloon illus
trations Vlll be given showing the read
ing of the horoscope.
Bayers a Xaat L Meyer, clothing
manager of the Union Outfitting com
pany, left the first of last week for New
Tork City and the eastern clothing mar
kets, lie will be assisted in his pur
chases by Walter Mendelberg, the New
Tork resident buyer and lie will select
only the latest Ideas, and the most stylish
modes in women's and men's wearing
Bar. W. A, Tetsolst to lectors Rev.
W. ... Petxoldt. the apostle to the Crow
Indians, will be In Omaha Tuesday as
the guest of Dr. D. D. Proper. For ten
years Rev. Mr. Petaoldt haa been a Bap
tist missionary to the Crow Indians. On
Tuesday evening he will give a stereo?
Uoon lecture upon his work among these
Interesting people. The lecture will be in
the Calvary Baptist church, beginning
at 8 O'clock. ,
Tonne Democrat Organise Young
democrats of Omaha have organised the
Antelope Democratic club. Three
features were added to the purposes of
the club. Free medical and legal aid de
partments and a free employment bureau
to be maintained at the club rooms In the
Paxton block for the benefit of the mem
bers. The. membership, it is said, haa
doubled since the last meeting.
, n
That's th. Sir
of Our Staff
attgwatsurea aad drawing"
of all aeeorlptioas. e
toaeMaar pktl ograpaa,
wbaUAtag pictures, aan
all kinds of art work.
A Tows' Sea ties. .
Be Engraving Dept.
Vhoae TTlse- 1000
so Blag-
Big; Guru of the Railway Special
Service Hold Banquet at
Road agents swarmed in the Rath
akellar of the Ilenshaw hotel Satur
day evening; to plot and connive over
a table plentifully laden with viands.
Road agents, generally speaking, are
gentlemen who stop you In the dark
and take your dollar watch and
street ear tickets, while they em
phasise short terse utterances with
feeling Jabs from the commerce ex
tremity of small firearms.
The road agents of the Henshsw, how.
ever, are entirely the opposite, being
correctly termed special agents, or rail
road officers, whose business it Is to
thwart the wyward from carrying off
any of the railroad's rolling stock.
The occasion of their eating laat night,
was the third semi-annual banquet of the
Association of Special Agenta and Po
lice of the Central West.
Fifty strong, with their president, O. It
German of the Burlington, as toast
master, the assembly agreed to unite
In an effort to secure the International
convention of their clan for Omaha In
May, 1917. This year's meeting ' is
scheduled for New Orleans. If Omaha
Is fortunate, the convention will be held
here on May 23, 24 and 26 of neat year.
W. T. Dlneen of the Chicago North
western, vice president of the associa
tion, and PTealdent Gorman, have been
working toward thla end for sometime.
Both are confident that they will suc
ceed. It was through the efforts of
these two men that the association of
the Central West was established.
Sheriff Groneweg and Chief of Police
Vlen of Council Bluffs, were present,
aa well aa Sheriff Gus Ilyers and Chief
Antles of Lincoln, Sheriff Condlt of Fre
mont, Chief 8peclal Agent T. E. Pratt of
the Burlington, F. E. McGrath of Dea
Moines, secretary of the association, and
F. A. Burke of Alliance, treasurer.
Weeks' Creak Up-A-Cold Tablets
For Col da u4 La Gr1pp ( m
v So good tfaas yott can afford .Z
to nan and sea that yon sJU
rVj I gee ine genuine w
.C 7- Bold by iMst druggists
Mother Asks if Son
Could Enlist in tHe
Army as Chaplain
A proud mother in Benson hss written
to Sergeant Fred Hansen of the army re
cruiting station to aee if fier son can
"enlist in the army as a chaplain."
Thla equala the record of the navy re
cruiting atatlon where, some time ago, a
cock-sure youth appeared and announced
that he wanted to enlist aa a lieutenant
or captain If there were any vacancies.
The communication is In pencil, written
n a pnHtal card, and b as follows:
"Dear Officer: My son wsnts to go In
the srmy. Can he get in as chaplain?
He Is very religious since 'Billy' hands y
a as here."
1nfortunateIy for the "very religious"
youth." he csn't enlist In the army as
chsplaln. .
Being "very religious" isn't a very
"sine qua non" of being a chaplain. One
requisite Is to be an ordained minister,
and this would require some yars of
study on thd part of the aspiring scion
of Henson. A certain amount of "pull'
at Washington Is generally not a bad
thing for one aeeklng a chaplaincy, ac- i
cording to popular opinion.
About the only hope that can Qe held
out to the youth In the attainment of
his ambition is that he might be a Charlie
huplaln in the army.
Chamberlain's Tablets Doing Good.
Mrs. F. F. Smith. Oloversvllle. N. T.,
writes to the manufacturers of Cham
berlain's Tablets as followa: "1 feel It
my duty to write you and tell you of the
good your tableta are doing for me and
many others that I have told about them.
For over three years I have been trou
bled with, liver trouble. I have been
under the doctor"a care moat of the time,
but have not found anything that helped
m as much as Chamberlain's Tableta.
