Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 06, 1916, SOCIETY, Page 2-B, Image 12

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is Going On
in Society Circles
Proniu lit Rnelal Calendar. I
Tha North 8l1e Progressive club will
rive a card party at Druid hall Friday j
The Pagaleo flub will five a Valentine
Hanctng party Thursday Tmlnf at Mat
ropolltan ball.
The regular danca of tha Elks Dancing l
rinb will be held In tha Elks' ball room
Thursday evening.
The kenalngton of Vesta ehaper. Order
it the Eastern Star, will be held Thurs
lay afternoon at the home of Mrs. 8.
1. Robertson.
t Veata chapter. Order of the Eastern
Star, (Ives a dancing party at Chambers
academy Thuraday evening. Mlas Alberta
IVegnler, worthy matron of the chapter,
heads the committee on arrangements
and wilt be assisted by the officers.
In honor of Mrs. Frederick T. House,
wife of Dr. Rouse of the First Conireia
tlonat church, who leaves soon to make
their home elsewhere, Mu Sigma club will
prlve a luncheon at (he Commercial club
Wednesday. The Bmlth College club will
join Ma Sigma In honoring Mrs, Rouse,
who has been a member of both organise
tiona for many years and gave valuable
service on the program committee. At
the last meeting of Mu Burma Dr. Rouse
lectured on "Saul," by Browning.
Bulletin! from Sick Koomi.
Mlaa Harriet Mots, who Is lit with
scarlet fever. Is progressing very nloely
and no danger Is feared for her recovery.
Mrs. A. J. Love, who was at the Pres
byterian Medical hospital last week with
an attack of grippe, has quite recovered
and is now at horns.
Mlas Oretchen Langdon le convalescing
nt Nicholas Benn hospital from a severe
attack of bronchial grippe.
' Mr. II. P. Whltmore returned Tueedsy
from Battle Creek, Mich., where Mrs.
Whltmore will remain some tlm longer
until she recovers fron an attack of the
Mrs. W. A. Plxloy, who was operated
on eucceisfully about a month ago at
the Presbyterian hospital In Chlcsgo, has
been with friend there since, convalesc
ing, but returns for another operation of
a different and more severe character
at the same hospital next Saturday. Mlas
Virginia Plxley, who Is at school at Brow
nell Hall, and her younger slater are In
the meantime at their residence, too Cass
street, with an aunt
Exodui for Wanner Climei.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Peters left Tues
day evening for the south.
Mrs. F. J. Wesrne left Tuesday for
California, where she will spend six
Mr. W. Far nam Bmlth and Mr. Benja
min F. Bmlth leave Saturday for Palm
lieach. Fla., to be gone for several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Wattles and
daughters. Miss Mary and Miss Margaret
(Wattles, left Saturday for Hollywood,
Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge F. Ollmore have
gone to Ban Antonio, Tex., for a month,
where Mr. Ollmore hupea to recuperate
from an attack of the grip.
Mr. and Mrs. F. 8. Haller left Wed
nesday evening for Washington, Old
Point Comfort. Vs.. and later wll go te
Now Orleans and Nassau. ( - ,
Dr. and Mrs. J. C, Moore have gone
to Miami, Fla., to spend the balance of
the winter. The M octet spent last
winter at Mlamt zii.
Judge and Mrs. W. D. McIIugh. ac
companied by Judge and Mrs, Sanborn
of Minneapolis, will leave February 19
'or tha coast and later will sail for Hono
lulu. Mr. and Mrs. C T. Taylor, who have
been visiting with their daughter. Mrs.
Oonnott. and other friends and relatives
In Buffalo, N. T., Were In Jacksonville)
Fla., last week and have now gone on to
.Sarajota to spend the remainder of the
winter at Restwood Hall.
Tomer Omaha Girl to Wed.
Mrs. A. K. Moses, formerly of Omaha,
announces the coming marriage of her
daughter Myrtle to Samuel G. Altschuler,
Saturday. February IS. at 623 Michigan
avenue. Chicago, the residence of the
bride's brother. Mr. Harry Moses.
Mlas Moses has Just closed a most tuo
craaful season with the Chicago Oraad
Opera company and has been asked to
Join the company again next season.
When In Omaha Miss Moses sang In the
I'holr f Temple Israel and her musical
career was watched with great interest
by local friends.
Nomad Club Entertainment.
The Nomad club held an Informal so
cial gathering Frldey evening, those pres
ent Including:
Messrs. and Meedames
Newman Comfort JUlert Bmllsy
1. M. Iianley
V. Lnnard
C. A. Naaring
i, hnWer
1 Ilubnorr
K. arhardt
V. Moore
Muhcl Weat
I -tlle Jenaen
K1ltb Rice
.MtMred Kteete
Alii Deema
l.ulu Hunt
F. Karly.Jr.
n. M. Htbben
M, J. Hlbben
i A. Fltapatrlck
W. Heatlierlngton
1 J. Frans
UT. Krakine
Dorothy Cartyle
rma Oleb
iUuial hmlth
Kmma Martleon
Irene loomls
Eneafement Announced. .
Mr. and Mrs. 8. Ferer announce the en
gagement of their datighter Bertha to
Mr. Harry Tlssmsn cf Canada.
Croix Club Dance.
Members of the Croix club entertained
theJr friends Friday evening at a darning
party at Harte's hall. Among those pres
ent were:
Mir;iret Brldeea,
-Maisaret Dlnven,
I'.tirka Qulveraon,
J !.-ii-n Trelr.
Jn Parket.
h annla Glad In,
M. lvy,
;rtrude Beck,
innnte Rrwkmen,
lrr,e Wahoaky,
I fechermerhorn,
J K Williams.
i fc.. hi ark more,
Jnif Houlahan,
A. Olad win,
A. Lvjr,
Juhn t'ederson,
J. Vv iHlam.
Oeorge bauker,
1 Uine Unahan.
Florence Sampson.
i-Mith 1J1,
Olarfya Jones,
Marie Morledse,
r ather I'Jerrou,
Kliile PJerrou,
Mildred Murray,
Maude L4I.
H. Ulnahan.
P. Krvln.
I. Koreiiaoa.
MlMon lreon.
F. iinilth.
Allee LI las.
Frank Dlneen,
John O'Leary,
8 fcurs,
M. oorenaon.
Note! cf Interest
C Umeot Chase, returned Monday from
. ittcage ana is now at the Fontenella,
re. ciiase ie continuing her studies la
the advanced class la oils at the Art In
stiiute. whlie Mlas Cruiclit riuu 1.
In the Schools of Ctvira and Philan
thropy, specialising o pleyground work,
klioa Helena Chase is a sophomore In the
,'M' so Latin sclltol en the north slda
Mrs. Emma B. Manchester, supreme
S jar.lluu. Woodmen circle, returned from
a trip to Florida, and eipvcte to leave
Leaders of "Y.
1 -:.ll-,k
ffiW mJ
again the first of the week to attend
the wedding of Mlas Helen Msy, daugh
ter of Mr. snd Mrs. James F. May of
Chicago, and Mr. Edward Murphy, Jr.
Mlas Luclle IJacon of Omaha, Robert
Thompson and Carl Bloom, will be In the
Murphy-May wedding perty.
Miss Martha Folda, who for the lest
year has been traveling In ths west, ar
rived In Omaha on Monday and Is now
at tha Hotel Fonter.clle. Her brother,
Mr. Erigelbert Folda, Is expected to Join
her shortly. Their plans for the summer
are not yet completed, but It Is probable
that Mr. and Mrs. Folda and Miss Folda
will again take up their residence on their
beautiful Island, "Engelmar." In Oreen
Bay, Wisconsin.- MU's Folda has many
friends In the artlstlo and musical circles
of Omsha.
Musical Gueit.
Miss Alma Huntley, who has been hav
ing a very successful southern tour this
season aa soprano soloist with Ewlng's
Zouave band. Is spending a few days in
Omaha, whsre she has been callod by
the Illness of her sister, Mrs. Joseph
Benesch. While In the city, MIm Hunt
ley will be the house guest of Mr. and
Mr. C. M. Bush.