Obtainable everywhere. Advertisement.
Schools and Colleges
Grand Island College.
Vaccination is now the order of the day
at Urand Island college.
rr. Oenrae Putherlnnd addressed the
Young Men's Christian association Sun
flay afternoon. He spoke on "Daniel."
Wlille the boys' dormitory is undergoing
repairs Its former occupants may be
found in U C. Gilbert's large house and
In other houses in the vicinity of West
Lawn. ,
The executive committee had a meeting
Monday evening. Among the out-of-town
members present were Meesra.
Hheoff and Haker of Hastings and Louis
Brandt or Qlenvll.
President Tsft hss undertaken to raise
the greater part of $.O0O needed for the
current expenses of the Institution. This
effort will probably keep him out in the
field the greater part of the school year.
J: B. Lesher hss undertaken to provide
five new students fur next year's fresh
man class and has been appointed chair
man of a committee to lnduoe the other
members of the board of trustees to fur
nlHh for the college a like number of
now students. ,
The basket ball team, accompanied by
Coach Morrow, played at Wesleyan Mon
day evening and was beaten; beat Cotner
Tuosday evening; was beaten by Peru
Wednesday evening, and waa beaten again
by Wenleyan at uraiid Island Thursday
President Taft made a trip to Hastings
Tuesday to confer with the other mem
bers of the committee on program for
the Baptist assembly, to be held in Grand
Island the latter part of March. Thla as
smhly is under the Jurisdiction of the
college, the state convention and tbe
American Baptist Publication society.
Dosss Cotlesre.
Roland Dnane, sons of the late Prof.
H. F. Doane of New Tork City, has re
turned to school after a semester's ab
sence, ,
Miss Fern Sykes of last year's freshman
duos visited with friends In Crete the
latter part of the week while en route
to her home in Geyser, Mont.
A course In photography la the latest
Introduction to the college curriculum.
Prof. Carlson will be In charge of the
work which consists of one lecture hour
and three hours of laboratory work per
The senior rlaae gave the program of
the oolles; elub In the chapel nm KrMav
evenlnu. The program was entitled. "The
Crasy War, son fnm grand rpti
and famous ptaya being acted out withe)!
a word epoken by the artora. Mimic and
whistling solos were also on the pro
gram. The ronnliielon of the first semester
proved to b a serious blow to the lone
eolleae basket ball squad. Captain Whln
houee and Left Forward Kilmunda leav
ing svhnol at the close of examination
week. Hoth men are forced to quit school
on account of their parents' moving out
of the state.
Frentoat Colleae.
Merman Echlenkamp. whose son was
the most seriously Injured of the iu
dents, came Immediately to look after
his son who Is being beautifully cared
A very liberal donation of money waa
given by the atudenta, which wu ex
pended In the purchase of underwear fof
those having List almost all their cloth.
Ing In the dormitory fire.
The entertainment at the college audi
torium given by the dramatlo readr,
I'-ees Uenrhart Morrison, was a treat to
the audience. Mrs. Morrison haa prom
ised a return data next June.
A large party of dormitory alrla had
planned a reception In honor of Mrs.
Morrison which was given in the oollese
parlors following the entertainment. Miss
Edna Klckleborg served from the table
and Mlsnee Ada Jones Hvelyn Jnhanon
and irrna Pellara served the guests. Ths
company waa Just preparing to take Ita
departure when the fire alarm aounded.
The parlors were thrown open to the
dormitory orowd and beds provided for
the convalescents and warm quarter for
those losing their apparel.
Mr. Itlcble. representing the Olumet
Tea and Coffee company of C.hlcaro, was
a guest of I'reSldent and Mm. t'lemmone
last Monday evening at the entertain
ment, and also nt the social function
following, lie did most valiant service
in helping to rare for the students In
AIMresa aa did als- Beaa Oearhart Mor
rison, who cancelled a date to remain
the next day to give assistance to those
In need.
The annual banquet of the "Vone
eapouss" wss given In the college dining
hell Salurdav evening, January T
to forty guests. Carl Kretslngrr
of Koas and Krelrlnser, a graduate of
the pharmacy department and former
dnen of the department, presided aa
toastmaster. The program and speak
er were as follows: "'Valences," Harry
Johnson; "The I.lfe of Our Orcanlaa
tlon," P. I Keller; "The Voucapauae."
Mr. WeHs; "Therapeutics Of Sandstone,"
It. B. Thnmaa; "Women as lniglstB.''
Miss Stohlman; "Remarita." Mr. Clom
mons. Prof. 8. L,. Keller, who Is dean,
of the deiiartment ssng "Sun of the
Ieerf by Phillips.
York twllege.
I"rof. Ouy T. Buswell spoke at Swanton
las Sunday In the absence of tho pastor,
Paul B. Porter.
The state convention ef the Young
Men's Chrlstisn association will be held
In Tork, February 18-20.
The tuMlee month beaan for the Young
Women's Chrlstisn association with an
enthuslastlo memheiship meeting, led by
MIks Ruth Warner.
The basket ball team left Thursday
morning on a trip to pent and Cotner,
playing the former on Thursday evening
and the latter tho next evening.