Selleme College Notes.
The Bellevue Adolphlan Literary so
ciety did not hold their regular meeting
Friday evening, but turned tha event
Into a sleigh drive instead, going out in
one-and one-half hour relays. Those
present were:
Mlaees Misses
Bemloe Mitchell, Mettle Casaell,
Knteila Maxfleld, . Kuth JlllKon,
Kmma Ward, - Hun Jlllson,
Haael Koll. Nellie Noyes,
Arllns Sn.lth, Krina Olhba,
rlernlre Dunn, Klla Purcell,
PTva Ward, Kuth Btokea,
Mora Monr, Helen liilen,
Meaars. Mtaars. .. ,
Ralph Martin, (Samuel Klnnler,
llalaey Noyea, Xtepuhen Cummlngs,
Weir Dobbin. Clint Day.
Jack Phelps, Harry Krwln,
Walker Rule, Iyestr Btewart,
Raymond Ullinore. Max Gardner,
Mrs. Charles E. Patrick entertained
at a games party and delicious buffet
supper. Those present were!
Messrs. Msssrs.
John Uchtenwallnsr.Paul Cummlngs,
James Alien, fieymour Bmllh,
Harton Maxwell, Carl Wenkl,
waldemer uustatson.w 1111am uvans.
Columbm Club.
The Columbus club entertslned at a
dancing party Friday evening at Met
ropolltan hall. Tha following war pre
enti i
Misses Misses
rens Hossbsnh. Gertrude Nsgls,
Catherine Carew, Marie Olson,
Beaa Kelly, Kunlce Wallace,
June BrttL Mary McIonald.
Batah Olaon, Mary Helllf.
Anna Itotiton, t-nmerine coiuns,
Ruih Walsh. ' Mary Resan.
Tivaa Kllment, Mary Kelly,
Mai tie Harnina, lionruae ABmnn,
tdith Kelly,. ltoae Iary,
Messrs. Messrs.
F. J. Bulllvan. r. E. Nathan.
J. E. Fttspatrtck. . R. J. Retlly.
Dr. Fbelan, r, H, Mantan.
C. W. Oalford. C. J. Maher.
M. 36. HJbrook. Edward Myers,
J. S, Kdqulat, K, J. Ifoutton.
Paul Oentleman,
1. t. .i
J, J. Moriarlty. E. V. Swift,
c. J. Iux.
Paul Beck man.'
W. A. Dixon.
Social Gouip.
Mrs. Fred II. Davis and Miss Ellas
beth Davis, wilt leave for New Tork
about tha middle of the month.
Miss Meliora Davis Isft Saturday for
an extended visit In the sast. Miss
Davis will attend the Tale prom at
Nsw Haven an February T, aa the guest
of Mr. Robert paller. While In. New
Haven, Miss Davis will be tha house
guest of Misa Anita Carrtngton.
Miss Alios Jaqutth left Saturday tor
Now Tork City, where she wlU be Joined
by Mrs. C. C Allison and Misa Oraoe
Allison. Mrs. Allison will be chaperon
to Miss Jaqulth and Joseph Milliard's
guests at Junior week at Cornell ual
varsity. The party will stay at the
Chi Psl fraternity house. Miss Jaqtitth
attends tha university affairs, however,
as tha guest of Mr. Hamilton Vqse at
Mrs. C. C. Allison left Thursday for
New Tork to meet her daughter, Misa
Craee Allison, who Is a pupil at ths
Sacred Heart Academy. Manatttan villa,
In that city. Mrs. Allison and Miss Alli
son will spend the seeand week In Feb
ruary at Ithaoa, N. T whsre they will
be tha guests of Mr. Joseph Milliard sec
ond for junior week. Mrs. F. A. Nash.
who wee to hare aooompanled Mrs.
Allison,' has postponed her visit to New
Tork until later.
CrtieMon Mixers' Danoo.
The Crelghton University Mixers club
give a dance Friday evening at Cham
ber's academy. The patrons and chaperons
of tha affair aret
Doctor and Meedames
Robert Retaer. Claude Wren.
Charles M (-Martin, A, H. Breumlng,
A. W, Hippie, I. C. Arledge.
J. M. Forking.
Mesera and Meedames
W. C. Fraser, A. H, Brlgslow.
Trinity Hethodiit Zrent
A poxeet post sale and entertainment
will .be given Friday evening In the
parlors of tha Trinity Melhodlct church.
The three booths will be In charge of
Meedames B. O. Wllmonth, C. U Newell
and Baraa t'nderhlU.
Temple Sisterhood Ereat.
An afternoon bridge and coffee will be
given to the Temple Israel Sisterhood
on Wednesdsy afternoon at I o'clock, at
W. " Anniversary Celebration
r V
Mrs. C. A. 5hrwood.i
tha home of Mrs. Chsrles 8. Elgutter.
The affair Is under ths auspices of tha
sewing circle of which Mrs. J. B. Kata
Is leader. '
With the Social Clubi. '
The Morning Glory Kensington club
was entertained by Mrs. Lawrence Mo
Kenna at her home Thursday aftsrnoon.
Tha honored guest, was Miss Irene
Cronemeyer. The next meeting will be
at tha home of Mrs. Henry hyta Thura
day, February . 17, Those preasnt were:
Meodames Meadamea
Harry Tlaor, Maurice Cochran,
Fred Billings, Uwranrt McKenna,
Arthur Cronemeyer, H. Kahler.
Harry Hyte,
Mrs. L w. iiorrman enienainea ins
, U. O. club at her home Friday after
noon. Those present were:
Merle Holllngsworth,
Otis Ketchum,
H. J. King,
J. M. McUaffln,
E. B, Anderson,
C A. Anderaon.
H. Andreesen.
C. J. Fernandea, 1
win Bchuuert.
South Side Event
A very pretty tea to over IB guests was
given last week by Mrs, Emll Lv Da Lan-
ney and Mrs. Marcus I King at the Da
Lanney home. Tha dining room and liv
ing rooms were beautifully deootmted
with flowers In pink and blue and steam
ers of tha same colors with chandles
with pink shades. Assisting tha hostsssea
Mead ernes
favld C. Dodd.
Frank K, Anvaa,
John H. Parratt,
Dorothy Adklna.
Roy L Dennis,
John t'rlan,
Bcott King, '
M. Deaa,
Weddis; Announcement
Mir, and Mrs. W. 8. Lores announce
tha marriage of thetr daughter. Estella,
to Mr. Paul Doe no of this city, which
took place Friday evening. February 4.
The young people have gone on a short
wedding trip, and on their return will
make their home In Omaha.
Junior Prom,
The annual High School Junior Prom
was givsn at Turpln"s on Friday evening,
by Charles Morearty and Etiward Zlpfel.
Tha patronesses Included Mr. and Mrs.
Morearty, Mr. and Mrs. Zlpfel, Mr. Mul
ligan, and Mr. and Mrs. Lovejoy. OJ sen's
orchestra furnished the musio.
Stork Special,
rait Festivities. .
The Bostonlan club gave the second of
their series of dances Thursday evening
at the prairie Iark Club houss.
Mrs. C. F. McOrew entertained Inform
ally at bridge on Thuraday and Friday
afternoons of this week for her daughter,
Mrs. Wilson Austin of Pel ham Manor,
K, T., who Is making a visit of several
weeks here.
Tha Crescent club met lest Thursday
at tha home of Mlas Joels Halaerson.
Nine gueets were present. A program
with recitations followed ths luncheon.
Those taking part on the program wert
Misses Katherlne Dqrsey, Helen Haliday
and Eunice Sullivan.