Mr Maclntyre of tho Intercollegiate
Prohibition association addressed the
students en Monday morning In the in
terest of the state oratorical contest of
the association.
On of the merriest occasions of the
new semester wss th retention given
the new girls by th Young Women's
Christian assoclstlon. Th affair was
quite Informal and the new and old girls
were soon mingled In the gamea The
social committee served a dainty lunch.
Nebraska Wealeyaa.
Prof. Shirk Is wearing a Ma ami! atpe
th arrival of a nine-pound son Friday
Th Prmatle elub will frt th
plav "Pygmalion and Galatea" In the
auditorium Monday evening.
The wireless station haa mad a few
change in th sending apparatus which
I v- . Inn n i4 n. nr- rfliMr,
In transmission. Th dally weather fore-N
east la being sent out at I u aa heretofore.
Ir. Schreckengast spent several dava
In Chicago during the week In attendance
at a meeting of 8'inday school offtcialn
Hen II. Beck. Wesleyan gymnasium in
structor and assistant roach, has been
Tho Ccming Baby!
Hooray! ttceray!
Nothtnf eta can to completely endear
na to the present and the future as the
msde acting secretary of the Vntvemlty
Place city Young Msn'a Christian aaso-
Mr. Ilelnseman of the national Young
Men's Christian aasoclatlon gave an ad
dress at special convocation Thursday
In which he epos of Ms xprlenoe aa
an assoolstion worker In th tranches In
Kttrop. The address was extremely In
teresting and closed with an appeal to
American atudenta for a wider view and
a willingness to mak sacrifices Ilk the
students with whom h mingled on the
expertM arrival of a
baby. But la th ntsaa
time tbe comfort ef
the mother is of east
Importance. Tbera Is a
splendid external rem
rly known as "Moth
r's Friend" which ex
erts a wonderful tafia
nr upos th expand.
Ing muscles. Thry pa
rents ntor pliant,
stretch without uado
paln, mak th period
on ef pleasant snttc
Inatinn Instead nf an.
prehension. In a series of splendid letters
from all over the country mothers tell of tb
great help "Mother's Friend" waa to them.
Rven grandmothers tell th wonderful story
to their own dsnchter about to enter th
Stat of motherhood. Get a bottle of "Moth.
er1 Friend" today of your nearest dnurfist.
I's this splendid help with your own band
guided by yonr own mind. For a free honk
of Interest and Impnrtanr to all mothers
writ to Brad field Regulator Co- tot Lamar
nidg.. Atlanta. Ga. It relate the person. I
experience of many happy mothers. It tall
many thins that all wntnsn should be fa,
miliar witht It Is at one a guld and aa
Inspiration. Writ for this book.
John F- I'tt, general agent for the Rock
Island, leavea Sunday for a stay of a
month at Hot springs, going there to re
cuperate. Dr. J. W. Duncan, who was injured by
an automobile accldanttn lecember, haa
iust returned from a course of study at
ohns Hopkins university In post gradu
al work.
Walter Hanson, who for several yesrs
waa ticket agent In th Northwestern city
offloes. liUt who last aumnirr went out
as saleaman for a Jewelry company that
aubsrquenlly failed and left lilin without
a Job. Is back in the railroad ttame. He
haa gone into th I'nion pacific city ti kst
office as a ticket clerk.
Sidney Rangtr. formerly of Omaha, now
traveling for the Cudaby Packing com
pany, droppd Into Omaha to spend a
psrt of tbe day on his way from th east
to Denver, lie bussed around ii-tni as
many IJ fiiends a l-ossll.le durlnii his
short stop snd wss thr guest .,t iVan
Builla for limca at the I'mverslty elub.
Woman Made Well by Lydia
E. Pinkham't Vegetable
Columbus, Ohio. "1 had almost given
up. I bad been sick for six years with
female trouble snd
nervousness. I bad
a pain in my right
side and could not
eat anything; with
out hurting my
stomach. I could
not drink cold water
at all nor eat any
kind of raw fruit,
nor fresh meat nor
9 chicken. From 178
J pounds I went to
118 and would get so weak st times that
1 fell over. I began to take Lydia E.
Ptnkham'g Vegetable Compound, and
ten days later I could eat and It did not
hurt my stomach. I have taken the
medicine ever since) and I feel like a
new woman. I now weigh 127 pounds
so you can see what it has done for me
already. My husband says be knows
your medicine bas saved my life."
Mrs. J. ti. Barlow, 1624 South 4th st,
Columbus, Ohio.
Lydia E- Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound contains Just the virtues of root
and herbs needed to restore health and
strength to the weakened organs of tbe
body. That is wby Mrs. Barlow,
chronic invalid, recovered so completely.
It psys for women suffering from any
female ailments to insist upon having
Lydia h Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
p f II
III ' 'V
A one-crop farmer was sliding down-grade. And when
he spent $25 for the cow, he felt guilty.
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And today his stock and his income are answers to every
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Way in the February 12th issue of
There is a page every, week on dairying. It is notyritten
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Look for their experiences and suggestions week after
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This is one of the twelve regular departments that give
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