Mrs. Maynard Clement, who was ths
guest of Mrs. Frank Colpetser ths last
week, was honor guest at a luncheon
given Thursday by Mrs. J. M. Metoalf
at her heme, when the gueota were Mea
dames Colpetser, Clement. W. W. Turner,
Churchill and A. B. Smith and Mlaa New
man of Bt Louis. Thursday afternoon
Mrs. Moshler Colptser gave a tea at
tha Fontenella in honor of Mrs. Clement
and Miss Martha Folds, who has recently
returned te Omaha, the other guests be
ing Meedames Howard Baldrige, Hoxie
Clarke. Squires, Frank Colpetser, Charles
Barton. WsddelL MarkslU V. P. Klrken
dall and Glenn Wharton. Mrs. Clement
left Friday for her home In Albany, N. T-
A daughter wai born to Mr. and Mrs.
David Fwblowtoa Thursday, Fwbmary .
Personal Mention.
Mrs. A.' X. KUick returned Wednesday
from two weeks spent in New Orleans.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Olenn have moved Into
their new home at 104 North Forty-eighth
Mlaa Nellie Qreen will dance before a
Chicago dancing club Monday evening
returning home In time for her t'laa.
i '
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and assembly danca at Myrtle hall Tues
day evening.
Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Moore and Mr. and
Mrs. A. A. Lamoreaux, left last week for
Lee Kennard spent several days
last week In Chicago and In Newcastle,
Ind., at tha home of Mr. and Mrs. John
J. Ooodwln. ,
Mlas Martha Folda of Colorado Springs,
Colo., spent last week at the Fontenella.
Miss Folda expects to leave for the
south and east
Mrs. Elisabeth Parrotte Goodrich, who
has been visiting friends In Sioux City,
Minneapolis, Chicago and Detroit since
Christmas, has returned. While In De
troit aha waa the guost of Mr. and Mrs.
John Sweeney at Goose Point Farms.
In and Out of the Beehive.
Mr. JU C. Nash Is in New Tork City.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Jackson of Dallas,
&. D., spent last week In Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Judson returned
Wednesday from two weeks at AtlanUo
City and New Tork.
fMr. Newlln of Buffalo, was tha guest
of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Stewart. Sd. for a
few days last week.
Mrs. Dan Baum la expected homo
shortly from Eaaton, Pa., where aha haa
been rial ting her mother.
Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Updlks ef Long
Beach, Cel., are tha guests of Mr. Up
dike's father. Mr. Edward Updike.
Dr. Frederlo C. Freemantal of Minne
apolis, formerly of Omaha, spent Wednes
day and Thursday In this city on bus!.
Mrs. Maynard dement of Albany, N. T..
who haa been the guest of Mrs. Frank
Oolpatssr tha laat week, left Friday for
her home.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Cunningham of
Caspar, Wyo.. spent tha week-end as
tha guests, of Mr. and Mrs. Ward M.
Mrs. A. M. Pro war left Saturday eve
ning for Chicago to spend three weeks
with relatives. Mr. Browar will Join
her in a wek.
Mlas Daisy Doana loft last Saturday
for a month or six weeks in tha east,
where aha will visit friends In Annapolis
and Washington. D. C
Mrs. Edwin T. Swoba arrived home
Thuraday morning from Chicago, where
she waa called by tha Illness of her
mother. The latter Is much Improved.
Social Events
Mr. and Mrs. J. I Stamp of Omaha
were Sunday visitors here.
Mr. and Mrs. Alpheus Adams enter
tained guests from Omaha Sunday.
Miss Snyder of the South Omaha school
waa visiting here Wednesday evening,
A little daughter arrived at the home
of Mr. and Mrs, Orvtlle Hooker last
The Cudshy company has a force of
two hundred men working on the ice at
Seymour lake.
Mr. and Mra, Thayer Pro bat attended
a party Tuesday svenlng at ths home of
Dr. and Mra. U. W. Pugsley.
Rsv. Cornish, a former minister at tha
M. K. church, was married the past week
fn South Omaha. A number from this
village attended the reception.
Mr. and Mrs, Lewis Heyea and family
have moved from the Ham building to
one of the Bankers Realty company's
houses in the north part of town.
John Liggett. Fifteenth and Oraee
streets, drove his wife and children from
their home Friday night, and had It mot
been for a railroad employe who gave
them shelter they would have suffered
severely from exposure. Liggett was ar
rested and sentenced to tea days la ths
county Jail.
Society Notes
Mlaa Ada K'opp Is visiting friends in
I'tlra, Nrb.
Mr. J. J. todc1s returned last week from
Bllnxl,, Mlaa. 4
Mrs. W. E. Rhoadet has gone to St.
Louis for a visit.
Mrs. Helen K. Morton has returned
from Dee Moines.
Mr. K D. 1'pham wss In Chicago on
btialnesa last week.
A daughter wss born last Friday to Mr.
and Mrs. R. K. Mmeo.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Dow have returned
from a vlult In Chicago.
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Holllnter snter
tnlncd at dlitner Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bragg celebrated
their fortieth wedding anniversary Tues
day. .
The Qlrls' Bible clars of the Dundee
church met Frldey with Miss Gladys Put
nam. Tlie Tennyson chapter of the Chau
tauqua circle met Tueedey with Mrs. W.
P. Curtis.
The Dundee Woman's club met Wednes
rlny st the home of Mrs. Leigh Leslie,
5116 Cans street,
Mrs. H. M. Himpson left Friday for a
trip to Florida.vlnltlng Chicago and Nssh
vllle, Tenn., en route.
Mrs. Oscar Hfllls left Wednesday for
New Tork City to visit her daughter,
Mrs. Chsrlea Sawyer.
Mr. and Mrs. R. C Peters snd daugh
ter, Katherlne, left last Sunday evening
for southern California.
Dr. C. A. Klllie of China gave an Illus
trated lecture at tha Dundee Presbyterian
church lest Bundsy evening.
The party to have been given Febru
ary S, at Harte hatl, by the Dundee
Dancing club, Is postponed to February
Rev. C. E. Baskervtlle of Bellevue col
lege, preached a sermon on "Patriotism"
at the Dundee Presbyteriat church last
A musicals waa given Friday evening
at tha home of Mrs. John H. Harte by
the northwest division of the Ladles'
Aid society of the Dundee Presbyterian
church. '
The Dundee All Saints' guild gave a
benefit card party of several tablea Fri
day afternoon at tha home of Mrs. W. W.
Hoagland, tha proceeds to be given to lo
cal charities.
At the meeting of tha Child Conserva
tion league, held Monday at tha homo of
Mrs. J. H. Beaton. Miss Jessie Towns,
dean of girls of Central High school, told
of her work. A musical program fol
lowed. Mrs. Henry C. Van Oleson passed
through Omaha early Monday morning
en route from California to New Tork
City, called by tha serious Illness of her
brother, Mr. D. B. Van Embursh. She
was aooompanled to Omaha by Misa
Susanna Walker, and her daughter, Mrs.
H. B. Lemera, went on with her from
Society Circles
Miss Mildred Stepp of Bellevue gave a
recital Tuesday evening In Omaha.
Tha Modern Woodmen af America will
give a dance in tha court house hall Sat
urday evening.
Tha William K. Webb family la moving
from tha old Cleveland property to a
house just north of Bellevue.
Charles Hlmmaa of Washington, D. C,
Is In Bellevue for a month's visit with
his father. William Hlmrnan.
Mrs. J. P. Kepler had as dinner guests
Wednesday avsnlng Mr. and Mrs. Kapler,
sr.. In honor of Mr. J. P. Kepler's birth
8. T. WUsy, who Uvea northeast at
Bellevue, sold all of his machinery and
stock at publlo sals Saturday. Febru
ary 6. ...
George H. Hamilton, son of J. McClurs
Hamilton, the eminent portrait painter,
arrived In Bellevue last Friday for a
Tha local body of Modern Woodmen
gave a smoker in tha hall Wednesday
evening In honor of D. A. Goodrich and
his four sons, who leave soon for their
new home near Cheyenne. Wyo.
fortnight's visit with old Bellevue friends.
Many Bellevue people have bean at
tending tha performance of tha Ban
Carlo Opera company at tha Auditorium
and tha Forbes-Robertson plays at tha
Boyd last week and thla week.
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Phelps rave a
birthday dinner Monday evening In
nonor of Prof. George A. Hamilton,
former Bellevue college professor, who
has Just returned from a two years'
visit to England. Invitations ware ex
tended to Messrs. Oscar Schmledel and
Paul W. Cummlngs.
You are invited
A cordial invitation is extended to every Mer
chant and Milliner to visit our house, February
7th to 18th. Wc will have on display the most
wonderful line of Millinery and Styletex trimmed
hats that has ever been shown in Omaha.
Mr. Ora Cne, America s ablest man milliner
and designer, the man who designed a hat for Mrs.
President Wilson, and is authority on women's
wear, will lecture and demonstrate during the
' week of February 14th twice daily at our store.
This is a special invitation to all - Merchants and
Milliners to hear these wonderful lectures.
"M. Spiesberger & Son Co.
Wholesale Millinery and Makers Styletex Trimmed Hats.
jr rv-.
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7tthj myrtle JZlos&s
West Ambler
Social Activities
Miss Susie Madsen Is quite ill at her
home with an attack of quinsy.
A son was born last week to Mr. and
Mrs. R. Locy an Mayberry avenue.
Mrs. Anna Meeklll, who has made her
home of the last year with her daughter,
Mrs. C. E. Walsh, left last Wednesday
for Boston, to make her home with her
brother there.
Mrs. William Vlckers and Mrs." A. J.
Wlsler leave Sunday for Glenwood, la.,
to visit Mrs. 'Vlckers' .daughter, Mrs.
Jack Bostoclc
1 ,
Mr. and Mrs. Bostook and small daugh
ter have all been under tha doctor's care
for several weeks. Vera Is still seriously
ill with pnsumonla. Mr. and Mrs, Bostock
formerly lived In West Side.
The West Side Women's Christian
Temperance union . haa postponed its
regular meeting until February 17, be
cause of ao much sickness In the' com
munity. .'
Tha Grace Sax Bible Class will meet
Tuesday morning at 10 o'clook with Mrs.
John T. Gants. i909 Hickory street.
Mrs. Leroy Fraseil is slowly recovering
from .tha results of a bsd fall a week
aco. 1 ( ; .
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Battle left last
week for Minnesota, ' where they will
spend the remainder of the winter, with
their daughter.
Mrs. E. G. Grovtr entertained at lunch
Thursday for Mrs! F. N. Butts and Mrs.
8. M. Smith. I
Mrs. John . Wlsler entertained at '. her
home Friday afternoon for the following
guests: Mesdames E. 1 A. Winn, Frank
Cockayne, Ed Maack, Emll Groman, Wil
liam Spann, W C. Johnson and B. E.
Gants. I
Mrs. George JVIchlen entertained at. her
home Wednesday afternoon for the fol
lowing guestg: Meedames is. P. Jonas,
Glen Oerken Dave Settle, Thomas Mc
Donald, Louts Olden, N. F. Brewster,
George Dtmbleby, George Baldwin,
Charles 8ettle.M. Potts. A. O. Knight.
Charles Black, Billings and Miss Ellsa
Black. -
Ths T-Nem-Esuma club held Its first
regular business meeting and social at the
Woodman hall en Thursday evening.
Dancing furnished entertainment for the
large crowd present.
For Ladies Only
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Drodegaard Bros. Co.
for the small sum of
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we will sell you one pair of
Diamond Ear Screws, perfect
blue white and extraordinary
swell mounting; weight guar
anteed. Can be exchanged for
larger Diamonds any time at
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Brodegaard Bros. Co.
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You can make a delightful shampoo
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trifling cost if you get from your drug
dlst a package of canthroi and dissolve
a teaspoonful In a cup of hot water.
Tour shampoo Is now ready. Just pour
a little at a time on the scalp and rub
briskly. This creates an abundance of
thick, white lather that thoroughly dis
solves and removes all dandruff, excess
oil and dirt. After rinsing, the hair
dries quickly, with a flufflness that
makes It seem heavier than It is, and
takes on a rich luster and a softness
that make arranging It a pleasure. Ad
vertisement r-S. H. AC HERMAN ,
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Flatiron BIdg.
Omaha's Exclusive
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Clearance Sale
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